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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1924, p. 5

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BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 2nd., 1924. BIRTHS JIV ES-lu Bowmanville, -Setemsber 25, 14, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Claude I-ves, a son. (Since died.) DADSON-In Bownianviile, on Satur- day, Sept. .27, 1924, to Mn. and Mrs. H. qJ. badson, Duke-st., a son. (George Henry). 'G RANT-In Bowmanville, on Saturday, Sept. 27, 1924, to Mn. sud Mme. Rose Grant, (n0e Evelyn Dickinson), a son. (Murray Ross.), Articles For Sale RANGE FOR SALE-Souvenir Ëtangel and Fire Grate. E. Emberley, Duke-st.-', near G. T. R. Station, Bowmanville. 39-2* FOR SALE-Cook Stove in good con- dition, willseli cheap. .Apply Mrs. Cros- sey, Ontario-st., Bowmanville. 3p-tf, QUANTITY SWEET CIDER FOR SALE-Grinding froni 7 to 10 P. nm. Ap- ply Wmi. Luxton, ?lrospect-st, Bowman- ville. 40-4w* SOW FOR SALE-Registered York- shire Sow, due to farrow October lth. $40. Apply to H. M Foster, Manvers Itoafi, Bowmianville, phone 205r4. 40-t FOR SALE-A limited _quantity of pure brefi black minorcas, cockerels. Ap- ply' H. A. Galbraith, Burketon, Ont., phone 197r5. 39 -2 FOR SALE-"The Beach", Sanitary boumen Street, Tloronto, oy grooms Closet, odorlees, perfectly new, will soUl fathe2r, Rev-. J. A. Jewell, B. A., Gladys cheap. Enquire of E. Williams, Brad- Geongina Bond, to Rose Moore Jewell, M. Shaw-si., Bowmanville. 39-tf D., C. M. 1 - - -__ - TrAYLOR-HOAR-On Tbursday, Sept. FOR SALE-LargeToulouse, Geese, 25. 1924, aithte residence of bier sister, white pekin fiucks and Bared Rock Mnrs Wrigison Wight, Bowmauville, by Cockerele. Poultry all pure bred and Rev. j . U. Robins, miss Jessie Mlta extra good stock. Richard' Sanderson, Hoaýr. daugbier of the ite Mr. andi Mrs Tyrone R. R. 1, phone 22013. 4()-3* W. -q, Hoar, Providence, and Mn. Elgin - - R.Tao, son uf Mmý. and Mm. W. T. FOR SALE-Large quantity silo coin, TyoSln will seli part or wbole field. Apply H. Pnetiy, Concession St., Bast, Bowman -__________________ ville, oppqsite Pearces Dairy. 40-1* FOR S~E~-arge - --DEATHS FOR ALE-argesize McClary Art Souvenir Fanio on 00kSiove, in good con-j MARVIN-At Mîdfland, on Friday. diton bagan.Apply to Mns. AIlbrtr Colwell, Centre-si., Bowmanvil.i-aSet 6 124Iaa Mavn agd 4 FOR ALE-wo Bsto Fenalesandyears. FOR ALETwo1,'stonFemlesand BROWN-At Pont Hope, on Saturday, four pupe. Regisieredl females proven Septémber 27, 1924, Peter Brown, in his I good blood linos. Apply to Johni J. Sul- 84th year.1 livan, 473 Rogers St., Peterbono, Ont. GIST-At Port Hope, 'on Tbursday, 38-3* Sept. 25, M'ýary Elizabeth Wickett, wife 0atabof Samuel Giet, in pe-r 701h year. -TVEFOR SALE-Anuex oatc CHARLTON-Aýt '144 Delaware Ave., to a M1,offat Electric Range includiug Toronto. Monday, Septemii-ber 29, 1924,j, pipes for heaing water. Good as new, John A. Chaýrltoný of theý Provincial P'o- no futhen use to ownen. Sel$ hait pnîce. 1 Geo. WV. James, Bownianville. 9- lice Fore. fonrly o(f Dalngion. -CRUS-At L1 Peterboro, on- Sunday, CANARIES, ROLLERS FOR SALE- r SeIpt..2, -Mary L. Fowler, beloved wife Nicely marked birds, iwenty to choose o)f Wm--. J. Cue Bewdley, Hamilton, froni. Goaranteed to sing, ailso cages Townshiip, in ber 4rd y3ear." Interred and boens. Caîl and see beini. Pnîces at orono. roîîeouable. 'Mr. B. Bennett,ELIgin-st. SH-AVW-A-t the r7esidence, of bis N., Bowmanville. 4-w brotben-in-law, Mn. D. R. Morison, Con- cession-si., Bow;manville, on -Friday, PURE BRED YORKSHIRE FOR SALEj Sept. 26, 1924, William Wesley Shaw, eld- -A sejecotion of pige of weaniug age, est son of ielaie "Mn. -and Mrs. Win. both sexes; alse six nionth' boars and Shaw, ag^d(5 years. sowe bred. Ail the above stock are MILMINEAt raeurtonS- eligible for registration and froni a pro-jda, Aep. t8,194,AbenrtL.oMiSun-, lifie sirain. T. J. Cole, Bowmauville raSp.2.12,Abr .Mlie R. R. 3, 39-3w. belovefi huehaud 0f' Nellie GC.Jacobs. ____--.-------- jFormerly C. P. R. Station Agent at CARS FOR SAL.E-Oî.e Baby Grand IBowmanville. Chevrolet Truck, 1y2 ton capacity. niodel j Funeral froinitbe family residence. T. Alec one 85-4 Overlaud. Both in Grassies, on Wednesday, October let, good condition. 'Bargain for quick ai 1.30 p. ni. Internment at Union Cenie- s... ~N reasoablenff r wIll ho refus-.ï teny, Smithville. ed. Apply to Irwin & Cole's Garage. Bowmanvllle. ~1t Lost or Found K EYS LOST-Ofl Ontario or Duke Street, Bowmanville, keyring with 5 keys and name plate. Rewand if return- ed to R. Greenflelfi, phone 12w, Bowman- Ville, 4-tf STRAYED-Helfer came o0% lot 81 con 6, Darlington, (Tyrone), ltter part of August. Ownen may have sanie by pnpving property and paying expen- ses. James Stoney, Tyrone. 39-3 AUTrO LAMÏP LOS-Between'Hamp- ton andi Newcastle, pnobably in Bowman- ville, on Thursday morning, Sept. 25, a headlamp with green refiector of Fordj Sedan. Finden please leave at The Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 40-tf Help. Wanted GIRL 'WANTED-For light. bousework and to take cane fcbldren, Apply lt. S., cane Drawer B., Bowinanville. 40-t WANTED-Expeniifced girl or womn- an wanted to do plain ,coking and gen- eral bousework. Appîr to Mirs. D. B. Sinipson, Silver-st., Bowmianville, phone 84. 40-tf Roorns Wantied ROOM WANTED-For single lady. iu home with all conveniences. Apply to T. A., Box 358, Bowmanville. WANTED-Jn a private home, two rooms down stairs ýwith board, Wel beatefi, modern .conveniienices, musi be central for a middle aged cupdiwoud prefer a home with no famnily. Box 225, Bowmanville. 401w' For Sale or Exchange' FOR, SALE OR EXCHANGE-An 6- r'oomed brick bouse with frame ýattached 24j x 36 fi., one acre of landi witb fruit trecorner of Liberty and Concession St.,' Bowmanville, for a 6-noomefi bouse in town or Toronto. W. B. Pinch, box 97, Bowmanville. 31-14wt. To Let HOUSE TO RENT-6 roonis, bathroom, electric lights, furnace, on Churcb-st. Applyi John MceMurtry, Bowmanville. 39-t HOUSE TO RENT-7 rooms, modern conveniences, situated on George-st. lient $20. Apply W. F. Ward, Bowman- ville. 40-1 HOUSE TO RENT-On corner of Beech Ave., and Concession St., Bow- manvile. ln good good repair with bath rooni and furnace, lighted by electricity. For further particulars apply to J. D. Carscadden, Burketon. 40-lW* HÎOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT- Frame residence, containing 8 roonis, electric light, town water, etc. Also typewriter and other articles for sale. Apply to Mns. Geo. Key, Hunt Street, box 163, Bowmanville, phone 360J. 39-3w1 Property For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE-Good 6 roomefi brick bouse, furnace, electric ligbts and town water. Good garden. Good !ocation. Apply A, E. Luke, corner Centre andi Coiession Sts., Bowmnanville, phone 372J'N38-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-6 roonis and bath, fuznace, hardwood fioors, down stairs, freshly decorated thruout in Ap H; cor- ner Liberty and Carlisle. Preuiaed toi sacrifice price for immetdiate sale. Ap- plýy on premisesý to Alex. Haddy, owner, B3owmnanvillë. 40-t ORCHARD FOR SALE-$1000 buys 21 aIcres of orchard in o00e of the best local- i!ties in Bowmanville. with about 125 trees just nicely into bearin, 1ostly winter fruit. Three> excellent buiding lots on sanie. Apply to Norman S. B. James at Statesman Office. FOR !ýALE-A snap for sonebody that wants an ideal place to spend the suni- mer 'months- and give the farnily a splendid outing for what it cos, - re- a cottage of take a tnpl. Frame ct- tage fnesh decoated, roofs first, class, 4 bedrooms, large. kitchen and living room , woodshed attached, would malte fine garage, about one acre of land, 'with some small fruit, good trout ishing jwithin five minutes walk of stream ýand ltwo large ponds, $210 cash will handie this property. Futher particulars apply Alan M. Williams, phone 58 o r 159, Bow- manvlle.40-lw Notice mn-ie Orders for cenient blocks or cenient Farrns to Rent wrk of any kinfi given prompt attent-I Ionani a rasoabe rte. W ae i~ FARM TO RENT-250 acres, lot 31, so preparefi ýto do teaming. Phone 170. con. 10, DarlingtoiI. Apply Chas. M Dean, Mme. A. Turner, Scogog StL, Bowman- I Bunketon. 3- ville. 35-tf _________________________ - - ----FARM TO RENr-126 acres, lot 3, B. F, Darlington. Plowing possession at Articles WIanted 1 once, full possession April 1, 1925. Ap- 11ply to Mme. James MacConnachie, King NOTICE TO FARMERS St., E., Bownianville. 34-tf Whoc want ta get highest prices for - ____ their goodes. For good old bens 1 pay FARM TO RENT-110 acres, composefi 18c per lb; ducke and*chcens according of 50 acres N. P. lot 16, 50n. 5, 6V1 acres b vlu; aeopeane, grain and bock- S .lt1,cn 6, Dar lngton. Good wbahoney. Have fowýl eady for.Mon- diry fanm; good buildings; weli water- dany, Tuesday and Wednesday. Leave ed; runîng trougb af barn. Ploughing orders ai Dillàk's Store, Bowmanvlflle. pivileges ai once. Full possession phone 308. L. Pike. _38-3* March ici, 1925., Apply to W. R. Green- jaway, Hampton, R. R. 1. 38-3w* Agents Wan ted, Personal Chistmas Cards., Iniperiai ÀAt". Besi ,*lnwn selection. Want nien anfi wýomen in every town to solic it br- dors in spare tume. Representatives niak, - ing $2 per hour up. Ne-,çest designs. Lowest pices. Samples free. Britshb C'anadian, '122 Richmiond West, Toronto SALESMEN-We off er steady emýplo-1 meiýnt and pay weeklY 10 sell our, com- I plete and exclusive lines of guananteedl quality, whole noot, fresh-dug-to-order trees and plants. Attractive illustrated samples and full co-operation, a nioney- making oppotunity., Luke Brothers Nurseries, Montreal. 41-90 Companions of the Forest will, hold a Bazani in Foiesters' HTal THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1lGth at 3 P. m. Useful and Fancy Articles for sale.- Home-made Cooking anti Candly, Bran Pie and Aîternoon Tea. Everything marked at reasonable puices. Eveîybody ýweI- come.40-2 Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-In Dur- ham county, 100 acres irlt or-less being souih part of lot 2, B. F.,o Dalington township, goofi buildingsý, and nice- stone bousetwell wateredandl in a goofi state cf culivation. For ternis and paticu- lars apply 10 ID. J. Gîbson, R. R. 4, Bow- nianville. 38-tf. FARM FOR SALE-liS5 acres goodi land being lots 19 and 2n, con. 8, Darlington, on which are good frame bouse, good barnna stabling, shedis, etc. Hard and sf, ter, rnning strean ofwater, or- chard, sniall fruits. 80 ,nofis froni school, church and store, two mites froni railway station, 8 miles front Bow- nianville. Ternis to suit purcha0ey. Ap- ply to Wesley Oke,--Executor for estate of laie William Oke, Enniskillen. 36-tf PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING, Now is the tume to have that dul rooni papered. Make it cheerful, for the duli nights that are celming. 1 have over 200 patterns to choose fromi. I will paper ally rOom up to 12 x 14 for $4.90. Also quote lowest prices before doing that next j ob of painting or. decorating.. Out out of town woîk givenprompt at- tenton. Estimnates -fiee. G Pritchard. Corner Silver and King St.,' Bowmanville. 40-t MARRIAGES J EWELL-BOND--On Wednesday, September 24, at the home of the bride's uncle,, Dr. C. W. -Becker, 349 'Sher- Roîl Caîl bîcught f orth a number ol responses, especially on. the Temper. ance issue which is a highly import- ant theme at the present tume. Re- freshments were seiveid at the clos andi a vote of thanks extentiet to thE hostess foi opening her home to thE meeting. This Institute 'expects tc tvisit Se4na on Thursday, Oct. 9th, CA NA DIAN GOING EAST 10.*25 a. ni. 2.45 p. ni. 10.08 p. M. 11.28 P. Mi. PACIFIC RAILWAY GOING WEST 5.54 a.' ni 6.25 a. ni, 8.20 a. ni 4.24 p. ni 7.42 p. ni LOCAL ANDO Ti-iERWISE Reading the advts regulaîly is a saving habit. Tîy it. Mis. Geo. Weekes is visiting hier sîsterýs a t Hillsda le,' Ont. Miss Shoîey, Toronto, has been visiting Mis. J. B.' Mitchell. Mrs. W. A. Bain, Toronto, spent Suntiay with Mi. and Mis. Win. Tre-, Mr. John F. Cummings, Postmast- er at Oakwood, is now in his 98th year. 1Miss Gladys Weese, Toronto, spent Sunday with hier sister, Mis. H. L. Pearn. Mis. Wallace Hocken, Toronto, bas been visiting at Mis. Harvey Coopei's.*-' Mis. Walter H. Foley and Mi. E. W. Foley recently visited relatives la Harmony. 11. Mrs., C. W. Tyler, Town, visiteti hier niece, Mis. Mark Blackburn for a f ew days. Monday, November_ 10 (Armistice Day), has been pioclaîmeti as Thanksgiving Day. Mis. (Dr.) James Moore, Brook- lin, i8 visiting Mis. A. E. McCready, anti Mis. J. Fleming. Miss Nellie Buîk who l5r, attending the Techaical Seh ool, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. Mi. and Mis. John Frguson and son Alex, Toronto, spý nt the week- enti with Mir. anti Mis. Geo. W. James, Miss H. O. Burk has returned froni a very pleasant visit with hier sister, Lady Hughes, at bier summer home 'at Haliburton. Mr. and Mrs. Davidi Allum and Mr. andi Mis. Gwin. Gertie 'and Allun uùotored froni Toronto and 'spent Sunday wlth Mr. and Mis. F . Cator, 'Salemi. Mis. C. M Mundy, Oshawa, has gone to Ardoch, North Dakota, to visit Mi. Mundy's sister, Mis, C. Dîew and enrioute -will-visit fîlentis in Winnipeg. Mi. and Mis. Wm. McReynoltis and ýMiss A'Edia, McReýynoltis, Mis. W. WilI ,is, Toronto, atteuideti the Gay -Siater wetiting at Grafton. on Sat- uîtiay, September -27th., Mis. Mary A. Daîke, Miss Daîke anti Mi. Cyril Daîke, 'Port IHope, Mis. Hector J. Daîke andi three chilti- ren, Toronto,,spent Sunday with Mr. andMus. Robert W. Holmes on Sun- day. Reati Alex. Elliot's advt for real values la Jewelry-38 113% off. Mis. (Dr.) H. W. Riggs, Van- couver, B. C., is visiting hier sister- in-law, Mis. W. H. Caîruthers. This ia Mis. Riggs' firat visit to, Bow- manville and she is veiy- favorably impresseti with oui town. The annual meeting of the Wom- en's Hospital Auxiliary will be held in the' Council Rooni on'Fitay, October. 3 at 3.30. p. ni. Ai] menthbers interesteti in the Hospital aie .cordially inviteti to attend. Mi. Rolandi Moffat, Oshawa, gave an inteîesting anti informative ad- dress on "Generalities on Law" be- f oie the Bowmanville Rotaîy Club at its luncheon on Friday. The speak- er wasintîoduced by Rotarian T. H. Knight. ,Mr. R, M. Mitchell pie sided at the piano. Mi. and Mis. James Moore and daughteî Edith anti sonr Andrew and IMi. Wallace ýKuibbs:motoreti down froni Toronto and spent the weeken< nt Mis. W. Maynard's. Mus. W. IWillis motoreti home with then-i afte: two weeks;' visit with hier daughter, Mijs. Wm, MaIynard.'n Lue 111e Haîireàsing Paîloîs, 231/2 1 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, Shampoo- ting, Scalp Tîeatnients, Hair Bobbing, Curling, Marcel W aving, Massaging t and Manicuîing. Fdî appointmneni phone 815. Business hours 9 tî 6.30. Open Moniday, Wednesdaý and Friday evenings. 35-ti Mi. and Mis. Norman S .B. Jame jwho were spentiing last week at Pin( Crest Sanitarium, New 'Jersey guests of Dr. andi Mis. William A White weîe called home on Thuistia3 evening by telegiaph owing to th. critical condition of Mis. J. J1 Mason. They aiiived here' Suntia; at 2.30 p. mi., havîng made the retuui trip la two tinys. They *spent Fîida3 nîght at New Amsterdiam and Satur. day night la St. Catharines. Mi, William A. White anti Mis. James A tPhillips came with thiem and are vis. iting their parents, Mi. and Mis. MN A. James. A jolly_ company cof intimatE LOCAL, AND OTHERWISE Note change of railway time tab- les in this issue. Mrs. C. E. Rhines is visiting Mrs. J. Rhines, Port Hope. Five Pin League opens, Monday night at Balmoral Alleys. Diamond rings 33 113% oÉf regu- lar prices. Alex. Elliot. Miss Myrtie Henderson, Cobourg, is visiting Miss Lena Haddy. Lucille Fox Scarfs $26.00, newest thing out. See theni at Thurston's Fui Shop.b Miss Irene Stewart, Toronto, is visitîng her aunt, Mrs. Albert Col- well, Centre-st. Mr. Jame__ Laing, Oshawa,, of Norâheimer Piano Company, gave us a cail on Tuesiday. Mis. J. Cunnyworth, Toronto, spent the weekend at Mr. John Palmer's, Ontario-st. Mr. W. H. ilalfacre, Tyrone, has oui best thanks for a basket of very large and luscious WealthyAppleal. Inter-School Field Day Sports at Whitby were postponed from Wed- *nesday to Friday of this week. Mis. M. D., Syracuse, N. Y., is again visiting her son, Mr. Alan M. Williams, and other friernds here. The glus of the, C. G. I. T. wish to thank ail those who helped in any way wîth thei booth at Bowman- ville Fair. Mi. and Mis. H. Brock and Mi. and Mis, W. J. Clemens (Hamop- ton), spent Sunday with Mr. an'd Mis. Alfred Eagleson, CoId Spîingsý Mi. Ralph Caîruthers has returned1 fîom Saskatchewan where he spent the summer and left Monday to re- sume study at Queen's University, Kingston.,.1 Hon. J. S. Martin, Mâinister of Agriculture, will address Bowman- ville Canadian- Club at its first meet- ing of the season 'on Wednesday, November 5th. Mr. R. R. Bird, Operator at the Canadian National Railway Station here, was in Hamilton on Monday at- tending the funeral of an old friend, Mr. John Feinside. 'Master William James who was four yeaîs old on Satuiday, Septem- ber 27th., entertainied about fifteen of his little friendsa'a a hirthday party at the home of his parents, Mr- and Mrs. Geo. W. James. Fur Tîimmings by1 the yard. Thurs- 1ton's Fui, Shop. 100, PairLadies' Hligh Grade, Patent Leather Slippers, regularly, $8.00 to $9.50 pair, $6.45 PAIR 10Pair Ladies' Black and Brown Oxfords and Straps, regular $7.00 to $8.5. Extra special value $4.45 PAIR, 150 Pair Misses' Boots, in Brown Caif, Black Caîf and Dongola Kid, with Patent Tips, regularly $4.00 and $4.50 $2.95 PAIR- 50 Pair Misses' Slippers, inF Leather, and, B3rown or Black reguilar $3.50 pair for $2.45 PAIR 100 Pair Ct'ildren's 8 to 1012,? an-d'Brown Lace Boots, regular $2.45 -PAIR 50 Pair 5 to and Button 712, ~fnfants Black Patent Calf, Black -$3.5Ô, Lace $.5PAIR 150 PAIR MEN'S BOOTS At the last minute we have decidedc to give the men a chance to save on fine shoes in Regal Make. These shoes are excellent values at $8.00 and $8.50 per pair but we are going to clear them; to you at $5.45 per pair.. Ask any man who ever wore a Regal and he will tell you the, wear was there with the value. SEE THE TABLE FULL 0F SHOES AT $1,.00 PAIR High Class dependable footwear was neyer offered in Bowmanville before at 'values equal to these sale prices. Corne in and see for yourself. PHONE 241 BOWMANVILLE Miller's Worm Powders are the medicine for childien who are found suffering from the ravages of Worms. They îmfmediately alter _the stomachie conditions under which the '%worms subsist and drive theis froni the system,' and, at the same tume, they are tonical in their effect ________________________________ upon the digestive organs, restoring them to healthful operation and en- suring immunity froni fuither dis- orders froni such a cause. Prices redi4ced on all sizes of larnps: 3 lamps for 95c at Ives' Shoe Store. It Will Pay You to Buy Winter Footwear During This Great Price Reducing'Sale We-have decidedto reduce our stock one haif. This will give the people of this district one grand chance to save money on Fali Footwear. Genuine Bar- gains in Women's, Misses', and Children's IFootwrear only. Our stock is too large in these lines. Shoes will be cleared regardless oif cost. Here are some of the great money-saving values to you,:. Bulk Cocoa New shipmient. Only one thiing against, this Cocoa'it's too cheap, but- try a ,pound andi see how deliclous it is--Only 15c... lb. FRESH IPORK SAUSAGES We are nowý getting these appetizing Saus,- ages -twice a week. 25e lb CANNED PUMPKIN Strange how many people prefer this pie- pareti pumpkin. 15c tin THAT GOOD TEA We sell iý bringing new customers t4o oui store almost 'daily--and they corne back, for more. 65e lb--ý-worth more. Glass Tops foi Perfect Sealers and Crown Jars 20e tozen. EF. Weekes The Comnunity Girocer Cerner King and Ontario, St, Phone 226 ring 4 FURNITURE SALE I have received instructions fîom to seil by public auctionats residence Loyers Lane andiLiberty St,. Bowmanville on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4 The f ollowing high-class f urniture , ,and household effets: Chesterfield Suite, Walnut Dining Rooni Suite, Solîd Oak Bedroom Suite, White Enamel Bedroom Suite, Soi Walnut Washstand, Mohagany Dressing Table, Large Wardrobe, Single Beds, -Chiild's Cot, SeveralOdd Tables and Chairs, Rugs, Kitchen Cabinet, Dishes, Kitchen Utensil's, Garden Tools and other ai- ticles too numerous to mention. .Mi. Smith and family are leaving shortly for England and everythîng will be sold wîthout reserve. This is a large and important sale and, must, therefore, start sharp ai 1 o'clock. TERMS-CASH C. H. Mason, Wm. J. ýCha.lis,' Clerk. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Saturday, OctoJber 1Ith--Jos. La- combe's household furniture and effecetsý, will be sold on theabove date at hisý residence, George-st., Bowmaniville. Sàlç '.3 0 P. M. Teîms cash. Mark Munday, Bailif. Wednesday, Octtober l5th,-Charles Young lot 20, con. 6, Darlington, having rented his farm will sell by public. auction without reserve al of his fanm stock, iiuplements, etc., also a quantity of household furni- ture. Sale at 1 p. mi. 'See buis. Theo. M. Siemon, Auctioneer. 100 MEN WANTED $8 TO $10 PER DAY Wewant 100 men ciuick, wbo are mechanically inclined, to quality to hold positions at above w.age, as auto me- chanics, engineers,1 electrical, experts, truck drivers, chiauffe-urs, salesmen, vulcanizers, welders, and battery men. We guanantee to train you until Our Free employment Department places you in a position.. Write, quiet for free catalogue. Heniphili Auto Tractor Schools, 163 King ýt. W., Toronto. 40-42 RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE CANADIAN NATIONAL 'RÀILWAY GOING EAST GOING WEST 8.42 a. mi. * 4.22 a. ni. F 10.36 a. ni. D 10.017 a. ni. D 1.26 p. ni. F g.02 Pý .ni 3.06 p. m. * 7.13 p. ni. 7.14 p. ni. * 8.24 p. ni.* 9.58 p. ni.1D 11.21 p. ni. F Sunday Oniy 12.29 a. ni. F 7.26 p. ni. P-Flag D-Daily *-Daily excepi Sunday. 200 Pair Women's Patent Leather, Black and Brown Leather, Slippers and Oxfords, regular $4.50 to $5.50, $3.95 PAIR 400 Pairs Ladies' Black, Brown, and Patent Leather Oxfords and Strap Slippers. Regularly priced and. con- sideredgood value at $7.50, $8 pair, -~$5.45 PAIR P/,2, Infants Black

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