W. G. Nelles Co., Groceries Tasty Groceries For Christmas The Christmas season cornes at a time when fo0od, spices and-condiments are displayed in wide variety, and when the best and freshest can be procured most readily. Nuts, R~aisins, Oranges, Bananas, Grape Fruit, Chocolates, Mixed Candies, Spices and everything for the holiday feast is here in fresh and pleasing array. ,We sell'as cheap as the cheapest and gladly deliver in town. W. 0G. NELLES CO. (Nex t to C. - M, Cawker & Phone 62 Son). Bowmanville '-j Bowmnanville ai c el g" F r( s a ci F s di o: Harry Ilumpbries, Horsey St., phn 256. Mr. and Mis. Hubert C. Higgin- bothami and son John, Cobourg, spent Sunday with Mi. and Mrs. Geo. W. James. Bowmnanville High Sehool Com- inencement exereises xiii be hehi in Opera House on Friday, Decemnber 19th at 8 p. mn. Mrs. John Bellamy, !Moose Jawu, Sask., bias been visiting berbrhr-..,, Mr. J. H. Crydermian, and calling on old fiiends hýere. Mondaý,y next is last day for pay- ing taxes without a fine of five per Cent. Beter see Chief Jarvis at.] once and save costs. Mss Cola en!ing nd is Carrîe I. Painton, Whitby, weîe guests over Sunday of Mr. and Mrs Wmn. Painton, Westmount. Mr. andl Mis. John Joblin, Scugog, spent Sulvday wiVlihber brother, Mr.~ 'F. H*. Joness and attended anniver- saîy services in the Methodist~ Cburch. Mr. and Mis. J. W. McAdie andi Miss Hislop, Oshawa, weue guests of~ Mi. and Mis. Wm. Trewin on Sun- day and atten'ded the Methodist an- niversary services. Mr. and 1Mis. C. Avery Johnstoni announce the engagement of their~ dauIghteî Doothy Blanche Vo Dr.~ William Thoihas J. Veale, Hariow, Ont., son of Mr. and Mis. T. B. -Veale, IBowinville, the marriage Vo take place in Decemiber. Alil notices of concerts, enteitain- mieits or other meetings to whichi there is an admiission fee or collect- ion for expenises sent to The States- man maust be paid for at 10 cents per line-counted. Oidinaiy Sundayi cbuîchi notices are firee., St. Paul's Piresbyterian church is holding anniveîsaiy services next, Sunday, Dec. 14, when Rey. F. J. Maxwell, Oshawa, will pîeachi moîn- ing and evering. Choir is prepar- ing a splendid musical proglramr. Solos will be sung by Mis. C. Arthur f3awker and Mils. Alex.ander Colville. PICE 'LIST We will pay the following prices for the 1925 Crop of Contract Peas. Please understand this clùès not mean Peas as they corne f rom the thresh- i ing machinie, or Peas containing a large percent- age of splits, but clean, well-milled goods.j Alaska ............$2.00 per bushel Admirai Dewey ...$2.00 per bushel Advancer .........$2.00 per bushel, American Wonder. .$2.50 per -bushel Alderman ........$2.00 per tushel Champion ......... $2.00 per ibusheI Extra Early ......$1 .75 per bushel Gradus ...........$2.00 per bushel Green Admirai .$2.00 per bushel White Admirai...$1.75 per bushel H orsfords ..........$200 per bushel Laxtonian .........$2.25 per bushel Proiific Ely Market.$1 .75 per Ibi4iei Perf ection .......... $2.00 per Èbushel Stratagem .........$2.25 per bushel Surprise ..........$2.00 per bushel Telephone ........$2.009 per bushel Th~omas Laxtwi ...$2.00 per bushel French Canners.., .Mrket Price of Conmon ?eas Scotch Greens ....Market Price of Common Peas NOTE-Only one variety on any one farm. Order at once whi1e we can give the variety you prefer. HOGG &LYTLM, tr$itd Oshawa, Ontario Eat More BconJJ When you'can buy real good Bacon at such low prices it is no wonder the people eat a lot of it. We have been f eaturing this Baçon for sever- al weeks and have had a tremendous sale of it. PEAMEAL BACK BACON ..........35c LB FINEST BREAKFAST BACON ....28c LB WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS G.A. Edmondstone Curtains, rugs and caspets, Ail on the latest style, Please caîl around and see them You ivill find it woth your whiie. Eveîything tbay have in stock Is very fine indeed Wbat you cannot see just ask for They will caVer to your need If you wisb Vo piuc)ase 1On this Fiîmi please Vo cal, These gentlemen wil1 strive te make It profitable to ail. HINT TO YOUNG FARMEIRS. South Ontario Plougbing Associa- tion 1was formned adX rbokiin tecent- ly witb _Mi. Thomas Hall as the first Piresîdent. In oui faîming daysi near i3iooklini we were inspired to do the best plowing we coulcl by the nurnber of Scot-men who weîe our neighors-the Mathewsons, the Buras, the Spencers, the Blairs and oth,,ers who were flowmen. Becau.se of the habit formed of always plowing a straig-ht furrow it huits oui faimer feelings Vo pass aý field in wbieb slovenly, carelesâ plowing is done. We bave a good- ly number of iembeis in the Young Farniers Improvement Association. Whý do tbey not take the initiative in organizing a pflowing assocation in Durham county? Wbo 'wll start thýe ball rolling? HEAR ENCLISH TOWNS ON RADIO Radio records are being set up in~ Oshawva and every fan eageriy re- ports what foreigýn stations he se- cures. lI Johnis Piano Store~ window is a new five tube Shamuock neut- rodyne set, built'by S. Coweli, Wil- liamn St., on which Mr. JGhas heard severai foreign stations on Thurs- dabýey clearly heard aiso at Boure- mouth, Devon, England, an orchestra gelection given, and later hey tuned in Vo Manchester, England, where tbey heard a piano solo and a speak- er give an address.-Telegrai. - .~.J. -. . - . ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ J$KKiHI YOUN1.~ L41L I.ALLLU BRIGT YONG LFE CL il Kathleen Beaco>ck, Mortlach, Sask. O0WMANVILLE, DEC. .iîth., 1924 PEý YSA!T LU _____________A_________teC'ouc1h, Jobnaton & I Cryderman From Santa Cas LOCL AD OUER ISE Ail old folk, ý,nd young- ones too, Is your stormi door on? WhVo intend to rnarî, H'tave You paid ;Our taxes? Just cali at C'ouch, Johinston & Cry- O)rder papers now for 192..dermian 's1 And for a short time tarry. Monday night's gales were tierce. 'Pheir handsome stock of Christmas Better prepare for. winter-1t's on loods he way.' Is open for inspection, .Mrs. C. S~. Hiamran îecently visited A.nd no difflculty you will frnd ienids at Edville. In making a selection. Thousands of parcels for England A long established bouse it is, 'ere sent last week . With staff and stock complete, Better mail Christmas Cards and No other in the to'wnship arcel- a f ew days early. Can with tVMs house compete. Motorists look out f or a traffic Careful, prompt and courteous )fficer on Provincial \ lighway. In each business transaction, Mrs. Richard Bragg, sr., is visit- To eveuy customier they give iig relatives at Whitby and Picker- Te tns saifco. ng. Everything desirable _Mrs. J. T. Bragg is visiting ber T'hey always keep in stock> augherMis E.W. Rundie, Osh- Froni a handsomie inrgw âWa. To a simple frock. WS.. le n tet aevr You who have been settled uriaien.seand thefs are very ,For many year, in HfIe revln. Scr orsadwn-Just eall upon tbese gentlemen Miss Leone Wallace, Osblawa, And bring along youî wife. setthe weekend witb Miss Reta R. Of the many gifts that Santa brings, poe.t Such as socks and ties, oie. Lady's gloves and bhssiery IDuring f estive season be sure Vo Do these lists comprise. sed Thie Statesiman. your visitoîs There are nany other staples arly. Too aumerous to mention, Mr. and Mis. J. D. Storie, Oshawa, To just a few of these gave $100 to the Christmas Cheer They seek to call attention. ~und. Fabries of every kind; Mr. Arthur J. Trebilcock, Toronto, Fabrics for every -wear; spent Sunday with bis miother, Mis. Fa3bties most bewitc'hing; P. C. rebilcock. Fabrics richi and rare. Mr. J. W. Kerr, Vancouver, B: C., Lines of bousebold linen, iswit-h his wif e visiting the Missesl hyawy hv nsoe dlen Beeh Av. jTable Clotbs and napkins Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock and Miss! Ani towels, too, galore. f argaret Tîebilcock are visiting 'A special line of linen, relatives in' Peterboro,.' uoted as the best, Have the baby's photo taken for' Suitable for sbowers,' Christmas. ýIarry Humphries, Hor- And for the lady's (Hope) chest.ý sey Street, phone 256. Underwear for gentlemen, .Mi. and Mrs. Fred Bickell, Osh-, Dainty tbings for ladies, awa, were guests of MIVr. and Mrs. G.' Shoulder wraps for grandmias, H. Bickell, on Sunday.1 And lovely things for babies. Miss Gene Smnith, Toronto, was re- Romipers for the tiny tots, ent guest of hier cousins, -Misses A fine display of miiddies, Florence and Alice Werry. Suitable in every way Misses Margaret and Jean Scott, For the older kiddies. Solina, visited their grandmother, If you want a suit of clothes, M r . A. Beacock, over the weekend. And wish to be well dîessed, Mrs. Wm. Jackman bas gone to Make a straight bee-line to Coucb>s spend tbe winter with bier grand- It is there you will get the best. .aughter, -Mis. J. W. Burgess, Tor- Suits for mien, and suits for boys, nto. Suits for old and young; No better Cbrîstmas gift than alAil warranted to suit the taste nhin Make n ,intment with I 0f each and.every one. We are glad to an- nounce that our entire herd of forty six head have passed the T. B. Test. Do not be deceived- Glen Rae Milk is the only milk sold in Bowrmanville from a Government Tub- ercular Tested Accredit- ed Herd. Our Dairy has the most- sanitary equipment. The publie is invited to visit our dairy and inspect our herd. Those who handie the milk have passed medical examination by the M. O. We can supply a more customers. Cail 175-3 wagon will cal f ew1 and our on you. 1 Glen iRae Dairy R. R. Stevens, Proprietor BowTmanville C.S. Masori's Gifi Shoppe Open Friday Real Novelties That Are Different Visit this wonderful display and many of your gift problems will ibe solvedl. Ccme in and see f or yourseif Next Door to F. F. Morris Co. BOWMAN VILLE Phone 161, The mainy, friends and relatives la Bowmianville and West Durhami genieially will be interested in this obitu.ary from "The Northern Cana-, dian" of _Mortlach, Sask: Early Monday morning, Novemiber 24th., death" came Io the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Arthur Beacock and cailled their daughter Kathleen, who h&ai been in1 poQir health for nearly three yrears anid pine months and an invalid for two and one half years, suffering fromi a tumnor on the brain. Kathleen wL. born in Treherne, Man., on July 2, 1904, the family coming to Mortlach in 1907 where they have sincé resided. Kathleen put up a br~ave fight, but as the dis- ease progresse-d one sense was par- alized and then another. She has been dleaf one year and blind fopr seven months. She retained her sense of touc*b and the family kept in commiunication by the deaf and dumb language, ber miemory being good until near the end. The funeral took place from the Methodist Churh, service being con- ducted by the pastor, Rev. James Smith, B. A:, 'wbô spoke in a coim- forting and impresîve manner froin thre w&rds, "The m~aiden is flot dçad but sleepeth". lIer favorite hymil "God's way is the best way", was Sung. The pail-bearers were six girl friends and eight others, members of her Sunday School class, carried the flowers, A large number of rela- tives and fîjends we1re present. Miss Beacock -,as a niere of Mrs. W. C. Ferguson and Mrs. A. W. Pick- ard, B owmnan ville. Winter King i.5 coming. Canadian Christmas mails to Brît- ain and British mails to Canada are very large this season. MNi. and Mis. James Howe, Janet- ville, Ont., announce t~he engagemienti of their younger dlaughter, Georgîna M., to Robert J. Burn, son of MT. and Mrs. J. R. Buin, Janetville, the marriage to take place quietly De- cember l0th. Notice to Our Many Customers 1 door west of Bell Telepbone Office Phone 26 Bewmanville - 'I r L Christnmas Furniiture We have a splendid variety of newest things in Furniture, suitable for gifts, which would be appreciated in every home, and at prices to suit the most careful buyer. See our various lunes. Possibly we have the very article you are wanting f or a practical and acceptable gift. Our lines include: Trays, Pictures, Small' Tables ' Book Ends, BookCases, Umbrella Stands, Foot Stools, Lamps, Bissell's Sweepers, Flower' Stands, Reed Novelties, Victrolas, Records. Also Children's Furniture and Toys, Kiddie Cars, Doli Buggies, Go-Carts, Shoo-Fly Rockers, Rocking Chairs, etc. We cordially invite your inspection an7d pat- ronage. ' fF. F.MorisMCo Phone 10 Bowmanviile îng discourse on SundayRv.Jh Garbutt in a fewv reminiscent woîds recalled the personnel of the con- gregation when he became its pastor some eighteen years ago, and his imi- pressions of some of the older mem- bers wbo occupied the front seats but bave passed on Vo their reward. Hfe complimented the choir on trie miusical service and the congregation on their off ering which be was graVi- fied Vo leain wa,- beîng so well-sus- tained. Aftei hoth seivices mai,,ny fîiends gathered aîound him and beautily gieeted their former pastor. He found a remaîkable change in the congregation sînce he lefV Bow- manville. Port Hlope Metbodist Cburch had a memror-able Golden, Rule Sunday. tAt mnorning service Pastor J. W. Baird, B. A., was assisted by Rev: J. E. Brown, ex-policemnan, of New York who conducted a song service and gave a short inspiratio1nal talk. He claimed that a Christian even o- day miay be so fully possessed of God's spirit, so intimateiy and con- sciously connected with the invisibe world that the outer matexial world loses its power Vo allure the believer into temptation and sin. Pastor Baird received into -ichcb ember- ship 7.7 peisens, 60 on profession of faith and 17 by letter. About 350 partook of Sacrament, Ia the even-1 ing Baptism was administered Vo 9 adults. I Phone 21 Onl-y Twerlve Miore Days' ShopinBefre Xmas 1l have the finest assortment of Men's and Boys' FPurnishings for Xmas that has, ever been shown in this town. Men's Ties in boxes .......5c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 Men's Braces in boxes ..............5c, 75c, $1.00 Combination Sets ...........5c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Pure Linen Handkerchiefs......... 35c, 3 for $1.00 Initial Pure Linen Handkerchiefs .......c0 each Men's Hosiery in wool................. 50c 75c, $1.00 Men's flosiery in silk ...............75c and $1.00 Men's Lined Gloves, Grey or Tan ..........$2.O Scores of other lines which space will ot al- low me to mention. Now corne to the store that seils for less always. SG. CHARTRAN 1 Previous to commencing his even-]