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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1924, p. 3

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i uie~i i ~I I e 0 . e o o I SPECIAL BLEND 6c Once used, always zused 4-lb. Tin LILAC BRAND APPLE and 9c RASPBERRY JAM '9 LOBSTER25 -l iiiii 16-oz. Jar LUN CH 2 QUEEN O-I VES '39C AYLMER or LIBBY'S No.2's 2fo5- CLR'SPOTED25 CLARK'S TOMATO . KETCHUP - - - Bayside Brand Lombard or Gage Pluma 2 for - Bayside Pitted Cherries- Bayside Peache-s (Hea-vy Syrup) 5-1b. Pail PURE '9 CLOVER H ONEY 69 GINGER C-25c DATE JAM lb. i2M SELECT BLEND COFPEE (Fresh Roasted and Ground) lb. - - - -63 BAKER'S PREMIUM 23) LAING'S ýC. c(Cana- O2 Se dian Creain)SAC i Green 25c 25c 25C D. S. L. CORN I FLAKES, 3 for - -25c SHREDDED , 5 WHEAT, 2 for - -25 TRISCUIT (The Whreddd lica SE-REDDED or DESSICATED GOCOANUT, lb. -25 TAPIOCA or SAÏGO, 2 lbs. -25Uc CHOICE MESSINA25 Meats That Ease The Cooking Pro blem The success of your coo'king is haif won wh.en you start with wholesome Meats. Insure tasty and eeonomical meals by purchasing fine Meats at such low prices as we are now selling them. Cooked Meats in town. G. A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowmaiville Don't put off having that old job of Plumb- ing-, Tinsmithing or Steamhieating attendled to. Delays are very ofteu costly. Do it now before the fali rush, Our prices are reasonable and the customier must be satisfied. Greenaway & Elliott Heating Experts and Consuling Enginieers Phonre 18 B ewmanvile BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 4h,1924l! 'DURHAM OLD BOY HIONORED BY FRANCE Cross of the Legion d'Honneur Bestowed Upon Prof. John Squair, Toronto. Economny Cornes Easy At Dominlion Stores The. hardest thing to do these days is economnize-unless some- bodly else works it out for you. This is just what DOMINION STORES do by passing the benefits of their tremendous buy- ing power on to you in Grocery Savings. You can't help but save if you buiy regularly at DOMINION STORES. The purchase of your next week's grocery supply at your nearest DOMINION STORE will coiince you. SWEET JUICY ORANGES25 PER DOZ.25 California Seeded or Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. for 25c. 25-1b. box $2.99 15-oz. Pckt. Seeded or Seedless Raisins 2 focr - - - 25c Mayf ield Machine Sliced Bacon - 29c Richmello Coffee 1-lb. tin - - 65c - 33c The recent visit of Baron de Vit-rolles, French Conisul-Gýeneral for the Domninion, to attend the opening of the Exhibition, was ma,-rked by a ceremony whviceh is sufficieatly rare to doserve notice. This was the bestowal of the Cross of Chevalier de la Leg-ion d'Honneur upon a ' Ehiglishi-speiagii- citizen of the Pro- vince of Ontario, the recipient be- ing Prof. Johin Squaîr, Emeritus Pro- fessor of Frenchi in University Col- lege, University of' Toronto. The ceremiony took place, very appropriately, at the residience of the local French Consul, where Monsieur and MUadamie Rochereau dle la Sab- liere hacld gathered for afternoon tea, a small eompany, cnitn mainly of members of the French colony (whîch at present includes the stafir in charge of thie French section at the Exhibition), and a few of Prof. Squair's initinate associates in hil forty year's of university if e. Before fastening the Cross upori the breast of the recipient,. and giv. ing hum the accolade which forums part of the ceremony, Baron de Vit- relies stated, in a few well-chosen words addressed te Prof. Squair, that the French Goveriiment desired to recognize hy this decoration, not on- ly hîs eminent work la thie cause of education, but aIso the signal ser- vices he had rendered ia promiotingý an interest in ail that appertains to ~France, in interpretîng hber aimis and her ideals,' and in furthering by different mneans the mi-utual under- standing so m-uch needed ewe the Frenchl-speaing and ng-lish. spcaking peoples. A specially interesting part of the littie ceremjony was'the -preseace of Monsieur _Menier, who, as a Frenich. * mian and a memnber of the French Senate, expressed te Prof. Squair his *great pleasýure in being present te, take part in pay-ing this trîbute te se d"eserving a CIlaaian. The Crosýs bestowed uiponi Prof. Squatir is th-e second of the oaly t-wo whîch were te be presented te in- habitants of~ the Province of Ontar-ý io, the~ other similar decoration hav- ing been cenferred upean Seniator Belcourt a shiort tune ago, as an- niounced recently ia the public press. Prof. Squair is new the possessor of, two French dÎistinctions, that of. ofi- cer dle l'Instructi'on Publique having been given humi some turne ago, andi ahl who know himi, or are acquainted wi;th whiat halis iccomý lishied, wlI feel thaet th]ese distinctionsl are thor- ougly erited. BOWMANVILLE LADY HONORED BY POPE,ý Miss Mary Hoskin of Toronto laI Preseated With Special Cross Miss Mary Hoskin, Presidfent of the Women's A uxiiary of the Catho- lic Church Extension Society of Can-ý ada, bas been honored by Pope Plus, XI, with the Cross Pro Ecclesia eti Pentifice, an honor bestowed on1 those who have especially meritedbitý on accourt_ of services donecfor the w\ýelfare of the Church anu its bead. The deceration was ,raiited(lat the request of Archbishop Neil McNeil. *Miss Hoskin la the second W0111a n i Canada te receive this mark of dlis-, tinction, Miss Belle Gà~er' n of Mon- treal being the only other holder of the cross. àWork for the Catho-lic Cburcbi Ex- tension Society fornis but ato the service that has brougbt7Miss, Hoskin hier decoration. A convert te thie Caitholic Church at the agelo 16, the Sodaity of the Blessed Vir-1 gin in St.Bai' Parish ewes its foundation te her. She -was aise President for, sorne turne of thle SodalityV of st. Patrick's. For 253 years she wais a genervous supporter of the Comm]unity of the -,Prle cie0US P lood, for, whom during -14L years she beld annually a b;azaar, the principal airti*cles for sl bein, adpane china, the product of h'er own skIilful bands. 'lhe decoration wich wiLl be pre- sented te Miss okin lby bis Gracel Archbisbiop McINeil, is a beautiful' octag.onal gold Cross on a purpleie b-1 bon, wîthi lines of white and yellowl on1 the border. MISS HOSKIN WAS GUEST Mis Mary Hoskiti, notice of whose Idecoration wit.h the Cross Pro Ec- clesia et Pontifice by the Pope ap-1 pears above was a guest at the wom- jen's dinner at thie Exhýýibitioni at noon on Thursday and occupied a seat in the Directors' box at the e-ven-ingf performance lu the Grand Stand. NAME Florenc.,e Aldworth ....... x.xAlbe,-rt Alun...... Bernic:e Allia...... Levi'Annis (Aegrotat) xxRuth Armnstrong........ Ol-ive Barton...... Gladys Batemnan..... xxBeatrice Bedeli.... Dorothýy Bonnyca.stle .. (Aegrotat) xxGrace Bragg. .... Grace Caverly..... George Chiapham..... Marian Clough...... Ella Collacott...... xxPercy Cowling .... .. Beatrice Cryderinan.. xxBlaneýhe Cryderman. Muriel Dech ......... xxMarion Dicýkson. ... eMabel Dowson.......... Hilda Foley.......... Kenaet.h Foster. .... Dorothy Gibson (Ae-grotat) IxxIva Gilbank.......... xxThelma Gilders. ... xxMaitland Gould. ... xxElizaýbeth Hancock,. xxStuart Jarmes......... Marg-uerite Joniess ........ xxýDorothy Kirktoa.... Eliza Kirkton ......... Audrey ý,Lamb...... Ross Lanie............. Jarey -Mason ............ xxFlorence Morris. ... xxReva McGili.......... Margaret McGregor ...... Melbourne Osborne ....... xxStaaley Osborne.... Mari orie Pascoe.. ý....... xxReid Pearn......... xxMarion Pickard,..... Catherine Pinch...... xx illamPointer........ Vera Power....... Lenore Quick ........ lone Quinn....... xxJohn Reynolds........ Ernest Roach...... Hazel Rundie.......... xxConstance Seward Mil dred Souch.......... Mabel Stevens ........ Marjorie Stevens..... xxEdna Swallow..... Jean Switzer. ..... xxStanford Symons.... Ross Trenouth..... Agnes Vanstone xxMarion Warder....... Ada Webber............. Charles White.. ... ....... McDonald, their former pastoruo-w of Botha. -After this event, refres- nients prepared by the daughters-in- lâAw, Mýrs. B. F., Mr8. AM. H. and Mrs. G. P. Souch, a feature of this beiag a beautiful w\ýedd(ing cake bearing fifty g-old-coloredl cankiles, aud serv- ed by the eldest grandsons te the guèsts of thei-r grand-parents. The partà; broke up with the singing of a verse of "Blest Be the Tie that Bds"and with three cheers and a "Tiger" for Mr. an~d Mrs. Souch, Other guests frein out-of-tow inl-; cluded: M1rs. Chas. Pearn of Van- couver,, Mrs. Souchs'-~bnidlesrnaid, a sister of Mr. Souch; Mrs. C. J. Pas- cee of Toronto, a niece; Mrs. Hannab Cole, a sister of Mrs. Soucb, and her daughter, Mina, Mrs. W. J. MeLean, of Red Deer; Mrs. Allia,1 Mrs. Edgar Allia, Miss Leila and Mr. Eardley Allia, of Edxnonton;,Re1 sud Mrs. H. S. Mcfloiaald of Betha. -SchooI Opening We Have a Full Stock of School Supplies' Consisting of Text Books for High and Public Schools. Scribblers, Exercise, Note Books4 Perncils, Pens, etc. Secure your wants earl y. W. T. Allen Books and Stationery B¶ow'mawilIe nb 4 4 n 4 4n . .- . 4 4 4 5 5 . n . . . n 1 2 4 x 423 4.44 444.4x54..4 4 4 4. ............... 14 4 . 5 5 4 3 x . 41 . 2 . 14 4 2x 5 j,45 . 4 . 3 4 4 4334. 3 4 ..44 .. 2 3 4.2 14 4.11224 4 .54 4 .. . . . . 4 4..223.3 3435.2 5.34.. . 5 345.4 -. 2.34-x 24 4 . 4 . . 2 ... 23 4 4 .4x 4. 312. 22 x 4 4 5 . 35 ............ î . 1 1x . 322244 3 4 . 4 5 4 4 4 2 4 . . . . 4. 3 2 4 24 2 4 2 4 x 33 4 4 . ý4 .4. 2.2 5.1.4 .3 2 44x 2 2 4. 2 44 2. 4x 3 3 3 23 .2 4 .4 44 4.5 Jt's delicious. Choice Smnoked and Cooked Meats a1ways on hand. Wilbert J. Dudley Horeey Block Phtne 225, Houe 272 Bowinanville. Thrifty Housewives Use Quality Oroceries The prudent housewife knoWs that it's false economy to use Groceries flot of the best Rer table carnies food of quality which she can obtain at the lowest' market prices at our store. It costs no more to have your groceries de- livered. HARRY PHONE 1 " ALLIN EOWIÎIVILL The Good Cook Buys Good Groceries The thorough housewife knows that good cooking does not, start. in the kitchen. She realizes that one must have good Groceries bef ore one can create toothsome and wholesomie dishes. That's why shie buys here where quallty is high and prices Iow. ÂRCHIE -TAIT Phone 65 Bowmvranville at 15e lb? GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Samiuel E. Souch, Stettier, Alta., Celebrate the Fiftieth Milest'one in Their Mar- ried Lif e. H1GH SCHOOL REPORTS MIDDLE SCHOOL RESULTS The standing of canidcates is indîcated a.s follows: 1Ï-75%to10% 2l-66 to 7% 3-60% to 65% --5 0%t o-5 9%. 5-Failed. x-Special Consideration. x-Also -wrote Upper School papers. Corbett's 111gb Loaf Bread Is Stili the Cheapest Food. Brimiful of Health! Nourishing and appetiz- ing! Makes children llappy and Healthiy! You cani't. feed the family too much of Corbett's Pop)u- lar H-igh Loaf Bread. Owing to the advance in price of flour we are now com(pelled to sell this wholesome bread at 20e the large loaf. W. P. Corbett (Successor to Thomas Tod) Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville The kind of Meat that you can eat three times a day and be the better for it. Every fibre of ýit îs ricli in substance and appealing to the taste. Have you tried our Momne-Made Jellied Meats At the Souchi cottage at, Rochoni Saads, Buff'alo Lake, on Frîiay, the immiediate relatives of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Souch gathered te belp cele- brate in a verv dehigbtÉful way the 50th anaiversary of their wecdding. Althoughi the actual date is ia Sep- temiber it was fouad more conveniient for sornc te be present this mnonth. Rev. Alfred A. Lytie, Stettier, was chlairmlan of thle occasion anid after a f ew well-chosea remarks, Mr. B. F'. IS ouch, Phin. B.,, of Medicine Hlat, the eldest son, was called upon, who g-ave a short address, and little Harriett an'd -Margaret Seuch, grand-daughý- ters, la pretty pink and blue dresses,l aad cl (arry-ing the gifts on a snial tray, preseuted Mr. and Mrs. Souchý wîi4t a purse of gold on b1ehlaîlf ,hose present and other reltvsc Ontario and other parts, and other beaýutiful g-ifts. Letters and tele-, gramns of congratulations aud best' wishesý were received frein those un-1 able te be present. MNr. and Mrs. Souceh replied very feelingly, Mrs. Souch sayiag arnong other -things that she neyer wished~ great fortune or faine for her child-1 reo but only that they be honorable, use(f]nl cii nsd that they lirve true, Christian lives. Mr. Souch e called having been at bis parents' golden anjiilversary sanisatlthei dliarnond anniversary.M-.NaI dMrr Souc-h lookýed se "young and 'and- somne" on Frid.ay, the latter in aI beautiful gownl of black satin and1( nîl-over lace, there seemied ne reason te suppose th-at theyv will not be cele- z brating theiirdam nianiversar-,. Mrs. Sarvis, of Provost, the -,only daughter, f ollow.ed on the prograin wîthý a f ew remarks extendling con,-I grvatulation s and best wishes, and twýo other sons, Mr. M. H. Soucb of and Dr. G. P. Souci>, D. C., of Medicýine Hat, spoke briefl. Other sekr were: Dr. No0',rni AMlin, ofEdot; Dr. Ewart Sar- vis, of Provost; Miss Mina Cole, of Red Deer, a niece; and Mrs. Jas.- Gaudin, of Stett!e, a, niece, the lat- terreaig many deligh,ýltful alild amusing, remiaisceaces of "old Dur- ham" sud Darliagtoni Township. Another feature of the afternoon was the cb-ristening of the yeuingest[ g-randchil!d, the son of Dr. and Mrs. Sarvis, of Provost, by Rer. Harry S.1

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