£ i fate With Which is Incorporated The Bowmnanville News Vol. LXX. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1924. $2.00O a Ye ar In Advance 5c a Copy N. 4 Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Limited. Interest T o Aid Busy Bjuyers With plenty of cofl wintry days just around the corner you will appre- cdate these fine bright days to do your shopping for cold weather needs. This store is full of new and seas onable things bought for cash in the best market, thus enabling you to buy at lowest prices. Shop through the store at your leisure. See the new things. Com- pare the prices. Examine the values-and you will find this a good store in which to do your shopping. WeT hardly know where to start in ttell you about our new stock. Here 's a f ew timely suggestions taken at ran- dom from our store: 0f course, coats are uppermost, just now in the minds of most women. Here you find the newest materials in the latest styles, and so. reasonably priced, too. New Dresses embrace ail the most desired materials such-as Crepe Back Satin, Wool Crepe, Cut Velvet, Canton Crepes and Flannel. Great interest is being taken in the new materials including ail wool, silk and wool crepes, -charmeuse satins, dress flinels in al. shadles, broad- cloths for slips, etc. Then we have Ladies' Silk Under- wear, Silk Slips,, Bloomers and Vests. Splendid assortment of Brush- lene Fingering Yarn for making hats, also silk and wool yarn. We are exclusive agents for the famousMadame X Reducing Corsets. PAEONIES PLANT THEM NOW ALBERT CROUSSE-rose fleeckêd carmine, very large rose-type, late...... *.....40c COURONNE-white with yel- low refiection, one of the best whites, late......... 40e DUCHESSE DE NEMOURS-- sulphur white, beautiful shape, extra good, early 35e LA TENDERESSE-n'ilk w~hite, free bloomer, extra good, early .............. 40c L'ECLATANTE-brilliaflt red very good, midseason I.....50e MADAM CALOT-pinkish white tinted flesh, early. .40c MARI E-lilac white fading to milk white, very lat..... er3c REINE HORTENSE-hydr- ange pink, salmon-tinted centre, good, mnidseagon. .50e RUBRA TR[OMPHANS--very' dlark c rimson, semi-double, large, early.............. 35c SARAH BERNHARDT- mauve rose, silver-tipped, fragrant, extra good, late .75e S. J. Jackmian & Sons FIorists Phone 80 j3owmanVille Delightful display Of Silk Scarfs for ladies and men just received. We are agents for the celebrated Kenwood Blankets. I f you need a fur neclk piece don't buy until you have seen our fur depart- ment. Does your husband have his shirts made to order. If so, be sure to see our stock of Duro Shirtings, absolutely gu aranteed fast colors. Then we come to the Men's Cloth- ing and Furnishings Department with new Rats, Caps, Gloves, Sweater Coats, Ties, Underwear, Socks, etc. Mèn!s Overcoats in newest shades and fabrics from $17.00 to $35.00. Ready-to-wear Suits as low as $14.50 ,and up to $39.50. If you prefer a made-to-measure suit.we have agencies f or- Laily- Tremble, Vineburgý & Co., and S. Lev- inson, Son & Co. We stand back, of every suit to give satisfaction. Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Friday-Saturday, November 14.15 "The Blizzard" Monday-Tuesday, November 17-18 "The Code of The Wilderness" From the novel by Charles Alden hour and other wellknown -sars FAMILY NIGHT Wednesday, November 1 9th Only O n Wednesday, November 19th youî may bring the whole famlly for the one admission of 5 0 cents,, includ- ing tax. This must positlvely in- clude only members of your imxne- diate family. We have arranged an excellent program for the evening consistîng of Wm. Russell In "Times Have Changed" Our gang In "July Days" À Monkey Comedy "On the Job November 20, 21, 22 "The White Sister" See special announcement in this Spaper. 1 Private Sale of Furniture. See advt. Mr. J. W. Bickle of the Custams and Excise Service, Port Hope, for the past 37 years has been retired. A very welcome rain fell Tuesday night. Wells and1 streams were go-ý ing dry and plowing on clay soil was hardly possible. Rev. and Mrs. L. S. Wight, Tweed, called on friends here on their way home from the Methodist Missionary1 C entenary in Toronto. Prepare For colid weather by having your Furs remodelled here SPECIAL PRICES in Manufactured Furs, Muskrat, Persiau Lamb, Hudson Seal, Canadian Coon Coats from $90.00 up FUR CHOCKERS FROM $7.50 UP FUR TRIMMINGS BY THE YD * Thurston Fur Shop Phone 26 Bowmanville THE EDITOR TALKS MEN'S CANADIAN CLUB MINISTERS AND CHURCIIES BUSINESS CONDITIONS C_ _-ANGE IENJOY FIRST BANQUET, Edmund E. Sheppard passed away- St. Paul's Church,- Rev. D. W.! The -announcement last we k--that last week in California atraln Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle Elected atraln Best, minister. il a. m.-"Inspira- Mr. Alex Elliot, Jeweler, hari- ecid- illness. He was a Bowmanville tion". 7 :00 p. m.-"Scenles frorn I ed to seli out bis entire bus: - ess by boy, son of Rey. E. E. Sheppard for Presideiit Real Life". 2:30 p. m.-Sunday, public auction and move fro.- B o'V- many years pastor of the Disciple Those who attendea the Gianadia School and Bible Classes. manvîlle came as a great sur-_xiŽe to Church here and in 1867 was a mem- Club Banquet Wednesday evening at Mtoithrh e.J .Rb ayo u edr. I s ob ber f te Bardof Eamiersforthe Balmoral Hotel and expecteto ina, Pastor. Sunday services:- il a. regretted that Mr. Elliot has 'ecided teachers certificates, his naine being ha rlin rto ra d m.-The Pastor will preacli. 2:80o on. such a course as his residence ona the Ceunty Boardioceoriancate awardndthe C sniordori ulyofdress scintillating with panegyries' P. m.-5unday Sehool. 7:00 p. M- here of '8 yers lias proven ihim to awadêdtheseiorediorin ulyofby a minister -of the Crown werej Sunday School night. Delegates to[ be a first-class citizen always ready that'year. Some 20 years ago cisappointed. Instead, they spent the 0. R. C. at Kitchener wil give! and willing to (Io his share . n ad "Ned" Sheppard, as lie was familiar- aneceigyejoal1n rft reports. Junior Choir and S. S. vancing the interests of û. e com- ly known, was the best known editor ablexchour or mo lentofom-; Orchestra will lead the sin'n. uity. Hie serve nteTw in Toronto, but bis h-ealth failed in thing different-a plain, simple mes-J The semi-centennial of George St.I Councîl for oneyear, was an officiai middle life and hie has waged a brave fil rforse, ehds hrh eebrcm fihtfo xitec u t heen. sage withoutfrîso ouih:aMehdtChchPtrboam of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, figh fo exitene u to he nd. message easy to follow and to un- 1 to- a fitting climax, November 4th., a Past President of the Lawn Bowl- __________derstand. No note book was neces-1 with the burning of bhe mortgage. ing Club and one of its best bowlers, sary to carry away the ideas and1 It required $7,500 to clear off the1 and at present is Worshipful Mvaster HAMPTON thoughts so, pleasingly presented by enubrance, and a total of $12,000 cf erusalem Lodge, No. 31, A. F. & the speaker of the evening. 1 was contributed. At the close a A. Mu. iescntoshaex-re- Mr. and Mrs. Oharîton MeBride,1 Who was thîs speaker? He wa handsome bronze tablet was unveiled Bsns odtoshv xein Mrs. Delmiage, Mr. and Mrs. ElJflerý once a farmn lad, then a denier in! as a token of gratitude. Severai ced many changes during tne past Frost and Dorethy, Peterboro, Mr.!I musical instruments, a Higli School'ministers who occupied the pulpit, decade and on refiection we ao not and Mrs. W. L. Law, Oshawa, were teacher with a B. A., or an M. A.1 years ago were present. know -of more draatic changes in the Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. andý affixed to his, naine. But now hie is'jgnrlcdionfà ea bses Mrs. Geo. White. known the length and breadth of Rev. C. W. DeMille, pastor of, than that cf the jewelry trace. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Virtue, Bur- this and other countries as "The King St. Methodist Church, Oshawa, Many departmnents considered the lington, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Virtuel Wyandotte King" and a Millionairei was the only representative fron back bone of a jewelry store i lyears and daughter Dorothy , Oshawa,1 Poultry Breeder-a member cf the 1that city te the Provincial S. S. Con-' past are now carried as side-lines by Misses Sadie and Laura virtue, Tor- 1 Ferguson Cabinet as Minister of Ag.1 vention at Kitchener. lie was other retailers. For instance, dry ente, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon, riculture for Ortaro-Hon, J'. S.1 pleasanly surpriseduby being pre-'good stores now stock beads, beadtd Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. J. J Martin, M. P. P. No doubt there sented with an illuminated addressl as ete oet od;gns virtue for Thanksgiving.j are scores of citizens around Port and a copy of the World's Enceyclop- furnishing shops: scarf-pins, collar Look: Reserve the date! On Mon-. Dover, as well as many ef his con- edia cf Religieus Instruction. - ey buttons. cuif links, collar pins-, drug- day evening next, November l7th al stituents in South Nerf olk, who stîli Mr. DeMille wns for three yearsl gists: white ivory, ebony warn, gold high class entertaimnentand sil!persist in calling him just plain General Secretary of the Sunday1 filIed pens and pencils, safety -azors, will be held' in the church at; 'John S' 1School work in Saskatchewan and comports, cut glass; hardware ster*es: Hampton. The Acme Mixed andi If we'lad our way after one even-! f or two years was General Superin- twr.hllewware, alnrm c cs, Male Quartettes and Miss Fisher, 1 ing spent with him we, toc, Should tendent of Ontario Religious Educa-! watches. Premiums of silverware elocutionist, ail cf King St. Method-! be tempted te caîl him John S. But' tien Council. 1 are also found in nearly eve-y line ist Clurch, Oshawa, will prvieOhe having spent enly this one short, 'Methodists in this town were cf business. So to use a c, -inmon evening's pregramn. Amsin: pleasant evening in his cempany we' pleased te, hear Rev. J. H. McBain street termi, the jeweiry business las Adults ,35ce; children 20c. Corne andi might be accused cf getting tee B. A., Pastor of Simcoe Streetj been 5 "shet to pieces" in many re- enjoy a real treat. familiar witl a Cabinet Minister by Methodist Clurch, Oshawa, on Sun-i spects __________ verstepping the bounds cf etiquette day mornîng. His sermon wasl Readers wiil do weli to pîtronize if we addressed hlm witli anything based on the werds "The Love ýof[this unique nauction sale of e, ticles COU'TICEshort of Honerable Mr. Martin. So Christ Censtraineth Me" and was a; of every description te be founil in a COJTIEwe bow te the, unwritten laws cf very lielpfui and theughtful dis-1 jeweiry store. The steck is in ex- Iloida viitos: isss Driscustomn and habit as we write, but, course. Miss Reta R. Cole sang' ceilent condition and some mighty orieday iiera: Mses Dooris a nevertheless, we have our own priy- "The Lord is My Shepherd" by Lid - cheap purchases are possible _t El- Coutic an Heen keTornto atateopinien on this subject. die in excellent voice, and her rend- iot's Jewelry Store during tl-e next Mr. andl Mrs. R. E. Osborne's; Mr. eigo u iesi tt t~ Elmer Rundie and gentleman friend' Principal W. J. Morrison, B. A., igo hi iesl was except- wo weeks--sarting Saurdy, No- frcm the city spent Sunday and President cf the Canadian Club in îionally good. In the evening Bey. vember 15tli at 2:30 p. m. 'See fur- Monday witli lis father and meiier introducing the speaker said 'Mr. Thes. Wallace, Newtonville, deliver- ther particulars on page 5. .... Mr. Glen -T. Courtice and Mr. Martin would tell something cf bis ed a very enrnest gospel message________ Harold Denison, Toronto, witliMr. recent trip to Europe. He did, but tînt cculd not hielp but enthuse al and Mrn. W. R. Ccurtice; Miss Lyla 1 he first gave some interesting inci- hlitndTecoggao ai LOA AN OHEWS Osborne, Toronto, at home' On dents about lis early atart-in the, particularly favored in îaving two I LCLAD TEWS Sundy tw goo conregaion list- pouitry, business. Mu. Martin ex- Torente scloists wle each kindly Pesdt eeveaeufe r iened to splendid missionary sermons, pressed lis views on Education when fPvrd with n seletion. MissThelma F. N. Farrell iast week. He is a in the morning Bey. T. Wallace of lie remarkedl that there was s;oMe-' aea, ui o i.Pel !hi Tyrone boy wio lias spent sevéral INewtonville, and in the evening Bev. thinÎ abeut the present school sy- ent Garrett, sang splendidiy "The;years in Saskatchewan and v-ith lis P ey. J. E. GrifftihYB,,tlzkstock ..tem which le thought mnight le iml-; Ninety and Nine"y. Miss Batemanfaiylnno reuedtOtre The nmontchly meeting of the W. M. S. proved. Too mucl attention has lhas a fine well-trainedvoiece. Miss adepcst eti nHmli wil behel attheduri o Thrs-been and is being directed teward Dorothy Stanley, daughter cf Mr. T., wil day t 2:30 p.hm h chapnter sprfsioa if. BosfomteW.. Stanley, Organist and Choir' Citizens will al! unite in felicit- the study book will be denit with country slculd be encouraged to stay1 Directer, aise again f avored us witî 1 nting Mr. and Mis. Richard Famly-n I b Mis Htte Oboîe nd rs.A.onthe farmi instend cf makingse-the solo "The Lilies". Both solosi on attaining the Golden Jub -e cf J. Gay. Programn in charge cf Mus ond rate professional men. libe were leard witl mucl ac ceptancel their m iarriage whicl was fitt-îngiy H. Hancock and Mrs. Jas. Shortt. . lieved tînt if proper training wr and pleasure. Absentees missed' celebrated on Tuesdny evering, a Mission Circie willl bld its montl- Igwren the boys they wouldhi ave neo real musical treats. report o f which happy occas.cn wili ly meeting at the home of the Presi- desire to leave thie country for the aperifornxtise dent, Mrs. Clarence Penfound on cities. If people condemin an oc- WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB Miss Lillian Gish as "The White Saturdny nfternoon .... Mr. I _________ Iadits otlog e Sister" which is being presented at Nidhols is laving installed in Gy cupafor enle aid it' s ot long lee Tergl etn fteWomî Royal Theatre, November 20-21-22 bouse ail the latest modern improve-1 in talking, about the advantages cf en's Canadian Club will le heid on1 comes to Bcwmanville as one of the i ments-urnace, wvorks, eleet- 1fnrming ratIer tItan its difficulties. Monday afternoon, November 17, at 1gets imtiupsc h er ricity and whien ail is completed wili1 Tespae as hogt I3:30 o'clock in the Parish Hall, i New York Times says: The players hous......u. troug Caadia Clbs ad t~atNewcastle. Mis. Rhys. D. Fbairin atal per toi/ i at hIave an up-to-date hue ...Or'hog aada lb n service, village is progressing, whqt with clubs a better feeling and under-' President cf the Toronto Women's. tley enact on the screen. One cf new pavement -on the hig¶iway, and standing couid be obotaincd betwen Capiadian Club, will be -present and the strongest love stories tIat lias electîicity in the bouses wie are not town- and country. It rests with tei give an account of the meetings of ever been filmed. Manager Ross too ar ehid te twns .. Mesrs en f te twnsto howthi th the te Association cf Canadian Clubs is holding this picture feor an extra tooB far hnd l tens...anMessrs melngfathe tpiit show Vhfrienid- 1 held in St. John's , N. B., in Septen-,day-Saturday-to aff ord hiý out- A.tu B. ere Aantnound ai ndiiatfeeln.n pii ytkng the ber, ahd also cf 'the special trip cf 1 of-town- patrons an opportur:ty of annuai her unting trip. 1~Mr the delegates througl thc Easteri seeing thistremendous predu tien. indescribrng lis trip te Europe! Provinces. The families cf Mr. and Mi . John deer lio . Martin made it appeer soli WiIl the members from Bowman- H rlCuc tet ih hi vivid and realistic tînt lis attentivej ville wlio have cars, please assist husbands and familles held ti eir an- BLACKSTOCK listeners feit they weue taking the; their friends in the matter cf trans-I1 nuai gatliering on Thanksgivirg Day journey witlhlm. Startlng fron tWe portatien. Trains going eat leave at the home of their parents. After Friday evening, October 24, aunrttis ofce fOnae C. P. B. at 2:45 and C. N. B at 3:.06 doing justice to a sumptucus linner l-arge numebr of relatives and Ag virlin Lnon e ewodrn.inig early in the evenin* f owl, plum pudding, etc., an ex. frienda cf Mr. and Mrs. Bo e-Iewu in word-pictures the wonder-1________ citing game of bail was pli.ved on guson met at their home and pies- ladcp cnr fEgnd ublic Scîcol grounds. The entd hemwih as1owe o gitsmaking special trips to Hampton GOLDEN WEDDING enin asptinign,.ie, and good wishes. A very happy time Coarden Pnrty(netbfrttc hesan Mi.yJK.l 1F etc. Ail dispersed looking f -r'ard Gaasn spent (ntand refresthîmentsdM seJ.r.ved.nFenlonte sud a happy day in a -7eau's wasspet a-d elrshm.tssered strike in Canada Which King George township, ceiebrated their ýGolden time. Thse present were: Mu. Mr. i Aibert Henýty, afteu eigdit inquired about), gay 'Spectacle at the Wedding Anniversauy on Mondayand Mis. A. Stainton and f-mily, years -of patient suffeîing passed Court cf Buckingham Palace, Wem-n November 3rd. Mr. Irwin is a son, Zion; MIiss Audrey Ayre, Hampton; away on Friday, October 31. Funerai bly Empire Expositien and the cf the late Mu. and Mus. Robert Ir-' Mis. Arthur Moore, Enniskille ; Mr. service on Sunday was conducted Mother cf Parliamnents-tie lieuse win whc came to this country wit la nd Mis. Newton Edgeu and f mil1y, by Bey.-J. E. Griffith,, Pastor of the cf Commons. thc famiiy fiornccunty Cavan, Ire- Oshawa; Mi. and Mis. H. Ric ,ards, Methodist Church, and the repmains Then cressing the Engiish Clan-i land, in the enriy fifties, and after: Toronto; Mr. and Mis. Allen 'Lavis were laid te reat in thc Union Ceme- nel fiîst lnnd information was ob- living for some time in Darlington1 and son Donald, Oshawa. tery Therespect with whicl thse served on lcw the wnr stricken ai- lIrwtein foumelMissowIship.odgrs, deceased was hl was evinced by ens wcrc being brought back to nou- ýIwn omryMs sblRdes REDMN RTO the large attendance and the beauti- mal cuitivation in Fiance and Bel-j was a daugîter of thc late Mu. and FE EOSRTO fui fierai tributes, gium. A casuai trip thîcugli Ger-î! Mus. J. Bodgers cf Fenclon Town-1 'many witl its tluifty industricus i ship. On November 3id., 1874, 1 Ail ladies cf Bowsnanvilie arAý dis- On Sunday, October 26, Miss race convinced one tînt Geîmany' tiey wcîe united in mauriage, Bey.1 trict are invited to the fiee f' .non- Eliza Jane McLaughlin passcd away. cannot le kcpt down. Their in- Mi. Scott, Presbytcrian mînister cfý stîntien of Ivorine Silver 1 olish Sice was lorn December 14, 1860, dustries nre going ful forc.Wil Cm1y eicaig Ic îpywîh wil l e held at the ho' of ,and spent lier whole life on -thcMc:-lin Denmnrk and liolinnd a special ceuplereccived many tokens cf re- Mis. R. W. Burik, Centre St., i3o'w- Lnughlin icmcstead, near Negricun oehde adstîcton,1 study was made of *intensive fauming nd icudn oelnddad manvilie, on Tluisday, Nov'-,- er ICartwright tcw 1slip. She was a1 practices and tlseir splendid Co-opera- 1twenty-fi\Tc dollars in gold freni îSth., fromn 3 te 6:30 and 8 te '):30 daugîter of Jamnes Y. and Isabeilla tive metlods of marketing faim proe : menabeus of the famiiy and many P .m. This wondeuful pol"- la McLaughlin, the former dying o duce. congutuîatoîy messages., mnnufactured in Bowmanville'z,:.,d is Jaùsuary 16, 1910. Deceased was jM.Mîi nesesd lsa- Among thc guesta weîe their son, giving excellent resuits whleee alîfe long member cf St. John's Mt. Ms tinn intersting b isa- 1Mr. L. 0. IîTwin and daugîter KatI-1 ued Chuel.Blakstck an wa nlay dents from lis observations and ýcon- Iclen, Bowmanviie. an exemplnîy and consistent workcî Iversation witl public men and -_______il__________ 1 in thc Women's Auxiliary. SIc was etheus which made lis leur's talkl 1 HARVEST HOME cf a quiet. and. unnssuming Idisposi- p asa ail tocnqickiy for is nud was ndop)ted as follows: Couich,iohnston &,Crydernnin. P owmanville Phone 104 LimItea 2m