Jt's An Old Saying And A True One: THE PROOF 0F THE CAKE IS IN THE EATING Corne and taste our Christrnas Cake. t costsyou nothing. Hefore ordering your cake step into our store and be yourownM judge. There is a piece Waiting for you. This year we are selling our own make of Mince Meat--ýmade of best pure foods. JACOBS & HILLYER Success>ors to Christies Bakery BowManville G ROCERIES For the, Christmas, Cake, We have just received our first consignment of groceries for Christmnas needs. You ýwill find them fresh and of the best quality-and at sensible prices. Our stock includes c hoice Meaty. Raisins, Currants, Peels, Dates, Nuts, etc. See our China Iiepartrnent for g ifts. ARCHIETAIT, Phone 65, Bowmanville, BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 4th., 1924.ý -~OBI-TUARY Mrs. C. W. Jones, Calgary, Alta. The funeral of Ainelia Washington Jones, wife of C. W. Jones aud daughter of the late Stephen Wash- ingtoni of Durlington, Ont., wh\o died suddenly on Monday afternoon, November 17, at her home at 824 Seventh Avenue west, Calgary, Alta., will take place on Thursday, N ovem- ber 20, at 2 o'clock, fîom the funeral home of Poster and Poster. Rev. H. W. Avison, Pastor of Central Meth- odist Ghurch, will conduct the ser- vice. The pallbearers will be D. A. Bruce, L. T. ýCourtice, A. E. Har- ris and W. Smith. Mrs. J. H. Biîch will sing "Face toe ac" MUrs. Jones, who had reached the age of 80 years, on October 15 last, camie to Calgary with ber famly in 1906 from Woodstock, Ont. She was a consistent member of Central *Methodist Church and was a life member of the Women's Missionary Society. Mrs. Jones leaves te mouri her loss in addition to her husband, C. W. Jones, two daughters and two sons, Miss Della at'home; Mrs. W. R. Young, Madison, Sask.; Dr. E. C. Jones of New York; and E. A. Jones of Spokane, Wash., and six grand- children.' She is aiso survived by one sister, Mis. Mark Jackson ef Ox- f ord Centre, Ont., and four birothers, Rev. W. C. Washington, B. A, of Bowmanville, Ont., F. J. Washington of Weyburn, Sask.; T. E. Washing-1 ton of Toronto, and Rev. A. -G. Washington of Onawa, Iowa. Mrs.1 D. A. 'Bruce, Mrs. L. Annis and Mrs. L. T. Courtice are also relatives. MT. Jones is expected from Vict- oria, B. C., early Wednesdayr mo4ren- ing, and one brother, F. J. Washing-' ton, will aisa be present at the s&er- 1vice on Thursday. For Scalds and Burns.-Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is a standardi remedy for the prompt treatmet of scalda and hurna. Its healing pow- er quickly soothes the pain anýd.aids a speedy recovery from the injury.1 It is also an excellent remedy for all .manner of cuts, bruises and spiains, as well as for reiieving thue pains anîs- ing from inflammation of vari[os kinds. A bottte in the house and stable saves many a doctor's and veterinary's fee. ThsAn, Eleci Christmas Buy Gifts, that are Practical and Useful Ih~ ~ We have- sometinig for every member of the family.' You are cordially invited to inspeet our stock at these attractive prices: Electric Irons, guarenteed 1 year .............. $4.50 Electric Vacuum Cleaners............. $45.00 and up Electric Toasters ..................... $ 5.00 andI up Electric Percoletors................ ...$s 9.00 and up Electric Heating Peds................. $ 7.00 andI up Electric Curling Irons. ................ $ 2.00 and up Electîic Hot Plates ................... $ 5.00 and up Electric Heeters. elI types.............S$ 5.00 and up Electric Floor and Chesterfield Lampa .... .$18.00 and up Electric Table Desk and, Boudoir Lamps $ 5.00 and up Electric Washing Machines, the best on market ......... :................. $95.0 and up' Electrie Ranges, we bandie all, mekes rang-. ing in price from................. $50.00 andI up 15%-" REDUCTION ON ALL SILK SHADES AND PORTABLE LAMPS Our stock of Electric Fixturesý is comn- plete. We have a fixture for every room in your house, and the prices are right. When you buy a fixture from us we instal it Free of Charge. We willdemonstrate every Thursday afternoon the Baby Grand Electric Ironing Machine. If you have any curtains, table linen, or anything you would like ironed phone us and we will be glad to cail for samle and return it to you ironed complete. Ail goods sold on Easy lime Payments Our personal guarantee goes with each ar- ticle. Everthing sold'by us must giVe sat- isfaction or your money will be cheerfully refunded. Hydro Irons Guaranteed, far five years $5.50 each BUY your 'Electrical Goods at an Electrical Shop. There's'a Reason. The Hydro Sh,,p Phone 192 and 229 Bowrnanville, Give Hera HOOVER HAYDON CALL CAME SUDDENLY Pasuing of William H. Gittaith ICharles T$iomas Langmaîd, 14amptoa The Messenger of Death, visited On Friday morning, November 21, the home of Mis. Frçd Mark, neari residents of Hlampton and vicinity Haydon, on Monday, Novemiber 17, were shocked to hepr of the sudden1 and removed a man in middle life in death ofa highIy respected citizen~ the person of her son, Mr. William in the person of Charles Thomasi Hoskin Galbraith, aged 48 years. Langm.aid Who passed to his reward The funeral from the f amily resi- early Friday morning. H1e had been dence on Wedneaday afternoon, in his usueal health until Thursday, No'vember 19th., was conducted by' evening having been in Bowmanville Rev. J. W. Down, Pastor of Tyrone on business that day ,and at tea time circuit, thie interment taking place, complained of feeling unwell and a in Bowmanville Cemetery. The doctor wa.s ,called but he passed pail-bearers were Messrs. R. an'd A. away soon after midnight of heart MeNeil, L. Graham, R. Sanderson, R. disease. Mortoçn and W. Martin. Deceased was a second son of the The beautif n floiral offerings in- late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Langmaid cluded a wreath from the family; of Darlington. He was born on the srays from Mr. A. H. andi Miss Id~ Langmaid homestead on August 4, Moore; Mr. and Mrs. H. Hooey, Bow- 1868. In January 1892, he was manville; sheaf from Haydon 'Sun- married to Matilda Gimblett and set- day School, sheaf front Mr. and Mrs tled on a farm south of Solina L. Graham ,and- wreaths from Mr. where he farmed unitil three years R. Sanderson and sister Mrs. C. ago, when he retired from farm work Philp, Haydon. The flower-bearers, and moved to Hampton, 1He leaves were Messrs. A. H. Moore, F. Purdy, to mourn his loss, a widow, one son, C. Woodley and C. Siemoni. Roy, living on the farm, and one The very sincere sympathy of the daughter Elsie, at home, also one whole emmunity is extended to, the brother Joseph G., living in Oshawa. bereaved mother and brothers. Deceased was a Liberal in polities'I a. Methodist in religion, a strong sup- CARD 0F THANKS porter of ail things for good or the betterment of his fellow men, a Mrs. Fred Mark and sons Richard1 kind neighbor, always ready to lend and Wilbert, North Darlineton, de- a helping hand.. It may truthfully' sire to thank their many friends for be said that Charles Langmiaid, was their kindness and sympathy during one-of earth's noblemen. He was the sickness and death of her son born of noble parents and pro'ved a and brother, William G. Hoskin, and worthy son. for the beautiful floral offerings. , The funeral took place on Sunday when a very large number of rela-i tives and friends paid their last trib- KEDRONute of respect to one, who was belov- KEDONed by all who knew him. His pas- Golden Link, ClaËs held a meeting tor, Rev. W. W.,Jones, B. D., preach- at their teacher's, Mrs. Leslie Han. ed a very impressive sermon, speak- cock. . .. Miss Audrey, Werry, Osh- Îng of the quiet and kind life of the awa' visited' Miss BerniceWerry... deceased. Singing was under the1 rMr. and Mrs. S. Ha.ncock, Rochester, leadership of 'Mr. T, Salter during and Miss Etta Hancock recently vis- the service. ited at Mr. Leslie 1Hancock's....... Relatives,,were present fromn Tor-, Dorothy McGregor recently matored onto, Pinedale, Manilla,, Greenbank, to Peterboro. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Jones Oshawa, Kedron, Courtice, Ehenezer. andMrs Tabln, shaaand Mr. Bowmanville, Newcastle, Zion and and Mrs. G. Owens, Cam bray, visit- Edd ed at Mr. A.. D. VanDyke's .... Mr. The paîl bearers were Messrs. G1, and Mrs. C. W. Hoekin, Mr. and A. Langmaid, W. C. Ashton, Norman Mrs.Harld 'ounjoy and baby Alhin, Charles Allin, Percy Lang- Mrths. rod inMontiy ... maid and Arthur Lanigmaid2 Mreith visiteW.inLawrncen indsay....The flower bearers: Messrs. Cyril M.dMrs W. Lawrence dJa, WLidy, Rundile, Foster Snowden, Dr. W. J. Mrs.K.Lawene ad Jan Whtby fangmaid, Clare Allun. 1 C. Peac visited Mr. J. Mountjoy'ý ...Mr. and Clarence Mliîn. ac and Mrs. F. W. Lee and, Ross visit- Floral offeringe were: Pillow, _the ed Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott, Bow- fml;sry rnhl;wets manville. .Mr. and Mrs. A. D.' Van- Gfaiy;spay, anchfail Orearsio Dyke visited the Royal Winter Fair MG. Lr alesid adwa;mipry, ntrl in Toronto, and were, guests of Mr.MorSae, sha;pay, r. and n. J J.Crosem.Thomas Pascoe and Miss Margaret. and rs. . J.Crosem.Hampton, Mrs. W. J. Langmaid and girls, Mr. and-Mrs. Norman Allin, ______________ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aluin, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Pascoe, Hampton Epworth League, Hampton Young Ladies' Bible Class; Hampton Aduit Bible Ciass, Hampton Women's In- stitute, Eldad Adult Bible Class. M'MI dàl% amikThe interment took place in the t]F" fa mily plot in Zion Cemetery. lej I. Florence Nightingale Lodge, No. 66, 1. O. O. F., Bowmanville, bas had meny a happy evening with visiting brethren but one of the, jolliest was on Wednesday, November 19th., whien Rosýedale Lodge, Toronto, paid their returp fraternel visit and con- ferred in a very creditable menner the Initiatory Degree on four can- didates. 1Noble Grand Douglas Moore called the Lodge to order et $ p. m. afteri which the visiting brethren were in-j troduced and welcomed on behaîf of Florence Nightingale Lodge, by P. D.D.G.M. F. C. Pethick, Rec. Sec'y., after -which N.G. Douglas Moore pleced the lodge into thie handai of N.G. Win. Patterson of Rosedale Lodge and his efflicient staff of offi- cers wh-o during the conferring of the degree, delivered their ritulastic charges in a manier seldomi excelled, especially the charges of the Noble Grand, Past Grand and Chaplain and Rosedele Lodge receîved meny corn- plimientary remarks on their fine ap- pearance, floor di111 and work. After routine business was con- cluded the visitons were entertainedý et a banquet, Pat Grand W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., filling the position of chairman in bis usuel happy, menl- ner. After expressing his pleesurej of seeing so many of Rosedale and! the members of Florence Nightingale who -came down fromi Toronto, he celled on Bro. Thoüs. S. ilolgete, Mayor, who extended in a fine fspeech, the civic welcome. Bro. Joseph Brynnt, P.G., Florence i Nightingale's 50-yeer 'veteran was- present and expressed bis pleesure on b eing able to visit bis old home lodge. The members of Florence Nightingale were pleased to again extend to imii the glad hand of d FeIlowship. dd In t. e course of the evening Bro. R. M. Mitchell presided et theý piano and led community singing endý between songe excellent speeches; were delivered by P.G. Wm. Mc Cul-1 lough, N. G. Patterson, P.G. A. Mit- chell, P.IJ.G.M. Wes. Wîlliams, P.G., P.G. E. J. Osborne, P.D.D.G.M., P. G. Stan, Taylor, P.G., John Keechie, P.G. Geo. E. Maynerd, Bro., Harîy Basl-erville, P. G. Davis, P.D.D.G. M. Galloway, Bro. Dr. B. J. Hezle- wood,P.G. Wm. Ross, Grand Lodge representative of Rosedale Lodge, Bro. W. E. Pethick of Corinthian Lodge, Oshawa, andothers. The visitors left et 2 a. m. for Toronto seeemîngly setisfied with their visit to the boys of Florence Nightingale Lodge, particularly the Devonshire Creem eand apple pie. Mothers Velue This Oil.-Mothers whio know how suddenly croup may seize their children and how neces- sary prompt action is in applying re- lief, always keep et hand a suppiy of Dr. 'Thomas' Eclecýtric Oil, be-ý ceuse experience lbas taught them I that this is an excellent preparation for th~e treatiient of this ailrnent.1 And thiey are wise, for its v4nous Suses render it a valuable med icine, CANELCOAL Ebony Cube-the, best'cannel coal maixed. We have just unloaded a car for use in fire- Place, or grates. Now that the cool evenings are here let us supply your wants for a nice cosy ýwarm grate fire. J. A. HOveLGATE & SON Phone 153 Bowmanville DOMINION ST ORD'SLALES IETA I =DE Look First on the Counters' You will always find an extra bargain suggestion on the counter of your DOMIJNION STORE. Ail items are love priced, but these countèr specials, w111 save you even more. Look there first after, making your selection from the following: NEW CROP ORANGES 45c 35C 29c Dozen CALIFàRXIA SEEDED OR SEEDLESS 2pksz-RAISNS 25c MINCEMEAT FOR YOUR PIESlb àMAYFIELD B COSLICED29 No. 3DI E PUELARD 'S 11lb.PIDrANJIT BUTTER 24c BIS PITVIQLARGEi FANCY .4 1 ASST. W 4 lb. OAKVILLE BRAND ORANGE RMALAD COOKINGFINE NE W FIGS 3 b. 25e CHEESE 5c13 PEEL CITRON 59c lb. BANTAM CORN 19c SHELEDINTERLAKE3 WALNUTS49% TOILET PAPER 0or 2 5 c LARGE ASSORTMENT RITEGOOD 90 &$ .6 CANDES "b MALT and HOPS9O 16 ALL LAN1 BARS d63c SOAP çat.-> %049e Make Dominioni Player Piano, regularl y $1000 reý- tail, used a f ew months -only, in perfect condition, will be sold at- great saving to purchaser. Easy terms. Player Roils will go with this instrument Telephone or write, FJ. MlITnCHgELL Distributor BOWMANVILLE m