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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1925, p. 1

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4 .®.~MI i With Whicli Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News___________________ M. A, JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 29th., 1925. $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No.5 * BI1GGER VALUES THAN EVER For Last Days of Our Economy. January Sale This Sale has developed into the greatest money-saving buying event of the year,. Thrifty shoppeirs are" purchasing goods of sterling quality at greaterreductions than ever during balance of the Sale. LADIES' COATS AIL thils Season's Coats of the m~ost sought after materials and styles, any coat in the store now marked clown to HALF PRICE LADIES' DRESSES A few Tricotine Dresses in Black and Blue. large sizes, were good values at $20,00, ... ............ Your Choice New at $12.00 Anothier lot of Tr;cotine Dresses in Navy Blue smaller sizes, originally priced at $25.00,_..................Sale Price $12.00 A good selection of Dr-esses in Satin and Canton Crepes, alI sizes, were priced up to $28.00,..........While They Last $16.00 Aniother lot of Satin and Canton Crepe Dresses, good assort- mnent and sizes, iRegular price $30.00, Now Marked to $20.00. CHILDREN'S FLANNEL DRESSES Lot 1-10, 12, 14 year sizes, Regular $4.7'5 for............. $3.00 Lot 2-12 to 16 year sizes, Regiilar $7.50 for .......... .._..$3.50 ALL WOOL SWEATERS These are manufacturers' samples, from a reliable maker and everyone is a real bai-gain: Womnen's Al Wool Sleeveless Sweaters at $2.00 WQmen's Ail Wool Sweater Coats from $3.00 up YARD GOODS We canrnot begin to give a complete list of bargains in this well stocked department, but these few items giv'e you a slight idea of what to expeet: Serges. odd ends, $ 1.00,................................... Now 65e yd Fancy Cutdaini Net, 50ec.... ......................Now 35c yd Fancy Curtaini Net ,75c ................................... Now 50c yd Crepe Net, assorted shadles, $2.00,............ ....New $1.25 yd Curtain Madras, $1.00..................................... Nôw 75c yd MEN'S OVERCOATS Chincilas, Meltons andidCheviots, soipe with plaid back: $19.50 Overcoats Reduced te $14175 $2450 Overcoats Reduced to $18.50 $35.00 Overcoats Reduced to $26.00 $38.50 Overcoats Reduced to $28.75 MEN'S SUITS A woriderful variety from which to choose a r'eal good suit. $15.00 Suits Clearing at $11,510 $18.00 Suits Clearîng at $14.50 $2500 Suits Clearing at $19.50 $29.50 Suits Clearing at $24.48 $35.00 Suits Clearing at $29.50 BOYSý' SUITS Boys' Suits with 2 bloom-ers, Reg. $7.98, Stili Lower at $6.50 Boys' Suits from $10.00 to $11.00, Now- Rèduced to $7.98 SWEATERS AND JERSEYS This list is made up of Manufacturers' Samples which are being passed on to our customers at wýonderful values: Mén's Ail, Wool Sweaters $7.50 for $5.0 Men's Ail WooI Sweaters $15.50 for $390 Men >s Ail Wool Jerseys $3.50 for $2.0 Bpoys' Ail Wool Jerseys $2.50 for $1.50 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Men's Coinbinations, Zimmerknit, Regular $2.50, Now $1.75 MEN'S OVERALLS Don't faau to see the big snap in Overalls at .........$1.9o Couch, Johnston &Crdrnn eowmanville PhoneO ~4 bii~lte 'I £~ Il il Il' 1 nen 12 fCANADA'S PLACE AMONG THE WEST DURHAM FAIR ALL ABOARD A GWÀNZD SUCCESS MINISTERS AND CHUR CHEZ ENGLISH-SPEAKING NATIONS 1 ' Club j ~~~~Weil Attended Annual MAetin- Bowmanville Boys and Girls Shoen B-w nvlead aritonS.. Bowumaýnville Caniadian Cu nY What Shiai the Future Be? Drama. Associations mneets in Zion, Chu-relh jweîî corgyatulaïte itself on the list, Friday afteriioon. Let ail Sunday of speakers who have addiressed the !The aninual meeting of West Dur- Aliboarci" 'which bas been pro-1 Sehiools be represented. Chjkuý this season, as welI us in other hbain Agricultural Society wýas heId in climed by tags on the coats of many Rev. C. W. DeMille, Kinig Street y enars. The increasing mnembersftip the Counci*l Room, Boma lan whiech has been much talked Methodist Ghurch, Oshav,-a, will and regular attendance of citizêfls B ' avllbout for two weeks was presented pec Sina Scol ni-,versary is an indication of the keen. inteirest Fr"iday afternoon and was well byabu70ynercisesnth sermons here in March. and pleasure they take in these in- attended. President M. J. Flliott Opera House on Tuesday and We-, S.(-'s,-rcRe.D.W tellectual treats. occupied the chair.,nsayeeinseTesatt-r i ~g iiater. lila. nm.-"The The banquet held at the Balm oral taken andl the splendid audience en-ChiInsbl. p.m-Grt Hotel on Tuesday., January 20th. There was nothing of a real radi- joyed the play front beginining, to hr ni sihes ". 7 p. .-n---Scroat was a real Turkey Dinner w%ýith al cal nature donc although sote lively end-truly. a mirthi-pýrovoking enter- anR ile Cl2:3 s. .-ud, Sho the extras froinsoup to tropical cdiscussionis. erande bweBiblmnt ethodis sers.Rv.J . o~ fruits that an epictire could wisb for somte of the older meflmbers and the The characters were well chosen, ina, Pastwil urch RatJ.'Lb oth b- and served in abundaice. Many y-ounger element who are gradually the several new onles appearing for icso P naa-, . .an complixnentary rextiarkjis were heard' taking over the reins of office and the first time baefore the footlightsip.Il Sacramenltal service iuorning of the elaborately serte4d banquets responsibihity. It is plain to bc in most coxamendlable performnace. ad vnp' 230plm»una for whlich Mr and Mrs. A. J. Wad- âeen that the society is experiencing EdaadlOliveras "Bi2:3Brad.?,mtheSchool iltahtis bave catered this sesn a transitory period where the old leaâïing- character, loses fouxr teeth Rv ul .Dual .AD order of things is giving way to new na otbl gmbienRv.HgbS oua-,M AD The guesst of the even.iflg wa and more modern ideas and condi- c na tauss l t epbithe facitivenss D., Ph. D., Oaktille, Presidertý Ham-. CnvnrsitorH.. Tore~ofo, c- tions in keeping with the present, from l but bis *avte sstr Do I ilton Conference lias been invited to i Master Unieererty $Ontq'WhOfancleeaand demnanda ildvoe s1 Dr-become pastor of Simcoe St. Meth- spolke on "Canada's Pltae Among the 0eeaio' thy, (Miiiss Reta R. Cole), who in! odist Chnrch, Oshawa, for next con- IEiiglish-Speaking Nation~s". 'His West Dufrham Fair bas alwaysJý song ani recitation cleverly perforai- ference year. adress was a thoughtful and in- priced itself in being a pureiy agri-; ed lher part. However, fate i jasludclua xiiin t ept-iaanthmadleacdnalyls h on epsmeigo spirational discourse #hich so1 utr~ xiiio. Is rpt-Iaant u n i cietly M ondayhevyoung ip ele'smet Cn on arouse his listeners to a greateri in- tion along these hines have been1 es bis teetb. The circumrstances wMo nareofng iss Moat hn terest in and 'a«i more fervent patriot- the means of attracting very satis. arising front his predicamnent are wsi hreo iaMrori*e Rob- isrn to Canadian institutions and an factory attendances yeai' after year humoron ote xeto cuigia, Daistan fthe Scial an Ler- appreciaion of the wonderfui heri- for over a quartier of a century. the audience to laugb as these younig ay pmn. SrpueLs tage this generation 15 priviiedged to But we a~e no-w toid, and observa-' atr occ ceesadpastiwread b*Misa Laverne lfiino enjoy. tions prove it to a great extent, that overcomne the dilBicult situation lhe li ednsb isEi Snh in H A hearty vote of thanks was ac- people- gene'rally speaking are now placed la wvith hlis sweethe art, Miss 1 ritne son. Rpr corded the speaker in bebalf of tbe more interested inaaniuGementis. Leone Quinn and ber mothe Mr,.'Of the Winter Scboçil at Cobýoucig was- HClub moved by Rev. Geo. Mason andi aide-show attractions, midways, Win. Ad'ams. Edsall made a big 'ritivriteetgygenbthde- Alderman W. HL Garruthers. Presi- horse races, etc., at Faîl Firs thaxn with bis clever acting. iaeM.-eilBeî"n , social dent Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie was la the gooti old fashioneti compe- illy's college chuin anti rival was a peoe a h s eydyth 1 chairman. tiiona lan the Show ring -and demon-! well taken by Mr. Geo. B. Clapham. Re.GI.CmblofteSca Chancellor Whidden said inl part: stration buildings of !ive stock, pro-! Alexand(er C. Phiome, the negrol e.G .Cribl fteSca The relation of the Englisb-speak- cucts of the fieldi adn rhratrcud' ae be etrSrieDprmn, gav plni ing nations of the viorld la of vital dlomestie tcience, fancy work andi choen-Mr. Sam Glanville wbo filledi 14 rmportance to-day, lut the question fine, art. It l, just anotherý case,i the b1ih to perfection.. The Siwedisb'Sna origo h wr i e nîtho ofte-n discussed has not yet cbaracteristic of modern times, of Stewý,ardJess, Miss Helen Osborne, partmrent la endieavoring to do speak- Substance takingscn lcetilydbr oet efetoto ng particuiorly on the narco tic andi been settled. fohadfil.gsýodpa, opae*le oet efcin o, liquor evils. It was enitensel-y ia- "Troth and frilîs.nEn pre"whilhe the two deck banda, Arthur W. 1 eetrgbt a very grave -matter of comrprises the Unitedi Kingdomr, Ans- So with these conditions fin- dgran e arty wrkd nuenfrtey ho aaa tralia, New Zealand, Africa, fair directorate whabbndbeisawole lot of fun as t bey cockefrth ptb.fCaaa Newfoundianti, Irelanti, Canada and attitude a'nd action? The mani busy on their job of keeping cIean11jIn therafternon he soke to tii.o andBrotherbootheandctheofothe menSon the United States. It ia botb leas and with bis ear to the grount nd i and inod'rte eis fte .S the gamrbling evil anti the mary insiti- more thii the Briîish Empire, lesa eyescon the gate receipta says cater i nous devices iri -ne f or l1realing because it does not idclude Jadis andi to the people's present-day wants. M llr. R. M. M.ýitchell as Captaîni the law and 1 aýting certain Eh ings certain colonies and dependencies; Wbîle the veteran agricuituraliat wbo j Kid( ,ace and lookedti tl' part Of~ legal. We coniti wish that every more, becanse it includes the United gloats and points with pritie to pastý a real Master of the Ship and re- man andi young person conid bhave States of America. achieveinents of the society las quite L ceiveti real deserved appIause for h heard bis wortis of 'warning. Rev. W bat these peoples think amido otne t odeog loeýs gn n atn.IJ. U. Robins, the pastor, gave a very greatiy affects the progress of clviii- and carry on as la the olden days- iThý chorkus(,s sunig by the young j fine ciiscouise la the evening onr the ization and profoundiy influences the keeping il as a genuine agricultural i people as Cabin 'Boys ahgwrs "Whlat la Man"? Psa. 8:4. destiny of otber ra-ea. exhibition. Girls anti Boys, Sweethear-ti, Sailor; Ris description of the five fools and 0f this grou.p Newf oundland Considerable controveray took Girls, Bunxble Bees, Fishpr Ivaidens, 1lit-. appeal to every man and 4 wonian standsaprt bin, ealya ronPlace Over attractions for the fair.(}veralls, Ses Nymnphs, Witches an~d to lie a b' ger, broatier an, hmore n 1 i a9 ,w, ,nited, t,,,,t a the4 Tba,, y' tt 'active,! 4iseful 4ladividualwas tme of th1ý best South Africa, Afstralia, andi New whippet races last year were far be- garba caused .mucb merrimen~t astýwe l'ave liateneti to. The choir l-w the usuai standard of this fair-. tbey appeareti arrayeti in their pret- reptiereti gooti musical -programi sing- ZealIanti are so far separ 1 teci fromi Although whiippets are a big drawýving ty costumeýs and gaily tripped about ing ope, anthem in the îri and us as to constitnte a disti*net gronp card la Somne places it is eidet th stage. two in lbe evening. The sol1o by ia theaiselves, witb many different people's etincation in Durham connty ýSpace willi not pernrrit us to give1 'Mr. Ceo. B1. Claphanr la the inoria- problenis calling for a mpore intelli- aîong this litre bas been sadly neg- individual 'mention to each soloist1 ing andi Miss Elizabeth Painton lan the gent andi sympathetic intereat on our lecteti. 1 anti actor but we mnay say aIl titi well: evening were exceptionll well pat theyarebae r sbowni;ianti So much for our observations anti as tbe oft repeated applanse of the yot beyare uchapar. Iimpressions as we sat listening to audiencei showed. JThe United Kingciont-, the Uniteti the various atidresses, remarks -andi The cast of charactea's anti per- States; Canada! More than ever discussions! Now for the busirnessý sonnels of the chorus groupa were:i THE EDITOR TALKS miuaýt we clearly ant i wth unprej«uti- of the mieeting: Jbn hms Gog ipa icet i mnds recognize ho'-, profonndly 11Jlin hms Gog mlportbnt are the relations to e ians- Secretary-Treasnrer R. F. Aitchi- A college 'boy la love witb Forty years la a very long period tain.çd betw\ýeen these three Englisb son presenteti hia report shig a Bentrice Sloan Leone Quinin of service ia any capacity anti ex'- speaking nations, balance on banti/of $49.53. More de- Who is Ln board witb bier mosiier cetoaylethfracresnd aisothsrprwilflo. Mrs. Sloan Mrs. Wm' Atima ent to the samre newspaper and undes' la rtertoa eter eaiztin f i Who makes things diffieu'It for the saine chief editor. Mr. Arthnr Canatia's place we needti t ain It waa decitieti not to holti a Alexander C. Phomte Sam' Glanville L' Pascoe R. R~. 1, Hampto-, lias tepsntpstoofteAeican Spring Stallion~ anti Bull Show this ABac ae aa Tuk cee a Solirla uews edit-r for Republiç.j year. Bill-, rdyE aî lver1 The Statesnîan for tint long p)erioti Following the Venezuela aff air The Society will again enter the Also la love witb Beatrice antid anti bas requesteti to bie released better relations' were cultivateti be- CmiainFedCo ooh rd eaCl rmfrhrdt nta otoi tween Britain anti the Unitedi States CniiainFet rp Competi- DorotyssiBe ready RenesthCale fomfn teredut a tpablepstison, this also affecteti us la this Dominion. tion, White Banner Oats being tlie ly' ise repsenes itb avi servtica ble aubccseso gain selecteti. Seven prizes rua- Captain Kititi oderick -M. Mtc., ta srve. Tepbihr Fromn the outbreak of the war un- Oigfot$5t 10at mutn f the S. S. Florida wobs btn isr whatve t mkeaa til~~in earl l 1917 tere1wa anquit Helen shornechange andi have requesteti Mr, Pas- til arlyin 117 herewas ut t $275 are being offereti. Ten en-1 Jenny enOsoe natural estrangemnent, not so mucb tries is the minimunm front any so- As S'wedish Stewardess and 1 coe I to continue on oux <stail' as a bet-ween the people as betnween our cîety anti entries must be matie witih 1 Barney Kehl Arthur W. EclgerJ specal contributor. His firat con-, people anti their Goverament. Witb the Secreary before May 15tb. Five, ulWOk Glen Martyn tribui bntat relationship appears their eintering into the Great War almmes infetvhir itn i As two Eccentricý Sailors Untier Rlis ilthis issue anti will ha irea 1, w. that disappearetio nein ts. Commandi. are very sure, wlth excee 'ingly f ofenteing ontet. ri gr~atinterest by a witie çiycle of fThe United ti ates came into a: Cabin Boys-Dorothy Plurlnner, g t new position~ antid a new place of 1 Matter of appointing jutiges ,,was1 Dorothiy Kirktoni, Leonia Dilhntg, I reat ienlo the ntdStaesnie- n leatiership. Her place in Anglo-'left over for June nmeeting. Govera- MroreStevens.byma ryin te Uitetsiisi - at iniqbe- Saxondoru cannot be ignoreti. lt-ment jdg will not be sought. The Yahin irinalo Pikrd ot r eltionship lot' unqu Commity aguage, iu~ Marguerite Joness, Muriel De hlas Mr. Pascoe acteti for us u-der erature, laws, isiuin and cus- jtain deparmeata, for the goti of a1il Gladys Bateman. R aeoecifeio o v 0y aa tonis groing ut o muebconcrneu newjudges were ativis- YIlachting Boys-Stuart R.Jîisjot he dtrfroe 0y sa itrycnot fail to be a'detein- i i-iii ble insteat of inviting those Who Raymnti Cole ,Melville Dale, James correspondent, but be was a ach,-olar isc anf Des; a Bradley's Scbool wbile the ,ame, ing factr a hentyofth Eg-so ed ear lathis capacity for Dcso to aatahe a ht cooLo lisb ýspeaking peoples. bat e t ea r e Agnes VanstoneD ck o , dto a t ahLucyh t c o o - four years-1871, 2, 3 anti 4. A Let the frank sýtatement of the lin-r Affiliation will be tie witb the atie, Pinh, B Ltrce y decMrman, thirti reiatilo'nsbip also may be nioteti: ship with anti indebtediness to Britain Provincial Fairs-niEhiiin A-IGaie Picav eryMatrie Ae CyBeraiceMrPascoe's wife is a niece ci the o athie part of a few outstantiing sociation anti the Presideat was ap- j Bedel. etiltor anti bas been a vaînable help- Aniericans Show Uts bdw their best pointeti to attend convention la Tor-! Sailor Girs-MargaretF MeGreg-or me-iiet someties (loin. the writing la citizens feel. onto, Feibruary 3-4. 1 Mabel Stevenson, Nora ýGibsbn, Ellî[ bis absence andi often helpiflg to gat- Ia 1895 Professor Woodrow Wil- 1 Collacott, Eliza Kirkton, Ada Web- bher the news by telephone, it la son wrote: "The comnion British Officera for 1925 are: President-, ber.j oubtful if any otber Canadtiar %week- stock titi firat niake the coutc at Bumible Bees-Florence Oliveri W n'ewspaper c, os f iia basý always set the pace". Vice President-R. J. Giîl; 2nt Vice Creta Muntiýr, El-va La Montagne, record. One other tbing nuiay ble President-Lorne T. MeLaughhliln; Duaine Tbickson, Margaret Oliver, {entionect: ti-at la, no commnnit-y or Twenty-five yearý ago Senator Secretary-T1reasurër-.R. F.Aih-LelMlerEaTuLoaEl-I centre fias been better servetidur Loig funi ha o 14,4 1l1tin son]. Direetors: Darlington--Johngett.j these 40 years than bas Solira andc Americanls, 12,519 bat Britisb namnes. Baker, Chas. Allia, Geo. F. Annis, Fisher Malt.ien-Misses L. Van- district. We hope to receive iinaay ira 1915 oi 387 high officials la State, L. C. Snow-ten, Haroldi Skinner, HItiervoort M. Souch, 1. Pawson, H. more articles froiu Mr. Pasçoe's ver- Goveraments 326' batiBritish trames. E. Tink, K. Squair, Geo. A. Stephens ,A e 1 awo satile pen. la 1916 H. H. Powers la "iTbe r J. F. Oshiorne anti H. G. Macklin. Oeal-uyOieAieHgi Thiga en lgh Fo", ait"Whcb lare-Fraak Mlii, Norma Allia.,j fielti Dorotby Moyse, Dorothy Jam-esj will? 1in? I d not knw. WihB sR.ubtxeHwaOneisR.Drty Bonnycastie, Iscbe McMur- lanti Miss Helen G. Morris, as tramýîer j bst? I lllno sa. ut neGraY. Bowmanville--Jarnes Nokes, 1 ry of the littie tots, are ivorthy of spe- I do know v ant i xlsay, yea, I M. J.T ElliottT. ele akeN SaNyui--rt Pace I- m enin 5c a Copy No. 5

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