DURHAM C. E. F. BATTALION (Continued from first page.) boys". Major Hosr sang "The BeIls of St. Marys" (with variations), and the old Sgt. Major recited "Branai- gan's Party", fuany stories were told by Dr. Bazlewood, Jim Rooney, Dr. Bonnycastle, G. Adkins and Colonel Farrell. Befior e closing a hesrty vote of thanks was passed to Proprietor Wsdbams for the excellent service and repast, and also the pianist Mr. George Aliman. A splendid eveniag wsas bronght to a close about 11.45 with the National Antheai. H0NOR ROLL 136th BATTALION lButson, W. G. Aidcroft. J. A. Airkless.Frank Barham, L. R. Bennewith, H. E. Branch, Robert Carr, fldwin F. Charman, G. T. Clarke, Fred Ciemno, Win. C. Coui son, E. A. Currie, A. ,Roy DoIan, . '.T. Eiiiott, iCharles Fergusoni, C. C. Fowie, C. G. Gibbs, W. S. oeanvilIi, S. Gorman. Chas. Granger, S. Guest, P. E. Hinton, Join Hortnby, YBm st Turnbnll, G. E. H-unter, Wm. Jackson, W. E. Johncox, Edgar Alias: Johaston Jose, Wm. W. Keating, Geo. Lacroix, Joseph Machelosse, R. Massie, Wm. McCusker, C. HI. McMann, Frank Milar, Davd Morton, C. H. Mutton, H. B. Newton, F. O-djick, Joseph Petley, W. R. rowers, C. Robb, Geo. Short, Ernest C. Smiley, R. L. Smith, James Staples, C. H. Steele, John W.. Swain, S. R. ,Wheeler, F. T. Whitehead, G. Wootten, John Yates, W. L. White, C. H.. Argent, Stephen Bail, Arthlur Barnard, A. Blake, Thomas Cain, Joseph F. Chance, P. G. Clarke, Chas. Ciayton, L. M Cooper, A. W. Curran, Chas. Delong, C. G. Edwards. A. Farr, Peter F. Ferguson, R. -B. Gibbs, R. J. GibS'on, F. Wm. Godwin. L. T. Graham, Edgar Green, J. L,. Hardy, J. A. Hodgins, L. P. Huffman, Jae Alias: Hiunt rwin, E. E.- Jardine, Andrew Shane, James Joxaegi Walter Joudoin, David Knight, G. J Lownie, W.' N. Mann, Geo. -K. Matthews, E. G. McDonald, C. 1 Millard, H. Moore, D. C. Moyse, J.ý R. Neville, J. Noden, G. H. Ormistoh. H.. Ptter, Chas. Rice, IManley Sheppard, J. A. Sisson, J. A. Smith, H. J. Sowden, 0. G. Stapies, J. O. Styles, Albert Werry, P. H. White, S. E. Wilson,, W. G. Wootten, C. W. MEDCAL, ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity University, alw of Royal Coliege Physicians, Fidin- bnrg. Speialty-Diseases of wom- en and children.- Office-Paxker'o Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduate of Triaity Univeruity Fellow of Triaity Medical Collage Licetiste of the State University of New York, Matriculate of the Post- Graduate 'Medical School and Hos- pital of New York and Fellow of the Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office ---Mrs. McNaugton's Residence. Newcastle.' Hors-8 to 10 a. mi., 1 to 3 p. ai., and by appointaient, THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bey. Mr. McLeod of West Bill coni)ducteld service in the Presbyter- i 'ai church Sunday wý,eek and resd to the congregation the resigniationi of the pastor, Bev. Grard Grshami, B.i A. Mr. Graham preacbýed bis ' fare- well sermon to the Newcastle cn gregation Snnday morning. Duringe his two years' ministry here hie has' made many friends among people ofi ail denomyinatiops la the village, whio will regret bis leaving.- Mr. Harold Allia kiadly assisted the choir at thisi farewell service and sang a solo "Ahl the way to Calvsrytr" by, Rodeheaver. Bey. Geo. Mason ,of Bowýmsnville will occupy thie pulpit in the 'Presbyter- ian chuirch for the next f ew Sundays. YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE Legere-opened on Monday nighitrîh a ýyp atteadance of memibers and visitors ini the S. S. As- sembly roomi. Besides carrying out the officially prepared Rslly service, the young people, put on a short temperance n l view of the fast appro, g p1)eiscite and open- ed th ircàÈp i:ga fôr the contin- nance of the Ontario Teaiperance Act. A yonng men's quartet, Messrs. Barnett Barris, Ewsrt Cleai- ence. Lswrence Cryderman ;and Boward. Allia, sang a rousing temp- eranýce soihg, "Keep la the middle of the Kiing's :highiwsy." Mrs., Truman Clark and Miss Elizabeth, Baacockc gave goo~d temperance readings wbile Mr. Orm Parker, lantera operator, reproduced from time to time on the screea, s model ballot properly mark- cd for the continuance of the O.TA. Thegeneral progrsmn opened with s song service with the words of the bymans used thrownv on the screen, followed by the opening prayer/îy Mr. 'Wes. D. Bragg. A piano duet by Mrs. Chas. W Cowan and Miss Nora Cowan received snch vigorous appisuse that the audience was fav- ored a second time by the piaists. A missionary pageant with s much needed moral was realisticshly enact- cd by yeung people of Shaw's sec- tion: Misses Lillian Clemence and Grace Bragg, and Messrs. Lawrence Cryderman, Ernest Gilbank, Earl Osborne and Stanley Bickard. The orchestra played a number of gelect- ions and at the close of the programn everyone partook of lunch and en- joyed a social hour over the coffee, sandwiches and tarts. Miss Ethel Lockhart is la charge of Memoirial -Lîbrary during absence of Miss Butler., Messrs. L. W. Thomas and J. B. Bonathan bave resumed stndy at 1Trirnty College, Toronto. ThaC-delicions baking-Woman'.9 Bakery-hÈas already created a big demand at Bobt. Wlton's. Aunt Maris says the only thing somne people use their heads for is to catch colds la 'em. Men's and Boys' Overcoats Overcoat tirne is here. My assortment is complete now. Don't wait but corne in and get flrst choice. I have the largest range for you to choose frorn-all new and up to date.in large variety of patternls and styles, Men's Overcoats .......................$15.00 to $35.00 Boys' Ove rcoats, sizes 26 to 35, $10.00 and $12.50 Boys' 2 Bloomer Suits, $14.00 value for ....$9.50 Men'$2.50 Overalîs for ..........................$2.00 Men"$ $1.25 Work Shirts .........................$1.00 Bloys' Golf Hose, All Wool ...... ..85c and- $1.00 This is just a fewý of the money saving articles to be had at this store. I guarantee my prices 10 per ýcent less than ahl others. A visit to this store will convince you. k1 2th Century Brand Clothing Made to Measure S. G. CHATA CLOTHIER AND' HABERDASHER 1 door west of 'Bell' Telephone Office Bowmanvîlle Serve Plenty of M eat These are the Threshers and Silo rounds. days when Fillers ý'are Apple Pickers, making their SYou already know that to keep a man happy you rnust feed him well. So all you have to do do is order one of our large tender ýuicy roasts and al Will be well. Try our home-made ail meat sausages, made fresh daily. Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block Phorie 22û, House 272 Bowmanville TheINwateideedet THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd., 1924 NEWCASTLE LOCAL DRAMATISTS SCORE MEMORIAL LIBRARY Miss Helen Tuif, Toronto, is guest SUCSSA OOO(Crowded out last. week.) of Ms. ranon.Newcastle dramatists gave hi Possibly few of the, citizens of Mi.ss Cora Butiler is in Louisville, popular play "Thie Dust of the Newcastle except thoze who have Ky., visiting friends. Earth" in Orono. town hall on Frn- taken an active interest in the mat- Mrs. Taylor has returned home day night in behaif of Clarke Agri- ter, realize how completely the Wom- from a visit with Toronto friends. cultural Society. This is the fifth en's Memorial Library Aid, which R. W. Gibson, Toronto, spent the time the Dramatic Club has present- urganization undertook to týaise weekend at "The*Cottage"~ with Mrs.- cd this play, and the second apper ud oeuptekthno h Gibson. ance in Orono. ý t was greeted ýby Communîty Hall, has succeeded in itÈs a greater and even more appreciative. task. Owîng to the effoarts put Rev. E. R. James has returned ýaf - audience than on the first occasion. forth by this energetic band of wom- ter a month's holiday, in north jEvery avgilable seat and all the en-~and the generosity of private country. standing room were taken and then i citizens the equipment is now coin- Mr. F. W. Hancock bas rented Miss some!. Only one change in the role plete, and a list of the contents of' Chapple's bouse on Mll-st., north and of original actors and actresses- the kitchen cupboards may be of in- is moving there. Mrs. Howard Cookeý, who as leading terest. They are as follows:j Miss Ida Stinson an'd Miss Fran- lady, învariably won tjie unmeasured 12 dozen 7 in. plates, 12 idozen 5 in. cis, Toronto, are visiting hier mother, applause of lier- audiences liaving plates, 12 doz. cups and saucers, 12 Mrs. Geo. Ellbeck. dropped out by reason of temporary bowls, 12 pitchers, 12 doz. glasses,, Returning Officer J. H. Devitt was ill health. Her place is now-being 1 12 doý. silver dessert knives, 12 doz., here this week in connection with ýtaken by a charming understudy, flver teasPoons, 2 coffee pots, 2 dip- the O. T. A. plebiscite. 'Miss Marion B&kerville whose clever pers, 2 garbage cans, 1 sink strainer, andMr. Cas MCoy Tr-acting and perfect rendering of her 14 table cloths each 5 yds. long,1 Mr. adMs hs MGy.Tr lines in every act and scene ma'de a 1doz. tablespoons'boughnt by Women's onto,> were week-end guests of his great hit and drew fortb r nnumer-,j Memorial Library Aid. 12 doz. sil- sister, Mrs. Win. Rickard. I able expressions of 'admiration. The ver f orks,, gift of Mrs. Geo. Eilbeck Mr. and Mrs. Reginald LeGresley other actors and actresses bave ai- and family; 2 comports and 1 platter, were welcomed home from their ten ready won their laurels and Onlce gift of Mrs. Cecil Horrocks; 2 doz. p'ays' honemo this midweek. again proved their capabilities. New- aluminum peppers and saîts, gift of >Orono's big Fair was well patron- castie Orchestra, assisted by friends Mr. Roy--Butler; 5 trays, gift of -the ized by Newcastle f olk, ail being un- from Newtonville and Mr. Andrew "Five Hundred Club"; idraining pan, animons in voting it the best ever. Knox and son, of Orono, furnished gift of >Mrs. J. Philps;' 1 coffee pot, Mrs. Eleanor J. Bale and Mrs. ýGeo the music.1 After the entertain- gift of Mrs. Moise Children's fuùnd; Harris, Oshawa, visited their sister ment, officiaIs of the Society served 1 copper boileri gift of Mrs. Moise's Mrs. W. H. Jackson, over the week: lunch to the drapiatists and orches- Sunday School1 class; 1 doz. dish tow- end. tra and on behaîf of the Society, the els, gift of Mrs. Moise; 2,ketties, gift His ono J<dgeWar hed aPresident, H. J. Souch, moved and of 'teen age boys; 1 dish pan, gift of Court oR eision i CouncldCha- the Secretary A. -Henry, secqnded a Mr. John Garrod. $10 00 was pre- bert ofatrda wh n ometwn> vote of tbanks to their Newcastle sented by the Preshyterian Associa- names were added to voters' list. fresfothirplndpror- tion to this fund.i A cheque forý ance given entirely gratis. $2500 sent by Mrs. Wmn. Rickard ati Mr. andi Mr. Roland Davidson, The play at the popular prices of the time of the opening was utilizedi sons Warren and Dick, and daughter 50 and 25 cent tickets netted the, for kitchen equipment as desired by Marie, were Sunday visitors at Mrs. Clarke Agricultural Society 'consider- hler, and a shower held last Noveai- Davidson's mother's, Mrs. Richard ably over $200.00. brrsle nvlnaysbcit Wýarrn' ____Ceci________an ions amounting to' $52.50. These Mi~.andMrs Ceil ~or-ocs ad Namounts and entertainmnents of var- daughters have returned ta the city METHODIST CHURCH SERVICES ious kinds put on by the Aid during after nearly fiye months in their lit- the last year, hias enabled it to pro- tle paradise of a- summer home, Bey. E. B. Cooke expressed& his vide the equipment as above stated, "Hal-a-Hll".sincere Yratification in the morning Iwith, a balance still on hand in the Mrs. (Rev.1 A. N. McEvoy and service for having, associated with equipment fund of $ý7.85. The daughter Helen retnrned to Detroit hi Rev. Peter-Addison who led in Aid hopes for the continued support on Wednesday havîng spent a de- the. opening prayer and delivered a of the citizexns in its work of belping lightful summer with Mrs. McIqvoy's brief, earnest address regarding the the -Board of Management, not only parents, Dr. and Mrs. Farneonfib. unquestionable benefits and blessings with the carrying on of the Library, Mr. Geo. Martin, for ýeveral years 'of -the, O. T. A. -and exhorted bis but in the providing and keeping in a resident of Toronto, 'has returned bearers to bold fast to that whicb repair of the equipment, of the Hall. to Newcastle and witb his wîfe and they bave, the Ontario Temperance two cildren, is mov(ing into Dr Act. Farnomb' brik bngalw atthe At the evening service Rev. E. B. lake, Cooke preached an exeeedingly thoughtful sermon from Bey. 3:8- MORE 0F AUNT'S PHILOSOPHY Mr. George Martin, recently of "4Behold 1 have set before thee 'an Toronto, but formerly of Newcastle,_ open door." This service was also Aunto says to, her nieces this week is spending a few days together witb richi in vocal music of a most inspir- that hesitation is often the cause of Mrs. Martin and two children at the ing and hielpful character. Mr. and 1oss, yet it is-not easy ta be quite home of Mr. and Mrs. Parnaby Mar- Mrs. Chas. McCoy of Toronto, form- suewe0aiga aad ofo tin, Mill-st. erly of Newc-astle, sang together in let your, disappointment bear ill-will. The fine Fife and Drnm Band of their nicely blending voices, "At the Face things squarely and not from Bowmniville L. O. L. rendered sev- Cross Roadsý." Time has ýdeait gently the distorted angle of jealonsy. eral selections in front of Commun- with Mr. and Mrs, McCoy and seems We cannot all be first, neither can îty Hall on Monday evening when not to have im>,paired in the leastthe we ahl hope to win. It is rash to Bowmanville Lodge paid a fraternal 'sweetnessý and mellownese of their speak of being robybed, or of being visit to Newcastle bretbren. voices since the days of fdorty years put aside, and of favoritsm--foolisb Mr and Mrs. Charlie McCay, Tor- ago or more wben they were resi- and most unsportsmanlike.. onto,- were w9ekend guests of bis dents -here and were wont to delight Yuwh anntigb odn sister Mrs. Wmn. Bickard. They the audiences of those days. Yuwl anntigb odn favored the congregation at the The ne wly-formed Allin Quartet:] a score against a neighbor. Ia fact, Metbodfist Churcb on Sunday even- Messrs. Howard, George, Mark and Isncb an attitude invites scathing, ing with a very sweetly' rendered Harold Allin, sang with good ýeffect comment. It will be so much more duet which was much appreciated. "From every stormy, wind that dignified and brave to bury the dis- Orono Horticultural Sceyetr blows." Miss Hattie Mason, soprano, appointmeat, and to meet your tained the Orono Horticultural Sa- and Miss Edna-Rickard, alto, held the neighbor as pleasantly as heretofore. ciey i Comunty allon u~saytense attention of the congregation Nothing'can be so small-niinded as eenn. Corn on the cob adas they sang in lovely harmony thetoswon'chgntohexet evenin. e n hech nd ut "Father in Heaven Above." of being rude -and quarrelsome to on the lunch menu. The visitors A nentirely unexpected pleasureanneno ateriwhtayhy gave a varied and mostdeligbtfui w~as the solo, "He lifted me", sung have aanoyed us. prograiu. y M r. Harold DaIy of Toronto,, who' Neigbfborliness in a small commua- proram Imost generously responded toanai in- ity is really necessary for thie wel- Dr. Stanley Montgomery and wif e, vîtation given to him 'by the choir fare of the place, and silch sight New York, visited Mrs. Taylor and1 leader Sust bef ore the servi ce, to i causes for a breach may bç the Mrs. Goldring. "Stan" wasý a regu- Ito the congregation. Mr. Dalyliscaeofwr tubeÈethn- lar summer visitor at Newcastle-on- ýbeen an occasional visitor here witb cessity arises for, a good pull in one Lake years ago where lie was a gen friends, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. direction-when something May eral favorite. His many friends will John' Douglas, but this was the first need the uaity of a large majority. be pleased to hear that hie has a time hie has sung at a churcb service. We 'ail depend upon one anôther successful Dractice in Gotham. He aiay be assured of a cordial. wel- toaà greater or lesser extent at one Mr. nd rs.Donad MLaclancome the next time be comes and1 time or another, and disagreeable ,Mr.andMrs.Donld MLaclansings snch a message of gospel love. and son Donald jr. -of Toronto, who'M ayi1a niaefredo r feelings go far, to check progress, Mr.Dýay i anintmat frendof r 1and certainly put a bigxhe:ck on con- have been occupying the Buckley ilJeiff Orchard1 of the Technicali tentment and hap)piness. bouse, Newcastle-on-the-Lake, ,forý1ShoTrno o fM.adMs the summer, raeturned to the City enS oTrntsno ndMs. Take your loss bravely and keep Satuday Mr. Dwnig wo sen fred Orchard of Indian Head, both a sharp lookont for the next oppor- Saudy r.Dwig-h se1f ormerly of Newcastle. tuiy a month with bier niece Mrs. Mc- ____tuty Lachian hasas reundto the There was a good attendance of ________ city. hildren and aduits at the Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brittain, Tor- School.Rally oh Sunday afternoon. ont, otre thouh er 'o Sun- The printed prôgramns prepared fori LETTER OF THANKS day and visited relatives in port the occasion were followed tbrough- Hope. On. the return trip tbey ont, the theme: "Our Neigbors" Editor Statesman, Bowmanville, ont. made a short caîl on tbeir uncle and, Prayer was off ered by Mr, J. J. Ug- DaSr:Imintcedbte aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas. low, a faithful i auperintendent of worshipfnl Master, Officers and They were accompanied by Mr. Brit- many yegrs' service. The bymns by1 Members of the 'Ionic L. 0. L. 1693, tin' niece nd gentle-man frie-nd Mr the shcool were played by Miss Grace Toronto, to convey to you our.,hearty prayer and earaest address of the __________ __ Dancing 9 to 2. nonagenarian preacheTr of 93, ,R]ev. Peter Addison. Many, changes have CHIROPRACTIC AL. LINTON'S ORCHESTRA pýssed over their heads since the TORONTO days of their youth. Mr. Saady, sr., Dr. Durwia E. Steckiey of Bow-, is gradfather of Mrs. Co'oke at manville 'wîll niake residential calîU TICKET $1 .00 whose home, Mfr. Cooke's sister, Mies ia Newcastle, Monday, Wednesday Refreshmients in Recreation Room- Cooke of Fittsbnrg, U. S. A., is xnow and Friday., For an appointmeni a guest.i phone 141J, Bowmanville. 82-t________________ RWALTON: Groce Competition Lif e of Trade That's the old saying. And we're mot a bit afraid of competition from other towns or cities.' 'We take second place to none when it ornes to giving best quality,,valueé and'service in Grocerie8, Confectionery, Fruits, Vegetables, Bread, Buns, Cakes and Pastry. H. S. BRITTON, Newcastle Licer & Grocer HAMPTON SCHOOL FAIR Marjorie Martyn, Vera, Shackleton, i Marjorie Niddery, Dorotby ýHa, HeId Septemnber 19, 1924 Velma Orchard. Apple Pie-Grace Hastings, Flor- Prize List ence Burns, Dorotby Boar,, Retta Wheat, Marqis-Lloyd Hoar. Billett, Rets Carr, Mary Bundle. Wheat, Sbeaf-Lloyd BHoar. jSchool Lunch-Eleanor Syke, Oats. O. A. C.-Gordon Brent. Eileen Stainton, Mora Kersiake, Jes7- Oats, Sheaf-Gordon Brent. sie Knox, Helen Baker, Evelyn Tink Barley, Sheaf-Ivan Stephen-s. Chocolate Fudge-Nora Kerslake, Ensilage Corn-Albert Bundle,, Eleanor Sykes, Vers Shackleton, Edgar Wighlt, Doris Fice. Dorothy Hoar, Chrislia Olseni, Dor- Sweet Coxn-Elias Greenaway, othy Harris. Mari orie NiddJeryý, Russell Balsion, Clothes Pin Baâg-Eleanor Sykes, Tom Westlake, Luella Martyn. Christs Olsen, Florence Burns, Buby Potatoes, Green Mountain-Lor- Parker. enzo Wakely, Frank Smith, Jerry Kitchen Towel-Violet Petley, Glaspeli, Kenaeth Petley, Wilfred Eleanor Sykes, Florence Burns, Rnby Smale, Morley Flintoif. Parker, Jessie Knox, Christs Olsen. Potatoes, Irishb' Cobbler-Elwood Dafning. on Stocking-Chirista Shackleton, Ernest Bora, Pearl, i Osen, Florence Burns, Jessie Knox. Flintoif, Dorotby Smith, Baymond Emibroidered ,' Towel-Audrey Burns, Nelson Fice..- Sbortridge, Helen- Baker, Velma Mangels-Ted Johns, Jessie Knox,, Orchard. Wreford Cornish, Boscoe Baker, Tbree Button Boles-Mvarjorie Stanley Cowling, George Kersiake.' Martyn, Edith Pascoe, Velma or- Tnrnîps-Vera Shackleton, Dor- chard, Dorotby Hoar, othy'Hoar, Austin Barron, Leonard \Scarf, Hand-Knitted-Edith Pas- Martyn, Francis Jones. coe,, Elein Balson., Beets-Bloyd Wilcox, Maurice Trap Nest-Raymonid Burns, Nor- Baker, Beatrice Jones, Florence man Clemence, Arnott VanNest. Burns, Barold Martyn, Merwin ýCry- Hammer Handle-.Joha Rundie, derman. - Albert Rundle, Norman, Clemence, Carrots--Mary Bundle, Eric Jones,'Doýnald Barris, Sidney ,Martyn,, Boy Harold Ta"b, Gladys Martyn, Made- Hockený. line TruIl, Muriel Baker. Bird Hose-A1bert Rundle, John Parsnips-Lutber Pascoe, Bernet- Rnndle, Leonard Martyn, Raymond ta Bates, Evelyn Tiak, Buby Parker, Burns, Boy Bockea. Clifford Martyn, Kate Jones. 'Collection of Fungus Diseases of.- Onions-Lillian Jelbson, Ethel1 Plants-Mary Bnndle, Dorothy Hoar Wakely, Wallace Horn, John Rundle, Gordon Breat. Rets Fliptoff, Vers Kerslake., Collection of Insects-Gordon Asters-Francis Jones, Merwin. Brent. Cryderman, George Werry, IMarjorie Collection of Noxions Weed Seeds Martyn, Violet Lamab, Ernest Bora. -Gordon Brent, Mary Bundle, Nor- , Phlox--Edna Carr, Wreford Corn-1 man Clemence. ish, Vers e Sbackleton. Poster Annonncing- R.' S. F.- î Zinnia-Chester Prescott, Made- Mary Rundle, Dorothy Hoar, Ray- liine Truli, May Westcott, Lorenzo mond Burns, Ruth Fice, Jessie Knox, Wakely, Doroth» Hoar, Bernetta Eleanor Sykes. Bates. Map of Ontario-Mary Rundle, Cosms-Bowena' Stephens, Helen Dorothy Hoar. iKnox, Dorothy Barris, Ethel Moorey, Life History of Cabbage Worm- Muriel Baker, InaCar' Mary Bundle, - Dorothy iÈoar, Aud- Marigolds-Gordon Brent, Evelyn rey Sbortridge, Nora Kerslske, Alan Tink, Sidney Martyn, L.illan Jebson, Balson, 4oy- Hocken. Buby Parker, Dorothy Saiyth. Stock Naming-Dorothy Boar, Cockerel-Donald Barris, olga Wilfred -GreeaWayï, Mary, Rundie, Cowing, Ethel Stephens, Helen Albert Rundie, Arnott Van Nest, Knox, Eleanor Sykes. . Nora Kersiake.. IPnllet -Donald Barris, Wesley Weed Namxng-Mary ' Ënle, Yellowlees,' Ethel Stephens, George Dorotby Hoar, Albert Hoar, Alan Chant, Olga Cowling, Sidney Martyn I Balson, RKenietb. Petlei',. Edgar Pen-MaryCameron, Helen Knox Wright. George Chant, Olga Cowling, Sidney School Parade-Bradleys, Mervyn Martyn, Donald Barris. J. Hobbs, teacher; Hampton, Frank- Caîf, Beef-Bruce Tink, Albert lin J. Groat, teacher; Solina, B. J. BRundie, Wilfred Greenaway. McKessoc k, teacher; Mitchelîs, Miss Caîf, Dairy Heifer-Wilfred1 Lyda L. Taylor, teacher; Bethesda, Greenaway. JMiss'Lena'M. Ferguson, teacher. Market 'Lamb-Gerald Balson,' Physical Culture-.-Bakers,, Miss Gordon Brent, B arvey Balson, Jer- Marjorie Collacott; teacher; Solina, ry GlaspeIl, Bslph GlaepeIl, Evelyn Bampton. Tink. içPublic Speaking-Dorothy Boar, McIntosh Apples-Heleni Baker, 1 Ruth Fice. Dorothy Boar, Maurice Baker, Mur-i School Singing-Soliaa, Hampton,' iel Baker. IMitchelis. Spy Apples-Muriel Baker, Lloyd' Boar, Dorothy Boar, Vera Shackle- ton, Christs ,Olsen, Grace Bastings. J A t Snow Apples-Norman Clemence, J.W 'afl - Maurice Baker, John Stainton, Vers Shackleton, Christs Olsen. King Apples-Elwood Shackleton.!I General Inerance Agent Baldwin Apples-Lloyd Boar, El- I 'lerk> of 2nd Division Court. Ce* w2od Shackleton,' Wesley Yellow- -misgioner. etc, lees, Helen Baker, Maurice Baker,_______________ Christs Olsen. Collectioni ApplesýVera Shackle- G Û Î CO K E , ton, Lloyd Hoar, Muriel Baker, Dor- othy Hoar. ~J .~L Talmon Sweet Apples-M3uriel Baker, Elwood Shackleton,,, Arnot VanNest, tlorothy Boar, Helen Bak- er, Christs Olsen. is echeapér than wood and le Pears-Eleanor Sykes, Gordonth euatohebsGalI Brent, Editb Psscoe, NelsoaTob- te -qalt hls ol bins, Harvey Balson, 'Gerald Balson. have a suupfly of the best White Bread-Marjorie ýMartyn, Mary Bundie,, Rowena Stepheas.' Coke obtainable. Bread Buns-Buby Parker, Mary Bundle, Marjorie Martyn. I Highest gad 'fAntra Bran Muffins-Betta Billett, Chris- 1 rdeoî_.~1a to Olsen, Mary Bundie, Marjorie I cite always on hand. Nidery, Eleanor Sykes, Grace Hast- ings. Grace Bastings, Nora Kerslake, Vel- G o mh e o ma Orchard, Marjorie Martyn, Aud- rey Sbortridge.Necse Chocolate' Cake-ýMary Buadle,Necsl Just What You, Wlanted Yon bave often heard Tor onto f olks boastiag about, the j del icious ba king snpplied by The Women's Bàkery., Well, y ou can now huy some of these appetizing cakes and faacy 1 - riht t y sore-C-e1a ad se-hisbak .gAd