Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1925, p. 6

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îsness. eep at [e next at My 1 be- Nerve ow en- o re- le for te never with- cine to lay eggadh ns wîll pos;t1'-eIs la\ more egg- if you put a dose of Pr-att's Potry Rý JegIulator in the feedj dealer is authorized to give back your money if it fis OF CANADA,. ITD., TnROINTI0 ~SN" Provincial becretary. I iieas k $17.33. ReILýport Ifh 01 -d.' jj Mr. R. A. Stappels, Toronto, per- _ yIwNo. 868 wais assedapontn f ormed] the duties of Lieutenant- Jaýs Crifapo c lAtnac Governor and read the "Speech from Ofticer for 1D25. the TA1rone"~. on motion of Councillors Wighït and The Boys' ParlianiewL. was welcom- P'reier Ferguson in reýgardI to UnpaÈ ed tothe Povincal Paliamet axes for 1924 on-parchi and Sorners pro1 - Builing byHon G.S. enr onbe-perties purchased b)y the Go tr'men Builingsby on. . S.Heny onbe-arly in year 1924, which theýy used for haif of the Ontario Government and farmning and commrercial purposes during H o n. G. H. Ferguson, Premier. Sev- thie year 1924. eral members spoke during the dis- Treasurer acklowledged receipt of $6ý cussion on "The Speech froni the from W\Vi. Mouintjoy for trees on roadside, Throne". and '$59,165.S9 froin collector L. T.* Pa s- Sunday the menibers attended Orders drawn on Treasurer Yvere: churcli in the niorning with their T coe,tes or1924ýýl...... *38 MriakE'.Short, gnavl.............$ .38 hosts and in the afte.rnoon some of Mrs. E. J. urti , gravel...........13.00 the leaders spoke at different Sun- D E. Lwrs tatute labor......... 5.00 day Schools. At 4 p. ni., Mr. Tay- F. A. Werry, gravel......... 6.00 lor Stattexn, Secretary National Seward Tyler, statute Iaor... o.0 Work Board, spoke in Knox College I1teCutcwr np Fred Iockin, statute labor.9.00 Chapel on "World Outlook". H.l. Farrow,, statute labor . 22. .00 At 7 o'clock the members sat in, a J. X. Valleau, statute labor... .UAt0> O-nt Reformier, adt .............. 5.60 body in Sherbourne St. Metho'dist Claerk & Treas., Postage, Excise Church where Rev. C. W. Bishop, M. .Stamps, Stationery, etc......... 39.92 A., addressed themi. After the ser- Dep. Reeve C. W. Souchl, ser....2.001 vic a iresid gaherng as eldCoun. Sulas Williamns, services and vicea fr-sie gaherng wýs eld 'n]IUeage ......... .................2.15 in the Church Parlors at which sev- I Coun. A. L. Pascoe, do .........2_2 5 erai of the niembers made briefi Co un. C. A Wight, do............ 2.5i,0 speeces. e W. R.Oourttce, do ..........2. 61 Monday at 9 o'clock a meeting of- W. P.Al- salary 4thi qr....... 150.001 the Cabinet wasý held after which al . Business 0f Couneil for year 1924 hav- ing beeýn compfluted, on motionofCus members mnet for morning devotionsi pascOe and Willianis, Councilaound on the theme of "My Responsibiiityl sine dlie. to my Church", led by Mr. Richard[ W. R. Allun,'_Tp). Clark.1 Kydd. After Mr. Plewmiaj had given sonme genef ali îformation rqetdta vr iebr d about the Parliamient, the rest of tie Prquet tastobey meicmber if1 mnorning was spent in committee, Ptalamet si t beat ofth c ai each committee working on a bill o iat a Pinleapo sepbehaue o the great resolution which would cone und1 erS ec in eadersi hc cudb e their heading. iedhee At 1 p. ni.. the mem-belrs we rei national History. Carried. g-uests of the Toronto City Council at 5. Respecting a fostering of reetoanteCrsRt oe. epcig~ rpsd Itr a rcepionin heCars-Rte ote.1Woridj Brot'herhood spirit. Carried. At this luncheon Mayor Hiltz wei- -After the passing of tis resolution comied the young mem-bers on behialf ail m-embers stood anc( -mg "I aiti't of the citizenrs of Toronto. M lr. g 1onna study 'war no nio) -a darkyý Wilf. MUason, Mayor of the Boys spiritual song o t the ' S. E.T. Council of Toronto, on behaîf of, sang sheets. that organization and Lieut.-Gover-j 6. That a Provinicial Sa '1g m-eetj nor R. A. Stapelis and Controller R. be held once a yearl. ared. W. Camneron made 'happy speeches. 7. Respecting a nea Profi- The second session of the House, ciency Badge be given. Lrt wvas held in the afternoon, oee h first, >econd and t'?l read- by prayer by the Speaker, as were iings of the Bill t oamr thej Par- ail the sessions. After prayers,1 liami-ent -ary Act were given and Bil communications fromi the Alberta was carrîetd. The chief change in and Manitoba Parliaments were the bil was the doing away with the read. Further discussion o n the party systemn. "Speech from the Throne" then took- The afternoon session %vas, opened plc. Then notices of motions to as the other sessions badl been, then be brought up at next session wereý these resolutions we passed: given, after which a report preparedj 1. Resoived that an additional by the committee of org-anization1 Field Secretary be obtain'ed. Car_. was present est, Toronto bas absorbed There are Couiity wbere Cubes a rhey gil âsec t..w BOUNSALL'S ..NTAL ART WORKS *ABLISHED 1857 best grader, of ..UE MARBLE sang SI- Canada' theix Sc given f( tions re tions, ried. (1) three awardl tional A j2. Resolved that- more tune be g-iven ta inter-group activities ini the tform of 'debates or oratorical car- tests on topics of current interest. Carried. 43. Resolved 'that suinnier can-fýs [and conferene& be held on the county hasis rather than on thle area, Jor district ýbasis. Carrie . F; 4. Resolve'd that a Self Defence sBadge bc added to our list of bad- g 'e S. Givenr 'six months' hoist. 5. Resalyed tbat Citizensbip i.,Training be added ta C. S. E. T. pro- grammle. 'Carried. 6. Resolved that ail those wbo as-. sisted, addressed or led in the Par- liamient, and tbe Goverament of On-1 ,tario be tendere'd a bearty vote of thanks for their assistance and forl the use of thie Parliamlent Buildings.. g the League' of Na- motions were all car- ere lost:a Committee of 1be appointed ta and (2) That a Na- meet be. beld andi the r than last year prayc of nli Bih Were 'Sec Mr. Frank Rowe, teacher of Man- uel Training, in Ottawva publie schools is visiting bis parents, Mr.1 and Mrs. H. R. Rowe. Choked for Air. Sanie littie ir-1 ritant becomes lodged in the bran-J chial tubes, others- gather, and thel awful choking of astbma results;. Nothing offers quite such quick and positive relief as Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. The healing, clears the passages and gives untold soothing snioke or vapor penetrates,I relief. Lt has behin'd it years, of success. Tt is the sure rem-edy for every sufferer.1 MHiss Hazel AdUanis, eIder daughtevi of Rev. Chas. G. and Mrs. Adams was wed'ded ta Donald J. Holdcroft, B. A., M. D., New York, on Decen-iber 24t, at ber fnther's residence, 41 Gatley Ave., Toronto. Mr.Robert Winter, Grimisby, iwishes ah bher friends ln Orono a happy and prosperaus New Year, and thanks those wbo reenimbered hier on har 78th birthday wheri she re- ceived flfty cards of congratuaton. Internaily and Externally it is Gôod-The cro~wning property of Dr. Thomias' Eclectric Ou l i that it can be used internally for ma.ny coniplaints as weil as extel'nally. For soire throat, croup, whooping cough, pains in tbe chest, colle and many kindreI ailments it bas quli ties that are ijnsurpassed. A b Ottile of it costs little and there is no0 loss in always having it at hand. Su rich, Cous Floo ýuti-ie hepoliuy and unde ted. O. Tev ant Governor, Mr. R. pr. T ifl entered the Chami- 0O1fici s cIosing adIdreýss sai( 1do ee the things that had aSbai advance boys' workasp bario. Ma e King- was SUrg;andj wornl Itten", Secretary Na-ý andi aard, IeId the Parlia-1 cause inging of tne T u-xîis Jcuit after wliich Parlia- P ow d ially prorogued till1 bowe] on th recuT only1 ~jureý C1RUS cause THE BACKME y Lydia E. Pink., lon-e f the Mitche unday License Inspector Good- 1Cobourg, Provincial ()fficer sans and Inland Revenue Officer d:cy visitedi the homne of RuthIer- 1Po'llard, Clarke, and f opnd 450 Jes of beer, whicb they placedi er seizure and brougbt ta'Co-1 rg. Pollard lbas been convictedi 7opsly on two offençes under thel . A., bence 'his place was not 'a ate residence under the Act. sr Floody also brought -witb himi [1ler wbich it is alleg-ed was used irt of a still-SenthelStair. < nY infants are infested. byl nis whicb eause great suffeling, f ot promptly dealt, with mayý ýconstitutional weaknesses difi-ý ta remedy. Miller's MWormi Lers wiUl clear tbe stoniaeh and ils of worms and will s0 act u.p - te system that there will be no Tence of the trouble. Andi not this, but they will repair the in- ,s ta the argans tbat worms eand restore theni ta souindness. 7ORONO AND CLARKE' FOLK r.John Armstrong returned eta. Oro-no l1ast week from a Mr. Motorist, don't let your battery rui, down or freeze this winter. Store it withus We will store it and keep it recharged for a ver nominal charge. Then you will have it in first class condition for Spring. -When needing a new Battery see us. We seli Prest-O-Lite and Exide Batteries. Fisher's B)attery Service ÇFormerly F. W. Kirkendafl's Shop) Moffatt Garage Bldg. Phone 248 Bowmanville TO-MORRW is on the way. If you knew to-day that to-morrow's fire would destroy your home, yçou would prepare to-Çlay. IBut you èannot know what wiIl happen to-morrow. You can pro tect financial loss, however. Pire insurance is only one of the man.y forms of dependable prol ty protection we off er to those who would be pared for to-morrow's eventualities. i J. J. MASON & SON IReal Estate and Insurancee Brokers Phone 50 Bowmaiwille IF Insist on E Unless you sei not getting ti by millions an .iy o) aueý aser t] solicite, fer a, ook oi on tablets you are rockct proved safe icians 24 years for Colds Orono, nearbv Pain loothache Headache Neùralgia Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism proven directions. [ and 100-Druggists. sniufactire ai monoaeetie. Whule it Is well loiown et imiatiOPS, the Tablets ark, the -Bayer oss.11 Agents Wanted ICook's Rei tourist athl Lps. Carrie a National Beausoleil Carrieti. ,' and --a ýates 1(ý--

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