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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1925, p. 4

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ýg ,anu Values Magnified you look into our January Sale Values the ýze the genuineness of the savings. Pfices such irked on this Winter Footwear are sure to nieet test approval. You will find footwear for the at greatest price savings. Farmers wviIl findi rices on ail heavy footwear are well worth tak-ing now. Take a tip from us-leather p.,rices are shoes look higher in price for next fali and LÔ ok Ipto Our Values! Th ey're Real Regal Boots, >wIn, Regularly o0 $8.50, 1 $5.95 PAIR Ien's Black and Brown Boots, ALLY PRICED $4.45 Boys' Boots, L PRICE $2.95 PAIR -h Gaiters for Wonien and es, Regulanly $2-,and $2.25, TO CLEAR $1.00 PAIR SDiscount on Hockey Boots 60 pair Women's Brown Caif Strap Shoes-, Regutlailr $7 to $9, SALE PRICE $4.95 PAIR 60 pair Women's Brown Ox- fords, cuban and low heels, Regular $7.00 and$9.00 a pair, SALE PRICE $4.95 PAIR 40 pair MLisses' fligh Shoes, 11 to 2 sizef3, broken iie, SPECIAL TO CLEAR $3.00 PR 1 table of Children's Shoes, sizes 2 to U1'2at $1 and $1.25 pr 20% Discount on ail Bedroosa 1. Slippers 1. ward robe trunk-just what you need for the trip aouth. It's a eushion top. It's a Langmuir-îHartman. Regularly $ 42.50 for IVES' SHO'-ïE STORE Bowmanville Cash Shoe Store Mr. Farmeqr, his Advt. Is For YlOU: HARDWARE AND HARNESS SALE We will give absolutely free a pair of $10.00 Horses Blankets or $10.00 worth of goods with every set of our sturdy, higli quality Home-made Harness sold this month.> CAN YOU MAKE $10.00 EASIER? Cail and see us before buying MASDON & ]DALE The Popular Hardwar-- Quality and Right Pricei& Phone 145 Bowmilnville OGn Any And AIl Days-Save Eoery Week hrifty liousewives know that they cannot save noney tently by shopping where prices are cut low for the end, and raised 20 per cent higher during fLhe week. kno-w that Dom-inion Stores maintain low prices every 1the vqiek. That's whIy ïthey, andl yon, should shop the-ire. P AND G AND GOLD SOAP 10 BARS FOR 59c EOWMANVILLE, JAN. 29th., 1925.1 U. F. 0. MEETING MAPLE GROVE P rovidence Farmers' Club wll Mi5ss Reta Power hias returned miieut Tuesday evening, February 3,ilhome after vstn Miss Laila -",il- at the home of Mr. J. F. Osborne. kins, Salemi... .Mr. Ross Stevens la1 i SOLINA'S 40 YEARS ACýlVITY A representative from the Co-opera- takiling thle Junior Farmers' Short -~ tve gg ad Pult DeartmntCourse at Guelph. . Ebenezer Leagu Mr. A. L. Pascoe Wrltes a Very wilI acadress Élie meeting. Ladies re- visits oui League this (Thursd1ay) Interesting Narrative quested to bring baskets. night. Everybody invited .... Mis., Trunman Power spent the weekênd 1After a peîiod of f oîty years as Tyrone Fannmers' Club- will hýold a with her mYother in town ...Miss correspondent at Solina to The Can- meetin~g in Commiiunity 1H-ll on Wed- Viola Stevens and Miss Ida Stevens adian Statesman, I have seen fit to nresday eveninig, Fhur 4th. Goodý are visiting friends in Peterboro. resign the duties. The editor bas. programi is beîng pirepared. Every- Miss Idalhas returned home. . . Mr.j however, urged me to recaîl somie body weîcome. WVilson Power, Ottawa, has been vis-i of the many changes that have taken Simon McCoy, A. W. Annis. iting his brotiers Chester aind George place in and aound t1iis village in Presîdent. Secretary. Power and other relatives ...The thiat time. I many friençls of Mrs. F. Swallow will As a st-art on the narrative, the' South Darling-ton Farmers' Club lbe pleased to know that she is doing' old school house of earlieî yeaîs -will hold a basket social on Monday, as Well as could be expected alter has been replaced by a îeally mo d- evening, February 2nd., in Maple her operation in Bowmanville bHs- ern ed-ilfice and th-, yard has been Grove Hall. Ladies bring baskets. pt..... Mr. and Mrs. W J. Snowden enlarged making a roomy and ex- Coffee will be served. Short pro- recently visited their .. son Ebe~r in cellenit play ground. . Mr. A. J. g9am. Everyone cordially invîted.l Osaa .... Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilk- Reynold's taught here around forty _________ s and daughters Helen and Doris,i years ago and since then, Mr. Cy- Ebenezer, visited hier niother on Sun- rus Coomnbe, deceaesed, and Mr. T. COURTICE ..ay.... .Rev. W. H. Sparg, Mr. H. C. Doidge who afterwardis becamie ____i W. Pointer, Town, occupiéed the pul- a High School teacher and taught Sunday services were well attend- pit very acceptiably here on Sunday. for man y~ears at Orillia Collegiate ed. In the nmorring Rev. W. A.furel cherce etSdahem .r and dieu at Toronto soinetwo years Spargo, 'Bovwmanville, preached ago. Then Mi. W. H. Tonkin fine setnn and in the evening Mi.flOI taught here, now a prominent gard-iI Pointen gave an addîess to ener and forist in Oshawa r.yung mer withi much enthusiasm. HAMPTON R. F. Maclaren -ý now la*sucessfi Sn'nday School session had a large med.ical doctor at Whitb)y. Hle W55 attendance. . .. Ladies' Berean Classi Mrs. George Barron is visitiirg lier; succeeded by Mi. C. Everett Brown holds ita monthly meeting at 2:301 sister in Toronto. now a popular School Inspector at p. m., tihis Thursday. . _~. Tl-urscay Mrs. S. T. Mounl4oy and Elias .Maple 'Creek, Saska-tchewav,-n. Mr. evening our Lqý gue visits Maple, . John McCulloch of Enfield, who no'w Grove League Wlien the report of Genaaireil resides in California, then Mr. R. W,,inter School held at Cobourg tAiI Mrs. Chas. Johns is quite recover-1 J. Mý cKessock the present teachber be given by Misses Margaret Aber-1 ed froni an attack of pleurisy. who has been here for twenty-'five nehMre udead eaPoe Much appreciation is due The years. ~~~~. Mr. Glen T. Courtice, Toronto,!James Publishirt omay o gv So .many have been the chbanges spent the weeketid at home wýith his1 ing Statesman readers thé most in- in famnilies and faims in time parents. ter esting letter from Rev. Geo. W. that the list is a large one. John and Spaîling, China, which has been of~ William Elford's families moved great help already to somie Leagues west, the former to Dakota and the iNIL n arrangirig for their "Spaîling latter to Manitoba. Mi. F,. G. Kers-1 Night". lake lived on Johnsa farmfi and re-1 . Mlrs. John Hepburn has been vi151t- Mis. R. Johns, Miss Allie Wood tired to Hampton and later Mr. H. In'g near Columbus .... .Miss Verra iand Mr. Wes. Wood, Orono, visitedý E. Tînk. Mi. Doidge lived on theý Trewin, lisydon, yisited Miss Ruby!at Mr. H. Rundle's .... Mr. and Mrs i Colton faim for many years and Sniith.. Mrs. Frank Gilbert is vis'- LChas. Wood and family at Mr. Frank since then Councillor Silas Williams iýting hier mother, Mis. E. Annis, Jis . egeths(hid! has resided there. Whitby .... Maýsters Ralph and Eow- evening in charge of the Fouith Vice Mi. Frank H. Mason, now of aid Ormiston have d 'htheria.' The Presid ent ... . Remember the Sunday Bowm-aniville, lived f'or several yearsl boys are doing as ;1 as can be colCneto tZo hrh on the farim wheîe Mr. Paul Wil ex-,ýpecte.. . Wiile rAthur and'Sho o nvda fe'nion a in hr limsliedan snc sldtoMi CMiss Myirtle Oriston 'vere driving. n rý dyaferot lAn Blanchad i. WsldtoM C. krthrough Oshawa 'on S ýrday theiOur village in spite of weather is 1 ive on the farim which was after- spiiited driver became ;rihtened by h eteo ostn ona ag waîd teantd b A. . Caîk, M. astreet car and lean uamnanage-1loads of ýcrystal blocks from Lake, able. The car sru-, th. cutter iElliott are going east, west, nort Kivell, (John Kivell's fatier) and throw\,ing both occ upa-Ms out, but and south. nowowedbyMi R C Sot. uckily there-, was quite a . f -sno-\,, Careful preparations are in pro- 1 Mi. Wm. Cox and famuly livedl where they landed whh î- rnay have, gress for the Golden Jubilee. Ser- east of the village a~nd they later t aed their lies. The cutter was vices of Dr. Geo. H. Williamis, TPor- movd t Albera~ i. hos Wet- adly wrecked . .. Mi. Wallace Pas- orto, have been secured for Marci lake and wif e, both now deceased, coe lias gone to Toronto to take al Ist. Otiher veteran mninisteis of mary the eldest son Arthur i& a car re-, course on Auto-Tractôr Gas Engin-, yeais ago are to preacli on February paier on thc C. N. R. and lives at' eeiing, Battery Service, etc. ..A 22nd. Rev. J. T. W. (Staff ord, Met-i Ochawa while Perey is a- druggist in numbe r of people got anowýbound I ropolitan Ciurch, Toronto, is to tie West. dui'ing the storin I at Thursday. preaci anid lecture Jubilce week. Mr. Wmn. Baker lived where Mi. Sunday' -,as a red letter day in J. T. Rundle now resides. Mi. S. the Sunday Scbool with 186 present.j J. Williams lived for many yeais onl AL GROVE SCHOOL Watcb the figures grow over 200 for the corner village faim afterwaids ' C-the Bl1u es. Ieased to Mr. W. T. Taylor an~d sold~ Report of Sebool, nasses in order Morthly mneeting of W. M. S. was to Min J. R. Kivell. The eldest aýon of merit. 1:-Htonors. 1J5ely attended and an unusually, lives in Oshawa and the others Sr. IV-*Vere Trimbie, Cosha inteiesting and profitable piogiam moved to Hampton where the par- ams.waa enjoyed. Mis. J. J. Vil-tue, enta have oinee died. Jr. IV--William Laird, Etelka Piesident, has the aitf ul way of get- Tie Sonm of Temperance HaU 'ýwag, Thinable, »~arion Srow, en. tmng members to work. "The Watchi built on thiii property andidlbas been jSi. III-*EIlen Gimblett, Vers on, Toweý", a paper by Mis. F. Corder,~ muci used by the Society it heling Trimble, May Freeman, Carl Gimb- a questioraire b yMîs. G. Barror, a' at one timie the banner Division i~n ,tt. piano solo by Mis. Chas. J. Kerslake, the Province of Ontaio. The. Pat- Jr. 111-*Dorothy Stevena, Esi besi'des several oher rumbers give I ions of Industry met there, the. Samis, Alfred Laird. an idea of the vaiiety and ehazracter- Farmers Institute, the Women'9 in- Sr. II-Lavorne Trimble., Wilfred istic of their meetings. stitute and the Farmera' Cluib like- Aldworth. Pageant 10O0 yeara of victoiy by Wise. Jr. II-*Beity Snowden, Leslie'Yourg People's League piesented A blacksmith shop was in use for Aildred. 1 Friiay evening was pronourced an mnary yeaîs on this corner pîoperty' I-Lloyd Metealf, George Somer-1 outstanding success, ahowing bard wheîe Mr, W. A. Tom was black- scales, Geoigina Someiscales. woîk by Missionary Vice President, emiti, latex moving luite on Pi.-Alex Chobotar, Mildred Mis. Hilton Peters and committee. street. Mr. Philip Fraya sucde Sno'wden, Leonard Sômencales. j Pastor W. W. Jones wio saw the him. The latter mioved toee Oshawa1 Ruby A. Lancasiter, teacher. pageant in Massiey Hall gace assist- where bis son Charles row runs a ance. shop. 1 hoir urder 'direction of Mi. T. Mi.W. oiwll lsolied ber. ENISILLi Saltei made tihe oid time hymns Mr . J. CoBa lso sow red were aNN________stand out with fine effect. kept A c an n~op. Mi. Cas.d ge ened1 vniPionéees with missionary faith an kepta crrige hop. Mr.Cha Wenesdy eenig ws ývision weie fittingiy introduced byd Barrett worked in the Wood shop, 1 r charge of the 4th Vice President, the beîald. Miss Sargeant; Miss Wý,m. Carroll and A. Stott. 1Mi. Roy MoGili. A letter fron Louise Johns spoke the spirit of tice Mi. W. A. Tom finally took overl Rev. G. W. Sparling, oui mis ion1arry Methodist Missionaryr Society; Misas the wood sbop with bis business andi represertativq. in China, was read by Ruth Joins gave real artistic /and successfully carried it on for mary Miss Sadie Cîaig. Miss Glýadys ehlaîenging expression to the spirit years afterward moving bis family to Stainton read "Jack Stewart's Vie- of the New Century. j Collirgwood and condueted a liveny tory" after wiici meeting closed Ms Blanche Cryderiman led the' business there. He is one of the: witi Mizpai benediction. ,... Sunday angefs in the scene of "The Angels proirent businees mer of that city "avenin'g Rev. E. C. Belknap preacbed and tiec Shephertds" and Mis. Thomas »and is now the Deputy Reeve. lanotier of bis excellent sermons on Wray spcke for the S.hepherds. The Vices were about. the onîy' The Aquired View". He said thati Principal F. G. Groat acted as Bi- atone mlasons in these parts and tbey the Hehrews and Gieeks of old, made o eslgpeiigovrtcds- builti walls under neaîly all tic big conditional vows witi God. These tines of "The First' Conferenice"j barns in Darlirgtor, East Whitby vows were always kept. Oui vows ever heîd in Canada in oui church and some in Clarke and Cartwright are very seldoan kept unroken. August 26, 1824; Percy Cowrng townships. When we are in trouble ai-d danger too the place of Rev. Wm. Case and Tiey have ail left tu.e village wei1 u extsi o oGd acteid as Secretary of Conference. Waltr, i. ad wfe ave aised but after He guides us Ont Of these This part of the Pageant w'as very away; John and famiiy moved to ierls we do p ot rememier the vow realistie. Saskatchewan wheîe he hias since1 we made to Hlm. This we should Tic iesolution foi sepaî,ating tie died and George and James xnoved rot do. We should be sincere like tCnda oitisfo i mr to Oshawa witb their familles and is Waler ow ive on tic RogrsD. Eurgmaster gave a party Fricay !car parent chunci 'was ably moved fWaltm w ivs foinywth o h vn oarenmer of guests iian atellingspe)cech by Laverne Clen- Cen. 8 :20-"An atar unto the Brunt absent. j--- the six young people appeslirg on Lord." Sacramental services at El- Jr. I-Marie Oke, Ruby Virtue, behaIf of somie needy peoples.Ti dad SunCay, Feb. lst, at 3 p. n... Bruce Ashton, Pearl Connagian, twel1ve yourg ladies bringing gTlftle League did not visit last week Tyrone Flossie Connagiar. for tic Lord's Altar, ea-h ielped to Leagu-badroad ..Recent visi- Sr. Pr.-Marion ~Giffin, <Fred compiete t'-e interesting, rageant. tons: Mr. an<4 Mrs. Biner Wfilbui and Trewir. Those wio missed, it owing to se- Gondon at Mr. A. J. Balson's; Miss1 Jr. Pr.-Bernice Stainton, Ruth ver- ¶ether, will be g1ad to know j Lena Talor ir Toronto; Mr. and: Stevenson, Annie Staintor, liTjord that it will be repeated by request _Mis. Chas- Mackity, Brookliii, witb Petbick, Mandy Connag'- an. j on Suiny evenirg, February 8th Wr 1 Slia fieds L. An<lrew, Gi. Smith, teachers.;j thecehuiei. Moving to Ki*ng-St., Having recently purchased the shop and resi- dence occupied by Mr. J. T. Moilon, Tailor, King St. (nearly opposite Balmoral Hotel), We have now moved into the ,shop and are prepared to give you prompt, efficient anid careful service for any- thing required in Plumbing, Steamfitting or Tin- smithing. Caji and see us in our Inew shop or phone 18W. Greenaway & Elliott Heating Experte and Consulting Engineers Phone 18 Bowmanville in Buying Health' You get the most for your money when you buy Glen R'-ae Dvairy Milk Were it twJice the modest price a quart at which it is sold, it would stili be the cheapest and the safest food you can buy. '"THE KNOWING MOTHER WILL BUY NO OTHER"ý Phone 1'75r3 and have wagon eall. GLEN ,iRÂE DAIRY, R. R~. Stevens, Proprietor Bowmanville Et (CIO'BETT'S Bread There's no substitute for Higli Quality. If you are harboring the thought that economy and health are., wrapped up with cheap bread just sweep the idea from your mind. You're unfair to yourself and your family when you reach out for price and negleet quality. Corbett's Bread contains only best quality in- gredients and is baked under most sanitary con- ditions. Try a loaf to-day. Ice Cream lin bulk or brick always on Iiand W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Children May Shop No need of coming to our store to select your meat order, if you are busy. Just send one of your chldren and we will give your order the samie care andi attention as if you shopped'your- self. 0f course, phone orders are also given prompt attention. As Marshall Field once said, and we agree with him: "The customer must always be satis-, fled". G.A. Edmondstone J3ownianviile Phone 21

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