AUTOMOBILE SKATES HOCKEY STICKS and host of other things you would expect to find in a well stocked hardware store. MASOâ"N & DYALE The Popular Hardwre-Quality and Riglit Prices Phone 145 B3owmanville [Winter Bv'attery Service Mr. Motorist, don't letyour battery run down or freeze this winter. Store it' with us. Wè will store it and keep it recharged for a very nominal charge. Then you xill have it in first class condition for Spring. When nieeding a new Battery see us. We sell Prest-O-Lite and Exide Batteries. Fisher's Biattery Service Moffatt Garage Bldg. Phone 248 Bowmanville Spc.ial to Wintr Drivers Prepare Your Auto'For Winter Weathier 1-Have the gasoline tank and carburetor drainied and cleaned; also adijusted for winter driving. 2-Have the ignition system overhauled. 3-H1ave the battery examined and -recéharged, the ex- tra load of cold weather starting will ruini your battery if it has a weak cel.. 4-Have your crankcase drained and clean and fresh. winter oil put in your crankease. 5-Have the radiator and connections prepared for Antifreeze. 6-Have your radiator filled with Antifreeze. 7-Have your'valves ground and carbon cleaned. $1 1.00 for 4-Cylinder, Cars $13.00 for 6-Cylinder Cars is ail we charge to do the above seven jobs complete. Bring your car into our service station and we w~il give you quick service. West End Garagtêe SHAW & YEO, Proprietors Phone 188 .Bownanville1 B.1 The lNewcastle Ir diependgerdt THURSDAY, DECEMf~BER llth., 1924 ,Mr. Frank W.,<Galbrait1i who is a NEWCASTLE CHURCHES prom-inent business man of Portl Hope and also a meniber of the Gen- - Presbyterian <hurch, Ne-wastl eral Board of Missions of the Ivetho- at il a. m. a.nd Newtonvllle at 2:31 dlist Church of Canada, conducted p i. im. Rev. Geo. Msn Bowmian services in the interests of the Gen-1 ville, iiinister, will preach. Subjec eral Missionary Society in the New..- -R'ighteous Anger". eastie church Sunday. Mr. Gal- MtoitCueRv .1 braith has an extensive knowled-e Mto di PstoirchI e. E. rin of the history and achievements of Cooks or. 2 il0. m.-Morniný Methodist Missions, which he fimparts Wohol. :0 p. m.- undags in a Most interesting way. Hegavi ce. M.CatnBradsi good addresses, morning and even-ýv r lyoBradsi inig, and presented a convincing ar- guished Missionary speaker, will ad ryof arguments in supotf dress both services. Everybod, creased givings to Christian Missions. fChrita ugsin LOC$iIART'S SCHOOL Christmas Concert and Christmas Tree in Lockhart's School, S. S.-No'. 9, Clarke, on Thursday,-Decembere 18th. Good programý. Special feature, "Dialogué Contest"l. Good outside talent. MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity University, aleu of Royal College Physicians, Edinu burg. Speeialty-Diseases of wom- en and children. Offie-Paikér'e Block, Newcastle. JL W., Bradley Newcastle Gênerai Insurance Clerk of 2nd Division missioner, etc. Agent Couft, Colis- GOOD COKE ig NEWCASTLE IMPORTANT FARMERS lHWSSHO r1Miss Cora Butler is visiting _____ METN Don't forget the concert andj ifriends in, Hamilton. ' The European Corn Borer has be- Christmas Tree at Shaw's School on 1- MrR. W. Gibson, Toronto, -is corne a very serious pest in Western Friday, Decýombeýr i9th at 8 p. mi. An [y spending a few days'at -home. 'Ontario. Many farmers there 'May interesting program is being prepar- Miss Bertha Thompson, Newton-f be forced to, quit growing cornala- ed. Admission 20c. - vlle isvistin Mis HzelBarie. together for a time. The -insect vile, s vsitngMis Hael arre. has spread to this part of ýthe Pro- L. 0. L., No. 265, will me-et in their yi'nce and ive may expeet it to be- ýTYRONE Hall on M'onday night, December 5.1corne plentiful during the next two The men of the Methodîst 'Churcl or three years. Fortunately the Mr. H. Skinner was at Ottawa last are holding a social, evening this pest is easily controlled if everyone week showing his thoroughbred IThursday. growing corn cleans up ail stalIks and sheep. He received a fine share of Rev. E. B. Coolce p reached anni- stubble each year. the prîzes. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Carl I verar srmos n yrtle and Col- In order to discuss the situation Coulter, O.shawa, visitedl at Col. Wm j umbus circuit on Sunday. and to give you information rega'd Farrell'sý who wýas quite ili on Sund'ay Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Mngomery, ing the Corn Borer, F. C. Pateýr , .. The Public Schlool -%as closed were at home to a number of their Agricu1tural Representative ' for here last week on account of Scarlet friend on Fiday ven 1ing. urham County, has arranged a ser- Fever, but openied again on Mýonday. frens nFrda vein.ies of meetings as follows: No new cases have developedi... ýMr. and Mrs. C. E. Rogerson ani Tuesday, December 16th at 2 p. m Miss Hazel Hdsn Port Perry, two children, also Miss Gaylord vis 'Bowmanville, Council Chamber. spent the w%ýeekend at home..Mrs. ited at'Geo. Singer's on Sunday. Tue5day, December 16th at 8 p.;Win. Little, Sr., visýited at Mr. W. Mr. Geo. Singer spent the Most ma.-Couirtice, School House. Hughson's, Toronto. last week..' .. of last week in Toronto at the home Wednesdiay, December l7th at 2 Mr. and Mrs. Levi Skinner visited of Dr. W. H. Balton-Baîl, Palmuers- p. mi.-Otrno, Town -Hall. friends in Bowmanville on Sunday ton Blvd. Wednesday, December l7th at 81 and attended Thank-offering services Mr. Roy 1Branch is spending a few -P. m_-Newcastle,ý Community Hall. in the Methodist churchi. days at home. Roy lias been pretty' v Thursday, December i8th at 2 p. well over Canada since hie left home! m.-Newtonville, Newtonville Hall. SOLINA last Spring. A moti'on picture filmi showîng the' ____ Mrs. Wm. Pinnegar, is home fro'ir work of the insect and control meas- the West, having spent a plaan ires iu detail will be shiowni.- Corne Miss vera Baker is home fromn itwo months' visit with relatives in o one of the meetings andl see the ...ew r' Yo rk iysitirng er paVbrent Saskatchewan. ~film. Meetings wiîî start on tim . r n rs ret Wbe, Sasktchean. nd nd erly.'meColumbus, visited at Mr. H. E.f Remiember the date of the New aded al.T in k's ... . Remember the Box Sociali castle, Methodist Sunday School RCESR ENTERTAINS andl good program on Friday even-j Christmas Tree entertainment on ORCHESTRA ing... Ms. R. Pascoe bas been ili Tiuesday, Dec. 23rd, at 8,p. m.MUCAS with eryVsipelas. Mrs. L. C. Pas;oe, Bnfieldhas hbeen atten ding lher. Mr n Ms m.Hcin ad Modern disciples_- of Jubal, mnerî- Mr. and Mvrs. Victor Wilson, Lind- son-ý and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Buckley bers of th, Newcastle Orchestra, say, visited at M;-. Isaac Hlardy' ... . andso Gerg, sen Suda ut dined in fashion at the home of two Mr. A. L, Pascoe- attended the Hol- Mr. Fred Hockçin';s, Maple Grove. 1 leading memibers, Mr. and Mrs. Chas,. ti-Fisa lbana etn jThe Mui1cipal ýCouncil met, in'Cowan, North St., on Wedniesday at Millbrook on Friday... Mr. and, - rguar esiononMonayeveixgevening last. Music hath charms, Mrs. W. T. Taylor and Miss Lena but as the proceedings axe neyer but to these makers of music, s0 recently visited 'at Blackstock.. .. Mr ~publisýh ed the poo r ratepayer is in; have other things las was evident Rý.J.Luke and Mliss Gussie, Kedron, <the clark. frn the enjoyment derived iu gen- lie t j. . qués... Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pearce and ial company aroundthe banquetting, Mr. Cecil Bush, Columibus, was at' family and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fisher board on this festive occasion.. This;home over Sunday.. . -Master Gor- visited M'Ir. and Mrs. S. ýC. Scuil- -as really a, complimentary dinn er1 don Wilbur, Taunton, v-isited former thorpe, Port Hope, durîng the week- on1 the part of the Newcastle music- school-mates here Saturclay.-, . -.--.Miss end. ian s to musical frîends from Orono, Ada Pascoe is visiting withi Toron- Mr. Roy Branch who went on the andNewtonville who have so gener- 1 to friends... .Quite a numiber from 1-vstr' xurin oSaktce - osly given their assistance to the1 here enjoyed Methodist anniversairy an is home. He speut th-' season NewAcastic aggregation on zundry services at Bowmaniivilie on Sunday in the Weyburn district and' reports occa.sions durrng the summer and. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hoar andi crops good and prices better. faîl. The dietetic scale whh for son, Charles, Orooiste at Mr. Mj n u.Ge.P ikr the nonce.reiegated alI minor and Ha'rvey Hardy's. Msrda. kr and Mrs. ElfoP Rckrdý'major scales to the backgroundi Box Social at,,the Hall on Friday Mis Eda Rckad ad Ms. lfoderauged ail the wvay from the heavy I December l2th., undler auspices of Welcomhe, spent Sunday with Mrs. tones of roast goose, with chicken in: Solina Athiletic Club. Jas. G. Rickard, Bowmanville, and ord er, through the ssceu1ding courses ________ attended the Methodist 'Annivrersary toi ice cream at the top of the scale.1 services. Old King Cole and bis fiddlers tbree EBENEZER Mrs. Cambridge who has been iin were neyer merrier than were these' Port Hope Hospital since the fatal musical merrymakers this eveniug. I Frilday evening, November 28 the; railway accident at Adamis' Cross- The guests from Orono were Mr.: young -people of Ebenezer Church ing last July, bas so f ar recovered and Mrs. Arxdrew Kn*ox and son' presented the play "Farm Folks"~, as to be able to go to hiem homie in Charles and Mr. -Milton Morri.s, and under the auspices of the Mission Toronto this week. j from Newtonville: Mr. and Mrs. FedCirle. The church was filied to its Mr. sud Mrs. S. Jose have been i Greenrfield and Mr. and Mrs. ]ri.capacity and thle audience was weli speudingz the week 'withi relatives in IMmbr of the Orchestra w1ho plan-) rewarded when the playý had been the Bellevill4 neighhorhood and at- f ned and provlde*d the dinner are: Mr presentedi. lThe cas-t of characters tened he hia wddig o teirandMr. Chias. Cowan, Mr. Harold 1 was as f ollows: Msr Goodwn- uephew and niece, Mr. and M',rs. Asa Aluin, Mrs. Jack Casweil, Mr. Geo.1 Mrs. W. R. Courtice; Amios Goodwý,iu Broad of Rossmiore. Jones, Miss Edna Rickamd, Mr. Ber- -Mrs. Ciarence Peuifouud; Flora Messrs. J. C., Herbert E. and Fred! nard Hughes and on occasion Mrs. Goodwin-Miss Eleanor Boyce; Dave Hancock attended the funuerai of (Rev.) E. B. Cooke. Rev. E.- B. Weston-Mr. W9alter ilundie; Mrs. their -cousin, the late George Bye of, Cooke,, an honorary member was ai- Burleigh-ý&rs. L.. J. Courtice'; Philip Port Brittain, wbo died after a'liug- l s amoug the dlelightedý guests. The Burleigh-Mr. Chas. Osborne; Grace ering illness, the frrst of last week.1 musician1s who ail had their instru- Burleigh-Miss Mary Found; Delia The funeral was held ou Weduneiay jbfnt with them bad a good practice Slocu-M-iss Addîe Nichols; Jerry Dec. 3rd., and interment wa -j ifr dispersing. Finn-Mr. Alani Penfound; Mrs. Welcomie cemetery. wsu________ Peasley-Miss Hattie Osborne; YON EPESLAGUE Thompon-Mr. Arthiur Fouud; Sate Pete Holabeuko happend with an YUN EP 'S E Miller-.-Miss Hazel Rundie. Eac'h acciidnt onisuniedy eeîg h Mr. Orm. Parker presided over the ansd every one of the actors played driving bis friend Warwickthe rYoung People's League on Monday their part exceptionally well sud struck some loose ,rvladPt night and Mr. Gordon Ashton read credit i.9 due to, them ail for the tuýie loat control, the car lsnded in theý the scripture lesson. Mrs. Chas. they spent i n preparing and present-] citch 'and wa, ai rce u Cowan and Miss Nora Cowa play-1 ing the, play. A great deal of pleas- fh cuat sae ed a piano duet and Mr. Kenueth jure was also derived from the num- fortunatelyth ocuat spe Pea rce gave a missionary reading. bers between acts whiclî consisted of seîousin Juries adMs oe This was missionary night and Mrs. piano duets by Misses Louise Os- Rev.W. . JuesandMrs Joes W. J. Moore gave an interesting and borne and Hazel R1undie, piano solo of Hampton, motored to Newcastle enlightening address on' Christian 1bY Mrs. Cecil Wordeni and solo hy on Wednesday last and Mrs. Joues Misions ini Africa and lu this con- !Miss Francis Hancock. Proceeds gave au înspimîug adciress befgre theI nection, spoke s <pecifically of thei which are in aid of mnissions amiount- ladies of the Newcastle W. M. S. on1 life and missiunary career of a forma- ed to over $40,00. the occasion, of the annual Rest Fund1 er Newcastle high school boy, the 1 _______ mgeeting. Mr. Joues also dropped late Harry Garwood, who lost bis if e MPE Rv into the meeting for a few minutes in the jungles of West Afrtiea just' AL RV and on request made a few heipful f one year after returning to bis mis- and encour'aglng remarks. s*o field with his young bride (Ms- Mr. Leslie Harris, Mrs. Amnos Mc- The uew road on the Lake Shore i Richards). Mr. Garwood sud bride Mullen, Oronto, Miss erti c was ofllcially opeued asat week by were mamried in the Methodistuie, saaMsvrs Bk, Mr. Mcvicker of the Prvnca Church while he was home on. fur- New York,, Mm. Thios. Baker, Solina, I Hligha Dept. The genial Towni- iough. We caui distiucetly reniem- were Sunday visitors at Mr. L. C.1 ship Cler, Mm. A. J. Staples, was on ber how the cburch was crowded ou Snowden's. -. The W. -M. S. meeting baud to look after -the Township lu- 1thîs occasion, the public sud -highi was held on Wedniesday afternoou, terst. Ate th radwasopn- cholstudents cuyn galey December 3rd in the hall. Ebenezer ed Mr. Howell Rowland iuPvited "îal Mrs. Moore, then Miss Ethel Staple-, W. M. S. visited Our ladies. The hands", to dinner, te, which ail diditon, with whose parents Miss Ricb- meeting was opeued by our Presi- justice. Howell says Ab. tipped the1 ards was living -at the time, acted as dent, Mrs. F. Swallow, after the op- scales at 250 after dinner. j maid oif honor. eigeecss h etn a M.FakPre apnd1with àhsndedý over to the visiting- ladies, a painful accident on Monday uigbt HOLSTEIN BREEDERS' CLUB and taken charge of by MrsÏ. Found, ________President, the followiug pogram ,was while driving homne on the shanty iA~a etn ediiMIbo4 given: Bible reading and talk by Mrs town road bis horse became numan- A uiMeigHedi iiro ageable and threw him out breakiug Tweuty-seven members of the 1Rv)C .Wsigo;aXa chorus was splendidly given by 8 lad- his leg sud being, unable to walk hie Durham ÇCounty Holstein Breeders'le;eaig yMr. usliG ; Iay on the road for about tbiree Club heid their aunual meeting lu isl, ra. W. Rs. Couie pGape hours before he was fouud by Cecil the town bail, Millbrook, with Presi- "Or, potnt",Ms'ati s Cowan, who was ou bis wyay home dent W. F. Fallas, of Millbrook, ln u brep; is yMisIltieO fron IlNec-tl sd .kthuf r-1hechir-Te 1xtsae f orne ino solo, "The Chimies", TO KEEP YOUR TABLE UP AND CHRISTMAS EIÇPENSES DOWN You should order your gro- ceries at Brittou's. Here you get the kiud of grocemies that put y ou, at ease-your appe- tite aid your finances. H,- S. BRITTON, Baker & Grocer Newcastle To HeIp Solve The Gieft Problem We beg to announce the opening of the new Gift Annex Situated in the rear of the store you will find a pleasant place known as the Gift Annex, in which have been placed new counters and tables just brimming with gifts for- mother, sister, sweet- heart, fien\ or baby, reasonably priced. We have endeavored to çonsider every need and have considered among many othier new things, unlimited littie novelties which would please anyone, along with the more elaborate merchandise. We feel sure ýthat this special endeavor to help the shopping troubles during the Christmas rush will be appre.ciated by our niany patrons. In order to make more room the coat depart- ment for both women and children have been moved to the second floor. The usual warrant 'Satisfaction Guaranteed' along with the assistance of oui- courteous staff anddependable merchandise wfll no doubt solve your gift problems., During Decemnber the store wiII remnain open al day Wednesday. SW.Mason & LSonJJ% Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-To-Wear Phone 106 Bowmanville J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduate of Trinity Univerity is cheaper than wood and is Fellow of Trinity Medical College Licentiate of tihe State University oi the equal to the best Coal. I New York, Matriculate of the Post, aeasuli fte bs Graduate Medical School and Hos- :hv -upy fte bs pital of New York and Fellow of the Coke obtainable. Toronto Acaderny of Medicine. office -Mrs. ,McNaughton's Residence.' Highest grade of Anthra- Newcastle. Hours,-8 to %10 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m.. and by ,appointment. cite always on hand. CHIROPRACTICGe.Jmeo Dr. Durwin E. 1 S teckley of Bow G O -J m e o manville will make residential calie ca~ in Newcastle, Monday, Wednesday 1N wa"ýl and Friday. For an appointmen,. phone 141J, Bowrnanville. 32-tl