After You Have' Usedý GREEN TEA 'I H474 you have a standard by whicS .%ta judge other teas. Salada is the finest produced in the world. - Try it. FPEE r-AMPLE of MIEEN TEA UPON REQUEST. "SAIABA,' TORONTO Mason & Dale lNo Oferyou, Plough, Points at 55c. Arms and Ammunition. Old Reliable Brantford Roofing. -and lotsof other things you want and wp have in our large stock of hardware. Quality Hardware at Lowest Prices 'MMI9A SO N &'lDAL E The Popular Hardlware -Quality and Right Prices Phone 145 Bowmanville CAN'mNEL À cAOA L Ebony Cube-the best cann el coal mixed. We have just unloaded a car for use in fire- place or grates. Noâw that the cool evenings are here let us. supply your wants for a fiee cosy warm grate fire. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Phone 153, Bowmanville Watc h Our, Windows Saturday Night For, Real Bargains In Meat. C, M. CAWKER & SON -Phone 64 Bowmanvillc BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 2nd., 1924. ENFIELD Ris many former school mates' hereabout, relatives and friends wil sincerely sympathize with Mr. Jon. Bray and family of Raglan in the death of wife and mother who had been suf ering for a considerable time previous to hier death, which took place at hier 'daughter's home in Oakville, on Friday, September 5th. She had gone to hier daughter's home on- a visit, and there was confined to ber bed, being a patient suferer un- tii the end. She leaves to mnourn her bs her sorrowing husband, three sons, George at home, John of Pros-' pect,-- and Will of Uxbridge, amd three daughters, Susie at home, -Mrs Will Tinley, Toronto, and Mrs. Har- ry Hughson, Oakville. The funeral was held at the family residence con- ducted by bier pastor, Rev. Herbert J. Latimer. The love and esteem in which ahe was held was shown in the many and beautiful floral' trib- utes. Interment was made in Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. HAMPTON (Crowded out iast week.) Our new merchant Mr. R. Dur- ward la already off to a good start inhis business, we ahl wish him good success and aIl join in weicoming him and his family to our community life .. . .The School. Fair on Friday beld, on the Elliott Memorial Park, was a real success though not quiteý so well attenided as other years. The ball game at the close of the after- noon of sports was splendidlycon- tested between a picked teami fromt Hampton and an ail star team of out siders. The home teami proved too many for the visitôrs and the final score was in favor of Hampton. Players: L.' Pascoe, E. Horn, W. W Jones, Dr., Kerslake, T. Wray, H. Cowling, W. White, R. Trenouth, LI Clemens, FI Cryderman. There were three gentlemen at the fair, around whom much interest was ýcentered. One was Mr. Thomas Elliott of Hampton, who is some eighty-four years old and in good spirits and enjoys fairly, goo d heaith, and a Mr John Buckley of Tyrone, a school chum of Mr. Eiliott's boyhood daysi an'd still a bosom friend, who i eighty-nine years of age and is, in- deed, active stili. The third one was a Rev. John Roadhouse of King- si 'on, father-in-law of Rev,. W. W. Jones of Hampton, who wili be eighty-six in a short time and is ln quite active health as well. The The Newcastie correspon'dent stated that Rev. Mr. Wilson, father of President J. S. 1. Wilson, Bright- on, was the oldest Methodigt minis- jter in Ontario, but Rev. Mr. Road- houseis two years his senior and a member of the ýMontreal Confer- ence. We are ail glad to see Mr. Frank ýCryderman in ourmidst again Iafter fourteen months' p'reaching in the Saskatchewan Conference. W e understand hie is to attend VictoriaI I College for a course in Arts and Theology. make the infantile system untenabli for worms, but by their action on thel1 stomach, liver and bowels they cor- recetsuchtroubles as lack of 'appetite, bfilousness and other, internai disor- ders that the worms create. Child- ren thrive upon them and no matter what condition their worm-infested stomachs may be in, they wiil show improvement as soon-as the treat- ment begins. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Contract for Port Hope's new primary Public Scbool bas been let to a Toronto firmi. Total cost will probabiy reach $35,000. The -Ou f or the Athete-In ru),- bing down, the athiete wiil flnd Dr., Thomas' Eclectric 011 an, excellent article. It renders the muscles and sinews pliable, takes the soreness out of tbem and strengtbens them for strainsthat may be put upon them It standls pre-eminent for this 1pur:1 pose,. and athletes wbo for years, bave been using it can'testify to itsl value as a lubricant. Fraser Lake water in Carlowl Township is dangerous, one cup of it being sufficient to kili at man. Aj caîf diedin 21 minutes aftelt drink- ing 34 ozs.j No Astbma Remedy Like It. Dr J. D. Keilogg's Asthma Remedy is distînctly dfiferent from other so- cailed remedies. Were this not so it woulld not have continued its great work of relief until known from SOLb IN'TOWN BY W. J. BAGNELL AND W. P. CORBETT A.LNcolLcaDaer t - 1 - . - - . ; Courtice, Bernard ,Hepworth, Mona Kinsman, Mildred Býrock. Poster Ana'ouncing School Fair- Clare Courtîce, Eva Darch, MarySe- ward,' Willie Bickie, Rose' Somer- scaies, Keir Lam'b. Map of Ontarîo-Wîllie R.iz neck, Gordon Osborne, Mary Sewam, Wl lie Bickle, Xenneth Osborne. Drawiag ,of Cabbage 1Worim- MAPLEGROVE SCHOO)LrFAIR HeId September 22nd. Prize List Wbeat, 1 quart-Frewell Black- burn. Wheat, Sheaf-Farewell $lack- humn. Oats, 1 Quart-Walter Blackburn. Oats, Sheaf-Walter Blackburn. Bariey, 1 quart-Edward Foley, Hlarold Osb orne,1 John Wilkin's. Barley, Shef-Ed'ward Foley, Harold Osbor ne. Ensilage Corn ---- Alex Chopolar, Keniheth Essery, Douglas Courtice, Jack Gay, Marion Rîckard, Max Nichols. Sweet Corn-May Freeman, Leah Bell, Robert Barber, Eldon Essery, Jean Vincent, Newton Ashton. Green Mountain Potatoes--Nora Adams, Norman Wa4~ers, Ada Annis, Byron Worden, Gordon Vincent, Wil- lie Nichiols. Irish Câbbler Potatoes-Jack1 Crago, Howard Wikht, Allen Clarke, Clare Courtice, Orvilie Grills,, M9bel Walter. Mangels-.-Glen Pickeil, 'Lewis Rundie, Bruce Muir, Wilbur Black- burn, Lawrence Ashton, Rose Somer- scalea. Turnips-Gladys Brock, Eunice Lane, Gerald Peterson./ Beets-Myrtle Montgomery, Mary, Seward, Helen Wilkins, Hazel Love, RonaldCrago, Allen Ciemence. Crrots-Betty Snowden, Wilfreci Brown, Leslie Alldread, Stewart Crago, Florence Bennett, Ethel Hopps. Parsnips--ýMarion Snowden, Gor- don Camphell, Ellen Gimblett, Sadie Muir, Annie Wilkina. Onions-Scebura Essery, Pearl Thompson, Ronald Love, Freda At- tree, Hazel Hoppa,. Çorsina Samis. Astera-Della Walter, Florence Simpson, 'Vera Trimible, Greta Love, Sam Gay, Fern Crago. Phlox-Rose Somerscales, John Ashton, Hazel- Love, Howard Wight, Harold Osborne, Sceburn Esaery. .Zinnia-Marlon Snowden, Louise Courtice, Sadie Muir, Mary Seward, Garnett Rickard, MayT.reeman., Cosmos --leen Hockin, Anale Wilkins, fleen Morpby, Marion Rick- ard, James Han'cock, Mary Konopa- cki. Marigolds-Ada Annia, Helen Wil- kins, ýPhyllis Clemence, Norman Walter, Dorothy Rundle, Jack Gay. Cockerel-Renneth Osborne, Flor-1 ence Simpson, Lloyd Metcalf, Dom- othyStevens, Ileen Hockin, Louise' Courtice. P'ullet-"Kenneth Osborne, Bessie Blackburn, Louise Courtice, Charles Clemence, Nelson Osborne, Florence Simpson. Pen-Bessie Blackburn, Domothy Stevens, Ileen Hockin, Charles ClYem- ence. Caîf, Beef-Waiter Blackburn, Clare Allia, Garnett Rickard. Caif, Dairy-Bruce Muir, Famweli Blackburn,' Archie Muir, 'Vernon Trimbie. Market Lamb-Faeweil Black- burn, Walter Blackburn, Wilbur Blackburn, James Armstrong, Spy Apples-Wilfred Aldworth, Ada Anais, Jean Wight,, Don~ald Courtice, Robert, Courtice, Garniett Riekard. Snow Apples-Ada Allin, Annie Allin, Lewis Rundie, Robert Courtice Clare Allin, Eva Darc'h. King Apples-Kenneth Osborne, Clare Allia, Douglas Courtice, Gor- don Osborae, Ada Allin, Jean Wight. Talmon Sweet Apples Douglas Courtice, Robert Courtice, Myrtle Montgomery, Dorothy Stevens, Jean Wight, Ada Annis. Collection Wintem Appies-Glares Allia,' Ada Allun, Jean Wight, How-1 ard Wight, Ada Annis , Dorothy Stevens. Pears-Dorotby Stevens, Annie Alin, Ada Anais, Hattie Worden, Donald Çourtice, Irene Hockin. White Bread-Fern Crago, Ruth Cobbledick, Rose Somerseales, Elien Gimblett, Marion Snowden," Sceburn Essery. Bran Muffins-Bernice Gay, Helen Smale, Phyiiis Clemence, Fern Crago Ada Annis. Oatmeal Cookies-Ivà Foley, An- nie Wilkins, Edith Balson, Winni- fred Rickard, 'Velma Gay, Florence Wikins. Chocolate Cake-Etelka Trimble, Beatrice Cryderman, Marion Trevail, Fern Crago, Leah Bell, 'Velma Gay. Apple Pie-Hazel Love, Winnifred Rickard, Marion Rickard, Phyllis Clemence, Allen Clarke, Ileen Hock- in. School Lunch-Louise iGourtice, Edth Balson,' Della Walter, Helen Wilkins, Mona Kiasman, Annie Wilk-1 DON'T DEPRIVE YOURSELF Prý4d your f olks with plnty of rich, pure milk. It is an economical food ; -no waste or bother either. Johnson's Milk is, highly regarded, air. -jDeliveredj Fresh Daily Hieap Your Table With Good food Your habit of purchasing quality Food is re- flected i n the health and happiness of your family. The high character of our Baking shows tatwe keep that fact in mmnd at ail times. JACOBS & HILLYER Successors to Christies Bakery Bownmanville Thrifty Housewives Use. Quality Groceries The prudent housewidfe knlows that it's false economy to use Groceries not,,of the best. Her table carnies food of quality which she caný obtain at the lowest' market prices at our store.- It costs no more to have your Èroceriès de- livered. *HARRY PHONZ 1 U ALUIN I. The Good Coo0>k, ,Buys Good Groceries, The thorough housewife knows that good cooking does flot start in the kitchen. She realizes that one must hiave good Groceries before one can crate. toothsome and wholesome dishes. That's why she buys here where quality is high and prices low. Al "RCHIE TAIT Bowmanville Phone 65 Mary Seward, Rose Somerscaies, Vera Trimbie, Elsie Sais, Corsina Samis, Eteika Trimble. School Parade-Courtice, Union, Providence. P-hysical Culture-Providence, Maple Grove, Darlington., Public Speaking-Phylis Ciem- ence,, Douglas Courtiýe, Howard Pet- eron, Mona Kinsman.: School Chorus- Singing-Courtice, Providence, Maple Grove. Corns disappear when treated with Holloway's Corn Remnover without leaving a scar. TRUCKING Direct from Bowmanville to Toronto I amn giving a daily. mhotor truck service 'be- tween the above places. Pick up and deliver both ways. You will save time and money by using this ser- vice. Orders may be left at J. J. Mason & Son's Office Phone 50, Bowmanville.. H. Conners 195 Lisgar-st. Toronto Phone Lakeside 6980 A, L. Nich'olls, Local Dealer.