« v. Xmas Plants Select Yours From The List Below: Azaleas, fine plants at each $1.75 and $2.00 Cyclamen, good stock at each $1, $1.50 and $2. Cleveland Cherries, nice bushy plants at each 75c. Fine Bushy Begonias, covered with bloom at each 25c and 50c. S. J. Jackman & Sons Florists Phone 80 Bowmanville Lots of Good Christmas Beef and Poultry at Edmondstone's For the Christmas festivities and the many happy family reunions we will be filling mnany or- ders for meat and poultry with some of the choicest stock obtainable. We -will have prize winning beef fattened by the best feeders in the district. Our display of poultry will be a show in it- self. Leave your order 110w and we'll deliver when wanted. G. A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowmanville ~JI Ebenezer at South Oshawa. Enniskillen at Eldad. Salem at Hampton. Bowmanvîlle at Newcastle, Tyrone at Maple Grove. Hope to complete this list in the, course of 'a week or se. The meeting adjeurned te cal! of President. Ruth Johns, District Secretary. FARMERS' ATTENTION! Sweet Clover Hulling done Haydon Mill. 51-2w* R. Read & Son, R. R. 6, Bowmanville SHOOTING MATCH On Saturday, December 2th at 1 p. m. a shooting match wil be held at Mr. R. C. Scott's, Solina. IRifle and shot ,un ranges. Geese an'd ducks for prizes. Farm Wanted FARM WANTED-Sm ail acreage farmn, 3 ýto 10 atcres. near bi'gbway. Pr-ice not to exceedi $5000. Apply W. G. -Miller, Osiawa. 51-2' Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Friday-Saturday, Decenmber 19-20 "The Lone Wolf" By Vance With Jack Hoit and Dorothy Dlalton. Monday-Tuesday, December 22-23 Glenn Ilunter and Viola Dana in "Merton of The Movies" Wednesday-Thursday, Dec. 24-25 "Orphans of the Storm" Friday-Satuw4ay, December 26-27 Douglas MacLean in "The Yanltie Consu.l" Mondtay-Tisesday, December 29-30 Harold Lloyd in "Hot Water'" To Let HOUSE TO RENT-Smali house, cor- ner Ontarîlo and King Streets, Bowman- vil. Apply to J. J. Mason & Son, B'owmanviile ,or A. A. Oolwiil, -Newcast- le. 49-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Gýoodl brick bouse 01n King Stret, East, 7 rooms, fresbly decorated, furnace, electric liglits, lbard and sof t water inside. Wired for lectric stove. Garage, zood ga r d en appie andsalfrt. Apply to Mr,-' E.V. Scobeil. Real Estatë Agent, Bow- mnanvilie. 51-3w* Farms to Rent FARM TO RENT-126 acres, lot 3, B. P., Darlingion. Piowving possession at onice, full possession April 1, 1925. Ap- ply to _Mrs. Jamen(s MacConnachie, King St., E. Bowmianviile. 34-tf 150 ACRE FARM FOR SALE-Wilhin two nmilesof0f Oono, good land good buildings., viluab](e timiber, plenty of water. Convenienit to scbioois a nd mnar- ket. Noted as aL great prod ucig farm. Land in good state of cultivation . Bar- ga in for, quick sale. Liberaýl terma., Get fuil particulars froîn R. Z. Hfall, Postmaster. Orono. 50tf Property For Sale- HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT- Frame bhouse on Elgin -Street, Bowmian- ville. containing 8 roomas, town %vater, electric ligbts, «i, acgres land, with ap - pie and smnail fruits, stable. Appil' to John TR. Kiveli. Hlampton R. P. 1 ~phone 238-32. 41-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-In Hlampt[on, new framie bouse, beautifuliy sltuated over- looking Park, and on main road, 6 roorns, gooel celIar, cement floor, bard and soft water in pantry, smnaii fruitstres, i acre land. Real bargain if yýou havo the cash. Apply A. E. Jennings, owner, Hampton, 47..:k EX ELL'IOT, JEWELER, OFFERS A Christmas 16 Just Around the CornerJ 1 have put in a s tocko e' 0f Candies for the holidays that are choice. While prices are very reasonable an-d range fromr 20c a lb. Up. ORANGES from 25c te 55c MIXED NUTS 23C lb. Then 1 have added a very at- tractive lune 0of Greeting Cards and Picture Books. Look these over. Get a car full of Christie Biscuits for the Ki ddies at 90C Or buy a Drum filled with Weston's Fancy Biscuits at 50C 0f course 1 have the fresh- est fruit and peel for the Christmas Cake and Pudding. E. F. W. eekes The Community Grocer 0erÎner King and Ontario St.. Phione 226 ring 4 IROWMANVILLE, DEC. 18th., 1924, YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE _______________________--Meeting; of Executive at Hampt u! LOCAL AND OTHERWISE The executive of the Young! 1Mi. and Mrs. Louis Blatter of! People's League o the Bowm-anville Monîtreal, spent the wýeekendl at Mrs. District was called at Hamp)ton on C. Penifound's. the afternoon of Decemnber 9th to Mr. andi Mrs. Thos. vanstonehae osir the work of the year. After g-one to Newv Toronto to spend tÏhe the devotional period cond(ucuted.byl winter ith hier daughter, Mrs. B. A . M.EatCeene1is ie Sisler. President of the District, roll was Mrs.W. H Hafucr, Trone ~ alled and these memibers responded:1 conined to her bed andi under theý Rev. J. U. Robins, Hon. President of medical care. lier miany frienidsa the District; Mr. Wml. C. Parsons, wishbera seed recovry. President; Mr, Ewart Clemience, ist wis-i lir aspeey rcovey. vice; Mrs., Lloyd Ashton, 2nld Vice; Mr. and _Mrs. A. E. Shaw have re- move'd fromn Osb-awa to Bowmnanville. Mr. Cecil Bint, 3rd Vice; Mis. (Rev) E. B . Cooke, 6th Vice; _Miss Ruth1 Mr. Shaw is a partner in the West Jhs ertr;Rv .W EndGarge.Jones, B. D., Conf. Sec. of R. E.; The Lucille Hairdressing Parlors, Mr. Kyle Squair, Treasurer. 28 1/z_ Sinicoe St. N., Oshaw~a, will bei A report of the Treasurer sbowed closed for business from Wednesday, aac f$ .0i h rauy cemiber 2t Puni 815MondayDe! In the report of ist vice-Presi- cenme2t. Phn85fo ap denit, it was claimied that the first pointmnt. Iessential for success in this Depart- Mrs. Harry Smith, Rochester, N. s eti oscr eîycnert Y., who is spending the holidys wth' ed person as leader of the d1epart- bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rob-met Scodomaeeryim inrson, Newcastle, has been guest ofeonth eona acord witb tesir-n Mrs. Charles Mutton, South Ward. it of consecration and third, previous Rev. Dr. W. L. Armstrong, Pastor 1prýeparationi. of Centennial Churchi, Toronto, and in onetonwtb rpoto Mrs. Arnistrong, miotored through, Secon'd Vice-Presidïent, it wsdcd townon ondy ad wee gcat ofed to request every League on the their cousin, Miss Sara Dean, Mill- District to ask for a special offeringl broo, unil Tcsdsy. *in connection with the support at Hann's Haberdasbery announices the West China Union University ofl that the Y's Meni's Orchestra of Osh-1 sucb at student for, the Metbodist awâà, will give a miusical porminmnistry as Rev. Geo. W. Sparling his store Saturday evenînig, from l81 mayi deem m nost suitable and the to 11 p. ni. Step in and enàjoy the amnount received in each League to muisi,.c wbile doing yollr shopping. 1 be sent to Ms Lloyd Ashton, Bow-ý Auctioneer Long writes anotherý manville R. R. (6, who is autborized' letter on bis o>bservationis of condlit- to send the $50.00 direct to Rev. Mr rions in Bownmnville and replies toi Sparling for tbis special work letters of "A Business Man" and 1,nluthîs., connection it was recoin- "Thriifty Farmiier." Owing to l'aqteý mended that a "Sparling Nigbýt" be arrivai of tbis letter it is bield over observedl in each League 'for this pur- for next week-'s issue, pose on the Social and Literary nigbt Mr. Fenton N. Stevens, Ontario, in the mionth of Januar-y. Street, celebrated bis 81st birtbd]ay MvTý1. Cecil Bint, Osbawa, reported on Tuesday. He is one of our b)riefly for the 3rd Departmient ,vhich1 veteran y1oung men. The pioneer hie said wvas one of the most popular work he did in bis boyhood seemas to as well as thie riost promiising of any bave given himi vigor and pep for bis, of tbe six departmlents. As Boy advancýed years. MaLyor of tbe City of Oshawa tbie Miss Larmne Tomipson, daugter i the Executive feels thalt it bas reas-_ of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomipson of 1j0on to look for real leadersbiip in Taunton, bas accepted tbe position connectiori witb this department. Supervisor of Knickerbocker Hos- Mrs. Cooke, Newcastle, gave aI pital 450 West 131st St. New York, splendid outline for the work of tbe City. Miss Thompsen is a graduate Junior Leagu e ai placed the. re- i Nicholîs Hospital, Peterboro. sponsîbility of org1-anizing Junior1 In recent election for Obder Boys' Lage upon thle executive of the parliamnt wbich meets in Torontoj Senior League. She pointed out foiDecember 26th to 3lst., Albertlhow ideal the Junior Leangue pro- W. Tucker, only son of Rev. W. B.1 grani is for tbe training- of junior Tucker, B. A., B. D., Toronto, was g ir ls and boys, and it mlay be con- elected to represent District No. 11. ducte'd successfully wi.th a Mission He is nepbew cf Rev. S. T. Tucker, i Band having the Band take tbe Mis- Orono, f-ormerly of Millbrook, andi sionary Prograni of the Junior bas hati a seat in three Boys' Parlia-ý League. ments.j Presidenit Parsons had macle cave- f ul preparation for this meeting and COLD WEATHER COMING took a keen and active interest in _________ ail the discussions andtbs pr- Have those cracks and holes in' ent felt tbat thle outstanding success wor ýindows and doors tightened of the meeting was dlue largely teý up witb Chaimberlain Weatherstrip., ipantkg o1: They pay for theniselves in thie coal The question of tbe Inter-Leagueý bill, say nothing of tbe extra cern- debates was the neait live issue con-ý f ort. Mr. Vance wbo bas thle sole j sidereld. The date set for holding agency for this distrit, wil betlbe flvst inter-Leagîte febate on pleased te call and furnish estimates! Bowmanville District was January 7, free. Phone Statesmu,ýn Office and I 1925. Subjeet :-"Resolved that have Mv. Vance cail. 1 tbe drift of population fromn country to urban centres is due more te so- cial than economic factors". Sehe- !dule :i BIRTHS COBB-In Harris, Sask., on Sunday, Noebr23,924 to Rýýv. and Mrs HI S. Cobb, a dlaugliter. PERRITT-Near Hampton, on Satur- day, Dýcember 1*, .1924, to M'r. and« Mrs. W. T. Periitt, ai son. DEATHS H.AYVIMA N-1rBownanivile, on Satur- daqy, D!*,'r,îth., 1924, John Thomaýs1 Hlayian.,agedf 47 years. SCOTT-,ý. Five Points, East Whitly Deebr10, 12,EihEileen, cdugb- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thjomaj:s Scoitt i bier î7tb year, WVR 1GHiT-Aýt "2 0 0Sher' w ood Avel Deebr 2, i924, HToraýce V. Wrigh, suion ,f the late Johin \Wright, Port IHop, ini is 5tyear. McCLUNG -fi InToronto, on Tedy Decembe l6th, 124,Mary Aei Brwnvidow of thlate 0 Will "Im, c clung, omavllin ber s6th ea MUTTON-EdIwardI Mutton, at bis oate reiecDundfonaid, neair C1oiono TuaaDecember 1li. Unele of -mi'. NeilMutonBowimanville. TAMBLYN--Sudden1iiy iniBwavle onTusyDeme 16th.. 19214, Fran- ces Ruth Eanyonetdaugbter (of Mr. and Mrs. Maurmice W. TambiIlyni aged ï1(i montbs. lintermenit at Port Hope. IN MEMORIAM 11n loving mem-fiory of Thomas Pso *whio trd norest on Dcme 8 1921 ýTbewo, may chaýnge fromi year to yeanr And! friends fr-om day to day, But neyerI, ý] ll(heone we lovedI 1rom 11eory lpasa wy Wif e and Family Articles for Sale FOR SALE-1DurbIam iCow, due end Iof .JanuaLry, alsoYrkbe Pigs, 6wck o 1d E. Stenabauigb, north of Ma1,pi"' *WOOD FOR SALE-Dry wood cut in stove lengthis, $0tor a big cor-id deliver ed. Mrs. Olent. R. 5, omnvie phone 181-ra. 47-tf FURNACE FOR SALE-Sauill second handPeae urac, itb new at coil aýnd pipe.s. AIlinlugood conditioni 'ppvy o T. (C. Jwll orneri Ontarj andQuenSts., B(momanville. r50 1w jCOWVS FOR SALE-2 young Duir1iamn Cwjust renewedI. Real comrbina:tiion of miIlk and beef. Apply to H.1 M. Fo.s(- er. Mainvers RoadI, LowmniLnville, pblont- 20ùr4. 50-tf -FR SA L E-Canaries, R1ollers, nicely marnked ,urated'ngr 5ea'ci), liens s$150, also cge.If -ou are (look- ing for a nii(,e-bird for Cristmas do'l miss thlis chne. B. Be ,'Elgi n S.NBowmaniville. 5-w FOR SALE-Mammnoth Pekin D)uckýs and Drakes (can supply trios fil akin) from prize stock at Guelph, Tor- onto and Royal. $2 and $3 eacb Au,- ply MI. J. Tamiblyn, Orono, 5~w POU LTRY FOR SALE-Beautiful Duicks, Barred, Rock Coekerels, ail purie bredi from prize winning stock. Geese $4 eacli: ducks $2 eacb; Cockerels $1.,51 eacbl. Comne early and get youIr ee. Richardson Sandcerson, Tyrone R.1. 1, phone 320-13, 50il2w FOR SALE-Good Ford Touring, 1921 mode], starter and electflc ligbt, shock absorber, bumper, and cordt tires. A bargain il sold at once. AI s. tbree power-miakers to use witb car to cut wood, grind feed, etc. Ph~one 185 or, calat A. W. Pickard's, King St. East, Bowmanville. 49-tf. Wanted WANTED-Cattle to feed during the ,inter miontbs. Will Ashton, Ennis- killen. 51-ti SET 0F SLEIGHS-Sultable for tak- ing mnilk to station. App1)1ly to D)rawerI B, B3owmnanville. Lost or Found PURSE LOST-On King St., Tbursday afternoon, D)ecembier llth. Black Leathero Purse witbout handie contaîning sumi of mioney. Reward if lef t at Statesrnan Offie. 51-1w- CATTLE STRAYED-Fromn Lot 5 Con. 5, Darlington, 4 Yearling Cattle, on D-ecemnber lat. Rwr for information leading to tbieir whiereabouts. A. W. .Annis, Tyrone, pbione 196-21. 50-3 STRAYED-4 fat heifers from lot ?1, con. 2, Darlington, 2- roans and 2? reds. Information leading to reeover y of part or aIl of tbemn will be suitably rewarded. Or if you bave seen tbemr please phone 45. Hl. B. Poster, Bowmanville. 46-t I Cabinets of Silverware Reduced 25 per cent Jewelry Wonderful bargains in this department, several lines, Reduced 50 per cent These are a few of the outstanding bargains that are yours for the choosing. You will find scores of other gift articles here that will also tempt your fancy. It is hardly likely you wiIll again have the chance to buy dependable goods of the high class quality these are at such low prices. Don't be content with reading this advt. spect the goods. Corne and in- Store Open Evenings Till Christmas Alex. Elliot, Jeweler Phone 207 Bowmanville ,- .- THAT GIFT SEEKERS WILL APPRECIATE CuStomrs xpres uprise Many peopfle arýe eVidenLyunder the impression- that our stocks have becomie depleted. Butwhe-n they look around our store they are pleasantly surprmised to see the variety of goods which makes gift choosing an easy matter. 0f co-urse, everybody is talking about the ridicuously Iow prices -we have placed on our gYoods. But you know why we are doing this: We are going out of.business and must clean out the remainder of our stock w-ith as littie delay as possible. YouSave Prom 25 to 50 PRer Cent These savings corne at a very opportune time with Christ- mas ams here. Th-.is list wl give you a slight idea of the savinigs our customers are enjoying: Diamond Rings Reduced 35 per cent Ladies' Wrist Watches Reduced 25 per cent Men's Rocket Watches Reduced 25 per cent Flatwareý Including Community Plate, Holmes & Edwards, Rogers 1847, Canadian Wm. Rogers. Reduced 25 per cent Holloware Including Cake Baskets, Casseroles, Tea Services, Bread Trays, Fruit Trays, Pie Plates. Reduced 30 per cent v Clocks of ail Kinds Reduced 25 per cent 1 1 mz;z;;Zr»m- . 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 ... 1 1 . .. 1 i