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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1924, p. 7

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BOWMKNVILLE, DEC. 4th., 1924.: lPor sale TOP BUGGY FOR SALE-Apply to Noble Metcaif, Maple Grove, Bowman- ville, Phone 124r3l. 47-tf. PIGS FOR SALE-Well bred young Yorkshire Pigs. ýW. T. Perrett, Lowood Farm, Hampton. 'Phone l9r3-4. 46-2 WOOD FOR SALE-Dry wood eut in store lengths, $10 for a big crd deliver ed. Mrs. Olsen. Tt. R. 5 Bowvmanviile, phone 181-5. 47-tf HENS FOR SALE-8 Pymouth Rock Hens, also 10 young ones. Appiy Mrs Blunt, Duke Street, opposite South Ward School, Bowmanvifle. 49-1w FOR SALE-Man's fur-lined coat large size, Otter collar, muskrsat linling. Coat in good condition. Âppiy to L.- M. Drawer B BowmnanvIlie. 49 -tf. FOR SALE-Two Grade Durham Cows, due to freshen in December, aiso one Pure Bred Jersey Heifer. Apply E. S. Cirke, Scugog Road, Bowmanville, phone 2U7. 47-3w* FOR SALE-Canaries, younig Bolier, nicely marked, guaranteed to sing, price reasonable, make a nice Xmas gift; alsoi cýages and' hen birds for mnating. Ca il and hear them sing. Mr. B. Bennett, Elgin St. North, Bowmanviite. 49-2* FOR SALE-Good Fard Touring, 1921 inodel, starter and electrc light, shock t ~tsorber, bumper, and cord tires. AIj ~aif sold at once. Also three powr-makers to -use with car to cuti wood, grinid feed, etc. Phone 185 ori caî,,l at A. . Pickard's, King St. East,j Bowmanille.49-tf. CARS FOR SAýE-ODe Baiby Grand ilh...,...,-,Truck,.. 1V.,iton cap-cintrmode] gond condition. Bangain for cuck, organizo a Junior Hockey Church sale. No reasoabie off er will be nef usl ed. Appiy to Irwin & Coie's Garage, League. For paticulaus apply to ]Bowmanviile. s- G. Alex. Edmondstone. ____________________Mu. James Moyse, Rochester, N. jY.. was houe last meek attending bhe, HelpVanted funeral of is brother and visiing; j is sister, Mus. Wilson Neads. WOMAN WANTED-To do housework i Mus. J. D. Keacbie, Toronto, bas one afternoon each week and to take 10Bruabsndte mnr the mashing home. Appiy to Mrs. H.j gone oB'rmdt se hewtr W. Lapp, Scugog St., Bowmanviile, wth heu daugliters, Mus. HaruyPeu phone 184-w. 49-1w man and Mus. E. Ross Cooper . AGENTS WANTED-To selI the "Ol G M rM. and Mrs. Nelson T. Bragg,, ReibeFontbill Nurseries", expeience Toronto, and Mus. F. L. Bragg, Osh- not necessary. We offer exclusive ter- Iawa, moue Sunday visitous aI Mr. ritory, libenal commissions and furnish haindsomne free outfit. Stant now at best W. S. Bragg's, Kingston Road, East. selingý time. . qtone & Wellington, Ton- Mus. P. C. 'Tuebilcock and Miss onto ~ jMargaret Tuebiicock have returned WANTED AT ONCE-A neliabie wom- fuoni a pleasant visit with heu daugb- an, must be a particulan housekeepen ter Mus. (Dr.) Adam, 'Great Bar- adgood plaincok Must be stnong rnln as and in good health. for an elderlY couple and wouid requino good refenences. Ap- Higli School Commencement Ex- ply Genenal Delivery, Bowmanville. Mrs H. BE. Harvey. 49-wrcisos iii ho held ini the Opera bouse, Friday evoning, Dec. 191h. --- Prof. h. O. Joliffe, of Quoen's Uni- versity, Kingston, iii give an ad- Lost or Found dres». HEAD LIGHT LOST-Between Solun Citizens and people near this town and Bowmanvilie, November 24th. Re- and farther away ii mish to heau ward if ieft at The Statesman Office. Rer. John Gaubutt next Sunday ini 48-1* the Methodist Churcli. Be on hand FOUNO Fur neck piece found i ealy tb ho sure of a seat. Services Bowmanville. Owner may have same 11i a. mi. and 7 p. ni. by provlng property and payinig ex- Temeigo TeWieSi penses. Apply Abert Gilders. f0 Te etn o h hieSil manville. 49-3 Club iii ho held in St. Paul's Lect- ____________________- ---ure Rooni on Tuesday, December 9, HEIFER STRAYEO-On my pFemlsesj at 8 p. ni. sharp. Election of officers about thiree moniths ago. Owner may, wibi take place. Eveuy member have same by prqving property ana pbease make an effort 10 ho there as paying expenses. Thos . Taylor, R. R. 6, important business is on. nwmanville. 49- 3w _________________- -____-- Mu. and Mus. M. A. James desire STRAYED-4 fat heifers from lot 21, to gratefuliy acknow'iedge receipt of con. 2, Darlington, 2 roans and 2 reds. a box of most heauiful cranheruies Information leading to recovery of part or froxMu. areL ucChsot, al] of them wili bc suitably rewarded Mr.Mre -uChtwrh Or if you have seen tbem please phoný Nom Jersey. Newr Jersey cranber- 45. H. B. Foster, Bowman ville. 46-t ries have no superiors, and ýthey make an excellent relish. To Let HOUSE TO RENT-6 rooms, ail con- veniences. Apply 15 CarLisie Avenue, Bowmanville. 4 7-tf. HOUSE TO RENT-No. 2 Liberty Pla1ce, 7 rooMrs, ail conveniences. Applyl t. Rev. W. A. Bunner, No. 1 Liberty Place Bowmanville. 49-1w* HOUSE TO RENT-Smali buse, cor- ner Ontariio and King StreetsBowan- ville. Apply to J. J. Mason & on Bowmanvilie ior A., A. Coiwill, Newcast-1 le. 49-tf1 WALNUTS I have just. received a shipment of choice Il- nuts halves and arnal to off or theni at a very attractive price Per Lb.......... 49c OXO CUBES OXO EXTRACT OXO CORDIAL Oxo makes an excellent cold weather drink. Try it in one of the above forms. BULK DATES New stock, 2 lbs. 25e COOKING FIGS Just in, 2 lbs. 25e The niew Peels are in They are nîce. Orange anid Lemon at per lb 40e Citron, per lb.. 60e E. F. Weekes The Communîty Grocer Corner King and Ontario Ste. Phone 226 ring 4 The regular meeting of the Wom- en's Canadian Club iii ho hebd in the Lecture* Rooin of St. Paul's Chuuch, on Tuesday, December 9th, aI 3 30 p.,m. Du. Malcolm Wallace, Professor of English at Toronto Uni- versity, miii_ speak on "Children's Reading." Please note change of day.11 Mu. C. Relider and Mu. J. H. H. Jury were elected Honouauy Presi- dents, and Mesdames J. A. MeClel- lan, John Spencer, C. Rebder 'and LA.W-'Tole, Bommanville, Mus. J R. Cooper, Orono, and Mus. J. R. Fisher, Newcastle, on bbe Board of Directors of the Children's Aid'So- ciety of Northumberland and Dur-1 hani.1 At the last meeting of, the White Shieid Club, in ansmer to an -appeal froni Miss Hoaley, Public Heaitb Or- ganizer, mho is sbatione'd north of Ottawa, $10.00 mas voted to ho spent in fianneletbe to ho made up into babies' lothing. Wibi aIl moni- bers mho mish to ,help make up tbe Iclothing please ho aI Ste. Paul's Lect- ure Rooni on Thursday afternoon at 3:30 mhen garments iii ho readyý cut ouI to take home and to bo buought bo the club on meeting night iDecemnber 9t'h. Boarders Wanted BOARD AND ROOM-Men preferred. Apply J. Davies, Ontario St., oppositel South Ward Sehool, B owmanville. 47-3* Property For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT- Frame house on Elgin Street. Bowman- ville. containing 8 rooms, town water, electrie lights, ý/ acres land, with ap- Vie and small fruits, stable. Apply to John R. 1ivellir. Hampton R. R. 1, phone 238-32. 41-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-In Hampton, nom frame house, beautifully situated over- looking Park, and on main road, 6 roome, good celar, ccment floor, hard and soft water in pantry, snall fruits, trees, 14 acW land. Real bargain if you have the cash. Apply A. E. Jennings, -owner, Hampton. 47-tf jKEEPS HOUSE WARM Chamberlain Weatherstrip Keeps out cold, ýdust and drafts. Koeps domn youu cêal bill. Ask some of my customers: Lawry Cryderman, T. H. Knight, Geo. W. James. Wili ho in town Dec. Sbh. Leave moud at Statesman Office oru mile J. H. VANCE 773 Aylmeu St., Peterboro. LOCAL AND 'OTHERWISEj Try local stores first. Shop in the mornings. Read merchants' adrertisernents. Miss Aima Clarke recently visited friende. in Oshawa. Prices'al shot to pieces during sale at Hann'a Haberdashery. Stores will ho kept open Wednes- day afternoons during December. Two extra pages this week--anid local news, and advts on every' page Have the baby's photo taken for' Christmas. Harry Humphries, Hor- sey-st. Mrs. W. Downing, Toronto, was recent guest of Mrs. H. W. Foster and other friends here. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Foster have returned froni a -five weeks' visit with relatives at Sonya. Miss Stanley of Toro nto, will1 as-1 sist in the musical services, in Meth- odist Church on Sunday.' Mrs. Eva; Jones of New York, City, is gueàt of her niece and naine- sake Miss Eva Burk, Elgin St. Mr. and Mus. Hilton Eagleson and two children, Cobourg, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brock.1 Methodist Choir has choice music for the annual Thank-Offering next Sunday. Be sure to hear the ser- 1vice. The WTnmle's Hospital Auxiliary will hold its regular meeting in the Coundil Rooni, Friday, December 5, at- 3:30 p. . m HOLLINGSWORTH-In Clarke, Nov. 26th, to'Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ilollings- worth, a daughtear. MARRIAGES GORtDON-SINCLAI R-On Saturday, Novemnber 22nd, at Centenniai Methodist Parsonage, Toronto, by Rev. Dr. Arm- strong, Hazel Emily Sinclair and Sam- uel Edward Gordon both of Toronto. EVANS-WADDELL--At the Parson- age, Praserville, Cavan,' on Saturday, November 22nd, by Rer. Richard Patter- son, Miss Marlon Kathleen, youngest daughter of Mrs. Waddell and the late William Waddell, Orono, and Mr. Col- ville Evans, son of Mr. Ephraim Evans, Yelverton. DEATHS NICHOLS-At Cobourg, on Nov. 28tb, John Grnd(y Nichols, aged 65 years TISDALE-A,ýt Exceisior Hospital, No- vemiber 2thi, 1924, Ellen, widow of late Dr. Tisdale, of Cavan., SONLEY-On Nov. 28, 1924, at Manilla, Mary Amelia Barry, beloved wif e of John Soxiey, aged 52 years. BOWLER-At Port Hope, on Novem- ber 27th, R ose Sagger, beioved wif e of Tiothy Pl. Bowler, aged 27 years. GIRVAN-On November 27th, at bis late residence, 63 Peterboro Ave,, Archi- bald M. Girvan, beioved husband of Joan Girvan, in i 66th year. CLUBBING LIST 1925 The Canadian Statesman will ho clubbed withany of the follo-wing, publications for 1925 at the follow-, ing prices:1 Globe.....................$65 Mail & Empire.............$6G-50 Toronto Daily Star......... $650 Parmers M'dvocate..........3001 Christian Guardian ..........4,001 Christian Herald............ $4.00 Delinoator .... ..............$450. Ladies Home Journaïl,. . ......3.00, Saturday Evening Post....... $4001 Family Herald & Weekly Star. $3.751 Weekly Witness............ $4.001 Canadian Home Journal.ý$300 Farm & Dairy .............. $2.50 Farmers Sun............. . ý3.,C;0 Maclean's Magazine......$5.00 Canadian Countryman ......$300 Canadian Puoltry Review .3.,0o FARMERS' ATTENTION! Smeet Ciover HuIing done Haydon Miii. 41-.3* R.R. 6, Bowmanville. DO CITIZENS LACK P1ROPER COMMUNITY SPIRIT?1' A,! î,Mr. J. R. Long, Principal of the International Auction School, Cooks- ville, who recently conductekd a suc- cessful auction here for Mr. Alexj Elliot, Jeweler, sends us an interest- ing and very frank letter conltaining orne of bis observations while hj Bowmanville. We publish his opinions in full in the hope that they! may" do sonme good to let us "see our- selves as others see us." If any of our reades-ctizens, meuchants rural readers ou distant, subscibers-wish to take up Mr.' Lon' challenge, for bis leIter is really a challenge, we shalho ploas- ed to publish a further discussion of this very important subjeet. For the benefit of thos;e who did not meet Mu. Long while i town we, may say that hie made very many >', fniends by his c-ourteous, fair and square dealings with the public. Ho appeared to' satisf y both buyer and seller, which is not always the case et auction sales. îý Having been a nowspapor man for a number of years, Mr. Long is âEV. OHN ARBIJTTLOND Na turally a keen observer of hunian 1~EV JOH GABUTT LONONnature,,. and we feol certain our who preaches anniversary sermons in rendors will find his letter interest-1 Bowmanvîlbe Methodist Church next ing, even if aIl do not agree with hisI Sunday. views. B. H S. RATRICA CONEST Editor Statesmhan:- B. H. S. RATOICALCONTST *Dear Sir-Il was frequently asked by residents of Bowmanvile while Assemhly Room of Bowmanville conducbing the Elliot Jewelry Sale High School iras filied with stud- what I thought of your town.1 The ents, their friends and relatives on town, if. judged by its streets, sur- Tuesday evening, November 1sth., roundings, public buildings, resi- to hear the annual Oratorical Con- dence, churceéý, creates a very test. In absence of Principal Mou- favorable impression. It is admir- rison, Mr. A. R. Scott, B. A., -pue- ably locabed, on a great Provinciali sided and the meeting opened by Hiighway, in the heart< of a rîch and singing "0 Canada" with Miss for- fertile agricultural section, well othy Plummer at the piano. served byý transportation, but there Mjr. Scott after offeing a f ew s one ousanding tact that depres- irords on the value of these contests ses and that is the lack'of the coi- and the method of awauding the muniby spirit- that mnakes a, town prîzes, called on Mu. Clarence Fer- wouth while. guson who stated cleauly and con- Seldoin will a travoler drop off in- vincingly his views on "The Aboli- to a town sosituated as yours is and tion of Capital Punishraent". note the absence of farmers' busi- Next came a pleasing adduess on ness. and the absence of business co- "A Utopian World' by 'Miss Marion operation as in Bow-manville. While ideal place the would may ho many 'or condition to the fact that your centurieshence if everyone doos his wel athldyadyu al andbershae tmars tat nd. closing systeni is very disastrous to1 "Heroes and Hero Worship" was your mourchants, and because of.the] the topic of Miss Béatrice Cryder- lack of botter business conditions man's inspiring- and eaunest talk 'whiclfi creates dissatisfaction aniongi which evoked much applause. the retailers, there is the lack ofI Miss Marguerite Joness spoke on community interests, that inberest "Lord Shaýtsbury" that kind, unsel-' that keeps merchants together in fish English Gentleman, irbo did 50 friendly intercourse, co,) i lenéce and much fou mankind. good will.j Miss Florence Ashton told of the I founid merchants complainingý aims, accomplishments and possibili- that much of the town and district's i tiés of guccess of the. "League Of business mas going to Oshawa and toi Nations". Toronto. The haif holiday' and the j Whiie the judges-Rev. D. W. eauly closing system is rosponsible Best, Rer. J. U_ Rqbins and Dr. J. more so than any other factor. If C. Devitt moue arriving at a decision, a faumer must lose hours i the busy community singing was enjoyed bY day time to run into Bommranrille,ý aIl, Master, Jack Kentt presiding at he concludes that it's only a couple; the piaýno. hours longer fo run into Toronto, During the evening piano solos less to run over to Oshawa, and sol more rendered by Misses, Helen Au- Eowmanrille suffers the loss of hun- gue and flouothy Plummer. dreds of thousands of dollars an- On the judges' retuun, Rev. Mu. nually by that fact. Best kept eveuyone in great suspense' A farmer and his faxily will spend', for afew minutes irbile hoe made a their money at home if they can get f em pleasing and wtty remarks on in the stores in the evening to spend, the difficulty the judges experionced it for their needs. If they can't, in awarding:three prizes when there thon bhey prefer to spend one day or! Ishould justly ho five.. Ho thon an- part of the day in the big city.: nounced the prizo innous to hoe: Bowmanville suffers, for every dol- Fîst-ýMarguerito Joness; Second- lau that goos to Toronto-bakes iti Beatrice Crydeuman; Third-ýMar- froni your town forever-and it isI ion Dickson.j mighty poor judgment on the part cf Mu. Scott thon called onMu. W. your business mon to drive businessj B. Couch, Chaixman -of the' Board, and dollars to a big city. who expressed his pleasure if hear- Prido of a community shoul'dimi- ing such splendid addre&ses and add- pel people of that communiby to ed two more. pizes as they moue spend their money in that coin- woîl earned., munily, 50 that their property values, 1 The meeting losed wibh the Na- and general interests increase. tional Anthem. There mas a veuy Merchants ini Bommanville soîl large attendance. just as cheap as.-do Toronto mer- _________________________chants, when qualiiby and ralues are 1 compaued, a fact the public can ho HOSPIAL CèCERTTO-NIGHT 1 oducated 10 behiere, and ýonce con-1, HOPTL1OCR vince'd milI loyaily support the local î Thompsson Blood, Euterbainer, traders. But the traders, 100, must 1 appears in Opera House to-night take a esson. As I said above I(Thuusday) under auspices of many complained of bownspeople and;t IW omen's Hlospital Auxillary. farmers trading in the ,city. Hoir many of the mouchants patronize one another? 's il flot a fact, as many MINISTERS AND CHURCHIES peoplo point out, blinI on Wednesday i atteunoons many mouchants drive to St. Paul's Churcli, Rev. D. W. Toronto and there they and their BesI, minister. il a. m.-"In theý ir'vos do their shopping'?, Can they dark and loudy Day". 7 p. m.- monder thon thal otheus "go and do "Direction". 2:3 0 p. m.-Sunday iikewise"? The exanîple is a re- School and Bible Classes. flection on the mouchants' judgment and action. Loyalty begins ati Consecration service was conduct- home. Lot the mouchants set the t ed on Monday ovening at the Young example by patronizing one another. 1 Peoples' meeting in the Methodist Lot theni open their stores to the1 Churcb by Mu. Elwood Fenneil, as- people after tiiey have put in a day's' sist First Vice. Vocal solos moue work. Lot them tell the pulce 1 giron by Miss Berniece BElîa n hog trcie arrieet - M s.T W ame. hetpi n attractive i dswbt vales Just when the dernand-for Footwear is at its height we announce this money-saving sale. Values have been made so tempting you can 't resist. It will pay you to buy now for future use at these prices. SAVE.,DOLLARS ON YOUR, CHRISTMAS 1ÈOOTWEAR 150 pair Women's Patent Oxfords' Patenýt Strap Slippers, Brown Ox- fords and Strap Slippers, Regular $8,00 and $9.00 for $6.95 150 ,pair Misses' Boots,at special prices in 2 lots at $2.95 and $3.45 50 pair Womien's Brown Strap Slippers, Regular $7.00 and $7.50 for $5.45 90 pair Women's Boots, narrow toes and cuban heels,4' $395 and $4.95 per pair Men's Hockey Boots,, 1Black, Brown triimmied $4.50 Pair Mer's Lightning Hitch,' Plain Black................... $500 pair Black brqwn trimmed........... $600 pair Ahl Brown ..................... $6.00 pair Boys' Hockey Boots .. $3.75 to $4.150 pair 17 pair Men's Oxfords, Regular $7.00 for t$5.00 22 pair Men's Oxfords, B3rown and Black; Regular $600 for $4.45 100 pair Men's Boots, various styles, Regular $8.00 and $9.50 for $6.95 IVES' SHOE STORE Poe241 Bowmanville Stock Must Bie SoId Our' recent Auction Sale was the means of reducing our stock very considerably. There, are stili Watches, Rings, Fiat- wrare, Holloware, China, Clocks and Jewelry to clear at unheard of bargains. When 1 announced that I was going to seli out 1 meant'it -and I arn stili working to that end-to clear out the balance, of the goods this month. Everything M'-arked Below Cost Ifyou need any of the following, make selections early andi share in'the big savings: DIAMOND RINGS REDUCED 35 per cent LADIES' WRIST WATCHES REDUCED 25 per cent FLATWARE REDUCED 25 per cent HOLLOWARE REDUCED 30 per cent CLOCKS, REDUCED 25 per cent JEWELRY, Several Lines, REDUCED 50 per cent CABINETS, SILVERWARE'REDUCED 25 per cent Platware, includes Cornrunity, Holmes & Edwards, Rogers 1847, Canadian Wm. Rogers., Holloware includes Cake Baskets, Casseroles, Tea Services, Bread Trays, Fruit Trays, Pie Plates, etc. Don't buy your gifts until you have at least inspected My, stock. If we have what you want you'll get it at practically wholesale prices. Alex"EliotJewler BOWMAN VILLE ýr 7 Ives' Cash Shoe Store Annoujices

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