Now For Christmas WVe are read y with the finesýt st ock o f Pyrex Ware, Alumninum Ware, Cutlery, Sporting Goodls, Electric Toasters, Irons and Heaters, Enamieled Ware, Express Wagons, H-and Sleighs, Snow Shoes, Skates and Hockey Sticks, and mnany other useful ogifts. Our quality is the best-our designis are the latest-and our prices are the lowest. We invite your careful inspection. RIc E & cO HARDWARE BOWIMANVILLE SExtra Special Attraction 'O r p h an so0f the tor!em' Royal Theatre,BwmviI Wednesday and Thursday, December 24-25 Christmnas Day Matinee at 3 p. m. D. XA.? DR C7MAL Sc1 'Ir 1FRO Admission: Wednesdlay 8 p. m., Thursday 7 :30 and 9:30 p. m--.-20c and 135c; Matinee 15e and 25c. This picture has met with tremendous success wherever shoWn. We strongly advise all who can to see this superb picture. H. S. BRITTON, Bkr& Grocer Newcastle IeNeciteIdee-d THURSDAY, DECEMBER l8th., 1924. NEWCASTLE BROWN'S SCHOOL, CLARKE i FINE MISSIONARY BANQUET Mr. W. E. Beman lhad business in i Successful Basket Social and _MissiOnarYCmmte of Officiail jToronto last week. Entertainment Board of Methouist Churchi enter- M ,rs. Howvard Cook, made a busi-! tainedi the men of the church in S. S.1 nes nptoTrotoFrda.A iinber frorn Newcastle wenti Rooms Thur-sday, evening. The down to Brown's Seho ol, S. S. No. 5, ladies Of the conmittee, Mrs. J. E. Mr. FrankMagn Detroit, is Clarke, on Wednesdiay eveing, Duec.; MatclietÉ. Mrsý. eo. Hloney, Mrs. visiting here with his brother Charlie. ltadseta noal three (Ile V.) .B ok isEm Mrs. B. _Moise lias returned home hours at the Christmas etran olnserved an appetizing and(,l after a plpasant rnontli's visit with' ment and basket social. To be sure, audatysatisfying,, supper of bal- f riends in Toronto. l'it ,vas not ý,et Christrnas, but every, ed beans with relishes, cake, pie ofý 1 Mrs. E. C. Fisher entertained a scbool, churcli, society and hiome can- nany delectable varieties, and coffee. numiber of lier frîends at a card par-,not very well celeb)rate this hap)piest, Tlie pleasîng decorations of the ty on Tue.sday evening. of aIl seasonsý at the samne trne. tables and rooms were of a Christ-j Bigpreartios re eig mdeTherefore, the proper thing ]S for! massy character sug,ýgestive of the by the different Sunday Schools for somec to start earyad oles o coming fsia fteNtvt hç ther Crisrna enertinmnt. follow and tus prolong the ga is pre-eminently a season of good- timies through ai period of several 1 iaong, men. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. Aluni and wes The purpose of tlie gathering as earnily, Providence, were guests of theks' Mi. arnd Mrs. Norman Aluin and ftarn- Nearly ail the parents, rany explained by Mr. S. jose-, te hair- graûprensuncies and aýunts of j man of the Commiittee, was to se- ily on Sunday. 1 TheJ. ndesonSmili o. iasI te secýtion, pupils and teacher, sev- cure, if possible, an increased aind TakeJon eerl extra hnds asar ea ex-pupils and frîends in generlal more practical interest on the part1 pace wîtni tee extra vetine ndar constituted a hiappy assemblage Of the mnen of thýe churcli, in Christ- compelien to work ovrii o keep which ceompletely filled the cosy lit- ian Missions. pac wththeexrarush of business. i tie school bouse ths early winter's' om ielad secured for the oc- The Horticultural ocietY wil niglit. Evergreens, Xmas bella, casion, as a special speaker, Mr. T. E. ity Hall, Tuesday, Decemiber 3th at paper garlands and festoons in col- Plewm'an Of the Methodist Mýissionl liolda Eudlire party in the Commun- ors, arranged with decoratîve art, Press of West China, now on fur- 8 p. mi. sharp. Admaission 25C. gave the pleasant interior of th-e lougli. Mr. Plewman in a pleasant, Corne and enjoy yourself. 51-1w, schoo]-roorn ain added cbeerfulness affable manner which attracted the Mrs. Robert Wrigýlit and farnily ar- and madie a lovely setting for this, close and symipathetic attention of rived home from iSUsatchewýan Wed- one and great event of the yeur at bis maie audience, spoke very inter- nesday and will spend the wvinter' Brovn's. estingly of past aud present day con- bere visiting 1lier parents, Mr. andJ Mr. Charles M. Eddy, f dtin i hiaan o hepesn Mrs. Horatio Weatlierail. 1liorse trainer, senior trustee, arer, attitudes of the ruiing classes andÎ [ r. MiSam Manning who lias been tary-treasurer, patriarch anid bene- oftecassifth inleto'r servîn ,asLedger Keeper in the factor of the school, presided in bis rstianit . O n c pte whl nesndh Standlard Bank liere bas been trana3-,ownTj inimitable way as lie ba"s fdone sadn omcipltclurs a unsettied conditions, th'e opportunity I ferre(] to Cobourg and is succeeded for thýe laSt quarter of e. Century\. 1 aoal o tepoaaino )y Mr. MceDougaI of Coiborne. Mi. Eddy-bas a very warrni place in1- ivrbefrtepoatonf runor is being circ2ulated thtlbs heart for- the rural sdliool and es- the gospel ofChit The need for _1men and rnony is great aind a nal Newc;ýastle is threatenqed wýith a,,nother peïially for thîs parîua col mutofroe ilg ut ay dýarnage action. Thiis recails tbe oid Hielmake'ýs a study Of rural condlitiOÏln spotn atv hita p')ro0ve(2rb Tbe pitcher often goes to the and' of educ1natOon asapie to tien; Cins porg antve Cita well. but is broken at last! be knows tlie value of the, rural ineseMa pator.Hlat' uatto 'i cooî; perce-ives Mp.ýsbItisad aor Tom oligatefs quartet o Miss Ethel -Alin lias returnied ud sdli s its possibilitHes n Wlv, ow h onefrornSaskatchewan wbhere sýhe1 ustands i s es. Hnes gives Mr. W. Blake Poliard, D r. .C. W spent the siirnrner. _Miss Alun ivis- go one obs ascaeteSiemon and Mr. W. B. Tapson, rend- ited a numiber of former Newcastle young,>ei, trustees, wlio corne andI( go0 ered several very mudh-appreciatedi people wlio are doing well in the1 in succession; gives synpathetic en-,Erbr.Ms enG.oriwa gneat ,west and enioyîng good bealtli.1 couragernent to the teadhers and hba s nuemable pissHno G. Morist.was 11 1a srnîle for ail tlie boys and girls. th1 aal in copus. I Another old laudmiark is being de- 1n prcae h motneo was very kind of our Bowmranvilie rnolîshed. MrP. W. N. Buckiey l5 e a onte the mmdprtnc of friends to so readiiy cornply -with the1 er impressiojnz ntesid.o request of the Missionary Conîrittee w\recking the old Foster Hotel at the youthi and be-lieves iu always keeping and at s;orne sacrifice of tirne and ex- wes ed o te illge T i8 he schýooI and g-rounds neat and at- pense cone downi and sing on this oneoftheolestbuldigsin hevi-tractive, and passers-bY in the surn- occasion. Their su-trig in- lage and was the scene of many a mer tirne carnuot fail to notice and spiring selections accordled well with, jolly eveuing as in the oid days, it adm-ire the beautiful fiower beds in'teten fteeeigadaos was one of the ieading liotels of tiýe yard, which through the unîted ed the men Vo somie serious thinkiug. Newaste, nd as eaquater inefforts of Mr. Eddy, trustees,Chs Mr. S. Jose, chairmnan, and Rev.EI the oid stage coacýh dayýs. We uný- Bedwin and Stainley- Porteus, teacïli- iB okpsogv hr d dertan Mr Bukly wll rec aer and pupils, prodluce a Succession' dresses and by request of the chair, new a n odemn dwelling on the site of bioomi fromi early Spriug to hlte Mayor Holgate and Dir. Sienon Doctor and Mrs. Butler were cali- Autumn. offered belpfui and encouragiug re- ed to Stratford last week owing1- to On the platforn as chairmnan, Mr. miarks in respect of the duty, the joy the critical iIlnesýs of _Mrs. Butler's Eddy is as versatile as bie is good- and the reward of actively support-' broterMr.Edronds wh paaedhunored; if need be, lie eau sing, ing Christian miissionary enterprises. I away on Sundcay evening and was qýuote poetryv, tell stories, make The orchestra furnîshed a go0od buried Wedniesday. The ],ate Mr. speeches, and between curtain rais- program of music early in the even-, Edrnunids was one Of the Star Hock: ings can maJke five mninutes seem like ig n this -was not forgotten laVer ey players of Canadia, playing on a f ew seconds. Charlie Eddy, as Ihe we Rev. E. B. Cooke, speaking of differeut dliampionship tearns and is known by everybodly in the neigli- the q-,uaiity of the rmusic, strucýk a was considered the fastest shater ýorLood is the, ideal rural sdliooi respondîing chord in tlie heart-s of pangthe garne, durîng lis tîie tr ustee, . ail and eiicited bearty applause when the early years of the present cen- Besi(ldes the miany delightful nurn-' ile nade reference to the generous tur. ie leaves a wife aud three bers, dlioruses, dialogue.srecitations, and willing servi'ce of the members- younig children to mouru.* The vil-1 motion songs, monologues, etc., b)y who have spent considerable mioney lae people lere exteud tlieir deepest i the pupils of the sdliool tiiere were I on Music anld instruments and mlucb syrnipathy Vo th-e bereaved fsmily and 1 pca ubd ntepogancn1timielupctsug friendls. tiueyexppl n otber; Mr. Geo. P. Rickard mioved and In cnnetion witi th anual 1'ipnd. IMr. W. D. Bragg seconded a vote of I nission1arY campaign whicb is, now Miss Marjorie Luxon, anl ex- tak otelde ftecmnte being carried on in the Methodist teaclier bere, now eacing at Aui- who supervîsed the supper, sud Mr. jhlurcb-, Mr. Clayton W. Burr-, Wel- tiocli, S. S. No. 8, favored wih'aW. F. Rickard and Mlr. Thos. H. liugton, delivered two stirriug ad- splendid recitation. Mr Ray Brown, Ceec ur'ue oino p j dress1es on Sundiay, and spoke in Miss Gladys H-eardi, Misses Ferusd rcato ud gattdnt m I larke chiurdl inl the afterunooni. lu Hilda Brown. Mrs. Trumnan Clark Plewmnan sud the Bownanviile quar-~ the miorning Mr. Burr, presented aud Miss Porteus gave a humiorousý tet for their splendid service.~.t Ivision of the homne church as il ought diaou. M.SalyPres n mtions -were carried -witb ioru to) be-consecrated, alert and pro- of the trustees, and Mr. Ray Brown clapping of bauds. gressive. He has' a fine platfornîl entertaiuied lu solo and duet with Mr. Ormi Parker, lanteru operator, mariner and a rid i musical voice somie goodi character siuging. Ms projected ou Vhe newly painted light which charmis bis audience. 11u Vhe Helen'Porteus aud sister _Miss -Mar- green wali, baick of the platforn, j eveninig lie gave a most iuspfiring talk jory sang a duet whidli received vigg- bstflyilsrtdsle f"u oun om of the great mis sionaries orous aud persistent applause ward Christian Soldiers," with five and lheroes of Gbhristendoma, lgsn- Eeynnbrb hlrno, stanzas sud chorus whic'b the assem- nin wW Pal f Týrsz ndendn1gsEvery numb r ier c aidre sowtheblage sang hrough Vto the eud. 'The nîug wthe Pul ofT rus sdCehin ci a eî erdsdshow-cîosiug lîS'mu was "Stand up for Chitianth erseut ga Mr.nseed that the youtbful performers lad Jesus", a ,g1ood motto Vo carry awvayý Chri'sti enal, Frieng. Mr. th received careful training by tleir into the urultitudinous activities of Bur'swie ws orery MssEtelteacýher, Miss Velmna Mallough wl.o thenorrow. Thorn, daughter of Rev. James played the organ accompanirnent Vo1 Thom who was the pastor of tlthe scoîcoue. MsMalgi Methodist dhurcI here from 1888 to tesho hrss is1,alul comes froni Western Ontario sud January Rod and Gun in Canada 11.this is bler first year in lierfrs comprises a variety of interestig school sud she is certainly deevistories sund articles. Teddy's I{os-' of ail praise sud congratulation for pitality by R. Valentine Gilliarni is s NEWCASTLE CHURCHES the splendi;d success of Vhislsier first ,vweil-writteni sud entertaiuing story. _____ chool eutertaýinment.1 A. J. Coîboumne tells of the 'thrilliig Presbyterlan Churdli, Rev'. Geo. The programi over, Mr. Por-teus adventures of ascsat hunter. Bon- Masn Bwrnnvilewil pracb~ uctioned off with somie very brisk y Dat'DAle fumnishes interesting Il a n. at Newca.stle aud 2:30 p. ni. bidig s spcill atrctveofer sd val,1uable facts coucerniug a rarei at Newtonville. Subect-"T'he ings, 'the youug ladies' artistically Canadisu bird-Winter Snipe. J. W.1 Bes Cristmas GifV". designed ln-oxs; sud while theý Winson, F. V. Williamis aud Martin ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity University, also) of Royal College Plysiciaus, Edin- burg. Specalty-Diseases of wom- en sud chîldreu. Office-Parker'Si glock, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. 1 1onror graduate of Trinity University Fellow of Triity Medical Colleg0e L-icentiate of the State University Of New York, Matriculate of the Fost- G-ra-duate Medical School and Hos- olital of New York and Fellow of the Yorounto Academy of Medicine. Office I rs. MeNauho' Residence.i Newcastle. IHours-8g to 10 a. m., 1 Vo 3 p. m., sud by appointment. CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Durwiu E. Steckley o f - Bow," mauville will mnake residential ca ,, in Newcastle, Mouday, Wrednesday1 sud Friday. For an appointmeflU phone 141J, Bowmanville. 32-t1 ELECTION NOTICE Notice is liereby, given that a meeting of theeolectors of theý VILLAGE OF' NEWCASTLE W'ililtke lace in thie Council Chiamber, Comminunity Hiall, on MONDAY, DEC.Mf3ER 29, 1924 athe hiour of71p. in., for theprps of nominatiug candidlates for theo, ie of Reeve and four Councillors to comn- pose the Vilageý Coucil for the ensuing yeair, isud for nominatiug candidates to fii heevcdce on thb, Board of Education for two yeairs, and1 shold mnore than onie canidajteý be norninatedý fo)r aIl or e'ithelr of the, said offi1ces, anl'd "a poil bedem 3ded 0s1chpoil wli be uheld I on MONDAY, JANUAFIY 5, 1925 jat th,, hour of 9 o'ciock in the forenoon , conùitinuing- open outil , oclock il[ the aftern)oon. ing and signedl by tuie norinator sud seconder. edto ail Vwhichi e'verIy person is requlest-I e otake notice and govern imself ac- cordiugiy. H. C. Bonath5a, Clerk. I ewasie ecemiber l5th., 1924'. 51-2 GOOD COKE is cheaper than wood and lm the equal to the best Goal. 1 have a suuply of the best Coke obtainable. Highest grade of Anthra-. cite aliWýays on hanid. Geo. Jamieson Newcastle! An Appwreci*ation and Explanation 1 wish to take this opportunity of expressing my appreciation for the wonderful response the people of Bow\,maniville an-d Durhamn County gave me on the occasion of my Fire Sale. The crowds w,,hich packed the store Friday and Saturday were f ar beyond my e-,xpectations. If, was practical impossible to give my patrons the usual attenti on and courteous service which has been my custom under ordinary circumstan- ces. With this explanation 1 feel an apology is unnecessary as ail who attendled the sale will ap- preciate my position. May I also express, in this public way, my sincere thanks to the young men and business as- socates who so willingly and freely came to my assistance byT cooperating in helping move the' stock from one store to the other, arranging the goods and acting as clerks during the rush. ho>ir-s of the sale. Truly, one does not know Wwho his friends really are until trouble overtakes him. PRICES CUT STILL LOWER There is still about $1000 worth of stock left. In order to clear out every article in the store by Saturday night I have made another big reduction in the Fire Sale prices. Come in an-d load up. T]B. UGilrist (Formerly Phone 271 Manager Johnsitoni's Clothing Store) Bowmanville 'I THE GIFTS YOU ARE SEEKING ARE HERE' We are able to satisfy the wants, aims, de- sires and ambitions of that portion of the human family who like individuality in their gifts. This list of gift suggestions may help you in your shopping. Hose Coats Scarf s Dr-esses Run-ners Sweaters Necklaces Silk Vests Tray Cloths Dolîs Galore French Dolîs Beaded Bags Centre Pieces Silk Bloomers Handkerchiefs Bridge Tie-Ons Xmas Stockings Sachet Pin Cushions Score Pads and Pencils Luncheon Sets, (Hand Made) Store Open Evenings C. S. Mason 's Oift SJhopplme (Prof essional Christmas Specialists) Next Door F. F. Morris Co Bowmanville