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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1925, p. 2

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$201400,000.00 509,519,821.49 31,298,066.69 aBanks 17,637,562.09 16, 454174.21 aunts writ [anager ~per annura .... s, includlng.Wa 3,878,976 23 $2,448,000.00 408,000.00 100,000.00 400,000M0 465,000,00 1,143,804.90 CE. NEILL, General Manzgat ,BOWMANVIIiLE, THE EDF!4 editor! ",nafule abedat eure, recently is the exceptionally stronig Inful antat endures liquid position tl'iat is indicated in With Peace's pricele'.s trea.sure. the baance sheets. Th Roa GodFortune be a guest Bank of Canau 'a for year ending No- Goodi ou apydor vemiber '29. 1924, is an excellent il- Andthing your l hay doort lustratio'n of this. Out of total as- Andbrig ~u a tht'sbes se3 o $53,19509, no less than To bless you evermore"l. eof$8795 * *$278,024,73.9 are lassified as imi In entering upon the activities of miediately available liquîd assets . le- another year the old adage that presenting 47.7 per cent. as compar- "Where there's the will there's a ed with 4-3.3 per cent. for previous Way" seemis particularly timnely, and year. Theseiud assets comprise Theie's somiethinIi,,'di have you re- also 54.5 per cent. of the banks memiber, liabilities to the public as comrpared To help in the battie of if e; ý\ith slightly over 49 per cent. shown It wll iveyoustregthin imýof in the statemient of the previous year, need a gain of over five per cent. And help in the hour of strife. I Te investmients of the Bank in Whienever thiere's something tht h i g,ý rad.e securities have been should be done, rather Î.irgQr tha usual this ,pat year Doni't be a coward, and say, I due partly to the fact that current "What use to try"? Remnember, lbans have still shown a tendlency to then, 0 ecline, and also the lack of normal "That whiere there's a will there's activity in business. Thus the holdj_ a way." jings of goveriiment have increased t 1 by $24,256,775 to a total of$5, Th-ere's many a failure for those who 039,825, ana the holdings of mnuni- win; c ,ipal and British and foreign securi- But though at first they, fail, 1 ties have gone up froin $15,900,363 Then try again, and the earnest ones to $2_5,634,914. The total inc re asel Are sure' at Last to prevail. in the two classes of securities Thoughi the mnountain la steep an(l! amounted to $33,891,326. hard to climib, The Royal Bank is ini an unusallyi You can %vin the heights, I Say, 1 favorable position to provide assist-1 -f you miake up your mmnd to reachi ance to the in.dustries of the counitry the top,1 at such timne as these may require to For "whiere's there's a will there's caîl upon it. a wy" A studjy of the deposits of the The ienwhostad a to iýre hos Bank indicates not onily a continu- The en ho sandat tp ae thse nce but a strengthening of the con- Who neyer could bear dýefeat, fidence that is felt in 'Tnýe Royýal Their f ailures only made themn strong antroguthecoUntry. On Forthewor thy hd t met. ear ago saviings- deposits amountedl The will to do and thie wilî to dare> to $3 11, 7.59,12 7, and ori Noveniber la what we want to-day; ' 29, 1924, they ~a increased to What hias been done cýan be done' $338,291,427,~ a gain of $26,532,300. again, ý Demnand deposit.s also showed la sub- For the Will finds out th~e Way. stantial ireasýe ' making a gain in * * *1a1 deposits in excess of $40,000,000, We are hoping that after this is- thei total increasing from- $421,3341,- su,,e the editors will have the satis-ý 000 to $411,828,00. 1 faction of seeing the articles they' Profit and L.oss Account shows! pr)iepare for th-is great famfily niews- that the Bank hias been able to main-, paper every week published in the' tain its profits ýin spite of the greater, issue for which they were intendced,ý difficulty of lencling its mio n ey at I now th ,e holiday rush of adivertising profitable rates of interest. TheI iover. During several weeks past net profits f or the year en ding No- I fromi six to ten columuis of live edi-~ vemnber 29. 1924, were$388961 tonial and news miatter have beeni coniare'd withi $3,909),316 for' the criowded out to make roomn for adver-' previous yeair. tising greatly to our chagrin. Last;__________________ week f ully eîght columinsofgdj 'ive inewsmatter, some that we had lth very great and surprising in- zone to considerable trouble t o ob- ventions have comie into general iWe expecteci to appear in last issu. Rural mail delivery has donep wvith the corner g-rocery andl office in nany places and the prý of farmiers mieeting at the post for their miail and. Spending an or szo chýattinIg with neighbors. pastime hans gone'ý forever but rural mail idelivery cdaily bas those in country homes in touclh t'he wice world as few intell hýomeis are without a dIaily pap( 4 + fil- n -vrno+ cnnin the nexit greaýt priv rcenturyv * *ine was t of' ti kfast in New Yo ndlon mnay soon unexpected is cc ng. Aviation ts infancy aitho it is of age. Manye radio serv vention k, their own it is to bc g'oers in tl an ana appealnn Suncay last poems were h na in his New ý,Ye o o a- nenof s a very conven- 'Those of' iniff .nce, 4; Corne to theSe that Always Selis for Less NO MATTER WHAT TIME 0F THE YEAR WHEN I RUN A SALE IT IS ALWAYS A REAL SALE Winter Goods must go to make room for Spring shipments. Compare any one of the prices helow with any other store in town and you wiIl fiwad my prices the lowest and are always so every mornth of the year. YOUR 0tPPORTUNITY AWAITS YOU AT THIS STORE so, get in first and get the bestcoce SALE STARTS THURSDAY, JANUARY 8TH FOR 2 WEEKS BOvYS' DEPARTMENT BOYS' UNDERWEAR Fleece Lined, Regular- 75e for......55c Fleece Linedc Combinations, Regular- $1.50 for ...............................$1.10 Merino Combinationis, Eeguiar $1.50 f or ..................................... $1.10 Ail Pure Wool Combinations, Reg. $2.75 for ..............................$2.00 BOYS' 2 BLOOMER SUITS 10 Only, sizes 26 to 34, iRegular $12.50. for ....................................$7.50 BOYS' SWEATERS - All WoI, sizes 24 to P-32, Regular $2.75 for ...............................$2.00 BOYS' BLOOMER PANTS Good heavy cloth, Reg. $2.50 for $1.75 Good heavy c1oth, Reg. $2.00 for $1.50 BOYS' OVERCOATS, ONLY 3 LEFT 2 Coats, for 8 years old, Regular, $12,50 for .......................$7.50 1 Coat, only, 9 years old, Regular $12.50 for .............................$7.50 BOYS' STOCKINGS Heavy Ribbed Cotton, Regular 50e for .......................................35e Ail Wool ribbed, Reg. 85c for......59c MEN'S DEPARTMENT MEN'S WOOL MUFFLERS MEN'S LINED GLOVES AND I wvoo1 ànd silk an-d mwool, Regular WOOLLEN f or ............................ $1.75 I MEN'S 2-PIECE UNDERWEAR Stanfiell's Yellow Label, Regular $2.25 for ........................$1.50 Penman's 95 Ail Wool, Regular- $2.75 t for .................................... $2.0 Penman's Ail Wool Hleavy, iRegular §2.00 for .......................$12 Penman's Fleece Lined, Regüllar $1.00 I. ............................. 79c fr MEN'S COMBINATIONS IStanfield's Si1k and Wool, IRegular- $8.00 for-. ................-.... $5.00 Stanfield's Ail Wool, Regular- $5,50 for.............. ............. $425 I enman's 95 Ail Wool, R'egular 50 f or..................................... $3.85 I Stan-field's Ail Wool, Regular $4,50 for ..................................... $350 I Richmond Natural Wool, Reg $3.50 for ..............................$2.50 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Ail Wool Flanniel, Reg. $2.50 for $2.00 Ail Wool Flannel, Reg. $2.00 for $1.50 Khaki, Blue Chambray, Black and I White, drill shirts, Regular $1.25 for i $1.00 MEN'S OVERALLS AND WORK PANTS Ail colors, Regular $2.50 for ...-20 MEN'S CAPS I With fur band and without, a,1l $2.00, ][$2.50 and $'.00 Caps for ..... $1.25 Lad ies' -White Al Every Article Guara 1 door west of BellTelepi Ail lineci suecte gioves, tRegular $2.50 for..................................... $1.50 Wool Gloves, Regular $1.00 for 75c MEN'S OVERCOATS 18 LEFT 3 only Coats, Regular $45.00 for $29.50 ,6 only Coats, Regular $'D5.00 for $20.00 2 only Coats, Regular $27. 50 for $1 7.50 2 only Coats, Regular $25.00 for $15.00 5 only Coats, Regular $ 18. 00 f or $12.00 MEN'S SUITS Al Al Al for Suits, Regular $45.00 for $29.50 Suits, i3eguar $35.00 for $22.50 Suits, Regular $25.00 ai-d $30.00 ... .... .... . ..... . .... ..$1 7.50 ME'N'S DRESS SHIRTS Ail $2.50 an'd $3.00 Shirts for .... $1.95 Ail $2.00 ai-d $2.25 Shirts for...'$l.50 Arrow Shirts ,every one guaranteed, f ast color, fit an-d quality.^ MEN'S SOX Ail Wool Cashmere, Regular 50e and 75c for.. ................................ 39c Ail Wooi Worsted, Regular 75e for 50C Siik and Wool, Regular $1.00 for 69c Ail Wooi, Regular $1.25 and $1.50 for .................................. 95C Heavy Work Sox, Reg. 50e for ...39c Heavy Work Sox, Regular 35e for 25c Wo9l Sweaters, Regular $4.50 and $5.00, To Clear at $3.50 .nteed as Advertised ()r Your Money Refunded. one . * .1CAR RAN" CL<fTHIER AND> S. G CH YRTHABERDASIIER enQ ýC% MA

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