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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1925, p. 3

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BOMNVLE,12. LCLAN rEWS BNZR BOWMÂNVILLE HIGH SClIO le is not w1at lie would do if he Decemiber examinations: Sr. IV-Or- PRIZE WINNERSi ha d - means, tirne, înluce, and edu- val Grills, liene Gr~ills, Jr. IV- cational a 'vantiaSes, bit~ -ývhatlieo will Kenneth Oç borne. Ne1son i borne, WI HAL O RThe Hoskin Piefrhighest ::thbide Au;t yn, sUM e th-I seor 4, Jr l-Sigan rr es Pso ùi ese r n 'VC 4 d u,, ree " g l - H rold Osborne, Ada Anni', Evelyn < W WEWIHAL O R CUSTOMERS . ronor-&Te late John IHoskn, o zr the pa the~ minim 4 reb.e- Wale. Wh-Iely Flint, Jr. II-Glei Wininer-Maitlancl Gould. tedhr.* Harry Worden. Primer-Donald ff 4s AN])1~INDSA N W Y R F LED UE ILFLLN PI7~Dire'ctors of South Ontario, Ag~ Couri~ce, Doris Wadie, 'George Safhu- JOY AN P OSERT The Gilfillan Prize in/ nieniory of cultural Society passKd a resoluin - la 8o4ie. o4n ln is rIE th-aeriniplJses Gifhaa a mieeting heid reeztly, 'asking Aa P. ou-ssk tacer. WthJY ~ N ?O PRT eho a'e Prinipalns. ilfilan that the City and Countynik ________ AlnP ceso e r G'REAT~RTHA TH I~ST EARfor hiighest standing on the Mididleigrants of $1,000 eaeh to the annuali THAT IS GON$. Winner-Agnes Vanstone. el meysri' Report, of Solina School for De-1 "A'lli5 Tu QARPIEcompletion by Rev. Da-vid Rogers Of Allan Balson, Nora Kerslake, Rut-tb. 'M '4 s Th Sqair Prize for the best fifty years in the ministry, wRll be iMrKessock,' Marguerite 'Wright, Aiid- student in~ French. $5.00 in books. held in First Methodist. Church, St. rySotide ls VA~o s Donr-Jhn quar, sq. M.A.,Thonas onJanuary 11. Rev. Mr. Van Nest, Helen Baker, Evelyn Tink, W iAIex. Elliot, Jew eler Professer Erneritus, University of Rogers haS a ntumber of friends in MuilBkr Ieen. Balsg>n, Made- rr Phone 207 Bowmanville Winner-Marion W'arder. the pastor of the Methodist Churcli, Wright, George Kerslake, M1argareti THE AMBYN II ~ El-Bil) Circuit, lie officiated. aI the inar- Scott Noi'ma Wrighit, Frank West- THE ANILYNPRIE nage of Mr. .and Mr's. Rober~t Ben- ,lake. ' lass 111-Maurice Baker, 7he Tanrblyn Prise for Publie nett, Lake Avenue. Mr. Rogers bas George Werry, Bruce Tink, M\,Iyl Speakinig. Inconie f roni $200.1 had a successful miinistry; was presi- oes 'ake. ,Sr. IT-Vera KerslaXe, $10.00 in books. dent of Londlon Conference in 1906, Jean' Hogarth. Ralph Wilbur. J,1 IDonor-The late W. W. Taniblyn, ý ard is in the enjoynst Of good Il-Stuart Hogarth, Fred Wr1ighlFF15 Esq., M. A. hiealth still--Acton Free Press. Ruby Parker. ,Sr. I-Percy West- Winne~-arguenie Jenea. it tkes so 1111e- g~k us d Relr, Jini Parker. Prim-er-Hazel u q"u.#v TH~E GALBRAITH PRZS 1 cheer us up, o inake us happy; il MicEweu,, Audrey Ayre, Allan Wil- The Galbraith' Prizes for Publie Itakes and cosîs so littie to ho kiudbrDwePak. DSj4$L J4 ' SIME. rN _____________________________________________Speaking. $ 10.00 and upwvards in bo be thougihtful, tebe hoonsiderate; R. J. MeKessock, teacher. RADIO, RE CEXVEÎR ho oks. il~~~ý t-ekes so little te cheer othersp________f Donor-D. G. 1M. GalIbra.ithi, Esq., -,ho are, discourag-ed, s9 11111e tos ueAPTd The Finest Radio Receiving Set îth WoIL Toronto. a helping haud; yet il mneans so niuce HMP Winr.ers-Beat-rie Crydermrin, 10 others as well as te ourselves. Marlon Dicksou. We thiuk too uiuch abouit doing the Report of Hanipton School for' Demionstrations oni requs IExtra Prizes-W. B, Couch, Esq. things Vlich look big i our lir, Chism terni. Names in order of i Florence Ashton, Clarence, Ferguson. and we think too lttle of the every- nierit: V sCiass-r.ý .Wallace, Horn, kinnes, tré 1111ehelfnlnesest< !ifridce Jone, R an Sephens j ____ I TUE COUCU PRIZES dlay little acîs of thoughlfuluess, of aIV oes oea tpe~ 'The Couch Writing Pises for those who are dishe'arterned and downý,i C1,ss*Rtymoii Burns, *Wlfi F. J. iVI CIIL L. tI j>coxnpetitiou lu Fori 1, $5.00 in and out. Aller all, is it piot the lit-' Greenaway, 'Grace Hastings, Edith W @ Yrb (h I> I Dtt books. dle thiugs tiraI mlake up life? Paseoe, Jean Durward, Marjonie BowmanvilIe Donor-W. B. Qoueli, Esq., Chair- Martin. Sr. 1II-*Helen 'Viitue, flAi~D ND ONFCTINERman High Sehool Board. *Roy Hocken, *Beatrice Jones,Otao BA E N O FC IN RWrnuers-lst, Nellie Sno-\wdcen, *Lena Gay, *Dorothy Siiiyth, Ethel Ontri 2iid, Gertrude Sanylh. s Ii lbigLs Stephiens, Lilian Jebson, Normuan DESM S T EXTND O A L A ROS 1 Ue Tis lubbng ist Clemens, Gordon Walçely, Kennethi DESRE ~2 EXTED O A L ~POSTUE FAIRBAIRN PRIZES 'Pelley. Jr. Kl~.*Jsi nox, The Fairbairu Élenernl Proflieuecy The Canadian Staternan will be *~Eleanor Sykes, *Vera Shackleton, IPEROUS NEW *YEAIR AND TO CORD- Prises for competition in~ Fornss 1 cliibbed with airy of the f ollowiugý 5*jtnley Co'wlng, Sidney Marin and ý11. $10.00 lu books. publications for 1925 at the f ollow- RetIa Billett, _Harjorie Niddery. Tiri IALLY THANK ALL CUSTOMERS AND lJonor-Mr. 'Shirley Denison, K. ing prices: Bate. Sr. 11- 'Frances Durwardi, J., Toono F i ienror ofhe ab Globe ............. $6-5() Lorenzo Wakely, Elias Greenaway,TI J. B, Firbairu Bss~i.Mail & Emp)ire............$6-5() Helen Knox, Gordon Hockeu te ' a k O 'in I FRIEN~DS FOR THEIR fPATRONAGE AND Winners-Form I-Betty Chabot, enrt Dal tr.....65 aklEcJue. J.I- e-Y Fon I-Gldy Cau.Farmers Advocate.......... $3.00 win Cryderuian, Ejswood Shackleton, RBCOMMENDATION, WHFICH H1AVE .THE LIEUTENANT REGINALD Christian Guardian.......... $4.00) Nelson Rohbins, 1-:'*Ted Johns, Aus- HEBR ANINGJOLIFE ChrstanHerld........ 4.0 in BroJcsnWray, Earl HE~ ANN OLFE Delieato r... »....... ..... 0 Wakejy. Sr. P.-mOlga Gowliugn us o CO TRBU EDSO IM OR AN LY TOPRZE Lcles ome Journal ........$3.001 Bloyd Wîlcox, Bernetta Bqte, Harold an1 st m r Iu miemory of the laIe Lieutenant Saturday Eveniug PostI.......$4.00 Martin, Violet Petley, Katie Joues. FOR THE SPLENDID BUSINES IE k' THIS YE.AR'S VERY SATISFACTORY Reginald Jolliffe, kil'ed aI Vimuy Famlly Herald & Weekly Star.$375 jr Pr.-'Johu Virbue, :'Doris Cry3- DJIGT EY A N ' I~ Ridge, for best essay ou sonne topie Weekly Wibness . .....$4,00 der m, BruS Clark, JTHE Jones USI )TTC¶TTT~bCIof imperial interest. Income fromi Canadian Houme Journal..$3.00 F. J. Grat Bertha M. Sargýnt,EN AV RTOK E T EPIESA BUSINESS. 1$300. jFarm & Dairy ......... $2.50 teacliersý. N E V U TO EPTH Dopo-The 14te Mrs. ElIvira A. Parions Sun............... $3.50 LOW AS POSSIBLE DtJRING'12CW r Jolliff e. 'Macleau's Magazine........50 1Winners-Ist, Marion Dickson, Canadian Countryman....$ 3.001 A UNT'S WEEKCLY ADVICE HIOPE TO MERIT A, CONTESJNC ~ $10.0 nbos 2nd, MaillandiCairadian Poulîry Revlew ... $3.00 Maypolwe nindutif Gould . u0 in e~ is awarded,, ________________ riypepee-lo i dlth YO'UR TRADE. veruidn bt prie Aky. . will agree wtIhe ideas beld and so ____________________________________________books. 1 etr, J>ohn PeynI~ids Marorie Stelvezs, 1weil preseirted by omr 4lar Aunt in_______ LIEAY OIT PIE eatrice Cryderman. tbis week's artice. Sbe says: Cash prises donated by the Liter- Four Papers-Grace Cav'erly, potaely bc or l hon es-b deeaîs W WISH YQT. HEALTIT, H IPN LITEI~ ~ ~~ ~,toie BlanETe CRZS~rydermau, Marion l>icksou, heisoetigofreti-W ary Society for I-he best short -tr~ lnh aey1 h ail utedces AND PRO SPEIRITY DURING TI O and ~~ po- o Tr Sreù w Hilda Foley, Iva éilbanlç Doroth-y -and that is respect for each other. an om o-Te eechOl" Kirkton, Reva McÇllll, Marion Pick- Hore il seenis we so oflen f or-et JNG YEAR. -~ Best short story--Juuior, Mariont ard, Ilazel Rundle, Char4os White, each oter's v'alue and imnportance, Mc'Dougall, $5.01). Senior, Mait- Marguerite Joness, Auldrey Lamb, and what theystand for towards our- laud Gould, $5.00. selves. Il bas its begiuning lu bhe Best poeni-Mrgaret lVcGregor, Three Papers-Alhert AllUn, Grace simple actions of imi-polileuess and f4 S N & D L $3.00. Bragg, Percy Cowliug, Muriel Dech, possibly thoughless' discourtesy. MS N & D Maitland Gould, Stanley Osbornre, WhoI nnigb oacuîyThie Popular HIardware---Quality and#~tP~o TO ALL OUR FRIENUS AND PATRONS Tm UYADLVL ~EDRi erWlii Poînten, loue rude, perffaps, we leave oui the lit- Phone 145 mnil Donated by MrW. J. H. H. Jury for Quinn, Jean Switzer, Sauford Sy- île -\ords in Our reuiarks to each WE SINCERELY EXTEND THE COMPLI- aunual competibion lu debating ly mouns, Marlou Warcler. other that uieaii so iuci; wo leave Oshawa, Whitby andi Bowuîa-nville out the naines of Ibese wbom we Ilg col.Ferwer than Three Papers--Ruth I___________________________________________ MENgb OFchEûols. IS IN Armstrong, Olive Bartori, Boptrice are açldressing; our sentences are___________________________________ MEN $ Q TE SASO , ISHNGWiuner-1923-2t-Bowîanville. Bedeli, George Claphani, Marian sharp an'd curt; il hurîs us to repeat Debater.--Thelrma' Giliers, Reid Clough, Theîna Gilders, Marjorie wvhat we say if tbe other does net TUEM ALL HAPPINESS AND> PROSPER- Peamu, 'Mariou Pickard, Maillanti Pascoe, Constance Seward, Miidi-ýred unesand a the sti are soin- Gould. Soucb, *Edua Swallow, <üwendolyri pred; the, ar reques is au coi-1 ITY FOR TUE COMING YEAR. NAVY LEAGUE PRIZE Williamis. imui; nto afer fobanin our sipe Douor--Judge Scot,. Perth, for Lower School quirdsnI of forget q h iil HEARTIEST GREETING Oent scono"ai of Zeeerugg "ar Four Papers-Dorothy Alin, Mar- Thus we grow into a careloss Ope toscool o Eaten Otâio., manner twr ahother, a ian-1 AND BEST W1SHUES Winuer-Mariou Dickson, B. B. S.guerile Armstrong, Dorolby Bartou, nos' wbich w-e would not think of CÇ. S. M A ISO N $15.00. »oreeu Batîle, Lels-nd Brry, Elza acting bo anyone otiethe famiy jFOR A Nex Dor . . M rrs G ~ wmaVi1eATHLETIC PRIZES Gallaghan, Gladys Cann, Laverue undoubtedly ho consldered surly. JPYNEWY A Bo $, .S.o Chion, Da tan Clarke, John Cole, Gregory Colinre, ho impossible 10 bc on frieudly fsBoys1-er Cbampio , tIia Cayerly, Harry Cowliug, Lou ernisIL Y

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