Mrs. B. Moise is visiting friends GOODYEAR BANQUET wiNE ATL CH RHE in Toronto. e enWihFr iv L-qNWATEC RHS 634 EmnployeesBe ihFr ie II c Presbyterian Church, Rev. Geo. t will pay you to lay in a stock of n A . ~~ winter clothing during sale at Hann's ta Twenty Years. MasnBownvilwl odc iý Sturlay venig, Nverber 9thservice at 11 a. mi. Subject-"eThe 1aedshr t Godyevening, Noveber Coin- THURSDAY, DECRMBER th,', 1924. Divine Alternative". Newtonville _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r tha oye ' a r T, L ir -e R b le r aC o m - se rv ic e w ith d ra w n o n a c o u n t o f sp e - panyof anad, Lmitd, clebate. ________cial services in the Methodist Church. EÂRN $3,000 TO 1,000 VEARLY at King Edward Hotel, Toronto, the 1ECSLEOIUAIS-SYBE BNUT1EiA Iargest Service Pin Banquet everNECSL BTAI UYBE AQETM W L Your future la just what you maire it held f or their eniployees. This event AT ORONIOALRDF NCM,.DC.. Be as successful as hundreds of othiers' takes place every five years, Sand ofl~y _______ Bee Casa ofoKingttGraduatearyTrinityUniersitWaraen Who have, secured their training in auto- those empi oyees who have been with! visiting hier sister. Mrs. H. W Bowen. g S.leadee r ge ysîniest, a mattiv ery rckaing latri barber- thje Company over five years are ehi-1 Mr. Brunt inf orma us that hie has The funeral service of the late Church, Oshawa, under the led f-0 Royal Collee Phscas Edin ing beauty culture work, mechanical gible to attend. Out of the 634 flot disposed of his farm as reported 'ayJn TabnWarrn io hpo r .C rnewr n burg. Specialty-Diseases of woin dentistry at the famous Hemphill Trade whoenjoy this distinction, over five last week. o f the late Richard C. Wiarren, was tertained by Mr. and rs. T.H. en and childiren. Office-Parker'g metS ard chools e nlyDo inn Goven- hdd wx bet lepeeta rsH .Bitnetran conducted by lher pastor, Rev. E. B.1I Powers, Orono, Saturd vee ,BlcNewcastle. ch rartdschooll Act Now thé' dinner. Over 631 of the toa about tit of hier friends to a five iiCooke, at the family residence, Mill November 29th. T1ecas ih traduie fior marspegrantffer.d tC. , ubr odngSrictis axe thirtdStreet, onThursday afternoonNov. their teacher motored out and enjoy- J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. 1,n3 ingeSfr.ourspiaoffto. Dp49-2 ubr odngSrie is r iehundredy party on Friday. i 2t.Rv .R ae sitdade peddpormo ames and lnrgaatofTniyUvesr 13KnStWstToot. 4-and ten-year men. 2tI R Mv.E.I..amsW. Vandusen who has been f 1cor gadat o riit Uivrst _____________ M. C H CaliieGeera Mn- wring indusprnfied, Ii. spen a'offered prayer. 1music, after which ail sat down to a Fellow of Trinity Medical College ________M_ -- gr.oftH Coansl, Gnt o npr- fw days ithSprisgfiIl. 'hee alt The funerai was private, but ai real banquet, when everyone was Licentiate of the State University of si'ded, as chairman of the meeting, week. very large number of relatives re- ampy served. Many toasts were New York, Matriculate of the Pogt- ELECTRIC FIXTURES but had the additional honor of re-, rD~Gl t edt presenting an extensive circle of1 in order. The President, Miss Ruth Graduate Medical School and Hos- YOD IN TE Mr.ARD. J.R Givingabshfiftee-yeahepn. Mr.l family connections of the Warren-r Cook proposed a toast of thanks onI pital of New York and Fellow of the1 AR1,ýYOU I THEMARKE FORCeivas hthe farmer with. Mr.EthestheavîestwjttaxehaTibs ha1fp.obyf theonclasssentomctheehho ot handlsTorontoehoAcandemyonoof MedicofM ndiin Officec Electric Fixtures?-If se, we cao save H. Koken, F'actory Superintendent, bill in, the Township' of Clarke, aby no aspeetao Caaoue vr ixt ur eal alein was, presented with a pin denoting truh'~e mourners. A .mixed quartet: hostesa who replied very' fittingly. -Mrs. McNaughton's Residenc j Agens w~~fed o hntie or uns. weny yarsof ervce.d $600.00. Mr. W. J. S. Rickard, Mir. Harold Mir. Treneermveavoefthn ewst. Hur- to1a.n EARLE ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. The speakers ofthr Mrs. O'Neil spent a couple of days, Allun, Mrs. (Rev.) E. B. Cooke and to Mr. E. J. Goodman, Mr. Winter 1i to 3 p. m., and by appointnieni teevening werei in Napanee owingt the illnesOf 1 Miss Edna Rickard sn number ofand Mr. G. L. Gummow who sof ______________ 1284 St. Clair Ave. West, Toronto, Ont. Mir. C. H. Carlisle, Mr. E. H. Koken, erg er rs ete o uldwho favoie yn s fda a na idylnethrcrsfrheo- ________________________ Mr. Slesse.r (of the Goodyear Tire'1bersste, eerr Gou oritehyms o1dcaa ?d nd aioan a thi crsfor the Ore --&Ruiber Company, Akron, Ohio),e1 hssffrdaîtoe a selected. number "Jesu.s Cares". cs n Before leavn o h e CHIROPRACTIC andMi. . C Lwe, enealSaes M r. and Mrs. Ira F. Pearce andj Telte Ms Wrewsa turn trip everyone joined hands and_____ Maae.sons Henr~y and Gord1on, Bowrman- I daugiiter of the lata Charles R. ýTam- sn Frte r ol odPl r uwnE Steckley of Bo oval lneaLre Mr. Carliale raviawed briillyth e IadMres W H avsrce. r.1bland a brninClrk o ta eEliznNacatbetonayhWdnsdy ange. ile er'Sndy istos it Mr. ly ad iswieMliabthMiîsnow wtbMi. reee atteh iao.maianeoi. ak rsmenia cîL history of the Canadian Compankonyab.nhoeted1Cd WHOOPING COUGH BAD and Friday. For an appointmnen~ BOW'MANVILLE, It commanced business in 1910, in Mrs. A. L. Brown wh.o was haire at- kn-j ________ 82-td Cear-1 1 itesoeo uenSre,îoo-1tending the funeral of lier mother, dalle Farm, north of OronQ, on Dec_____ phone 141J, Bowmranville. ý- b iteaor nQenStet o- 1the late r.Wrertr*1t'1,14,wer h ie ni h ________to, where the first year's business, t ia arn aundt 2 85 br h ie ni h Miss B. E. Hiarris, Public Henlth amountad to $91,000. la 4L924, thelbar home in Saskatchewan on Wed- was married in 1866- to Richard C. Nurse, Oshawa, declares that Measles __________________ Monday-Tuesday,, December 892000 ns business done totaîîed $11,204y. Warren of Newcastle. She has been;and Whooping Cough are serjous In 1910,.the-employee-s numbered 20.jI The collactors for the Bible So- a resident of Newcastle hier entire sicknesses much more so than people Bab Daiel ad Rchad ~ix To-day there are 1,538. The amount i ciety made their annual rounds this rmarridfe wihsa pn i el-ia'nd n ssta w e in SinarsIn eavn. of floor space in the- firat building i week and met with a hearty re1n omk n miti niel ago the beaviest mortality in the, . _____was about 5,000 feet. Now the i sponse in their appeal for this wor- home and endeavorînhg by hier con- city resulted froin Whooping Cough,' - Gompanly bas 730,000 square feet of Itby cause. stnyadfelty to true Christian which directly brought on' Pneunion-, Wedinesday-Tbursday, Dec. 10-11 floor s 'ce in thair factories at Bow- fMir. Chas. Wilson bas rented the 1 rnilsto impesanIicctel. Tseicnssarmoes- ...- "Hold your Breath" manville and New Toronto, besides T. Nobes farm in the Broken Front. s picils no h lvs fbe usbcas7pola'o o thn Dor Ither are ofie bilin inTo-' ndha moedbischttls irrscnildiren. Irn this she was indeed tham sarious and Go not take t,Ie'41 AnA CrsteC AI wt Dr hChrigsticabidiginTr! n bsmve iscCatL foomedyflan ersnsaddagt an ono ndfiten rachsthroughout Cowanville, wl'ere hae bas rasided for sceau n e osaddub-sm care -as in diseases which are ~ - '. othy Devore and an Dxetinl o miond iotnbace rsweee eetinltheaDoiniorstewbareveryprs.they reside can bean rgenarally considered dangerous. cast of comedians. The biggesttepatwoyr. eloquent testimony to the quiet' Communicable diseases, Noveniber , laugb thriller of the season. 'Mr. Carlisle expressed is higb re-, The Govrnor-General'isapecial effective influence she exarted i .up 1 hce o 6 gadfrt9Cmaysapoes train witb Lord and Lady Byng and, moulding their characters andI guid- Whooping, Cough 19; Scarlet Faver --- both as co-workers andI as citizens. I suite, on board stopped for a few ing their younig lives into usefulad5 ibtéi jge Friay-a uday Deem-rHe, stressed the value of sucb a spirit'ý minutes at the C. N. R. Station, New- honorable avenues of Christian cit- fg FrcayStudyDcebr12-13 as they possessed in building up aj castle, on Tbursday last. izenship. jIpu Tom- Mix in sound business ,and gava the> em- Memnbers of'Newcastla Langue at- The late Richard C., Warren whoý HOW TO SPEND EVENINGS r(t "The Heart Buster" ployees a g9odly share of credit for: tending tbe Dist-rict Convention at died sevenitean years ago last sum-I the Compnny's splendid advance-1 EnnIskillen were Rav. E. B. Cooke m hl iiig i osi a' Long winter evaninga area at hand. ment. ~~V M. Clrenc li, official delega+.ekatcbawan and bis wif ethe subject Teyuho ualadubncm COMING 'Business -conditions had greatlvIMir. Ewart Clemenca, Mir. Erie of this 0btay bdbr't bmI uiishsould devota a good share 1 irmproved during the past. few Pearce, Miss Lillian Colwill, Misasnine childzen: four' sons and 'five~ of thair evanings in sonie lina of IHI S. BRI D. W. Griffith's. "Orpban of the months, stated Mr. Carlisle, and ho Murmel Bradley and Miss Florenlce daughters,. Tbey are ahl living, and proftable reading and, study. The Bake& ý0e Storm", looked upon the successful results Wal ington. ail but two sons, Mr. John T. Warr Globe ends an aditorial with this Goe Haol Loy n Ho Wta" of the elStions in both the United tudy Noebr2t an irnfSccsas.adMrE- practical suggestion: "Education îa HarldLlydin"Ht atr" States and England, togethar with Monilday December 9thr uy aA arr eno Scen of as public sr.ool perbaps the grentest of aî't.. sb thewokig ot f he awa I days for our ýCollector of Rates, Geo., teaching saf of the city of Edmon- t of lTegîaeton d a dnoeîîse- as an as§urance that the- return to Eilbeck, wbo cdaims hae bas scarcely ton, Alberta, were present at the ob- Itio 1 n.dher tratonayforeamuse- normal conditions was wall underI had time t, at bis meals during saquies. Tfhe other, membars of the mnsad lira tion s yug way. Canada and the United States 1 thase last days of graca. The 1924 surviving family, ,are.. Missl people than in carliar tms u were in a particularly fortunate po i ,aei 1miî ntedla, aaMr . Wrrn ufl, Ms some portion at leat of the comîng tion,, because of the good pices b,- 1 up aS follows: County rata 7 milîs, Theoda E. R. Warren, Mir. Geo. C.!' along wintar evaninga must be given NJ ~ ingî- paid for' agricultural products ilg ae1 iî,aho ae2 arn uaa iatr wf to the study and discussion of thel D o It L'OW ~ nc~ae~,Laoed for te next ive yeas 11 W. H. Anderson law suit 3. Current, Sask., Mirs. Roland T. Day- affiao f hrvic n.en- to bring ihLrèased proaperity toCan- 1mll. Total'5 fPr oe r.AlnBr in ". ada. Scope ask, MrCas . an rw,'__W____W ww é~,t t~aI sea 10 atene'd Anniversary services at Clarke SceaSs. r.Ca.W a- Hav -'ou frs epire b a Wè lêri' tt1atsane 50latenedwere lconducted lasst Sunday, No- ran of Saneca Falls, N. Y., and Mra CANDI DATES FOR WARDEN ave o no ou uir 35eaie ya from the 'B96Wmanville Branch vmbr 30, by Rv. W. H. Spargo of W. F. Cowean of'Newcastle. Other __IT ma b nw ow 5yasFactory. Bowmnanvilla wbo suppiiad in the am- relatives attending were: Mir. and At the Decamber session of the Hp experiei*e in the fur business ________ rgency, owing to ilînasa of Rev. S. Mrs. Wmi. Cherry and sons, Dick andI counties council tha candidates for inaures efficient service at sen- T. Tuckar, Orono, wbo bad bean in- Bert, and Mir. Ed. Cowan, Toronto; wardanship in 1925 will get an l4ne sible prices. 001TUARY vite dto preacb for the occasion. Mir.,Mir. anif lVrs. James Tamblyn, Mira. on their ch.ances. The hionor next IL . No need to go to Toronto for John spencer Moy se, Bowmnanville lin and Mir. Robt. Walton of New-! and Mra. Albeirt Chapiiian, Mir. and, it is understood that there aire thirea h G if t J manlufacturad furs. Sea me fiast I caatla assisted the Clarke choir and:Mra. C. Cain, Mr. and Mra. Fredi candidates out for the honora: Reeve --and you'll sava monay.1 Oni Monday, Novambar 24th., fMir. Wnlton rend erad a -vary fine1 Tamblyn, Mr-. and Mra. John Tamn- W. T. Wood of Mililbrook, Reeve M.ý thare passed away thi Bowmanville r sacre'd solo at the evaning servie. blyn, Mir. and Mirs. Milton Tamblyn,, J. Ellîott of Bowmanvîlla, and Revi1 W g to announce thei JonSec Mr. an'd Mira. John Brown of Orono; James MeCamus of Cavan township. IW e Jon pe~e.1~'eyongst50l1~ brshng reuîs hi all Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Chapman, Mi.-Cobourg Star. Gif t Ani tuui~jhttofr-th, e lato 3 r. andtI Mia. Edward; bave, provad a pleasant surprise on andI Mis. John Bigelow, ir Th rti u r Shopi M oyse, aged 56 yenrs. naarly avery farm hM this district and W. Rutherford, Mir. and Mira,'C.' Phone 26 Bowmanville i1 livè hir a bi lfehave shown bow groundlesa were the Rtefid ia .Wna Dgcesead lvdhr l i ieRtefrM.adMs 4 anCOURTICE and ha'd foir a number of years been' fetrs axpressed on avery band dur- and Mir. A..Rutharford of Kirby; Mr.1 iutdi h ero _________________________ !eployed at the C. P. R. Station as; ing the long, wat, backward season and Mra. C. Bigelow and son, Ty- Report of S. S. No. 8, Darlington,Siaed nth raro ____________________signal man., Altbougbhali had been in the Spring of a possible grain fam- rone; Mr. Job Dickinson and Miss for Novamber. Niames inorder of a pleasant place 'known asi in f ailîng heaath for soma time hi ina this winter. Grain yields bave Emma Dickinson, Hope; Mr. and li menit. waa only in bed a week when the ail bean veiry- good, even baîley sow11 Mrs. Walkar Millson, Newtonville; 1 Sir. IV-Edith Balson, Sceburn nev end came and al auffering ceased j as late as Jane lOth turning out walh Mr. B. Diekinson and son Mairin, sey em aFru inmn he aebe lcdn Iwtf<c j ýd weigbing up to the standard and'Pr rtan John Wilk ins, Jack Qfrnisb. Jr. IV A m asUG5 e High Requiem Mass was sung at o ar. Where othar graina wera ot Man beautiffloraltbtesex -Mona Kinsman, MiltIrat Brock, just brimming with gifts for ____St. Joseph' RCChurch on Yflurso wnb so f teltes f ayuoa:es .i Kennath Peterson, Howard Peterson, day onn t1 'lc.F tha rsigsmah o h eevdHryGy odnBon ile See our windoW display Finn of Paterboro, officiqting.Bur- aId as^^savad the day on many adcaed erlidote setnIHayGy, ornBow, Wlierfied rbbra< of inoulas, iel glss-iatook place in Bowmanille Cerne: faim d Pinces are al&o quite attirneaîîaondi, r1eveoig i clle, William Evarson. Sir. II of bnoeuarsfiel glas- try. Ilhebeaers ere essr. J.tiveand ur gnialgrandeaer, r al arond i, farly nBîlpckitAnnie BrWilkiniesilkis, adysy esRaeý onntes H. Bateman, , W r J<jron, J.. I Cecil Carveth, bas been r, * iv ii fwes l o from. Bickle, Douglas Courtice, Claire, We have endeavored to Reaer, Lrnnetes Swindells, Herbert Moyse, ,Jas. Ryan! both at Orono and at hiâ alavator at relatives and friands whicb, were very t Courtice, Willie Rizneck, Archie and ail styles ýof specta- hs otrî.te1 .N u ttoNecshniearouswera pillowýs from Durham atr J.IlJnkGy eles and eyeglasses. -Eyes The many floral tributes were ex- l many loada of grain eveiy day andtI ge A. F. & A. M., the Ladies' Aid;MNorm all Walter,J.Kenn-ah Eay, an hvec sdre amn examined b orRegist- pressions of astaam in which tleceas. j aipping out by tha cearload, some and he W. an s.ys of the gMathda nird epworh, Eva Coirtîca, f things u oretI was belid. He leavea to moun- tim': es two cars a day. There hava Chuba nt sraofo the Mtois .Sante'Hazal Walter, Gerald.Peterson, Mar- llitdlite n' ered Optometrist, R. M. the loas of a kinid huaband andI father i bean many beavy yiehda of buck Casofte atdit.S.nIth ion Travail, Clava Kinsman, Helen Micelhis widow, andI daughteirs Ethel and whaat in this hocality'from one toli Young People's 'Leagua. Wilkins, Walter Shoîtt, Robart please anyone along with GMirtdchnTornto Thalma, Chi- savaral hundred bushels, andI thresh- Owing to the fact that Mir. Geo.Corie No Adm, Vnaech dse cagô, Eva, New Jersey, andI Dorotby ars report having hummad away at Warrn atI rs. lla Brwn wo Pund andI two sons, Wallaçe andI Edward tlie barns of Mr. Wmn. S. Bragg andI wera baatening from Saskatchewan C. E. Williamson, teacher. We have a splendid as- at home. Also bis sistar, Mrs. Wil-j sons, Shaws, to' the tune of 1000 as faat as the fineat C. P. R, trainsI snNeadts of thia town ,and bohr ushals. could bring thein, di'd not arrive un-1 Sir. H-Lýorna Barber, Elsia Court-' sortment Fountain' Pens,' James of Rochester andI William off tîl Thiirsday n;gbt the banial was de- ica, Gwendolyn Hepworth, Guelda 1 WTe feel sure that this Eversharp Pencils, Ever- Chicago.j Lucilla Hairdressing Parla, 23 Y2 layed until after' their arrival and! Trimble, Mary Konopa cki. Jr. I- hl h hpigtobe jSimcoe St. North, Oshawa, Sapo took pla~ce on Fia morning inI Robert Barber, Lincoîni Bailey, Wil- epteso in trulsÇ ready Pencils Perfume dARD 0F THANKS !, ing, Scalp Treatmanta, Hair Bobbing, tond HeadI CemetQry, conductad by'fred Brown, George Sbortt, Harry Antomizers, Exquisite Curling, Marcel Waving, Masaaging Rav. E. B. Cooke.1 Bickla, Elva Kinsmian, Bernice Gay, rush will be appreciated byc Pefu es Jor God, Mra. J. S. Moyae andI family desire j! andI Manicuring. For- appointment 1'The pail-bearera wera six nepbews 1 Alice Riznack, Curtis Gaaiing. Sir. than thar may frandslant ood.jphna815. Business bouts 9 to 1of ideceased-Masars. Isaac, andtI A- f I-Doris Trimble, Florence Wilkins, -Dainty Clompacts, Toilet tivas for their kînd expressions of 6.30. Open Monday. Wadnesday 1 hart Chapman, John and Fred Tamijri la TîmbeSada-Ali, Mb- C-L- w rin thair1rec-1 nt bar-av-- andtPidn35-tf In orde.r1 to-make more je 0'1rh i ast letter; nhe cvary Robearts Rinehart; Non-fiction Tetley, Mrs. M. Clark andI Mr. andIj PhoneC 106 ~ b.y IIi t', fn bt. s i, ng -Sir Isaac Brock, Enyres; ,My Memn- Mira. Alax. 'Bagnahl, Mr. and Misr. v .onso ihy arCana e ae eshBwavle . R O O I~~~~~re of'" i lispiai fr (on- pew ThaWidos f estminst ers Gao. Gaines, NewcastM. i~~~ REMOR-NHOIDSo'r ri poraf ROYALni THEATREii a gentleman with a Duster, Bird The pall-bearersý weîe AMr. David Dolingtuf r ot rd nt ROYL HETR Stoiesý, Reprints from St. Nicholas; Mutton, brtohei--in-law of ir. John l' Ble eng or 1-em rords, No BOWMANVILLE gz r i 'rIsfud or'- on Thunder Bay, Dusty Star, Olaf Bak- MçManus, Mr. Cecil Robinson, New- Stirgicai operation required. Dr. Chasa's THURDAYFRIAY, ATU'- il)t may a snt t Hoi. a; The heart of a'dog, Albert Pay-f tonville, Mi. T. W. Jackson, Mir. Ontment wil naleve you at onean THUSDA, FIDA, STUK Cuuri)u-ný ma,- e s,,n roHon 1afford lasting benafit. O a box; ail DAY, DCEMBE 4, 5,6. W.A. Chiarltonr, Prasidient, 223 Collage son Terheim; Shasta of the Wolves, I Robt. Co'wian, Mn. Geo. Gaines, New- deniers, or Edma.n on.Bates & Co., DA, EEME 4 , . Stieat, Toronto, Ontaio. Olaf Baker. castla, antIMir. James Welsh, Bow- Llmited. Toronto. Sample box fea. J. W. Bradley NewcastJ, Geeral Inurance Agent Clerk of 2nd Division Court, Cem-. mdiaioner, etc. GOOD COKE is cheaper than vvood and is the equal to the best Coal. I have a suuply of the best Coke obtainable. 1Highest grade of Anthra- eite always on hand. Geo. Jamieson Newcastle TO KEEP YOUR TABLE UP A ND CHRISTMAS EXPENSES DOWN You should order your gro- reries et BrittOn's. 'HIere you eet the kind of gro-ceries that put you at ease-your appe- Jte and your finances. [TTON, Newcastle eSolve Prob.lem opening of the new rnex the store you Iwill find ,w counters and tables rmother,- sister, sweet- )nably priced. ;consider every need g many éther new the more elaborate sspecial endeavor to during the Christmas our many patrons. room the coat depart- c hildren have, been ;sfaction Guaranteed' our courteous staff, ;e will no doubt solve will remain open ail gday. n & on Ready-To-Wear 1 t Bowmanville , the Gift ýAnnex, . in which would velties