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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1924, p. 7

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k I Ï7 7C7 Q uality, Economy, Service,- Satisfaction Thiese are the four things DOMINION STORES guarantee. Quality, because we buy only the best and sell it quickly 'Al goods are fresh. Economy, because you benefit by dur tremen- dous buying power. The Savings are passed on to you. Serice and Satisfaction are guaranteed you in every ane of our 25 stores. We satisfy a million and more customers every week. Blended Cider Vinegar 35 an Spirited White Wine BAYSIDE LOMBAR: or GREEN GAGE PLUMS (Heavy Syrup), 2 for- SWANýDOWN CAKE FLOUR- KING'S PLATE SARDINES (in olive ol), 2 for- ÈING'S PLATE KIPPER SNACKS 4 for - - CLARK'S TOMATO KETCHUP (Bottle) LARGE BOTTLE SOUR PICKLES PRESE.' CROWN JARS Pints, doz. - CROWN JARS Quarts, doz. - CROWN JARS Half-Gallons, doz. PAROWAX (For sealing),,2 for tD LARGEAROTTLE SWEET MIXED -25C LARGE ] - 50cE -3sC PYKLD WHITE OC0 -25~c FISH PASTES ' 27c, CHOICE SOCKEYE -2c SALMON (Horse- 2c Maple Leaf and' -40c t'ilb. 35c îb19C VING REQUISITES 1.5RURBER JAR -2c 1.5ZINC JARdo.-21 1 5WHOLE MIXED 1.8 PICKLING 3 25c CFrutO Pectin) -34e OAKVILLE BRAND JAM (Excellent Quality, obtainable only at the Dominion'Stores) 4-lb. Tin RASPBERRY,- 1-lb. Jar RASPBERRY,' STRAWBERRY or J& S TRAWBERRY or 9fr BLACK CURRANT U C B LACK CURRANT 4-lb. Jar STRAWBERRY (New Season's) -79 -C SHIRRIFF'S ORANGE, MARMA- 'f LADE, 4-1b. tîin7- - SHIRRIFF'S ORANGE MARMA- LADE, 1-lb. jar - -27 ALL LAUNDRY SOAPS (Except Fel's Naptha), 2 for -13C EXTRA FINE QUAL-9 ITY LEMONS, do..25c CHIPSO -.9>& 23c SOAP CHIPS -5 2 lbs. - - - -25 SHOE POLISHES (Nugget or 2 -in-1) 2 2 for- ---25 D. S. HIGH QUALITY TEA and COFFEE, RICHMELLO TEA lb.---.---- - -79e-ý RICHM-33e à. .-I SEASONABLE SUGGESTIONSý- Fi your coal bin with Genuine D. Scranton Coal at SUMMER PRICES. L & W. I Cover your roof with Artistie Ruberoid Qctab ISiate Surfaced, Shingles. Colors-Sage Green and IVenetian Red. Very best materiail and manu- prices to suit every purpos.e. Replace your unsanitar-y, dust-laden carpets with Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring. Cheaper, more wholesome, more durable and better in ap- pearance than other floor-covering. Estimates cheerfully furnished on alh kinds of Ibuilding material. Vcl LUIi &C6., üÊLePhone 1 iIous Phones 228. 274,21 Canadian National Exhibition AUG. 23 Toronto SEPT. 6 More comprehensive; mare &m?tlours thau ever-deplctîng thie picturesque, the artîstie and typical lite of Can~ada and other lands, x "Marching On" I Gorgeous spectacle portraying t4ie mtght, romance and grandeur of thie British )Cmptr* AIl the, amusement devIces knowp ta the ingenuity et mati, ONE HJINDRED EXHIBITIONS IN OND. Consuit your agent for Reduced Rallroad Rates. .AOBERT MILLER, President. JORN G. KENT, ManagIîg Wliland, Nia1a From Il Station Aug. 2Oth From alSai.. <jFrons al SttionsL S hore, MChai SPECIAL TRIP Ladies and Chidren-S.'pecal Cars will be ces Travel Lunch Counter Çý A Tribute ta Mother hShe i, as peaceful as n dove,. fler lf is' given to deedsof love, She wte rs. childhood's face-its ilnl ilhness on the' fevered brow, Se la i er hand-I feel it now. Lovely she is la every way, She will not be what she is not. 'Tis she who quiekens mind and soul For years she has them la contrai. She shuns houd praise, dismisses strife And 'reigas as mother all hierif e. iFASTEST HARVESTERS' TRAINS Railways. The special ilarvesters' trains of teCanadian National Railways from nake the fa.steýst time ta Winnipeg operating via the new Longîncecut- off, the shortest route between Hast- ern and' Western Canada. ilarvesters travelling by this route wili, as a -consequence be first in the field..The first train leaves Toronto one minute after midnight of August 2lst, (12.01 a. m. August 22nd). The face is a fat rate of ý$15 ta Winnipeg and- haîf n cent a mile beyond.- Ret4rning the face is haif a cent per mile into 1Winnineg a nd $20 back ta starting point. Comifortahle, roomy, convertible (berth) Colonist Cars of latest de- siga and lunc~h counter cars serving food and cefreshmients at reasonable prices- will be attached ta trains. Special cars will be provided for wonwýn. Purchase your tickets ta Winnipeg via Canadain National Railways, no matter wh_.ether youc final destination is a 'point on the Canadiarn National or not. Consult with your nearest Agent for train service, etc. 33-2; FI-rl , A LY BOOKS Write co The orden ,Ce. Limited, Mçintvzal, jor two J$aby Wefare fBooks. Say "Bayer" -'Insistl For Pain Headache Neuralgia Rheumatism Lumbago Colds SCCe A c-cept only a Bayer package whichcontains proven directions Hlandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets .&Iso botties of 2.1 and 100-Drugglas AspIrla lu the trâtde mark (registered la canada) , f Bayer Manufacture cf bMona- aceticaciaeester of salleylicacld D OWMANVILLE, AUG. 21, 19241 BRIGHT YOUNG LIFE TAKEN pieces. , , 1He leaves to mourn his departure Lyell Camneron, Nephiew of Mr. and i his fathier and miother, two brothersq, EVERY DAY MOTHER'S DAY iMrs. D. F. Camezroni, BowrýxanviiIe 'Allan, and ian, and two sistersz, Jean Jand Ethel, ail at homie. A Talk te the Boàys of the Morning Anyý person iiwro rends the foflow- j The late Lyell Camieron was a nep- -1Gur Clars on Mte' Day BFy in sketch of the bright young life hew of Mr, and _Mrs. D. F. Cmrn Alpha Pinch, BowmnanVille. thacý camue to a trg c nd will sym- Bowmanville-, who sent a ioLvely pa thize sincerely with- his parents wreath. Three of the sweetesýt words il, and other relatvies. We hope the the E'niglish language are Heaven, young folk in the hiomes visited1 by After spjending a holidiay month' Mother and Home. Mlother's place The Statesman will rend about the with a younig girl in a mode( 'Jl homie in this group is in the iddicle bçcause sad ending of a'very promising car- in the country a city girl sanid1: no home is~ comiplete without na eer -Editor. "Whnt a beautiful miemory of her 1 mother., Away bac k at the dawn, On Sundny, August 3rd., there shaîl carry homie with mie. Th-ere of creation -we read In Genesis of a passed nway in St. Andrew's -Hos- isn't a single thing I would wnnt tc beautiful garden, a river to water it pital, Midland, Lyell, aged 17 -years, forget about her".1 has and a man' to care for it. God saw eldest son, of Mr. and Mrs. L. A._______,_ somiething missing although 11e >hnld Cameron, Titchborne. By his DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY prioounced it very good-there was passing there was lost toth's world_____ no'mother. Cod did not try to fll a very promisîng young life. 1He Demonstrators of the famious the want by bringing there a shining ýfirst gave indications of his ability "Velvetex"7 rugs mlade by Canada fact seraph nor a- white-winged angel oy. capturng the, Sydenham High Rug Co., London, Ontario, f-rom iculs- payi from heaven and training either of Sehool Scholarship in 1921,' tnking tomer's old carpets, w-ilillLit your cust, themn to be a mother. Hie made ai highest marks in the entrance exam- house and show samiples without obhi- woman and perfectly or imperfectly' ination for the County of Frontenac. gation. Phone No. 53 for miotor! acording to her lights and opportuni- '1He attended Smith's Falls Colleg- truck to caîl. Tt is a pleasure to "j ties, she has mothered the world ever giate Institute for three years taking demonstrate. 324 sic. Right here we remember' highe st honors at aIl his examina-_______ that the first'mother made' trouble; tions anvd making himself respectedFALAIDTE but what would the world do without and loved by teachers and pupils ____ mnothers? a1ilke by his kindly and retiringý dis- Bowman'ville .......... Sept. 16-1 7' 1 see many before me wenring a_ position. lkso ......Set'2-24 colored flowýer. You are to be con- H early îdentified himself with Brigcktock............. Sept. 29-20 gratulated; you are in possession ai the Sunday Schooï and Church work Campbe llford......... Sept. 25-26 the choicest jewel on earth, for atof tane Prebytea Curch bofs that Lin'dsay .............. Sept. 17-20 boy's best friend îs his mother. AI- tw ndwe h ui oswr London............. Sept. 6-13 ways respect your mother; rememiber moganazed tere hedwa oebroftheMarkham............ Oct. 2-4 she cares for ypu >more than any 1otdel neese ebr Millbrook............ .Oct. 2-3j1 other earthly being.' You wiîî neyer that organization. He wished ta Orono.............. . Sept. 1 Ihave but one mother. Keep no take up the work of a leader in the, Oshawa................ Sept. 8- 19 secrets hidden from hier. Confide in work and to enable him to realize Ota........Sp.515( liher, she will always give you the best hi3miinteTxi oso mts Peterboro........... Sept. 10-13 advice. Neyer speak disrespectfullyFlssn i t tedteLaer- Port Hope..... ... Sept. 30-Oct. 1 of hier; be loyal to hier for hier love ship Training Camp thiis yenr atPort Perry ............ Sept. 11-12 is like sunshine,, falling clear' andl Beausol-.el Island in Georgian Bay, Toronto.... ....... Au-. 23-Sept. 6 constant on you ail hier life. near Midlan'd, which opened on Sat-1 Royal Winter Fair .ýNov. 18-26 urday, July 26th. IBol During the warthere was a num-, The first day in iamrp he met with ----------------' - ÇBit ber of Canadian -boys and one a regrettable accident which ended, Fre&nch lad in'charge of one nurse., his hif e. Whengoing in for a dip J JThe Ganadian boys received boxesi in the baywith about, eighty other j and lttrsfrom homne while h oyle dived into shallow water French lad seemed to be alone in the striking his right arm with sufficientI IR U CK N G- world, biut was generously remem- -force o n the bottom to dislocate hisCK NI_ bered by the rest.- Their poor bod-. spinal column a h it vrer les were maimed and shattered, and which left hm a thefth vete Drctraeow avil as boys they spoke' of those at armpits d hn Hrle drom dthejDrcaro o m ni homne as Beth and Bill. The French Midland General Hospital, in the )ý, to Toronito lad was overcome by kindness and M. C. A. Yacht and placed under the reaczhed. over to the next cot and1 best care obtainaâole in the town. touched the empty sleeve of a Cana- Lyell's parents arrived in M~id- I am . giving a daily dian. "Comrade mine" hie said1 land o n and afterconsulta- m trt earnestly, "I know the, Canadiani tion with Drs. Johnston and Pincheon mtr ruck service be- mammies are grand by ze sons theyi who were in charge, Dr. Ro.bertson. teM th bv send us". I pecialîst ia Sick'Childlreni's, Hospit- tenth bv places., This tribute fromn the lips of tiais jal., Toronto', was sent for. H1e Pik u an devr French, lad makes anl echo in thef immediately motored to Midland and Pe p ad'lvr t hearts of us ail. Canadian mothers1 with the assistance of Drs. Johnistoni both ways. are axnong the best in the world,,i and Pincheon operated removing the and if she is sick or away pleces of, broken, bone and relieving You will save time and t the pressure on the spinal cord. But The hous 'e is suc'h a dreary place,, he passed away, being coascious until money by using this ser- f when mother is away;- near 'the end and gave his parents There is nao fun in anything, no' instructions about his funeral! and vice,. matter wvhat you play, messages, for his loved ones at Ores ayb let t t An hour goes by sa siowly, it's almost home. Oresmybelfia like a day, The remains were taken to Tic'- J.J ao &SnsOfc, And home is such a lonesome borne. The funeral was held from J.M sn orsOfc j place, we mother i wy his home there to Parham Cemetery Phone 50, Bowmanville. Thn there are several here on August I.Tesevc a whose mothers have gone home lon coi(ducted by Rev. J. Maxweil Allan, I ,ago. oh, mny! how we miss thenl.1 Capreol, assisted by R. W. Mac- f How much wrould we give to see rh1,Sih' Hîs n Rv . C onners 1 thml W have so much to tel Moyes, Pacham. Boys Work' butlnmornin.g, noon and night let us Boar cf eyot i wsto epree 195 Lisgar-st. Toronto thank God for our christian mothers b r.Lieyo Knson1 h 111Tuxis boys from Smith's Falls at- Phn Laeie 90- Then aîl over the land there are tended in a body. hn'aei 68 mothers who live with son and Principal Evans of Sm-iths Falîs daughter. The active duties of life Coliegiate -Institute paid a high trib- are past. They steady themselvesuttoteyug anreeigvey_______________- by te bniser s thy g upandfeelingly ta his spiendid work both down stairs. They cannot bear to inside the school -and outside. and to have the gcandchildren punished his cheerful disposition. The floral even when they deserve it, and their offerings iwere many and clearly ia- - ideas of family discipline have so re- dicated the high regard in which hie laxed that tbey would spoil the was held. We regret that space children by too much leniency. But obisnivuametnofhe3 they are the cesort to which we go1 obisndvuametnofth,3 in trouble for there is a calming and, ______________________________________________________ soothing power in motheir's hand ________________8 ,0 that is almost supernatural. They have time to rend the Old Book more than they used to, hardly linow-CA A ANP WU T igwchthey enjoy most the Old GOIA IA AINO-T or the New. But tell-tale finger CO., ~~T INNG marks lead to the treasure-trove and $ 15 1T Po IjeNIPE G iet oesteot pifl;cfft :ermû teWua bi Ongar they often stop and d7welh tearfully amO.i on the family register, ibetween F* okâLIQ.rin ls -ç%here she is angels are hovecing < U '.Lla bom aIl stations round. May hier last days be lîke 4j8'u-g (F2 aIl Stainn.k the lovely Autumn days that' we callO hsain Indian Summer.' In this ýdistrict, instruments may be seen, by appointment, at the tor'y, Bowmanville, Many purchasers take advantage of the deferred 7ments which are willingly, arranged to suit the convenience of tomers. For information write Box 353 or telephone Nos. 86, 92 or 105 Bowmnanville [o Investors I 0You appreciate te advisability f having your anker serve you in matters pertaining ta Investinents. The Bank is always in direct and constant touchi with ta'e investinent markets and is well equipped, te secure sourni and attractive Pecuriti*3 or ta place any bonds you may wish ta dispose of. At any branch cf the Standard yeun m chil informat;on, ini respect ta investmnents%. s STANDRD BANà K awmanville, Branch, lckstock Branch, wcasde and Newtonvile Branchea J. Scoit Montgamerr, Mane,~er --H. W. Lap, Manca;et E. A. Prestor, Marvager îs on the way. If you knew to-day that to-morrow's fire would destroy your homýe, you would prepare bo-day. But you cannot know what MEI happen bo-mci orrow. wve You can protect yourself 1 against only one of the many forms of dependable proper- ty protection we offer to those who would be pre- pared for to-morrow's eventualities. je J iwi-\.ON C.;O Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 Bowmanville > Harvsters% Wauen te-d HE 8OflrEST ROUTEMTO «-THfE WEST wut oPlus 34 cent 1emu"s.Olaattgol r.$20 FroWNI lnchsdin -0asoatên Ostarle 8h... sonTorJonrsud Jnectii ncl~lo ,,s no.t. Pot antowegiBobeaygso.--ines, . s % Wa OnalSuhadWs Srouto-t0 and incuding Hamiiltjn tara as a d .sr. so OwnSound, Walk-eton, rant e, T-ea.Elora, Listow*M, Toronto and NoIrth to on nlusve. In Ontarlo on ii. Michigan CeaIirai, PèrseMarq ette, Windsor Essex & Lake ion WaliaCehurg & Lake Erns, Grand River and Lnke Ee & Honthern Rys. AIN SERVICE FROM!TORONTO) senved ft.r th-.exluiv -ue f ladies. chidren and their escorta. rars-Foo>d and Refreshmneats at reasoêible prices. Full information f rom) any Canadian Pacific Agent. AC À ý TICKETS FOR SALE BY C. B. KENT, POST-OFFICE * 18000HARVESTERS AE.0 OWANNITED Plus bal a cent a mile Ibeyond tu ail points lu Manitoba, Sa.- katchewan. Alberta, Edmonton. Calgary McLeodA and Eaapt. SPECIAL LOW lAR;ES RtVN1N9 G (31 N G August 22nd-Toronto. Caledon Fast, Beeton. Meaford, Coiiiod D ATES 2 t 26th-Tqronto, 1ngkwod Jct. 'and al stations south a4 w Special Trains Leavtý-(tadard Timç) TORONTO, August 22nd-12.01 a. m. (Midnight'August 2lst); August 22nd-10.00 a. m.; 12.30 p. m.; 10.30 p. in. Thiough Trnins with Lunch Counter Cars-Foodamd Refehments at Reasonabia Prie.. Speciai Cars for Women and Co1oniQt Cars. o4 Lateet Degn. PureIhaaeyour ticket to Winnipeg via Canadian Nat6na Rail-ay4, no mattar wLethar yow, final destination lie a point on the Ctnadiap Nati$ or net. Travel via the Long Lac Cu t-of -Fast time to Wlnnlpeg. F. J. 7',litcheil DISTRILUUTOR Dominion Upriglit, G'rand anid Player Pianos Highest Awards London -Paris Philadeiphia Chicago GUARANTEED FOR 10 YEARS The Name '"DOMINION" been n synonyna foc excellence la musical ,instruments ence to-morrow. Fire insurance iiý the' WE SEL, '0 ýATISW

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