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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1924, p. 2

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M. A. JAMES St.mahip Tickses To Europe-Caiiadiafl Pacillc, Whte Star Dominion, Cunard, American. Ask for information. Phone 53, Agents Wanted SALESMEN-W%e offer steadS, empiloy- Ment and pay weekly to seli our com1- plete and exclusive fines of guaranteed Vquality, whole root, freshi-duig-to-order trees and plants. Attractive illltstrated I Batiples and fil co-opration, a rnoney- making opplortunity. Luke Brothers Nurseries, Mvontreal. 41-90 PAINTING AND DECORATING We have now a fil Une of Johinson'o WVaxes, Polishes, Wood Dyes, Varnishes and ail wÔod finishles. Get my prices ?or polishing floors and furniture. Old furniture mýade like new. Johnsoni's Ser-. vice Departmrent. G. PRITCHARD Cor. King and Slver Sts., Bownanville 44-tf Notice Orders for cernent blocks or cernent workç of any kind given p)romplt attent- ion and at reasonable rates. We are ai- s0 prepared to do teaning. Phone 17b. Mrs. A. Turner, Scuigog St., Bowman- ville. 55-tf E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se Honor Graduate of University of Toronto AIl casep given prompt and care- fui attention. OFFICE MAIN-ST. HAMPTON Phone 129-15 MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and only the best grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE 1 employ no cemetery caretakers as agenits preferring to sel1 My own goods thus saving thie purchaser the agent'a commission. A cail solicited. F. H. BOUNSALL Proprietor BowmajivilIe Phone 326W Box 94 P.oudon 'tùneed ipis Teleaphonie 'If 1 ceubid remeýmbes- lis r~mbe I wuld ake my the Wrong ide. e cidn't need A; SmDo Me 7numercof the c' Wtnt telephone. A uneededIte say to the w ss "I il peak to aniy- onu at "(thon give iber the nane of thu pesson hohas tetipoo ndteadds-ess tooý,,, if he SMnAbl YIJ Tto useothe lonPr Station-to-Station rate ciorefrqnty -Eï cIell Tele pho 18<as Loeg Distance SkdioS ROWMANVLLLE, DEC. llth., 1924 DENTAL DR. G. C. B3ONNYCASTLE Honor raduate iq ]entistry Toront< University. Gra'duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeonýs of On- tarjo. Office King-st., Bowmaniville. Office phone 40. xhone 22. uR. J. C. DEVITT ,draduate of Royal Dental College. Toronto. Office, Kn-t East. Bow- mnanvilfe. Office hours 9a. M. to 6 p. ni. daily except Sundlay. Phone à Oa. House phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL [Jonor Graduate of Toronto Uni. versity and niember of Royal College ofJ Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practice in Ontario and the Dominion. Dentistry in ail its branches. Office -King-st., Bowmnanville. Opposite '3ank of Moxnreal, Phone 301. PARISIAN LADIES' AND GENTS'ý TAILORS (Formerly in Bowrnianville,) now at 1262 yonge-st., sitop1)at Surnrnerhill Ave., Torono, Phone Randolph 5197. We can stili give you aur best services. Guaranteed ta fit and workmanshlp at pre-war prices LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B, A., LL. D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAR) rnioney to boan on Farm and Towi Property Royal Bank Building Bowrnanville. Phone 351vý W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRiSTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAR'Y Money to boan. Bonds for sale, Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville Ontaxlo. Phones: Offi,ý 102, House 279J. CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. I Conveyancing- and General Practice of Law Offices 71/'2 Simncoe St. South Phone 63 Oshawa G. D. CONANT, B.A., LL.B. A. F. ANNIS, B.A., LL.B. 22-1kv FUNERAL DIRECT01RS F. F. MORRIS Co. Cýompiete Motor or Horse Equipment Ail calils promptly attended to. Private Ambulance. Bowmanville phones 10 and 34 Branch Stores-Oronio & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Cails given prompt and personal at- tenti on. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bow- mnanvlle, Ont. 3-4 MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. G'old Medalist of Trinity University T'oronto. Four years attending Phy-, ;iean and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel -lospitai, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and îilesidence, Wellington Street, Bow- inanville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. G1raduate of Trinity Ivedical College, foronto, f ornierly of Enniekillen. Office andi Residence, Dlr. Beith's, former residence on Church-st., Bow- manville. Phone 259. 44-t CHIROPRACTIC DR. DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate of Toronto Chiro- practie College will be in office on Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoon and evéning. Phones: Office 141J; Residence 141W. OPTOMETRY R. M. M1ITCHELL Registered Optometrist by examina- tion. Eyes examined 'by the latest mnethods and most modern instru- ments. R. M. MITCHELL & CO. Druggists & Optomnetriats 3,owmanvilîe (Plirnie 92)- Ont. VETERINARY Dr. F. T. TIGHE. VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Nght Calls Promptly Attended to. Office Ring-st. W., Stateisman Block, Bowmianville. Phone 243., AUCTIONEERS THEO. M. SLEMON Asuctioneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Ternis moderate. Enniskiilen P. O Phone 197-r3. 1 -t JAMES BENNETT Auctioneer 10 years' experience lu farm, fus-ni-ý ture and house auction sales. Ad- dre.s~ Jas. Bennett, Hardware Mer- ,O.ant, King-st., Bowmanvilie, phone 131, box 33. JOSEPH COULSON Licensed Auctioneer Vauator & Real Estate, Newcastle,l Ontario. 22-tf SHORTHANO, TYPEWRI1iING BOOKEEPING Complete Commercial and General Improvement Courses. Stuýents accepted at any time. Goord posi- tions for ail graduates. CANADA BUSINESS CO14.EGE Oshawa andc Toronto ru ing-lesO easy. A thousand vehicles 1____ convey you. Bas-gain sales temptl Not Discharged to Make Way for yon, this woman miust he sean; that r English Chambermnaids wonian muet ho coaxed; another haslI____ 9a pattern that you must copy new. Girls sýhowed poor judgment hy I You can stay at home at any tinme. going on strike the week that a ship-" * * * ioad of British girls arrive in Tor-- onto. -Thora are 'two habits that are "Pesfectly ridicuious", said Kis-hy more or less impeliing with oid and Hunt, manager of the King Edward y oung alike-one is the aim ost un-1 Hotel, with reference to reports that consolons 'desire te "Keep up with 25 chambermaida were discharged to the Jonoses3", Perhaps we sou this r make way for girls recently -arrivod costiy psopensity much more, in evi- 1 from Great Britain who wore wiliing 1 ence in Young people, oxceptionally to work for $25 a month and 70 preývalent in girls, and many a hours a week.j .avr' its,, have beau taxed aimost, "We carnot ýask anyone te work i to distraction to deny the requosts pf more than the hours set by iaw. An a muchi beloed daugrhter or daugli- ultimatum was put up te us that ifj tors. The other powý%erfuli lifluonce two *giris wes-o lot go (they having isj the force of 'habit that tee often ohjectod to an adjustmaent in day l aliowed to influence eus- actions, and night heurs), 23 others would uncheckoId and, -perhape, thoughtless- eo. Their places -rfildro Lly o-grls f the cneqe es. eployment bureaus lucide of ths-ee We may ýhardly roecoguize this uin- heurs". flueunce but if you sit dlown for a' moment and think, yen wvill sec howl m'uch o-f it is ouly habit. When you are goiug, geing, going, yeu wýant tei APPLiý MARKETING SCHEME go, and an acidient of ilînes or'_____ wýeather that th-warseyen seems i-ike Manager of Apple Marketing Com- a great imisfortune. Yen tus-i te pany Confers with Ontario 1 orne pussuite with a feeling cf ru- Agricultural Committee. helion, or, at ieast. of duli dîsap-_____ pointmient. But when you h-ave! Ontanrio Agricuitural Comimittee sýtaye(î at homo a weok, you taste cenfers-ed hast wèvek with E. D. Mac- the chias-m of it, the daiiy' vemploy- MahonmngrUitàFutC.a1 ments coma te have their intereet mpeaneage niadritgco,na- and eceepos-ative applasmarketing crm- andave thir rehuee, nd en repany cf Nova Scotia as te possihili- realiy rainetant te tur--,awvay from ties of ints-oducing a similas- ce- them Ifyou tayhomo ye lev i pes-ativo escheme lu this Province. homne; but gadding makes evon homone They doa grow as goed ciase of ap- 1nnflovely. ***pies in Nova Scotia as in Ontario, ha î said, but hy caseful g-radîng the use Marchante in Bowmanvillo have Of goed fostilizers ard the keepiug long had the reputation, made and dewu of overhoa'd expenso, the cem- well sustaïinod hy themi, of hoiug pany us making- a financial succese. tsictly henorable and upright in Thiey have trehiad thair exports sinco their dealings -with the buyiug publie.1 1911, and as-a exporting a large num-_ "Bewmnanviiie is a splendid town iii ber cf appies te Outario. They whieh te do shopping," le often heard have s-ceived ne assistance fs-em the and it is true. We know fermer GoverImant financially excopt that citizanis of this town uow resldiug lu the incorporation fees had bean ra- Tes-ente and other tewns whe comae i mitted. te Bowmnanviiie te deal hecause they "We havo incos-porated 53 apple knew fromi past experiance that they growing companies thero", hoe- wili gat a square dJeai. A short time piained, "whe ail suhecribe te eus- ago a lady motering from Tes-enteo stock, and we have axpes-lanced ne camne haro te huy a cent ad gt trouhIe wlth any outsicde companiies. wVhat sha wautad and want home Ontario is a far moe- interesting happy and perfectiy aatiefied with field than Nova Scotia for euch a hier purchase. Thora ie a ea,-tisfact- echeme". ion iu buying from maerchante oner knews. Bowmanivilie meschants, as wiii ha soeauhy theis- aunouncemants in The Statesman ara well pseparad HARD TIMES FOR TEkCHERS te supply the holiday goode and - articles and other seaeen's requis-e- Owing te an oves-plus cf Public mente and they have the reputation Sho ecastundetb o- given them hy commercial travellere a Shoiietssso awstr ef uyig hgh-rnd machadis. jurnal has cold fout, judging fs-cm Cemne and inspeet the- goode nowan editorial which reads:, shewing. Loeas'salas-les lu the teaching profession and lu consequenca the prevaleuce eof a poos-es- dace cf schooi inets-uctors le the vas-y natus-al resuit WHICH ARE YOU? te ha expeceted fs-cm the prsosent sus:-- plus of teachede in the province, le Thora ara twe kinds of people on the opinion of Dr. S. Silcex, Princip- earth to-day; aI f the Stratford Nos-mal School, Just two kinde ef people--no more, who has juet ratnrnied fromr a hioliday I say. trip te Great Britain and Europe. Net the eluner and saint, folîa- wl This condition wiil habs-enoght nndes-stood about chiefly by salas-y cemrpetitien, The geed are haîf had and the badl says Dr. Siicox, as tmstees can bea as-e haif goord. exýpected te take advantaga of au Net the rich and the pees-, for teover-burdenedi mar-ket and reduce rata a man's wealth the wage scale. Higher typaeau We muet fisst know t'ha state of hie r didates -wili cenaaquantly seek sm conscience and heulth. mos-o lucrative profession, eaviug: Net the humble and ps-oud, for in ile field ,ppen te those whose ability life's lttle span maua up te the salarias offered. Whe pute ou vain airs le net ceunted Th»uIfca osre ol a man. Tespriilosre ol Net the happy and sad, for the swf- perhaps ha inclined te ask juet where fiyngyerstanches-s, and partieilasly highl Brng ea mn he lughes-ud taches-s, would find a 'MO0RE' ean ý-ch man his ears. an 1lucrative profession. Eithersthin No; thie twe kinde of people on earth theis- aunuai t-wo months holiday tey i As-a ~mean rge off te Ens-opeos- elso, if se mmid- Arthe people who lift and the adl, have nothîng te do but improve peolewh bn.their golf. It looke ps-aetty good te WVhenavar yen go yeu will flnd the sea0cfus, wh-at?ý easth's masses Thora le somothing te ha said in As-e alwnyvs divided lu just these two favos- of confinh'g teaehing as far- as' classes. Ipossible te those heinend te olr And, oddily enonghi, yen wili fin d, i low it permauently, but on the eth-es- tee, I waen, baud it le a fact that teaching hias There's ouiy eue lifter- fer bwenty b2eau a ulSaful stepping--stoeate many! who beau, a youug man ths-own on hie own re-ý iru whîch cînes are yen? Are you sens-ces and cdetariiuoid te work h-ie easiug the iead way ths-oughl to a prof eSseoual cas-aur 0f ovestaxed hiftes-s who toil dcwu It >las net se mnuch usod for this pur: the rend? poe today as it was yens-s ago, but Os- as-e yen a leanes-, who lets others thora are many who hava corne thrul alias-e by this route, and there wae nothiug' Your portion cf labos- and wos-sy and ite show that the teachiurg of the cas-e? children suffered as a result. j 41 THE EDITOR TALKS ANNUAL U. F. O. CONVENTION In our editoriai program we have, The annual conventioni of the U four distinct fields to wh-iich we F. O. will be I{eld dttring- the weekc gîve conti-nuai attention and endeav- ending Deceiiiber 2th. Massey or to off er helpful advice and sug- Hall, 'Toroito, -wil be the venue of gestion-The HomeL, the Schooi, the the mnain convention while the Unit-i îChui.chi and the Farmi. In .regard to ed Farmi Womien anfd the Uniitedl -the Homae this paragraph appeals to Farmn Young People wiil hold special us: Jf -we ived the life we should' sessions in Foresters' Hall. U.* F. ive, it woide a well-balanced in- O. Directors will meuet Mond1ay, De- termiýxture of ail thigstt are de-1 combes- 5th,at thle U. F. O. Buîld- ýsirable pfleasuLre and diuty, gr1avity ing, 109 George Street, Toronto. On and laughter, Society and l siètde. Tuesday wil ho c held the annual Unifortuntoly, no one of u ives ,th emet ,t ftoUnited lFarmoý_rs C-p lifhe should. Instead, we ar4e orative Comipany Lýimited 'In Massey reaturos of hab)it-sýome habit usý-;Hall. T1he convention proper of the ually pse to excs venin L the U. Fý . O. ill commiience Wednosdlay best of us. if reading we-2road whiean morniug, Docoer l 7th. we should be working or sleeping. If,ý we play games it la the same. And- the aýutomobie habit, in its extreme f orm, threatens to become with may CONFER ON BOYS' HOME pooplo, a mania sorely detrimental toi theolHome life, to housekeoping, to Premier Reports Pregress chidren, to our reiigious if e, to the purse and to the brain. For the purpose, of a goneral dis- * * *cussion as to the progress being made now, under construction, representa- We are not holding the wife and itives of thevarions service clubs, of mother accountaie for al that miii-Itho province held a conference withý tates agaîn1st the weifare -and hene-1 Premier Ferguson and Hon. Lincoln ficiai intereszts in manyv respects, of Goldie, Provincial Secretary, on Frn- the homne-iife and the famiily individ- d(ay at his office. The conference italy and collectively. GoodnessjIwas more or less in the nature of a kniows, theý wife and mnother b-as tooireport on the progress being m-ade,ý many worrios, perploxingl prohlems Premier Forguson stated. Ail those in her realm of activities in the present. expressed. the enthusiasm cf home, iooking after the interests andr the various organizations beiind the wants'of the entire family te biameiproject. 'When complete the new ber for conditions beyond her imme- Home wiil cles.,ely resembie the diate control. Her temptations are Shawbridge Home in Quebee. Two strong and continuai. And at the buildings at Bowmd.,nviile are weil same time we agree that of ail hab- 1lnder way., its, there is none sweeter for a woM- en than the habit of home-and - - none that seeùms at present less likely, fn Pn-a-o V41U Auuî Ut rt1 Ujut. ('-- GRL .A UTMAU GOOD-BYE Having purchiased a large boot and shoe Wingharnm, which tranisfer takes effect January 1, offering for sale rny entire stock of business in 1925, 1 arn Hig~h Grade Shaes, Work- Boots, Slippers, Spats, Rubbers, Goloshes, Travelling Goods, Hosiery, Polishes, Shoe Laces, etc. Every article in the store, which comprises a clean and up- to-date $8000.00 stock, goes into this Good-bye Sale. This is a Genuine Sale. No bluff about it. I arn leaving town. I figure it it is better to sell the goods off in Bowmanville &t cost prices, and in rnany cases less than cost, rather than go to the trouble an~d expense of packing and moving thern. The people of Bowmanville and district stand to save at least $3000 on the goods J arn sacrificing in this way. Sale continues to Dec, 3lst. But. bear this fact in mind: Shop early while the sizes are complete, for JIarn not repflacing any goods whatever. This is a real Good-Bye Selling Out Sale. It wilI be the chance of the year-several years, maybe-to lay in a stock of Footwear at trernendous savings.' J can't begin to itemize the bargains in this small space, but these facts will give you, an idea what to expect when you follow the crowds that will pack our store this rnonth: Women's Shoes include well known makes such as Owens- Elmes, Classic, Blachfords, Lady Bill and othets. Men's Shoes include the famous Slater and Astoria Makes, and other substantial lines. Nothing is held back-all this season's Footwear is sac-, rificed at cost prices. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S FOOTWEAR REGCJLAR $12.00, SALE PRICE $8.50 REGULAR $10.00, SALE PRICE $8.00 REGULAR $ 9.50, SAL EPRICE $7.25 REGULAR $ 9.00, SALE PRICE $6.75 REGULAR $,8.50,, SALE PRICE $6.50 REGULAR $ 8.00, SALE PRICE $6.25 REGULAR $ 7.50, SALE PRICE $5.75 REGULAR $ 7.00, SALE PRICE $5.00 REGULAR $ 6.00, SALE PRICE $4.50 REGULAR $ 5.00, SALE PRICE $3.75 REGULAR $ 3.00, SALE PRICE $2.25 Then you'll find lots of other Shoes, not this season' s styles rnarked way below these reductions. SLIPPERS FOR GIFTS English Travelling Slippers, Reg. $3.00...:......... Sale Price $2.00 Feit Broadcloth Slippers, Reg. $3.00 .............Sale Price $1.75 Boudoir Mocassin Slippers, Reg. $2.50..i......... Sale Price $1.75 Lots of cheaper slippers at bargain prices. LADIES' GOLOSHES Goloshes, Jersey Cloth, 4-button, Reg. $6.00 ....Sale Price $4.75 Goloshes, Jersey Cloth, 4-hutton, Reg. $4.75 ....Sale Price $3.50 HOCKEY BOOTS Men's Lightning Hitch Hockey Boots, $7.00 for ...........$5.35 Men's Lightning H-itch Hockey Boots $5,00,for_ ..*.......... $3.50 Other LUnes of Men's Hockey Boots $5.00 for.,..............$2-W0 Women's Hiockey Boots $4.50 for ................................$3.25 MEN'S RUBBERS Men's Best Quality Rubbers $1.50'for .................... .......$1.00 CHILDREN'S FOOTWEAR Bai-gains in Children's Footwear are equal or even better than the above reductions. HALF THE STORY HASN'T BEEN TOLD Corne in and see first hand the bargains being offered that you can't resist. There's Ladies' and Men's Spats, Men's Over- shoes, Hosiery, etc. ACCOUNTS-Take notice that all accounts not settled on or before December 15, 1924, will be handed to our solicitor f or collection. SAFE FOR SALE--Small size J.& J. Taylor Safe, alrnost new, seil at a bargain. S This is a Cash Sale. No Refunds. No Exehanges. No goods on approval. Store Open Evenings ill Christmas r w the Crowds They are making their way to IPOýOTWEAR SALE ÛOPELAND'S

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