BOWMANVILLE, NOV. lSth., 1924j HUNTING MOOGSE AND DEER For many years'hunters from On-I tario have realized that the very best huntîng grounds are located in the vieinity of the Canadian Pacifie Railway. Hunting clubs, as well as smnall parties, appreciate the neces- sity of arrangements made in ad- vance. Cana dian Pacifie agents are qualified to give you accurate in- -formation as to where deer, moose 2n'd big game can ho f ound. They are ~pentiful in theFrench River district, to Sudbury from French River; along -the main lino of the Canadian Pacifie ,Railway fr 'om Sudbury to Chapleau and -also in the Maritime Provinces, as weIl as in the district around Sharbot Lake. Ask any Canadian Pacific agent for a copy of the Huntors' Pamphlet ror write W. Fulton Passengor Agent, C. P. R. Building, Toronto. 42-7w Notice to Creditor IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTA' ý0F MATTHEW' C. ROBBINS, late of t 'Township efDarlington, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that persons having any dlaims or deman against the late, Matthew C. Robbii who died on or about the 27th day -ApriI, 1924, at the Township of Darlir ton, are required te send by post pr paid or deliver te the undersigned so citer for the Toronto General Trust Cc poration, the 'administrators of theE tate of the said Matthew C. Robbins, te the said Toronto General, Trust Co poratien, Toronto, Ontario, their nan and addresses and full particulars writing of their dlaims and statern of their accounts and the nature ofs ,curities, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after t] ,Sth day of December, 1924, the said Te onto General Trust Corporation, will pr .ceed te distribute the assets of the sa deceased arnong the persons entiti, -thereto, having\regard only to the clair eof which they shall then have had n tee. and that the said Toronto Gener Trusts Corporation will nlot be liable f the said assets or any part thereof di any person of whosc daim they shah n -then have received notice. D)ATED at Bowmanville, this 3th dE -of October, 1924. M. G. V. GOULO, Soflitor. for Toronto General Trust Coi 45-3 Order Storm Windows NOW 4Get our meney saving price list showin -lreight paid cost of storrn windows, gla ed complete. any size. The Hallida CoLt ., Hamilton, Ontario. 41-7 Hione YoÎur Rtazor lkeNeW Perlorted\>4V<q ,klo skill needed. Pàten t idea of 'lioles" pre- vents Wire-edge or OVER-boning. Try'one .80 days. It will make your dullest old razor shave like new or we return price-500. at- ;ordealers. or by mail. Large size, $1-0&. PeRFORATED HONE Co., WaIkerville, Ont. bruis uje 2i-kle ýîou feel if heal Jars Il. , 9.14 A. L. Nicholis, Local Dealer. TRY THIS! OXO PIE 4 large Potatoes, 2 Onions, 2 Oxe Cubes, Pepper and Sait. Slice the potatoes and onons and put them in a pie dîsb in layers. Dissolve the Oxo ini a cupful of bot water, and pour over, putting a amai1 piece of dripping on the top. Bake in a bot oven until browned nicely, aind serve. -s TE the ail nds ins, of ,re- hii- or jes in nt& tho or- id led ms ral, for tue 'ot HUNDRED YEARS 0F METHODISM IN NEWCASTLE The Wallbridge House in which first service was; beld Nov. 5th., 1824, f rom photo taken in 1924 by W. Selden. rirst Methodist Churcb. Newcastle, 1846 Newcastle Methodist Chur'ch 1924 lay HISTORICAL REVIEW andJohn C. Ash came as assistant in I as assistants. Ho was follow 1ed, in 1855. Then followed William Philp 1870, by William McDonagh (threo rp. It was £rom the f oundations laid (throe yoars), with* Daniel Jackson, years), with W. J. Jolliffo, (two 1wby Paul and Barbara Hock and Edward'Cragg and William E. Walk- years), andC. L., Thompson. In -Philip Embery, in Eastorn Ontario, or as junior pastors. Up till this 1873 1. B. Aylesworth, M. D., and time Nowcastle was a part of the Newton Hill received the appoint- that Mthodismn was first oxtended township of Clarke, but in 1856, the ment. At the Conference of'1874, to Nowcastle. As early as 1788 the yoar in which William Philp coin- Nowtonviille circuit was formed and Bay ofý Quinte Circuit, from which menced his pastorate, Newcastle re- Newton Hilîl was appointed pastor. the Conference namne is derived, was ceived hoer charter and became an in- At the saine time Peter Addison ngoraidotdngfo th eat corporated village and the Nowcastle was appointed to Newcastlo, with z- ognzd xedn ri h u Methodist Church ontered uo A. W. Ross, Jabez Wass and W. H. ay wostward ýto Yonge Stre!et, Toronto, new epoch. In 1,859 Francs^Colo-Emse. M.Adnwsscod 'W The flrst regular proacher in this man receiveld the apponten ed by Jacob E. Howell, with Edward -Uppor Canada district was the flot- (three yoars), with Jame raam 1H11l, J. H. Barkwell and W. H. able William Losee, whose appoint- Robert 0. Wilson and George H. Emsloy. By this timo the congroga- ment was mado in 1791. With the Cornish. Within this termi Mr. tion had outgrown the capacity of graduai growth of population in the Hart A. Massey/ built a parsonage the church, and in 1877 the building district, Methodism becamo mure in- for tho cirucit on Church Street, on was enlarged hy oxtending it to the tensive, and by 1805 the ground was the south ond of the church lot, and west. At tho samoe timo the organ so divided that Newcastle was in-~ sold it ta the trustees. Rov. Francis was removod from the oast gallery cluded-in the -Smith's Creek-.Circuit Colenman was the ýfirst to- occupy it. and placed in an a1cUsve"built in the which extended from Trenton to In 11862 Dr. I. B. Aylesworth and western extension. A vestry was Pickering ,and had Thomas Madden Alfired McCann, were stationed at also fittod up and a now choir loft as its minister n185.Hopwber Newcastle, but during the yoar Dr.I built behind the pulpit. The re-open- fellow E hy Lthe e BishRbert Ay1esworth became agent for Vict-'img services were in charge of Rev. PeryElis atteCepasHurbetoria College, anîd Thomas Brock J. G. Laird, Chairman of the Bow- John Reynolds and Joseph Gatcheil. c ame from coilege in his stead. In mnanvillo District, and on Monday No ppintnotsaretuacabl dr-1863 Alexander Campbell was ap- evening Rev. Hugh Johinstoh, of ing the war o! 1812-14. During pointed superintendent (three Toronto, lectured, in the- church. 1815Smit's Ceek ad t e Oe years), with James Hannon, Edward 1 In 1880 Jonathan E. Betts was ap-I of I. B. Smith, who was foliowed by Morrow and W. C. Washington. Rw. pointed, with W. J. Barkwoll, T. P. Nathaniol Rooder, James Jackson, Alexander Campbell died at Christ-r te n ejmnGoti. I ýlijah Boardman, Philander Smith, mas, 1865. In consequence W. C.i Steel8anPete adisn recerivedIn JoasMdn, aueBetnadWashington was put in charge o! j econd appointment, with W. A. V. Joseph Atwood. In 1824 David tho circuit' and R. Kerr was taken E. Patte.rson, A. Richard and Robert vtekzinridgo and Anson Green were frM Brighton and placod at New- Walker (Orono). In 1886 Robert appointed ta this field, which cover castle for tho balance o! the year. Walker ,-oved, to, Newcastle and - twelve townships, had thirty In '1866 William MîcCullough r-Toa ulprsdda rn.I n eaofi400 ples.n irut~ coived the appointment (two years), 1888 James Thon received the ap-ý flO o 40 mles Iwith A. B. Chambers and D. F. Gee. pointinent to Newcastle with T., Dun- This year narkod the first Meth-, During Mr. McCullough's pastoraite lop and George Edwards at Orono.1 4 i:st preaching in the Newcastle the presont brick church was built In 1891 D. F. Gee was sont ta New-j nohghborhood., On November 5th., on the south-west corner of astle, with George Brown at Oro". Anson Green, a young Methodist Mill and Emily Streets. Tho cor- cIn the faîl o! 1892 the building prohationer, came to "]Mao Wi- ner stone. was laid by John MacDon- of a new brick, Sunday-schooi roon mot'sno Nwcste-and preach,- ald, merchant, Toronto, on May 24th, aitthe wost end, o! the church wasE eti in a log schoolhouse a little westi 1867, about twenty-one yoars after commenceti. Before it' was finish- of Salmon Creek", andi at this tino the olti framo church was commen- eti Rev. D. F. Gee tiied and Charles hoe "left an appointment on the mainj ced. Rev. A. B. Chambeirs anti Rev Atiams hati been stationed in his roati at MTr. Asa E. Wallbridge's Mr. Rowsom o! Victoria 'College, steati. Tenwbidn a p houe".anti Mr. MacDonald delivoreti ad- ed on March 2th., 1893, the Sunday In 1825 the naine o! Smith's iCreek dresses. Joseph Olford's chah- sang services being conducteti by Rev. circuit was changed ta Cobourg, with anti the Newcastle h rass band played George Brown, interim superinten- George 'Bissel as its ninister. j the National Anthem. The Ladies' dent o! the circuit. Mr. Hart A. In 1826 Whitby becamo the head Aid had a social evoning, with more Massey presiieti at the Monday, -o! a circuit embracing Hope, Clarkey addresses and music by the band evoning .platform meeting.i Darlington, Whitby, Pickering, Scar- and church choir in the ovoning in In19R.MPoecm taN - haro', Markhan ecUx igthe Masonic Hall. csIe, w8th . . P eai at oNo.- Brock and Marîposai, anti James Wil- The building was completeti caMrsPe, plaJ.n.nedtmake Newcastle1 son received the appointinent. Ho 1869. A large, doep-toneti bell was a station. In 1894 hoe was succeeti- was succeetied by Robert Corson, also placed in the tewer. A pipe e yGa .Cplni n n19 Hamilton Biggair and Conrati Van organ for this fine now church wais1te N ecastle ean rndcicuit89a Dusen, James Norris (two years), piaceti in the gallery against te t heal dvNewtle arn h om rcing seat with William Patrick anti James Mus- of the tower. The late Charesý circuit and Newcastle a station, withi grave, Solomon Waltiron (two years> A. Massey, son o! Hart A. Masey G. H. Copelanti as pastor. ,Mr. and Thomas McMullen, Robert Cor- was the first organist.j Copolanti organizeti the Epwor'th son (two years), with Thomas Faw- When the now church was Coin- League ha Newcastle,- a society which cett and J. C. Will, Horace Dean pleted, early in 1868, two Sundays, has flourisheti ever since. I (two yoars) with H. Mulkins anti J. February 16th and 23rti., were seta Lever, Daviti Wright, J. Lever, Sm- apart for the Opening and Dedica- Rabert Taylor succeetieti Mr.i on Huntingdon anti Joseph W. Mc-! thon services. Rev. Wellington Copolanti in 1896, and was pastor Callun. jJeers, D. D., thon oditor a! The o hreyar. Tonf0owdT In 187Y5 Bowmanville was taken f Christian Guardian, preached in th.e J Edmison, 1899, for four years, fromn Whithy and matie a circuit, morning, Rev. Dr. Noues, o! Victoria and thon John C. Wilson,, in 1903, with Ahap Adams in charge. TheI College, in the aftornoon, anti Rev. for four yoars. The Conference of Newcastle services at that time were 1 S. Jose in the evening o! thel6th. 1907 stationeti A. Mansoîl Irwini at heli in a schoolhouse on Baldiwin On the following Sunday Rev. Dr. Newcastlç, and tiuring bis pastarate Streot, where the old lock-u lEtigerton Ryerson preacheti a mg the church hati hlessings o! an ex- stands. The olti frame church fcent sermon in the morning, Rev. traordinary character.c which stood on the corner o! Church R. Whiting of! Bowmanville, ha the Tobcntud. anti Emily Streets, was cammonceti a!tornoon, and Rev. Dr. Anson Green (ob otn~. during the pastorate o! Mr. Adams in the ovening. un 1846. It was sided anti roofet i The church was campleted and there were no pows, blocks andi equippet at a cogt af somothing over planks heing used for seats, and re- $6,000. mained in that condition until J. C.- By reason o! some confusion over Slater hecame, minister o! the Bow- the tieeo f the chiurch, a number o!, nanville circuit in 1850, when the families living ta "the north withtirew ý1t. 81 hschurch was patrt. O Mcalch from Newcastle and formeti a newb l6t., 85, tischuch asaffcillycogregation-Bethel-en the third openetianti tedicateti, the first Meth- concession o! Clarke. Proinont odist Chiurch in Newca'stle. Rev.I J. C. Slater conducteti the srieamong thein woro Messirs. H. Munira, srieH. Rinch, H. Middleton, John F]igg anti Dr. S. S. Nelles anti Dr. T. Tay- adJh olod h i rn lor were the special preachors for chuirch 'continueti to ho. used for so- the day. The aext year, 1852, all cial, Sundtay School anti other puir- the appointments ha Clarke township poes until the opening o! the new were formeti into Newcastle circuit, Suntiay School building in 1893. On-e with John English as minister in ly a few months atex-ward it was , charge. The church wais thon paint- tiestroyed by fire. eti anti pews were furnisheti. Sanie A h ofrneo ue 88 yeas aitrabot 861 te cm'chThomas Cleghorn was appaintedti t was raiseti anti a baisement . pravitied. the Newcastle circuit, anti therefore08 ln June, 1854, Williamn S. Black.. pastor of the new brick church, wîth stock Was aPPointed ta Newcastle, Jas. A. McClung andt R. W. Williame PAINTING AND DECORATING We have now a fulli une of Johnson's Waxes, Polishes, Wood Dyes, Varnishes, and ai wood finishes. Get my prices for polishing floors and furniture. Old furniture made like new. Johnson's Ser- vice Department. SG. PRITCHARD Cor. King and Silver Sts., Bowmdànville 44-tf Farms 4to Rent FARM TO REhT-126 acres, lot 3, B. F., Darlington. Plowing possession at once, full possession April 1, 1925. Ap- phy to Mrs. Jamies MacConnachie, King St., E., Bowrnainvile. 34-tf' Agents Wanted SALE6M EN-We off er steady ernploy- nment and pay weekhy te seli our Cern- plete and exclusive lines of guaranteed quality, whohe root, fresh-dug-to-order trees and plants. Attractive illustratedi samples and f ull co-operation, a«money-j pmaking opportunity. Luke Brothersi Nurseries, Montreal. 41-g0 Notice Orders for cernent ble cks or cernent werk cf any kind given prompt attent- Ion and at reasonable rates. We are ai- se prepared te do tearning. Phone 170. Mrs. A. Turner, Scugogý St., Bowman- ville. 35-tf MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB. M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity University, alto of Roéyal Coll'ege Physicians, Edin- burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- en and children. Office-Parker'A Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduate of Trinity University Fellow, of Trinity Medical College Licentiate of the State University of New York, Matriculate of the Post- Graduate IMedical School and Hos- pital of New York and Fellow of the Toronto Ac.ademy of Medicine. Office -]rs. McNaughton's Residýencýe.1 Newcastle. Hours-8 to 10 a. nm., i to 3 p. m., and by appointment CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Durwin E. Steckley o! Bew mar4ville will make rosidontial caiL in Newcastle, Monday, Wednesday and Frida:y. For an appointrnen, phono I4ýJ, Bowmanville. 32-t1 J. WU . Bradley N.wcastle G erlInsurance Agent Clerk of, 2nd Division Couný, Couý missioner, etc. GOOD COKE> [s cheaper than -wood and im thie equal to the best Coal. I have a suuply of the best ,Coke obtainable. 1 Highest grade of Anthra- cite always on hand. ueo. Jamieson Dominion Player Piano, regularly $1000 re- tail, lused a few, months onl y, in perfect condition, will be sold at great saving to purchaser. Easy terms. Player Roils will go with ffhs instrument. Telephone or write F. J. MITCHELL Distributor BOWMANVILLE Best in Groceries Like everything else it always pays to buy the best quality of Groceries. That is one reason why this store lias sucli a large steady trade. Customers know when they buy here they get the highest grade of goods and at the lowest prices. Join the happy contented throng of shoppers that patronize this store. H ARRV PHONE IU ALLIN iwwmANVILuE CANNEL COAL Ebony Cube-the best cannel coal mixed. -We have just unloaded a car for use in fire- place or grates. Now that- the cool, evenings are here let us supply your wants for a nice cosy warm grate fire. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Phone 153 Bowmanville L j r SEASONABLE, SUGG ESTIONS Fîli your coal bin with Genuine D. L. Scranton Coal ât SUMMER PRICES. &w. Cover your roof with Artistic Ruberoid Octab SI 'ate Surfaced Shingles. Colors-Sage Green and Venetian Red. Very best material and manu- facture. Also roll roofing of various grades and prices to -suit evei'y purpose. Replace your unsanitary, dust-laden carpets with Beaver Brand, Hardwood Flooring. Cheaper, more whoiesome, more durable and better in ap- pearance than other floor covering. Estimates cheerfully furnished on ail kinds of building mateial. McC'leIIan, & Co., Limited King St. East OMeie Phone 15 Bowmanvilll. Houa. Phones 228, 274, 218 bi - -iK- UAIN