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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1924, p. 4

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TYOEBOWMANVILLE, NOV. 13th., 1924 ENFIELD Mis. C. E. Rhines la spending two ---- Miss C. Oke and Miss Adams, Toiýwesi Trnowt-rltvs soMrM. and Mrs. de ikrthand DARLINGTON onto, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pascoe and Mrs. Win. MeReynolds has re- BASKET SOCIAU THYO sonGodo,_r.an____Arhu Miss Grace, Brookln, at Mr. Geo. turned from a pleasant visit 'with lier, I(eeping A breast of the Cranee and Winnifred, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hynds, Mr. Ormiston's; Miss Irene Bray s.d oronugto rieds.W.ilsan te BsktSclwi acre's, Tyrone. odLnsoe is agrtLn-Bray's; Miss Myrtie Hobbs, TPoronto, Lucille Hairdressing Parlors, 23% 11 .- m. Program wl egvn d ol agtnMs aiae agýat Mr. John Hobbs'; Mise Canmpbell, Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, Sbapohiso 15e and 10c.adewthbst. Trim es Newcastle DramaticClub wiîî pro- stone, Toronto, spent Thanksgîiîga r m mt'; .ngSapTetnns air oing, ssion duce its popular play "The Dust of with Mr. W. H. Wood ... . Mr. an Oshawa, atM.W.Sihs r nSapTetetHi obnfree. Corne 1and hv1 oo ie +îPPr. h"in vrnl. hlr1, jd., 1 Mrs. Blake Short anid chiIren spent'1 Everett Ormiton and Miss Greta Curling, Marcel Waving, Massagin In arranging our Fall Footwear we have stock- ed popular priced goods. We feel sure that this step will prove popular to you. Just a few of the ines are listed below. .'Men's Caif Oxf ords, iBlack and Brown, double weight soles. Just the kick for Fali $6.75 Men's Murray Made Shoes in -'Brown Caîf 11A with plain toe, and heavy welt sole $8.00. 1Men's Black and Brown Caif Oxf ords, for dress wear, ...... .................. $5.00 to $7.50 per pair Women 's Patent Leather Oxfords and Strap Slippers, fine grade welts $5.75 pr, Women' s or growing girls college shoes, in black kid and brown caîf, round toes $5.75 Women's Black Suede Slippers, with low heel an' $5.50 per pair Woiýnen's Kid -Oxfords and Welt Soles, $5.00 to $7,50 per pair Women's Patent Leather'Cross Strap Slipper, with new round toe and spanish heel, $6.50 pair Women's,-Patent Leather, Brown and 'Black Leather Oxfords at ......4 ............... $3.95 pair Other lines ...........$3.00 to $4.50 -per ýpair. IVES' SHOE STOIRE PHONE 241 BOWMANVILLE ROYAL THEATRE, BOW] THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, NO'V auspices of the Gleaners' Bib)le Class, Sunday with his brother, Mr. Elmo Jnei onluiila r .J on Wednesday, November l9th., at. Short, Pickering .... Mrs. C arnet Sy- Ormiston's; Mr. Walton Pascoe, l 8 P. nM. Newcastle Orchestra will 1mogê and babe have returned home1 Taunton, Mrs. R., Pascoe and Miss6 furis msi btwenacs.Coneaftc r visiting friends in Toronto. Mary Hogarth,- Solina, at Mr. L. C. l furnsh msic etwen ats. omePa.scoe's; Mr. and Mrs. L. Tordiff,, and enjoy a good play. Adults : _______ Myrtie, at Mr. Frank Gilbert's; The Chilren 0e.'1 ,serviceý last Sunday evening, were ChlrAEn 20e esadMisMr MAPLE GROVE fil well 'attended. A good ail- garet Pollock, Bowmanville, spent 1Lau etWdedyeeig Smart, Cherry Valley, on "The Sev- the olidy F.h . a MT own,1 November 19th., will le a special en Pillais". It was 'a real treat to Muton .... Mrs.F.G ymTon missionary night in charge of the hear Miss Iîené Bray, Toronto, sing with ber son, Mr. F. L. Byam. ...... medical volunteers of University of here once more .... Miss Jean Mark Mr. Earl Coulter and wif e, Oshawa,1 Toronto. There will be singing, bas been spendnï fwdYs with at Col.r William Fa hells c o dt- short talks, lantein slides, poster ex- her parents at Park Hill. I l nmbr atede th cncrtat ihibit, Everyone 18 cordially invited IHaydon on rThanksgiving evening t@ attend and help to make it a suc- ENNISKILLEN and report a good tume. , . . League ces1on al ni e h ot on husdy venng inchrg er exhibit which will be open at Mr. anïd Mrs. Henry, Lindsay, of 'Sîd Vice-Piesident, Mr. Clarence 7:30... Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brown Mi. and Mis. H. MeC*ornb, Mi. R. W'oodley. Mr. Bruce Ingham, B. and family, Toronto, Mr. and Mis. Doane, and Miss -C. and M. Sharp, A., qf Bowmanville, will give theHR.FrtradfmlLusTonowe hkgin vios topic. . . A number froin here at- H'R oseradri yLcsToot, erTangingvios tençled the shooting match at Mi. Hill, spent Thanksgiving at, F. Swal- at Mi. Andrew Sharp's. EisStrutt's on Tba nksg ..w'.... M~r. and Mis. F. R. Foley League Wednesday evening was too E ntldneiaste vivng.and an-d son David, Mr. and Mis. Nelson in charge -of lst Vice-President, Miss toori. teW anlce Mi e eehntng., Moore, Mis. Abner Jachinan, Toron- May Werry. - Bible reading was in the North County ... . Mi. and to,ý spent Sunday at J. D. Stevens'.,. taken by Mr. Arthur Brunt. Topie Mis. L. J. Goodman and farnily visit-. - .Mi. and Mrs. Ambrose Trenouth, was ably taken by Mis. Russel Or- ed bier sister, Mis. E. A. Butler, Toi- fMi. and Mis. Jas. Curtis, Hampton, miston. A piano solo was excellently^ onto, over Thanksgiving. visiteil at Mi. Sarn Snowden's- on rendered by Miss Gladys Stainton af- iSunday ... . Mis. E. F. Hart and son ter which she favoîed with a reading. 1 Miss Mary Richards, Unionville, Stanley, Oshawa, spent Sunday at Meeting closed by Mizpah benedie- Mi. and Mis. Chas. Richards, Ivan bier fatheî's, Mi. Win. Lyrner...... tion .... Sunday School and church and Arthur, Oshawa, spent the we ek- iMi. and Mis. Eber Snowden, Osh- at the usual bours next Sunday.... end at Mi. Thos. Richards' .... Miss awa, spent the holiday at Mr. W. J. Service here Sunday afternoon was K. Ferguson spent the holiday at ber 1Snowden's. . . Mis. Thos. Baker, very ably conducted by Rev W.5S borne in Hilto .... Mi. and Mis. Jas. Miss Muriel an'd Master Roscoe Bak- Smart who took for bis text iProv. Souch, Bowmanville, Mi. andl Mis. er, Solina, spent Monday with the 9:1, "Wisdom hatb builded 0 lier, Jiacques, Toronto, spent Sunday at f ormeî's daughteî, Mis. L. C. Snow- house, etc" ...Afteî League on' Mi. A. Hawkey's ...Miss H. Em- d...... Misses May Noon and Chris- Wednesday evening the beautiful meison and Mis. G. Eastman, Bow- sie Freeman, Town, Mi. and Mis. H home of Mi. and Mis. D. Buigmaster manville, spent the holiday at Mi. B G. Freeman and family visited the was opened f or the Leaguers to pi 1e- Mooe's.... .Mr. F. N., Farrell and foimei's parents, Mi. and Mis. J. sent Miss 'Aima Werry with a, veîy sons Gordon, Cyrus and Leonard, Noon, Nestleton, on Monday...... useful miscellaneous showei. Tbe Hamilton, bave been visiting at Col. Mi. and Mis. George Corser, Toi- bride and groom received the gifts Win. Farrell's .... Miss Viola Shorts, onto, visited their uncle 'and aunt, eacb one being aceompanied with a Peterboro, spent the weekend at Mi. and Mis. D. E. Rutley on Sun- verse composed by the giver. Games I home .... .Mrs. W . R. Clernens, Mi. day... .Miss Milldred C'oolidge, Bow- weie played after which a sump- I Bruce Honeywell, Mi. Stanley Law-~ manville Hospital, visi --J at H. G tuous lunch was seived. The party rence, Toronto, visited friends here Freeman's on Sunday. . Mliisses Suisie broke up by singing "For theyaiel on Monday ... . Misses Mary Bright- and Annie and Mi. Eric .aird, Tor- Jolly Good Fellows" and other'popu- weil, Mae Brent, Messrs. Howard onto, spent the holiday at home. . lai songs .... Quite a number froni Brent and Will McCaitney and Rev. . . Miss Hilda Foley, Futi to>ro Nor- here attended the Haydon Thanks- Mi. Down attended the Centennial mal, spent the holiday ît hom.. giving services on Sunday afternooni Convention at Toronto last ....... Mi. and Mis. W. H. Nelso .Ptr and evening to hear the Rev. H. Mi. Wmn. Little, Si., Mi. Win. Jr., boro, Mi. Harold Nelsor oe e Royal Stainton froni Waterloo., AlsýQt& and Wesley Little, Miss Lillian Mounted Police Force, Io, vis- concert on Monday. .Congratula-. Bryant,1 Oshawa, spent the holiday at ited their cousins, Mr. . î Mis. R. tions to Mi. Lloyd- Ashton and Mi. Robt. MeCullough's....... Miss L. Worden, Mr. and Mis. J. H. Mun- bride! Elma Gardiner, Smithfield, spent the day, -Mi. and Mis. E. W. Foley over Visitors: Mi. and Mis. Ed. Fal- weekend at home .... Miss Edîth M. the holidlay ... . Miss Dorothy Bell-, lis,t Toronto, at bis 'nephew's, Mr. Smitb, Bowrnanville, with heu mother, man, Toronto, Miss Marlon Beilman, James Bradley's; Rev. and Mis. Mrs ThmasSmihTown, visited their uncle, Mi. R._L Stoîey andl family vis8iting Mi. Fallis Mus.Thoas 5ît.Wordën. at Mi. N. ýByeîs'; Misses L. Andrew and Gladys Smith at their respective 1 homes in Pickering and London... SOLINA Mi. snd'Mi S. Pethick visiting with fîiends in Newtonville; Mis. Thos. LWT TIIT~'Mi. and Mis. Will Warner, Hast- Gilders bas returned afteî spending M -N V ILLL ings, visitel at Mi. H. E. Tink's.... SaPfe ston wirot be eî,Ms Councillor andl Mis. Sulas Williams, .Petn oot;Ms .Guly 1 n'and Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto, Miss VEMBER 20-21-22 Lloyd and Annie bave been visitng Gri kTwa i eie in Hoe towsbip.Oke's Rev. and Ms. Haold Stsin- Mi. John Baker sold 3 0 Shropshire1 ton, Waterloo, visited at Mr.' E. C. lambs to go to Quebec Provin e.... Ashton's; Dr. and Mis. H. Feiguson1 Mi. Alfred 4yre and Mr. Ber Glas-, and babe visited witb their piaents, IpelI are exhîbiting sbeýep at Guelph' in Uxhridge and Zephyr; Rev. andl r' iWinteî Fair .... Mu. Elmer Wilbur 'Mis. 15. C. Belkna-n and family vis- f y ~ bas sold bis bouse andl property bere! itOd with friends ini Toronto; Misa to Mi. A. E. Jennings, Hampton. .i Maudie Ashton bas returned ben r,. .Rev. C. W. DeMille, B. A.,Osb-1 fe pnin e eks with ber. awa, preacheil a tboughtful, 1etir-I unleRv .Stitno aterloo; ring missionary sermon at Eldad on! Mi. and'Mis. E. E. Staples motored1 ýSunday .... Mi. H. K. Denyes, Hol-1 to Janetville Sunday accompanieil by loway,,will give an addîess at Eldad' Rev. G. T. McKenzie of Yarke. .. . next Sunday on ýMissions. AIl Mr . Francis McGill, Toronto, spent should hear bu. . Mis. Isaac Haridyf a few days with bis parents, Mi. 4visited ber old home at Oakwood and Mis. John .....l.... Mr. and -and ber mother Mis. Dobson will vis- Mis. D. Burimaster attended the un- it there f or a mont .... Miss Elsie veiling of the Soldiers monument in Bragg, Toronto, visited ber sistei,1 Oshawa on, Monday .... Master Bil Mis. John Baker ... . Mi. Will Clark, Trewin, Oshawa, was visiting at Mariposa, recently called on fiienids! Master John Slemon's .... Mi. and bere .... Mis. John Reynolds, bas' Mis. G. Jeffery spent Sunday at Mi. gone to Cheriywood witb ber daugh-f David Cberry's. ter, Mis. R. Sornerville for tbe win- i ter .... Mi. John Reynolds bas gone ito Toronto to seek a position.... Mi. Joseph Reynolds bas taken al Li LAN ISHposition in the Bank of Montieal,j Bowmanville.. Rev. C. C. Washing-f A SPErC IA L ton, B. A., and Mi. W. C. Parsons, Ebenezer, will address the League ____ bere Monday evening .... .Mr. Fred Crome and bride, Oshawa, are on beauty of Italy. their honeymoon at Mr. boys serenaded him fou old tumes'B te sake and the groom responçled cheer- Squiriel Brand, 1i lb. pail fully. A fine tume wes enjoyed nI 'HRILLS garnes and other amusements'Bakr22 ipio, twnattended a sumptuous Thanksgivinig2 e hti nnithe .Ai dY tf owl supper at Newcastle. Admission: Aduits 35c; Children 20c. Thursday, and Ftiday nights at o'lc;Saturday-night at 7:30, Special Music. NOTE-We areholding, "The White Sister" over for Saturday to give our o4t, of town patrons an opportunity of seeing this tremendous production which is doing enormous business wherever shown, COMING-Thursday, Friday, Saturd ay, December 4-5-6 "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" Hol iday visîtors: Mi. Herbert A.,1 Misses Ethel L. andl Florence L. Van-1 Nest, Toronto, at Mi. N. E. Wrigbt's; Miss J. Honora Werry, St. Catharines Business College, with friends; Mis. R. Pascoe and Miss Mary Hogarth at Enfield; Miss De- ver, Blackstcck, at Mr. W. H. Mont- gomery's; Mi. and Mis. Edgar Pas-1 coe, Miss Letaand Messîs. 'Eh iand Harold, West Wbitby, at Mr. H . E. Tink's; Mi. and Mis. Claie Thomas and daughtei, Orillia, Mis. A. Gib- bons and daugbter and Miss Irene Argue, Toronto, at Mr. H. G. Ar- gue's; Editor and Mis. M. A. James and Mi. Norman James, Bowman- ville, Mi. and Mis. James A. Weiry, son Francis and Miss Grace, Ennis- kilen; Mi. and Mis. W. Charles, W'eriy, Oshawa, at Mi. S. Edgari Werry's, helping to celebrate the 1 5th anniversary df their marîlage,; Mis. S. E. Werry is now visiting her sister, Mis. Hairy Grooms, Toi- onto; Mr-. Walter Nelson, Toronto, at Councillor Williams'; Mi. Andîew McFarland and Mi. W. Walsh end son Willie. Fenelon Falls, at Mi. A. L. Pascoe's; Mi. and Mis.. Sam Brooks and Glen and Mi. and Mis. Elmer Gibson, ,Oshawa, at Mi. W. Van Nest's; Mi. and Mis. R. J. Mc- rKessock with ber mother at Hamp- ton; Mr. and Mis. A. L. Pascoe end IMis. Norman E. Wright witb Mi. R. J. Luke and Mi. H. F. Weriy and familles, Kedron .... President J. B. Reynolds and wife, James and Walter, ami Prof. Norman Rey- nolds and wife, Toronto, at Mi. R. J. McKessock's. New Peels Orange or Lemon 39c lb Citron............60e lb New Raisins New Bulk Dates, 2 lbs. 25e New Cooking Figs, 2 lbs. 23c Another Special Patterson Butter Cream Soda Biscuits While they last 3 lb. Box 35c E. F. Weekes The Community Grocer Corner King and Ontario Sts. Phone 226 ring 4 and Manicuring. --For-appointrnentj phone 815. Busineas hours 9 to1 6.30. Open Monicay, Wednesday PRIVATE SALE and Friday evenings. 85-tf i____ I Mrs. Moses Holland, Liberty St., South Ward, Bowmanville, will sell Money Wanted privately from now- until Tuesday, Novmbe 18h.,part of her bouse MON EV WANTED-$5000 loan at 6% furnishings at very reasonable puices. wanted. ilt edge farm security. Ap- Terms stricýtly cash. 46-1 ply M. L. J., Drawer B., Bowmanville. 44-tf Here Are Real Values Here you find the correctly eut Overcoats' from $15.00 to $35.00. Suits Here and are the new easy fitting styles , the n'ew fabrics, the new colors. HIere are the best values in years-a look at the clothes themselves will prove this to your satisfaction. fRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS SOVERCOATS Special, line of Oveicoats wortb $25 for ....... $19.75 FLA NNEL SHIRTS Men's ail wool Flannel Shirts, Khaki and Grey, reg- ular. $2,25 for........ $1.98 MEN'S WORKSOX Woîk Sox,, ail wool, pure white, reg. 50c, Sale Price 6 pairs f or.......... $2.75 AU Wool Work Sox made in England in, Heather shades. good weigt On Sale 4 pairs for ............ $1,00 MEN'S SUITS Regular $20.00, Sale.$14.75 Regular $22,50, ýSale.$17.95 Regular $25.00, Sale.$19.95 Regular $28.50, Sale.$22.75 Regular $30,00, Sale $23,95 Regular $35.00, Sale.$27.95 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS A line of Fine Shirts, Reg. values up to $2,50. On Sale................ $1.69 r MEN'S WORK- PANTS A line of Work Pants in Tweeds, Worsteds and Ser- ges, values up to $3.75. On Sale.................$2.95 NÇW STYLE OVERCOAT See the "Originator" The New Model Overcoat, at our store Friday and Saturday, Made with the detachable conmplex comfy muffler, some- thing decidedly new, selling at ............. $27.50 eachi BOYS' SUITS Boys' Juvenile Suits, 1 pair of pants, Regular $6.'75, Sale ...ý54 Regular $7.50,ý Sale.. .$5.95 BOYS' SUITS 2 PAIR BLOOMERS Regular $10.00, Sale. .$7.95 Regular $12.50, Sale. .$9.95 Regular $13.50, Sale$.10.75 Regular $15.00, Sale.$.11.9 5 T.eB.GILCHRIST (Formerly Manager Johnston's Clothing Store) Bowmanville Phone 271 BIG DEMAND FOR CORBETT'S HIGH LOAF BREAD Last week we did the largest week's business since coming to Bowmanville and we take this opportunity of' expressing our appreciation for your patronage. Business is certainly good 'and is steadily in- cereasing. This growth in sales is no do ubt due to the popularity of our fancy and plain cooking. If you are not already using Corbett's High Loaf try a loaf to-day. W. P. Corbett (Successor to Thomas Tod) Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville 4

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