SOLD RN TOWN BY W. J. ~,Keeps EYES' Clear, Bright and Beautifum WriteMurine Co., Chicago, forEYeC-areB3Ook Give it Fair Pla>y Why not decie NOW toi ve ZUTOO Tkb1et,the re ied go ur. lyused fer headacbe ina; r auan triâl ? If there le aay doubt la yotwmlnd as tothe worthof these tablts oî ir fthç harrnlcasnms, try them md KNOWth truth. 13o12>t sarifice yow ooefot=umas cotrnt of prejuice or skeim.TZy* tabletsad know. 25c tdi=a n Iy mailprepald B. N. oac Reg'cLçcýatlcook, Quebe. Zutoo VITAMINS it mwas while experimenting with cod-liver oiu to Unlock the secret of its wonderful health -building virtues, that the basîs of its great hýelpfulness to mnankind, the vitamins, was discovered. Scott's Euso needs no introduction to the millions who during fifty years past h ave been hielped to strength and better hecalth. Scott's Emulsion, the great strength-maker, serves millions of children and aduits regularly. Why not you ? Scott & flownie, Toronto, Ont 24-25 The Great Englim' Preparatan.. *Tonea and învigorates the whole nervous system. makes new lood in old Veins. Used for NerVOUS' ÏDebiiit>',,ental and Brain Wory, Desponden7 , Loas of Ener- - palpitation of Éhe Heare, aling Mefo7y. VPuce $Spet boxa3e for $5. $ Sold by ail druggis, or mailed in plain klg. on recipt of priçe. Newv pampltt a4d ee.THE WOOD MREDICINE Co..TORONTOOnT., Cook's Regulating Compound, A osie, reliable roguklaig ncedicice. Sold in threede 4reea ofastrength-No. 1, $11, N. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. SSold b yaldrumgists, or ent q prepa on rercexpt ofpr. Ye paphlet. Addreès: TH4E COOK MEDICINECOe.1 e toDoNtio,ONT. FormerlyWindsoo1 MMAILING CHILDPENM2 POWDER S * OONtAi4 Mr NARCOe EASMLY TA ee. QJICKLYAN 7rOT OiO>E.YLANE SSEN l AuET As ST;=.i BAGNELL AND W. P. CORBETT BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 16, '1924. "TO YO U I was sitting with pencil in hand- My paper before me-and think- ing' 0f people I've known or have, passed And their face with their char- acter linikng. With thougbts absent-minded, 1 traced then A smile as of deep understanding; A gaze of the truest of kindness, A mind true affection comnanding.1 A mien that was gentie and Christ- like, A character, faithful and true; Eyes that were steadfast and noble, Behold!-'Twa3 a portrait of you! -Viola Shott. FUL OF AUHE -AND PAINS Toronto Mother Found Reief by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comipound Toronto, Ontario.-- 1 have found Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- Pound a splendid mnedicine to take before andi after confinement. A smali book wvas put -i nimy door one day advertising Lydia E. Pi'nkham-ý's medicines, and as I did not feel at ail well at the time I went and got a bottle of Vegetable* Compoundj right away. 1 soon begn to notice a difference in mny general health. I wau fuil of aches and pains at the time and thought 1 had every complaint going,î but 1- can truthfully say your medicine certainly did me good. I can and w-111 speak highly of it, and 1 krnow it will do other women eod who are sick and ailing if they will only give it a fair trial. Lydia E. Pinkham'a Liver Puisç are splendid for constipation. You axei welcome to use nMy letter if you thlnk( it will help any one. "-Mmr. HnARyt WESTWOÔD, 543 Quebec Street, Toronto, Ontario. The expectant motiier is wise if she considers carefully this statement of Mrs. Westwood. It is but one of a great many, ail telling the smre story-bene-t ficial results. Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegtble Com- pound is especially adapted for use dur- ing this period. The experience of others womnen who have found this niedicine a blessing is proof of ita great merit. Wby not try it now yourself? -C --- ....... Puttlng up fruit qa and vege±tables t, nieans a big saving E in winter food costs. Praserve now - niateriala f are epaIpetfl "Tai'red and Worried Nervous and Despondent"' Mns. M. Çhev&Eîer, Belle River, Obnt., writea: ..n>7 eght yearz, I suffered frv< desponidcncy and nervousness. &aY I woulbe so Ëtired that rny work was a burden to me. 1Ibe- gan usmg Dy. Chase's Nerve Food and oen say I amr no en- fis do not wor-y nie as they uSed te. ~Dr. Chase$ Oirneut msa re- heved nie of eczema on my amis, which had bothered mie for tbree yearA. Nt, house iS neyer with- out Dr. Cbase's Me&àines." Dr. Chase9às Nerve Food 80c&a box of60 pBIa, Eftmns, Batkh e , Jo~LAd., Twonto Mvr. Gallagher cf Blackstock, inter-I ment being made in Coes.ýarea Cem e-I trwere the last rites were per- formed uinder the auspices cf the R r Orange Order, Lodge No. 133, ofIA C H I whic'h the late Mr. Deacon was aj member cf long standing. Many j Phonle 65 friends from Toronto and other ou t-1 side points were presented an~d th e floral tri«butes were numerous andý beautiful.________________ ORONO NEW INTERNATIONAL (Fremn The News October 9th.) OFEEC Mss Norma-ýï Ryan, Toronto, is By Chas. M. Bice, B. A. L . visiting her uncle, Mr. Thos. Hen- Denver, Colorado. Rev. A. K. and Mrs. Edmi!son, Lit- Wonderful things are being done île Britain, recently visited her now in Europe, and the program father. is being wrought into deeds by a Mrs.' Ritz lad daughter, Kitchener, Socialist--Labor Internationale,, net visited hier daughter, Mrs. Louie se different fromn the original Inter- Yonker. nationale organized in London sixty Missýes Leta and Edna Stutt visit- yeairs age, under the direction of the ed their aunt, Mrs. Chas. McNeil, indefatigable Kail Marx, whose namne Millbrook. is worshipped by millions, and who Mi', nd Ms. Wer, on Jck, i'. s given responsibility for the revolu- andMrs Werso JaL- tien-s which have taken place i e andj Mrs. Curran, Toronto, visited at cent times in Europe. His enem-ies Mv. . H.Powe's.of to-day in Germiany-and they are Mlrs. D. Robb wlll continue tbe many and influential-blaine himi for teaching cf music the present tern i the -world war, and repudiate him as in the Public Scol.f a German and shelve hiim on the Dr. and Mrs. John Chester /andi British, wbose ag-lent lbe is accused daughter Jotan, -Deshoro, are at heri,,of beîng in setting on foot in the father's, Mr. T. Smith. Western world, ideas that redounlded Miss, Lola Richards, Tyrone, wasi te the advantage of England. How- guest of Miss Grace Virtue at heri ever that may bie and it is, &training sister's, Mrs. Harry Mercer. 1 at the politic-econ 'onbic gnat-the Mrs.' Harrison received word Tues- significance okthe present European day cff the death of hier mothr situation lies in tbis, that the goverfi- Mrs. Stanley Russel, and left te be' ments nicat -iedliatel-y concernied, present at the f uneral. ýare Socialist-Labor, or Socialist dis- tinctively, and who are bient in put- Mr'. and Mrs. Wellesley Staples ting into effect the doctrines cf their and daughter Audrey, Mr. Chard parties; and the parties differ only ,and Ms L. Conneil, Lindsay, vis- on the nenessentials. ited at Mr. Robt. Fowler's. . It is net an accident that- Great General John Hughes and daugh- Britain,' France, Belg-ium and Ger- ter, Mrs. Adolph Henry, who have manyarunrthruecSoil been on a trip te California and Mex- ist Administrations; it is design.~ ico, are now in British Columbia. 'Ihe 'the Big Four, for] as' ~ ~ ~ ~ li_ aeti O iltketef conize samn cf For Burns atnd Scalds.--Dr.hThoni- nmbrof years, have been e eut o f a hurn or scald. It should Inter-national Socialismn. ,Tbey bave lie at hanid in every kitchen se that known 'one anothiera long tume and it mray be available aýtan 'Lime, have met in international convention There is ne preparation iequired. and conference, fer a quarter cf a Jus;t apply the oil te thebun- century possibly. The war inter- s ald ad the pain will abatean rupted these meetings, but it did net a ýýort ilneceae alogeter. interfere with theis, friendships and a sorttim cese ltoethr. 1 the ends te be cought. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hall received The political revolution bas coern slight injuries when the car driven slowly for a' revelution, and -tee « by Mr. Wmn. Cornish, skildded on quickly te be called an, evolution, al- the wet road and struc k the opposite tho'ugh the seeds were planted years bank. age. The capstene was placed on the Socialist-Liabeor structure at the A bill for! $400 damag'es te engine beginnin.g cf the yearý when the Brit- Iwichl broke thýreugh the third hine iýsh underteok-L the e,,,, ment cf put- bridýge recently was presented te the ting in power the ,M' rald 'Labor Township ýCouncil by the owner Mr'. party cabinet. It was done for a George Law. oM...hrtn purpese. The ,wiré, i-ers~ that1 ex-M. P., -a eta erosasr-someth ing ,te, achieve th, : culd net perted. He was taken with a weak be dene otberwise. Uier the old spell Sunday- morning which hie as party administrations no:h.!-ing could beeni able te shake off. be accomplished t ,a- settlernent Miller's Worm Powders are comn- and Britain was, drifting toward the plete in themselves. They net only abysa. drive wççorrns from the system, but, Liberal and Gonservative and repair the darnage that worms cause Coalition governmefrts failed by and se invigorate the constitution turn. Se far and then 'an em- that it speedily recovers frem the passe I Across the channel a like diserders cf the digestion that are situation existed. Governments the result cf the wýork cf these par-, changed but the dead-lock contin- asitic intruders. They de their, ued. France and England w ere work fhoroughly and strength a nd dr$fting apart,, ai-d veiled threats of soundneiss follow their use. war were heard. Francee had built Methodist, udy S o all'p owerful air k9eet and London ws adSndy MSchWoW.SRap- knew that for the hour it was at the les, Lindsay, on "Hitch your Wag- T e igifm'a-rsitainwa.iia on te a Star". He is a plea.sing Th egunstainwssmlr speakeran would be weîcometl te that in Britain and France, and here on any future occasion. At tbrough it aIl the proletariat was the evening service Rev. Mr. Barten, threateninig revolution and a new evangeliat of Toronio, occupied the deal a-Il around.i pulpit. A well rendered selection by From London the eue went ever a mlixe d quartet in which Mr. andi te the continent, As soon as the Mrs. S-warbric(-k, Keridal, and solos by Baldwin-Curzon administration went _Mrs. O. W. Rolph and Mr'. R. R. down te be succeedeti by the Labor Foster were mnuch enjoyed. party administration, a change was demanded in France>and the elec-1 For Spmains and Bruiises.-There tiens following sealed the fate cf the2 hs nething better for sprains and Milleranti-Poincare rule. In Bel-1 contusionsý than Dr.' Thornas' Eclect- gîurn',lhe advanced Socialista, threat- ric Oil. It will reduce the swelling ened the 'overthrow cf the ThennisJ that follows a sprain, will cool the government if it did net becomne hib- inflamed flesh and draw the pain. e-alîzed and work in harmlony with t It will take the ache eut cf a bruise thie new Downing 'street. A hint, it t by counteracting the inflammation. seems, in this case was sufficient. b A trial will convince any who doubt, its pwer.In Germany belligerancy ceased its pwer.with the changes at Downing street -Mr. Ephraim Harper and farnily and the Quai d'Orsay. Berlin msaw are leaving the' McCrea section a new light w-hich was communicated where h e has farmed 47 years, for te the Germani prolotariat.' The e R<ochester, N. Y., te reside with his Germa" gcvernment ahi at once, wasf sisters, where the- eldest cf whem, willing te do business with its former Martha M. Harper nowýý Mrs. :Me- enemiies on a reasonable basis. Baine, býas been carryinig on hai', Under the tenets cf International dr'essing business fer an equal num-' Soeialism which is in the saddle. nlew M b)er cf years, which bas now'become understandings were reachei, of SI almodst world wide. The Harper course, unefficially at first. Recrim- e sisters have amassed mnuch wealth. ination andi revenge were dropped Branches cf the "Harper Method" fvom the vocabulary cf the new deal- - Hair Dressing Parlers are now es- ers. It was discovered that there tablished net only in the leadinig were ne visitera and ne defeated cities cf the States and Canada but nations. Europe must corne toget- in soin cf the great cities of, Eur- lier on a basis of true international- ope. In Rochester they have a, fsm. training sehool. cf which a daughter But what the basis?ý The goda cf Mr.' Harper bas charge, te qualif y iroi emt ehaete hre girls ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l fo1oki her eVbih The way eut was f ound froni a non ments. Very recently a couple of Sials ainfo ai n-a iý,TAIT Bowmanville [is as far apart politically frorn Europe as it i s in space; and the plan 'was the wýorki-ng of the Inter- national Bner'Syndicate. Still, -t ýe Daes rplan vwould flot have beeni acceptable without the re- markable change that hfad takenl place in the minds of the people in the European nations principally aifected, and these changes in the thought of former enemies were the result of the understandings reached. among the Socialist premiers of thie Big Four nations. -The British-Socialist Labo.- Party went on 'record soon after the close of the war in what it demanded in foreign polities of a governiment re-, presenting the party. It sto.od for the League of Nations, but a league which would contain representatives of ahl democratic nations, an'd, far- ther, "that permanent peace can on- [y be secured by the creation of an international body possessing th e confidence of the people of each country, which can only be secured by adequate direct representation of Iabor on the council of the league", so said McDoniald before hie was pre- mier. There is now an interna tional laor office connected with the League of Nations, governed by a' body of representatives in which' Labor bas its share; and this office has had a great deal to dIo with boinging about the ne-w understand- ings at London and more recently at Geneva. "The international labor erganization is not what the organ- îzed workers would have miade it, if they ha;d had the making of the peace", declared McIDoniald before 'le became prime minister. "But1 it is there, a part of the public law of Europe and an instrument -which the European democracy can use" G ermany has decidesi to go into, the League of Nations, if1 permit. ted, and it will thien becomne automn- atically, a part of the international labor body. The SecialIsýt-Labor combination,' now in control of European affairs, is preparing the way fox Russia to enter the league, and its subsidiary, the international labor office. The leaders of this comibination are pledged to that end. Labor is in- ternational, and the two chief na- tions in Europe cannot be left out. The conference, now in session at Geneva, was called at the ins;tigationi of this samne politico-Labor party, and in that respect, it may be de- pended upon te accomplIsh its pur- poses. Granting ail this, it dees net necessarily follow, that Socialism, as taugbt by Karl Marx is te be inaug- 'urated in Great Britain. The Ang- Io Saxon bas something in bun diametrically opposed to paternalism. Rle bas individualism, as bis distinct- ive controlling instinct, like àbis brethren on this continent; but the re-cent bistory of politicail aiffairs, isi sure to give the socialists great1 poe n gvrni atters thru-, eut Europe, ineluding Great Brit- ain, and is about certain te Iead to new adjustn-ents in governmnental control eve'r the industries of every country across the Atlantic, and per force, te some extent on tbis side. It would seemn fromi the present as- pects of affairs, that Soviet Ruhsia, or bolshevismr, is havipg its- influence over the nations of Europe as its advocates claimied i n changing the social and industrial habits cf the people, and this bas been brought abrout, net by a bloody revolutioni, but by quiet, but nevertbeless, effect- ive evolution. They eall this de-1 rnecracy, but it is anytbing but thati in its true work.ings. It may mean the dooi of mYonarchy, and the ex-1 tinction of Empires, or Emperors, but it- bas a long race to run in changing tbe instincts cf the people, a.nd preparing themn for the tenets of Socialism,. cialist Labor Party bas since been de- feate'd and a new election declared. Many people are almiost crippled with corns. But it is ineedless suffering whic h can be speedily end- ed witbH -olloway s Corn 'Remover. Derotsuferanothier (7:,Y çiI lihnBieedrng, or Pr3tûd iig surgicai operation re.quired. Dr. Cias;e's Qintment will ieeou-tncad afford lasting beniefit. 60c ia box, ail dealers, or Edmyanson, Bates & Ce.. Lirmiteo, Toronto. Samiple box free. Prices reduced on ail sizes of Iamps: 3 1lamps for 96r- For Sale By GREENAWAY & ELLIOTT'