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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1925, p. 2

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ANVILLE, JAN. 29th., 1925. THE EDITOR TALKS the h, every )rison Swett Marden i l Iic.- homeý e HumnanMgainwrote: in th( a battle and whosoever would ,tor ýS' AND GENTS' I servic nshlp A,. LL. D et, 15 s i o OI Y e1 l o saLafe ïs a15 ý a nflict didn't sound quite- sù war- horne w~ he, but it really nieans he nae cause st I i lg. Thousands of examples OfItheir al ie mnilitant career could be cited iiig. 1 om1 histories;, biographies and from, We cani ir individual acquaintanices, but _Dr good, ir. zIrden's direct statement clinches! tflat Cori ir fae-e ust be figlters to tera pleý d of our earthily existence. Ask1 wish- ev( ur physician if in doubt if he succes osmany pensons who are, fight-ý can buy 's? Yes, hie'll tell you-the lame, esa ýe deaýf, the blind, the invalid anIanl i ores of his patients are, fighiting g (ood, h e battie of life-some very brave- tionial ri and persistently who are confront-I 1by mountairn; litoraily, of physie Hr difficulties. A biographer of Fran,-1 fir i s KINDNESS A c~ensof 0 A hand in thi he el gimatter. ýaie excE )ua read nce. You e or on1 number -trove of inspira- OUUVJ.4115% ULIV Riss oi. ove, eeds no lips to make itself felt; nibrace -which tendetly efýjolds w ut the nid of armis. C'il t -hat you will, but neyer fail Gut tîhem your great treýa-ures, 110\ that their voices and, memcyi 7iil endure. FITOR'S NOTES 'The Dominion Bureau of Statis s 3(enIt us the first volume of given out in a bulletins, eachi easpects; of pop r11(. This volu is the final detLà init-s, sho'wing (, ml -eographical [lg of a battie, a prize-ligit, a bonut, a, ite, again toeing the Uine, again ,s bard and heavy, 'but he came cto the scratch, on guard, teetb and resalute neyer to su'bmit or 1-he w4ould fight his infirmities phiysical handicaps to the very 'asn't bis a fight aais great ý'i ono mnian. vaunz o REMEMBER THAE BIRDS ince tiie item appeareti in k's, Statesman. about -Mr. E ht seeing tUe Globe rebîi TEA COING UP Tlhere is every indication that price of tea is going tlp. Soine predict it will be $ 1.00 a poiind.. 'We pass this'information on to our customers so that they niay be prepared. We have just received a fresh shipment of Bulk Tea, IBlack and Mixed, Special Bilend at 65e lb. Some are already buying in 5 and 10 lb. lots. EAT MORE FISH Qualla B,.C. Salmon 12'/e lb. Smielts............. »e ib?. Fresh Herrin-, ..... 2 lUs. 25e E-ippers,ý...........5e lbi. Fillet...............25C lb. Tiaddie.........18c lb. Salmon S na cks ....... Me lb. Cod Fish ........ 20e package Oysters ............. 45e jar Oranges, Grape Fruit, Lemons and Vegetables Scalded Cream 45c lb. hiARRV PJ-IONE 18$ ALLIN BOWMAN VILLE mnusie 1ives is KeePp the Home Bright and Cheer fui With Flowers er able1 it or! ani ce ls G- Iyuu ir fg rs yield."' yy got mô--tof oruri, nspiration vbel' the irds! il ca" Do net ip lvrds ch. e U f.aýfor these paragx'aphs from "svccess fu erte ricouraged soul? Alil:U Huipian Magazine"*. Hre are IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL AL.AN 'M. WLLAM ai-ie us aèr f te reion tStatesman readers by peris-o eolMpe reSsac ~ edtor f tat mgasie. an, writes: Editor Canadian States- Embamer ad n eal ~' IŽirector, R ve hee ad Multtuesof people woulcd like'thema-amecsig y rewa tenticna ce totbeginat-eiroriveasaIl i,., for 19 25 . I am n lad t a see th e bh rme -t you ýo'eýtia1 longer ' ~ di5ssip e ýgain-stairt out o'ne more rein- ,paper maintain 1its admyirably high tanice. Phones 58 or 159, Bo'y . : -1 ngtliforee wvith the kuowledge of exper- Mora-l sandard i diint u ns.nvth mOnt i t4u es, tha tfastbe îht avoid -rattention ta current local rnews. 1 itl )Dllint eheitoases, th.ders' vý as certainly proud of West Durhm, MEIl]L ci 1jýt» T utureis bright wiith uch -orow and trouble, so m'any iurcvrl iLrn prom send failures in pasht.T hesituation is entirely iern B. J. HALWOOD, M. D., ~C.'M. o» ui. o'tt' repine nor be discouraged for tiere. Prohibition -,as given us as GoI Me~s ofTrnit UrX~. ~'i1925 offers everyhôdy between 5 and îold edalit of rinit Univrsit 75 years of age-a bran new Chance a war time measure aýnd aco!epted as 1'oocnto. Fou~r years attefdng Pohbey '-a agi. Corg t oi suc-i. t did not corne as a result scnand Sureoni at Mt. Carinel Haveyoubee obervin- and'ito egin gi Cuaetdot of a grow-ing sentiment and a Con- f(opitl, ittbix g, Ks' Offie ndtâoghfueough t believe 'that a is ail you ueed-the will ta win-to demnation of the liquor trafllc. The * esl'dence, Welngton Street, Bôw- -i-ia imieastired by the spirit or make 1925 the finest and n.oblest, vote last 'summer simiply showed how man'ville. Phione 108. 1iuck that le in him? If so, don't the greatest year in your hife. Dat- our ipeople as a whole bave always ba quitter, for you are assigedly ing fromi now ta this date next year feIt and thougbt on the question. C. W. SIIMON, M. D., C. M. what your ideals, y aur purpose.ýs, you will have 365 Chances to make -May the future briug continued' suc- Graduate of Trinity Medical College, your ivill, your grit, your courage g0ood, fr every day gives ,you a ceess and usefuliness ta your paper. Toronto, fornely of Enniskillen. and your stickçtuitiveneýss mlake you. new chance ta win. Tbink af the_________________ Office and Residênce Dr. Be;itb's, If yoiu posses a brave spirit and go year lan'that way, take it and make, formner residlence on Clnirch-st., Bow_ straiglgt the world takes note af you. it serve la tbat way-a day at a~ man wha dares. Pray for the grace manville. Phione 259. 44-t You know such persans. You know time--aud you wiIl be amazed aveu aof Courage. that they stand for sometbing- worth whVat, You eau accomnplish. Don't * * *1 while, thaçtbey are builders, achiev- miss one day, for tUe year's sumi We are told that aur ricthest life1 ers, winners. They are makiug total is the combined effort of 365 cames frori the service we render CHIROPRACTIC their lives caunt f or Esomethting. daye. Ita aur f ellowmen. Then apartý DR. DURWIN E. STECKLEY They are contributors ta higherl* *fronr the heneficial effects that cu citizeueship. They radiate wbvolee- Ha've you ever seriousl1y thought age brings ta ourselves and aur nat- Hauor graduate of Toronto Chiro- samne influence lu their homles il, that the cay is a unit af your lufe? ural desire ta, make the most of aur- practic Çollege will be in offilce on, their communities aud ilu iheir Your success, your happl1npsýs, ya'ur selves; ta develop aur natural aibil- TIemperance Street, Bowmanvrille,; couutr:y. Achievements oi lastiug reputatian is mnade up afi day.s' vvork ities ta their f uilest possibilities and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday~ value have ever been made possible -iauy of' themi tog-ethè. Your!succeed in aur ambitions aur mentali ifternoe±i and evening. Phones:' by men andl wonien with vision and character is in the day's, work of 24 attitude will have a tremnendous lu-1 Office 141J; Resideunce 141W. courage, brains and education, es- haurs, Your destiny lives :in it- fluernce ou others. It will help or1 DR. S. M. JONES sentials available ta al la this coun- YOur future le lu it-your influence hiuder them just as it helps or hind- OvrÇiorcar~ Otoah try of compulsary eehooling. This for gaad or ill in the world, on the ers ourselves. e anatherý Chioprctr ad stepah i yt 1lh fistmonh f 125tim lvesoftioe bouliu.-esis strongaserio tssertit e gin Ovr16 years' successful practice enougli yet ta make goad resol-ves. part of the day's work. Has this saîd: "The brave, caurageous, de- Office lours: Arause witUiu you the hopeful cou- ever impressesd you before: WUat termiued soul is one of the world'. 2-5-7 ýto 8 p. m. Phone 224 fident -pirit af right action. Be 'e your day's work is, such is your lufe? greatest assets, but the poor, weak, $6 Simcoe St., Osh~awa. sured that if yau expeet great thusYs vpthingdpuso 1 o tnd hikncoady e~-fa ______________________ of yourslf-if you believe you are face the day-whether you Coire ta cing soul le one of its liabiities- ----capable of doing the thiings you de-, it as a nan of courage-a conquerrir ti-e one pushes it iorwardl, the ather- VEEIAYsire ta accamplish-if your courage or as a coward, a -weah-liug. If you holde it back. Have you ever VETERINARYli up ta standard pitch and yau keep, approach the day's work as Napoleon thought wbat a tremendous respon- Dr. F. T. TIGHE straight on triving ta win nothing'led( his arm-y across the Alps ta vie- siarIty lie is ta every one ai us but acccident or siekuess can block tory; if ,you start forth every rnoru- from the period ln aur career when VETERINARY SUR~GEON. Day or you achiieving yaur objective. Sure ing with a iresh supply oi that great wýe eau distinguish righit f romn Ofice Kinlst. W., tyatemndeBlokvictory will be yaurs.uiversal tonic-Courage-yoau rieed. wrang? Thert thiuk af one day's Offle Kig-s. W. Staesmn Blckhave no fear about resulite at theedl activities-its power ta Uelp or to Bowmnanville. Phone 243. of *aithe year. 110A, does this astrike barma. When we conteuxplate what' yau? "'The 'wovrld belongs ta the!j we let baose- upon the warld lu ai E. G. KERSLA)CE, V. S., B. V. Sc. You- have heard ai the ueed ai' man wha dares". Tacitus said:! cingle day-so mariy thoughte, emo- VETERINAdY' SURGEON, Eonor1 courage on the actual battlefleld. "The gode look with fav'ar ou super- tions, influences wUicU travel in ever-. Graiduate of University of Taronto. 0Our livps are a warfare against evil ior courage". Conversely, juet, as wideuing areas like the circlesi Aill cases given prompt anid careful ipfluences, errors, temiptatione ançi surely as the goda look with favor ou started by dropngasoei tr ation i n yidforms, sothat w edteco1urageous an sbd hey, w utraizethat we cannot aet Office Hampton, phone 129-15. strength ai willpower aud Courage, iro'wn on tUe coward, the weakling., for self aione, that no man eau live __________________ in aur daily battie ai 111e. It re- * * * ta ar for self alone. Let us pause J qxuires tUe boldest type of courage-l If this Divin ac dy' dtis maral courage-ta faee the 'world fti iie, 'Omnipotent Catir-i û b tefa trng a ntal bh a'cte w AUCTIONEERS witU a saille no matter what happena g cud uybenad1emae ntt et Urpe etl rcrw Yet more, it requirça the came highl wth aîl weak desr>ali'ng mein ad' e THEO. M. SLEMON standard ai courage aiten ta stand j women think wbat a race ai Uumarns - Auctioneer by aur canvictions and nat bec way- w12e woud oee lop If for this'a Parm and Hottse Sales a Specialty. edï by tUhe opposing efforts or opinions195eryoe oudctvaehi Terme nioderate. Enniskillen P. o, of the crawd. You canuot win out; courage, what a wonçlèrful year it Phone 197-r3. 1-tf lu the right way wltbout tUle highi- would be. We venture here on ai JAMÉS JENNEIT hrt Itotnrece o reagcourag ef eratee flnds fa faee hae ( JAMES BENNETTe ati fe eurmr' courage le tte res ronte ofTEl a a cthate Auctioneer to be sincere, ta he honest aud drawn their gtrength, their super- ny 1 'ÏA-- ifu- srarsch±'.fon'rd tA hait d+ A,, t .face humaîn courage, iroîn their conscious' (ne I - have c( Yes. M. A. JAMES Nothing like Cut Flowers and Plants to make the home attractive. We 'have Cut Flowers and Plants abile prices-always fresh. at reason- Prompt attention to ail orders. BrockdaIe Nurseries Phone 7 Bowmanville SLAUGHTER SAL~E China and Glassware Every woman who reads this wUi be inter- ested in this event. What home is there that doesn't need China and Çlassware? This Sale enables you to save mouey on every artile pur- chased whether it's one piece or a whole dinner set. YOU SAVE $1 5.00 We are featuring this week a beautiful 97'- Piece DINNER SET, semi porcelain, been selling for $35,00, reduced during sale to $20.00. See it in' the window. .ÀkýRCHIE TAIT Phone 6#5 Bowrnanville Let Dudley Fuil Youir Meat Order This* Year and you "rI besuré of getting the best meat at Iowest prices. W. DeIiver in Town WVVi*lbert J. D11,udIey BUTCHER Bc$WMAN VILLE tarie s Practice t-alk ta when o1( friends. or ~î émem-

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