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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1925, p. 8

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APPLE GROWERS MEET Very Largely Attene Conv.sntioni The N v tie Inc ~e~He~ at Newcastle e~** 1h ,t nnaomein f North- ami urýair.\ppe sTHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5th., 1925 Association1 ,1ldin the Clý,4ommiu nity I Hall, 0wctl , n" 3rsdayanitiFr1- _____________________________________ dayJanury 9th nti9iYt.'Vas the biest i the hlistery ocf the Association. NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE CHURCHES YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGYTE In point of aittendanice it far, surpassed _____ _____ 1i predecessors. Ther~ wasangrei gae tenacedrIng tetody' Mrs. W. E. Bemian is ill. 1Preýsbyteriani Church, Rev. Geo.ý Newcastle Yýoung People's League S e,ssi ons, of about 900 people, .AdrcnSihhdbuiesi1 Mason will preach at Newcastle at will hold a Valentine Social in Metb- The twýo days' mneeting, aind the b an- j Toronto last week. Il a. ni.; Newtonville a :0p .oitS .Roso t aetn' ,uetontleIl ecnd day ere disinctlySecond Chance". El3th. Goodebrar new",features but the unciualifed suiccess I Mrs. J. W. Mcbazugliii is visiting Sujet-Th Ee FidGFerur of eýu]ach ply proved t'le wisdom 0of thej friends lin Toronto. i Miss Blanche Crydermani, Hamip-j prOgrami and many novel features as- llyrKtorIs in planning as tlbey titi. 1sue. Amsin2e ad 5. Althougb tle apple ' groweý of Lieseý Mrs. J. E. Maýltcelett has returnetl ton, was guest of Miss Grace Bragg' sur-te. Adisuasonex25c and 11 haehdnin l- on nd assisted in the Young people's;Frhrpriuasnx ek - Ulnited 1Couties bv a ayo-hm after a's visit in Tor-1 y stads t hc ocotý n no Choir in Methiodist Cburch Sunda, good miany discouragements, 'tere wasl Inn.Mr n r.H N ukr r no trace cfpesmm at these mee-tings. i Theý- Board of Eniucation held its lNewaslrning.t onrbue 1nsteati, a fine tonle of optinlism cbarac- F(ýbruaiy nmeeting on Wednies wcsteMehoitscotrbte M.and en.agJmntror- terizet aflthe sessions, witb an evident i $60 uneir veinT T TXay 2fth. ieýteriiination on the pa)ýrt cf th mremn- jviirg a in responsýe to Rev. G. 1.Cmbl' thei sis.,vr, uessie Lenora Wvî±nama- bers of the association te accluire the >M rs.R. W. Gîbson was called to appa nbhi fteCmbl' son, te Percy John Rosa,, D. D, S., necssary Imkowlet,(geand ust it to or-Or'Illia this ee -t teIl us Eal eand ociheDal r tSdbrthe marriage to take plae corne their difllculties. lti %ekowý-ing t. t Sudburys Sirl'after 2_ p. nm. Tbuirsday a fter-! e c f her aunit. ofEaiels-- StScalSrie in St. Thomas' Church, Toronto, Feb). Shrle .A wl aldteilns icxhssvrdh St.George's Cbiurch, Seutuages- î4th. lnoon, Prsident A .(0 il ai" i,'Mr. Geo. Wlo lsjvre 'ima iýiSuniday, February 8th., Rector, meeu'tinig to order andi de1lvered an")Intr-Connections wvith Mr. Frank Gibson .Hl esting atIIdress, toncbing on thectviie Rev. E. R. James. 8 a. --.Hoý cf1the Associatio.tring 'th"e past -d rettumed te Toronto. 'Communion. la* m .-Morningj T e apple belt of NTortbiimbrantind ti Misses lim(a and Helen Tuif, Tor-' Prayer. 2:30 p). i.-Suniday School. Durbam etendistbe wIole lngbof thiei tvst leruciad'ut ' -i-Eesig Counities along Lake Ontario witba ntvste hi ucean utIlp .Evnog avrae itt of fv or six m Thi-. is Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Brantonl. t MtoitCucR .B appie bet aise extentcs for a wit,"%ayý-dt h!À iit' Pine (I,ýir ciijy Miss H. A. Mlason is confinethe Cooke, Pastor. 11:00 a. m-on Nortbumbejlrlaind and urbm rowýs house, and asarsi ercentage i ing worahip. 2:30 p). im.-Suniday1 mior e experlt apples than al the othleri cf young New%ýcastle are enijoying a' I Scool; 7:00 p. m.-Evening service.;i counties cf Ontario vcembIinet.I lda. Anithem-is by the choir. Solo by in speaking of the (Iifficitieýs imet With Conractor Butc kley hýas completed,' Mýiss Grace Bragg-"Jesus Lover cf nin marketing apples Mr. Oliiteuce e Club usea h ktigRnkmy Seul". on the comipetition of rthe New EIigla,,d jteClb1 s tteSaigRn Staites whicb was very considîerabie i \vhjcli ados greatIly te the comfort Gleaners' Class cf Methodist Sun-1 Apleý growers of thiese Conutes looked i cf the patrons cf this popular resort. day School, Mrs. N. L. Rickard,' %vith favor upon arfy possibleBrts .. . I prfeenia tri tatwoltdic imi- A samail break occurred in the Dam j teacher, enjoye ajîî leghrd atie against foreign fruits,. emn iiswhc edu h given themi by Mr. Rickard and spentjT h Coucilor . F Rikad,.n te ia- iguningý for a timie but teniporary a pfleasant evening afterwards witil Senlce cf Dr. Buie(r, reeve', %nhe wýas 1in Coborg xtetetanl offiiakI wleet repaiirs were efl'ected wvhich ivill keep dainty lunch at Mrs. J. M. Cob'ble- the membhers cf the A-ýssociation on bec-j up the waiter supply until permanent' dick's Beaver Street. biaif of the -ouincil ai citizens cf New repairs cani be effected in the sumi-j Rev. E. B. Cooke, Pastor, preachedI castle and presenteti thin with th re e. neceigî huhfl emni cfoi opl wg lafantiIn lowship sxcerice hitihh se ook Wm Standing on the Scretar's table' A' Snow -Mobile passed trough theý the Methodist Church Sunday mcmr-1 tbroughiout the mieetings \vas a bouquet, Village onf Tuesdaày last. This is, ing and dispensed Sacrament to sonie ,grcwvn by Mr. W. E. Benian, sý lai one the first outfit cf the sort te be seen j 80 coimqcn. Ara odfl coulti imagine Sitg net s, faraway. n Newcastle and apparently it was p evc n wich many to Minutes cf the, last annual miiinig at finding neo trouble toe negotiateý the part preceded Commiiiunioni. Trenton read by Secy.-Teas.M ar snowv, as it was making f ully twentyî Mrs. (Rev.) E. B. Cooke is again Sirett were pprveon motbi of Mr. E.f. Port Hope,,-ailnti M. . Il. iles pier hour. conducting- the Teacher-Training -w io kiNewcastle. 1N w Tresurr' reor wa rceiedant1aMm. J. S. H. Jones cf Newcaýtle, Class in connection with Methodist flt, Thuesseocitiowa tci 89 and Innounices the engagemenpt of hîs S. S., meets at 7:15 Monciay evenings-______________ sleemibers. The expenises of the year youngest sister. Mliss Lily -Jocnes, with ant enroilment cf fifteen younig H banti $f01>05 4'. hrewsaujii, ,Trno and Mr. Joe Jones cf AI- ladies and gentlemen, and ls akîg lian jfb erta,te wedding te take place on .up Lthe book "Stu(aies in the Life cf M\r. Sirett referre tt the searly pi-ý Saturdlay, February 7, 1925, at Bîcor Christ". grimage of representativeýs of the T-"sor.. Street Baptist Church, Toronto. i Jno egeMna feno ation Io the LDepi'tof Agri cul tur,TrJno e- M da afro ente, te imnpress uponi the Minister cf j Public and High Schools closed' under the suýperinItendency cf lMrs. Agricutureý the neeti cf a frlit-toslinaidagont emtsuet n (Rev.) Cooke was jýresided over byCo eErl. Ti station in these Unitedi Coun ies. Se. rdyioj o eii tdnsad oi al, T i far their efforts bat i beens fritles butý teachers te attend the session of .Ap- Second Vîce-President, Miss Domothy they werù net witbcult hope. 1pie Growers' Association miaking et- Riekrd. 1 very fine talk onf Mr, C. R. Lovekmn, C'hairman ci f Pub- tendance at this session epproech 400 "Jesus and lis Enemies", was giveni iicity and U xhibits ôcmimitte, gaive a conistituting a record 'beyoncl any by Mrs. J. C. Ianccck. Readinigs satisfactery explanation wby titis As-soc-, ,I iatiotn tidifnot have an exhibit letst ea previcus meetings cf thie Association.i were givenl by Nellie Gerrod and aitthe Royal W\riiter Fair. In likeil- During the Apple Growers' two Adeir lance ck; vocal duet by EvelynA L RG V RI hooti the A'ssôciattion wouid be fn a P05 'dIlCnvetioARGheadVoAevrE' tion to arrange for an exiibit nei)o' Cnvyin eear. oeysry Rickard and Mary Adair and a ao Prof. J. iH. Gourley, Ohio State Colege i and such goi ig contments and oob ee yet oif Agriculture, hit the rapt _attenltion such complimentary expressions e-' Quarterly Official Board cf Meth- W'ASHJ3OARDS 25c cf lis audience as hie tescribeti anti ex- garding the beauty, the comifot and Oclist Church, Monday afternoon, fitainedth te grass inuich 'ssteel"n"w, he dpt lity cf our Commirunity Febr)iuary 2nd.,« extendèd an uneni- AND UP cominonly practiseti by th", orobardists eaatb 0f Scuthera Obio. Prof. Goriey illus-' Hall that Newcastle citîzens mnuat j mous invitatioin te Rer. E. B. Cooke Wrated fis talk wth a fine collection of , need appreciate it more than ever. I and Mrs. Cooke te remain a fourth lau. arn views. The gras§ ml ch sys- j[As Mr. A. A. Colwill, Retirixîg Presi- j year. Pastor, Cooke thanked the tamn, mifoh iess xl)ensive thian d4ean, cuitivation, hat provet equaily go n dent cf the Association remnarked. Board for th- e very many kînd wordsKA N EF bily' orffat latnt, but Iledid ntug it Conuntal fsunoàtel spoken b- ladies and gentlemen pres- wliere clean cultivatien wasbin suc- factor in hringing together thLar, n n ldyacpe h nia Ceqssfu41y practised. l a_ n n ldyacpe h nia lis Ilnistrateud atory cf how t hegrassa get gathering cf fruit growers ever ition su'ject to, the action of Ste- Regular ii'rnk2h sytl ibie.ttto jys- isebled in thiese Unitedi CounIties. jtioning Committee cf Conference. ternatic applications cf nitrate cf' soda, jI t. George's Sundaiy School coin- S L RC haçi restereti anti reh)ab[Iitatetithe o-- mnce;hodinSiALsesio at2:3 chards cf Southern 0hio., ifted mrt- I LAKE SHORE, CLARKE '.m. edlt ngunay însedon f the3 gages-, wlped cff (debts anti given tbeuj p.__._______ jistadoft farmers a comf'ortabie ometece- foqrmer t our cf 10 a. mi. There was scûntet,-c like a romance. A roinance cf Ji Mlr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, Ty-, a very good attendance, which it is modern times inee t is. rone, spent the weekend et W.C.hpdwlbecniebyiceae Mr. Al. B. Davis, Cenitral î eimn-Le ke's ... . Mrs. Milton Browvn visit- in the near future. The Sunday ~~~~~~i ~ ~ ~ ~ - FatOtwrn eycrflyed et lber father's, Mr. James Burley, Sho a enr-maie n h prepareci paper on 'h Rlto f (l cOr- en eognze n n chard Practices itInindnin Yiei d." ýlest week. . . . Mm. and Mrs. Robt. teaching staff increased. An A(-ult The work dcone in ara>nti po ith orcharti1 Reid are visiting in Toronto .... Bible Class under the leadership' cf any onp- year largely influences t'le Y"""d Mr~. and Mrs. Charles an dMi.Cafr sben omd n cf fruit in folaowinp* anti su ceii fa1 -.milyocIivisitedrm ,an yeals. Mr. Davis' treatiment ofte a, yviie t Mr. Fred Parker's' it is eenestly hoped that as meny sueat a2a epImrsio nh1'rcety younig ien and young wornen as pos- The largest assortment c Mr. . Palmer, Extperimentati-on, -sîole, will seize this oppotunity for Vineiançi, .expressed ibis aympathy witb il Suy apple growers cf Northumrrberland ani Job For -You jBbeSuy Durhiii it tý,ireffots t mov theA ery lae ,congregation wes Diarham In thfe-i-r efots tie ore the On- Dlly present et Methodist Cburch Sunday frlit-esting station in their dîistrict, anti I nîgt ejyad rft yRv advised then te continue, efforts in thisl 50 MEN WAN'EENopreviotus exper- E .Ccesilsrae emno I direction. Mr. Palmer aIse referreti to ience necessary. Write for, 4-Page E ok' luIrtd"mno I thcý very large proeportion cf misnamned Fr ee Book whliCh expq,]ins lhow you can 1 "Living without Work". Lanitema trees which. were soit front the nurseies I earni white learning teor in City and j views weme thrown on the wall, soet ofrOtagrio eah year. H-e mwlth môost tewnýjjshops as Auto Meonc,nin, picturing scenes in the Old and New A E f.Orie eS but msaçsoccuirret in: (Cheffeur, Salesnian etc. Aise Bric-klayiTstmetsand srnie taken fýrom spite of tibeir besL effrts te j)retîntI ling, I'lastering, Mechanicai Dentistrymdm lf u aels esy I them. .anti Barbering. Don't tue a labourer.j ways cf gettung money and trying A lot of trees iuntrue to %veriety in an Write inow. Whlch job). t Atidresstou hnetto n erchalrd-,vas a source 9of imuch t isHrnhilI Gcvemnnit chartereti Trate egV ln ihothnstti n poiitment. Th, speakei Lurgeýit the As-j Schoois Free Epoyetservice, ,6 variably ends in sorrow, misery and - siation to snti a cfernorial1 t e eKigSt. W., Toronto., 6-î,Jtrouble. The choir rendered twýo Govearnenit-recemment.11ing ,,eçiisitioni good enth-enis, and Messrs. W. J. S. provitilng for the inspection cf ïtrees In -- - ----- ---- R ard, iW. D. Bragg, Mark Allia the nursery rows with the view of ciui-Ril ing eut mixtures. This was deait -wltb O T A ES L and Howaird Cooke ccntributed a later., _______ SALE quartette Before adjourning for, the afterneon. j Ires,. Colwill nameti this -Nomninating 0Of Valuable Freeho)ld Farm!jI Commnittea anti aaled them ite Lbe ready i ST. GEORGE'S VESTRY MEETING . Scrub CI to report on Fritay morning: Mr. W.H.Pro -' _____ I Gibson, Chaýirman, Messrs. R. K.Suar P. Mni.d n J.CGell D. Mc- j NE h The Annual Vestry M,ýeeting cf St.Br heE (Power cf Sae in a car-George'.z Church was beld lin the (To a cntinedtain Mortgag, whicbi wil ha produetdI Parîsb Hall on Wedniesdaýy evening, I i th'or s f ale Pi)c, Autiereonil bztffrcedj Janiuiry 28tb., praceded by e con- th 2st day cf lFabruary, 125, t the! gregational supper at whichteme-d MEDICAL hu fTv 'lc nteatrona eso h.cnrgto e nadu theBenison liouse in the Town of ini- finl neous oe bgn ÂLYI"'i FAPNCOMB, M. D., C. sa;-Y, the follewîngercurs broreerty:'n Coke obtainable.. MOORE BRADFO~RD & sco -TVestm y Clark-Mr. W. H. Gibsen; Mtsad Goe Dominion Bank BTIig., Lindsay, On1tario, MStI'd.Goe tlghstgad o Atra LnSolîctors for the, Mrtgesý",É. 1Rýctor's Warden-Mr. J. E. Met- Highst rad of ntha- iday, Ont, aur 24th- 19z;5. chtt; Peopl's Warden-Mr. D. J. for whole fanily cite always on, hand. _____________6-4-1 Gibson; Lay delegates te Syod- iMessrs J. E. Matchett, R. Gibsen and 50 pair and up Geo. - JamArtinles Wanted j R. Cro-wther._ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ge . am ebln eare praparedti t buy al li 1sof At the unanirncus1 request of the <.p ples anti ptatees. Phonie 104r14 J. Vest'y, the Rectore stipend was n Necstei Podp aliLock, box 263, Wbitby. 2 -8* creased by a substantiel suai. SHAW'S January Report cf Shew's Scho-ol. Sm. IV-Winnifmed Rickard 82, Phyllis Clemance 81, Beatrice Cry- derman 75, Lawrence Ashton 60, Clame Allin 59, Allen Clemance 48, Kei r Lamb 43, John Ashton 37, Ada Allin *. Sm. JIl-Sdie Allin 85, Charlas Clemenca 78, Oswaldi Anderson 60, Morland Andaersone'. Jr. III-Stanley Allia 76, Newtený Ashton 67, Gairnatt Ricka,,rd 67. Sm. 11-Annie Allia 69, Mary Clemance 60. Jr. II-Oriiisby Anderson 43, Thorntcn Anderson 51. Jr 1-luth Cobbladiek,. Sm. Pr.-Jean Clemenc, hoo rs Allia Rowe. Figures denota parcantage. ';:Absent for exflms. F. E. Walkixgton, teachler. GROCERY SPECIALS Be sure to get my Speci!al Prices for- Groceries before buying. We Save You Money. H. S. BRITTON, Baker & Grocer Newcastle Adjustment kSale Entire $6,OOO.00 Stock of Jamnieson, Hïardware castIe, Ontario, is under thie hami'mer. IJRSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDIAY, FEBRUARY 5, 6, 7. STORE WILL OPEN AT 9:00 A. M. is the Riggest Money-Saving Sale in the History of Newcastle. Anything ini Store at Redu'ced Prices. 'TY 0F BIG ASSORTMENT 0F WALL PAPER.... cEACH BUTCFIER KNIVES SOME AT LESS THAN 25c EAÇH AND UP HALF REGULAR PRICE 'LOOR ENAMEL MOORE'S FLOOR PAINT $1.85 a Quart Regular $1.45 »,,Quart E $1.11 A QUART SALE PRICE 99c A QUARTJ ,PURITAN QIL HEATERS A FEW LEFT, REGULAR $8.75, SALE PRICE $7.77 of RAZORS in 'the country. Prices slashed to, bits. Regular $10.00 sets to, go at '$2.99. Every-thing else accordingly. j ENAMEL ALUMINUM GALVANIZE IWARE WARE WARE ALL TO GO AT GREAT REDUCTIONS BRUSHES lothes Table Vegetable Bottle Brushes Brushes Brushes Brushes Car 14e 121/2 c 14c 12c Brushes and up and up and up and up54 LIQU.ID WAX RE-NEW-AL POLISH Price 85c Reguilar '$1 .00 RICE 44c SALE PRICE 61c [EHERBAGUM MIA RE STOCK AND POULTRY IMTA RSTONIC HOG TROUGHS 5Regular 75c Regular $8.00 1.69 SALE PRICE 38e SALE PRICE $5.75 ATES-THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 6, 7. Good Broo Wm. amiemson, 9 Newcastle, Ont. and u mis at

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