"',Nerves in Bad State Could Not Sleep"l Mrs. H. N. Tardeil, Harrowsnrith, Ont., writes-. -My nerves were in a very bad state, anid for nearly six months 1 did flot know what it was to have a good night's rest. 1 could not eat, and never feit well. 1 heard about Dr. Chase's Nerve Fnod, ~. --~---~ and thought I would try it. After [~ '\taking it for a few days 1 bega,>n * to feel better, and soon was able [ o sleep well at night. Myp- t ite also reburnied, and 1 f e \ -""ýt stronger and better, and after - taking three boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 1 was quite weII. I have also given the Nerve Food su itts. il,"t go e to it ti gr, i od e Dr. Chasel.s Nerve Food 60 cts. a box of 60 plls, Ecimausor, Bates & Cmo, ltd., Toroto C- B. KENT, POST OFFICE, TOWN AGENT AfiTllilHF-AD and BRONCHIAL EUSM UUVE'I COLPS Na Smok-No Sprays -Ne Snuff Just Swallow a RAZ-MAUl Capsule kestores normal breatbing. Quickly stops al chokiug, ga8ping anti mucus ftherins in bronchiai tubes. Gives on.g nights of restful sieep. Contains no injurious or habit-formnig drugsLi. $1.00 pet box at drugýs tores. Sei5c."for generous trial. TmltnTrno Gi ~.,AT1DREL IEF ý 20 MINUTES, That's ail. Twenty minutes after taking a ZUTOO tablet your headache will ho gone. One of these littie tableta.-safc, reliable and harmieSa as soda-will sop any headache in 20mnnItes-. Or, better still, taken when y ou feel the he-adache coming on, a ZUTOQ tablet will ward it off -nip it ln the bud. No Ileadache It was while experimenting with cad-liver ail to unlock the secret oie its wonderful health-building virtues, that the 'oasis of its great helpfulness to mankind, the vitamins, was discovered. Scoll's Enlulsionm% needs noa introdudion ta the millions who duringý fifty yearsi past have been helped ta strength and better health. Scott's Emrulsion, the great strength-maker, serves millions of children and ( aduits regularly. 'Why flot you ?e Scott & Bownie, Toronito, Ont. 24-2W GThre Greal Englisir Preparation. , Tones and invgorates the wWoe -. ervous systern. makes new Blood ini old Veins. Used for Nervous Debiity. Mental and Brain Worry, Despende Lo;ss of Euer Palpitation o th ieatiyilngMemoy. $ce2 pe.1box, 3t fer:5. ý Sold by aU druggisis, or mailin eplain pk.on recenpt of price. New pamrphla~ maited Irce. Til-eWcooOMEDICINE C.TRNOOT fvee dom firom Pain Neural9îa, Thousands of Canadians have founad that T.R.C.'s give qufekest and surAet relief froma Pain. T.RC.'s &et directly =athe poisonm ithat cauose the pain. Th.y contala naucdangerous or habit ferrning drugs. Yeur druggist recom- mend , theni. Send 10-- for generGEs triaL Templetons. Toronto. $1 .00 Rhsu.-:tism 50e. .H:d:cbes S*ZE Lumbago SIZE P.ins S C4CPSULE-S 51 RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY1 GOING EAST GOING WEST1 8.42 a. ni. 0 4.22 a. mi. Fý 10.36 a. ni. D 10.07 a. mi. D 1.26 p.ni. F 2.02 P. ni. 3.06 . ni.* 7.13 p. m* 7.14 P.rni. 8.24 p.n. 9.58 P. nM.D 9.06 a. ini. Sunday only. 11.21 P. nM. F Sunday Oniy 12.29 a. ni. F 7.26 p. ni. F-Flag < El-Dally *..Dailyr except Sunday. CA NA DIA N GOING EAST 10.25 a. ni. 2.45 p.ni 10.08 P.ni 11j.28 P. ni. 12.26 a. ni. PACIFIC RAILWAY GOING WEST 5.54a.n 6.256. i 8.20 a. ni 4.24 p. m 7.42 p. mi CANADiAN NATIONAL RAILWAY TYRONE STATION Monday, Wedmeaday, Friday Going Eaist GoingWest 634 p. m. 8.15 a. M. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Going East GigWs 5.00 np.m..3 a. . B'OWMANVILLE, DEC. 18th., 1924 Wymi was one of the leading doctorsi ______________ ______ jof the State of Montana, one of the Surgeons of the Northern Pacîl KEDRON Railwa,, as a pracice that he start- _______ ed out alone with in Miles City, now Mr. R. J. Luke and Miss Gussie' there are six doctors in their office, visited at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's. was Mayor of the City for ten years, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin v7isit- was elected for the Statle Legisiature e d M r. asd( Mrs-. G. Arinour, Zior. a number of years ago andrelte Mr. andÀ Mrs. Luther Mountjoy this Fail, hias a beautiful hn, aSý and daughter Grace, Blackstock, vis-, a real cýar, andi drove mie uai l oer ited Mrs. J. Mountjoy.1 God's creation and intro)duec me Mr. and Mrs. T. Gimblett andi El-1 to ail1 the top notchýeTs a-,-i told them; len, Maple Grove, visite-d at Mr. E. hojw we sat in schiool tog-ether. Go.3h1 Mountjoy's. 1 neyer opened miy outh foi fe'ar Sweet and palatable, Mqothe siome of bis aristocratie friends Graves' Worm Exterm-iinator is ac-1 would start criticising my bad gramn- ceptable to chiltiren, and it does itsi mar and, ignorance. -e o work srely nd proptly.Wym is a regular subseribert Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey ascoe are the rono News and 1 feelvou e taking up residence at Ambolside him these nice things Iansyn Faim. Mr. and Mr--. H. L. Pascoe1 about him and should piti. I are moving to Columbus where they I told y~ou the nice thinigr h e saiti have purchase~d a house. In their about 'you I feel your neigdiborsý rernvalfromher wefeela geatwould not be able to live near that1 sense of loss as Mr. and Mrs. Pascoe I h nce thea fyus igIhaveo ha.e benresideints here for over say1 owe these ietngIhv thive beenarsa-d have proveti the-il sai about him as he gave me an or- selves a great asset te the commun-1 e osn i uto 0hCn ity, being people of gooti judgment tury ýClothes and when I or miy sou and igbiidels. On uesdy een-Bill seads him bis accounit I feel he' ing by invitation of Mrn and Mrs. H. for tsretn er.Is waatyou toeprint F. Werry a number of their assoc- frti etr atyut rn lates iu chureh and cornmnunity met this andi will try andi makçe my letters at Mr. Werry's homne to spenti a to YOU ini future a -littie more brief. social evening and, say farewell. Bowmanviiie Statesinan for ay1 When the guests had assemribled, Mr. par i quite welicome to copy this F. W. Lee called the gathering to I-tr order and Mr. R. J. Luke read this ad*ress: Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pascoe: We, a few of your Kedroýn frienids,' have met together this evening to extend to you our best wishes. Weý are sorry to hear that you are leav- New Issue ing our immii-ediate community and enUrch circles. W e regret that these breaks are necessary, but we always remember that "New occasions teach new duties, Timemakes ancient good uncouth, We must upw'ard ever onward,' It has been said that we should l ive so that when we leave we will flot be missed,, We are confident T that the lives you have livcd among w us should enthuse others to measure Iup to the responsibilities of 1f e. f'~o su We wvili miss you though, in more ways than one, for very few people ,. ai and sen are as capable and as wîlling Vio do iarnch in C their bit as you have beeýn, but we $100, feel that what is our loss is somte- or Gne's gain. We are sorry to lose Walton but are glati to retain Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Pascoe in our activities and we wi,,hlitbem every success. We are gladt o know that you will be living so near us andi shaîl be Traw happy to welcome you back to Ked- ron as often as you eau comne. W e assui'e you that we as a corn- munity and churcb, wisb you every Mr E. \V happiness and true friendsbip iulttronDcr your new home, and a long life of lte fDcr usef ulness. Tee We especially tbank you ianafor your cheerfuiness and willingness iniovr usalservice. at rese Signeti on bebaîf of your friends %<j at Kedron, H. F. Werry, R. J. Luke. Alîd Mir. and Mrs. Pascoe repiied in1a aid'n few well chosen remarks and corrî- pllmentary speeches were made byl others present after whieh the even- In addid ing was spen t in a social way. unpaid Miller'.s Worm Powders, beiag in ti respe tiemand every-where, can be got at bo àany chemist's or drug shop at very bacsoi remiedy for worm troubles andi can $66,00( be fully relied upon to expel worms principe from thesystem andi abute the suf- aly erings that worms cause. There ifarlwan are many mothers that rej olce thatitW1 they founti available so effective a as topi remedy for the relief of their child-Aimo reu.AIlne f Certifici C. G. ARMSTRONG'S TRAVELSI Orono's leadýing merchant prince JCharlie G. Arnstrong has written a letter to Editor Sam Cutteil of The News that appeal$ to us as somewhat of a challenge to the senior editor. So, just to show to Charlie that tbere's no bard feelings between us, we'li, print his letter which we do, giadly, anti hope to have tbe chance of giving our readers some more gooti stie from bis versatile quil.- Editer C. S. Dear Samn-Since writing you last, I, rigbt say I stayeti a day in Cbhcgoj anti St. Paul antiarn now settieti in here witb my brother Harry. 1 stayeti ne day with "Pumnpy" or better known la Myles City as Dr. Andrus. Pumipy anti I surely hati one real taik over oldtimes la anti urouati Ororto. 1 got teiling hlm about a conversatîon Rolly Hall anti by brother Bill and I hati about the men whom we remenibereti who were in business in Orono fifty years ugo, anti Dr. Wymn who wasa born Mimie went over a lot of the -pecularities be coulti remienber of a lot of olti timiers. SFor instance the late John A. Gnirtiner, Thonias Venner, L. A. Gamisby, John Cutteil, S. F. New- soni, Geo. M. Long, Job Cobbletiîck, Thos. Cronkhite, Barney Andrus, Henry OdeIl, Freeborai Carscadtien, Isaac Winter, John Chester, et ai. But the ones whomn Wym seemeti to really enjoy talking about anti im- personating was John Watson, Frank Waltion, Davidi Kirkiand anti Bill the Barber. IV surely was wortb the price of the wboie trip to me as heceaiy brought back to my memnory a lot of things that matie mne feel alï-oýst like I was when a boy attentiing th e olti school up on, Uni- versity 1Hi1l. MUost villag-es anti towns do a lot of puffing anti blowing about their Olti Boys who have matie gooti. But I wouil just like M. A. 'James of The Statesman wben hýe is writing about their Bowmanvilie olti boys to just tak-e notice tha-t Wyman Antirus who la a brothier-in-lýaw of one of Bowmanvilels olti citizens, anti I ne- f er to the late Principal Jamnes Gil- fillan, B. A., anti who if I nemember right was bora tiown close to Orono,ý anti was a credit to any place wbere1 he livei. IHe sunely if living to-1 day, would be proudti o tell youl th£ti purc;na*S Certifica ti the fo Certifica The Noi between The net Consoliî CHEERFUL PILGRIMS (Psalm i71:18.) In the seasýon's choicest blessing Mýay it be your joy to share More thani wheni, while uipward pres- sinig. You could for life's tasks prepare. Springtime's flowers of beauty faded; Sumrsglory passed a-way; 1 Autt3mn could not be evadeti; 1 Then there came the Winter's day. Now the Father is bestowing- Much of that for which you sighed; You la grateful love aregrin While your neeis are aIl supplieti. HYealth and streagth H1e is restoring1 1Whlle the evening shatiows faîl; Glad you are to be exploring That great love which cntes for ail. Life's brief span H1e is extentling That H1e muy Hlmnself reveai; Richest blessings now descentiing' Prove His power to hielp ani heal. May you know that 11e la near you; May H1e aIl your tioubts tiestroy; May He neyer fail to cheer you, 1 WitbH is own exceeting j oy. T. Watson. Ritigetown, Ont., 1924. $1130OOOOO adian Pacific Railway Company ,enty Year 4'/2%ýo Sinking Fund Secured Note Certificates >ecember 1 5, 1924. Date of Maturity December 15, 1944. ni-annual interest (June 15 arnc Decem1ber 15) payable direct to holders by cheque negotiable at par at an.,y Canada of the Bank of Monti-eal. Fully registered Note Certificates wili be ise in denominatxons of $500, $1,000, $1 0,000 and $100,000. Redeenable in whole or in part on any interest date ,n six weeks prior notice at 102 and interest up' to and including Decemnber ! 5, 1929, and at a declining premiïum of ý4, ofI % during eaâch [ive yea r period thereaïfter. Legal investmnent for Canadian Insurance Companies. TRUSTEE AND REGISTRAR: THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY. nsfers rnay be, eifected at the Rogistratr*s offices or agencies in Montreal, Ottawa, Tarent, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary and Vancouver. V. Beatty, K.C., President of the Cariadian Pacifie Railway Company, has suimmarized his, iber 8, 1924, as foilows:- Note Certificates wiII be. direct obligations of the Railway Company and bave priority 93,335.254 Preference Stoýck and $260,000,000 Common Stock, representing an equity ;nt market priées of approximately $460,000,000. The Preference Stock bas rcceived vidends witbout interruption since its issuance in 1895. The Common Stock has paid adz continuously since 1882, with the exception of the year 1895, the rate "ice 1912 been 10%ý' per annum. iion tbey iil be secured by tbe assigrient to tbe Trustee, by way of security, cf ail! purebase maoney or deferred payments owing or accruing due to the Railway Company ýct of lands in tbe Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatcbewan, Alberta and BritishbIrohim- Jor contracted to lie soîd by it prior to December 1, 1924. Tbe amount due or kg due to tbe Raiîway Comnpany on December 1, 1924, in respect of said sales was )0,000. The Railway Comxpany will covenant to pay to the Trustee ail monies, botb >a] and interest, less expenses and taxes paid to protect tbe security, received by the ýy Company in respect of the said cidntracts. The Railway Company covenants that not charge the lands in 1respect 15f which sucli ceferred payments are or shahlie due, so ?rejudice i any mariner the security bereby created. rnies received by tbe Trustee wiil lie utilized for the paynient of intewest on tbese Note cates and thereafter as a Sir~ng1;i. Fund for the purchase and canceilation of fbese Note zates at the best prices obtainable up to tbe cail price prevailing, at the time of such e. Yf Note Certificates caninot be so purcbased the Trustee sbail redeemn the Note zates by lot at the prevailing cali price. Tbe Railway Company wiil covenant that, fourtb and eacb succeeding year the annual arnount available for tbe purchase of Note ýates will lie at least $300,000. >te Certificates wiil be issued under, secured by and subject to a Trust Agreement i tbe Railway Company and Tbe Royal Trust Company as Trustee. 4 earnings for the hast five years, after paying ail fixed cbarges, including interest on ihated Debenture Stock and ail other obligations, bave been as foilows:- Year ending 44 i 49 4 1 94 g 44 id December 31, 1919............................ 1$31,320,868 41920........................32,844,083 id 1921. .. ..ý.............* ....*.* 33,169,867 44 1922-........................ 33,545,140 44 " 1923........... .......... ...34,899,409, Yearly interest on tbese Note Certificates, anounts to $1,350,000. The average yearly net earnings for tbe at five years as above set forth antount to $33,155,873, or over 24 limes annual interest requiremnents on these Note Certificates. These Sinking Fumd Secinred Note Cer-tficatee are offered if, as and wheqn issucd and received byus, and ia)etct tc tac approval cf al legaI details by Messrs. Meredith, Holden, H-ew ard & Hloilen. Trustee Certificates in intern ferr or Net. Certîficates in definitive fanm will be available for .lelîvery on or about Decexnier 30, 1924. Price 92.25 and interest, ta yield 5% The Royal Bank of Caniada Wood, Gundy & Company Harris, Forbes & Company Limîjted Matthews & Company LImited Osier & Hammnond The Bank of Nova Scotia Banque d'Hochelaga Bank of Montreal The Canadian Bank of Commerce Dominion Securities Corporation Lîmited Hanson Bros. Nesbitt, Thomson & Company Limited Greensbields & Company Imperial Bank of Canada The Molsons Bank The Standard Bank of Canada The Sterling Bank of Canada The National City Company 1Li"m ited A. E. Ames & Company R. A. Daly & Company René T. Leclerc, Ic. The Dominion Bank Bank of Toronto Union Bank of Canada La Banque Provinciale du Canada The information contsined ie tis advertisemecnt is basetiupn fficial statcments and statisttes on which we have relieSi the purzhasue of thme Note CertificRtes. W e doonot guarantee but bceee it ta, b.c orrect N'~ p Ce";ANNEL COAL Ebony Cube-the best cannel coal mixed. We have ju.st unloaded a car for use in fire- place or grates. Now that the cool evenings are here let us supply your wants for a nice cosy warm grate tire. J. A. HOLGATE & SON phone 153 Bowmanville £Imm