I "'Eczema AU Over Arms Suffered for IL2 Vears"' Mmra Muvray HougI, Wiartoin, Ont., writes. "I had ec7ema for twelve years. Every once in a while it would bsek out canc spread al ever my arms. 1 tried ail kinds cf treat- ments te relieve i, but without success. One Spring iý broke ýout and nothing gave me relief, even the salve 1 get frem the doctor did no good. At Iast 1 tried Dr., Chase's Ointment and ii healed the eczema in a short tinie. That is over a year age, and I have had no return cf the trouble." Dr. Chase9s Ointint. 60 et&. a box,. iI deaes or Edmaanson. Batea & Co,. lAd, Tom'nto Insist on BAYER -TABLETS 0F ASPIRIN Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer produet, proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism Acept only "Bayer" package ,y 0e ,0ýý Lwi'hcontains proven dictionôs-. Sc~ ex Handy "Bayer" boxes cf 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and lO-.,Druggists. Aspirin is the trale 'nsrh (regltered !n Cauada) of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacette- acidea ter of S.iIicyIicaeid (Acetyl- Salicylle Acid, "A. S. A."). Wlile it le weilIknawn that Aepirin means Bayer manufacture, ta assist the publie againet imitations, the Tablets of Bayer (lompaDy will be stamped Iwitlx their generai traie Imark>, the "Bayer Orose." a-> Any Ileadache --Sick -Dy spepric FAULTY NUTRITION Many of the afilments o f grown people mray be traced to faulty nûùtrition. lWell-fed children or aduits withstand weakness better than those who are indifferently nocurished. ScoWfs Ewulsion supplies thle weakened child or aduit with food-factors that other foods often fail to furnish in needful volume. Not a great deal of Scott s Emulsion is needed-but a littie regularly often mneans re- e stored vigor and strength- ta those who are rurtdown in vitality or who are weak. Scott & Bo0winc. Toronta, Ont. 2424 Cook's ReguIatingCompound A sae, ,eliable reguaino 17aeiiee. Solinii three de. N.2, $3; No,. :3, $5 per box. - Soir-,b y ai) drugglates. or sent prepaid, on receipt of price. Fre pamphýlet. Ades THE COOKMhEDICINEGO., ODSPH0SPHOD1NEý' The Great EnglisIh Preparation. ,~Tomes and invigorates the whOle nervous system. Makea new Blood in aId Veins. Used for Nervous Despondency. Los of ,nryPalpitation ai' the Heart, Faitssg Memory. Pýrke $2 Peï bax, for $5.)ý Sold by ail druggista, or Mailed in plain pkg a rcepi i rie.New parnphit mailed Neur jus TEL10 P L - MIStc MAIL 104Or G.ENErzcOUsSISML Templetons, 122 King Weet, Toronto KEEP YOUR EYES CLEAN CLEAR AND HEALTHY RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR 13OWMAN VILLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAV G.OïNG EAST GOING WBST 8.42 a. m. 1 4.22 a. m. F 10.36 a. m. D 10.07 a. ma. D 1.26 p. in. P 2.02 P. M. 3.06 P. M. ~7.13 P. in. 7.14 p. 8.* .24 p. m. 9.58 p. m 11.21p.1. FSunday Onîy 12.29 a. m. F 7.26 b. m. p-'Fla-g IJ-Dally e-Dajly except Sunday. 1CA N ADIA N GOING EAST 10.25 a. ni. 2.45 p. m 10.08 p. m 11.28 p. m 12.26 a. m. PACIFIC RAILWAY GOING WEST 5.54 a. m 6.25 a. m. .20 a. m 4.24 P. m 7.42 p. in CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY TYRONE STATION Manday, Wednesday, Fridiay Going East Coing West 6.34 p.11m. 8.15 a. m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Gong Fast Going West 5.00 p. mli. 8.30 a. m. WOWMANVILLE, DEC. 1lth., 1924 A TALK ON THANKSGIVING Mr. Alpha Pinch gave an, inter- NESTLETON esting talk to the boy-, of the Morn- ________ing four of the Bowxmanville Meth- A jolly time -was spent by -the odist Church on Thanksgiving. The Women's Inistitute in -the Hall ut 1 word Thanksgiving eccurs in the Nestleton on Wednesxlay afternoon, Bible in many places. December 3rd. After a short busi- Psalm 26 :7-The voice of lhar.ks- ness session a good program, was givng; Psa. 95 -2-Com( bcfGre hisi rendered and the Roll Caîl anawer- face with Thanksgiving; Iha.ah" :31 ed by the exclianging of Xmas gifts, -Thanksgiving and' melody ,ý!-ail be hinceonwassered y Ms. ' heard therein; Amos 4 :5-Offer a Noon and Mrs. F. Hyland assisted hly sacrifice of Tbanksgiving; Phil. 4:6 several others. A.zleasant social balf -With Thanksgiving let your re-, hour was speat wAhen about forty quest be, known; I Timothy 4:3-Ta ladies were to be seen, gaily leavingl be received with Thanksgîving and in the hall exeli with a Xmas gift in her') several other places. band. Next meeting in hall,' a' Good grand old-fashioned Thanks- spelling match the special feature... giving Day has came again-it bas' . Miss Violet Beggs, Miss Greatis been coming for weeks and months. Peel Mr ShemanKenndyLin ome on sweet day, fragrant with a say, Messrs. Hilliard and Elmer thoueand memories and merdies and Beggs of Cameron, and Mr. Horace, tell ta> us the goodness of Qed. Heaslip, Janetville, spent Sunday at Leusbtanulfrhi ord Mr. Wesley Campbellis.f this house that God bas made for us Miler's Wormi Powders are al ta live in. He lets it te us ail fur- prompt relief, from the attacks of 1 nisbied.Waa rptithgen worm if chldrn. Tey re ow-grassail interwovea with fiowers. erful in their action and, whilelav1Wbat a ceiling is the starry sky., ing nothing te be desii-ed as a wormI Watplas reheRkeste expellant, have an invigarating effect Andees, the A.lps. What a front upon the youtbhful system, remedyin g deor istheEast with flaming sunrise fever, biliousness, loss cf appetite, jtbrough wbich the day camnes. Whati sleeplessness, and other ailmexits that 1 a back door in the West through1 follow disorders caused by worms in. wbicb the day gees out. Wbat a the ztomaich and bowels. chandelier are sun-and moon. Window Castle is but a sbanty ýompared ta this big mansion that KEDRON NEWSf God bas made for us. Thank Him me-for sucb a bouse. Then we have Ladies' Aid held December me- ensitting at God'e table three ing at Mrs. -A. D., VanDyke's. A ý times a day during this past year- very interesting programn was pres- more than a thousand times. What a ented. flourbin ia the -great prairies, what Iprofusion of fruits the orchard, tbe Dr. Buckley, President of. Cleve-, orange, the lemon and fig graves. ]and Dental Society, say's overeating Tbe vegetables from the gardens, the (gluttony) is a greater evil than fish from tbe sea, andth te meat from drunkenness and is claiing r a thousand bis and valleys they al victims to-day than drinkinghqo came from God's band, and ail tbru ever did. Watch what enters your t the year we have neyer knewn, the stomach - if you would preserve yourý pangs of hunger from having aotbing teeth from decay. ýta eut.I It Bids Pain -Begone.-When fleur- Then be ýthankful for clothes, the' algia racks the nerves, or lumbago cotton milîs send us, calice and cripples -the back is the time to test scks; the flax milîs se Id us linen, the virtues of Dr. Thomais' Eclectrie 1tbe sbeep's wool supplieà us with Oil. Well ruhbed in it will still the l sweaters, ,warrn cloth: ~ and cloas pain and produce a sensation of easel The sable and ermi,.e zIve us fui-s and rest. A trial of it will establishi and the cattle shoes, - the rubber- faith in jt. tree protects us from t ( wet. What çoats, bats les, shoes, Misses Mapion and Eva Routley, rubbers and mitts tao up1y us thisi Brooklin, and Mary Rundle, Bow- last year. manville, visifed Mrs. W. N. Roskin Theit thank God for .,>oar loved ...Mr. and Mrs. Norman Giniblett, ones-father. mot7tier, -i ., brother. Oshawa, at Mr. E. Mountjoy's.... Have you a cbum or c.~aînwho Mr. and Mrs. E. Mountjey visited knowing you stili loves you, who isi Mrs. A. D. Langmad ... Congratu- in sympËathy with al your joys and lations te Mr.2 and Mrs. J. Harvey, sorrews? Then be thanf ul for these. Pascoe on their marriage ...Mrs. Then be tbankful for your hom-e Gertrude Derby bas returneti after'a with its cheery lights, cozy fires and visit witb friends at Pickering and warm beds-tbousands of beys Toronfo .... Miss Bernice Werry vis-È have noue sucb. ited ber cousin, Miss Audirey Wer.y? Again you ail have two banis, two' and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wml feet, two eyes, two ears and a tonguei Batty, Osawa .... Rev. R. A. Delve 1 -mýany boys are deaf, dumb, lame,1 conimenced an annlual campaign for. blind or cripples. How much will Missions on Sunday. Sunday nexti you take fer those useful gifts? I Mr. F. W. Lewis, Toronte, is expect-1 start at a million dollars. No, I ed te deliver an addresý-s. offer 100 million, you sbake yo-ur beads. Province of Ontario_ Do- minion of Canada, the world. You GRONO iaugh at me--no one -wiil seIll. Tee ORONOvaluable te part with aýt anýy price. An interesting stery f ellowed. (From The News of Dec. 5th-) Five-year-old William was stand- Mr. Arthur Manning is taking as ing in the Iitcben wit hbis; eye upon an assistant in bis blacksmîi b hop, a disb of cakes wben bis mother Mr. Lorn Cain, came in and faund him. "What are Mr. Hariry Cooper lias returneti you doing here, William?" said she. from Tarante apparentiy much îm- "I was just tbinkiag mether"l, replied' praved in healtb. 1ithe youngster. "Thinking? Well, Miss Ida Tysick of Saskatoon I hope y ou haven't touched those Sas., pen awee wih br i cakes". "That's what I was tbink- Mrs. Percy Morgan, Sixth Line. iug about", camne the ready answer. "I ýras eonde-ring whether tbey were Rev. and. Mn. A. K. Edniisen of good enaugb ta be whipped for"., Little Britain, made a short 'çnsit1 In a lengthy and complete report Mon'day at lber father's bere, Mr. Wi nce n i fte dprmna Cornsb.worries, Miss 13. E. Harris; City Pub-1 M~r. Wmn. Oug'h has sold bis 1001 lic Health Nurse, presented bher an- acre farmn in the 9tb con. te MT.' nual report te the Oshawa Board, of Albert Wain of Etobicoke. New Health and won frem Dr. W. J. Bell owner takes possession ln January. of t he- Provincial Departmient, cern- Mrs. Gray wh o was taken witb a plimentary remarks of ber ability strokie hast week wbile visitiug and the efficienLy of thie Department. frienda niear'Lotusý was brought by Her report occupies ever three cl ambulance te the borne of ber sister uu fsaei b saaTele- here, Mms. A. R. Gamsby. gramn and is very interesting reading Rev. E. B. Cooke, Newcastle, de- for the citizens. livered a meast interesting sermon ini the Methedist Churcli Suuday even- The Weodville Methedist Cburcb ing- week. PastorRev. S. T. Tucker beld a Men's Banquet 'on Friday was used up with a severe cold. 1 evening, November 28th at whicb Mr, Thos. Pattersan wvS up towni 180 sat down. After the feat and Saturday week foýr the first time two sehections by a quartet and the sinice returning home and attendedi usual toasts Rev. J. -U. Robins, session of the Clarke township Coun-, Chairman of Bowmianville District, cil on Tuesday, receiviug a beartyý addresseti tbe nmen on -"The Bible A welcome fram bis fellow members of University". At the previous ban- the Board. quet-this being the second of the The United Counties of Northum'- series.-Judge Mott was the speaker. berland and Durham are baving alj Rev. Ernest Ilaraton is the pastor at hem ebuilt on the 1000 acres they re-1 Woodville. cently purchased in Haldimand town- J Here is a remai-kabie piee of trial is made of that remarkable pre- &atî'Iîe.>r pyarationi. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's As- thm'à Remedy. Thon relief camres with a rush. Life becomies worth m for COIJ6HS, COLDS Living, and, if tbe remedy be used-I persisteftly, the disease is put per and BRONCHITIS à manently te rout. Take ne snb- * * , , , , stitiête. elmn m nImvi Carrie Blanchard'a Off er *1 want rau ta try Postumr for thirty days. 1 want ta start you out an your test by gving yau raur firat week's supply. 'It seem ta mie that it would be a Wise plan for mothers. particilarly, ta think of this test ill COU- nection with the heaith ef their families. -Will yau eend me your rame and addresa? Tell me which klnd you prefer-Instant Petiam or Poatum Cereni (the kind rau bail),ý l'Il ses that yau get the first week's suppiy right awar." FREE--MAIL THIS COU PONNOW 1 Canadian Postum Cereal Ce., Ltd. 45 Front St. East, Toronte. Ont. » Iwant ta malte a thirty-day test of Posttn. Pleas aend me, withouit cost or obligation. the firat week's supply af INSTANT POSTUM Check which POSTUMk CEREALQ you prefer Name ...................... Street ......................... ..... iMUSIC MAKES PEOPLE HAPP'Y 1Music ks one of Nature's greatestý gifts toeniankind. It bas been ahere from time ;immemiiorial. The shep- herd watcede, his flock by bleatig of the lamb's, the sailor found mrusie in wash of the sea, and thehunter wasl inspired by the song of the bird and the rustie of the Leaves as wind whistled through them. Primitive man found music in the voice. The skin of thec wild beast was used as its accompaniment. Down through the ages mankind hasï] developed this mystical magie power,j until it is considered to-day as one of ýthe world's greatest forces. It i s used as a curative for the insane andi criminal, to stimulate one's nerves in the! advance to battie, and te en-, tertain oneseif and friends. Music is power. It should be in every home. It should be taught i in al achools as is reading, writing 'and arithmetic. It should be en- couraged by our civie authorîties. Music is restful, and makes.better people. If yeu are anxiou.s te get more happiness out of if e, get busyl and-give more attention to miusie. Patronize the concerts in your la-ý cality. See that the children be.- cone acquainted with organ, piano,ý violin, phonograph and other musical instruments. AN ONTARIO FAVORITE It is a significant fact that the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal, has more readersiOn tarjo than any other paper f t class. Ontario farmers and other' folk take the Family Herald and' Weekly Star year after year- be- çause it gives by far the greatest value obtainable anywhere. The mar- ket news and prices in the Family, Herald are the most complete and up t6 'date available, and it retains the services and contributions of the foremost agriculturists in Ontario. The magazine and news sections are brimful, of the choicest reading for each member of the f amily. This year The Fami-ily llerald vîi give awayten thousand dollars in prizes, a beautiful calendar and picture, and other valuab1è r5w ards will be sent free off charge to any address. No words cando justice' to the excel- lence of the -Family Herald. GREEN TIEA Hv"w AVE the kind of health whiCh rlkeeps you Cheery and opti- mistiC-fit to tackle your day's work with a vim, to enjoy your leisure hours to the full. The bod- ily and mental health of a system free from the irritating drug ele- ments Caffeine and Tannin in tea and COffee. Poisons which harm the-body by working on the nerves -which often prevent restful sleep, and keep you " tîred " and irritable. Make Instant Postum the family beverage for mealtimes and when- ever a hot drink is desired. A pure Cereal beverage with a delightful, fragrant flavor, it has no after- effleCts. Made instantly in the cup ý-it costs only half -a -cent a cup. For those who p r ef er it, there is Postum Cèreal, made by boiling for twenty minuteès. Ask for Pos- tum at your restaurant, your club, or on the train. ACCept Carnie Blanchard's offer. Send the Cou pon Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Limited Head Office: 45 Front St. East, Toronto Factory: Windsbr, Ontario 1There',ç a Reason" Clldren love Instant Postant made with msik 1 You know how maany children do net like the taste of milk. Yen knaw how they like te bave the same drink as the "grown-ups." You know, tee, how goed it is for them ta have a hot drink! Make Instant Postum for them, using bot milk instead of beiling waterl They'11 like the taste iniediately! And they wilI get the food elements cf wheat, plus the naurishment cf milk, in a hot drink that i. economicai and so easy to make t None MW1I1 Satisfy likte pure, deliclous cl T% 7iD The ifinest green tea produced in, thi4q worldi. - Ask for a trial package. FREE SAMPLE ni GREEN TEA IIPON REQUEST. 'gSALAA." TORONTO, CeeANNEL " COAL Ebony Cube-the best cannel coal mixed. We have just unloaded a car for use in tire- place or grates. Now that the cool evenings are here let us supply your-wants for a nice cosy warm grate fire. J. A. HO'%LGýeATE & SON Phone 153 Bo*manville Keep Your Body Free from DrugsI Fit to Do the Day's Work H479