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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1924, p. 2

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M. A. JAMES Steamahip Ti.ckota Tc Europe-Canladian Pacifie, Wýht. Star Dominion, Cuniard, American. Âek for information. Phonie 53, Agents Wanted AGENTS-Get in a profitable all-year comsinbusiness of your own. Every property owner is a customer or pros- pecý-t. Nine- hundred varieties of hardy Red Tarnttsr products. Cash every welek. C peeequipnie-it and instruc- tions- free. Write DOÏMINION NUR- SERIES, MONTREAL. 40191 Notice O-rd'ers- for cernent -Ack or cernent work o)f anly kind gvnprompt attent- ion and at reas.,onabLle rates. W'e are ai- Eý Lrpaedtodo tamng 'hone 170. Mrs. A. Turner, SuoLi.,Bwmn qlle. ,t EARN $3,000 TO $10,000 YEARLY Your futuire is just what you myake it. e as suecessful as hundre>ds of others Whol, have securedi their training in auto- motive miechanies, electricity wecldinig, batey.bicklayinig, plasteriing, barber- ýing, beatujy culture work, mechanical denistry at the famous Ilemphill Trade Scol. Theo oly DOMINION G0V- ERNMENT chartered achools teachiag t.hese trades. Dipflomias granted. Act now". Enqluire for our special off er. DePt. C., 163ý King St. West, Toronto. 51-lw E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sr Honor G-aduate of University of Toronto AIl case-" given prompt and care- ful attention. OFFICE MAIN-ST. HAMPTON Phone 129-15 BOUNSALL'S MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of ~SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES end only the beit grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE I employ no cemetery caretakers as gents preferring tao sel] My own goods thusa saving the purchaser the agent'. commiss5ion. A caîl soicited. F. H. BOUNSALL Proprietor Bowmaavil Phone 326W Box 94 ToMrcas xd&lmn Ai klc:1ý ThC Ordery Tou lost -Whôgot it? liite opportanity was thlere. Did your compl etitor cail up your customer by Long Distan,-ce, and sei hiim? Opprtui ties used 1te corne a-kocking at thle door. Noaassalesmlen go eut to eet thenhalf-way- by Long Di.stanýe. They tell us that about 40% of the sales opportunities they go after by telephonie prove profitable. Such ,salesmnen are said to haive 'telephone iniitiat-ive." A well-defined plan of sale s ýby Long Distance, and! salesmien -witb "telephone 'initiative" hiandling it, may !be just whiat youl need te inorease sales. Wynot give it a thorough trial? BOWMANVILLE, DFC. 1lt., 1924 DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surg-eons of On- tario. Office King-st., Bowmanville Office phone 40. v)hone 22. L'R. J, C. DEV[TT ~rdaeof Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King--st. East, Bow- inanville. Office hours 9a. m. to6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a. bluse phone 90b, DR. 'R. E. DINNIWELL Elonor Graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed ta practice in Ontario and the Dominion. Dentistry in ail its branches. Office -Kýiig-st., Bwavil. Opposite 3iank of Montreal, Phone 301. PARISIAN LADIES' AND GENTS" TAILORS (Fo.-rerY in Bowmnanville,) now at 1.162 Yonige-st.. stop) at Summrerhili Ave., Toronto, Phone Randolph 5197. We can still give you aur best serviyces.i Guaranteed to fit and waorkmainshlp at pre-war prices M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY mnoney to boan on Farm) and Town property Royal Bank Building, Bowmianville. Phone 251. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY M1oney to loan. Bonds for sale. Offices: Bleakl*ey Block, King Street, Bo)wmauville Ontar-Io.l Phones: Offic-s 102, House 279J. CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. Conveyancing and General Practice of Law Offices 7V2 Simcoe St. South Phone 63 Oshawal G. D. CON.ANT, B.A., LL B. A. F. ANNIS, B.A., LL.B.' 32-lyý FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Compiete Motor or Horse Equipment Ail calls promptly attended to. Private Ambulance. Bowmanville phones 10 and 34 Brauch Stores-Oreno & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS iiýmbalmer aucd Funerai Director. 'alîs given prompt and personal at-ý ýention. No extra charge for dis-1 'suce, Phones 58 or 159, Bow-, manville, Ont. 3-tý MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University ['oronto. Four years attending Ph y- dean and Surgeon at Mt.' Carmel lospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and ".sidence, Wellington Street, Bow- nanv'ille. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trnity Medical College, roronto, fornerly of Euniskilieu. Office andi Residence, Dr. Beith's, former residence on Church-st., Bow- inanville. Phono 259. 44-t CHIROPRACTIC DR. DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate of Toronto Chiro- practie College will be in office on Temperance Street, Bowmanviile, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoon and evdning. Phones: Office 141J, Residence 141W. VETERINARY Dr. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended to. Office King-st. W., Statesman Block, Bowmanville. Phone 243. AUCTIONEERS THEO. M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty.' Trerms moderate. Enniskiilen P. O. Phone 197-r3. 1-tf JAMES BENNETT Auctioneer 1.0 years' experience in farm, furni- ture and Ihouse auction sales. Ad- lress Jas. Bennett, Hardware Mer- anKing-st., Bowmanvîlle, phone 131, box 33. JOSEPH COULSON Liceased Auctioneer Valuator & Real Estate, Newcastle, Ontario. 22-tf Expresses Tlianks to ail Ranks for, Their Enthusiasm and Co-operaion. The Lady Byng cf Vimy Fund h'as reached the $200,000 mark sud the Mouitreal, December l7th- $7î5,000. The committee hopes ul- timiately to rmise haif a million. Through the miediuni of the Canadian1 National Railways Magazine, Sir To succeed the late Dr. C. K. Henry W. Thoruton has addressed Clarke, the committee bas appoiutedl thîs Christmas message to ail mnem- i Dr. Ciarence M. Hincks, Torouto, bers cf the Company:- (formerly assistant medlical director) "Now that another year has rolied, as Medical Director. Dr. Charles by I want te express my deepest ap-' H. Martin, Moutreal, is President. preciation of everything yvou h.ave' The comimittee has already made doue during thiz year. We have Mental Hygiene surveys in miost cf faced obstacles together and we the Provinces and bas dirafted or have overcome themi; we have en- outlined policiesbae on these sur- countered odids and have beaton veys for the guidance cf Proviniciali them; we have been earnest and Gýovernmnents in pro-vidiug care cf the cheerful through it ail and nothing, meutally abnormal and subuiormnal.ý but success c an be the rewarcl cf It plans in the comîug years a spe- "To those cf you wheo comne in stitutions, courts, etc. contact witb the travelling public'.f nud those ou whom depeuds the ob- Te oia Sric ounl cf taiuiug cf freight traffic, 1 want to Cana1da is the outstauding ntoa voie my appreciation cf your work. 19(age cc-operatîug with he Ns Courtesy and service, a wIlling-ness toa onitefrMna y to do a littie bit miore than is ab)so-l giene. Through ita personal leaders, lutely uecesary h&,ve wýoi'î for usi its provincial and local branches, its frieuds sud business. Our cemi- church co-operation and support, petition iu the great fight for busi- 1and its press bureau reachiing 4,- ness bas'been cÎean aud wbolesoine I 000,000 readers txice a mionth, thel and those who have been waging itý Council baýs beeu doiug its part iin ini the open bhave been heartily ,sup educating aud imoulding public_ perted by those in the background- opinion, sud lu eucouraginig govern- that unseen armiy cf Caniadian Na- moents te provide adequately iii edu- tional Emiployeesý who have beeu cation, txearnent sud instîtutiuýail makiug it poss1ible te render s ser- care for their mutally haudicappedi vice that imiproves with each day. Il citizens. refer te those outside the Trafie De- One cf the chief obstacles to ade- parmen. Wethr ma's utis, quate action by goverumeuts is the, lie in shiovelffng snow from- a station: ccst cf maiutaiuiug these temporaryi latformn or lu maikiug the roaclbedorpmaetwidofscty AI1 cf a section a little smoother, he or rmanent w obsarc s ioe. ni-. giving a service wýhich is reay tis bstale s biug oveem "Coditonsduing appecîe1 by succesaful experimients in utiliz-' havendtiben cf the the past yearl inig their labour, alike for its therea- lhe orld, sud thebest anywhere 1 peutic and its eccuomic value, sud Canad has ome-tus euormousiy reduciug tbe cost in for lier share of depression, but i c herce with brighter -visions ahead aud a' ftei ae spirit such as permeates the Cana-i Much is beiag accomplished byý dian Nti onal family, we will face the speciai class for subuiormals in the cZing year with euthiusiasm thle regular public schools. There sud courage, sud thironghcuir deter are somne huudreds of suclh classes in miination each cf us will justify the' operatîcu ;n Canada under specially werk lie bas doue during 94 n raiued teacbers, The remnoval of the wcvrk te be doue during the comn- these problem childiren fromn amoug ing y-ear. normal clhildren in the 'îchool.s is a "At this time I waut te take the very great advantage te the normial oppertuuity to wish you ail a Mérry children and their teachers. Christmas sud . happy sud presper- eus New Yeair." A large number cf imentally dce-i Siguned, H. W. Thornton1 ficient girls can nover be sf ly left I ______________te fend for themselves lu the un- COBOURG ROAD OPEN protocted atmcosphere cf what a noir- 1mal man cails liberty. Unideir suchi The Cobourg-Port Hope road is' conditions they will continue te beI new open te traffic sud several as at preseut a terrifie eccuomic people who teck ativautagé cf it cost te our nation sudi our chief were apparently net used te sucli source cf crime, prostitution, vie, sinooth bhighways aud diti net stay i iegitimacy aud venereai disease! on the road but rau off into the wvrking their terrible havec te So-~ diteh.-Times. ciety sud te coming generations. j A. L Nicholls, Local DealIer. 4 THE SEASON 0F GIVING NEW ISSUE BY C. P. R. AVAIL- ABLE IN CANADIAN MARKET Calendars are useful only as they serve to remind us of days and dates Secured By Land Sales set apart. The holidays and feast_____ days indicated by them 'are in them- Mntreal, Dec. 17-An officiai, Sselves occasions, pot because their noceet-wsiud lwn., LI return or recurreitae i.s arbitrarilylannueenfthewBasrsudof Dollowing -indicated, but because these peopleameig fteBor fDietr who have came habitua.ily to observe of the Canadian Pacific Railway ofi thmlearned long before to give, the issuance b ythe company of $30,-, at such seasons, outward expres.sion 000,000 41,2 per cent note certifi- to that sweet sentiment which t.heni, catLes, securred by deferred paymienit somiewhat miore than aut other timies, on lns -is pervasive and silently cloquent. T h e stat(ement as sentl out fromi thei Hunm love is best expressed( in offi ce o f PeietE.' W. Beatty giving.. By that mieansý are senti-I ed:"h op~yi o hr mients spoken which ohriecould 1of funads by ny meniansis nk a-or flot bec, oMmllun icated. Byv it thýe count being- of very comifortable pro- child first mnanifest s affection and portions, but it bas for miany yearsý trust. it is the first anguage beeni the company's policy to mnain- learned and the iast to be f orgot-, ta in a srong position init cash re- ten. sucsadconsdering.te ag- Butthi uîvesa laguae s nt itude of the enterpise, this is mian- Buepende n orexrssingupoen mereifestly pruden1t. Work of imiprove- depndnt orexpesio uon ieeýment in contemnplation to provide, tokens. It is by these, îndeed, thatl for its traffic and( for the betterment it is mnost crudely expqressed. Somie; of exisýting facilities will require a I of us, perhaps, neyer iearn 1mo1re ha onsidlerable sum in thýe near future, tlie rudiments. Thus it miay be that'and to meet these expenditures and unless -we are able to beur gifts in ito provide ample working capital for testimiony of our affection or esteemi other purposes the directors of the we ig-norantly or thoughtlessly re-; Company have dlecidecd to miake an fraýin from giving., If we give gen- issue of not certîficates in muchi the erously, no matter what the formOf samie way as was adýopted, in 1914 expression, wve must give fromnthe save tiiat the issue wiill be of a pu.ý-ý heurt. We mrust gîve in trusýt and Fc charaicter instead' of being re-1 confidence and in pure affection.- stricted to participation by its own1 What material thing, say you, will, shareholders. aippropriateL1y express these senti- "in the belief that more extensive ments? To'ýkens, at most, are onljyhodn of the comipany's securities for remnemnbraniice. Unless their be hingnd sdsrbefrmalsad stowal is promipted by somieth in Cnaaisdei as folstand- miore than a desire to excel in githe aanyn sol theis- ing, heirmisson wll fil,1ndst e grop a strong Cnaianfnaca ing thir iiýsin wll aî1 ad tleconsistîng of the Bank of implsewil besaneihe th gierMontreal, the National City Com- nor thereîiet pany, the Royal Bank of Canada, the Canadian Bank of Commerce, the Is it not true that the seasonfo Dominion Securities Corporation, giving never begins and neyer enda? - Wvýood, Gund(y & Company, and A. E. Sure'ly no One would dcaim thaut w1ith Amies & Company. the close of the hioliday season w sh-ould loci, within our breastaz and I Aiready a very wide diýstribut.ion reffuse to give expresslion to the 1 5ý assureda rce to the public 1finer generous impulses. Just as wihwl aei natatv n rea.sonably we should refrain from I vesýtnent. It was quite open to the the belief' that Christmas Day marks comipanty to secure the requisite the cimiiax of giving. Ratherý fund.3 in the United States on termis should w decide thatthe high marki equajlly favorable, but in view of the reached upon thýat occasion will re-j interest in the comipany's securities Main as a standard for daily givin g b h nceiineorss oidece throughout the year. Surely we can b.teices nth odnso t 1 ieas much in kindness, in con- comlmon stock and bonds, the direct-j sideration, in unselfi sh sharing, inth ors weregalt eal oia- h bestowing of gond giftsoonda issue a Canadian) one" as on another. Million"s of peepfle I Thes;e 4-1/5 Secured Notes are have learned that they have been one cf the hig-hest grade aud most' made richer by giving, and that giv thioroughly protectedi securîties ever I iing in the right 'spirit miakes ne one off ered in the Canadian market. the poorer.' On what da y, then, It is expected that the isssue will shaîl we cease te give? be quickly absorbed by ail classes of * s k * j investors. But thiz Christmas Day may well be celebrated as the beginninig, the GRN WOK ENGD E birth cf a realization that is mnore_____i blessed to give than te receive. The Care of Insanie and Mentally occasion is fixed as the day, commemn- Deficient. orating the dawn c f this new gospel in the hearts of mien and wýomen aud' Dr. J. .Se rfrSca evc boys and girls everywhere. The:1 G.ShearerforCSoald er. c first clarion message, "On earth i peace, gond will toward mien !" wasi The Canadian National Comimit-I net the annunciation of a bestowai' tee for Mental Hygi.ene lias heki its of mnaterial blessings. It proclai-- Annual Meeting in'Monitreal and has ed a new era cf brotherhood, of fer- decided to spend $30,000 a year fýor bearauce, of understanding. It five years iu researeh work in thei fixed neoniessure in giving except, field of mental hygiene. The re- that whîch teaches us to share our sarl work wiil be undertaken with blesýiug-s. These multiply as we a view te bring about a miore humnane count them, and thus the more we, and scientific method cf treatment give the more we have. of the Insane, the epileptie anid those _____ - --unfortunates who from birth or an CHRISTMAS MESSAGE early stage of life are in a serjous 0F C. N. R. PRESIDENT, degree meutally tlefective. It behooves you .tol act quickly. The plurns are going fast so corne to-day and pick yours bef ore it's too late. Every day sees wonderful bargains throughout the store. You neyer heard of prices slashed like these in years Below we give you only a few of the Bargains Feit and Broadcloth Slippers Regular $3.00 for $1.60 Boudoir Mocassin Slippers Regular $2.50 for $1.75 English Travelling Slippers Regular $3.00 for $2.00 WVUlomen's Black Kid Slippers Regular $2.00 and $1.75 for $1.00 Women's Feit Slippers Regular $1.75 and $1.50 f6r $1.00 Ladies' Goloshes Regular $600 for $4.75 Regular $4.75 for $350 Ladies' Classie Shoes 50 pairs, Regular $6.00, $7.00, $8.00 pair Saturday Only $1.00O Women's Rubbers Regular $1.25 for $1.00 Children's Footwear We can't stop to iternize this departrnent, so corne in and pick out what yo-u want and get them at a bargain. Hockey Boots Men's Lightning Hitch Boots, $7.00 for $5.35 Men's Lightning Hitch Boots, $475 for $3.50 Women's Hockey Boots, $4.50 for $3.00 You'd better hurry-Grab 'em Wide awake buyers can't afford te, let this last opportu.nity pass without sharing in these joy ous bargains. No Refunds. No Exchanges. No goods on approval. This is a Cash Sale. ALL KINDS 0F SPATS, REGULAR $2.75 FOR $1.00 Store Open Evenings Till Christmas Copeland*ShoeJStore Phone 249J King St. West Bowmanville Git oot wear If you want to secure your share of the Great Bargains at Copeeland's Good-B'ye Footwear Sale

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