g. lii Your Account ]Book andi Youx Bank Book IF your account book shows a profit, that profit should be recorded in your baDk book as entries of deposits or else it is likely to dwindle away. t is a good plan to use the two books together. Estimate your profits in orle and then transfer themn to the ether where they wil[ grow even greater by' the -systematic addition of interest. Open a Savings Account with us at our nearest b ranch. "A Bank Where Smali Accounts Are Welcome" <~N.( ~ ,-.. ~s3.I k BANK 0F MONTREAL EstabIished over 100 years Bowmànville Brandi J. A. McClellan, Manager ToWa Asset-s in excessof> L q *a. $ 000.000 BOW,ýAN,,VILLE, OCT. 16, 1924. USE YOUR VOTE FOR O. T. A. ? Do you want the world improved?ý Use yeur vote. Want injustices removed?E Use your vote. You've a power to command Governmnents will,' not Withstand, Just Uhe ballot in your hand. Use your vote! You've as g-reat a power there As te ~In your vote, Ast-eproudest milionaire. Use your vote! Ballot boxes neyer heed Wealth or color, race or creed; Here's dmcrcindeed, 'use your vote! Merely talking will, not do; Use your vote! There must be some action, too. Use your vote!" Words won't change the world 'tis plain; Feelings without deeds are vain; If thie right you would maintain Uise your vote. If the whole -world voted well- Use your vote. Whaut we ight do none can tell, Use ~Your vote! To your princirpies be true; 'Tis a thing you ought to do; Every man and woman, too, Vote for 0. T. A. EDITOR'S NOTES Alter a very keen and strenuous campaign last week W. B. Snow~ball, Liberal, was elected over C. P. Hîick- ey, Conservative, by over 500 ma- jority in the by-eleetîon in 'North- umnberland, New Brunswick, to fil the vacancy in the Dominion House caused by the death of the ate Hon. John Morrissy. This is the third Liberal victory within a f ew weeks in bye-elections. Ladies' Fur Coats-special show- ing this week--Hudson Seal, French Seal, Persian Lamb and Muskrat Coats at exceptional lose rcs 4ý Couch, Johnston & Crydemn A Beneficial Meal-Time Habit Your Children Should Form Carrie Blamnchard's Offer .1I wat you to try Postum for thirty days. I wat to ,,tat yLo out on your test by givinig youl ro.r first week's supplýy. 11,t seems to mae that it would be a wise plan fer mothers. particularly, to think of this test lu con- nection with the health of therfalis "W'il1 You send mie your nane and addieas? Tell me wýhich kixnd you prefer-Instant Postumn or Pstu- 9ereal (the kind you bol). l'Il see that You gt the first week%'s supply right away." FREE--MAIL, THIS C0UMPON NOW! Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd. 45 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont. 1 want to make a thirty-day test of Postum., Please send me. vithout cost orobligation. tefirst week's supp1y of IN.,STAN,,T POSTUM J Check whic POSTUM ÇEREAL[] you prefer ...a....................................... S r e ...................... r............... y OU natucrally hesitate to give the children tea and coffe because of the -poisons Caffeine, and Tannin these contain. Yet it is hard to refuse when they want "the samne as you have". Serve, as your family beverage Instant Postum-the wholesom-e, invigorating, delightful hot bey- erage which ail may enjoy with. safety and benefit. Have better health yourself through ridding your system of these irritating poisons. Formn in the children's mninds a habit which will keep themn heaithier in later if e. Instant Postum is a pure cereal bever- age made instantly in the clip, with hot milk or boiling water. Economicai - costs half-a-cent a cup. For those who prefer it, there is Postum Cereal, Made by boiling for twenty minutes. Ask for Instant Postum at your restaurant, your club and on the train. Take advan- tage of Carrne Blanchard's off er. Send the coupon. ýCanadian Postum Cereal Co., Limited Head Office: 45 Front St. East, Toronto Factory: Windsor, Ontario ""There's a, Reason » CtiILDR EN LoVU INSTANT POSTU m aieaüh mass LOook a t it broadliy, andI check, you inclination to be over confidentiai. As a matter of fact the - perso who is seemixily distant and cooli more likeiy to'outlast a more gusI ing acquaintance. There are man iaws wbich govern true friendsbil and time is one of them. It is rai to prove a Lriend is a friend in shiort space of time. Absence, a( versity and c-lose inthmiacy go t( AUTUMN WEDDINGS Tuesday, Ogtober 7th., 1924, at th-'e homreof the bride, Miss5 Gertrude Munroe, daug'hter of Mr. and Mrs. pLames MYur.ioe, Sonya, was united in mýIarriàge 'to Mr. Chifford Jackson,ý eldiest son of Mr. and Mrs. David M. J-ackson, Scugog. The bride who was gowned in peach cohored georgette crepe, was attended by her sister Miss Lexie Munroe, whio was dressed in sunset barnet satin. The groomi was supported by his brother, _Mr. Mansel Jackson, of Lansing, Mich. The cedemony, was performed by Rev. Geo. Mason, Bowmianville. The wedding march was phayeed by Miss Edna Spence of Toronto. During the F#igning,- of the register Miss Marguerite Jackson sang "Ahi for Thee", After a short honeymioon Mr. and Mrs. Jackson whli motor to their fLut- uire homxe, Springfield, Illinoi3. The bride received mény pieasing ýwedding giffs including a cheque fromn the head office of the Standard Bank, whexe she bath been entployed. Mrs. Jackson was aiso the recipienýt of a shower from her girl fTiends prior to here marriage. Mercet~-Roeniglc A pretty autuma wedding took place on Tuesday, October 7th fat the residence of the bride's mother, 37 Ridout Street, Linndsay, when Edna Maude, daughter of Mrs. Roenigk and the late W. H. Roenigkc, was unit- ed in marriage to Mr. Harold Vin- cent Mercer, son off Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mercer, Lindsay. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Cdanon Marsh. The bride, who was given away by ber molher, wore a charming French gown of poudre blue satin .crepe -with large black panne velvet bat and carried a shower bouquet of Ophielia roses and Lily of the Val. ley. The wedding march from "Lohen- grin"' was played by Mrs. W. A. Gra.ham, sister of the bride, and dur. ing the signing of the regisgter, Miss Eva Roenigk sang "For You Alone", After a dainty huncheon the- hap. py Couple heft for a miotor trip to the -States. Among the guests were 'Mr. 'and Mrs. W. F. Dale and Mr. Melville S. Dale, Bowinanville. Bennett-Dunn St. John's Rom-an Cathoic Churcb, Newcastle, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Tuesday, October Ith., w1he n Madeline Cecelia, daughter of IMi. and Mrs. Odey H. Dunn, Pontypool, became the bride of Rayvmond M. Bennett, son of, Mr. and Mvrs. M. Bennett, Verdun, Que. Rev. Father Collins officiated. The church was beautifully decorated witb autumn flowers and f oiage, ar- ranged by ýfrienids of the bride in N*,ecasthe. The wedding musti was played by Miss Jackson. The winsome littie bride, wlio was given in marriage, by bIer father, looked charming hn a gown of rust-cohored georgette and beige lace bat to match, and carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses and baby's breath. ShE was attended by Miss Irene Notz, Hamilton, who wore browni sathil crepe, trimmed with lace, black vel- vet bat,_ andI carried a-bouquet o: sweetheart roses. Mr. Charles Mul. bolland, Perth, supported the groom Following the ceremony, the bridai party returned to, the home of thi bride's parents at Pontypool, wher( a dainty wedding breakfast wa served. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett lefi on the evening train for Toronto ani Hamilton, the bride travelling inî smýarthy taiiored navy bine suit, blaci veivet liat and mink fur. On theii return th-ey wiih takre up residence ir the Lamy Apartments, Fif-tb Ave. Verdun, Que. AUNT'S VIEWS ARE SOUND An intelligent lady visiting il Bowmanville tells us she alwayj reads dear Auntie's weekly letter t( ber many nieces of The Stateâmai Lamily circie. Her advice in thî article is sound and worthy of adop tion: Acqunintanceship should not bi confused with Lriendsbhip, to do si is to cause, you disappoîntmen- There is a wide difference. Yoi may be friendhy ,with an acquaint ance but not on intimate terms wit] them, nor would you give them. youi confidence; wbereas a friend eni INTER-SCHOOL MEET Junior Events and Results Putting eight-pound htO Baird, OshawLa; 2, R. Blenikin,-, Wi- by; 3, D.1 Maundreil, WhîiMby". Dis-_ tance, 33 feet 3*4 inches. Baird brok'e th1922re Oof 32 feet ioj inches. 440 ýards-1, 0. Baird, Oshawa;ý 2, R. Blenkéii, Whiîtby; 3; R. Gunn, Oshawa. T'imie, 1 minute 7 seconds. Pole Vaul-1, D. Mudel Whitby; 2, J. Bascombe; 3, S. James, Bowmianville. Height, 7 feet 8 in- chez. Maundrell broke the 1921 record of 7 feet 71, inches. 440 yardis, relay race-1, Oshawa; 2, Whitby; 93, Bowmianvilie. Time, 56 Standing Broad Junip-1, 0. Baird, Oshawa; 2, J. Bascomie, Whit- by; 3, G. dloîmer, Bowman,,iville. Distance, 6 feet, il % inches. Running High Jump-1, 0. Baird, IOshawa; 2, D. Maundrell, Whitby; 3, J. Bascombe, Whitby. Height, 4 feet 6%3/ in. A new record made, 4 feet 6 inches being th, mark made in 1923. 220 Yards Run-1, 0. Baird, Oshawa; 2, R. Gunn, Oshawa; 3, K. Luxton, Bowm-ianville. Time, Running Hop, Step and Juup- [1, D,. Maundreli, Witby; 2, 0. Bid Oshawa; 3, _M. Hutchison, Whitby. Distance, 35 feet 2%4 inches. The old record of 32 feet 10 inches, made in 1922, was broken. 100 Yards Race-1, 0. Baird, Osh- awa; 2, K. Luxton, Bowmanville; 3, D. Maundreil, Whitby. Time, 12 *seconds. Running Broad Jump-.1, D. Maundrehi, Whitby; 2, 0. Baird, Osh- *awa; 3, K. Luxton, BownIanville. Distance, 1-5 ft. 3 mns. Half-Mile Run-1, 0. Baird, Osh- awa; 2, Murray Kohen, Oshawa; 3, J Bh1enhim-, Whitby. t Senior Eve'nts and Results Stanidinig Broad Jump-1, Doug. Bailes, Oshawa; 2, W. McKay, Osh- awa; 3, H. Gjîl,'Bowm-aniville. Dis- tance, 9 ft. 5 ýÀ ms. A new re- cord, the old mark of 9 t. ý/.t ms. beîng made in 1923. 440 Yards Run-l, R. Ricýhard-ý son, Whitby; 2, J. Blow, Whitby; 3, M. Haîner, Oshawa. Time, 57 secs. Pole Vault-1, C. Caverly, Boýw- ýmanville; 2, S. James, Bowmanville;~ 3, G. Gregg, Whitby. Height Jump-1 ed, 8 ft. 9 mns. 440 Yards Relay-1, Whitby; 2, Oshawa; 3, Bowmanville. Time 50 secs. Running- Broad Jump-.1,'J.« Blow, y- Whitby; 2, D. Bailes, OshawaL; 3, S.1 r James,, Bowmanvilhe. Distance, 18 Lt. 5% ms. Haîf-Mile Run-1, R. Richardlson, eWhitby; 2, H. Foster, Bowmanville;i 3, R. Blow, Whitby. Time, 2.26 3-5. 220 Yards Run-1, R. Richardson, e Whitby; 2, J. Blow, Whitby; 3, M. d Osborne, Bowmanville. Time, 25 -3-.5 secs. c Oshawa; 2, R. Clarke, Bowm-anvilhe; e 3, M. Johnston, Oshawa. Distance, nI37 Lt. 7% mis. dRunning 1Hop, Step and Ju-mp-1l, î W. McKay, Oshawa; 2, A. McD on- 0 aid, Bowmaftvihhe; 3, M. Gould, Bow- f manville. Distance, 38 t. A new erecord, the ohd mark, of 37 ft. 9 mns. ,,1was made in 1921. n 100 Ya rds Run-1I, R. Richard- -son, Whitby; 2, D. Bailes, Oszhawa;~ f3, Jý. Blow, Whitby. Time il secs. Running High Juuip-1, M. Gould, Bowmanvilhe; :2, W- . McKay, 0Osh- awa; 3, R. Blow, Wlhibby. Height, eljumped, 5 ft. 11/l-', ms. Gould, a ,new boy in athhetics, broke the old Srecord of 5 t. 1 inch made in 1922. Milhe Rae-1, R. Richardso,, id Whitby; 2, H. Foster, Bowm-ianvilhe; a 3,, Morris Kýohen, Oshawa. Time ýk 5.25. ir, Total Points of Schiools-Oshawa, n 56; Whitby, 54; Bowmnanvilie 28. ward proving what is reai friend- ship. .Besides the surface sympathy, we I need to know there is sincerity, trust land reciprocal affection-which can- n lnot be proven in a few days. 78 Real frîends grow slowhy; that is ;0 why ohd frîends are bezt. Draw In back yourself and allow,ý, these niew is acquaintances to know that you un- - derstand their coohness; don't thînk - about it or worry. There are al- Sways new ones to spring up where X) the others drop out, and1C this exper- Sience will serve you, in good stead uin the fiiture. L -' r i F. J. MITCHELL Distributor Upright, Grand and Reproducing Pianos Church and Sehool Organs Used instruments, somne 1like new, at bargain prices-easy terms. A Guarantee with Every Sale Write Box 353 or Telephone 105 BOWMANVILLE T"O-MOeRROW is on the way. If you knew to-day that to-morrow's fire would destroy your home, you would prýepare to-ay. But you cannot know what will happer to-m'orrow. You can proteet yourself against financial loss, however. ,Pire insurance is the only one of the mnany forms of dejpendable proper- ty protection we off er to those who would be pre- pared for to-morrow' s eventualities. J. J. MASÉ3ON & SOe'N Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 Bowmanville SEASONAL SUGG-"EST-IONS Fill your coal bin wit"h Genuine D. L.,&W. Scranton Coal at SUMMER PRICES. Cover your roof with Artistie Ruberoid Octab Siate Surfaced Shingles. Colors-Sage Green and Venetian Red. Very best material and manu- facture. Also roll roofing of various grades and prices to suit every purpose. Replace your unsanitary, dust-ladeii carpets with Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring. Cheaper, more wholesome, more durable and better in ap- pearance than other floor covering. Estimates cheerfully furnished on ail kinds cif building material. MrClIan, & Co*, Limited King St. East Office Phone 15 Bowmanvllle Houue Phones 228, 274, 2118 You know how many cildren do flot like the taste of miik. You know bow tbey like to have the sarne drink as tbe "grown-ups." You know, too, how good it is for themn to have a hot drink! Make Instant Postum for themr, using bot mnilk instead of boiling watert They'li like tbe taste immediately I And they wiil get the food elements of wbeat, plus the nourishment of nilk, in a hot drink tbat is economical and so easy to make!1 Best In Groceries Like everything else it al ways pays to bu,, the best quality of Groceries. That is one reasoni why this store has such a large' steady trade_-. Customers know when they buy here they get th-- highest grade of goods ar}d, t the lowest prices. Join the happy contented throng of shoppersý that patronize this store. HARR y ALLIN PHONE 1» ROWMÂN VILLE NOURISHMENT AT DAWN T':e morning shouhd brrg, to your home a supply of Johnjson'ls pure nihlk and crýeamj. Ask. US to supply you withi this sealedi-for-safety m il k Delivereci Fresh Daily