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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1924, p. 3

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'I ~t F.I F. Morris Co. Phone 10 Bowmanville Chrîstmas Suggestions AUTOMOBILE SKATES HOCKEY STICKS and host of other things you would expect to find in a well stocked hardware store. MASO N & DALE The Popular Hardware -Quality and Right Prices Phone 145 Bowmanville Beor Zo Gurhwa bil ha miemiory mauy scripture verses,- was pioneer melubers tiiere. stant strain. of asthma brîngs thîe e Beor ZonCbrc ws uit ba Irewýarded with bibles and other goodý These notes would be very iu- patient to a dreadful state of hope- appoirnment was one of many on the1 bookS complete without recognizing th e less exhaustion. Earhy use shouhd dsat cihn!ges were maer y dsatew'angCi rcut. Soon after th The classmeetiugs, the monthhy' paramount importance of the work by ah!i means be made of the famous Zion became a very impratpr felhowsbip meetings and the quarter-' doue' by the pioneer ministers who so Dr. J. D. Kelloggý's Asthma Remiedy, e of Bo-wmanvilhe Circuit. ly lorefeasts were bîgbhly esteerned ahly and faithfuliy perfQrmed their whicb more thaân any other acts 'OU FEELL fT 1IAL as means of grace to promote unnty important duties. wod quickly and srely on the air pas- i The circuit contained seren ap- and strength, growth audi Let me conclude with te-v sages and brings blessed help and el n p ointments and Bowm'n-an5viie and progress in boliness and u'sefuiness.i of thle Psalmist: "The righteous shall!comfort. No home where asthm-.a is r,,,530eX 6 q - 71(b e S j Zion each had two services every l I the class each suember was ex- be in everlasting remenîbrance. present iu the least degree should be S'unday, there being two ministers pected to spe'ak a few words about' Bowmanville, November 25th, 1924.1 wlvthout thi's great rernedy. BOWMANVILLE, DEC. lSth., 1924 and five or six local preachers. This _______________________________________________ arrangement continued for nearly twnyyears when Bowmianville be-j METODIT PONERS -amne a station nand Hampton becamel fthe headi of' the circuit and a fine _________ brick vrong as buit there, ai- tfhough Zio, was tl in~ every way Darlicngton.c:rcuit. Po h h After the departure of Revs. Wil1 liam anid Francis Coleman the*thireeý By Rev. W. .WsioM . f'oremost leaders for many years la h [i f -u- m0 c'hurch work and commiunity servicel nTherio fofsPovneo erlyclldUpe Cr-tadmes Stiaidnton heWash- ada, were men and womien who liter- ington brothers at the age of 17 and Otheribner of thisUPrince o wedre tephen ain ntony hWah- F l owr S h o afly turned the primieval forest into 16 came from Westmoreland Couin- fruitful fields and the haunts of wild ty, England, with their parents Step-1 beasts into safe, and suitabie places ben (1788-1865), Elizabeth (179,3-' f or humian habitations. 1864) Washington and younger chiidren nad settled in Scarboro Tp.,, 1 shall not attempt to describe the about the year 1830. at dangers, difficulties and hardsýhips The Washingtonis had been staunch these heroic men and womien facedi Mthodists lu the 01di Land -and were eir Op-ý DBrookdaleIN u rser ie s and conquered; nar the almost in- no 1less so ln the land of their adop credible labors they performed dur- tion. The Washington Church, ing many long years. Suffice it about aine miles east of Toronto, and to say that as reai nation-builders commemorates the worth and worksý they were worthy of high honor and of the senior Washingtons la that deep gratitude from aÎl who share locaîity.1 o fa ts S l s G r g reutn rm ter After about three years in Scar- ýS ls G r g eventful lives and strenuous Iabors. boro, Stepheni jr., and Anthiony left' King St. Bowmanviîîe They made passable rondIs over ail the parental -home, %vent to Saxoxo sorts of country and kept on, imlPro(v-i Settlemient and took possession of' ing them every year. forest f.armns (100 acres each), pur- Frtecn ni c o buys per The buit ride~,orgnizdchased for them by their father. ewl aeaýo lwr n Thbuilt n brstigecs, crchnies, First of all, they built a littie ,log' n its v auislSpayof lwes ac bitadssandshos hrhs shanty for a temiporary shelter. Then1 lat up town at 'Moffatt's aae etc., and hast, but not least, they, they made a smiall clearing for build ee at ilb oi aeadodr built real homes; 'accepting each inlgs and crops and proceeded to whe God-given child as a treasure as Well build on each a Iog house. Then, joY ae o hita eiey as a care and a responsibility; and, of joys, a wife and a homne fortknfrCrsta eiey many of them being ferventfly relig-1 each of fris very own. ion ad ruy atrotc rogh iu Stephen Washington (born183 But don't miss the opportunity of visiting the their comparatively large families to jied 1898), miarried Jane Coleman becomie like themiselves loyal to the (1810-1877) and they were blessedý King of Heaven an-d worthy and loy-, wjth Job's numiber, seven sons~ andý al citizens of Canadla as a part Of the:three daughiters-all of whom were' British Empire. lied h decide for Christ and unite Lactr g eSt W inter r detin The United Empire Loyalists led w'hte hrhata'ary ae the way eclosely followed by those treo h os eoigmns East of Toronto whocam diecty fom he rîtshters: William Coleman, B. A., M. A.. Isl es d s rth r togthe r tihy Edwin Stephen, B. A., and Alongo iivesd, labd roper oe nnd i'e- Georg-e. Another sonTosE, Corne and see our nurseries any day, fromn 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. livd, aboed, prspeecland re--%vs . S. Superintendent before bhe joiced to see- and share in the mo- loved to Toronto. Albert, ai-l derfl dvelomen of ux ii,ý1v-Everybody cordially invited. deruldevlomen o ou js.l- theýr soni, wns bible class teacher, S.' prized and weli-beloved country. S. Superintendent, and for miany Let mie now refer speciaîîy to years a local preachier at Zion. those of Zion neighborhood, formnerlyý Stephen Washi-ngton very early, generally known au Saxon Settle:- I becamie a local preacher whlen local tainly the most influential for good early times, and for many yeaýrs bisz was the Coleman Famîilywo came Isricswr i ean ltonyo owvî anvil1e, Ont. from Cornwall, England, about the h is own circuit but also here 'andý year 1830. The parents wvere John I t! ere on aIl sdes cnclUdîn1gWht,7 Colemian and his wife Jane (Tre- Oshlawa and Newcastle. lie was ai- Near G. T. R. Station Phone7 leven, I think), who wheni she -was s'o thle Recording Steward for mnanly1 nineeenlierd ohnWesey rcai.,years of the Bowmaniville circuit andý nineeen ear Joh Wehey rea h ien of the Hampton circuit. HPe iBoth were at the time of arrivai was always a miember of the District J in Canada past mniddle 'age-1770- I meetinlgs and of the Annual Confer-' 1840 and 1772-860- adbogt ue and several times adsvrltm was elected1 _________________________________________________ five sons and three daughters, niear-' as a !delegate to the Genîeral Confer-ý 13, ail grown up and ahl or nearlly ail ence. -_____________________________________________ unnmarried. But this was soon Now for a few words concerniug _________________________________ changed; one after another married community initerests. Stepheni Wash-tý his or hier religious experience, and and became beads of familles and !agton was usualiy the leading trus-1j the leader standing in the aishe near1 reai nation-builders. The parents 'cte of the public school. I n the by, gave a few words of counisel and and most of the children were the early days the cbihdren were very encouragemrent, the speaking being sort of Methodists described by the numerous but trained teachers werp, interspersed with, singing. Usuahly great Rev. C. H. Spurgeon as "At it, flot to be found, so the trustees hadi thsmefbrspeentder o n ocmal1Ie. ai at it, an'd always at it"I. to accept volunteer teachers. The! erousfroelaroan lcl best b y far of those thus securedl preacher preszent assisted. The mi4- The parental home was about haîf, was a youtlh of perhaps 17 or 18ý wee kprayer meetinig was attendedL a myile west of -where Zion Cbur-ch! years, recently arrived from Englauand sustained mai, yteyug ~ ~ I r ~ i f home as 1 ~ mils eat;"iidard' witha fimhlu owmanill%.f îai peoM n"oLbAAA AA. now stands,. Their eldest soni John'sI and just beginning the study ofla: epie of the church.M L tu home wno1rth; eshest reedatrs was aferwardin own as Drl. He James Stainton (1814-1865) and ý/2mie orË; ýý tý(-c augtes ws atewad Lii-%,,naç D. Jhný iswife Elizabeth West, (1808- Mary Ani, Jane and Elizabeth mar-, HsiK . fTrno h r1 883) came from Westmoreland Co.. ried pioncer farmers and settled no t:týattimie was a warm, life-long, England. They bad two sons both Is now, on exhibition irn our, Show Roomsan far away. f riend of the above-mentioned of wýhom- became official miembers at te public are invited to caîl and inspect this ne- Peter Coliani settled near Bo *tusee Zion, John being a church steward model of Canada's Statndard Car. Closed car, mianville. ilan Facs lanioea asîgohke and Thomas, for about forty years, o fr ftem s dacdi i te digpoerfr wok ai many another wîfe and mother, wa., libr'arian in the Sabbath School. co fr fteIotavne type i provîueu i home, joined the ranks of the iti i flot much lu the public eye, and oc-, James Stainton was classleader, S. S. this attractive new model at amazingly~ low cos-. erant lVethodist ministers and sern I cupied no official position, but by her, Superintendent and teacher at the edter a n gnrtonf*hconsisteut Christian life and bier samie time. He was a mani of good Other special features are :-Body by Fisher- fully.ei ana w. udgnrt aih- ceaseless and unselfish service 'for ability and sterling worth. As DuoStnF is-xr wde ors ixC i- fully anil well. ~othiers, accomplished a work of vital classleader hie was greatly belovedi D c ai iih Eta iedos SxClr, Permit mie here to say that Rev. aud incalculable imiportance. Be-I and bighly esteemied for his sincere der Engine-Sealed Chassis-New Design Steeî'- Francis Coleman xvas th e father of siîde reariug for Chirist ber ten child- piety and helpful counisel. As S. S. n er L wPesr alo ie - uc Pio.A .clnlno oot'ren she ohrdaelct worker bie sought to inspire bis pu- in GerL w P ss e Baon Trs- t- University and of the giftedl poetess,!zr n two litthe needy brothers. pl ihhsonloefrteBo f matic Wîindshield Wiper-One PeeWnsil Miss Helena Colemian, also of Tor: One after the othier-"She bath done Books and to induce tbem' to learu D m ih n ig rd ad ae onto. what she could!". from The Great Teacbier bow to lire. DneLgtadHg rd ad ae I hvenotpoitie nfomaionas Anthony Washington (18141-1876*) Who can estimiate the sumn total of 1 hve ot osiiveinfrmaionai married Elizabeth Aninis (1818-1 good accomplishied by snch a man to where the first religions services, 1903) of Scarboro, whose people t1hrough long years of faitbful ser- GI'FTS FOR MOTORISTS were held, but there is little reason came from the United States, and vice? to doubt that for several years tbey she proved to be a worthy and ex-, When M1r. Stainton passed to bis Weare fedurtr or- al i o autmP L were held in the g-ood-sized living ceedingly capable helpmrate. Te reward, Thomas Langmaid, a former W eduresinso uoo roomi-whlicbl was aiso kitchen anc1dlbad, fourteen chîîdren of wý,homl tw'o pupil, was appoiuted S. S. Superin- bl cesrem s fw ihw aedn ph 'dinîig roo-iu-i the hiome of the or three early passed away. The tendent and Stephen Washingtou attr acieoiday os and ehw aes, n whic saintly John and Jane Colemlan. eîdest son, Georýge,-B. A., M. A., be--' was appointed classleader, wvith John atatv oia oe n rpes n hc Te second place of public wor-jcm eyscesflmnse n Garfat as assistant leader. miake useful and pleasing gifts, including: sb7ip was the ripper storey of a the thers, scattered far and -wide. i large frarne builinig-stil standingý carried with tbem the beneficiai re- Permit mie uow to make brief men-1 and~~~~~ acesbet -iiors over -Mit- suits of hiariug been uurtured in tion of some mi-ore pioneer beads ofTieP sur Gag -Tr Ch ns- bs chell's carpenter shop just south of s ýuch a Christian home. fmhe h ~ their lipye s and ot iveios, Cigar Lighters-Match Holders-Cham-ois-- the prese-nt Zion Chiurch. Tt was In uChurch ife Anth-oniy Washing- th eirprtonaes an ud cl ontribtons- oo ees CrH aes Sogs Rda e ntered by an insid(ý stairway, was; ton was a local preacher, steward h pe o ake Ziha o werchfors- M trM tesC rH atr-pnesR dao iathied and plastered, and furnisbed! and a trustee of Zion. Chnrchi and ofý l, per ousit and such a powWiner foFodXit rot- idS ed ï rs etc. with two rows of benches, one row theprong. And in com.tmunity for women and cblidren and the erice, miunicipal counceillor, etc.,, other for the men and boys. Tis and formay ersa.usieflh Joseph Langmaid (1804-1882) bo nvVasa utc fL ein spcal ciel heCuc o m nil Gif(ts for the Hlome We have a splendid variety of newest things in Furniture, suitable for gifts, which would be appreciated in every home, and at prices to suit the most careful buyer. See our various lunes. Possibly we have the very article you are wanting for a practical and acceptable gift. Our lines include: Trays, Pictures, Small Tables'. Book Ends, BookCases, Umbrella Stands, Foot Stools, Lamps, Bissell's Sweepers, Flower Stands, Reed Novelties, Victrolas, Records. Also Children's Furniture and Toys;, Kiddie Cars, Dol Buggies, Go-Carts, Shoo-Fly Rockers, Rocking Chairs, etc. We cordially invite your inspection and pat- ronage.

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