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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1924, p. 1

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ai ah lait tatean With Which is Incorporated The Bowmanville1 News Vol. LXX. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4th., 1924 $2.00 a Year In Advtance 5c a Copy N.4 b- I I GiveSensible & sefu Gifts ThisChristmas This, is goingy to be one Christmas where useless gifts will be passed up. Why flot give things that will give pleasure and comfort to the recipient? Our stock is composed of just such goods. You will find these things displayed so that you cantake, plenty of time to ma'e your'selections. We will gladly lay away anything you may select ýand deliver when wanted.'â Shop as early as possible. This list may help you in making gift selections: Ladies' and Mlisses'Coats Now'Clearing From 20 to 33"% per ent iscotint These goods, are a*new stock, and goo& values at regular prices, but the rnild weather ftincis us with more goods than we usually- have at this tirne of year. So this is your opportunity to save considerab le money on a new'coat. Think of the ac- ceptable gifts they would make! Linens For Gif t Purposes What a grarid array of beautiful - l1inens suitable for gifts you will find in this department! There are White Fancy Towels ,the newý Colored Lineri Towels, White: with Colored Borders, Centre Pieces, Runners, Doylies, Table Covers, Tray Cloths, assortment of Maderias, Embroidered PilIlow Slips, Table -Cloth Sets with> Napkins to match. Lingerie To Help Out Gif t Lists Everybody whQ has seen our Lingerie is very enthusiastic about it. It has very attractive and beautiful workmanship -and so reasonably priced. This display includes Camisoles, Silk Slips, Silk Gownhs, Embroidered Gowns,, Silk Bloomers, Fancy Aprons, etc. The Babies' Bazaar The darling littie baby always cornes first and particularly around Christrnas tm.You will find -it easy to select baby's gift here with Bootees, Kimonas, Bonnets, Toques,,Bibs, Knitted Coats, Cornforters, Mitts, Veils, Hose, Pullovers, etc. What Wonderful Woollens! Just think of the, many pqople who will be' made happy whien they receive a gift of these beautiful new woolléens. They are aIl new and just in: Sleeveless Sweat- ers, Kiddie s Woollen Knit Suits,, Spencers, Jacquettes, Sweater Coats in Jaegar and Brush Wool. Store Ful 0f' Useful Gifts 1 Whetever you turn in this store you find the Christmas spirit prevails. There are Ladies' Kimonas in -crepe and eider down; Silk Scarfs with stripes of plain in newest shades and colorings; Gloves of Silk, Jaegar and Chamoisette; assortment of stamped goods for embroidering; and so it goes-gifts forý everybody. Isn't It Just Lk A Man' The hardest one in thie family to please in gifts is in the masculine gender! But you'll have no trouible choosing the rîght gfft for HIM if you corne to this store. A few gifts that m'en like are: Scarfs, Gloves, Shirts, Ties, iHats,' Socks, Handker- chiefs, Belts, t3races, Suits, Overcoats, etc. BRONZE TABLET1 UNVEILED ____________ HORSEY BLOCK GUTTED -Y IN TYRONE CHURCH «F EARLY MORNING FIRE P-ivate Jo>hn Otho Staples' Memory Standard Bank and Three Other Commemorated with Befitting Tenants Sufer Loss By Fire. Cermoy.Fire of unknown origin c some The picturesque littie village of! $50,000.00 damage to the lorsey Tyrone was on Sunday the scene of Block and contents, north-ea-t main corner 1ocated across east from, a solemn, uppressive, and for TBwavily.O.-igan'Tm rone an unique service, when the Bomnil'P .iigad1m beautiful Bronze Tablet erectedi perance Sts.j early. We ~sa within the church to perpetuate the morning. memory of one of Tyrone's soldiers,, Night Constable Walter Ha.'l who John Otho Staples, who made the gave the alarm shortly after 2 a. m. supreme sacrifice in t'le great war, saw the smoke. emitting from the was unveiled. This tablet was sky light. The fire briga e re- erected at the'wish and by the boun- sponded to the alarm very prDmptly ty of the grandmother of the f allen and soon had three streamns playing hero, <fhe late Mis. Elizabeth Staples. yo h building. Owing to t. ery The 'church which was filled to îts out of the building it was four very utmost capacity was beautifully de- 1 diffiuit o fight e famswh n corated with flowers and the fiags of 1 ere~fsces the Allied Countries--a fitting set- However, after thre hours of steady work the fiames were over- tv one. A higli wind was blowing i an d the firemen deserve considerableThe, unveil ing ceremony was per-, SUT .JAEcrédit for conllning the fiames to the f*rmdbyCo.L. T. Mcbaughlin,1 A ne building. C.M.q., D.S.O., whose appropriate 1 Bowmanville, Member-eleet of Older, h fi sadsoso h memorial address'was given in a veryl Boys' Parliament f or Durham groThe loce anetmd shp on te hmnand sympathetic manner. As CountY. gon lo eentdmgds humastneteti drswcol much by fire as from the long de- we lstenid t thi addesswe culdluge of water which poured through not fail to be impressed by the very frain the upper storeys. human 'touches whiehchagtrzd ODRBY'P LIMN Vt h ouching r chérencsteien- LERBY'PALAET The Clothing and et'Frih cicints hich refreucs Voin-g stock of'T. B. Genrit'Firnt- c&nswihhappened at the front Stuart R. James Elected for Durham. Qich-st w as t within his personal knowledge, madei erally swamped with water, wa us understaild why bis men alwaysj County. the butcher shop of W. J. Dudlley. spoke -so highly of him, and regard-.! t The office fixtures and inter«cr de- ed, hlmnot only as a leader but as a 1Atr a very' lively two weeks'l cirations of the 'Standard, Bank true friend and eomrade. campaign'Stuart R. James was; elect- were considerably damaged by wat- ed on Saturday to represent Durhamrn et, but the vault containing th Col. Mcbaughlin paic$ high tribute County in the Fourth Older Boys'[ safe, safety deposit boxes, books, te the memory of the fallen soldier Parliament which meets in Parlia- 'etc.,y was apparently air-tight as whose name was being commemorat-; ment Buildings, Toronto, during everything was untouched by water ed, and coupled with bis name, those' Christmas week. or smcke and. in first class condi- of two other Young men from Ty-., Four candidates were in the field' tion when opened at the usu&l hour roue, who were well-known and high- Stuart R. James representative of this morning. ly respected, and who also made the the Sioux TÜxis Square .-andl Traili , The offices of' the CanadL ni Na-ý supreme sacrifice. These are Percy Rangers Camp, and Stanford Sy- 1 tional Express 'in the rear cf the Werry and Frank Wheeler. In the mqns (both of Form V in Bowman- building were also damaged by wat- course ofhis address, Col. MrLaugh- ville High School) representing the er. lin dwelt upon the patriotism and Beavers' Tuxis Square both ,aise Mr. Dudley, butcher, has se.ured noble self-sacrifice of these Young under auspices of , Bowrnanvilleitemoar uatrswith Mr. J. B. men iîh ausweriug the call of diity Methodist Young- People's Associad-athogh consid erably and. in gcing forth to fight a cruel tion; James Larner, Millbýrook, re- icneiecdwsdoing business and relentle'ss enemy, in defeuce of presenting East Duhani an d Ar- Wdn.5ay their couutry, of their Empire and chibald Stin.son, Janetville, reprezent-i eu.dy of civilization, ready and willing te ing the nortbern part of the county.1 The ire -will meaýn a very serions give theïr lives in a great cause. To Mr. Bruce E. Ingham,. M. A., Bpw" loss to Mr. Gilchrist as it was only hem as well as te the other noble mnanville, Hligh School teaching staff, a fw months ago he purchased the sons of Canada whp gave their li'vel§ was Returning Officer. fromand t e JntonChing s'ni i n defence of their Empire, we owe Te fu addts ple cadhsbe on pni ah feeurdebaof graitudeleeperaptrade. It is net known as yet what thdeepd we fugreaie. pe er-1 heavy vote each in bis own district. Mr. Gilchrist's future plans v iii be. i hP5Stuart R. James, who bas a miajorityý On an occasion such as-,tijis, we, of 19 votes, is President of t. . The Standard Bank had' a black- natraly hve orrwfu thughs, . S Atletc ssociation, was * b oard in front of office in the morn- bt4 mingled with the sadness there year's Captain of B. H. S. Hockeyi ing wit'Bsnsasu",btt are feelings cf pride lu ou? noble. Team, is Lieutenant of the B. H. S. is more than likely they will have te boys, te whose self-sacrifice aud de- 1 Cadet Corps, an.d is on the editoriall occupy other premises while their votion to duty we owe the peace aud'staff cf the Higb Schocl Magazine.1 offices are being renovated. liberty which we now enjoy. He is elder son cf Mr. Norman S., B. 1 Mr. John A. Guun, local manager James of The Canadian Stateaman. 1 cf Canadian National Express Cc., Col. McLaughlin reminded us of' The four, candidates are aîî pop-.bas secured-temporary offices on the something which we are toc ofterî, ular boys in their respective com- ground floor cf the Post Office in alas! proue te forget, and that is that munities as is shown by the large the Customs Bond warercos-op- we ghould always be considerate and support they received where bes 1site former office. sympathetic towards. the bereaved known. We -believe either onecf~ The greatest loes will be to Mr. relatives cf the fallen soldiers-the i them would have made a worthy rej Wmn. M.- Horsey,, our veteran Police mothers and sisters who ha'd placed1 presentative cf thîs banner coustitu- Magistrate, who cwns the block. The such high hopes, lu these bright 1 ency if eîected. roof and third ficor is ccmpletely youug mn u ypti,î x eut of the PO fn>s guttedi while the secoind floor is cou- tended te them, and we kuow that sdrby a,1 y ie à while, they are sorrowful, they stili! e fire did not, reach the ground floor rejoice, thatitheir loved cnes auswer- r witb the exception cf Dudley's shqýp. ed the call of duty as ouly nole men'.place E 'The cause of the fie is a mystery >: 4, c can. m >4 ~ as the top fiat where the fire start- Bowmanville 62 34 2 Ot ed has net been occupied for sever- gu ar of houer composed of; Base Line 0 8 2 0 ail*mcnths. Bowa le war veterans, under, Blackstock 12 10 7 2 We un4erstaiîd the damage te the Captain D. C. Warnica ,added te the!t Bethany 0 O 6 0 property and stock and fixtu-"esi of 'impressivene9à of the ceremeuy,, and1j Ebenezer- 8 1 0 O the several tenants are ouly p artby. the soundiug of the Last Post as tihe Enniskillen il 5 0 0 jccvered by insurauce. tablet was unveiled, struck a note'H__________7_3_0_ cf intense saduess in our hearts ilHampon 3 78 _0_____0_ sans hc amnged withJauetviîîe O O 24 O THE EDITOR TALKS pride, as our thoughts travelled te Kendal 6 5 O0 o! the poppy fields cf far off France, Millbro ck 1 7 O 341 It is truly refreshîng te read of whee seepos~ bos wth thaus Maple, Grov 4 1 O O the rising tide of hopefubness arnong cf ethers, in the laud which te Newcastlee 6 10, 3 0 I our farmer friends over improved- helpêd te save, careless ajike cf suri- Orono 4 36 0 1 creps and better market puices ' as shine. or storm, tili the resurrection Salem 1 6 0 0 stated lu cur Newcastle corres-pond- m.orning. Tyrone 14 5 0O O ence on last page cf this issue. This Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker,, Bowman- - - 1 -, cheering report gces t#' show that ville, gave two beauýiful solos sud 163 144 57 371 Old Ontario isn't goiug te the, bow- heur rendering "God cf our Fathers" Majority 19 1 w0ws yet. sud "In Flander Fields" was par- CR FTAK Citizens cf thiês towu aeem te be fticularby touching sud greatly appue- _____O____NK well satisl¶ed with the milk dîstr..but- ciated by the congrégaticn. 'I berewitb express my very sincere ed t6 them as we have net heard auy The sole by Mr. C. S. Halîman 1 and cordial thauks te alI my feblow- complaints frosa any cf the custom- "Let us have Pence", se very well workers wlso helped in auy way te ers. It is most gratifyiug to kuow rendered, was aIse greatly appreciat-, secure my election te the ýOlder Boys' that the millc vendors are takring the ed, as well as, the excellent music' Parliament on Saturday, November- uecessary precauticus te supply pï1we provided by the Tyrone choir who 29th, sud te every boy who gave me milk te their custeihers sud are giv- e ang "Lord cf the Land" sud "Rest'his vote. I also desire te acknow- i ing attention te hygenic 'conditions ISoldier Rest".- This impressive ser- ledge the good-wlll sund ccurtesy cf jsud improved equipment as, cfter a vice so beautiful lu its simplicity, is' MY comuades lu the contest for the, guarantee that wholesome milk will Ione which we shall net easily f orget,'. coveted houer. 1 shafl endeavor te1 be dispensed te ail customeus in thse and the children Who wituessed 'it,! fil the office te the ýbest cf MY future. It is assuriug wheu t ose although we hope they may neyer ability. 1 who supply this lacteal fluid invite kuow the horrers cf war, will always Stuart R. James. inspection of thelu dairy premise-3. proudly remember the'day ou which________Wheevratilluhsi e the memery cf a Tyrone boy was Wieeeyatcei hs su heuored, lui the ouly way in whichl THANK-OFFFJRING SERVICES. s peial interesting te some per- we eu den «houer te the memory of aq,______sons, Dr. Lynch's very instuctive £ Couch,,Jolinston &I Cryderinan. Bowmanville Phone 1104 Limiteai

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