Wri With Which is Incorpoirated The Bowmnanville News Vol. LXX. Yi. A. JAMES SN, ulisRhers.' BOWýNMANVILLE, ONT., TITIURýSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1il,194 $2.60 a Year in Advance, 5c a Copy COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN ANNOUNCES THE First Sîhowing of Fal, Coats and resse&, IPhere i. great intere'st in store for those selectinig their new wraps early. Already fail assortrnent for Fail and Winter are here, and seeing them you will agree that they offe)r endiess var- iety In style and material that mark 'Lthein as distinctly new. We wilI be pleased to have you cone in and see t'hese, 'Prices ar'e lower than those of othier seasons. Consider this an initation to cne to our store and inspelet our magnificént display of iNew FaIl Coats and- Dresses. An inspection places you under no obligation to buy unless you see the ga.rment which suits you. NEW SILKS AND FABRICS Herevolu will see al the new materials from which the Aut- unu Fashions will be made. This attractive display of New Dress Goodis includes the season's pet weaves. FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS FOR MEN AND BOYS In our Men*s and Boys' Clothing Dept. you will find ail the needed requirements in clothîng and furnishings for FaIl and Win'ter wear. Style cornbined with confort and reasonably pticed makes it most Jesirable for you to patronize this store. k~uw mn n v I Il a Plhone 104 LimIter, L LJ' MiNISTERS AND CHURCHFES TEMPERANCE FOLK, AWAKE! Methýodist Churclih. J. U. Rob- It is hý-I timne the temperance ii, pastor,wilpec at il a. m. 'aokers of IDurhJI Couty -u -or an 7p. mn. Sunday Sehcool at 10a.,giig for the plebisit o' i St.Pal' CurhRev. 1D. W. takenl October 23rd on-,the Ontario Best, minister. Services onSna eprnc kt atweeýk it a at il ai. m. anid ï p. mi. will be tknreportedî thatarpsettv of the by Rev. Georgeý( Mason. Sunlday liquor iiterest a ntw nev Sehool at 12 o'clock. on t1scue1 isôit rgnie The Younig Peopleý's Society of the to, look af ter their cause dur-ing the Methodist Churci resumied its we% ek- corning 9cam1paign. t11,was said lie iy meetings on !Monday evening with wasol' n,$0 ,wek- forsucha MViSs Marion Morris, President, ini man, but xvas nia -de to find a ciie the chair. Mr. Stanley Os!,orne, lstj in Bo-wmai<iviile Who had so :iittle re- Vice, conducted the program -hieh spe-et for himiself as to be thýe local opeed wit comunty in~ng edstandard bearer of the liquor inter- by Miss Reta R. Cole. R ev. W. A. lests. Although times are not Bunner gave an intýeresting study oný brislç, and a salary of $50 is verv theLif o Chis. Msa Marontempting, we dîoubt if there is a cap- Morrs g1.~ a oodrepri f te ale man in Bownianville who would Sumer ehol at Bbesgeo. Msscare to be branded as the moubli- Marguerite Jonesas'ýang a solo and11 piece of the liquor advocates. MIr. Oshorne gaive thIe topic. A so-_______ cial haif-hour was mbucli enjoyed at the close. COUINCIL DEFERS PASSING Mr. Rienzi Thiomas, Bellefontaine, MILK BY LAW Ohio, ait the request of Miss Doncat atmbrmeigoftw on er, or.&anist, and officiais o t il was a short sesin the busineýss Paul's jChurch, presïded at 'the ognbigdsesdwt nthe, record at the Sunday evening service and time of one hour and haif. Coun- afterwards gave a recital of the fol- cillor Wni. Caverley 'was the 0111Ya lowing numibers: mnember of the board absent, being Concert Piece Parker on a trip west for his healt-h. Court- Sonat Guimantcillor J. W. Hynds again occupied his- Funeral March and Chant Serapiqescat after an absence -of er1 Offertory St. CeceLia Batiste The recital was very miucli appreciat- edi by members of the choir and also by the congregation present. Mr. liarry Knighýit, the ,effiient Ch-oir Conductor, on behaîf of the choiri ard people of st. Paul's gave expres- sion to the ki-ndnessi of Mir. Thomas, in, favoring them witli this fine prga.Mr. Thomias congratulated themn- on the possession of such a fine in.strumient and thanked therr. for their kind words. Mr. Th-emaiis w'ho hais been visiting MNr, and -Mrs. David Morrison l'eft on Tuesday morning for Clevelanid, on pr'ofesna duty in that eity. This, service w as broadcasted. Large congregations atteaided the services ini the Mýethoist .Cliich on Hospital Sunday conducted by -Rev. J. U. Robins, the pastor. Hîs morniing sermon wvas oni the healtli and prosperity of the peoplu and! was ii, the interest of th', local Hospital. H1e paid fine trbuý esto the nurses and doctors of the commiuniity and emphasized tlie fact that sucli an in- -stitution as a hospital is worthiy of liheral support by aniy people. Sac- rament of the Lord's Suplier zwa served to onle of the larg-est .numbsr of comimunicants at such servicýe in th1 chiurch. Pastor Robins was assisted at this service by Rcevs. W C. Washington, M. A., E. A. Tonkin and A. W. Buwmer. At the evening service Mr. Robins se rmo n was ba s ed on 1 Chron. 26, 18. 11 e dealt vigorously with the temperance situation in this town and stated that there was greater danger froni the ind!ifference or lathargy inside the temperance ranks thain from the enemy -without and urged everyone to activiity and watcifulniess. M iss Reta R. Cole sang in lier usual good style a fine solo and t'ne choir meni- bers were out in good numbers morn- ing aind evening. It wvas very. pleas-ing to see the choir gallery so well filled after the holidays. A few, faces were mrissing_ which i t is hoped wîll be in their accutomied places in f uture, Fi up the "bus" and head iiber for Lindsaiy Fair, September 17.- 18, 19, 20. Four days of amusement and education, easily within your renci, you owe tiis outing to yourself and Tour family, DURHAM COUNTY BOY OUR FAIR AS AN EDIJCATOR WetDurhamlFal Exhilit on lias or hif a cenltury at least 'n Lcon- sdered a mode! agriculturl shIow, A , n exhibition of the productez of ther- S stablesý, fieldfs, orladjdes iS, adthe liouschol] in S ater-ial industrial s ens e. This wýas ~4 the --im of the progressive aaill- dstrious founders Of the MWe-t Dur- " ham Agricultural Society ai their "' Fair pragram lias been mal mitan S e( by thieir successors. Iti still N flirst andi foremost a purely agricult- uai and live stock competitî,veý exhi- S bition. Corne ta see wiat a'~lni S Fair it li next We'dnesday. West Duriam Fail Fair lias al tiese yea.rsý of its suce-ssgÙl ilstory1 been a leader in central and e'astern Qnario, and as a mart for thý-e salic of high ,class live stock has lield a capital reputation. 2,n imais siown at Bowmsrnv*1lje Fall Exib i- tion 'have been bougit to impra)ve the f ..erds and! fiocks of miany afam out- side of ]Yurlim County, many of MR. GEORGE W. McLAUG.HLIN1 these prize animrais hav*ing- been) si.-ppeti long distances. 0w'. farnm' f Oshawa, who hais offereti to d on-ate I ers still have many fine herds anti anew Parsonage to Enniskillen 'fiocks from which good selec* - ans of Union Church. sires andi females may be made. ______________________Farmers andi stocknien who xihto secure higi grade stock shoniti' at- tend Bowmanville FalFa ir7,nle- meetinýgs. Mayor 'T. S. Holgate GENEROUS GIFT TO CHURCII I ýTe(id'taY 'where theèywill i h presideti. cream of West Durhlarn herds, fok Theç council reoom was well filled Enniskiilen Unitedi Churcli is to and pens. *** xith citizens who, no doubt came ta benefit by the praictical generosity of aiea wlat action the council wvoldc one of Durli's native born Sons, We think we aire justified' in oui, take on th-e much discussed milkb- Mr. George W. McLaughlin, Oshawa, dlaim thiat the West Durham A'gri- law. The, by-law was witheld Until wi,-o is remiembering his, birtli-place 1 cultural Society's is a ModelEhii a later meeting as ýt had been sent ta j y »a very generous and timely do- I tion of the products of Durhamn- and the Provincial Board of Health anti nation. 'Ontario County fanms, for maiy fine Minister of Aýgriculture, Toronto, forl -unaylast' Rev. E. ,C. Belknap, animals are shownheeaual approvl 0 poanone o h o-i from nearby caunties and are ex- Thegreater part of the sesion wais geaio it MMLaugliij had' pectet tis year taken u p In dîscàussing a', petitian ofi'ered t t prc.eent tliem with a newî Cmaîgtr ifrn alPis :rom citizens on king St. East, ask.- parsonage. At the Trusýtea Board it is true there are huntirets of an- îngtîn gaoline and ail pumps be m1eeting previons Thursiday Messrsiaa ocle an edtruiu renloved from Kîng-st., restricting John Siemon andi Jame-s _A,_Welrry the provi nce eadh yeair, that attraiet sa-le of these lubricants fromi 6 a. m. plaeti b'efore the Board Mr. Mc- thousantis of people, just ais Joesar to 10 p. m. and to prohîbit the instal- Laugiuin's splendid Offr, li e ;havingJ. own county fair. n -it aiy, lîng of a 6,000 gallon gasoline tank' discUsseti the activitieS ai n(j(eeds of tien, does West Durham Fa'r r .- in an eat andi garage. Mayor Iot- tec eurci w'Wh them ait Enni 0 Y skillen boiy' uci especial attributa: ns ta gate had secureti legal ativice on the on _Mondlay. A resoldtion e erve ths enviable recognifýon? latter point wh,7icli statedti tit coun- ed by the Board unaimoly accept- * ci! hati authority to pass a by-law ing the offer and negotiations -will be I To those of us wlio havea tted governing such niattars. HIowever nteredi into at Once ta secure the eçi fal fairs for mnny years i11 this before taking definite action th-e consent of the Conferance officers ta and oth-er counties _itisnsert c!lerir was instriieted ta write Toron-. dis-pose of the old parsonage. The majarity of f ail fairs li Ontario ta, Oshawia andi Cobourg anti secur.e1 It is praposed to erect tlie new! etakeVi form (andti s is becomin copiesý of by-larvs <long tiese uinesý parsonage an the lot north oif Mr.-imore the vague each year) of n suni- whîch thýey 'nad in force. The gar- J. Slemion's rasidence near which it mer carnival, wliere excitem--enit and aeaffected will also be notifiad tal is aid Mr. MeLaugilin first saw the hilarity are provided in aibunidànce !eaise iastalling gais tank until i- 1gi of day. Tire donor of thisi for pleasure-craving mobs. Tb"- prini- vised further by councîl. The Fire useful gift is the eldest. son of the ar a bject of the flI fair, iý often Untierwriters Association wvilJ also1 laVe Mr. Robert MýýeL-tughlin who eclipsed---the competitive exibition be commnunicated witi on Via subject staýrtedl business as a ca,,rnage maker! of wrait tha county is produeing11 in of insurance rates. in E niskillen na-ny yaars, ago and Ithe way of grain, livestock, iiou1try iey-laiw was passad nuthjorizing a iwhich business developed into such and other farm pioduce, anti the an- temiporary boan of $5000 for Local wMoaterful p-roportions nfterwards in couragement of the farmig f rater- Improvemnents-cament walk, the town of Oshawa. nt agetrefita ela Anotha-r ligit will be instaled onl This splendid offer is just an - the aducation of the towr-people highiway ait eastern Iim~its of town o ýther axample of tie love sýomYe of: along agriculturrai lines. Thý-is fact Deputation of Mayor ami Roati Durhami's sons have for their native is not only regrettable, but i., bound and Streets Commiitteai was appoint-I county. ta result in the tieterioratian of each ed ta wait on Darlingtoa Councii re- ________ particular fair, in proportion toj the garding encir municiiality assuiig!tiecreasati intareait takea in the vair- haîf tire cost of maintenance of SCHOOL CHILDREN'S PARADÈ ied fruits of agriculture. boundary roatis. * * * Acting an the suggestion of Police The Directors, of West Durhan Tp thli credit of West Durhmn Fair Magistrate Wm. M. H1orsey the Agricultural Society are again hav- Diractors in thisý respect the-; have council instruetadth te To-wn Engin- ing a Sehoal Chiidren's Parade tant.wvrdfrmte )miin anti eer ta have the banti stand remqvedfgrounds an. Wadnestiay, September efforts of their predecessoi Inl from i awn s-outi of Toïwn Hall. 17, leaving Centrai Sehool ait 12.30 the many years of its existeen,,e, tire Reeve Eliiott reportad that Mia-. p. m. Ail ciildren in the parade dtiracto-rs have clung steadfastly ta ister of Hîgirways ailviseti deputationa will be admittedti t the geountis free. this ideal, ta miaka the exh'biti. at that gavernmant wouid not recoi-1 A shielti is provitieti for Vie roamn in, West Duriarn County Pair noit only menti changing bridge ait Stanlay's Bowmianville Secioois presenting the superior toanay othe-r caunt f air hiil at present wliere there lsai nery best appcarance in the paradie, anti in the pro)vince, but ta mak' L-tian- sharp tura b roati. ~~aiso a shielti for the bestsownib f±i' Fali fraide wiIl be good. Th-e mnerchant who wants to get bis share of it should advertise his goocis in The Statesman-The Great Famlily JQurnal. "The Covered Wagon" PrHe Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 17-18. Just Imagine Thi's-- You'll aea huntiretis of mien, wom,- an, cliidcren, hanses, oxen-a two-mile wagon train of pioneer dnys-fieeing for, their lives from n ragiag fire VIat laid -waste aine square iles of prairie. Yo'lsoe a tiausanti real, yelling, painteti Intias iding madly Vo Pattack in their famous "circie of deati" farnatio'n). Yll see a buffalo hunt with thie ýwoniti's, oniy remaining liard of buffalo. You'Ill aea tie -wagon train fond a turbu- lent nile-witie torrent. You'll seae ewhola spectacular ieart diramna af thie penilous, gioniôus days of '4.The story of a mian'ai love anti sacri- fice for a beautiful girl in the mnost amiaz- ing setthngs ever piotograplieti. Your nrost gorgeous scneen ativenture -wit'h Lois Wilsoan, J. Warren Kernilgan an~d ail-star cast. Sept. 17 (Fair Nigit) Two perforni- ances: 7.30 anti 9.30. Sept. 18 at S p. m. Special music each night. Admission: 35c anti 50,ax extra. "Thaî Covere<d Wagon Ca." hiais air-. rangéd ta giva a Children's -Matinea la the Royal Theatre oa Tirursday, Saytambar 18 at 4 p. ni. Admiïssion 15iý- a rural school fromn Darl"ington andl Clarke Townships. Al schaols are invita(! ta enter, anti com-petenit jiidges have been ap-ý poinited. The parade will be heatieti by Orono Band. Any furtlier pair- ticuairs nmy be obtaineti froni Vira Secýretaury of the fair. Phone 69,. SEPTEMBER WEDDINGS Tyrell--Dilling The marriage of Miss Winniifred Diliing, tiaugliter of Mr. anti Mrs. Andraw D'iling anti Mr. Hector ac, don1ald Tyreil, was solemnized on, Saturday ,SeptemberC6 ait 3p.m i St. John's Cliurch, Plev. G. S. Postie- twitRector, officijati ng. Thep bride wlio was gîiven in marliage by lier brother, -Mr. Eddie Dilling wa's gowned in white canton crepe ,witli veil of BrussAis net anti carrieti swe-(etlieart roses Miss Chiristina! Dilling attendet iher sister as brides- m,1aiti anti vore a ga-wn of Pink satin witli siiver lace triin-iigs anti car- ried a bouquet of pink seter roses. The grýooiït was attenideti1 by Mr. Rolandti Mactionaiti. Duri-, he ignngof die regisîter - Promise Me". A-fter a buffet luncheon M.anti Mrs. Tyreill eft for a trip ta -Eastern pointsý, thae bride's travelling coatwa hlue paîret twill witli grey luit anci sioes ta miatch. The groamn's g-ift ta bis bride was a whitegot pendant' witi onyx ançli dliamond setting, ta thýe bnitiesmaiti ha gave a white golti bracýelet of onyx anti rbinestanes andti t the solaist a benutiful broocir, of white g-olti. The bride recaiveti a number of beautiful gifts anrang tliem being, a misceilaneous sha-wer givan on Aug-, ust 29 by Miss Barti'-a Maynarti. Mr. and Air.-. Tyreil will reside in BowinanviIIlg.i ofthe faÀir. The generaus induce- mants tliey have offeretifo year 'Va year suppiy ample evideace o)f tis asranti the rasuits are veadiiy perceptible to a eir antievezy visita'r ait aur cauaty fair. Hereo eý sees tire sturdiest horses, tie mes, valu- able livestocir, the croicest paýultry, in fact tha best ii, every phasLe of farmi life that tuis, the banni' pro- vince of Caaaean bning fo-rth. As We have sýaiti Bowmi-anivifl'e Fi is stiii a purely agricultural exbi ttion o'f the chief products of Via arm j Wiere other fairs aim te enter- tain. West Duriami's miode] fr en- deavours ta' aducate. Enter-tain- mnent is an imiportant, but -iinor' consideration. Tire kaynota Vo ¶ie success of inhs faairait Bow-mianvjIIe is, fundamientaily, Vie higi t. re of 1men who have givea unsparný y of their timne anti energ-y ta mal, it a truly modal county fair. uli eir wNvtchword bas bean: -"Kaep proving", anti probably 75 ye rai o gr owtir have beau markati b- con- stant improvenrents in grunds show buildings, anti tirhne b ani-i -quality of axhibits tiispiayeti. Vani- ficatian for these stat-meats iaýy be abtaineti by a visit ta Agricu t-'urai Park, Bo;.wmnnville, Septamiber l7ti -next Wedriesday. NURSES GRADUATE FROÏM BOWMANVILLE HOS, -TAL Opera House, Friday, Septemrn 12 'Citizens of town and coant ara invitetilta the Nurses GraiduaitienEx- ercises of Bowmanviile Hspt t be held i n tire Opera flouse, :cm ,Fn- day, Saptemnber 12th at 8 p, nYý Dr. John W. McCuliough, Daputy Rgs trar,-General of Ontario, T , ronto, -%,ill be the speaker of tireavŽig An iuterasting prograni will aobe given. Admission free. No, 37 i