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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1924, p. 2

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M. A. JAMES St.axnuhip Tike.ts To Europe-Canad'lan Pacifie', White Star Dominion, Cuftard, American. Âsk for information. Phone 53, Bowmanville. Agents Wanted AGE NTS-Get in a profitable all-year commission business of your own. Every property owner is a customer or pros- pect. Nine hundred varieties of hardy Red TagNursery products. Cash every weèlt. Complete equipment and inistruc- tions free. Write DOMINION NUR- SERIES, MONTREAL. 40191 PAINTING AND DECORATING We have now a full line of Johnson'a Waxes, Polishes, Wood Dyes, Varniishes and ail -wood finishes. Get my prices for polishing floors and furniture. Oid furniture made like new. Johnson's Ser- vice Department. G. PRITCHARD Cor. King and Slver Sts., Bowmanville 44-tf Notice Orders for cernent blocks or, cernent work ofany kind given prom Pt attent- Ion and at reasonabie rates. We are ai. so prepared to do teaming. Phone 170. Mrs. A. Turner, Scugog St., Eowman- ville. 35-tf Farms to Rent FARM TO RENT-126 acres, lot 3, B. P.. Darliugton. Plowiug possession at once, full possession April 1,,1925. Ap- ,Ply ta Mrs. James MacCounachie, -King St., E., Bowmanvilie.3-f V-ETERINARY E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se llo'nor Graduate of University of Toronto Anl çaser given-prompt and care- fui attention. OFFICE MAIN-ST. HAMPTON Phone 129-15 BOUNSALL'S MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and only thie best grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE 1 emploY- no cemetery caretakers ms agents preferring t'a sel my own gooda thus saving thie purchaser thie *,gent's commission. A calI solicited. F. H. BOUNSALL Proprietor Bowmanville Phone 326W Box 94 là. A- B O-WMAVILLE, DEC. 4tlh., 19ý DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor -gradiiate in Dentitry Toroi University. Graduate of the Roe College of Dental Surgeons of ( taria. Office King-st., -Bowmanvi Office phone 40. House phone L>R. J. C. DEVITT ti;raduate of Royal Dental Colle, Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bc manville. Office haurs 9a. m. tc p. m. daily except Sunday. Phi 90a. ýHouse phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Hanor Graduate of Toronto UJ versity and member of Royal Colle of Dental Surgeons. Licensed practîce in Ontario and the Domini( lIentistry in ail its branches. OfE -King-st., Bowmanville. Oppos '3ank of Montreai, Phone 3011. PARISIAN LADIES' AND GENI TAILORS (Formerly In Bowmanviile,) now at E Vonge-st., stop at Summerhili AN Toronto, Phone Randoiph 5197. ýWe can stili give you aur best servie Guaranteed to fit and workmanshlp pre.war prices LEGAL M. G. V. eOULD, B. A., LL. D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAI rnoney ta loana on Farm and Tom Property Royal Bank Buildixý Bowmnanviile. Phono 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAk Money ta boan. Bonds for sab Offices: Bleakiey Bloc k, Kin Street,' Bowmanviile Ontaric Phonos: Offit.e 102, Hanse 279J. CONA14T &- ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. Conveyancing and' General Practi<i of Law Offices 7%~ SimcoeSt. South Phone 63 Oshaw~ G, D. CONANT, B.A., LL.B. A. F. ANNIS, BA., LL.B. 32-1: FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor or Horse Equipmen Ail calis promptly attended to. Private Ambulance., Bownianville phones 10 and 34' Branch Storýes---,LOrono & Newcastle 4jAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director Gala given prompt and personai aiý tention. No extra charge for die tance, Phones 58 or 159, Bow. manville, Ont. 3 MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medaiist of Trinity Universitý roranto. Four years attending Phy- sican and Surgeon at Mt. Carme] Elospital, Pittsburg, Ka. Office an< Residence, Wellington Street, Bow manvilie.- Phone 108. C. W. ýSLEMON, M. D., C. M. 1Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, f ormerly- of Enniskillen. Office and Residence, DYr. Beith's, former residence onChurch-stl., Bow- manville. Phone 259. 44-t CHIROPRACTIC DR. DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate of Toronto' Chiro. practic Callege wili be in office on Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoon and evdning. Phones: Office 141J; Residence 141W. OPTOMETRY R. LM. MITCHELL Registered Optometrist by examina- 'ion. Eyes examineid by the Jatest methods and most modern instru- ments. R. M. MITCHELL & CO. Druggista & Optometrists 3owmanville (Phon~e 92) Ont. VETERINARY Dr. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARy SURGEON. Day or ,'Jight Calls Promptly Attended ta. Office King-st. W., Statesman Block, Bowmnanville., Phone 243. AUCTRONEERS THEO. M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and flouse ýSales a Specialty. Terms moderato. Enniskillen P. O. Phono 197-r3. 1-tf JAMES BENNETT .Auctioneer 10 years'exporieuce ln farm, furni- tlie and bouse auction sales. Ad- ires Jas. Bennett, Hardware Mer- aant, King-st., Bawmanviile, phone 131, box 33. JOSEPH COULSON Licensed Auctioeeer Valuatar & Roui Estate, Newcastle, Ontario. '22-tf SHORTHAND, 'TYPEWRITING BOOKEEPING Complote Commercial aud Genemai rmprovement Courses. Studoats aceepted ut any time. Good posi- tions for ail graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE - Oshawa and Torit hac believes in tbe League of Nations1 and ta coustruct a world-ordem bused or for Mm. Coolidge because ha doas' ou Christian principles! That is al not. The f oreigu policy did nôt vary wall, but- as we said aboya it is enter in any more than it did in Eng- thé million voter& that settie alec- land, excapt amrong a f ew thousand tions and not the thousand thinkers. intaliectuals. For oný6 manwha voted thiakiug of Now tirea laiothing tire people aur relations ta th'-e worid a hundmed like so uch as3 caim, peace, safety, voted thnkiug of what was best for so lng as business is going weil, them. sfrL oltewl i cropa seliug and wagos gaing Up. def eat was idue ta tbe same thing These are thre reasons for the Rte- that defeated the Labor party in publican victary along with fear of Englancl, fear of sociaiism.j 24.1ý BRITISH AND U, ý. ELECTIONS THE EDITOR TALKS Dr. Furedeick Lynchi ExpRainsltRe This old banner Province of On-1 Resuuts in g~oth Countries. be ciassed witb the pro-ý _________gressive pro-vinces of the Toi'nion In the Christian Work of' New if the public expenditure of its Iegis- ato York, Rev. Fredrick Lynch, -D. D., latures may be taken as a, criterion1 yal the Editor-in-Chief, writes that- it Of advancemient. In a public ad- On- is interestingý that the elections in dress at Avonm-ore, County of Stor- lle. th e two sister counitries of Amierica mont, on Friday, _Mr. W. E. -N. Sin- 22. and Great Britain should have cone clair, K. C., Liberal Leader in thel aimost together and that the resuitsi Legisiature, gave bis hearers this bit should have been pract ically the of information that we are passing ge, samne. The two parties which car- on to our readers: When the Lib- ow- respond to each other, the Tory in erais went out of power in 1904, the 0 6 Englanti and the Republican in the annual expenditure was six millions; one United States, swept everything be- It'wenty million% when the Hlearst f ore them. These, are the parties Goverument gave up office in 1919, of conservatismn and it is a great con- f ortY millions when the U. F. O. servative victory in each country. were put out of power ia 1923, and Jni- Libealsin Great, Britain and now, in one year, the Conservatives egi- Lercals i mrc hhaea-have spent fit ty millions. We have tÔ môst exact counterparts,' and'd tmoneyt wt at one or no anacanI [on. for sane and progressive iiberalism, mteil wh ter a ublcebtrwiolone ad fce were overwhelmingly defeated in usl This er puliedeict wis egh ite bath countries, hardly anything be- Umillion dolar rdfii s ih ing le ft of eithem party. The ey illo dlas -tremist or raciceal parties of Britain -_______ and America-which again closely GOO DIEFRMRHNS rS' correspond in their platforms and IODAVC O ECAT ideals-neither of them had anythiiig Follaýying is a latter that appeared one could really call a platfomm. in a Western newspaper, written by' 1262 The Labor Party and the La Fol- one of its readers. There is iu-1 ve., *lette Party, were thoroughly rebuked formation in it far sarne Bowman-; luinbath countries. Conservatism iS ville merchants: "Your paper is ai- .esà thoroughly entrenched in both caun-1 ways boostiug that home town buy- tisutil the parties in power do ing is the right :thing, lOr if every- something fooiish enough ta, arouses. body bought away we would flot a whole nation and it takes somne- have a towu vemy long. luI your thipg supreine1y foolish ta do that.i edîtorial'a waek or two ago you said ýEverybad.y la asking why? HOW, there would be less buying fram cata-. di'd it happen? What are the causes logues if every mierchant would >ad- of such an upheavai in Britain and' vertise, because it is advertising that ày such a Republican landslide un'keeps the cataague men gaing Weli, wn America? Variou*ý reasous wi>i be! I believe that's righit, too, bu one îgt given. Let. us dismniss ane or two thing 1 wauid like ta see ail the la- at once. cal merchants do- and there are In the first place it has nathing ta1 molre who think' the same-and that do with the f areigu policy of either is far them to print the prices as ;f thie defeated parties.; No'one in miuch as they can in their advertis- «YBiai o instance seems ta 'be ini ing. And 1 also think that if the le. the least dissatisfied with Ramsay, prices are going up they should say ng Maeionald's foreigu poiicy. The sa and tell why, if they know. These '.Tory leaders have supporteti him at times we ail have to bite aur nickles Geneva and there la e'very indicat ion -or, most of uis-and we certainly j thiat the new gaveiument under Mr. don't,.like the idea of prices goîng Baldwin will continue their interest, up on staples, particularly, and not lu the Protocol and work for it as a word about it tiffi you raach the enthusiastically as Mr.. MacDonald.j star e. I amn not an advemtising ex- LordRabmt eci is ustas einPert, but 1 know what 1 would like aé n the League as was Lord Parmoor. ta see in my local paper aiong that We have seen no inference in aPy lune, and there, is a'lot of Igenuine British dispatches that the Tory vie- information 4bout, goods and prices j '~tory hadaniything ta do with Mr., every week. Thien we shauid feel MacDonald's attitude toward the, better and if we found we were be- Protocol or the League. . ing fairly tmeated, there wouid be h Y Te uivesalopnio inBrîaî less sending away. I hear this taik- seems ta be that the Tory victpryi ed about ýa lot, sa I thought I wouid was due solely ta two things: frs t,,ý write yau.'" the disappointment 'with the Labor ________ Party's experimient in gavernment.1 It had a great apportunity ta govern HOW MUCH DO YOU OW,,E it for tIfe benefit of the whole country, 111 LOCAL MERCHANTS but the univçràa1 British opinion. is l'- I that it govemned only for the clasa If everybody paid their debts from wbich it came and that furthar- pramptly the average business man e. -more it was coming- under the in- would have. a much aasîer time doiug flueuca of the more radical-the, business and couid sel bis goods for Communiat and Direct Action and'I iess monay. For verification of Revolutionary groups more and more 1thîs statement, ask any Bowmauville -and the great mass of British, j'business man; hie knoýWs,. Human whether working. man, farmer, pro-1 nature is the saine the wide world fessional man or capitalist does not lover, and theref are a neaws item _t propose ta be gavemned by the Pro- fram a southeru city will be -as much letariat of any other class. He appreciated liere as there. -wants Demacracy, nat class ule; he Even thougb théy ighjt lot came wants justice, not favoritîsm for anýiy ta give it their endarsement as a' class. There seemis ta be not the regular etactice, honest folk will not siightest .daubt in the British press be wanting lu sympathy for the un- tha't thts was the fundamieutal cause usual courage taken by "a Hagers- y ofpthe defeat of the liberal graups. twM. rcrt xll i n The flirting with Russia helped it, solvency. Smirting under the on. Britain gat pretty thorougliy1 stilg of having- been forced into with the Russian delegation ta dis-frndoralt fpsnswae cuss recognition of the Soviet gove- dcae we iimne n tt ment. It had not gone on long,-1bef are dcaedoe iinoe n t il Britain, with the exception of the ed that if tbey ha.d paid their debta radial goupa fat tht ~ i e would have beeui able ta pay his.. biad 'noainterest lu anythinig in the"Tha se people forced me into b'ank.- worid .but getting a big suri of uptcy", said tire igu aver the mioney out of ,Britain witb no inten- narnes. t tian of payiug it back and ýdoingi n the Eist, says the correspondent everything it could ta so~w seeds ofreporting the affair, wera the namnes revolution in England. of saine of the a mninent- housewives' Ou top of this came tiha silly e-o the tuNvn. They were naturally! pausing by the Labor Cabiniet of the but not rigrhteously indignant, and1 seditiaus, editor who had beau about twenty aio the wý(,ein stormad a brought ta trial-4--evemybody heliev-~ the shop and tome the sign dawn. i ng the trialhad been, ordered stop- 0f course ît was bumiliating ta Y ped beeause of pressure from thie them 'ta have threir naines exposed revolutionary groups- and thre un- ta théa public gaze i this unplaas- fortunata letter fropi Ruasia. The ant way; yet, if the grocer toid the Soviets ciaimed it was fomged,. but trutir-as hie pro.bably did-their « thare have beau too mauy ailiers shame waa not uudeserved. The f ound in Germany and France, ta baukrupt suffered werse than bumil- couvince the English this was forg- îation; hae losthiis business as 'a raesuit ad. It souudad toc much lika the of extending cre.dit 'ta persaons wio] athers. i failed ta mecet thair obligations; and t Tbe other eason for the def eut ha can 'hardiy be blamed for wantiig' *was a lasser ana but it had its efeet ta share bisý humiliation-for it. -Britain was a littie tired of "shirt The incident, is illumînating as an sleeve gaverurment" as ana man ex- exampie of the manner lu wbich praýssed it. The Labor men wera ýpatty défalcations in the aggregata intares tiug men, a few of them abla, affect business. Probabiy noue oft but tbey bad had littia aducatian and tire, grocer's debtorz- uwed hlm moreI littie training in govemumeuit. Thera t hah a few dollars eacir. Yet in business in 1925> I arn Hligh Gralde Shoes, Work Boots, Siippers, Spats, Rubbers, Goloshes, Tra'velling Goods, Hosiery, Polishes, Shoe Laces, etc. Every article in the store, which comprises a dlean and up- to-date $8000.00 stock, goes into this Good-bye Sale. This is a Genuine Sale. No bluff about it., J1arn leaving town. I figure it it is better tO sell the goods off in Bowmanville at cost prices, and in many cases less than cost, ratherthan go to the trouble and expense of packing and moving them. The people of Bowrnanville and district stand to save at least; $3000 on the goods I arn sacrificing in this way. Sale continues to Dec. 3lst. But bear this fact in mind: Shop early while the sizes are complete, for I arn not replacing any goods whatever. This is a real Good-Bye SeHling Out Sale. It wilI be the' chance of the year-several years, maybe-to lay <in a stockof Footwear at, tremendous savings. I_ can't begin to itemize the bargains in this small space, but these facts will give you an idea what to expect when you follow the, crowds that Will pack Our store this rnonth: Women'sShoes include well knowvnmakes such as0Owens-ý Elmes, Classic, Blachfords, Lady Bill and others. Men's Shoes include the famous Slater and Astoria Makes, and other substantial lin'es. Nothing is heldback-all this season' s Footwear is sac- rificed at, cost prices. RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI MEN'S AND WOMEN'S LEGULAR $12.00, SALE' REGULARi $10.00, SALE tEGULAR $ 9.50, SAL 1 tEGULAR $ 9.00, SALE EGULAR, $ 8.50, SALE EGULAR $, 8.00, SALE EGULAR, $ 7.50, SALE EGUL-AR $ 7.00, SALE .EGULAR $ 6.00, SALE .EGULAR $ 5.00, SALE .EGULAR $ 3.09, SALE FOOT WEAR PRICE $8.50 PRICE $8.00 EPRICE $7.25 PRICE $6.75 PRICE $6.50 PRICE $6.25 PRICE $5.75 PRICE $5.00 PRICE $4.50 PRICE $3.75 PRICE $2.25. Then you'll find lots of other Shoes, not this season's styles marked way below' these reductions. SLIPPERS FOR GIFTS Englisix Travelling Slip pers, 'Reg. $3.00..ý........,.Sale. Price $2,.00 Feit Broadcloth Slippers, Reg. $3.00............... Sale Price $1'75 Boudoir Mocassin Slipp'ers, Reg. $2.50 .......... Sale Price $1.75 Lots of cheaper slippers atbargain prices. LADIES' GOLOSHES Goloshes, Jerse y Cloth, 4-button, Reg. $6.00 ....Sale Price $4.75 Goloshes, Jersey Cloth, 4-button, Reg. $4.75 ...'Sale Price $3.50 HOCKEY BOOTS Men's Lightning Hitých Hockey Boots, $7,00 for ......... $5.35 Men's Lightning Hitch Hockey Boots $5.00 for,.............$3.50 OtherLines of Men's Hockey Boots $5.00 for ...... ............$2.50 Women's Hockey Boots $4.50 for .....................1...........$3.25 MEN'SRUBBERS Men's Best Quality Rubbers $1 .50 for ...........................$1.00 CHILDREN4'S FOOT WEAR Bargains in Children's Footwear are equal orý even better than thé above réductions. HALF THE STORY HASN'T BEEN TOLD Corne in and see first handthe bargains' being off ered that you can't resist. There's Ladies' and Men's Spats,- Men's- Over- shoes, Jlosiery, etc. ACCOUNTS-Take notice that al .accounts'not settled on or before, December, 15, 1924,,will be handed to our solicitor for collection. SAFE FOR SALE--Small size J.& J. new, sell at a bargain. 1This is a Cash Sale. No, Refunds. goods on approval. Taylor Safe, almost No Exehanges. No Copeland Shoe, Store -Phone 249J King, St. West Bowmanville Everything In'Footwea r Gýoing ati Cost or Less at Copeland's Gýood-BeSale Mil 1 Having purchased a large boot and shoe Wingham, which transfer takes effeetJanuary 1, offering for sale my entire stock of '14

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