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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1924, p. 3

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Christmpas Economies You will find everything here you expect to find in a well equippedgrocery store-ail fresh and new for Christmas trade. Our reasonable prices are always a strong factor in holding old customners and getting new ones. Hiere you find the choicest in Staple Grocer-1 jes., Oranges, Grapes, Bananas, Lemons, Raisins, Nuts of ail kinds, dandy mixtures of Candies from 25c IL.Up. Let us fil your order for poultry. bring us your poultry if ît's first class. IIARRV PHONE 1 -9 Farmers, ALL-,IN BOWM&N VZILE Hiave "Sunshine" Furnace For Cold Weather Easy installed Easy to operate Easy on coal Easy to pay for An estimnate places you un- der nio obligation unless per- 0 fectly satisfled. Greenaway & Elliott Heating Experts and Çomialting Engineera Phon 18Bowraanill. Mechanical Toys At Brown's Store (Formerly P. C. Trebilcock's Store) The demanda on your peeket book at this season are num- eroUs. Frientis must be remembereti. Your dollar will go a long way in purchases at this store. The variety of our attractive &tock Arill surprise you-and the low pri.ces are pleasing niany Christmas shoppers. Children's Books 5c te $3.50 Trinkets and Cames 25e up Books, reprints 85e te $1,00 Books, Copyright $2.00 Enton, Crane & Pike quality stationery in beautiful gift boxes 25e up Fountain Pens 50c te $10 Hand Painted China 50c te 60e Christmas Cards anti Decorations, and lots of other gift suggestions for olti andi young. Co-me in anti look arounti any time. A BARGAIN-The New paedia, 5 volumes in set, $35, sacrifice for $15,00. Teachers' andi Pupils' Cycle- absolutely new, original price FRANK R. BROWN King St. E. Bowmanville SEASONABLE SUGGESTlIONS Fili your coal bin with Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton Coal at SUMMER PRICES. Cover your roof with Artistic Ruberoid Octab Siate Surfaced Shingles. Colors-Sage Green and Venietian Red. Very best material and manu- facture. Also roll roofing of various grades and prices to suit every purpose. Replac'e your unsanitary,, dust-laden carpets with Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring. Cheaper, more wholesome, more durable and better in ap- pearance than other floor covering. Estimates cheerfuliy furnished on ail kinds of building material. McClan & Co., Limnited King St. East Bowmanville Offie Phone 15 Houa. Phones 228, 274, 218 I kOWMAiNVILLJ, LHtC.25th, 12 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING luteresting Statutory Meeting. The statutory meeting of town council ld Monday, Decemiberl lSth started out as if a« real bomh-i bandled by the Chairmi-an of Water- works Commrfittee, was going to up- set t'he w,,hole m-unicipal works,, but it turnied out to be a dud. lIt waýs just aniother of those rum-ors, witb- eut fouindation, that you bear on the Street firomu cnalogrswode- liglit in slanderinig their follow citi- zens, After the stormi came tecl wben the meeting developed into n mrutual admiration societly. Council- lors said lots of nice things about each other and told bow smootbly the business bad beeni tran'saý,cted during the(, year. How eacb and al l rad done tbeir part so w\ýiilingly anýdnob- ly without fear or favor. Finally the chaïir of tbe Fire C-'omittee f elt the timie had comne wbeni actions, sbould speak, louder than words 50 be produced ai box cf 'smokers' and ahl partook cof the cigars from tbe veteran Cief of Police to thre Mayor himself. The stogie wsevidýently, toc mnucl for His Worsirip for no0 soonier bad hie inbaled a few pulls' cf the sea weed tbani real Christm-asý cheer anid genercsity g-ot the betteri cf hîmi and he invited ail bis bire6 help te partake cf cystess'beg ed inipasteurized îmilk. And inow te bsns! W. Wcod - ward, Brown-st., andmi . A. Neal, ow-tpetitionIed te bave trees cut idwinfl-ont cf the-ir popeýrtie S. Town Engîne-er will ivsiae C. P. R. inquired 'about securing temiwn der in- daîly quantities frcmi 50 000 te 70,000 gallons for theirý railway egne. Waterworks Comi- miittee -will ban die the matter.* En- gineer initimated that it is bardly hieyprc'sent supply is adequate to meet this'(demaniid, C'bef Richard Jarvis-, Cllector cfi Taxes, presented repcrt s'Ilcwing1. Ï ax-,es collected up to DýcemIber lStbr Ibeingl $77,607.62, outst(tndng,$12,ý- 96(34.3ý4. Collecter was autbcrized te continue levy and collection of taxes unpaid. Clerk JohL Iyle sbfowved ameounti cf moeney pasaing througb bis bianid.-s for year: receipta,84.4 de- pcsited in bank $1,839.13; balance on band $7.28. Chairman cof respective tndn Commi-ittees presented reports of es-1 timates and expenditures fer yeari as- fohlows:- 1Roads & Streets $3000.00 $3690.17 Public Property 41500.00 4470.41t Fire Dept. 5000.00 4744.751 Police Dept. 245,0.00 2437.17 Cemetery 1400.00 1.310.18 Relief & Health 1400.00 1657.10 Printing 450.00 355.01 Telephione 167.30 167.30 Salaries 2575.00 2853.51 Contingent 1200.00 1469.86, » Public Scbool 20,000.00 17,700.00 High Scbool 9300.00 9300.00 County Grant 9589.33 9589.3 Couirty Roads 2420.40 22 4 20.4 0 Expenditures under estimates 1337.20 $51,742.30 $51,742.30 By-laws were passed for holding municipal elections and te boirrow $3,441.65 upon debentures for local imnprovements. 1Milk by-laiw was amiended flxing total solîds at 11.75 per cent. Mayo,- Holgate, Ceunicillors James and Caverly were appointed a comn- mnittee te lcok into safety of Horsey Block. A vote of appreciation was tender- ed the nienibers of Fire Department for their splendid work during the year. TOWN ENGINEER'S REPORT At the beginning of the year a survey was made andi withi the ce- operatien of the Towni Engineer a conmiplete record ef the services and consumers was madie eut. It was deemed advisable te witb- holti extensive Local Imprevemnent Construiction this year ewing te the livelihooci cf a decreas-e in cost cf 1miaterials and labour. This act bas been justifieti as botb labeur and material in waterworks construction bas been reduced. Prolbably the most important event in connection with the Water- works this year was the application cf the Provincial <}overnmient for Town Water te supply the Boys' Training Scbool. An estimate w,7as made and submitted, but, up to the present the offer bas net been ac- cepted or rejected. In connection with this project Mr. Willis Chipman was called in to advise regarding the Construction and tbe taking i of another Spring. Mr. Chipmian de- signeti andi constructed the Water- works and Sewerage Systern and bis very coniplete repoýrt tendÏs te ex- press satisfaction w%,itb the systeni and its present condition. It is net a ligbt task te deal with this nmatter owing to tbe limiteci amount cf water at our disposai. A very important point which miust not be overloeked is the possibility thati 1wben wecellect from- anoth-er apring we niay decrease the quality of our present suppl. ,Our present Spring, naturally protected, flowing from tbe side of a Il remains free froni con- tamination tbrougbout its course, not so the ether springs, particularly Farrell's, -wbich is epen to surfacel contamination and shows sign of it. This contamination wïll of necessityi have to be removed andi its entry prevented, should we decide te sup- orsupply There is ne lessening of the quan- tity of wbich the Spring-s originally gave out. Quantity of Water Used This year we have useti 72 million gallons as against 66 millions last year. This is a very moderate amount being about 56 gallons per day per capita. QuelIty Samples of water taken and test-] ed by the Provincal ~Healèh uthori- Phone 249J Bowmanville P. O. Box 443 m ties show that it remn-iins pure and free from contamination. Medical Officer of Hcealth shlows-: in his statis- tics that there lias flot been a Case of Typhoid or other waterborne isease traceable to the Town w-ater supply wbich proves the corre4etness of the analysis. Fire Protectin That our water supply is adequate and that the pressure is ail! that we require was shown during the recent regrettable partial destruction by fire of the Horsey Block. Three streamai of hose, under 125 lbs. pres-' sure, pla-yed uponi the building for four ho>urs, and two streums played1 intermiittingly for one hiour with '70 lbs. pressure the amnount of water, used bei'ng nearly 200,000 gallons and at the conclusýion of the confla- ration wýe had over 150,000 gallons left in the Fire Tanks. J9lease permit me, Mr,. Mayor and gentlemen, to express in your pres-1 ence mny veryT highest appreciation for the splendid work and bard figllt which the Fire Brigade performed against very adverse conditions. They are worthy of the highest corn- mend(atie'n for their fearlessness and skill. Coat The very important part of this re- port is the cost of water. We are s0 often asked, Are we making thej tystem pay? Our dehenture ýdebt and averageý maintenance costs is about $13,000 aninually. Therefore, we should re- ceive not less than this amount. The' c!ost of brînging the water here is to us, about 18 cents per one thousand galonsor$ 1.13 per thýousand cubic feet. So you will see that the rate will of necessity have to be increased this year 1924 amount $11,182.5'7, against 1923 $10,252.17, thus shiow-- ing aniincrease of $930.40. T'here are '714 consumiers Vhis year as against 630 reported l'ast ye al. Our survey put several who -were om-,ittedý and 18 additional conniections have been ad1ded this year. Expencliture fer 1924 Maintainance Construction $2,507.36 937.79 1923 3,702.1:3 5,067.08 This year $9,650 has been paid into the general accounit as against [ast year of $4,600. Extensions 818 feet of 2 in main bas heeni laýid this yegar at, a cost of 86e per foot. There are seven consumers upon that line with a possible seven more. The total cost of the wvork being $703.48. In conclusion may I be permiitted' te express my thanks to you and the Council for, your lçindness and courtesy shown me du-ring the year It ýhas been a pleasure to work unders you, and your Couneil. Respectfully submitted, t Fred C. Palmer1 Would You Like a Piano For Christmas? If you would, cail me at 105 Bowmaniville. I have pianos for every purse-some as low as $100.00 F. J. MITCHELL Bowmanviile Ontario 1: ur Wish- CNSISTENT low prices, servie and a williii - nesto do a littie bit more than was absolutely ICI necessaty have won1 us many thousands of M. additional friends during the past year. Seventy new stores were opened to mieet the ever increasing demand'for the econon-y service of Our stores; and sales wil show a substantial increase E m illions at the end of the year, and we believe Dominion Stores have played no smnali part ire- ducig the cost of living i 1924 liEvery effort wfllb made to increase this servic because it is our sinicere belief that in se, doing we nifot oniy aid our patrons to enjoy a very Merry Christmas, but also assist themn in no small mieasure, and i a very practical way to have a Happy and Prosperous New Year-anid this is what we hieartfly wish eaéh one of you. Genieral Manager. ~!DOMINION STORES LIMITID 7X MONTREAL " TORONTO M <1 Late Christmas Shoppers Keep In Mind Copeland's Good-Bye Footwear Sale Everything in Footwear greatiy reduced in price for Wednesday. Copeland Shoe Store OBITUARY The Late MIrs. Emeline Holland We have to report the passing of another respected citizen after a very brief illness-MNrs. Emeline llIolland-wId,'ow of the late Moses Hofland, who passed to rest on Mon- day morning, Decem-ber 8th., at the home of ber daugbter, Mrs. D. W. Shearer of Toronto. Deceasedl was born near Napoanee seventy-five years ago,, but spent ail of her nuarried life in Bowmanville. The late Mrs. Holland was the daughter of James Mericle and Kath- erine MeNichol. She was a quiet woman who loved ber home and fami- ily and devoted ail of herseif, ber time and einergy to that 'home and her loved ones, friends and neigh-1 hors. The late MNr. Holland predeceased bis wif e almost four years, since that time the late Mrs. Holland bas spent thewntr with ber daug-hter and only child, Mlrs. D. W. Shearer of Toronto, returning t-o Bowmanville to spend mnost of the summer màonths in ber old home. Uer health be- ginning to fail, she had been per- suaded to break up ber home and rent lier bouse and b ad returned to make her home with lier daughter in Toronto, just two weeks before she passed away. A beautiful and rnest fitting ser- vice was beld on WedInesday at i a. m. at thie funeral parlors of Daniel Stone, 525 Sherbourne St., Torontoc where ail ber ol'd friends and rela- tives, -who now re.side in Trno gathered to pay their last rset to one wbose sudden passing out was a deep grief te ail. The remains were brought to Bowmianville accompanied by Mr. and MNrs. D. W. Shearer, two nieces, Mdrs. Peter Harrison and Adjutant Gertrude F. Holland, Superi tendentï of The W'omen's Hospital, London, Ont. A large number of friends and relatives gatbered at the old home ini Bowmianville, where a second výer- vice was held, througb tbe kn courtesy of the present tenants Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bird. The paîl- bearers were Mvessrs. John Stacey, Robert Bird, William Broek and John T. Hooper. Beautiful floral tributes sent by relatives and friends spoke elo- quently of tbeesteemn in whicb the deceased was held. Left to mourn her loss are a loy- ing daugbter and son-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Shearer and little grand-) daughiter Virginia Rosalie Reid, and one sister, Mrs. Jake Skillmn o Rochester, N. Y., who was toiit attend tbe funeral. Those attendiag the Bo-wmanville service from a distance were Mrs. Alecumbrack and Mr. Irwin Alcum- brack of Toronto, and Miss Mae Camieron of New York City, A WAY with duli evenings'! Get a 1-1- Trirdyn. Have it going to- night! The air about you is scintiating with Pgems of laughiter, song', muisie and story ! The- DeForest-Crosley Trirdyn will capýture them with the result-gettingý power of five tuabes while you have the expense of only three tubes! OnIy tremendous production and skill could produce such a wonderful Rcqlio- phone for the price. Let us teil you ail about it and answ;er ail youir questions. If you do Eotfnd it the greatest value eve-r off ered in radio we wilI flot ask yo-u to buy. ix New Models-. $22.00 to $450.00OOâ HARRY C. ALLIN Division St. Bowmanville ýej Te

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