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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1924, p. 11

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It's An Old Saying And A True One: THE PROOF 0F THE CAKE IS IN THE EATING Corne and taste our Christmas Cake. It -costs you nothing. Bef ore ordering your cake step into our store and be your own judge. There is a piece waiting for you. See our special window display of "Meaty 1Sweets". JACOB.PvjS & HrlILL>YER Successors to Christiea Bakery Bowmaniville GRO CERI ES For the Christmas Cake We have just received our first consignment of groceries'for Christmas needs. You will find them fresh and of the best quality and at sensible prices. Our stock includes choice Meaty Raisins, Currants, Peels, Dates, Nuts, etc. See our China Department for gifts. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville BOWMANVLLLE, DEC. Ilth., 1924 OUR AUNTIE 15 HUMAN DARLINGTON COUNCIL ______________________- IGuilty or not guailty?' That's the District Representative, F. C. Pat- ACID FRUITS ARE VALUABLE ýquestion our diear old Auntwould erson, Port Hlope, forwaded! finian-, like every 'reader of '1tie Statesmnan cial statemnent of Rural School Fairsi Doctor Explodes Popula-r Miscon to orelyasrateacocen- for yea r 19241, _hoýing a dJefi îit fo, ito ,nsi nýwratrac North Darling--toni of $13 9 eii ception Against Such Food. tious introýspect1ion. She says: for South Darlinigton of $ 31.47, and" "Paiens otentel m tht teya balance of$93 for Central Dar-I "Paiens otentel m tht tey We know a great deal about our îîngton. have quit eating grapefruit, oranges neighbors, many things not intended Ana eotoM .H a and other acid fruits because they j for our knowledge, and if we do nlot Ana eoto .O .w have been told that there is too, much know about them and ýail their con- presented for yeatr ending November acid in their bloed", writes William cerns many of us do our best to find 15, 1924, as follows:' S. Sadler, M. D., in the October issue out. Buit of ourseives how much do Municipality of Darlington, Coun- of the American Magazine, "but itj we honestly know? ty of Durham., namne and addresýs of la a fact that ail the acid fruits, ex- T r fu u aeaM.0. H., H. Fergùson, Enniskillen, cept plums and cranberries, are te -hr r e fu u ae Ont., November 15. 1924. Estimnated best alkàiine (non-acid) producing bent in our natures that perhaps we population 3,455; No. of births perj foods in the world. are comfortably unaware of, or we, annum (exclude "stili births") 62 "In he rocs~ f diestontheshirk from realizing. Perhaps it iS No. «~ stili births 2; No. of infant acIsofthe s fiswith theo not. a f ault or anytlaing very ugiy in1 deaths under 1 year 3; infant mor- exceptions mentioned,, are converted ou1hrceitcmaeubti I tality rate per 1000 living births into nîkaline salts. These saîts usually some quality we pretend we, 48.387; No.. of deaths from al tend to neutralize the acidity of the have not and which wel note la oth- causes 30;- Death rate per 1000 of blood". ers. the population 8.68. Communicable Moter, terfoe, ee no far Now, instead of picking faults in !Disease No. No. tohiestreorne jiednt bah your neighbors methods of work-1 Cases- Deaths laes thataeoangael-mike t. Tah- their ways of bringîng up their child- Measies 171, 0 lesnge juire onian not ik e the iren-their economies or expenses- Scarlet Fever 10 O hiavesou tcho wil î et iaet curie just make a candid study of your- Diphtherîa 3 0 the miik, though orange juice la us- self uta fyi ol okit hcepx1 ually given to infants midway be- mirradsefryurefwa0up tween two milk feedings.1 Older others, no doubt -can see in you. Typhoid 4 0 children who sit at the table, howý You see quite clearly that you are i Whooping Cough 5 O ever, may have their oranige or or- indolent'and lazy, you hate ta bestiri Tuberculosis 1 1 ange juiee immediately before' their yourself; or, perhaps, yon do enjoy' Cerihus Spinal Meningitisý 1 1 cereal and mlk. a little gossip and to hear fil things! Syphilis il o Invalids with the inost delicate saîd of those whom yau profess ato27 2 digestive organs can take orange name as, your friends; again, You 27 . juice, and it should aiway5 be in- would have to admit that you do tell1 Methods ýadoptedl to combat the ciuded in the diet of the slck, be- falsehoods occasionally; you 'o tn outbreaks? Placard homes of famul- cause orange juice furnishes so large, feel spiteful and envious of others' les- Any Public Heaith Education a percentage of vitamine C, that good fortune, and so on. These b y U, O. H.-Nothing special. Did elusive element that makes for qualifications You condemn most vig- M. O. H. carry out Sanitary Inspec- strength, growth, and "pep".1, The orousiy in others. tion of schools during the year and minralsats ha ar sppledta the "Live and let live,",1 is a good old make report ?-Yes. Expenditure system by oranges and iemons are motto, and~ before judging othersiSaulae or othreuraon of M.)- not oniy natiural appetizers, but aid hastiiy in their methods of living, O. H.-$or89.30; (i-Eerainditure in supplying materiai for strong den- look squarely at yourself and see if for.Her$Public;Health Woek-$173. tai structure, sa children shouid have you are quite exempt from every 62;TtlepniefrPbi at ieast an orange a day during the foolish quirk in your friend's char- 2;Toaapedture f ot Pubner lice years they are cutting their teeth. acter. miarks: Brief ouline of activities of __________________________ What you think you know after a M.O .adlclBado elh fewvists o teirhoms, r afewGeneral supervision of ail Slaughter JOIN THE PUBLIC LIBRARY hours chat-and it takes many visits Houses; General'Supervision of cut- ______and many minutes toapiake up -, few Iting ice for storage purposes; Gen- A membership ticket good for the hours-is really only a very smail eral Supervision of installlng sani- remainder of 1924 and until Decem- portion out of their if e, snuch of tary equipment in private' houses ber 3lst., 1925 coste, only $1.00.1 which was lived before you knew and 'proper drainage for samne. mnoulded their chraacter or f orced Ynare Dottheta en, erbo ad liv :r:bablýy .MOTHERS' ÂLLOWANCE BOARD> ex erimnt- Don't try to see your nieighbor's OZEIV'UnegDr' virtues. Your instinctive kindness Twenty-Two Beneficiaries on Liat C Z E MAhase s Oint-!i should make allowances for things M menit for Eczema and Skin Irrita-, of which you do not approve, for if1 The Mothers' Allowanice Board for ti,,ns. It relteves at once and gradu- ally 1heais thec skia. Sample box Dr. you had to lîve your life with their Durham County met 'here Fridiay. chas', 'leiient free if yon mention tbis background, their present and their The Board co4isists of the f ollowing papl,, d î f d 0.stapfr postage. 60e. a future outlook, you mnight manage members: box; ;il1 e rs or 1ýdmansý0on, Bates & Co., frwreta hy r .W abatlPr oe Limite ,nto. a os hnte.M.F.W abatPr oe (r1i4LLflIOfl ý lu àv. s.v nap This An Electrical Chriestmas Buy Gifts that are Practical and "Useful We have something for every member of the family. You are cordially invited to inspect our stock at these attractive Electric Irons, guaranteed 1 year .............. $4.50 Electric Vacuum Cleaners .. ... .. .....$45.00 aüdup Electric Toasters ................. .... $ 5.00 and, up - Electric Percolators ................... $ 9.00 and up - Electrie Heating Pads................. $ 7.00 and up Electrie Curling Irons................. $ 2.00 and up Eiectric Hot Plates ................... $ 5.00 and up Eiectric Heaters, ail types ............. $ 5.00 and up Eiectric Floor and Chesterfield Lampa ... .$18.00 and up Eiectric Table Desk and Boudoir Lampa $ 5.00 and up El*ectric Washing Machines, the beat on, mnarket .......................... $95.00 and up Electric Ranges, we, handie ail makes rang- ing la price from............... $50.00 an~d up 15% REDUCTI'0N ON ALL SILK SHADES AND PORTABLE LAMPS Our stock of Electric Fixtures is corn- plet'e. We have a fixture for every roorn in your house, and the, prices are right. When you ýbuy a fixtiire frorn us we instal it Free of Charge. We will' demonstrate every Thursday afternoon the Baby Grand Electric Ironing Machine. If you have any curtains, table' line'n, or anything you would like ironed phone us and we will be gladl to cali for sarne and return it'to you ironed complete. Ail goods sold on Easy Time Payments Our personal, guarantee goes with each ar- ticle., Everything sold by us mnust give sat- isfaction or your, money will Pe cheerfully refunded. H-ydro Irons Guaranteed, for five years $5.50 each Buy your Electrical Goods at an Electrical Shop. There's a Reasýon. The HdruS n Phone 192 and 229 Bowrnanville Give Her a HOO VER ~Cartwright; Mrs. A. L. Nîchols, Bowmanville; Mr. H. . Bland, Mount Pleasant; Misýs Pearl Buraham, Mill- brook; T. B. Chalk, Port Hope; and C. J. Thoraton, ex-M. P. of Orono. Reports for the year showed that twenty-tw%,,o persons lai th e county now rec:eive allowance fromn the Board; 14 new naines' have been1 addedl and six namnes were cancelled~ for the follow,ýing reasons: One beneLficiatry remi-oved to U. S. A. One to Northumberland County. One because husband is n ow able to, work. One because of lack of co-opera- tion of beneficiary with Board. q'wo because of children over age. According ,to the rules,any mother Who la left a widow witih at least two children under sixteen years of age, or any woman whose husband is tot- ally incapacitated, w«ith one eilid under sixteen, are entitled to al- loWances. One application for 'aid was re- ceived and r&comimenided as a wor- thy casée. It was found that $725 was re- quired for monthiy allowances, $8,- 700 being the year's total. Otiher interesting statistica were given. Oniy the uninformed endure the ag-ony of worms. The knowing onies apply Hlolloway's Corn Remover and, get relief. MARTIN CLAN'S REUNION Former South Darlingtoni Farmer's Home a Happy Sce<ne The hospitable home of Donald Martin, Concession 12, East Wawýan- osh, was the scene of a happy gathi- ering on T'hursIaty,> November 2Oth., when a numher of the Martin clan, with their wives, husbands and fani- ilies, gathered in comimemioration of the arrivat of their forebearers la East Wawanosh sixty years ag-o. Donald Martin, born near Gl1as - gow, Scotland, in 1802, emigrated with is, wife and two chiidren to Canada la 1837, settling in Darling- ton town-ship, nesar Bowmanvîlle, where the famnily remained until 1864, wheni the pioneering spirit of the Scot again asserted itseif and Mr. and Mrs. M.ýartinmoved westward with their seven sons and three daughters. Two of the ori.ginal pioneers were present, Miss Margaret Martin and IMrs. James Martin, who came to IWaw'n'oshi as a young bride sîxty years ago. Another member of the ôria-inal party, Charles Martin, Sr., stihi resides in Wawsanosh. The older members of the gathier- ing grewý remniniscent, describing their arrival in tjlinton, for many years thieir miarket-town, their trip tothe new hiome, through the f orest, over coi'duroy roads and contrasted conditions in Huron County sixty years ago with those which prevai to-'day. Mr. Donald Martin is the father of Rev. H. -Martin, B. A., at preseat pastor of Erskine Presbyterian Church, Goderich.-Goderich Star. Recognized as a leading specific for the destruction of worms, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator bas proved a boon to suffering cilîdren everywhere. It seldonm fails. FNIO ILýIIwâýIàws LIMITED CAN~ADAS LAILGES RETAIL GROCRS Buy Where You KNOW You Can Sav- Careful house'dives do flot have to search for good groceries at bargain prices these days. A Million and more Shoppers visit Dominion Stores each week with a certainty of making a saving and buying the best. -You won't find a sýhopping sat',- faction anywhere like you do when buying at-your nearelit Dominion Store. Finest Malaga Grapes 2, lbs. 39C MILLED ROLLED OATS ubs. 29cï HALOWIDATESO 2 bs. 21-c CNE LEMON & ORANGE PEELL .31le SCANDIES JELLY BEANS, HUMBUGS CREAMS, KISSES CHOCOLATES, JELLIES -5%. BUTtERSCOTCH WAFERS 29ci. WNDERE e AUNT DINAH MOLASSESIl 7c 21/2Size XMAS WINES ,1c Port, Grape, Ginger, Sherry 1- NUTS f(Mixed) Fillberts, Almonds, Brazils 2 Walauts2 SHELLEDWANT C Bordeuz ,4ALNT SHELLED, ALMONDS ib AYLMER SOUPS MADEAi Tom., Veg., Pua, CeIery, Oitail, Asparagus CANADAtx WAGSTAFF'S OLD ENGLISH STYLE MINCEMEAT 2Z 9 SEEED r EEDE j VALENCIA RAISINS, 2 Ibs.2J SEEDD orSEEDESS1SMYRNA BLEACHIED 2 %. RAISIN S 25eI RAISINS M -l.17 CURRANTS --2 Ibs. 2 c M-ýAYFNELD BACON IT'S HEINZ COOKED SPAGHETTI, Medium i15C Smnall 21c NEWV NAVEL ORANGES SWEET and JUICY 29c, 35c &45cýn 1~ BEEKIST HONEY PAIL 8 oz* lEc JAR JAR 7 16 zs~ 9 C. B. KENT, POST, OFFICE, TOWN AGENT Make 1«,-«'---'" Zr 'l;--

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