'ALE Cornor stock of oidays that hile prices nable and a lb. Up, to ssec a very at- Greeting re Books. over. f Christie Kiddies at .eatre 'ILLE 30 ve the fresh- eel> for the and Pudding. lot cspirit moves you to in- y be weil to go iut r and investigate. js Hl. Barraclough, Lindsay, Cambridge Meihodist been inviteci to Kitceni- Dairy -wish one and ail rou drink Gien Rae T. B3. or flot--a Merry Christ- oen's LIstitute meets Fridgy ýon this week at Mrs. Milton 0fl'E8 Westmount. Ail ladies M. A. Màase Mariposa, re- visited Mrs. -Mary Hocitin on ýturn froni visiting friends in n. .R. S. Wade anid son Wallace, to, spent Monday with her sis-ý M'iss H. Emimerson and Mrs.1 1 Mr. Leon Dumias and Mrs. R. iDumnas are spending the Christmias holidays with Mrs. Jamies Milligai,! North Bay. Mel. and Mrs. Stanile-y Eliiott and daughters,. St. Catherines, are spen'dl- Ing Chiriýtmas hoiday's with Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Henry. Ca pt. and Mes. C. W. E. Meath, Ottawa, are enjoying the Chýristmias hoiidays initomn with hier parents, Mr. sund Mrs. W. B. Couch. Missý Nora Clarke, daughter of Rev and MTr s" W. G. Clarke, Ottawý-a, vis'ited Miss Bea _Devitt. Both are ,students of Victoria College, Tor- onto. Mr. E. Fioody, Toronto, an oid Cartwright boy,, who is now Inland Revenue Officer, and _Mr. R. E. Nel-. son of dhe Royal Canadian Mounted Poiikce, were in town Tuesday, bhav- ingl official husiness do-wn ini Clarke., Mr. and Me.s. Malcolm Galbraith, Kan-as, City, Mo., are spending Christmas with his m-other, Mrs. J. K. Galbraith an'd brother, Me. D. G. M. Galbraith, Toronto. Mrs. Gai- braith returns home with thein for DEATHS PHILP-ln Necastle, on Sunday, Dec- 21 , Jaespbil). in bis 93r.1 yeair.In-. trmient at Cobouirg. ALMOND-In BTowmanyille, on Friday, Decerniber 19, 19241, George Thoina.9Ai- miond, in bis 30th year. STABBACK--On December l2th., at tibe relsidencne of bis son Mi,. Artuirý 'Gas, olumibus, CatsJames Sial>-l back, in bis 8lstyer RATCLIFFE-on Suind:y, Decnuber 21l, 1924, at bis late nesidence, Grace St., Toronto, Frederick Williaiii Ratcli1ff ein h'is 811tb year'. Ite eta Omn WILSON-At Le residuce of ber neeMr.W. J. Suljley, Simco0e St. S.. Osbawa. December 18. 1924, ait er four yea rs illness, Miss _Mary Auýn Wilson, agd82 years. nterrediiu Bowmrapn- IN MEMORIAM BOTTRELL-in loving memory of our! deandaugter vly, Wb1o died Doec. 20, 117. Wbtwould I give lu celasp 1b](. bandC Rer lbappjy fae o See; To bear ber voice and( see ber smiile Thatreatse miaclh toime. t think ýof ber in silence, Rer rname1 I oft recaîl, Bu 'brS oLlhiut5,lefLt tasvet'. But bier picture on tbiewai Mlother, te-ate 1adSistes MINISTERS AND CHURCIIES St. Paul's. Ghurch, Rev. D. W. Best,f Minister. 'il a. m.-The Hol Comi-1 miunion. 7 p. m.-Young Pýeople's1 Service. Th-e Young Peopie's Choiri wiil sinp, Christmas music. 2.30 P. I m.-Suniday Sehool and Bible ciass- f es. Friday., Deceniber 26th1!, 8 pi. m.1 -Preparatory Service.i Reports of Methodist Centenary 1 aFOR SALE-Mammnothi Pekina (1 andrake(s (Cao supply trioc akin) fromi prize stock at Guelph onjto and Royal. $2 and $3 eae pl'y M. J. Tambhlyn. Orono, FOR SALE-GCoodl Ford Tourir. model, starter and electric liglit, ,absorber, bumpejr, and cord tirei bargain if sold at once. À1So powýýer-miaker, to use with carI Wood, grind feedl, etc. Phone cail at A. W. Kikr',Eig St. Briwmainville. Lost or Found FOU ND-A pair of gent's 'Ovner may hlave sanie by pay,ýingf( ad.L F. R'. Brown, Rwavle -CATTLE STRAYED-Erom Ic Con. 5. Darlîngton, 1 Yearling Helf Deemnber Ist. -V' cut in lefI ea tip) off. ewrd for informationL to ber weebu A. WV. An Farms to Rent 1)1"- ite Mrs twomiEs buildings, water. C' kcet.Ne L'and ing gain for C Gel ful] i Pr( HOUSE Frame bou Ville, conl Ple and sn John R, Phone 238- For Sale SALE OR REN' Igin Sreet., Bowin ,al, Studenti lege, B 0w-I I in passing test for No- Sehool De- Luke, Ked- 8ring 4 Bible Ciassa Schooi prE iss E. E. Haý and an eiectri tprnn Th G. Pritchari Decorator A DISLTINCTIVE REMEMIBRA NCE Entrancing indeed to the heart of every woman is a gift of Jewelry -a Diamondl Ring, Dinner Ring,. Wrist Watch, Cabinet of Silver, Flatware, Holloware, Beacis, and rnany other fascinating pieces expressing beauty and utility. Answer the eall of Santa Claus by giving 'Gifts of Charm' chosen from our selection of artistic Jewelry. And just to think that any artiele in this store may ,be puxrchased at a real welcogie s?,ving of from 25 to 50%7 on former prices. Late Christmas shoppers will fid buying particularly attractive al day Wednesday at this shop. MÂAPLE GROVE aie Nurseri es for sale in the Shiow Room of the des, the largest assortment of sever offered in Bowmanv-ille. .75c, Lwas imaue secretary. associate. book 'with memibers. E 'oIey, Peter-1 home; Miss; oronto Nor-. me Power, uby Lancas- Granby. cert given ,by school .cess. The s. Rev. C. d his duties [a pieasing! rly $18 .. tended Base 1onday evea- iowden, Miss ýnds in Osh- Shaws, Miss on 'Wilkins, W. Foiey's Christmaes !ER AT .MORA.L HOTEL ile or melbher goinp repairing tibe New ;t tell lir xrn,,are 12.30le 21p. im. ai MENU: inm of Tomnato Soup Goose CUT FLOV Apple Sauc, Cranberry Sauc, Brown Grav, tatoes Cori Lemen Pit isb Plum Puddliný s Fruii t Farm Wanied FARM WANTED-Smali acreage f.r-n, 3 b 10 acres, near bighway. Price not tb exceed $5000. Apply W. G. -Miller, Osbawa. 51-2 To Let HOUSE TO RENT-Gooçl brick housp on King Street, Ealt, 7 roo.ms, freshly decorated, furnace. leti ights;, ard sud soft water inside. Wiredi for eectrie stove. Garage, good garden, apple, and small fruits. Apply to Mrs. E.- V. Scobeli, Real Estate Agent, Bow- manville. 5-w;" HOCKEY! Two 0. Hl. A. games at TAYLOR'S ARENA BOWMANVILLE FRIDAY, DEC. 26TH INTERMEDIATES Whitby ABowmanville TUESDAY, DEC. 130TH Whitby JUN IORS BowarwvilleI Gaines start at 8:15 p. in. ADMISSION 35c: Alex. Elliot, Phone 207 Furniture and Floors poiished and refinished. ' Painting and paper Prices Reesonab Cor. KING AND SILVER STS., BOWMANVILLE 51-2w *1 I p W. G. Nelles Co,, Groceries Tasty Groceries For Christmas The Christmas season cornes at a time food, spices and condiments are displayed in variety, and when the best and efreshest c,ý procured tmïost readily, Nuts, Raisins, Oranges, Bananas, Fruit, Chocolates, Mixed Candies, Spices everything for the holiday feast i8 here in and pleasing array. as cheap