A àpples Wanted Any qutantity of Apples wanted at~ our Evaporator at Bowm-an- ville. J. A.&1-HOLGATE & SON Phone 152 Bowmanville Sane and Sensibe Shoes For Fali Wear Style, comfort and reliable hionest wear are the predominating features of our- new footwear. Women's Shoes in Black Patent, Black Suede a nd( Satin, heels to suit, fromi $4.00 to $8.00 pair Very attractive Ladies' Patent Shoes in moc- cassin design, at only ................ $5.00 pair' Men's Brogues, Black or Brown, $5.00 to $9. ARE YOU A CINDERELLA? Every day you will find a pair of Shoes in our wTindow in a box, if they fit ypu they are, yours for a $1.00. Watch the window as the shoes will be changed daily. Copmeland Shoe Storé Phone 249J P. O. Box 4,43 Bowmanville Hann s UHaàb erd as h ery 0fers 20 Mcen's Genuine Fox Serge Suits Color Guaranteed, Friday and Saturday $18.98 Also 20 Boys' Genuine Fox Serge Suits, col- ors guaranteed, one. pair Bloomers, $9.98 Now showing a complete Faîl line in Under- wea, Sox, Shirts, H.-ats and Caps and, our Winter Overcoats are hard to beat. H ANN'S ABERDASHERY "The Youngest Merchant in Canada" Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 Bowmainvflle '-' L.i~ .uuu.ug i.iuiiu '~t Igracefuhly\ preformed tbeir part. Miss Marlon Allia presented the Agents vvantea -Àf Ci-ina Creara aand Sugar Set; Ms SA LESM EN-We offer steady empIoy,- HeCane;t ad Miss ednaRikad, he 1 et a pay weekiy te seli our comn- Hebr Bbok t4Gidbae plete and exclusive Unes of Caeguaranteed iear. he qu.ality, whole root, fresh,-dug-to-order Fountain Pen. MisLzeAfn trees ad ollato.MissactivezieusAllin à sprn 8tbc. trade mark (z.gIsteied in Cg tesand fplants. Attrctive i. litaed Ti.aLso presented Mrs. Alfin with a acîdester of 5aliic~lacid <Ac"etyl sailcylieA sa pls nd f it oneain ohy o q e fb autiful pink roses and that 5.spfritn meens Byer Mnifactumre.Fote a Nurseries, Montreai.4-5 Mrs. James Rickard bestowed upon ~ »~Omayul t tapdvi MrWmn. Rickard a large bouquet! t o chicedahlias. The N e IAIC aitilenI ride pe rided thieir large comrpany, of guests and 1924AOC O ER1t . expressedi from, the depths of his1 THU SDA , CTO~ERl6h.,heatsinicceeappreciation cof their __________________________ __________________________kindness and toke-ns of regard. NEWCSTLEMINSTERKINDY HNORE 1 WDDIG ÀNIVERARYAfter the sininig of "hie ai-lhà y NEWCS1L MINSTE KINLY ONORD WDDIN ANIVERARYa al jodlly good fellows", the comn- pnsat down to the prettily de- Miss aneyis visi:ting- friends in Rev. Girard Graham Presented Dr. and Mrs. Erniest Allun Celebrate crtdtbe n noe Uc Toronto. ihA drs n s. 31 Years of sandwiches, cake and ice cream, j r.E. M. Toms isited Oshawa fee. tredsh e ryest ee in g was v sÏI pent 1 There seerns1to be nio limit toth At the bride's table, acompantiyjing Mr.S. Baskerville s)n a day in JIn'hePesytranSud 01ho at numoner ald variety- of delightful Dr. and Mrs. Allia, sat Mr. and Mrs. Tor-onto this week. spent Netonivile on Tu esday e-Vef'llg usesý towhc ouriComu,ýnityii Hall Nojrmani Allia, the grTooiismiaii and Mis Sdi Beaet oo pat n ihe3Oth ultimio w a large numlber Of 1miay, be put. Saturdiay eveingi1 it bridesmraid of 31 yeaýrs g he h program at Shiloh last week.fresgterdoehrtoepe5va the scn fa eet h irst principals of this celebration -erle herappreciation of rev. 'i ar i of itsý kind to take pflace wýith',in, it S married. Above the table, suspend:i- Miss aro Baskerville sýpent ajGra, B. A., and their regret over walls, when Dr.. anId Mrs. Erne>t - ed fromn the apex of a pyrami-id of ýcoupIe of day-s withi Miss Ruth H1an- his resignation as their miitr Iini, of Los Angeles, f ormerly of bu n ivrrbosxedn iok A delightful program was pre- . ecastle, celebrated in comlpaayv downward to the corners Of thei Mr ia.dMs Wm. Jamieson vis. sented, coasistinig of vocal solos by w11ith one hundred or more of their table, wýas, ag ht edn ited wVithfrind at Napnee _ovr iss Hazel Bam-isey of Welcoalie, relatives and friends, the thirty-firstý bell, and a beautiful, frosted wd th-e weekenid. and Mr. Harold Allia of Newcastle,,anvesr of thteir weddinýg day. dn aeaond h eteo h T isElizabeth Hiancock has gone to arctto yMs ik etn It is a pleasiag thoughit il- itself ta bl1e. Toronto to resume ber stiudies at ville, and speeches by Mrs. R. Gray, that i o oe ofNeases most il- After lunch, Mr. Norman Allin NraCoee.Mr., 'red Fligg, Mr. A. A. Martin, lustrious sons building and present. propoaed-,, a list of thiree iniute Newcotle Mr.Wm. ain Re. ing to the citizeas of Newcýastle the speehes relative to the occasion. Mr. and Ms S. A. Perriin ad Mr Thomnas Wallace, (Methodist) Mr. fiaest Commiý-unity Hall in Canala, Those responding were-Mrl. W aadî Mrs. Jamies Huri, Bewle, were MA. J. Holmani, Mr. A. MlcKay, -Mr. and then two of her successful amd Carter Blackburn, -Mr. Arthur M. iltowav on Moaday. l Y Samuel Araott and Mr. F. Law. highly esteemied formler citizenis, a Hardy, Mr. Walter Sel(don, Mr. Geo. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McCory, Mr. M. G. Welch read this addr-ess son and daughter from. Califoi-nia 1 P. Ri e kard, Mr. Samnuel Rickard, Mr Toronto, spent, Suaday with bis sis-; to Rev. Mr. Grahamr: Rev. Gnirard fanding within) the 1-'aWll' lhospitable ýIFrank ýAlilia, _Mr. Chas. Alliai, Rev. Eý ter, Mrs. Wm. Riekard. Graham, B. A., Dear Sir :--Gathered; walls the mnost ideal p lace la which to B. Cooke, Mr. Clarence Allia. Plubes ae t orkintalin aarundyo tis veia ar1 sn, celebrate -in tjie lan d of their birtb, Good -speeches were also heard! ,,o(t water heatiag system lan the Me- I of the. friends of your pastoral1 their wdda day anaiversary. The frmtebrd n gomo 1 moral Lîbar an te Cunîl hage f ewcste ad ewtn-guests-mnellibers of*the two influn years. This pleasant eveniug was Chlamber. ville, -who sinceiely regret the occa-1 tial famnilies, the Alliais and the broughit to a close hy every one join- Our esteemeiýd citizen, Mr. C. D. sion that brings u ls together. Th!sj ickards-began to arrive at the' ing bauds in a circle arouiid the aseretuirned to, the city on M on- life is full of changes and we cannot hall about 7:30 p. m. and were re- tbe a iga Al Lang aay andi "Guest bouse"' is closzed for epc oawy eporfinscie at the entrance to the Re- SYne". the season. with us. In the darkest cloud there creation Parlours by the host and MNrs. A. D. Wheeler is spendiing a v~a serlnigad wlat is hostess, Dr. and Mrs. Alliai, assisted' Stoves for sale. Sec advtL. few days wîth bler parents, Mr. and' our loss will be sonme others' gain. by ]Mirs. Allin's mother, Mrs. Wmi. Mrs.D. J Gabait pror t 1-in L et u.ss thea paiss quickly over the Rickard. A aumber of close friead s Ldes' Fur Coats-special show-ý Molirs.D. J. GalbitbApriorto.gongsorrows that nmust also attend these of the Firide and groom of 31 years nStis Pesian Lamb a Musrent tohe ewhoeinAko, bi. partiags and spead togetber with were al.so present. Coatsa exceptio and c lose pices Mrs. James A. McKenzie, Mr%. you a cheerful eveniag la our The decorative scemre was work- CouchJast etona& cryde ran. Merlin Hepburn and sons Ruscîl and church f alniWy. ed outla blueand siver, faorite Harold, Columbus, recently visitedi We wish to assure you of our ap- cdousfthenbrie, and sesgavodite Mrs. . Peaound ShadyNook, I preciation of your miaistry amioagstbyMsB. oseTbefctwso -ahws s. We admire the boldl fearlese j give the roomis a very brigh-t and 100 MEN 'WANTED $8 TO Newcastle Orchestra is certaiily mariner lan which you champion the ceru perne goig aeadwith aý "bang", several' cause of ouir dearMatrawy 0 Whntecapyhdaiarv_____ aiew aild accomiplisbed miembers have bold and so fearless that it cannot f. e thwe caid to ode l r r E DA been lined up durinîg the past f ew 1but stir up' antagonism amoug tbose e hywe aldoorr M. l We want10iionen quc,viio are wekswhich wvil acdd greatly to this, who are not so closeiy attac ,hed o atrJ ikr h peie smcaaialy li.ned(, to quatify to hioid] alradyeffciet oganzaton. Him cairmnan during the rendering of aný positions at abDove wage, as auto: me lolinersin pogan.chaaics, engi relectrical eprs The Young People's Lau will As a tangible token of our es- itrsigporm truck drivers, chauff eurs, salesmeýn, a.gain hold another of their annual teem we ask you to accept this purse Frt hr a esno o-vlaies edradbteyma delightful miasquerades la the Coml- j and trust you shial bear with you mualitY Siagiag-, la whichi everyone i W, uiaraatee to, train you uintil our' 1"ý Fre,, enmloymenit Dep:artmnent places you muaity Hall on Friday evening,1 Oct. only pleasant memnories of our asso- joiaed la výery heartily; thea, a vocal lai a Position.. Write Quîck for free 3lst. Reserve the date, Hallowý,e'endaon asmitead people. quartet by Messrs. Harold, mark, c atalogý,ue. HTemphill Auto racto nighit, watch for furtber particulars. In conclusion we join ia wishiag George and Howard Allia, and by j ýCho15, 163 King St. W., Toronto. 40-42 Mr, J. W. Ugiow, Lake Shore r'oad, you Godspeed in your wolrk wbereverMr.Re)E.BCok, isEdn _________________ piced ctberlOh fom istbre ou miay be, and trust you will be Rickard, Mr. Walter Rickard and Mri row o eer eain rapbrreslong spared to labor in the vineyard Harold Allia; duets by Mr. and Mýrs.' iows f evr bering aspbrrie where truly the harvest is great. and1 Chas. McCoy, Toronto, and solo by 36 E.Box, Whîl esiping oMr the laborers few. Mrs. B. Moise. Piano accomnpan-f C.nE ox, Westmoaat, Mri orl, Signed on bebiaîf of your con- 1ists were Mrs. THoward Allinansd i andm eeta ac rc o gregations of Newcastle and ýZew- Mrs. Earl Fi.sher. them. chptavlin nt-toniville--.Mrs. Cecil Robinson, Mar.,- Alhough this was not a surprise u 't Wa hhAy yo capbittrein po t Ion ~Gray, Gertie Martin, John D. party, for every one was present by us ,ha ' highay ot abittird an apro.Hamilton, MI. G. Welch, A. A. Mar- the kiad invitation of Dr. and Ms prite M. d.Thckays hel.tin. Allia wbo chose this delightful way f You have often bheard Torji Ed. placed the ma.-tter in the haads Newtonville, Septemnber 3th., 1924. of meeting and saying good-bye to of Chief Jackso aaehesoo-harR it in the coop. Magistrate ~~~ev. Mr. Graýam responded ia bis frieads and relativesbeoertr-icoubaigspidby' the culpri lth op '-lgs2e usuail way and in finle sii to California, yet for the bo9st you can now buy se of these Capblltre te as adth pis ith a beautiful addiress that touc.h- and hostes there wvere iow somie buns rigbt at myv store. Cone oner amttdthe charge and was edahbertsrad is ngood wje nd r. Tyo-Dr.W'11sure waat kto take _Q allowedl out on suspeaded sentence. The remainder of the evenia-"g wasd igo wf anMr. W1 evDaelE.-lHat, Of the BPap- 1pa ssed inforimally ,when alingled Rickard, her m other, were called to Also agents fo Brown's tist Book Roomis, Toronto, deiiveredi together for a friendly c onI.v ers a- the platform and also five ladies to two forceful adoiacig addres-tinwieefsmnswreevd attend at the ceremiony which pres- ses te large coaigregations n~ by the youag ladies. eatiy took, place. These ladies nIy-! 1Metbodist 'Church onl Sundiay, in Newcastle Orchestra kiadiy fer- i steriously carried somnethiing ia their Support of the coatinuance of the aishied splendlid rausic during the b ands. Then Rev. E. B. Cooke R . W A ' 1Ontario -Temperanice Act. Ia the, eoeng. arose and read to' Dr.ad Mrs. Allia eveniag service Mr. Rob)t, Walton, j This pleasant timie wa brougbht toitçfloig dres rcr tressosngheasoood"oie nd exur-iaclose by prayer off ered by Rev. 1Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Allun, New- presio te slo Le no yor r. Graham. castle: De'ar Friends-Oni this de- hlearts be troubled". _________ lightful occasion we are reinded SHWSSHOLOEIGTH EOII.LBAY th-at just thirty-onle years ago, a ,_________ SHAWS SHOO OPEINGTHEMEMOIALLIBARY cbarmag aew craft was launched on the sea of life, and its beautiful Th-e openiag of the new sc-hool for ' Report for September 1924 sails were ua-furled to the winds of S. S., No. i, Darlington- and 2 3 time and circum-staace-.L Clarke. will take place on Friday, NeW members 3; total namber -dyt, C om peAtti n October l7th., at 8 p. in. Mr. W.335; books circulated, naQa-fiction, odyi 1 otgatfig t J. Bra-gg, M. P. P., ai, ex-pupil of 1 38; fiction 529; juvenile 66; totali realize how kindly thes'e for-ces have That's the old say\Ting. the scbôoo, will occupy the chair. The 16 33. Fines on'overdue books $3.64.j been to you, and'how successful bias prora wllbegivea by ex-pupils Books added to, the hibrary 1bente oag.f raid of competition fror adtahersadwill onist of Boswell's Life ofohsoey f Together you have been favored lan songs, choruses, quartettes and aý Life of Gladstone, Adveatures in, life's partnership, baving ideals la j Me take second place to number of short addresses. AlJournalismi by Sir Philip Gibb,)s, Oldý commion and ever hiarmioniously e-n- good orchestra will aise be in attend-Iý Days and New by Lord Ernest fdaorngt okthmot o ance. At the clos-e of the prog-ram iý Hamîilton, Stra-wberry A-'cres and oaly la your own initerests, but la the givý,ing best quality, valuea refreshments wil be served to a11.1 Tweaîty Fotirth of June by Grac e1 înteest' of others as well; ands Admission '35c. Children of the Richmond; Nina by Susan Ertz Siege,1together, you share equally la the Confectionery, Fruits, Ve section admitted free. public- cor-i Perilou., by Maudle1 Diver, Thirdjh oor eteem and love so gratitous- dially invited. Round by Sapper, Passage to India Wy bestowed upon yeu.Cae an sty 1Trustee Boardi:--W. C. Ashton. by Forster, Prairie Wf e-Artbur1 We regard it as our goodi fortune Cae an ±sry F. B. Lovekin. S tringer, Ping Sugar by 0. Douglas, that se imuch of your life bias been H .. W. J. S. Rickard. Polyannla of the Orange Bossoms; 1ived in our mi.dst, and we can Say, 1Poiyanaa Grown Up by Porter, 1 that the place bas been glad f or yoeu, A BRITISH iDE.AL Gentleman of Courage by Curwovcod,! and la miany wvays b)e, sp of yo .u it(i Bkr& Goe _____Chris Gascoyne by A. C. Benson, bas biossomied as it l¶as. Every g-ood' ae & Goe This is our ideal-a ianid where Rugg-ed Waters by Lincoln, Anne of and noble work as well as overy you aeed no drunkard staggeria1 on the, Island by Montgomery, Hfome worthy caýuse comling within your the road towards bis doomi, a land H:anicraft for Boys, Tbey wbo walk reacb, have received an added i- whe(2 ou avenoslulisfoi 1 um intrthe Wilds by Charles D. Roberts. petus because of your fidehity to t he it orot la, a land where you ba.vel 1 e Purcbasiag Committee ia.tend qualities that mnale for thebies two thîrds of its prison celîs enptyamkn further purchases sheri type of citizensbip.I ilad witb its wvorkhiouses vanisbed, a and would be g ladi of book sugget To the social life of the *omm nun- Le of Trade g. And were flot a bit m other towns or cities. none when it cornes to and service in Groceries, egetables, Bread, Buns, UITTON Newcastle ýBLETS 0F ASPIRIN ýr Cross" on tablets you are Bayer produet proved safe 1by physicians 24 years for Neuralgia. Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism ýýcccpt onLy "Bayer" package wrhich contains pro yen directions. Haudy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets A.lso bottîca of 24 and 100-Drnggisti. Canada) of Bayertmufactuse ,>f o.ei- Acid. ',A. S. 7,"). Wile it 13 veJi knewn Mist the. public awaiwtiust lmt, thte Tablets their &,eneial tisSe mark, the "1Bqer uo, '/ MEIA ALFRED FARNCOMB, NM. D., C. M, Graduate of Trinity University, alpo of Royal College Physicians, Edin- burg. Specialty--Diseases of wom- en and ch;ldren. Office-Parker'm Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honior graduate of Trinity University 1Fellow of Trinity Medical C ' llege LÏ centiate of the State University of Newv York, Matriculate of the Post- Graduate' Medical School and Hos- pital of New York and Fellow (if the Toronto Academy of Medicine, Office -Mrs. McNaug-hton's Residlence. Newcastle. Hours-8 to 10 a. m,, 1 to Il P. m., and by appointment. CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Durwin E. Steckley of Bow,. m anville will make residenitial callt inNewcastle, Monday, Wed(,nesday and Friday. For ani appointment phone 141J, Bowmanville. 3 2-t J. W. Bradley Clark of 2nld Division Cozrz, Coz%ý is cheaper than wood and is the equal to the best Coal. I have a suuply of the best Coke obtainable. Highiest grade of Anthra- cite always on h and. Geo. Jamieson Newcastle %ou Wanted pnto folks boastipg about the The Wom 'en's Bakry. Well, appetizing c,-akes and f'ancy ia and see this baking- and- sonne of it homle for supper. ~Community Bread.