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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1925, p. 7

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OWMANVILLE, JAN. 8th., 1925. catlowguei apply to 'deo. W. TaIylor, jl Secretary, ~ Bobayeon, Ont. 2 e v Let DUd 1Your Mea This) and you will be sure of gel lowest pÈ We Deliver ii Wilbert J. BUTCHER Mer.and' wiIcqox, homas Bruce, -W. B. Frgusofl.j GOLDEN WEDDING i-ia1pt0fl. ouncillca's by acclamation: John I bb, Creighton DevijJt, Richard Ed- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Tremeer ofý On Chr-stnias Dà>r. December 25,1 rtofl, W. A. VanCamp. Lindsay. 1924, Mr, and M,,rs. Thomas Wilcox,l ________il rptoil, ceIebrated the Golden On Mnday Decmber22nd Jubilee of their marriage at the SHA 'SSCHOLabout forty relatives gathered at home of their daughter, Mrs. F. G. SHAW'S SCHOOL"Norwvood! Place", Bowmanville, to' Densem, Church Street, Bownri-aniville" celebrate the Golden Wedding Ant- ,when about twenty-six members of i Mr. W. J. lemience -who fell fromnivsr f r n rs hmsthe family and a few friends wereý ie stable loft about a month ago! H. Tremeer of Lindsay, parents of present. id has been confined to his beçi Mrs. F. A. Foster. Three of their' Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox were mar- er since, is slowly recovering, four children were present. the ab-i ried at the Bible Christian Prso-1 sent mieniber hein g Mr. Harold C. -age, Hampton, on Decenmber 25,1 Trmero NwWstistr B .1874, the late Rev, Henry Keýnner, ______________________ i A cable of cong-ratulation was ie-1 officiating. ceived from Mr. James E. Treme'r, During thie afternoon, Mrs. Na-j B. A., of Shirehampton, Engla nd,-' thaniel Coles of Wheatiey, Ontaro, ibrother, and telegrams and letters sister of the bride * and the only re were receivedl from- Ne-w Westmnin- present onI this occassý,op who was, ster, Windsor, Hamilton, Preston,, present at the wetlding fif4ly yearsI auJstnvi( Toronto. jago, read this address and presented1 [le F ill' IWhen greetinigs were over and all the worthy couple with it purse of, Y ~~~seated the bride and brideg-roomio od fifty years ago entered the living- eaFitr rterPeens n room to the strains of LohenginsFeda Wedding March played boy their We, your relatives and a fewl xt O r e rgrnciugitr Miss Dori~ C. Foster,, friendig. have assembled to-day 'to the d crri an arrmful of yel.. celebrat: wt you the Golden low arehei êilRoss. Tev Jubleeof our arra-eand to! weete etdintoamhiscgrule on reachýng this and the chairman, Mr. W. Frank, Christmas Day--the fiftieth anniver- i (e a Ipany to join in singing "Put on Your' after half a century of joys and sor- Old Grey Bonnet". Mr. C. M. rows that God lias been so good asý ýtting the best meat at Tremeer of Midland, eldest son, read to spare your ie and those of your, Mr. Fred A. Tremneer of Midland, rest of your friendls present to mieett ices. two grandehidren, presentecl theni' together on thiis happy occasion. We wvith a substantial purse of gold on ask you to accept this purfie of gold( behiaif of the comipany and family. j as a slîglit token of our esteem and inTo nLater, a trio was sung by Mr. and, good wishes sincerely hoping thiat 3 Mrs. 'Tremneer andi Mrs. Fottesi theyo both may be spared to celebrate bride's clear, sweet soprano notes your imoi edig supisn and delighlting ail. Mrs. Wilcox replied in a few well t D>udl1ey sps Bin r fOhaaaChoszen words, thanking il presentb j JMia Brnce ery o Ohaw, ,fo~r their gift, kindness and good, BOWMAN VILLE grandniece, played delighitfully. wishies. 1 i Ail sat down to a sumptuousý wed- A sumptuous wedding supper was îing ýsupper. The bride's table was' enjoyed by the comipany, the bride- d onc in white and yvellow centred byý cake being the gift of thieir grandson, the wedding cake swathed in yellow, Mr. Allan F. Densemn. tulle and bearing the dates 1874 inl r n r.Wicxwr ap siler nd 92 in1ol. in baving their three children pres-t nn-1When ail had been servedl, Mr. C. I eut on this happy occasioui-M\rs. F., b M. Tremeer called oni the com.pany G. Densem*, Town; Mrs. Daniel Rog- T to dirink to the toasts of "The ers- Bleuheimi, and Mr. Milton Wil-V I-King-", "The Bride and Bridegroom' cox, Town. T ýof Fifty Years ;Ago". "The Chiîdren Letters and messages ýf congratu- . fof that Union", "Týhe Grandchelildlren", lation were received fromi Mr. Bal, "The Farmi" and finaflly "The Host Rochester. N. Y., Mrs. Ward andc and Hostess". Mrs. Becket of Kemble, Ontario, and, iThey vr responided to by the others.p weret]- i bride and bridegroom, Miss Grace Amrong those present fromi a dis- b Tremneer, MNr. H-. W. Staintoi, iMr. tance wvere:-Mr. and Mrs. N. Coles, ci T. Batty. Mrs. Foster, Mr. Fred Wheatley, Onit.ý Mr. ,and Mrs. D. W merMr. H. Fletcher Werry, and, Rogers, Miss Edna and Mlaster Tom- c Rev. J. U. Robins. f mie Rog-ers of Bleuheim. a Four, persons were preseut whoý jPý lad been at the original wdîi- Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Batty, Oshawa, and MEMBER 0F fCJ M, r. and Mrs. W. Stainton. After1 i JsingIng "God be with you tili weî INE AIYPSE f mieet Ag-ain", the gathering soon dis-,i Mrs. ae0]ladRoe persed ail feeling- that it had been a aeBradRw. t t ~II~It f very happy afternoon.I . . . -- FREED-Eis EMANN RADIO RECEI VERS The Finest Radiop Receiving Set in~ the World. Dernonstrations on request Fo J. MITCHELL Bowmanville Ontarîo -SEASONABLE1 SUCiGESÏ 'IONS Fi your coal Scranton Coal at &w. - -_ - J ne of ouir oldest andi most highly1' The Address 1 respected citizens in the person ofý Our Dear Parents and Graindparents, Jane Bos4and, widow - of the latej - Bothr ad Sste: i John C. Rowe passed to îest on Wed- Bretýe and ister nesday, Decem-ber 2-4, after a lengthyl We, on this wonderfully delightful period of declining health and occasion, the Fiftieth Annîversary of J strength, being confined to lier bed' your happy wedded life, wish to ex- since April last and haviug reachied press our gratitude to the Father of the ripe age of 91 years and 8 aIl for having preserved you to this months. beautiful sunset in your jouruey ofý Mrs. Roiwe was the eldest cjaugh-' life * that lias enabledl you to direct ter of the late Hirami and Ann aud comfort your loved ones hy your! Frank RBorland and was borui, splendid example anmI influence' in1April, 1833, in Darlington town- their activities and coudluct and to slip, a few miles north-east of Bow-: sympathize with themi in their vicissi-: manville and lîved al lier active if e, tud'es whîch cross the path-way of' in Darlington just east of the town i ail in life's ftful course. lier closing years being spent in hs i We wish nln o n ffp,- van hnth omin tawn. Beinzo. ne o-f 1,.pa Çz , ailvi predeceased lier in! She was a faithful egular attendant of i burcli as' long as n Friday afteruoon lier late residence, ce being conducted, ýobins, pastor of the h. ýrs were~ Messrs. J. very Jolinstoni, Wil- k bar, John Meli- we, Surviving heir r, Mrs. R. N. Mc- ge. Wisfcousin, and p J. Rowe, Picker-; e, Toronto; and W.1 who with lier grand- e Silver, bas caredý her illness. beriî eceased lier somie e sister. Mis. J. W. 1, and one brother, nd, Dunseith, SouthJ rvive. te IIfavoured 'with good health Ipiness. and we pray that Ibroken Ene may have a Ihappy future of miutual a Lokn a eadfifty deý looking back over an aci jspe#t hf e, sharing your ini -of kiudniezss treadIitg the paths together, stoiciy unii pellingl the shafts of. adve7 tuat y Io knov n tueir re- THANKS Thes 1 aeath. life ai dren's tjoy-Luke bride the Sun it -was -when a 'y Yuletî e W4V at the homle 0 ar J . Luke Silk PAIR Not more than 6 pa bronze ouquet to any one eustomer. Boots and Shoes are being values than ever. Stock must lower. offered at better be reduced stiil Copeland Shoe Store Phone 249J P. 0. Box Bowmanville 43' ioneymoon 1tak'e upr new home, ark-Phare At Fnow- very qt were Miss R( CAWK ER'S There havE another, dluring business-but tI and that is the seil. We select from C. M. CAWKER & SON lUhone 64 Bowinanvilljc Keep thé Home Bright and Cheerfud With Flowers Cut Flowers and home attractive. AT R IR D YN Auser wrote in to the DeFQr- est Company with typical eithusiasm - cluded Kansas City ani Oakland, Cali- f ornia. " "If it's in the air the Trirdyn will sure- ly pic1k it Up." See tis wonderful set here - the set that gets 5-tube vol-. urne and distance, and does the work wlth 3-tube econ- omy. "The greatest value ever offered in radio for $100." Six New Models-$22 te $450J Flowering We have Cut Flowers and 'Plants at reason- prices-always fresh. Prompt attention to ail orders. Bsrookdale Nurseries Phone '7 Bowmanville, 1= -j' Il -1. Prompt Service When needing the services of a Steainfitter or Tinsnith we are able to prompt and, efficient service. Plumber, give you PHONE 18 We can repair ail makes of furnaces and LppIy any parts needed. 'lu ir Rheumiatism Si Greenaway & Hgating Experts and ConsulIi 'I uney

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