i OWMAINVILLE, DEC. 4th., 1924.1 HOW MUCH ARE YOU WORTH-? ___________________,Do you k.now how much you are SOLDIERS ENJOY BANQUET worth? A- professor of Chemistry in _______a University ils quoted as having said About 50 ex-soldiers from town recently, that if, the average sized and country gathered at 'the Bal- Man were dvîded' into elemeints of mnoral Hotel, Friday night and spent which his body is compose'd, thereý avery happy social evening in re- would be water enough to wash a pair newing old comradeships, and in Of blankets, iron enough to make a f easting, singing and spinning yarns. ten-penny nail, lime enough t'O white- wash a good sized cýhicken coop, Hot A. J. Wadhams certainly ex- phosphoroiis enough to make 100 celled himself and upheld, the repu-I matches, and suiphur enough to kili tation of his popular hostelry by the flees on a medium sized dog. If serving the boys with a delicious and huigotasorweetee bountifufly served goose dinner. The y'ou sol ot tr hr hs tabeswhih wreattactvel de Ithings are sold, the amounts of min- cae, wlither grad it god- erals-found in the human body- crtd iea suclia ellis, sald,' uld be purchased for 98c. "The things to etsc sjlis aas inf erence is that we- are "bargains" pies of ail kinds and tropical fruits., ttesIlmnt r o odr AUTUMN WEDDINGS Crossey-Pr-tzuse On Saturday afternoon, November 22nd., a qui e twedding was solemn- ized at the Parsonage of Rev. W. B.' Thomipson of Toronto, of ýStella Maýy, youngest daughter of James and the late Mrs. Prouse of Picker- ing, Ontario, to William Crossey of this towni. The bride wà.s attired in a chic navy blue suit with hat of gold cloth, the groom was attended by Mr. William Kelly of New Tor- onto, and the bride's attendant was Miss Irene Dear of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Crossey will make their home in 'Bowmanville. Gilbenk-Fitzgerald Ail Ready, Fo :r Christmas Cheer You wili find in our stock of new, groceries just wvhat you are needing, for the Christmas Pud- ding and Cake. We neyer offered a better selection of Rais- ins, Currants, Peels, Chrystalized Cherries, Essen- ces, Almond Icing, Walnuts, Almonds. Also seasonable fruits: Bananas, Lemons. Farmers, bring us y< Dujcks and Chickens., P>HONE IBO Grapes,, Oranges, ,ur Turkeys, Geese,( ALLIN Have "Sunshine" Furnace For Cold Weather Easy installed Easy to operate Easy on coal Easy to pay for An estimate places you un- der no obligation unless per- fectly satisfied. Greenaway & Elliott Heating Experte and Consulting Engineers Phone 18 Bowmanville nence of only -a few intimateafniends. Follfowiug the ezemony, a buffet luncheon was served by Mrs, S. M. Russell and Mis. Leaman. The guests included Di.adMs R. W. McQuay, Dr.,aud Mis. W. H. Rennie, Dr. and Mis. R. B. McQugy, Dr. and Mis. H. A. Cordon, Dr,.' and Mrs. W. H. Clark. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Metcslfe, Dr. sud Mis. G. A. Hqp-, sard, Miss Purvis, lady superînten- dent of the Portage, Generai Hospit- ai -*here the b ride received hier train- ing and was head nurse when she left for service overseas in the Great War; Mi., aud Mis. E. A. McPher- son. Dr. and Mis. H. W. Wadge of Winnipeg; Mis.' Carsweil of Dar- liugford a cousin of the bride; Mrs. Hauney, a war time friend of the bride, afi d several members of the, nursing staff of the General Hospit- ai. 1The gift of the groom to the bride was a rope of pearîs sud the brîde's gif tothegrom asfn Mb ring. h gomws n ebe The bride is a sister ofMi. Rd. jPooley of this town sud lher many relatives sud friends in Boýmanville and West Durham wili join in hearty congratulations. Keogh-Veale Ou Wednesday, November 26th., 192 4, St. Patiick's Cathedral, Que- bec City, was the- scene of a very beautiful ceremony, wheu Miss Elva Veale of Toronto, dàughteî of Mi. sud Mis. T. B. Veale, Bowmauville, was uuited lu the sacîed bonds of matîimnry to Mr. George Keogh cf Toronto. Rev. John Keogh, C. S. S. jR., brother of the groom, couducted the ceremouy. The bride, who.,iwas given in mai- niage by Mi. E. J. Rayes, who ac- companined the bridal party from Toronto, was daiiîtly attired lu a French îmported sîlver gown, em- bîoidered with pearîs with hat and shoes to match, and carried a shower bouquet of sweetheart roses sud iii- les of the valley. Professer J. Jacq- ues' rendered the music duriug the ceremony. The ceiemôuny over, maýss was ceiebrated aud the Solemu NuýtiaI Blessiug impaited to Mr. sud Mis. Keogh. During the ceîemouy Misses Vera Henchy sud Mary Mdllugli sang "Ave Maria". Afteî a reception at the Chatesu Frontenac, Mi. sud Mis. Keogh left on a hloneymoou trip aud upon their returu will reside in Toronto, wheîe Mr. Keogh is a meuiber of the law firm of Foy, Knox, Monohan, Ke7ogh nd Middleton. Amioug the mauy beautiful pies- ents received by the bride was a dlinnler set of Colport Indiau Tree Cýhina, the gift of Mi. T. F. Ryan, of the Rysu Art Gallaries, Toronto. A telegram of congratulation waa received by the bride from her broth- er, Dr. W. T. J. Veale of Hanon, Ont. BjIgUnloadingbSale TEN DAYS: 0F GOLDEN OPPORTUNI TY AT HANN'S, HABERDASHERY We are offering $5000.00 of seasonable merchandise at greatly reduced prices. Prices that wîll prove a great saving to those who take advantage of this opportun- ity. Right in the heart of theseason. Everything in the store reduced. Your chance to save money on Christmnas Gifts as well as on regular merchandise. Our personal, guarantee on every article soldi SALE STARTS THURSDAY, DEC. 4 SALE ENDS SATURDAY, DEC. 13 FirstCustomer in store Friday First Customer in store Saturdiqy morning, December 5, wilI receive morning, December 6, wilI receive a $25 Suit for $5.00. a $25 Overcoat for $7.50. First'Customer Wednesday morni- First Customer Saturday morning ing, December 10, wiIl receive a December 13, will receive a Hat or suit of Underwearchosen'by cus- Cap chosen by customer'free of tomer free of charge. charge. Every customer who buys during this Sale whohas before will receive a valuable present-worth $1.125, your share of tiiese Bargains. neyer purchased in Corne early ani istore id get With the inner man well satisfied 1f ully and skillfully bound together Ail were in the best of humor for the! with a thihnking brain *that the value At 1 p. m. on Wednesday, Novem- fLeast of oratory and song which f ol.j1 of a person la inestimable,.e 2h ey ue u oua iowed under' the direction of that wedding took, place at "Prospect prince of toastmasters Dyr. G. C.Plc, the home of the, bride, Man- Bonnycastle. vers Road, a little north of the After the'usual toast to the Kng FATHERS 0F CONFEDERATION beautiful 'town- of,/ Bowmanville. aIl the veterans again rose to their The Trustees' and Ratepayers' As- The contracting parties were Mr. feet and with the lights dimme'd and soclation of Ontarlo ià undertaking Johni ibhkCFgeald orandMrs heads bowed'a silent toast was given a patriotic work la supplying th Ealeth C.dFtzg erld, orth Bow-rý to t.he boys who sleep in Flander's schools of the Province with a pict- fomve, and e ceremonyony er- Fields. ure of "TheFathers of Confedera pfsoredbye biey.aJ.dW. oon.Toe, Mayor T. S. Holgate was the hon-I1 tion." Te purpose gîving a ser paestor of tebride -ad goom. ea ored guest of the evenng and in his lies of articles upon the Statesmenfriends from Tyrone, Bowmanville, Susual affable manner gave the boys comprising this group and other out- Darliugton and Toronto. The unit- :t e fîeedom of the town for this oc- standing characters who have con igcul ee uatne n c2sioX. He also promised his sup- tributed to themaking of Canada, in stood the ordeal without the least port and cooperation for a soldiers' their monthly magazine "The Can- excitement. A sumptuous wedding inmorial lu the form of a monu- adian School 'Board Journal." A dinner was served at 5 o'clock when ment. movement of this nature should, Miss Alice Silver of Bowmranville Speeches, solos and icommunity stimulate an inteîest in civic affairs.1 and Mrs. W. Oke of Toronto did the siuging folloWed. As we only print It seems veîy difficuit to interestpIhonoîs for the unique occasion. ýall the news fit to print' we refrain i people not only in Dominion and 1M,. and Mis. Gilbank will reside at from reporting some of the tornesi Provincial matters, but even in rspc laead ilwecm related on 'this occasion. Nether" Municipal Government. The inter- their many f riends t their hospit- do we care to comment or criticisei est of Canadians in public affairs is able home. the noble efforts of the singers lest on the average as high as that of their ambitions might be crushed be-ý either Britain or the United States, vn-adl yond recovery. So. that we will yet there is a deploiable, lack. of anWdel cover the remainder of the program kuowledge conceîniug the adminis- On Saturday, November 22, 1924, by saving among those taking part; tration of Municipal, Provincial and the marriage took place of William inclu'ded:- Messrs. G. R. Meadows, R. Dominion affairs. Colville, only son of Mi. Ephrîam J. Gili, Lh. T. McýLaughlin, Dr. B. J. _______ Evans and the late Mis-: Evans of Hazlewood,, Len Henry, Robt. Jainetville, to Marlon Kathleen. Thompson, Oliver Roberts, J. ýO'Neill, KENDAL WEDDING younger daughteî of the late Wil- Dr. T. C. D. Bedeli, W. J. Hoar, W._____ liam Waddell aiîd Mis. Waddell of F. Werd, Geo. W. James, Bruce Ber- Burley-Vanatto Orono. Rev. R., M. Patterson. ry, C. T. Ross, Daýy C. Waruica, H W 1 cousin of the groomn, officiated, the Lapp, Thos.1 Annison, J. F. M. Bur- The home of Mi.'and Mis. David ceremony taking place at the Par- ford and maybe others. ,Vanatto, Kendal, wvas the scene of a sonage, Fraserville.' A popular theme of the more ser- very pretty wedding, on ýSaturday, Miss Waddell is one of the most ions part of the addresses was on a November 22nd., when in the pres- popular of the girls of Orono. She soldilers' memiioriÎal for Bowman- ence of about seventy guests their has been a very valued assistant ini ville. It does seem high time that this eider daughter. Margaret Eva, was the Branch of the Standard Bank at iown shoul'd have alîead.y takea some unîted in marriage with Mi. Percy Orono and, will be missed from hier definite action îegarding this matter Burley, youngest son of Mrs. Burley, accustomed place by a wide circle of It should hardly be necessary for re- Newtonville, and of the late Robert friends. The high esteem in which turned soidiers to agitate this subject Burley. rîhe is held is eloquently expîessed in behaîf of their failen comirades if 'Mie ceremony which took: place by the many beautiful and valuable other citizens realized their obliga under a bridai arch was perforined gifts she has received, ' among which tions and in'debtednesa to those brave by the, Rev. 'T. Waliýace, pastor of Is a sable coat, the gift of the groom. fellows who made the supreme sacri both young people. After the cerem ony the, happy fice..1 The bride who was given away by couple left and wiil visit Stratford' During the evening William Gai ber father was prettiiy gowned in and other cities in Western Otario. braith,ý 'The Professor', as the chair- blue silk crepe de chene and woîe'a1 On their return they will reside on man calied hlm, reudered excellent string of pearis, the gft of the1 their- faim near Janetvilie x'-here service at the piano. groom. Miss Ima Poweîs of Bow- their many friends join in wshing It was the general ,concensus of mauville, was bridesmnaid, and re-i them a very long and happy hf e. oinion that the soldiers club should ceiveçi a bar pin whiie Mi. Roy Mer-____ <ciethe heaîty support and co cer, Kendi, -who ably assisted the oieration of al returne d men in this groom îeceived *n, set of Masonîc cuff Street-Prout district and that the men should linka. Aqitwdigwsclbse meet oftener lu just such happy gath- After the wedding supper the hap on Saturday sfteîuoon,' November, erings as wasa so thoroughly epjoyed py couple left on the evening train, 15 'by Rev. G. F. Kaye, the cotract- on this occasion. , the bride travelling lu a becoming ing parties being Harry Street and The National Anthem and Auld grey suit with hat to match. On mis. ay EihPot oho Lang Syne biouiht the entertain- their returu Mi. and Mis. Burley w1111 Portage la Prairie, Man.,' the cere-, ment to a close. reside at Kendal.moybngprrmdnthpes UNDERWEAR. WORKING- CLOTHES Men'sý Flannel Work Shirts, Regular $1,75, Sale Price $1.39 IJNDERWMARWear- Stanfieid's Red Label Shirts'and Drawers, Reg- ular $2.50, Sale Price $2.29 ea. Su"it $4,50' Stanfield's Gold Label Shirts and Drawers, Reg-, ular $2.25, Sale. Price $1.98 each Stanfield's'Silk and Wool Combinations, Reg. $4.50 Sale Price $3.98 Penman's 95 Shirts and Drawers, Regular $2.75, Sale Price $2.39 each Men's Overahîs,1 and Blueand White, $2.50, Sale PriceI FURNISHINGS' Black Reg. $1.98 Men's Smocks, Black or Blue, Regular $2.25, Sale Price ,$1.89 Men's Work1 Sox, good weight, 29c pair, 4 Pairs for $1.00 Make a list of your needs then fil them at, a big saving. BOYS' DEPAýTMENT 400 Men's Shirts, ail sizes Regular up to $3.50, $2.89 Including Broadcloths 100- lVen's Shirts, ail sizes Regular up to $2.50, $ i 89 11 ,50 Men's Shirts at $1.00o Méln's Coat Sweaters, ail wool, Regular $4.50, Sale Price, $3.39 Men's Coat Sweaters, mixed, Regular $2.50, Sale Price $1.98 Shawl Collar V-Neck Pull-Overs, Reg. $5,00, Penman's 95 Combina- Sl rc 46 tions, Regular $4.7-5, Sale Price $439 CLOTHING Every Overcoat and Suit Reduced. Penman's Fleece Lined 200 pairs Boys' Pants Shirts & Drawers. Firsts -Bloomers, Regular up to 4 Fur Collar Black Meit- Regular $1,00, $2.50, Sale Price $1.89 on Coats.ý Worth $35, Sale Price 87c each ,Wo ioe i Sale Price $23.98 69c pair 18 Overcoats Plaidback, Penmn'sHeay Wigh Evry oys -- aI lwool Regular ,$28.00, PnAh " Wool y Shirts nd ver oyst Suit and Sale Price $2398 All ool S hir s a d O v re oat R educed . - __12 _B oys'___________a ____ Drawers, Regular $2-00, os.lec ie o- ________$1.79 _____ binations, Regular $ 1.50, buy.............. $9.98 VeIvtè-ý Mrin Shrts Sale, Price $1.29 _ 8 Bathrobes, beautiful Velatx erio hitsBoys' Fleece Lined Shirts and rich patterns,, Regu- and Drawers, Regular $1, and Drawers at Reduceîd lar$12.50 to $14,00,, Sale Price 89c each Prices, Sale Price $10.00 Quality Highest Prices Lowest 'ABERDASHERY "The Youngest Merchant in Canada" PhoneOpposite Bank of Montreal Phon 61 Bowmanville OPEN EVENINGS DECEMBER 5TH TO25TH