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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1924, p. 1

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e h ta With Which is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXX. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. THURSDAY, SEPT. 4, 1924. $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a -Copy N,3 WEST DURHAM AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY PoultryWill be helci at BOWMANVILLE, SEPTEMBER 16 and 17, 1924 PutyBuilding, and Main Building open day evening, September 16 at 7 p. m. Band Con~cert by Orono Band, and Midway attractions. Grand Stand free. Wednesday, September l7th Ail departments open at 1 p. m. School Child- ren's Parade to grounds at 12.30. AIIl children in parade admitted to grounds free. Good live stoYck exhibits. MUSIC BY ORONO CITIZENS BAND Trial of Speed, Farmers trot or pace (open to horses owned by farmers of Durham County) WHIPPET RACES (20 dogs) a similar attraction as presented at Oshawa Old Boys' Celebration. Attend your local Fair, and bring an exhibit. Prize llsts may be hg-d from the Secretary. General Admission, first night 15c. Second day, Aduits 35c; Children under 14 years, 25c. M. J. ELLIOTT, President. R. F. AITCHI SON, 'Secretary. j TYRONE HARVEST HOME The congrelgation was highly f av- ored for the Harvest Hame services in having such fine weather, good speakers, good music andi large at- tendance last Sunday and MUonday. Rev. J. U. Rob,,ins>3 Chairman of Bowmanville District, gave an excel- lent sermon in the morning. The choir sender-ei a goad musical ser- vice assisted by Mr. C. S. Haliman jwho sang- a fine tenor solo. jThe evenlng service was ta ken by jMr. T. A. Brown of Ottawa, an aid Tyrone boy, who gave a very fine ad- dress which everyone greatiy enjoy- ed. The choir was again asslsted b y Mr. Halîman and also Dlr. -C. W. Siemon, Bowmanville, who renderedj a duet that pieased ail. \ Manday afteraoon two gaines of basehali were played, Tysonie girlsi vs. Enniskillen, score 31ili in favori of the visitars. Orono and Tyrone boys played a hard baill ame Sommerville pitching for the former and Fraser for the latter. Score 12-10 lu favor of Oc-i o na. The chicken pie supper was welil patronized and the ladies are deserv-j ing of much praise for the very ex- cellent spread and attentive service given the large crtiwd that came tai enjoy it. Everything wue of thel lbest. Iu the evening the Blackstack young people furnished the prograi presentinig the play "The time of his, Lif e" which was very interesting- and nicely put on. Proceeds $297. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN ANNOUNCES THE FirseeShowing of Fali Coats and Duresses There is great, interest ini store for those selecting their new wraps cýarly. Already faîl assortment for Fali and Winter are here,~ and seeing them you wiII agree that they off er endless var- iety in style and material that mark theim as distinctly new. We will be pleased to have you corne in and see these. Prices are lowver than those of other seasons. Consider this an invitation to corne to our store and inspect our niagnificent dis-play of New Faîl Coats and Dresses. An inspection places you under no obligation to buy unless you see the garment Which suits you. - NEW SILKS AND FABRICS Here you will see all the new materials from which the Aut- umn Fashions wvill be.rnade. This attractive display of New Dress Goods includes the season'*s pet weaves. FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS FOR MEN A ND BOYS In our Men's and Boys' Clothing Deptk. you IVill frnd aIl the needed requirements in clothing and furnishings for Fail. and Winter wear. Style combined xith comfort and reasonably priced makes it most desirable for you to patronize this store. DR. McKAY FAVORS BY-LAW The public mieeting, caild by th1e Board of Health which was held in 1Council Room Thursday evening ta discuss the mnilk preblein was well atten'ded. Mayor Holgate presided and in his opening remarkssaid that Bowmanville had a good water sup- ply, good schoois, and good churches, and now they wanted a good miilk supply. Dr. A. L. McKay ofl the Provincial' Board of Health, Totonteto gave an excellent address on "The Value of a Pure Milk Suappiy"' which was listened ta very attentively. We hiope to publish his irenarks lu. detail, in a future issue of thîs paper. In referring ta the proposed by-law conpileci by Dr. John Spencer the speaker said, "The by-law ie certaJn- ly a very good one. AIl the points brought out in it are necessary and a few more should be added. Jýt is flot a dra.stic measure but very conserva- tîve." He 'felt the town would be making a great step in advance to mesure a safe, clean, wholesome aad' pur mi4j supply by passing this by- SCHOOL DAYS RECALLED When the senior editQr read the report of the golden jubilee, in this issue, of Mr. and 24rs. Samuel E. Souch of Stettier, Alberta, it recaîl- 1 ed ta mind the early 70's ofast century when he taught for fourl yeare iu the Bradley School (S. S.i Na. 14,,Darlington) and spent many pleasant evenings -lu the Bradley home when Mrs. Souch, her two jelder sisters, Mrs .Joseph Cole (Han- nah) and. the late Mss. A. Beacock (Elizabeth) and young-er sister Mrs. J. J. Souch (Mina) were at hnome withi their widowed mother, Mrs. Thomas Bradley, and aIl the girls (except Hannah) and their three brothers were scholars lu that sehool. Miss Hattie Bradley of those days wa; an ideal sch,'lar and under the editor's tuition she an'd Byron White, son of a near ieighbor at- tended the Teacheirs' Examination in Bowmianville in 1872 and obtained, certificates entîtling them ta teach inl any Public School in Durham County. But Mr. Samuel Souch intercepted what would have b, ý,a successful pedagogie career by a proposal of marriage and now lier aid echool master joins in congratulations with txeir very wide circle of relatives and friends in Bowmianville, Dar- ing-ton, Toronto, and in the Western Provinces in reachîng their Golden1i Jubiee.f The stiidents are, to be congratula- ted on theis success, as the papers wese -considered m'ose dificult thun LAWN BOWLERS EINJOY thase of luet yeas7;rhen the percent- SUCCESSFUL SEASON age of succeseful candidates was 841 and 76 respectively. Thle nlatbem- Probabaly the nmost successful ceas- atie papers of the Upper School ou Bownanville Lawn Bowling Club, were especially difficult. has enjayed le now drawing ta aal Miss Marion Warder and Maitland close. Mare new meiners were Gould have made a rcord for the -ïdded ta the sali and greatqr inter- school in obtaiuing lst Grade Pro- est hue been manife.sted by the bowl- ficiency on nine papers-six of the ersc tiroughaut the season than any Upper and three of the Mid- previaus yeas. Iu competative dle School. Miss <Grace Bragg lias, touruamente iu the district Bawmaii- let Grade Psoficîency on eight pap ville bowlers have usually been cers, Stanford SYmons on sevenl and among the prize winniere as isiown! Mýiss Marlon Dickheon on six. Many] lu the f ollawing evente: other students have doue well but these menit epecial mention.- At Cobourg Tousuam.,ent Jas..CaO f the candidates writine? only ruthere, skip, Dr. A. S. Tilley, John Middle School papers, Miss Age Lyle, J. J. Mason, were runness-up 1 Vanetone and Miss Ada Webbes iu the Conslation being awardect have firet place, baving abtuined lst zsweate1r coate.j Grade Proficiency on'three papers, At W'hitby Tauruameut Alex. El-1 2ud Grade Proficiency on tliree pap- liot, ekip, Arthur Deneem R.'FI. ersc, and 3rd Grade Proficiency on Loegan, Jas. McDougail, won fire three papes. honor.e and hold the County Town Alex McGregor's naine le includ- trophy for a yeas. ed in the echool record, but bie bast At Oshawa Taurnamientoen t been in attendance, and hence( Alex. Elliot, skip, Dr. Sellery Rbi the echool is not entitled ta, any Elliot, Jas. McDougall, carried off! credit for hic succese. 9 tbe highest honore of the event. lu the Middle Sçhool sesulte, Miss Gwendolyn 'Williams should be cred- At Bowmanville Tournament Alex. ited-with pues standing lu Alebra. Elliot, skip, Robt. Elliot, C .N. Ruise, "Aeg-rotat Standing" le grauîted ta C. B. Kent,, won the coveted baud-astdtwh subIta rieo sain Gaoyea Trohy. Thiswusthe examinations, ou accolant of ilI- the biggest 'tournanient of the local ness. Iu such cases, no grading isF club when 3.9 rinks com-peted. it- given. was aiea the second causecutive time e________ that Alex Elliot' rik won the3 tropby. Withrow Rink, Toronto,1 MINISTERS AND CHURCHES 1 becomes permanent holdersofth Goodyear Trophy, having- won it Rally --ay will be observed lu the three tnes in 16 yeass. Methodiet Sunday Scbiool on Sunday,p In an Inter-town Tournaieut at 1etme 8h Oshawa in which 16 teames were en- Leugue apens Monday eveninga tered froin Port Perry, Whitby, Osh- next in the Methadiet Church.Evr uwuaud Bowm-anville, the latter mem.ber pieuse attend t h is a town carried off tbe silverware witli meet'ig. this rink: T. W. Stanley, skip, Malt- St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, land Gould, M. G. V. Gauld, J. 'J. Rev. D. W. Beset, M. A., Minister.S Mason. Games were pluyed on a Services Il a. m, and 7 p. in. con-, plus and minus basic and it is said ducted by Rev. George Mason; Sab- the winning- rink establisbed a record bath School at 12 a. m. MAorning by winning ite four gumes by a max- subject "The P.addes froni Ear-th ta imuin score of 10 points os oves its Heaven". Evening subject "The Vis- comnpetitors in eacb gaume. ion Splendid".h Coniderable intereet bas been1 It was a vesy great privilege for a shown an the local green ini the goodly number of oId Bowmunville cingles competition whi'ch hue naw people ta have the pleasure of heur-0 seachcd the finals with EPostmaster îug the 1ev. Dr. Neil MacPhei'son, C. B. Kent and Frank (ScQtty) IVil- M. A., preuch on the luet two Sub- baums ta play off. Ms. Rab t. Elliat, baths of August in High Park Pres-h Peterboro, un honorasy member of bytesian Gburch, Toronto. Dr. Mac- Bowmanville Club and brother of Pesn u o ayyuebe Mr. Alex Elliat, Jeweler, tbic town, minister in Springfield, Macs., and hue vey genra~y dnateda fin ta thut in St. Paul's C.burch, boudoiyenr o I!n s iet pizneHaltow.chThe splendid cangrega-P 1buorelectru Ipa irtpietin hc lictened ta him and the in this event, while 6 membere of the hearty agreetings of bis numeraus 0 club bave put up a puis of culver friends, placed the Docta'r at bis beet. ai caudle sticks for second prize. An evenîng spent with hie aid Sun- fI Scotch doubles are now- well undes day School Superintendent, Mr. Thos tl way lu which prizes are being affer- Yellowlees, recalled muny plea santW ed by Ms. Geo. E. Chase, Manages associations or by-gone çlays in Bow- pi The Hydro Sbop. manville.-Com. al HIGH SCI-OOL REPORTS UPPER SCHOOL'RESULTS The standing of candidates 'is indicated as follows: I-l--st Grade Proficiency 75 % ta 100%. 2-2nd Grade Proficiency 66% cta 74%. 2'-3rd Grade Proficiency 60% ta 65%'7 4-Passed, 50% ,cta 59%. 4x-Passed (Special Cpsdrto. 5-Failed. psdrlo 12 . Betre_ rg 4 4 4x . . r2 2 Do is F sF... . x -12 . 4 Jesiýé M Do gal .ý .. .. 2 2 5 42 Bea ric Be ell ... . . .. 3 . . . . ~ . Peroty yBli n ............ 1) 4 . . . 4 . . . . . Blanrce .ragg............24.4. 4X. . 3 22. 22 Dor i oser...............4 x4 24. Roerma Cllcugl..........41 .1 i 45 . .. 4x3 . JesilMcd ouglI ............222.5 1 1 . 1.2 ElizabethHndle... ..........445 3 5 54 '?.2.344 Starx Jmres.......... 4 . . . . 4 4 . . . Flrencelu............2s.......... . .. .. . .2 2.2 . Rutharmstrongl ...........3 55...44 . . 4. Batrie Obedene.............2323 Rei aere........2 2 .3 33 2 Marïon icksGn .............i 2 i 4....,. ..... Wv ila on...............2 2 . . . 4 .4 2 MaitlRen old..........ii............ . Elizsaeh H&ncoe.............. 5 . 2 2 4x Stuart Jamèa-..............4 4 . . . 4 Stanler Symons............2 2..... . . . . .. MVarion SPickard.........' HIGH SÇHOOL NÔTES cheli, Mr. and Mrs, T.-A. Dïqstan,,iand famfly, Bowm'anville; Miss; Edith Midle chol 'esitsappar -Peardoti, Kèdron, and Miss Jessie page 3. Knight, Cob-ourg, were amnong the The enroilment on the opening day guests. was 172, the prospects being f or a M r. Hig-ginbathamin l a son cýf the soinewhat emaller attendunce than late John Higginbotham for muny luet year. years the leaing druggist inflow. Tuesay ornng he tudnts mwas te lestandautrso. helt in the Assembly Roomn and were ad- Thomas Hoar one 'of the ieadiiig, -dressed by the Principal and Mr. W. blacksmiths of Bowmanville. B. Couch, the chairman of the Hig-h Sc'hool Board. Mr. touch made re-j ferenceto the success of the school, 1 LAID TO REST in the past, ta the prominence at- - tained by many of the graduates,1 Mrs. Grace Raworth, Tamworth. and welcomned to the school those at- 1j tending for the first time. lu in- There passed to the great 1 eyond troducing Miss.-MacDonald,' B. A., on Monday, Auguet 4th, Mrs. Grace the Classical teacher, he paid a well-j Rawosth at the age of 92 yeuas, 3 deserved trîbute ta ber predeceseor monthe and- 7 d ays. She , a s a Mies E. S. T4ghe, B. A., who le nowv splendid Christian womnan a1lys do- au the staff of Woodstock Collegiate ing somnetbing fai -uer hb--nvenly Institute.1 Father. Her husband passe,; away These ex-students are making ap- jMarcli 23, 1880. In the f ail of the plication ta attend the Normalj saine year lier bouse was burr ', l and Scol 42~~iss Edua Jewel Mi s se went ta live witb ber sister,, Mrs. Viola Short, Miss Marion "èlough, Sidney Huffman, and after he- death Miss Iva Gilýbank, Miss Reva McGill, she went ta ber brother's at HWy Bay Mise Jean S-witzer, Mies Audrey for a whîle and then ta B'c .-'man- Lamb, Miss Florence Morris and Mies, ville. She reýsideýd with MI .S, Darothy Belîman. Mason, Sr., for 19 yeus. S eaie 'Mis Dois ostr wil eterthelived With Mss. W. Cryderuns i and Ussrsi otrntoien toer ta eMs . W. Noble aillaf whom i,,gae Ue si ty of orntdin cîn e cheerful testimony ta her ïa îi-uble begi thestud of edicne.disposition and consistent Ch-iz-tiai, Miss Helen R. McGregor bus beeh character. Iu 1917 ehe went o live appointed Principal of the Continua.- with her niece, Mre. Jas. CarrII at tion School ut Ricbard's Landing, Tamworth where she semaine 1 un- Ont., at a very good sulary. Miss il lher death. Eight wveeks 7efore McGregor is anc of the veýry brigéht her death she fell and broke her hip girls wha have gruduated from Bow- and was confined ta thie bec~ till manvilie High School. death relieved ber. At time si'-e The duughters of Rev. J. U_. Rab- suff ered terribly but she bore :tail ius were studente at Wellington Con- with christian patience neyer vnsshè tinuation Schaol before their rý-!beaýrd ta niurm-ur. She was bairiedl maval ta Bowmunville and the re- beside ber husband on Auguwt 6th parts of that school show thut Dor-- at B"Ith. 'othy' has completed the lower echool Ber bands wvere such deur bande course witb higb standing and that They were aiways doing sanwtbi'ng Marjorie bas a like record for the ISa oftau tbey reached out Middle School, huving this year ah- With favors sbhe thought about tained ut the Departiental Examiina- jSa many times she did tions first-class bdjnors lu Latinj Sa many thinge for me. French, Physicesand Cbemistry und Ber dear bande are at rest th-irdi-clase in Ancient Histary. Bath And I hope and psay are naw enirolled in Bowmanville That came day 1 niay High Schaol and it l'e interesting ta Clasp tbem where parting note that, their principal at Weling- le no mare. ton, IVilton H. Eliiott, wae in hie studerit days a Bo,>V"ianville Higb Comne ta Bowmanville Fui r Schoal boy. Septemiber 16 and 17. Rev. and Mss. L. S. Wight and Came ta Bowmanvil{e Fuir friend of. Tweed, Who h1ave September 16 and 17. been enjoying a month's hall l-ays Our local loyers of harse races in- catfed on friende here on theiix way tend visiting the Lindsay Cep~tral Ex- home on Wednesday. hibition which will ýbe held September Mss. J. K. Gal')raifh, Mfre. SuIis 17, 18, 19, 20. Saine of the- best and Misses Bena and Muriel s is, horses in the Province will fight à~ Bowmvranvîlle-aon-the-iake, spent Sut- out fbr the big- pusses. 36 urday wîth Mr. ,.d Mss. S. . 0Tay- Bowmanville Soidiers Club will lor, Port Hope-Guide. hold a régular nmeeting on Monday! Dr. and Mrs. J. C. ]Y'rvitt and 'lis.s ,ening, September 8th at 8 o'clock- Beatrice Devitt have returned ' "om1 n the club roome. Ail -tuembere a very enjoyable trip ta the (Ccast are requested ta be present. Business and are very enthusiastic oves -wbahLt important. Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie. they saw and heard en ro'ute. PYesident, Thos. Annison, Sec-Treas. WVest Durham is Electorai. Dit-rict Capt. and Mrs. C. W. E. Meath, No. 1 4. has 40 polllng places-, vojtes Ottawa, wha have been visiting M r. polle et lest general election 5,4124, and Mrs. W. B. Cauch left thie week naines on votpr's list 8,034, an ,luD- for a two months' business trip! cludes townships o~f Clarke. D.arling- hraugh the West Vo Vancouver1 ton and Cartwright, town of B Ow- vhere Captain Meathi will hear cases manville and Village of Newca-t1e, prpsented before the Sal-diers Fedes- l fo the î Provincia.l-Plebiscite ou Oc-. al Appei Commtssion. tober 23. Couch, iohnston & Cryderman, Bowmapville Phone 10* L1mitea NURSES GRADUATE FROM17 BOWMANVILLE HOSPITAL Hospital Sunday to be Observed in Local Churches Citizens of town and couty are invited ta the Nurses Graduatýon Ex-. ercises of Bowmanville ilasp'talta be held in the Opera House, cni ri diay, September i2th at 8 p. m-. Dr. John W. McCullough, Deputy Regis-. trar-General of Ontario, T ironto, will be the speaker of the evecning. An înterestiug programi will ý Iso be given. Admissic'v freýe. Sunday, September 7th., y;iII be obýserv-ed as Hospital Day lu Bow- manville Churches when- it i ex- pected addresses suitable ta thý occa- sion will be given. GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Ms. 3. W. Higgiubothamn, Virden, Manîtoba, Celebrate FiE ty Years of Married Life. A happy event took place on Mon- day, Augiust 25th,- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hoar, 0-hawa, when Ms. and Mrs. J. W. Hig-gin- botham celebrated the 5Oth annivers- ary of their marriage. Ms. 1{ign- botham carried on a drug busiresin Oshawa for 16 yeass, but sold! out lu 1889 and moved1 to Virden, Mani- toba, where Mr. Higginbothnm lei i postniaster. The guests of h anar were c-n- their way home after a three monthsI.' trip ta Eng-land and the Cointinerti an stopped off ta visît lu Oshawa at the home of Mrs .Hig-ginibatliami's broth- et, Mr. F. A. Hoar. Mr. Hi'ggi- Jbatham also reuewed nmany, acqýuainIt- auces which were nmade thraugh bi1'jui- ness and social associations atthe time of his residence iunsa'n The bride and groom rcie mauy heautiful gifts fromî the'- fam- ily and ôther relatives. Mrs L. E. Meek and MLiîss Louise -Meek, Regina, Saskatchewan, daughter and g_,rand'- I jiaughter of Mr. and Mrss, Hý;gin- fbotham;, Mrs>. Harsy Goodm~an, Mis Jessie Goodman and Mrs. G. Mitchell HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Results of the Middle and Upper Schopl De-partmental e-ifliinatîons -are publishedi in this issue. Cardid- ates mnade acapital record 86% being successful an all papers written on the Middle Scbool examinatione, and 88% of the Upper Schoo xm inations.

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