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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1924, p. 1

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i t~t1t~ With Which is Incorporated The Bowmnanville News Vol. LXX. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLIE, ONT,, THURSDAY, DECEMBER Il 1924 $2.OO0 a Year In Advance 5e a COPY No ýGive Sensible & Useful Gifs his Christmas This is going tc, be one Christmnas w,.here useless gifts will be passed up. Why flot give things that will give pleasure and comf ort to the recipient? Our stock is composed- of just such goods. You will find these things displayed so that you can takeî plenty of time to make your selections. We will gladly lay away anything you may select and deliver when wanted. Shop as early as possible. This list may help you in making gift selections: Ladies' and Misses'UCoats Now Clearing From 20 to ;'3? per cent Discount These goods are ail new, stock and Igood values at reguLlar prices, but the miid weather finds us with more goods than we usually have at this time of year. So this is your opportunity to save considerab le money on a new coat. Think of the ac- ceptable gifts they would make! Linens For Gif t Purposes Whata grnd aray of beautiful 'inens suitable for gifts you will flnd in this department! There are White Fancy Towels ,the new Colored Linen Towels', White with Colored Borders, Centre Pieces, Runners, Doylies, Table Covers, Tray Cloths, assortmnent of Maderias, Embroidered Pîllow Slips, Table Cloth Sets with Napkins to match. Lingerie To Help Out Gift Lists Everybody who has seen our, Lingerie is very enthusia,5tic about it. It has very attractive and beautiful workmanship and so reasonably priced. This display includes Camisoles, Silk Slips, Silk Gowns, Embroidered Gowns, Silk Bloomers, Fancy Aprons,. etc. The Babies' Bazaar The darling little baby always comes first and particularly around Christmas time. You will find it easy to select baby's gift here with Bootees, Kimonas, Bonnets, Toques, Bibs, Knitted Coats, Comfiorters, Mitts, Veils, Rose,, Pullovers, etc. What Wonderful Woollens! Just think of the many people who will be made happy when they receive a gift of these beautiful new woollens. They are ahl new and just in: Sleeveless Sweat- ers, Kiddies Woollen Knit Suits, Spencers', Jacquettes, Sweater Coats in Jaegar and Brush Wool. Store Full 0f Useful Gifts Wherever you turni in this store you flnd the Christmas spirit prevails. There are Ladies' Kimonas in -crepe and eidercdown; Silk Scarfs with stripes of plain in newest shades andl colorings; Gloves of Silk, Jaegar an-d Chamoisette; assortment of stamped goods for embroidering; and so it goes-gifts for- everybody. Isn't It Just Like A Man The hardest one in the familly to please in gifts is in the masculine gender! But you'Il have no trouble choosing the right gift for Iî1X if you corne to this store. A few gifts that men like are: Scarfs, Gloves, Shirts, Ties, Hats, Socks, Handker- çhiefs, Belts, Braces,.Suits, Overcoats, etc. ffl1f 't Couch, Johnston &Crydermnan. Bow manvIlle Phone 104 Li10 * MINISTERS AND CHURCHES BOWMANVILLE METHODISTS ELECTED'T H POS-ýjIONS Methýodist Church, Rev. J. U. Rob- Golden Rule Sunday Was Thanks- Honior has corne to another, Bow- ins, pastor, will preachi at 11 a. mi. giving Day-Largest Thank- 'manvîlle boy in the person f Mr. and 7 p. i. Sundiay School at 2:30 Offering in Their History. WV. N. Tilley. K. C., of , oronto, p. ni. Annyouniger son, of Mrs,. Tlley ýind the St. Paul'sCuc, Rev. ID W. Best, Anversary Thank-Offering ser- late Dr. W. E. Tilley1, M. A., fof)r 34. miiser Anierar srvce a vcs of Bowmianville Methodistjyears Public Sehool Inispectox !11this il a. m. and 7 P. ., cndutedbyIChc were hid on Golden Rule counity.1At a meeting oft e dir- theRev F J.Maxei ofOshwaSunday under mnost pieasing auspices ectors of the Canadian Pacifi Ril Presbyterian Church. Special mu-adtecogeainwa aoe ay Company held ini Montrr ai on ic 230p.m.Sndy eholan ith finie weather, excellent sermions, M,,onday Mr. W. N. Tiiley w sv ý ap- Classes spleni music and very large audt- pointed a member of the x uie Bilelenices încluinig -not only the mei-ý Committee of the Board to fi' l the Prgl e-j W .ituy,kind t Mrs. e. bers and adherents of the church, but vacanciy ecated by the deat; of Sir Finogle o hty adwr(e.e many fromn Oshawa, Neýecastie, Or- Edmiund Osier. Ilis iany eaie MsnoBo avie, ono, and ail villages ini Darlingtoný andi friends iii Durham outyWiil i Oshawa on Monday, Decemiber l, townishîp, and it is saiti that many jo1n in hearty congratulatioi s onr attending the McKellar "Y" eet- j were unable to gain admittance. this important appointmient. in inlith Preshyteria-n Chu rch. The pastor Rev. J. U. Robinis, was ____ League service in the Mýethiodist privlleged to be at home, greatly' The Statesman 'beg-s to oiffer Church on Mna eveniing was in fddc to the plea-ýsure of *hi, people, heartiest congratulations toD our charge of MUiss Florence Werry, As- by his presence andi cheerful hel.p r townsmian and neiglibor the Pýres- sistanPt Missionary Vice-Presîd1ent. throughout the day. dent of the Dominion Orgail cPianlo The Seýripture lesson was taken by1 The preancher for the day was a C omiýpany of Bowmanville, Mi. J. W M issLvern-e Orchard after 'which former popular pastor,. Rev. Johni Alexander, who was electeti Pei Rev. J. U. Robins, the pastor, gave a Garbutt, pastor of Dunidas Centre dient of Canadlian Pianýo & Organ sýhort taik. Mfiss Lena HTaddy gave, Methudist Church, London, whoMnfctrr'Ass-ociation at tîhe 1 a reading andtiMr. Wreford Souch p reached with bis olctiîme vigoir,' annual mneeting heidi at Ni,,,oni gave the topic "The Spirit of Christ- fervor and attractiven-ess. -TiS Club, Toronto, succeeding Mr. W. N mas". A social haif-hour -wasý helti morning themne was "yFathler's Manninig of Sheriock-Manniing Piano at thie close. An oratorical countest HIouse"' whlich phrase occuYs severai Co., Lontion. The election wa on Mission,, is to beh ilo iso-tme ntesrpurs i ne-runanimious and popular. Oninduc- ary nigh1t during thie comping ot- pretation of these words was very to otecarM.Aeadrmd tweive Leaguers taking part. The 1 clear, convincing and îitensely inter-1 veryý gracefulatdesnipoh- e ontest will open next Monday even- >esting, gîving the idlea of the near-; sied better bus9ines;s during next ing when M-Nr. Cecil Beliman ai Mr. nless of God in Ris b-luse to the îRer evie-xing ex>perience li the E'art Osborne wili speak. Three great. famiiy of Christian beiievers Ïdutr for pas 5yer efet prizes will be given la books-lst $7;! and th-e elemnents whichi go to mlake that those ini it to be of igh tand- 2ndic $5 and 3'rd $3. up successful spiritual family lif e.! ards anti ideals and that the ir us-trey Rlis explanation of the meaning of b ias been well andi crefiitably foýundeti FLWR HWnaines tttachiel to 1man1Y churcehes andi observed that it is olderý than CHRISTMAS gLWRS1W -ave al local touch that interesteti cofederationi itseif.' The flowýer-iovin-g public wiil be mnyBth -Eeezr Btescla iThe Assýociation cdecided to ekthle intresed a he nnoncmen iofr eniei, Saiemi and othiers. Goverament to co-operate in efforts the Brookdale Nurseries, found Th;uscllevieune drc-t estabiish favorable trade relations anthr olmn tatthy reho , tion of Mr. T. W. Stanley, Organiist' withI other countries wý,ithin the E- mn aChcsma Fowr ho, oi-and Choir D)erector, wa-s of a veryi pire. and a hii fo 9 a m. owl3th.high order and excee'dingiy mnuch en -________ encng atuda, Dcemer joyeti. The organ selections, thei T~ismae awotiruiopo ~inspiring anithemns, "Festival Te,13BUSINESS IS iMNPROVING11_ Ti izaens ato vie these beauntyi )Tee" and "My Faith Looks up to. for laiest iwË,.4ýb-ýtflTe"i the mnornîing andtile beauti-1 Durham Textiles Reports Progr,,ess nursries No Jimision fee.fn solo by Miss Dorothy Staniley,ý ehrwllycu he rgc to Luy- Toronto,wh sang splendidly "Be-: The genieral public wili be g uad to hold what 'Manner of Love" were ail. know that Durham Textiles Liniliteti, PUBLIC MEETING very heliui ani appropriate týo the, Bowmianville manufact~urers' ofý Sup-. occasion. er Hosiery for men, womnen andi A meeting of the Patepayers of' Ln the eveniag every seat ini the, children, isa getting holti of onie the Township of Dariington, wili h beabilding was occupieti, the service: gooti business. The past ye-ir has heid in the opening with that popular Prelude r been an up bill pull for this- comn- "Mlecitaitioni" on the organi and the, paay. Business in textiles hlas been TOWN HALL, HAMPTON anithemi "Stars of thec Evening". Mr., duil everywhere andi this co nipany onG(eo. B. Claphamn sang that favorite took, over the business lin123ufter FïADECEMBER 19, ï924 s1election "Plains of Peace" and thie order piacing season hati p ssed RI YMiss Reta R. Cole andi Mrs. H. M. and had to depenti almost ewt'ireiy at the hour of 2 o'ciock p. ni. , wheni Foster sang the duet "l Waited for on aorting orders until three mýontha Mrr. John MeVicar, Tcorooet theý Lord", hoth u, br being ago. 'The company repiorts dhat it Dis 'trict Engineer Public HighwaYs!r plendidly rendered anti mach e-h. orders at presenit to keen t he wvill atitresa the meeting in regard! joyed as was plaiaiy evident ffronii a'r miii going until May, besid4es <sorting to the abolition of statate labor and glance over the audience. orders that will cone lu i every week. the appointinent of a superintendent Rev. Mr. Garbutt's evening themiel There are eighty employe, l at to oversee the work performeti on, was based on thle words, "We preach present with a weekly pay ri o! Township highways under the newfA' Churist (Irucifiecd" 1 Cor. 1:13, so- $1000.00. This number it s ex- Provincial Highways Act which ing that sainie questionings of the pected, will bie increaseti from week cornes into operation on January 1,1 Greeks who 7iesired wîsdomn andi t Ie rt o ve ek. 1925. Jews a sign la the time of Christa- Durhamn Textiles Limi-ited is c-apit- Everybody weiconme. Meetîing jse prevails; in the worid to-day, anti alized at $175,000.00. Abouat open for discussion. that the answer given byv Paul'la thier $10,000.00 of th-is stock is Il il l- W. R. ALUÎN, bible-tunes was the answer given by' cally. Th e balance la heidti)by-iMr. 50-2 Township Clerk.i every true iniister of the gospý-el inj W. H. Wright of _Wright-HareyraVes ________________thsetimes. t was a wondterful anti Mr. J. O. Paterson of Toronýto. rmessage wonderfully tolti. Officers of the comp.any are: IWhile the off ering was beingý President-W. H. Wright; Vice- Royal Thea re icounteti Messrs. W. B. Pollard and President-H. L. Quinn; ý, ec'y.- 1 ad issElzabthPainton sang "O0 Paterson; General Manager-H1. C. BOWTMANVILLE fo a Closer Walk with God"; -Mrs. Bouiter. T. Wesley Cawker sang the solo 1The plant lias been improvetil by Friday..Saturday, Decembei, 12-13. "The Heavenly Song" (Gray) anti adtiing new machines to the equip- Ton,.Mix îMiss Reta R. Cole "My Redeemer mient of the miii which will elabie I"Tom Mix user anti My Lord" froni the Golden Le- theml to atit severai new andi profit- In "he HaitBustr'>genti by Longfellow anti the quartet i able lines to production as we1ll a -Messrs. M. S. Dale, Raymiondi Cole,ý keep generai linos up to date. Monday-Tuesclay,, December 1,-1 G. B. Claphami anti H. W. Painten S orne four months ago the mi'l be- Jack Pickford sang "Steai Away" anti the. choir' gan to show a profit on produc tion Tu Th G.r os insh the anthiem 'The Pilgrim Song" eaceh I which has been steatiui y incr .ssing 131 "he Grrisns Fnish anti every ore being'capitally, rend-1 each montb. The Superinite denit The Gai-tisons Finish is 100% enter- ereti anti mucli appreciateti by ail.1 informeti us that in six h-uonthe,' time tainmrent The service of song was very favor-1 with present prospects, the walîl ________________ably commenteti upon by visitors. shouiti be running at capacity. Pastor Robins announeti toa WednsdayThusday De. 1718 ery Pexpectant audience the resuit Harry Carey of the day's thank-offering antid kJ GLHIS' IESL Ln "The Lignlng Rider" ed the ii-rmense congregation t o join' 'a i it In "Te Ligning ider" the choir heartily in the Doxoiogy î hatolI saying, "It'sani]iZ __________ --after which Rev. Mr-. Garbutt closeti that blows nobotiy good", is cer' nly the interesting service ith thbef true when appiieti to T. B. G-il- Friday-Saturday, December 1-20 Beeitin hrist's loss at thýe recent fi-e bî the Dorothy Dalton anti Jack Hoit The offering now amoants to $2,_ borsey Block. Citizens are ! )ing In 'VThe Lone Wolf" 123. 00, being the largest contribu- rto have an opportunity, starting Fr1- tion by indlividual members ever day afternoon, of getting the 'gooti' -__-_-_----- given in hs chai-ch. Any persons iotof, the '111 wipd'. Mr. Giiihilt who coulti not attend the services or has renteti the West Endti Rouse COMING ~didn't finti it convenient to placeIfo-eyocuitbyM ury& December 24-25 their off ering on the plates may put Co., anti is putting on a gigantîc fi-e D. W. Grifilth's jlit on the collection plates next Sun-' sale. Ris entîre hîgh class sto-'k of "Orphans of the Stormu" day or handi it to Mr. Geo. W. Jamies, Men's anti Boys' Clothing antiFu- With Lillian anti Dorothy Giali Treasuirer at The Statesman OmEce as rnîshiîngs la tbrown headiong it this somepei-sons have aiready doue. Iale-anti at prices wiceh wil em- Decenîber 29-30 Thi-ougli the kininess of Mri. C. E. Ipel thrifty buyers to iay la a 5c HarldLlydRchter of the Bowmianviile Radio' which will holdti tenl for yearsý, Harod L-oydClub both services were broaticasteti ILt realiy seems a shame1 to 55cr mce La "Hot Watei-rnbîn an epl tditni this stock for the most of it in -points, as Weil as a number of shut- r gooti as thfie day is wvas unpnýc cei. ialocaliy to enjoy these inspiring I But as Mi-. Gilchrist says, ra er iservices. than have the people think bis stck "Haz l A d ms" ____________is matie up of fu tir amiagzet gootis

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