Chnristmias Is Just Around the Corner 1 have pu t in a stock' of Candies for the holidaysthat are choice. While prices are very reasonable and range fron 20e a lb. Up. ORANGES from 2&c to 55c: MIXED NUTS 23e lb. Thien 1 have added a very at- tracti-ve lino of Groeting Cards and Picture Books. Look these ovor. Get a car full of Christie Biscuits for the Kiddies at 90C r Or buy a Druam filled with Weston's F'anciy Biscuits at soc 0f course 1 have the fresh- est fruit and pool for the ,Christmas Cake and Pudding. E,. F. Wecekes The Commniity Groce*r Cor~ner King and Ontario,,Sts. phone 226 ring 4 FOWMANVlLLE, DEC. 11thl., 1924 DARLINGTON il W. R. Greenaway. h Bowmanyillie Pubie chcool Board ____________as engaged Miss Pearl M. Sonley, WOD -ALSWhitby, as a primaary teacher ta f111 WOOD ALESthe vacancy eaused by the rosigna- Thursday, December 18-....Mr. AU tion of Miss Inez Toms, which takes Ayre, will soîl on lot 1-1, con. 5, Dar- effect at end of manth. Miss Sonley lingt on, six acres of standing tme cornes very highly recommended by ini about U 'acre lots. Lot timberd Inspecta.r R. A. Hutchison, B. A., of coda. suitable for building. Sald South Ontario, having a permanent at 1 p. mi. Terms-9 montha' credit s ýecond-elass cmertifleate and has on approved notes bearing înterest etau'ght four years. Miss Sonley re- 6% per annum. Theo. M. Slemon, etyrtre rn netne Auctioneer. trip to Europe. I1t' s Only Because I'm Sellin g Out THAT PERMITS YOU TO BUY THESE DEPENDABLE GOODS 0F QUALITY AT SUCH LOW' PRICES There's no other reason. A merchant who intends to- stay in business couldn't afford to seli at these prices. But F'm going out of business and must get rid of the goods quickly. YOU WILL BE SURPRISED AT THE VARIETY 0F OUR STOCK There is stili en ough variety in our varilous departments to make gift buying an easy task. Coming in places you under no obligation to buy unless you see what'you want. YOU SAVE FR0 M 25 TO 50 PER CENT DIAMOND RINGS REDUCED 35 per cent LADIES' WRIST WATCHES REDUCED 25 per cent FLATWARE REDUCeD 25 per cent HOLLOWARE REDUCED 30 per cent CLOCKS REDUCED 25 per cent JEWELRY, Several Lines,, REDUCED 50 per cent' CABINETS SILVERWARE REDUCED 25 per cent Flatware includes Community, Holmes & Edwards, Rogers 1847, Canadian Wm. Rogers. Holloware inceludes Cake Baskets, Casseroles, Tea Services, Bread Trays, Fruit Trays, Pie Plates, etc. D on't buy your gifts-until you have at least inspected my stock. If we have what you want you'll get it at practically -wholesale prices. Alex. Elliot, Jeweler BOWMANVILLE Reserve Monday, Decem-ber 22,' the date of the Base Lino Xmas Concert. 49-3w E NNISKILLEN Sunday School Christmias Tree and entertainnwient will be held in the church on Friday, Decemiber 19 atý 8 P. ni. Gaod program ofchues recitations and drills. Adiso 2 5c. Enniskillen news on another page. PROVIDENCE A Concert and Christmas Tree will be held at Providence Church on Monday, December ý22, at 8 p. m. The programme will be given by pup- ils of the school assisted by ex- pupils.i Admission 25e andl5c. 50-2w HAMPTON Miss Ethel Poupard, Bowmanville, who has been visiting Miss Mildred Souch for a weok has returned to hier homo in Campbellford .... Reeve W. R. Courtice and Deputy Reeve C. W Souch are atten'ding County Council at Cobourg this week. SALEM Thursday, December lSth is the date when the comedy drama "Forest Acres" will be presented at Salem. Lots of dlean wholesome fun. Comne and enjoy yourself. Music by Hay- don Orchestra. Admission 30c and 20c. Proceeds in aid of the Leag-ue. ENFIELD Mr. Fred Ashton has been visiting in Toronto...« Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stinson lattended the funeral of their uncle near Ballyduif last wee..... Mrs. John Hepburn is visiting in Tweed... .Mr. Geo. Cochrane was among the successful exhibitors in Clydesdales at Guelph Fair .... Mr Johnston Niddery has returned froni Manitoba. -. Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith and family recently motored ta 'Tor- onto. -. Messrs. W. Martin and, J Murphy, Manchester, i!ecently visit ed at Mr. ýC. Simpson's. MONSTER SHOOTING MATCH, On Fiday, December 12th, 1924, a shooting match will be held at 12 o'clock sharp on the promises of W. R.,Greenaway at the north end of village of Hamapton on the Scugog Road. RLifle and sh ot gun ranges, with fat geose for prizes; also ducks and O. A. C. Rock caûckerels for boys' rifle ranges. Corne and bring youri friends.1 liione 296 B owmanvillé To Let HOUSE TO RENT-No. 2' Liberty Place, 7 roins, alI conveieýnces. Apply te Rev. W, A. Brunner, No. 1 Liberty Place, Bowmannville. 50-1w-* HOUSE TO RENT-Small bouse. cor- ner Ontarlio and King Streets, Bowmiân- ville. Apply to J. J. M1ason & son. Bowmanville ,or A. A. Colwill, Nlewcast- le. 49-tf Property For' Sale HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT- Prame bouse on Elgin Street. Bowman- ville, containing 8 roins, town water, elecirîo lighis,' % acres, land, witb ap- vie and small fruits, stable. Apply to John R. ivîL', Hampton R. R. 1, phone 238-32. 41-tfi HOUSE FOR SALE-m H Tampton, new frame bouse, beautifully situated over- looking Park, and on main road, 6 rooms, good cellar, cernent floor, bard, and sof t waier in pantry, smiall frits. tre, 1/4 acre land. Rteal bargain [f you biave the cash. Apply A. E. Jennings, owner, Hampton. 47-tf CHRISTMAS SPECIAL $5.95- REGULAR $9.00 Your phoiograph made lifelike ,in, beautiful o011-,finish. New poes Choice of three styles, stand swing frame, antique gold or pfyhrm in- ish., Small or lifesiize oval fraine, cir41- cassian walnui or goldi finish. Send remittance wiih negative or phiotograph and state coloring required -W. Corner, 27 Kew Beach Ave.,'Toronito, Ont. EARN $3,000 TO 10,000 YEARLY Your future is just what you miake it. Be as, successful as hundreds of others who have secured their training in auto- motive mechanics lectricity, Welding, batiery, brck1aying, plastering, barber. ing beauty cultur'e work, mechanical dentistry at the famous Hemphill Trade Sohools. The only Dominion Governý ment chartered schools teatching these trades Diplomas granted. Acti Now Enquire for o spi aloffor. Depi. C., 163 K,ýing Si. West. Toronto. 49-2 Do lit NowI Hlave your furs repairod by a man who knows how. 35 years experionfee in the f ur bu--iaess insuros efficient service at sen- sible prices. No need to go toý Toronto for manufactured furs. See me first --and you'il sav mony. Thurston Fur Shop Phono 26 Bowmanville LOCAL AND OTHERWISE ' Çouncil nmeets Monday night. -Mr. and _Mrs. Reg. Bell, Oshawa, spent Sunday a't Mr. Alex. Elliot's. Miss Oie Colo, Bethesda, was guest of -Mrs. A. E. McCready ove. the weekenid. The miajority of the merchants in town will kee-p their stores open each evening from Wednesday, De- comibe. 1'7th until Christmans. A,ý numiber of our citize.ns viewed the Elsoni Art Exhibition displayed in the Public School Building on tTuesday and Wednesday evenings. In the two years that Alderman W. H. Carruthers has occupied a seýat at the Town Council hie bas not missed a regular or special meeting until the December meeting when hie was absent through being quarintin- ed. -1 Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Osborne and son, Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ed- gar Werriy, Sauina, and Mr. and Mrs W. Charles Werry,' Oshawa, were guésts of Mr., and Mrs. N. S.' B. James on ýSunday and attended the Methoidist Anniversnry. From now on -the Bowmanville merchants are expecting a substantial increase in business. It is getting close. and cînser to Christmas, and they are 'doing their best ta show the' public by their window displays and advertising their offerings. Lucille Hairdressing Parlors, 231/2~ Simncoe St. North, Oshawa, Shampoo- ing, Scalp Treatments, Hair Bobbing, Curlin g, Marcel Waving, Massaging >and Manicuring. For appointment phone 815. Business hours 9 ta 6.30. Open Monday, Wednesdayý and Friday evenings. 35-tf Our reporter failed ta give naines of the Ladies' Symphony Quartet of Si.mcoe St. Methodist Church, Osh- awa, who delighted the c 'ompany at the banquet to the choir bore as pub- lished on another page. They are 'Mys. Fisher, Mrs. Jack Smnith, Mrs. Bateman and Miss Leah Garrow. The final concert of -the series iunder auspices of the HoIspital Aux-' iliary was given by Thompson IBlood, ientertainer, personator a-nid reciter. i is programi lasted for an hour and a haîf, cons;sting chiefly of persona- tions of the leading men of the world, humorous sketches and recita- tions from James Whitcomb Riley and others. Another old established newsa- or, thje Exeter Advocate, has been1 merged with its contemporary Theý T imies. Thol despatch says that in Western Ontario anly six towns'now have two local papors. The in-1 creased cost of p'roduction is driv- ing many good papers ta the wall. Country publishers get tired of workin.g year in and year out for board, clothes, and pocket money. LOST-Paiir oye glasqses, tortoise shol rim, losi in Bwavlelasi -attirc7ay. Reward if 1,ft ai Rice & Co's. Store. CATTLE STRAYED-Frorn Lot 8. Con. 5, Darlingion, 4 YaligCaltle, oni December Isi. Rwadfor, information leading to their whiereabots. A. W. Annis, Tyron e. phone 196-24. ý50-3j FOU ND-Fur neck piece found in Bowrnanville. Owner nmay havisam by proving property and paying ýre- penses. Apply Albert G Ddrs OW- manville. .49-3 STRAYED-4 fat heifers from lot 21, con. 2, Darlington, 2 roans and 2 reds. Information leadting to recovery of par t or all of themn wilho suitably rewardled, Or if you have secen themn please phono 45. H.,B. Foster, Bowmanville. 46-t1 Farms to Rent FARM TO RENT-12-6 acres. lot 3. B P., Darlington. Plowing possession at once, fUli Possession April 1, 1925. Ap- plY to Mrs. Jamles MacConnachiie, Kiýng St., E., Bowmanville. 34-tf 150 ACRE FARM FOR SALE-Wýithiin1 two miles of Oyronio, good lanid. goodi buildings, výaluale timnb(er, pieniy of water. Convenient to schiools and'mar- ket. Noted ais a -reat producing farmn. Land in pood state of cultivation. Bar- gain for qulck sale. Liberal termil. Get full partîculars froin R. Z. Ball, Postmaster, Orono -50-tf- LOCAL AND OTHERWISE J M.I. Arthur Tucker, Toronto, spent the weekend with friends. Gene Stratton Porter, novelist and short story writer, died at Losý Angeles, Calif., Saturday, Dec. 6th, from injuries sustained when her i automobile collided with la street' car earlier ini the evening.1 Tho Os)hawa Daily Telegrami givesi a capital report of the Thank-offer-1 ing ser-vic!es in Bowmanville Method-1 ist Chuch ab nd publishies namiesl of Oshawaians wh-Io attended. Speak-1 ing of fine work of choir thje report ays: "The musical services of theî day were of a very highorder. The Church's Choir, has more than a la- cal reputation as a finely trained body of singers, with 'a number able ta solo parts with exceptLional ability"I. Bowmanville High Schlool Com- mencement exorcises wýill be 'held on Frîdýay, December l9th at 8 p. mi. Prizes and diplomas wIl hoawýarded ta the successful pupils and a good musical program wil be given. Prof. R. 0. Jolliffe of Queeu's University, Kingston,' will give an address. Miss Doris Foster will give the valedictory. Collection in aid of the Athletic1 Executives. Children not admitted unless accompanied by parents. TEM PERANCE WORKERS MET A meeting of the Temperanice' Workers of West Durham was held in the Council Boom, Buowmranville, on Saturday, Novêmber 29, for or- ganization work throughout the rid- ing. Rev. John Bailey, Toronto',, Secretary of the Ontario Prohibitioný Union, gave a splendid address stres- sing the importance of training the young people along temperance linos that thoy imay ,be saved from the' evils that. prevailed in past years., The officers elected are :-President _~R. J. Rowe, Oro-no; Vie -PFresi- dent-John Percy, Bowmnanville; Sec'y.-Treas.-K. E. Courtice, Court- ice; Vice Presidents for town and townships: Bowmanville-H. L. Quinn; Newcastle-Dr. S. H. Cor- bon; 'Darlingto)n-R. J. McKessock; Clarke-Andrew J Knox; Cartwright -Earl, Dorroîl. NOW YOU CAN BUY GLOVES AND MITTS FOR LESS There are a lot of people who arei not aware that the Bowmanvillo Glove ,& Mitt Ca., makers of high' class gloves and work mitts, located next ta Statesman Office, soîl theiri goods retail. For instance this week they off er: iMen's Lined Mule Mitts, 50c pair for 35c., Men's'Auto Gauntlets, black herse hide hiand and cuif, wool lineld, $5.00 for $4.00. An ail herse hide, wator proof, lined mitt, large and rooxny sizes 3ý inch elastîc wvrist, $2.50 for $2,00. Also 100 different kinds of fine gloves, lined and oulinee4 for ladiesi and gents-offereld this week at spe-I cial prices.1 BOWMANVILLE GLOVE & MITTI Cb.,- BIRTHS STAINTON-At Zion, Dcemer 7, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton, a son. MARRIAdES MAORTON-8ERRY-At St. Gore Churcýh, Newcastle, by Rev. E. R. Jameps. on Wednesday, Noveiber 12, 1924, -Mary G1eorgina, daughiter of Mrs. Berry- and t he laie Elias Bry, Io 1Robt Mroal Of Orono. DEATHS H.ORSFORD-At Port Hlope, oni De- cmber 5, George F. Hiorsford, aiged 88- Pears. PORTER-Dil Manvers, on Tuesday, Dec. 2, 1924, Marshiall Porter, aged 55 years. RIU)DELL-In Cla11e, on onday. December 1, 1921., Lois Stainyon, reliet o the laie Fredi(dell, aged 69 years. MILLS-At tawDec. 4thý., r James Mills in bis 84lth year, form*,ýr1 President 'of Ontario Agricýultural Col- lege, Guelph. BRETT-At Torontoc, on Saturday, De-I cember 6, 1924, Gladlys Minaker, beloved wif e of Mr. R. E. Býreti, ae 7ya Interred at Port Hiope. SYMONS-At 413. Bléeecker Ave., Belle- ville, on Tuesday, Djýeember 9, William Andrew Syrnons, aged 52 yar.Brother of Mrs. J. Stark, Liberty-st., Bowrnan* 1 ville. OSBORN E-At the résidence of lher siSter, Mrs. G. P. Br,ýecn, 62 C'owan Ave., Toronto, on atrdyDecember 6th., 1924, Clara MntaL'orrimlan be- loved wif e of MrnEd J. Osho.rne, O;rono. M UN RO-Accidlently lkilled near Blind River,' District of Algomna, on December lst., Charles, dearly lioved son of David R., and tine laie Catherine Munro, aged 24 years. ,nemn i Port Hope. HOLLAND-At theresidence of ber daughter, Mrs. D. W. Sbearer, Toronto, on Monday, December 8, 1924, Emeline, widow of the late Moses Ilolland. Bow-,I manville, aged 75 years. Interred ini 'Bowmnanville. IN MEMORIAM In loving nernory of Herbert 'Short, who died December 12th., 1922.' Two years have passed, our hearis stili, Bore,1 AS days go hy we miss hlm more He bade no one bis lasi farewell, He waved bis baud to none. RHis spirit fied' c'or we knew Thai he fromt us had gone,/ And only ibose wbo ioved can tel The pain of flot saying a lasi farewell. Sadly rissed hy Wife and Daughiers. D. S.ý M. JONES Chiropractor and Osteopath Over 16 years' successful practice Office Hours: 2-5-7 to 8 p. mI. Phone 224 86 Simcoe St., Oshawa. Articles for Sale HAY AND STRAW FOR SALE-A quantiîy of hay and straw. W. L. Barton, Bowmanville. 5-w WOOD FOR SALE-Dry wood cut in stove iengths, $10 for a big cord delîver ed. Mrs. Oison, R. R. 5, Bowmianviile, phono 181-r5. 47-tfi FOR SALE-MaIýn's fur-lined ceoat largel size, Otter coliar, muskrat linlng. Coat ln good condition. Apply to L. m. Drawer B Bowmanville. 49-tf. hsd PaseFurace wibnw _wte FURNACE FOR SALE-Small se-cond- coil and pipes. AI) in zood condition. Apply to T. C. Jewi-ll, corner Onta'r and Queen Sis., Bowmanville. 5-wI COWS FOR SALE-' younig Durhami Cows, just renowed. Réal combination, of milk and beef. Applly to Hl. M. Fs- er, Manvers Road, Bowmianville, phone I 205r4. 50tf FOR SALE-Canaries, Rollers, nicoly marked ,uaranteed tsingers, $5 ach, hens $1 50, also cages. if you are look- ing for a nice bird for Christmas dlon't miss ihis .chance. 1B. Bnnet, Elgin st. N., Bowmanville. 50-2w, FOR SALE-Mamrinotb Pékin Ducks and Drakes (cau suprply trios not akin) from prize stock ai Guelpb, Tor- onto and Royal. $,2 and $3 each 'Ap- ply M. J. Tamblyn, Orono, 50-3w* POULTRY FOR $ALE-13eautiful large Toulouse Geese, White Pekin Ducks, Barred Ro.kck ooke(rels, ail pure bred from prizo winning stock. Geese $4 each; ducks $2 each; Cockerols $1.75 eacb. Corne early and get your choice. Richardson Sanderson, Tyrone R. R. 1, phone 320-13.50w FOR SALE-Good Ford Touring, 1921 model, starter and electric lighit, shiock, absorber, bumper, anffl cord tires. A bargain if sold ai one. Also ihree power-makers to use with car to cut wood, grind feed, etc. Phone 185 or caîl ai A. W. Pickard's, Kýing ,St.Eat Bowmanville. 49-tf. CARS FOR SALE-Onte Baby Grand Chevrolet Truck, 1llk ton capaciiy, model- T. Also one 85-4 Overiand. Bath in good condition. Bargain for qulca sale. No reasoable off er will be ref us- ed. Apply to Irwln & Cole's Garage,' Bowianvllle. 31-tf Help Wanted AGENTS WANTED-To sel the "l Reliable Fonthill Nurseries", experience. flot necessary. We off er exclusive ter- Phone 80 Bowmanville Santa Claus Says: Give Ives' Footwear PRACTICAL GIFTS, THAT BRING JOY TO THOSE WHO -RECEIVE- AND REFLECT THE GOOD TASTE 0F THOSE WHO GIVE MEN'S SLIPPERS Black or Brown Kid Romeos with welt soles, $4.50 per pair Black or B~rown Kid Romeos with turn-soles $3.50 and $3.75 per pair Blacki anal Brown EVerett Style $2.75 and $3.00 pr Grey Feit Comfys ..................$1.75 per pair A Fine Soft Wooly Felt with leather sole, $1.40 pt! A few pairs of Specials at .............$1.W0 pair WOMEN'S SLIPPERS Fur Trimmed Juliets ................$2.25 per pair Leather Boudoir Slippers in Brown, Old Rose, ......lack and- Lavender ..........$1.00 per pair FeIt Boudoirs, Blue an d Rose, with high backs, $1.75 per pair Rubber Heel Boudoirs in tooled leather, Grey or Brown ............. ............ $2.25 per pair Rubber Heel Boudoirs in Black, Brown, Grey, Old Rose ...............................$1.50 per pair Hand-niade Indian Moccasin Slippers for Misses 1and Womený at....$1.50 and $2.00 per pair High Grade Felt' Boudoirs, r ýbbon trimmed, best chrome leather soling, ina Vaflety of colors, $2.25 per pair Children's Fancy Felts ....90,c to $1.40 per pair Misses' Felt and Leather Boudoirs $1 to $ 1.50 pr HOCKEY BOOTS Men's. at $4.50, $500, $6.50. Womnen's at . . ......$4.50 Boys' at . .. $3.45 and $400 Youths' at........ -$3.00 CýLUIB BAGS Fine smooth Cowhide, Black o; Brown, leather lined, prico'd at $18.00 and $20.00 Walrus grain or crepe grain $16.50 ..... Split Cowhide, Black Crepe grain, Special Price $7.50 Suitcases from $1,75 to $15 We will be pleased to show ,you the goods and -assist you in every wyay to make the best choice possible in gifts of Footwear. Shop early. No slippers or Christmas goods on approval, but we will be glad to exchange. Strictly cash. Give useful gifts. IVES' SHOJ"E STOR"'KE ýl Bowmanville Cash Shoe Store Xmas Plants Select Yours From The List Below: Azaleas, fine lants at each $1.7â and $2.00 Cycl amen, good stock at each $1, $1.50 and $2. Cleveland Cherries, niceý bushy plants at each 75c. Fine Bushy Begonias, covered with bloom at each 25c and 50c. S.A. Jackman & Sons- Florists