* f NEWCASTLE MEMORIAL LIBRARY Report For August 1924. -Numiber etne member s 10. Total number et members 332. Boeks cireulated-non-fiction 49; fiction 658; juvenile 822; total. 789. ~Fi2nes 11on verdue books $4.08. Two rlonationa et books have be en re - 'ýceived,' Mrs. John 'cairn ef Torento,ý gave a set et Parkm-an lan tenll - umes-id two volumnes by a netedý Japanese author. Four books et biograph)ly were given by Mrs. Wm., C. Buitler, Librariani. Notice of Registration of By-Law ~No. 526 of the Corporatioýn of the Village of Newcastle. NOTICE [S HEREBY GIVEN hat aý ByL W as passd bythe Municip al 1ounil or the orortocfthe, il laeof SNewca-stle, Mnd fth lce, t ayor Aug4ust. A. . 124 providling forý the- issute of cdebentur-es to the amounit of $2000, foirtlie pur pose of nsrtig cement isidew-alks and epîrnga bi !ia the said V uag f N1ewca1stIe an tha1t suých ByLaw as 1registered t la theý Reistry OffTice ofthe Registry Div!iîoa of the West Rlidlag oft tbe County of ljraon the 5h a of AgsA D. 194, as Nme 65. Anyý motion to .quansh or'. setti,h samne or any- pairt .±~romust be mae ithtni three -mth fter He firstpublication of th)isý .notie, anmd cannot be, made hratr Dat1ed tle 2thday 'of AgaA. 'D-1 15-3w CM Dr. Purwi lianvlle will In Newcastl .ad riday. ,phone 1'1j, ALFRED FA Graduate of of Royal Co burg. Speci, en and child Block, Newce J. A. EU' Honor graduz Vellow of 'T Licentiate of New York, Y. Graduate Me -oital' of New To'ronIto Aý%c.a --mrS. Me Newcastle. 1 to 3 p. mi Jw General lherk e2nd îs cheaper the equali have a sui Coke Obta Ilighest cite alway Gueo. H.C. naa, NEWCASTLE Mr. and Mrs. John Grieves of Guelpbame vîsitigbis nlothercMr Grieves, George St. -Mr. Donachie is again over from Enigland on1 the lookout f or apple-. and w-ýas shýown aroundý througbl local orchardsby Mhjr HryDudley-. Although thoi i te seLond week of 'September, hr is stilî muchi grain out and considrable uncut , e peilyalong the lauke shore-,. Mr. William ikonBbcyen hia, been employed as" field crop judIgefror the pastset eenyeýtrs' Lue is wdeyknowa .ý onstthre t'armera a ýnd hlis de-c'ision is nIeyer dis"- The eggmnt0'noUcdo Leýtitia Gýeorginia, daughter eoMfs atbtCavan, aind te-ateMr. .à G.MachttetLidsy te Mr. Jle] Raymnond Syer, son et Mr.and Mrt% E. Syer, Cavan, Ont, the mia-tlgt te ak place in Septemiber. The Statesmnan is evide,ýntly- rend in Toronto newspaper officeýs because o)ne of the city dilIies sent a reporter here lat week on seeing the notie th-at Newcastle Methodiýýsavae plan-' ning te c4eerate the Centenaily et MUetbodlism in this village and vicin-ý ity from November L2 to Nový,ehrj 10e inclusive. The homne la whi Rev. AÂnon Green preached la New-~ caý,stle 100 years ago this comling' Novemiber was visited by The Star scribe. It la geing te be a great event in the bistory et the home of the Masseys and et-her ýwell knewn familles. ISOUTH CLARKE SOHOOL, FAIR [IROPRACTIC The lltb annuai faix et the Soutni n E. S'ýteckley et Eow- Clarke andi Newcastle achoolswa [1 make resideaitial caîls belti on the Cormmnuity Green, New, e, Morday, Wedneaday. castie, on Tuesday atternoon, Sep- For an appointrient1 temblen 9tb, Unsetisonable coîti BoewnaIIville. 32--t we ather anti 'frequent Jrizzles etf nain interfeneti wi,,h botb thre attend-1 ance anti the exhibits, neithen being1 MEDICAL quite equalinla umbers te formerý J~NCMB, . O. C. . occsions. . 5h11 n very lively inter-I ýRNCOB, M D*l * M'est, on the part et pupils, tendhers, Triiity Univ.ersity, alzO Inus-tees anti visitons, -was m-anifesteti llege Pirysielans, Fdinin ail the eveats anti exhibits. ialty-Diseases et, On- Newtonviile scbool, tbe next 1ng Irn. Offie-Parker'a est la the district te Newcastle,vwa,_ asIle. conspiceus wby its absêilce, antiMn JTLER, M. D., C. M. Edward Mitchiell anti bis buiers ate et Trinity University troin oun enstera village were mluch rrinity Metilcai Cellege mIssteti. o omeiins l h tire State University of l iesho epttos i h 4atriculate et the Post- comipetiag acheols titi gooti wonk edicai School andi Hos- whicbýrequireti close jutiging. Five York anti Feliow et the scoos aratiýetiant(i were awardIl lemny et Medicine. Offlce 1pnizes as tollow:s: Port Granby, Mra. Naughîoa's Residence.: S. Powell, teachen, lat; Côwanville, Hous-8 te 10 a. m., Missý Gertrude Martin, teacher, 2ati;ý ianti by appoirntaient.l Newcast]e, Mr., Cannon anti Missi Mason, teache~rs, 3rti. In the îph'yakal euiIune exercîseS. Crooltet Cre-ek, Miss Beulal Hbllo-i D AIweil, tendher, won lat; Lake Shore, I> radley _ Mr. Allani Matin ,teachen, 2nti; anti1 N ewcastle 3nd. NweatjFor chorus singling, Crooket iCeeL ln*Urac6 A.gesi again won lst place; Newcatle 2ati, I DivsionCour, Co- an lke Shore S3rti. -. ,Th'erpublie spep.king contet wasý lielti la the, t.nt vwith tbree speakersý --takirig part. lat piize went te Roy Jones, Newcastle, subjeet, "Raachfiag on Alberta prairies; witb the Prince: oDCfeWales"; 2ati pnize le Eleane r Anderson, subjecî, "Dr. Banting anti, bis Discovery oet insuiîl>n"3d te John Ilendry et Lake Shore, subject, tha w od ndis"Laying steel on oun Canadian thanwoo andisi'L'ýtioiýlRaiiwýay." to the best Goal. 1 Major R. J. Gill, Bowmianville, aply of the test jutiged the parade, Col- E.'E. Saiden, inable. MIrs. R. J. Gill anti IMrs. F. C. Pater-. son, botir traine vocalisls, jutigeti grade of Anthra- The pouiltry, bre& te lay barreti s on hnand. Rocks, was jutigeti by Mr. Arthrur Wilson, Perrytewa. Tire vegetable * classes wene betten filledti Ian any - Janm ieson other classes showa la tbe4tent wbile1 senie other classes et wonk done by - pupils aI achool or at home wene very Newcastle 'deficient lu exhibîts. Competit\ion Lif That's the old saying. ilafraid of competition fromc We take second place to no, giving best quality, value and Confectionery, Fruits, Veget fCakes and Pastry. Hi. S. BRU] Balker -& rocer 24' fe of Trade And we're flot a bit )ther to-wn-s or ciies.j ne when it cornes toj 1service in Groceries, ýtables, Bread, Buns, ['TON, Newcastle j 24 The Nw~teIceedn THURSDAY, SEPTEMBJ3R llIth., 192-4 NEWCASTLE Mr.J. R. Fiahe2r visited ianTor- entlast weeç.' Miss Gla dys Brad(ley spenit a few,- dala Toronteo. Mr. Fflk, ew York. la visiting wîthi Mr. C. Jamnies", SNewca stle. Mrs _McCoy etNew Yerk, iss visit- igler aister-;-Iin-la, Mr,.Wila Ric!kard(. Mr. nd lMrs.larvme Matcet ,spent thie week-enld vith Mxr. an'dMs Matchbe tt. Mârs. Earl \Waltoni is spending a few dîays, witbh ler sister, Mra. Rainesý atL Port Perry. Mr, E. Jamesz ,Kitchener, la spedl-, îrg a few days at homie betre lit- tending sebeel.1 Mrs. Dowing et Tornnto, spent the week-end "Vith Mr. n Mrs. Don- ald MLcl Mr. and Mrs. Tetley and son, Tor- eýnte*, are spending a few days with Mxr. and Mrs. Garred. NAr. Bruce Berry et Hlis _Majesty's Customa), Bewmianville, was ti towa on bus-inecs oa Tuesday. Mr. Normian Aluin ila tteadcing Ot- tawýa Exhibition with bis prize win- ing fiock,,et Leicesters. Mrs. John Robinson bas returned homieafter visiting with bler laughter, Mrs. Fred Lewis, Hamilton. Rev. Lorne Thomas took charge ot the service in St. George's Gburch Suaday and at Orene la the atternoon, Cemnedy and akill will be em - strated ;i greater variety tban ever before at Lindsay Central Exhibi- tien, Septemiber 17, 18, 19, 20. Mr. Reg. Robinson, son et M r, George Robinson, ila makingdeiee et cucumnbers grewa on the Pieneer Farm, te the pickling vats ait Oreno. _Misses May Clark and Winniî ie Lake accomipanied Mrs. Donald Mc- Lachlain et Toronto, by meoter on Saturday and took in the-,iast day et tbe big, fair. The remains et the late Mr. Cr veiMtel, were breughit herej on Friday, the funieral beia.g held fremi the C. P. R. station on"the ar- rivai et the atterneen train. Inter- ment being in St. George's Cemie- tery. Dr. Ernest Allia arrîved bere fromi- Les Angeles, Cal., on Fridlay a itd joinedi Mrs. Alliai at the h-omneoetlber miothier, Mrs. Wm. Rîckard. Dr. Allia wili spend a mionth's v-acation. in bis riative- towii and retura te Cali- for-ianwit'h .Mrs. Allia early ih Oct- ober. M r. and iVrs. Omier Cole Pesn Ioýwa, are, spendiag twe meontha -with hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carter Blackburn, Newcastle. Mr. Colýe has honorably filed the office etl Maiyor et that towni for a number et years, and bas been superintenldent et the Methoclilt Sunday Scbool for ,)ver twenity-flve years. The- Newacstle Schiool's Basebali League, having tLaken a six w;%eeks' hýoliday, is again getting clown teo business on the COItmu11-nity Green Dianmond. Mr. Frank Bennett's team, The Maiple Leafs, played Mr. Gilbert McEachierai's bunch et' Dia-s miond. Rats on Friday eveaiag, scor-1 in- tea ruas te the latter's ine. The Higb School Literary Societyl hed e-erganiization meeting on1 Fidny afternooen andi elected oti- cers for 1924-25 as follows: Hon.- President-Altred Graham, Vice- President-Emmiersen Fisrher; .Sec'y- Treas.-Clara Caswell; lst Foirn Re- presenitative-G-ordon Laking; 2nd Fo'rm Do-May Clark; 3rd Formi do -Kennetb Pearce; Ediitor et "The Buzzard"--Cha.rles Thiackray; Asst -Bertha Cowan; Glee Club 'Leader -Mis;s Phebe Brock.j T'wo auto accidents hiappenedi hereij t ast week but tortuately rio persea ' was seriously iajured. A large r imeusene turned turtle la the ditch on Fligg's býil, and a large Amieric.an à] teuring car upset in tile ditch %ppo- i ,ite- 0. A. Parker's f armr on tbe west g of the village.' The occupants re-l a ceived semi-e very nasty cuts wil were aittended te by Dr. Butilrate vhichi they %vere takcen te Port HIope hy passiag ineotorists. Both TI cars were badly wýrecked and were v eooked atter by Mr. E. C .Hear. ý The whele village was grieved1 ývhben on Tuesday miorniaig th-e sad é news spread anaeouacing the death et r itlas Emmn-a Hedges. Tbe deceased ,vs a litelon-g resident anid was bigly respected ,by aill who kaew bier Lad ina ber passing Newcastîe lesýes aa veibelovedI citizen, bier churchnat faithful and untiring worker and FORMER NEWCASTLE MAN DIES SUD)DEN IN WEST Mvr. Alfred E. Goimme, Expanse, Saa Former NwateMain M r.lrd.dwrGom wa tounla i,,a di oditiýÏo onthe-af- trontrain on0M1 day, Ugusi 25th., travel1ing foi Winiiîpeg west. le e lacdon a'l atreher, ýbut ciedi betere 'medic'I~l nid could be: obtained. The body was remeived frcm nthie trainr at McGregor. A letter nbisclohe adresedte bis -wifu ere'veaidhaid!entity. The body ,vas zsent te Winniipeg for potmre exaination afte wchit waýs prepa-red for huril ai n sette Glenrsidel carg etMr. . Strobh1n et Hawardlen, who waa iia Wýinipeg at the time, andi with whem the deceased Ïlad beenii ntim- ately acýquainted for some years. Mlr. Gommne was brougbt up at Newcvastle, Ont., anid camne wes't witb Mr. WV. H. Baskerville wbeal about 18 ye'ars et ag"e. He hiad been a suc- cestul farner, had been lan charge et tbe telephone offliceoet bis is- trict, and inter hiad- been in charge et the Caniadian Elevator at Glenside Snisk., uantil about three, weeks ago whiea be witbhbis t'amily moved te Expanse. le was 31 years et age atnd. was mar,1ried te Misa Eva Bsevleal- roast six years ago. Besides bis widow andti sall son he leaves a mnother, Mrs. H. Gomme, Toronto. five sisters, Mrs. W. Crowtber, New- castle; lWrs. George Alluni and Miss Annie Gomnme, Toronto; Mrs. H. E. Asblee, Bo-wmaaýiville,; Mrs. Wmi. Suddand, Oshawa; andti wo b 'rothers, Geo. H. Gomme, Weeýhawkin, N. J., anti Fred Gomme, Toronto. The funerai took place Fridnay from the home et Mr. ant iMrs. Bas- kerville internient ait Hawnrden. The paîl-bearers were M-essns. Erai- est anid _Milton Fligg, H-. Davey, J. Wallace, Arthur and Wnl'ter -Mackia. The many aitt beautiful fl-oral offeriags expresseti the ýjgh esteemi ia -whicb the tieceaseti basbý.eeabelti aad! includeti: Cro ss--is wîte and son, Mr. anti Mrs. B1askerville. Wrçaths-_Motlier, Sisters and Bro- thers, Torento; Mr. anti Mrs. Stew airt, Glensitie, anti the Glenside Lad- iesý Basebail C'lub et whicb the de- ceased was manager, also -M1r. and Mn.Boyle, Hawarden. Sprays- Mr. I. È!ligg anti fnmiy, Hawarden, Mr. and i Mrs. _M' Fl1ig, Glenside, Mr. anti Mrs. W. F. Eddy, Regin~a, Mn. E Strolbehin awarden, Mr. ani _Miss lViaxwell, Mr. and Mrs. Davey, -Mn. iant Mrs. Wallace ,,Mr. and Mrs. 'St 'er, Mrs. Lougheed, Mrsd Fzirey, Mrs. MePhersen, _mr. adMrs. Shinlis -Mr. and Mrs. K.i McDoniald, Mr.,and Mrs. Cuttiibg, Glenisite, Gleaside WmasChrist-i ia1n Temperanice, Union, Glensitie Ladies' Aid anti Glentforti Ladies' Aid. SEPTEIMBER WEDDING Wiffiamrs-HaIl Ia Toronto, on Saturtiay, Septei-1 ber 6th., a very pretty wedtiing masl soleiinizec by,- the Rev. 1. G. Bowles, Pastor et Wesley Church, Dundas Street, at the home et Mr. aad Mrs. John Hall et Crawford Street, f9riiu- enly et Newcastle, when tbheir enly' daugbter Etina lUary, becagnie tihe bride et Norman E. Williamis, eld- est son et Mr. anti Mrs. W. R. Wil- liai-is, Bowmianviiie. To the strainis et Lobe ngnit's weddingimancb play- ed by Misa G-wyaneth Jobaston, the bride entered the timawiag roemi on the arin et ber fathier. She wasi gowned la powtier blue canton beay- ily enrbroidereti witb silver, anti geor- gette over silver lace, with wreathi and shees te mnatch, and carr4etia bouquet et Ophelia roses and 1aby's oreath witb shower et sweet.heart roses. Tne enly attendant was littie ;Miss arjorie Seamian whemiatie a dainty Ieower girl frocked in hoaey dew george(tte anti white lace. She o, wore tgoîti wreath, andi carrieti a baskieti of sweetheart roses anti baby's breath. Durîng the signinig oet1ite register Mir. Curtis Htall, brotier et the bride, very teelingly sanig 'lecause". The britie'a miother receiveti anti was gownedinlaplatinum c anton ai or- cbiti brocatie witb corsage et Pen- ret roses. Sbe was assi.sted by-tble --roon's mother wh-o ,wore black anti Îawn canton with corsage et' Temip--. lar roses. Atter a tiaity, buffet lunce onMr amd Mrs. Willinmi-s let't for ýa no rip thireugb thbe States. The bride ravelled ila a santi and browndrs APPLE GROWERS' FIELD DAY as laaedbyMr. F. C.ý Patersoni, AgrîultnalRepesetative tex Dur- ha ounty, Sa-w tît-iete forty fa rierS ndord!hargýiýsagaithered ila the va1rieus oricharuds visi'Ltdil[hi * l Nothuberandwere visited la- * he torenloon i Witb)about 20 grewvers taJiing in thýe trip et inspection. Theechrsvisited laith at'tU n-oon wece Mr. W.F. Rcan',Mr. LGeo. C.WihtsUr. Wmn. E. Bie- - mn's Necasle; ajor R. J . ClsM.Gerald Talcott's and :Mr. R. R". Stevensý'-, Bowmianville. Somep et the orcharda were aprayed ilder thle (direction ai ,superIvision et' Pro0f. L. Cosatr, BAB.S.A., OA.C., jGuelpb, acting in conijuniction owith' the ceunty repýresenitative's office, j Ontarlo Departmnet ofAgriculture; while othens were sprayed pr)1ettý closeýly al oýg tbe Elnes practiset ila the supervisedl orchards. Mr. Bemnan who bas the fineat al fspray oarchlai this section' et' tne country use miethetis and nmateriais wbicb tonno aay yeana' expenience andi careful s-tutiy be fatda best suiteti for ibis trees anti bis location. Some differeace et opinion existaý amonig apple men regarding super-1 iority et LimÊe-Sulphuir anti Bordteaux as tungicides; but tboreugbnes la Spraying witb eithier, at exactlyý the igîht lime seema te be th1 mi Eveny orchard visited sboweti the gooti results, la tne dean fruit, miostly free freni scab and wornms, of th oug(liecrefulystematic spray- ing l. *Certain old trees etof o apples at Major GiIl's., net aprayeti, had creps et 100% (,scabby -apples, whîle other trees aprayeti accordîng te direction et Prof. Coesar anti the De-_ pnrtmient et Agriculture were near-: ly 100 dean jPerbaps' the fineat apples anti the benviest cnop per acre wene seen inÏ the erchard et Mr. Gerai Talcott, former James Stanley tarai,' west aide of -Bownranville. Mn. W. -i. Gibson, our Apple King, voieti the: thougîts et other-s wbien lie sai it was well worth taking an atternoon off Just te see Ibis orchanti. one apple buyer wbo looketi it over carecfully estimateti the crop at 600 barrels. ,Mn. F. C. Paterson directeti the tour et inispection aiProf. CGesan, Guelph, anti Mr. lanry Sirnett, AÀ ricuitural Represenýtati-ve for Non- thumibenianti Ceunty', Brightoa, were botb present anti beld "Rounid the Appbî Tree" discussions with tlie keenly initeresteti appfle grewens pres- entr la every onehard. Spray, spray, spray, spray, muat: hethe im-otte et evýery man whoD ivants te grow a big-h grade et ap- pies. Mr. Bemian speaking from-i actuail expenience, sanys that about liaIt' pt thiree la the morning ia a gooti tinme te get up anti stdfrt spraying. You oftea get an eat wind ia the inom- iag. Anether main speaking et' duating, a(t'vocatetl werking by iiioonlight at nights, anti Mn $teve Dudiley summnei t up pretty well whiea be saiti the fairmers et Ontario migbit as Weil give up Irying to grow apples ceai-1 mnercially unleas tbey are prepareti te stay right in VIhe orcharti witb the spraying outflt tiuning the gmrowng season. Prof. Cosar says it bas certainlyQ been a tnying year for the appl e men, anti it bas net been this alone but bias been oeeoe a cycle tbt years. Il is te be bopeti tath ne-xt cycle wiii affard some relief for1 t'he worried apple-g-rewens. METHODIST CHURCH NEWCASTLE il . m-i~onnngworsbip. 2.30 p. m.-Suntiay Scirool. 7 p. ,a.- Evening wonship). The services will1 be condlucteti by Rev. W. B. Tucker," B. A , B. D. 'l'le musical prognam tor-the eveuing will ceasi 't et the usual choir numlbers, sole by Mr. W. F. Rickarti andi duet by -Messrs. Iow- anti anti H1arolti Aluni. A benutitul baptismial service -%as belti in the Methodiat C'hurcb on Sun- daqy morning w1hen one little baby boy anti two littie baby grswn brought te the altar by their parents te receive the rites et baptii ai the banda et thein paster, R-_ev. E. B, Cooke. The little enesreevn ba-ptiai wýere Doniald William Jose, son et Mn. anti Mxs. J, Il. Jase; R-.uthl ITHE BUFFALO AR COMING! I vïeîe Going To Have A fair, Boys" We're going to haive a fair, boys, we're going to have a fair; And ail the folk that love to nieet their neighbors will be there, 1t's going to be bigger-bigger f ar than al the rest; 0f ail the fairs we've etver hiad it's going to be the best. It's going to be yuur fair-it's goiag te be, mine,, And everyone for mniles around is falling into line- Fathers, miothers, babies, boys, and girls âill be there- We're going to have a fair, boys,wer going to have some fair. We're going te bave a fair, boys-a rip-tail-snorter fair; Get out thýe id top-buggy and hitchi up the sorrel mare. Or get yeur newà six-uylinder-invite the hixýed man- Corne in your glitteinig new coupe ,or in last year's sdn Or use ,a three-deelk wagen-yeu'll get here just the sane- Or, if you would rather, step on board tli ,e puff-p1uff train; And if ail else should fail you, get a 'plane and ride th-e aL- We're going te have a fair, boys., we're goîing to have some fair., We're going te hbave a fair, boys-a bang-up, sizier fair, Ceaie and'see the biggest cews that ever switched a tail- Corne and leaive yjour worries, f erget ail carking~ care; Cows that give the riceet mill: that ever filled a pail. Goee and see the fattest hoga ha ever gave a grunt- Pure-bred hogs of royal birth -not a single runt; The~ woolýy shýeep--the heorses with sieelt and polished hair- We're gotng te have a fair, beys, we're going to haive seme fair. We 're going te have a fair, boys, a rare, old, jolly f air- Brùig the "kids" te see the tun, and ride up In the air; Try your luck, at wianing thinga; for'-et you're grewing old; Taste the weiners-roasting hot; or "pop" that's icy cold, Clihib inte the grandstand-hear the nmusic-see the fun; Watcb the classy racers, as around the track, they run. Pu nyour go -to-mteetinig suit and grease your curly hlair-. We're goinig te have a fair, boys, -e-e oing to have s;ome fair. -Wiliim Howard McLaýughlia. Stopand Shop Watch our windows this Saturday for some very tempting extra spe- cials iii' Meats, Y our Radio Set Is Hl-ere Cal) at my sh4 any lime- Di;vision St., opposite pcotel, Bowýýmannjlie, phione 337 B aImera] HARRY C. ALUIN Radio Supplies, MUotorcycle ant i ~cycle Accessonies, Don't miss this opportunity to save rnoney on choîce mneat. G. A. Edmoýýndstone Phone 21Bowýaanvi11e Bn-ARS SOAP Choice Casti1e Soap for $1,Il00 We are off ering other tempting grocery bargains this week. R. WLO Newcastl SEE THE BEST COUNTY FAIR At West Durhamii',s big exhiibitioný next Wednesday the preducts of theý district for thie year are çùnectedý and arranged for you to visualze, anidadie be ins'pired by and re- mem-Iiber havinýg seenthem n tanjgile f ormn. Don't tail te sueithemi. Don't fail te enjoy the one big day of faimily reunions ani eeting old friena-met tem "at BoxVm1aavill Faýir next Wednesday. Thie HoeadofDuam er dlear te her sons anddagtr shudbe visite-d by tborsands on1 Fair Day-the red-etter day et theý year in Bowmanville. No çrunkenaess, figEting, fuieusi drivng and dread etfintoxicatd vmeu are seen at Bowmnanville Fair as in the od days Ibetoe local option and prohibition, but we have cnder, pes ant conditionis and good-will -when yeu Oilt the Faiy. Cme, we Sionl exp)ect te see you. port Hope wants its h'arbor pre- pared for eceaýn-goînlg boatsý. Tuesday nigfît, Septèmber 21 Mr.1 Stanleýy BickILes fine large residence situated in Hamilton Tp., about six or seven miles trom Cobourg, and fivemie fromn Port' Hope, was dles.. troyed by fire. ling like the wivnd! 500 bel]owing monarchs of' a vanish- inlg race! W'it h 500 miad(1r ilïin g h1orsc 1een riskinig their live2s mici the tornade of hoots. That's the Buffalo iNt in "The Covered WVagon". Like thie other 99 tl{Uls in thés super- romance, Ht% REAL. Opera House, Bowmanvile, Wednlesday, September 17,- (Fair Night) at 7.30 anCi 9.30, and Sept. 18 at 8 p. mn. Special music. 35Q and 50e plus tax. PL-one 21