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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1924, p. 5

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Ail eady For Christmas Cheer You will find in our stock of new groceries just what you are needing for the Christmas Pud- ding and Cake. We neyer offered, a better selection of Rais- ins, Currants, Peels, Chrystalized Cherries, Essen- ces, Almond Jcing, Wfalnuts, Almonds. Also seasonable fruits: Banan as, Lemons. Farmers, bring us y( JJucks and Chickens. HARRV PHONE 1K Grapes, Oranges, ,ur Turkeys, Geese, ALLIN BOWMANV£LLE Have "Sunshine" Furnace For Cold Weather Easy installed Easy to operate Easy on coal ,0' Easyý to'pay for An estimate places you un- _der, no obligation unless per- fectly satisfied. Greenaway,& Elliott Heating Export a ad Conoulting Engineers Phone 18 Bowmanvile L Would You Like a Piano For Christmas? IfL you would, cail me at 105 Bowinanville. I have pianos fQr every purse-some as low as $100.00 F. J. MITCHELL Bowmanville Ontario SEASONABLE SUGGESTIONS Fil]. your coal bin with Genuine D. L.& W. Scranton Coal at SUMMER PRICES. Cover your roof with Ardstic Ruberoid Octab Slate Surfaced Shringles, Colors-Sage Green andt Venetian Red. Very best material and manu- facture. Also roll roofing of various grades and prices to suit every purpose. Replace your unsanitary, dustiladen carpets with Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring. Cheaper, more wholesome, more durable and better in ap- pearance than other floor covering. Estimates cheerfully furnished on all kinds of building material. McClIIan& Co., Limited King St. East Office Phone là BowmaniiU, Houae Phones. 228, 274, 218~ 1 BOWMANVILLE, DFXJ. 11th., 192' LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Rev. John 'Garbutt, London, was guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cawker during bis stay in tow,ýn over the weekend. Cle:iient Horlock, at one timie head clerk in Jamies Craick's Store, Port Hope, dlied in Denver, Colo., on No- vember '7th. Miss -Meda Couch, trained nurse, Buffalo, N. Y'., recently visitfed lier îaint, MNrs. W. J. Wîillîaias, Liberty St. North. Miss Vida Moase, Mariposa, has returned home after spendiag twc, weeks with Mrs. Mary Hockin, Well- ington St., and other friends here. Capital subject for debate just now: "Resolved that the drift of pop- ulation fromi the country to urlian centres is due more to social than Vo econoic factors.'- Nearly 400 bottles of whiskey were seized by the Provincial Police oper- ating near Oshawa on Friday night.1 Thie liquor was in a Studebaker tour- ing car in charge of two men who now stand charged with îllegally traýnsporting liquor. Herbert Flintoif and ýbis dauglter, Orma Flinitoff, of North Courtice, were admInittecd tr the Oshawa Hons- pital early Monday mnorning suiffer- ing from injuriesz sustained in an ec- Cident when th-eir car overturned in a d i tch. President Buckley of Cleveland Dental addressîag an audience sounided the death-knell of the tooth- brush, sayi-ng "a balanced diet, prop- habits of living and the right mental attitude will absolutely eliminate the, necessity of the toothbrush. Teeth Imay be kept from decay and the structures free from pyorrhea and other destructive diseases, wijthout brusinii, f the corrc.--t rules of liv- ing and eating are osre. Thie congregation of the MJethodîist Chiurch, Cobourg,, wis fortunate ia baving present to address the closingl Centenary service, two forme3(r pastors, Rey. J. S. 1. Wilson, Brighton, President of Bay of Quinte Conference, and Rev. H. B. Kenay, Belleville, both of whom gave virile strong addresses. Mr. Wilson also spoke hriefly at the morning service and Rev. S. Sellery, Toronto,,,Assoc- laVe pastor here for a, yeni-, gave a good addreýs at this service also. Dr. Geo. A. Dickinson, M. H. O., for Port Hope reports thiat another contagious disease bas been vanquish- ed. Scarlet feyer, when severe, is one of our most draaded diseases In the year 1903, Port Hope sufer ed a very highi death rate from scar let fever. Out of some eighty-ië cases reported there were twenty four deaths. Daath came Vo soma Jafter only a few hours' illness. Butl the death rate from thiis disease isl usually under ten per cent. So far (up to Decemiber 5th,, 1924) la the present epidemic we have had some fifty-six cases reported with only two deaths. James Brandon, -4 year old son Of Mr. Wmn. Brandon, hardwçare mercb- ant, Fenelon .Falîs, was instantly kill ed Thursday, Dec. 4, wheaY bit by a car drivea by Harry Jackson of Coboconk, Ont. The lad was play ing in front of bhis home when he and others saw the car coming down the rond. He ran out la front and the driver swerved bis car la an attempt to avoid the accident. The front wheels niissed the laid but the hind w,,,heel struck him, dragging the body Vo the curb on the paved street, the lad's bead being crushed between the wheel and the curb. Death was ia- stantaneous. Amoag the many jokes going tihe rounds of the Press are these two: They just have Vo have a Prince ofî Wales story almost daily down in New York. A Brooklyn lady has sent a Toroato paper a question and ainswer in a Brooklyn school which was: Teacher-Can you name a good outdoor sport? Pupil-Yes, ma'am, the- Prince of Wales. From a New Y7ork supper club comes: "Did 'you read that the Prince of Wales' Short- horn bull was awnrded a prize at the livastock show?" asked a tango danc- er in one of the supper clubs. "Isn't that just too sweet for words," re- pliedhis companion. 1Senator and Mrs. R. A. Muihol- land returned home last week from. a plensure trip in Southern Califor- nia. After visiting their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mul- holland, in Pasadena, a vîsit was paid to Catalina Islaads, Los Angeles, Long-,Beach, Ad.-San Diego. Oa We see in St. MnIry',s Journal- Argus of receat date that a former Bowmýn-anville singer is favorably mentioned. Rev. Herbert J. Ureni, President of London Conference, conducted aniversary services in Granton Mthodist Church-. The music rendered by the ch1oir was de- ýIghýtful -and ail enJoyed the solos by Miss Marion Van Nest of Toronto. Mondny evenîii-a, ahot goose dne was served Vo an immnecol5 large an over-flow conicert -was given in the Foresters' Hall, -wic wa crowded Vo thie doors. Pel G.W Rivers, cihairinan of Exeter District, was church cheairman, and the pastor, Rev. A. Boa, at the HaIL .Thýe rtists were ahl gooti and choice sa1ections wvere rendered byi Miss Van Nest, vooist of Torqnto, an'd MViss G,. Laimie, violinist, Heinsall. Read- inga which greatly delighted were givea by Miss Wass of Toronto, pupil of Owenx A. Siniley. 4,METHODIST CHOIR BANQUETTED Very Enjoyable Social Evening SapySpent at the Balmoral was thie Banquet tenderedI by some twenty-five menibers of the Officialj bBoards of the M_ýeth*odlist Church to , about sixty muembers of the Choir, blheir husbands and wives at the Bal- j moral Hlotel on T ue sdIa,,, evening, November 25th. JThis very pleasant function comn- mnenced at 7.30 P. m., and concluded F happîly somec three hours later, thlel wîhole evening being a comiplete round of good0llos and pleas-_ *ant intercourse which will not soon be forgotten b)y either of the partiesl concerned, * Mr. A. J. Wadhýans, the genial proprietor of the Balmnoral and bis splendid staff of assistants, excelled themselves in their contribution to the' enjoyment of thie occasion and, after th-e physical needs of the com- pany had been fully satisfied, an ln- teresting prograni of speeches and miusic was presented and bhoroughly' enjoyed by ail present. Rev. J. U. Robins, the Pastor, net- ed as Chairman and after calling the g-athering to order proposed the, toast "The King" which was respond- ed to by singing thie National Anthem. A splendid Ladies' Quartet fromi SceSteet Mthod'ist Church, IOshawa, was_ called upon and re-1 spoaded b)y rendering a selection whîchi was hedrtily applauded, also ýeveral trios and duets Inter on in joyable numbers were two or three beautifully rendereld recitations by! Mrs. Fisher of the visitîng quartet which "completely brought down the house." S a In the absence of the Chairman of the Musical Committee, Mr.M.A James, who unfortuaately did not ' and feel equal Vo the effort, Mr. T. C. Jewvell, Vice-Chairma, wns called upon to propose the toast "To the Choir." During the course of his, remarks he referred to the import-' ance and necessity of the Choir in' value of co-operation in this, as well as in every other cnlling, and the- duty of consecratiag one's gift along, this line to the, service of God and Na . of the Church. ,fHe aLso compliment- NarG ed the Choir on the splendid service -that wae being given under the faith-, ful and efficient direction, of the Organist an'd leader, Mr. T. W. Stanley. Mr. Staxley's undoubtedi ability and devotion to bis work hasj certainly brought not only the Clroiri as a whole, but the individual meni- i___________ bers up Vo a high state of proficîency, and the excellent service they are THE FEW giving from Sabbath to Sabbath con-ý tributes very largely to the successa The easy roads ara crow of he hurh Wrk And the level ronds ari Thistoas wasrespndçdto i And the pleasant rivers Thistoas wasresondý to n a Wîth the driftingfok very happy and appropriate speechi med. by Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., Presi-; But off yonder where's it' dent of the Choir, who voiecd inot' Where you geV a better only his -own intarest in the wok ofý You wilI :find the ranks ar the Choir but the high) apprecaion And the travellers aref of the whole menbership of th, or that is being do-ne by their leader Where the going's Sm and their desire to co-operata wîthl pleasant, him in giving stili batter and miore You will always find th effective service. For the many, mora's the Seern to like to drifta *Mr. Stanley also made soma very7 But the..steps that cali fo kindly and encouraging remarks iný And the task, that's har( response to the toast, saying In the end results. in glory was one of the best Chois thi For the naver-wavering which he had evar been conce and urged the memibers Vo be asï regular as possible in their 'attend-j ance at practice and rehearsals, l1A MNIT A O order that they righit attain to a_____ stifl higehar state of proficiency and geV the best individual and uaited! 0f Lands and C] resuits.1 Mr. . C Vaston, Rcoringl kuctiln o Tesdayfothe ,Mr. F C. Vastone Recori Tere wcii bon fferded i Steward, proposed a toast"T th December, 1924, at 12:00, oci Chire." bieh p.Jthe iremises hereinafter des 1 . Chris tmas ower, Show Corne and see it. Everybody cordially invited HeId in the gevà Winter Gardîen East of Toronto ting Saturday, December l3th during the week following from 9 a, m. tili 9 p. m. You will not be urged to buy but come and see. rookdale Nurseries Bowmanville, Ont. T. R. Station Phone 7 saie 'y Pub. l 6th day of dock noon on scribed, be- un*~urcn', icn ne narcteize ' a i ng part o fLots 16, 17 and 18 in the ste the greatast institution in the world, Concession of the Townipj of Darling- as it is exarting tha most powerful] ton, in the C(ounty of Duirhiam, by Wl inl nefo oo.liam Maw, Esquire, uoe, on e nenc o od Dr. J. C. Devitt,i hall of the Toronto General ruts Cor- Secretary of the Trus-tae Board, re-ý poration, Administrator of theý Estate of sponded makiJng comparison batween1 Matthew C'. Robbins, eesd the fol- the old fashioned chturcbi of bis boy-' lowing p)ropeýrty namel!y: hoddays, which had only the Sun-1 (1) REAL ETT day services and the weak night~ Parts of Loti 17 and 18, Concession 6, prayer meeting, and that of to-day Township of Darlington, 100 acres, 95 wibh its well traned choir and laad- acres citivated, balance scaýttered timi- ;~ber. The buildlings coosist of two stor- er, its Young Peoples Society, Boys'i ey brick lwejlling wjth framie aition,)I and Girls' work, adIvan-cadt Sunday bank barn () x 66 and addition 3L, x 36, School Wor, Ladies' Aid. and Wom- imp"Iemnt lose og pen , etc,. Il ini "'g. rkî good condition, WVeli fenced wth .rail en's issionary Socety-all wrA- nd wire fences. Also part of vLot 16, ing for the extension of the Kingdom Con cession 6, Townshiip of Dairlington,. of Godl in the hearts of both old and 60 acres. This is a pasture farm weil young, at home and abroad. waee1ihspigcek (2) LIVE STOCK The toasts a-id speeches were duly -Ieavy D'y Mare, six y ea rs oid interspersed with Community, sing-1 Eeavy Bay Mare, nine years old, General ing, quartets, etc., andi macle a wýell Purpose Black Horse ,,welv, years old, balanced and very interestine-pro- oid, Two Heavy Colts rising three years gra, wichwasconludd h sîg-old. Bay Mare, agedl, Eîght Good Gýrade ing a verse of "Blast be the ie that> Mlk Cows, Pour Héifers, rising three Bîns."years oid; Five He- Lýfers, ristng two years old, Five Steers, rising three years oid, Pat(r Roins mde avery Two Steers, rising twýo years oid, Four Past Roinsmad a eryhappy Spring Caives ight Pigs, three Inonthsi and dliplomnatic Chairman, andl the old, one 13rood Sow, seventy-fIve Ply- mem-bers 6f the Comimittea whoý mouth Rock liens. made the occasion such a complete; (s) FARM PRODUCE success ýwer epraisedl for their efforts. Nine hundired bu)ishl.s of mixed grain, bareytonds at. Tre tn o-Hy (4) IMPLEM ENTS Binder, MweSeed Drili, CrBind- er, Corn Citivaitor,, Manure Spreader,- Two Double Pioughis, ut aoTo Waggons, Sleigh, Cuttting Box and lELe- oator for filling silo, two 'Sinigle Furrow P i[oug7hs, Harrow, two -0sets Team Haýr- ne-s sst (of Single lHarnees, Buggy, Cutter, eighit Scaps of Bees, OsEn-J a gine ~~Ford TuigCar, rs, ak, 5 ivoes Shveis Chinsand other articles I OXO Cubes contain the ton nuirouis to mention. * nounishment and stimulatine The real estate will be soldi subject to extractivesof prime bcee"F. t a reýserve bid. is why ihey aeso eco-nomLical, .-d maedishes 80 iasty and nutritious. TERMS 0F SALE AMil farm stock. implements ,ind chat- tels payabLle in cash. On thý euel EUt,10% in c-ash on thie 0day of sale da lirv'Ys" thereaýfter zand t he bl ance paablnlaca-sh ulpon closing or theý Vendl(ors wiill taýke bacit mrtggeforl 50% of the ,( as price paalIt the, end of FV years wit-Il interest at For furither prtuar na c tdtin of saile appijAy to M. G. V. GOU"L)D, Bo-w-j manvilie, Ontario, Solic:itor- for the Tror onto Genera -~ Trusts Corpora tionAd-l ministrator of te state OCMATTHflIW C., ROBINS, Deceased. o DATED at Bowmanviiie this 29th dayi of Noveimber, 12, 49-2w1 Sending Money To Distant Points SYOU can send any amnount of money to anT, point in Canada at a mninimum of expense by using a Standard Bank MloneyOrder. This mnethod is the simplest, safest and miost convenient way to send remit- tances by mail in the Dominion; if the miail goes astray no loss is sus- tained. Should you desire to send mnoney to a point outside the couný try, a' Standard Bank Draft will serve your purpose for forwarding in oney to foreign places. STAN DARD BN BOWMAVILLEBRANCH-H. W. Lapp, Mlanager Branches also at Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono, Othawa IFTYI Do Vour Christmas Buying Early We are trying to make the selection of suitabile gifts easier this year. Visit our store and see the wonderful collection of beautiful and useful Gift Things which we have for your early choosing, suitably boxed in "Red" and reasonably priced from 50e upwards. A WORD IN SEASON If you colleet your Christmas Gre eting Cards ~now, before the rush of Christmas crowds, you wi4ll choose from more varied assortments and inake your selection in comfort. Personal Greeting Cards ....$1.75 a dozen up Christmas Bookiets............ 5c, lOc, up te 50e We are busy Iaying out our entire store so as to mnake gift-choosing an easy mater W.,-T. ALLEN BIG 20 BOOKSTORE BOWMANVILLE

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