SOLD IN TOWN BY W. J. BAGNELL AND W. P. CORBETT DOCTOR ADVISEO ANOPERATION Read Aibr omn',,iEx- am'a Vegetable Copound Provost,Àlbert.-" Penhaps yau will remember sending me one of your books ayear ao as i abad condition and wouluier awful painsat times and could flot do anythng.Tihe doctor said I could nat have eiidren unless I went under an aperation. 1 read testi- moniale of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound in the paperâ and a fiend recommended-me ta ak it. After tak- ing three battles I became much better and now 1 bave a bonny baby girl four months aid. I do my housework and help a ittle with tise ehores. I recam- mend the Vegetable Compound ta my friends and arn wiling for y ou ta use this teBstimoni*al letter. "- Mrs. A. A. ADÂms, Box 64, Pro*ost, Aberta. Pains in Left Side Lachine, Quebec.-" I took Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound be- cause 1 suffered with pains in my left aide and back and with weakness and other troubles wonien so often have. I was this way about six montha. 1 saw the Vegetable Compound advertised in the 'Montreal Standard,' and I have taken four batties of it. 1 was a very sick wornan and I feel so nxuch better 1 would not be without it. I alsa, use Lydia E. Pinkham'a Sanative Wash. I recommend the medicines ta my friends and I amn willing for you ta use my let- ter as a testimoial"-XMm. M. W. ROSE, 680 Notre Dame St., Lachine, Quebec. i ES 5yrupj for COUGHS, COUS à and BRONCHITIS EVERY MO'"NTH MANY WOMEN Take ZUT(X)Tablets and are t=e of the Grîping Pain and SIck Headaches. $ ead what Mrs. Wright says: Ireoelved your sample of Zutoo Tab- Iotg, and took thein for senere pain bumoatWly and headache. At the end of ja minutes. 1 was entirrly free af pain àn KprIaed no more throughout the peId$uffer a grOt deal at tiese timce ind eograteful that .1 bave a remedy W" gel&&qulcjc relief. Every voman %tard should know about Zutoo and wtiat th.y willl do. Xm. ALLES< WUGHT, Fuliosd, Que. TAK41%eE Z U T0O BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 13th., 1924 A NATIONAL ASSET As the greatest transportation company in the world, the Canadian Pacifie Railway has main ained a a national service in the Trans- Canada Linited which is second ta none and on the conclusion of the sumner schedule of this crack traini has transferred the equipmnent tathel Vancouver Express which leaves Toronto every night at 10:10 p. m. on its trip across the continent, via Winnipeg, 1algary, Banff, Lake Louise, the spiral tunnel, Sicamnousi and parts of the Canadian Pa'cific Rockies famous throughout the world on its way to Vancouver, whene the travellers are unan-nimous in thnëir praise of the service of the Van, couver Hotel. The Canadian Pacifie aiso operates a steamship service ta Victoria, the M4ecca for winter tour- jsts. Not only does the Vancouver Ex- press carry tourist and standard sleepers, but it also carrnes a Coin- partment-observ'ation car complete in itself, while a parlor car is added fnom Revelstoke to 'Vancouver. Added ta this national service is a feature service from Toronto to Montreal via the Lake' Shore Line, which bas been entirely reballasted with crushed rock an'd nelaid with 100 pound rails, insuring a maximum of comfort for travellers'at-night as well as an absence of dust in day- time. Trains leave Toronto Union Station at 9:09 a. m. daily, 10:00! p. M. daily except Saturdayr, and il p. m. daily. Arriving at Windsor! Station, the travelpi bas the benefit' of imniediate facilities in the wom- en 's rest room, lunch room -and bar- ber shop, which cannat be duplicat- ed in any other station in Mantreal. An added ,canvenience is offered those who wish ta travel ta Montreal from Morth Toronto, in the 9:45 p. m. train, daily except Saturdays, fromn Yonge Street Station., Canadiun Pacific agents will glad- iy make'your reservatians and sup- ply you with any information you ne- quire. They are fully qualified ta offer -a "second ta none" service ta the public. 45-4w exp erimnent- lng w e n auuse Dr. EÇZE hase's Oint- ment for Hozeina an& Skin, Irrita- tos It relieves at once axXd gradu- aL y heals the skin. Sample box Dy. Chase" o<)ntmient free if you mentio thls paper and send 2c. stamp for postaUge. 6 .,a box ; ail dealers or Edmnanson, Bats&0. Liniitedl, Toroito. 1FRUIT TREES Just as the onchardist is able through nounishment to increase the vitality and résistance of his ,apple-tnee to winter's cold, so is the body fontified wýith, Scott's EwuIs 11 Thousanda now take it as negu- larly asthey take food, ta build healthy resistance and to protea them when winter's cold -arrives. Take a lesson from Na- strong to resist weakness- take Scott's Emulsion! Scott & Bowae. Toronto, Ont. Z4-29 "HeadchesBillous Spelisf Are Now Ail Gone"'I MrPS. John Ireband, Nobleton, Ont, writes: "Iwas a great sufferer f rom severe headaches and bilions speils. 1 tried a number of reine- dies without obtaining any bene- fit until I was advised ta use Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver PiUs. These completely1 relieved mie, and made me feel like a new person. 1 arn very grateful ta Dr. Chase', Mechcines for wlsat they have done for me, and you may use MY letter for the bene& <of Dr. Chases K10dà y-LlverPMll M ecas. a box <of 35 pins, U&nanaaDatesh (&.. 4d., ýTSSto THE 0. T. A . VICTORY The O. T. A. has been sustained By the recent plebiscite,, Sa,ý aid man booze once more is chained, And we'l1 have ta do what's igbt. On taria set a worthy pace By vating as she did To hen it sure was no disgnace That tnaffic ta forbid. The ýwets are in no pleasant moad, But if tbey'd only think Pure Sping waten is just as good Wlen they neally want a drink. The drys sbould now stili play theix part,1 And, moral courage give, To the powers that -be Up in Queeni's Park; fod Ter i-n du i te That the O. T. A. .may live. great importance of your advîce on D. W. R., Darlingtou.. these matters and I trust many will benefit." W. C. 'T. U. MEDAL CONTEST 1We were deligbted ta Igara thati Miss MabeL Dowson the Wiianer lin the City of St. Catharines a ýDurbam aid boy, Principal F. T. The necent Medal Contest in Town rWright of St. Catharines Business Hall, Orono, attnacted a largeaud- College was Président ai the local ience, who enjoyed a weil rendered 0O Tý A. Campaiga Commnitteé- and prograni. that a member ai bis teachin.g staff, Rev. S. T. Tuclier as chairman 1 Miss J. H. Werry ai Salins, was ai gave a fin~e address. The contest-~ very active wonken for the cause ants wene Miss Thenesa McNeil, Miss' writing for the papers,ý talkiag as Dorotby Hoan and Miss Mabel Dow- she' had, ?ppartuaity and assistiag son, each acquitting benseîf very on Commttee wonk, as many other creditably. Durbhamites wene doing whene they Judg-es wer<e Mrs. Gea. Honey,! resided. Newcastle, Mns. C., B. Sissons and 'Ina a letton dated: 7 Ottawa St. Miss Elva Tucker, Onono. Mrs. St. Catharines, October 30,. Miss Sissons in gi'ving the verdict an- Wenry writes,. 1 neyer saw people nounced Miss Mabel Dowsoni the so set. ia thein opinions against what medalist. Rev. J. W. Rýae in hji$ seenied ta me so plainly right. unique manner pnesented the inedal, Scores, yes, hundreds ai gaod teni- and a book ta eacb contestant,. penance people voted Government The musical prognamn consisteii af Control, tbînking ta 'do oeway with an instrumental by Miss Gladys! bootlegging which is more la evi- Tucker, a cbiidren's chorus,. solos 1byj dence hene than else-whene, it may Mns. O. W. Rolpis and Mn. M. Hy be. Amn very glad that rural divi- Stapies, duets by Mn. T. Saiten and inbedtelesadIwu e Mrs. Barron, Hampton, and quar- giad ta have Thse Statesman kaow tettes by MesdamesBrown, Chap- how mucis appreciated was the splen- man, Stapies and Miss Buchanan' all did campaign put on in your paper. ai which were weli received. The 1 passed sanie copies on hene. Rev Knox Orchestra gave several gaod . C . Frank ai Victoria, naw stay- numbers. ing at Maple Grave owing ta Mrs. Frank's ilianess, gave good service The boys expnessed their opinion thnaugh this District in the O. T. A. froni the gallery in the followin api. CnCanada, flght shall we, Canada, Canada, dry shal be; Canada, Canada, doth reply The Cnda Statesman We wili hold tilI the world gaes dry. WEDDI14G Duffy-Richards Quietly la Daýnfonth Methadisti Churcis, Torornto, which was decorat- ed'with pahnis and munis ior tsel occasion, the mariage took place 0i Mary Olive, yaungeat daughter aiý Mn. and Mrs. James Richiards aifOr- ana, ta 'Mr. Wiford Duffy, son af Mn. ,and Mns, James Dinfy ai Toron-1 ta. Rev. J, J. Coulter perionnied tbe ceremony and Mn. W. A. Staplesl played the wedding music., Durnagl the signintg ai the negiter Missl Florence MeNain sang.1 The bride was becomingly gowaed in beige geargette with brown Freach embroidery, and hat and fur ta match. She canried a showerl ai 'butterfly nases and lily oi thse val- ley and she also wore thse groom'si gits a platinumt neckiace set1 witb diamonds and peaiËis, and a wzîstI watch. Alter the cenemony the bride and groom, leit for a motoZ trip tbru the Eastern States and on their ne- tuan will live at 33 Oakdene Cnes- cent, Toronto. PROTECTING THE INVESTMENT Abraham Lincoln hl4monousely said ai a pon neighbbr's assets, 'II-e has a wiieand two cbiidnen which 1 sbould think 'wene wortb thîrty thousaad dollars ta any man". A fimily is indeed a golden in- vestment and needs the samne protec- tion and, cane that any invetmeat nequires. For thnee generatians the editors ai The Youth's Companion have felt the sanie nesponsibility ta the famil- ies ai subsenibens as if those fam- ilies wene their owa. lantakiag a subscr!_ýt!on they have accepted u trust; they have dane their part tai see that the «famuly iavestment, ln- cneased in value througb the devel- opment oi characten -and a taste' fori .the gaod thingsil le. The 52 issues -of 1925 will be cnowded with serial stonies, short atonies, editorials, poetry, facts and fun. Subscnibe now and, receive: 1. The Youth's Campanion-52 is- sues in 1925. 2. Ail the remaining issuesof 1924. 3. The Companion ,Home Calendar for 1925. (Sent only on request.) Ail ion $2.50. 4. Or include McCall's Magazine, the mont'hly autliority on' fashions. Bath publications, only $3.00. THE YOUTH'ýS COMPANION,, Common wealth Ave. & St. Paul St., Boston, Mass. Suhbsciptians Received at this Office, JAUCTION SALE < . JFriday, November 14-Mn. Percy 1Hayward, Lot 7, Con. 6, Darlington, will seIl! al ai bis farm stock, impie- ments, feed and funniture. Sale at 1 -P. M. See bis. Thea. M. Siemion, Auctioneer. 45-2w M. A. JAMES Steainship Tickete Ta Europe-Canadian Pacifie, White tar Dominion, Cunard, American. A.ak for information. Phono 8 18 $2.00 a year -and worth it. Subscribe To-day New Wall Papers We have received 'this week a large shipment of the latest designs in Wall Papers at -reasonable1 prices, suitable for any room. W.T. Allen Book*. and Statiosneny Bowmanville Apples. Wanted Any quantity of apples Wanted at our Evaporator at Bowmanville. J. A. Holgate &Son Phone 153 Bowmanville IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL In ord(ging four extra copies of The Statesman Miss E. A.'Thomp-1 son,' Clarke, writes: My two brathers in Southena Califormia wiii be much interested in several of the articles appearnag in your paper, perbaps cifyin the sketch of the late Mn. John McMurtry's life. lt may notý be out of place here ta express ta you my appreciatian ofithe highl characten of The Statesman and myl best wishes for your prosperity. Dr. Helen MacMurcbyof the De- partment of Heal1th, Ottawa, under date ai October 24, wites the Editor thusiy: "Thank you for, The States- man coataining yaur valuable article upon the dnking of water and an Fred Sellers wbo on comiag here fraln the aid country made bis home for aine yeans witb Mn. W. T. Ruth- erford at Kirby befare gaing ta De- trait, Mich., passed away Wednes- day, November 5, la the bospital at that city foliowing an openation for appendicitis. The body 'anrived here Tbunsday and the funeral took -place £rom Mr. W. T. Rutherfond's on Satunday. lis brother, Mn. Bert Sellers and Mn. Elsworth Beacock ofa Detroit, and two prominent mata- bers ai Theoidore Roosevelt L. O. L. No. 429 ai that city aif which de- ceased was a member accompanied the nemains. Powerfui Medicines.-Tbe bealing properties la six essential ails are concentrated ia every bottle ai Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, f ormiag onel ai the most benelicial liniments ever off ered ta the use ai man. Many can testify as ta its power la allay- ing pain, and many mare can cen- tify that tbey- owe thein bealth ta it.' Its wonderiul power is nat expnessed by the small price at which it sella. The Ladies' Tbank.'offening meet-ý ing in the Presbyteriaa Chuncli was a auccess. In addition ta tbe other- wise fine talent, Mns. J. L. Rowe ai Aiberta. who is on a trip ta the east gave an, address ai much iatenest aad instruction. She ia a whaie hast in henseli. Miss Buchanan sang a solo, Mn. Reanie Poster an- othen, which were much enjoyed. There wene young, artists galore, Loreen Lorniman, Velmia Neal, Ther- essa McNeil and others3. Mrs. Henry, the Presideat ai the W. M. S. pre- sîded. Mis. Somenville played for the singers. Off erng $40. Use Millen's Worm Powders and the battie airainst wormns la won. These pawders correct the morbid conditions ai the stomacli which nourish wonnis, and these destructive parasites cannot ýexist aften they came in contact with the unedicine. The worma are speediiy evacuated with other refuse irom the bowels. 1 Soundîness fa imparted ta the organsý I nd tise health ai tise çhild steadily improves.1 The Deliclous Flavor drawn fro'Î the leaves of ilFF nk 'ORONO (From The News Miss Scott, T oronto, is visitiug lien sister, Mrs. Geo. Wannaa. L Pleased ?'ta learn that aur old ,frien i Mr. Robt. Fielding, lias taken a change for the betten." ýMrs. John Cornish is spending the week with Mrs. A. K. Edmison at the Parsonage, Little Bnitain. The famuly af Mn. James Hunten were called here to-day owing ta the seniaus illness af their father. Mn. Ralpb Figett of Blackstock, is openiag out a butcher shop in the wlate J. W. Fowlen implemejit ware- roanis. The cheapness of Mother Graves' Worm. Exterminaton puts it within neach of ail, and it can be got at any dnuggist's. Mn. Thos. Patterson has made such favorable progress in hospital at Bowmanville, that he hopes ta ne- turn home soan. 1Mn. David Noble bas purchased the late Misses McPhenson resideace, M in Street., fnom Mis. Wm. Mc- PIierson of Toronto. Messrs. J. J. Gilfillan, Jini Gil- fslan, W. A. Waddeli and Onu Gamsby leit an Friday for Halibur- ton' for a deen hunt. Mn. and Mns. Duffy, nee Olive Richards af Toronto, .motoréd down from the city and spent the week- end with. ber parents. No mnan ar woman should. hobble painfully about because of carns whea so, certain a relief is at hand as Holloway's Can Removen. 1Mr. and >Mms H. Junker, Mn. and Mns. Louie Junker and son Robent visited oven theweekend with rela- tives in Kitchener and Toronto. Miss W. Ballagh -returne'd home at Mr. A. J. Staples' Satunday, from Chatham where she spent the past two years with ber aunt, Mrs. Jack- son., Miss Edna Stutt gave a veny pret- ty Hallowe'en youaýg people's nias- querade at thehomie of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stutt,, Fniday night. Mn.' and Mrs. Robt. Best, Thora- bury, wnites bis cousin, Mn. Well- ington -Cawaa, that tbey have an- rived at Kissemmee, Fia., where they will spend the winter., Mn. C. J. Thoraton bas gone ta Manvers section with bis portable lumber miii, to compItte bis contract fan a Toronto f&n af cutting one million feet oi standing mixed tim- ber. Mr. G. H. Linton, Toronto, a former Oronoite, is on an extended trip througb the -western prqvinceýr Harry expects ta spend a few days % itb bis old fneand, Mn. J. L. Rowe ait Calgary.. Dr. and Mns. Rice and family and her -mother, Mrs. Thos. Jaynes, Lindsay, Mn. and Mrs. Bert Andmus, Bowmanville, and Mn. and Mrs. Charles Bradley, Oshawa, visited ne- cently ai Mn. W. H. Banrrett's. Mr. and Mrs. Ephnamar Harper wene given a pleasant send off by thein friends. and ndighbors before leaving for Rocheste, N. Y. They were pneseated with, a nicely worded addness and a punse of money. Mn. Lyle Loweny who has accu- pied the Alexander McKay'fanm on the 8th concession wiil vacate the camiag Spring, Mn. Clarke of Ton- onto, having bougbt the pnoperty.1 Mn. Lowery bas lessed the Miss M.' E. G. Wad-dell farm on the sixth line. 1 The Family Physician.-The good docton is 'aiways worth bis fe'e.. But it is not always passible ta get aiJ doctor justwben you wajit him. laI sucb- cases, comamon sense suggests' the use of neliabie, borne emediéps, sucb as Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Ou1, which is wonderfully effective in eas- ing inflaminatory pains and bealing cuts, scratches, bruises and spnains. The presence of this remedy in tbe- family medicine cheryt saves many a fee. A RCHIE TAIT -Phone 65 Bowmanville TO-MORROW is on, the way. If you knew to-day that to-morrow's fire would destroy your home, you would prepare ~to-day. But you cannot know what WMI happen to-morrow. You can protect yourgelf againSt finiancial loss, however. Fire insurance is the only one of the many forins of dependable proper- ty protection we offer to those who woulId be pre- pared for to-mOrroW's eventualities. J. J. MASON & ScO) N Real Phone 50 Estate and Insurance Brokers Bowmanville 'I Ins ist on BAYER TABLETS 0F ASPI-RIN Unl.ess y'ou see the "Bayer Cross"' on tablets you are not getting thé, genuine Bayer product proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Pain T othache Neuritis Rheumatism Accept only "Eayer" p2Eaaeý exwhich contais proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes af 12 tablets, Also bottes af 24 and l00-Druggists. Aspirin la the trade mark~ (registered In Canada) of Bayer manufacture of Monoacetlc. acidester ofSalicylicacid (Acetyl Salicylle Acid, "A. S. A."). While It ls wefl known that Aspiriu means Bayer manufacture, to assist the publie against imitations, the Tablets Of Bayer Company wiii be stansped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross." Cook's Regulating Comipound A safs, reliable reoukdaUng medieine. Sold in three de- grees of strengili-No. 1, 81; No. 2, $3; No. 3, 85 per box. ia Sold b y ail druggistB, or sent ree pamphlet. Address: THE tOOKMEDICINECO 1GOTGOT.(omelWido WOD'S PMOSPMODtNÉe. Thse Great Englisk Preparatin_. 1 Tones andi nvigorates the whoIW nervous syatem. makes si" Slood in oîd Veina. Used for Nera'aus Debility, Mental and Brais Warry, De.sondn7,Los ofEner * Palpitatiop thse Heart, ailinghMemoy rice$2ebx3 for $5.A Soid by ail druggists, or mailed in pisi plsg. on receipt of pdc. New pamplo mail<,f i-o.11U11 WOOD MEDICINE Co.JoRomTOSONT 'gq GREEN TEA H6 hbas won it millions of users. Sold by ail grocers. -Buy a piacl1a9e todar. FREE SâMPLE of GREEN TEA UPON REQUEST. "SALABA." TORONTO The Goo;Vd Cook Buys Good Groceries The thorough housewif e knows that good cooking does not start in the kitchen. She realizes that one must have good Groceries before one can mrate toothsomne and wholesome dishes. That's why she buys here where quality is high and prices Iow.