Maximum Security at Minimum Cost A ýSafety Deposit BOX ln the nearest branch of the Standard Bank wili relieve any anxiety ne- gardin'g the whereabeuts cf your veluables whiie permittilig free ac- cess to tbem b'Y you on a duly auth- oized penson at enly time during ban'king hours. The cost is less than one cet per day; the value received is an estimable sense of se- curitY. BANK H. W. La] Manager O.hawa 1avr. beron intending to -try "Red ose." Why nct now bef ore yOU f orget. good tea' ORANGE P]EKOE, is extra good. Try it! FREEu.EI5EMAN~ l~fodeI F~.i5O FiEED-EISIEMANN RADIO RECEl VERS The Finest Radio Receiving Set i the World. Demonstrations on request F. J. MITCHELL )Bownanville Ontario SEASONABLE SUOGE suit IYIS BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 12th., 1925. OBITUARY ______R _____________ Mry iddell avi ilim ablyn, Bowmanville CELE-BRÂT -E GOLDEN JUBILEE'ý Sore bereavenienýit lbas cone Vo the Onie f the town's oldest citisens, Mr. an.d Mns, William Battýy, honte Of ichar4Jrvs Ci of! in the person of Wlla Hamiblyn Osiw.Police of th1is twn in the death of1 passed away on1 Frida-,y, January 'iO. _______hi, belo-ve,ù parner, Mary Riddell1 He was in s usuai goon halIn (Camle too late for our last issue) Jarvis who passed away on Sundgy,! and ion tvighe comaypaid 1875-1925 February lst.anonarvn riecmaredf '~lYot feeling wveIl. Deciearedcamiie to A y ve happy event occeurred a1 t the1 MUrs. Jaris was oe o a h Étis counitxy from ancal eeks, homre of MUr. and Mrs. Williami of thirtee.n children, being a caqh- 1on 1lad7 nC Mac 185, an Batùty, 15 Charles St., Oshawal oni ter of Hughi and Helen Glendennipghslve eenaryalhl ie e Tuesday, January 27th., 1925 whvlen Rîddell, earl'y pioneers of King t-n a ie here in mpo ea yailbr ifer for- assenibled about fifty relatives and sh'-ip in the County of York Wh he lae RihdHaly dlaVefr frienids to unite ini celebrating ýieir, she was born on February lOth., frM.R .Hmebssn o Golden Wedding. 1854, and with herno br eaved husband attended school qnd over 50 years. lit~ 1881 he. married Thfe house was very prettily deucor-i hyge pt-te. Te eeEiaehSalc h ihol ated ini yellow effect and yeîw ge 1ptgte. Te ee lz~ehSalc h ihol Ituipsanddafodls redminyelow married on Deceiiiber 1, 1874, and one son Wiliami survive hbu1-. tuip ad afodlsprdo inig. lived there f or somretime e1o,,f 0 reI The funeral was held on Mna At 3:30 p). m., 'Rev. R. A. Delve, m ovi o ooto Frthe 'as srvCebengcodute by Rev. j. a osi f the bride, called the -ig t oot. Fr s e-iebigcn c a cusn V ode an anonce te'32 years they have lived ini now- U. Robins, assisted by Rev. E. A. omp-hany medngo 1'5.nanville. Mrs. Jarvis was oï a* Tonkin. Wellington Lodige No. 19, orgialwedig f 87. vryvery quiet retiring disposition, a S. 0. E. of which hie was a miember pieasing prograin followedl consist- womian who loved hler home and fm attendied in, a body. îng of a mlonologue and duet byl iîy and where her influence was ever The bearers -were-Mýessrs. W. H.1 j Messrs, Harold and Clarence Wer- on thie side of right. She wap a' Thickson, Chas. Goodmýýan, Fred, r ly entitled '*The Golden Weddling".kn IMns. Geo. ,Speighrt and -Miss Bernîrice neighbor and true fniead. She Downey, Wm. J. Berry, Albert Gild- Wery paye th Wedin Mach as very fond of good reacing qnd ers and Thos. Hepigbton. duning wbîcd heitteiGrarc at no book was botter knowni to ber' Among thie relatives present were: ty presented the bride with a beauti- ta her Bible. Mrs. Samiuel Bond, Rrooklin; Mr. and fui bouoquet of daffodils. Mrs. Her illness covered a period Of Mi-S. F. Jamres, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Old Aunt Mary's" and Miýss borine' cemiber she ba sufee consider- Ed. Saunders, Oshawa; Mr. John Batty played a piano solo. _Mrs. H. ialbly and aitho every care and the Stanilick, Mn. Arthur Stanbick, Mr. F. Werry, eldest child of the bride best medical att ention was gîven she~ Jamnes Moore, Oscar Moore, Morley and groom, read this address andý quietlY passed to rest as stated. Moore, Walter Moore, Mr. Moody ýMiss Lorine Batty and _Master JohnShte was a menvber of the Method- Atkinson, Mr. Joseph Gulliver and Batty 1rsne tebiewitLh a ist Cburcb andi unti l ilness camne Mrs. Me1Lean, Whitby. purse ofl gold: was a very regular attendant. M r. and Mrs. William Batty, Dear' The funeral on Tuesday alter- Loved Ones:-It affords us a great!j noon was coniducted by ber pastor, CARD 0F THANKS dleal of pleasure to meet with you Rev. J. U. Rob;ns,, who g-ave a. very MsHmlnan o iht this aftern-oon and participate ln thre comiforting and suitable message thank hamnegbr and son is an celebration of your Fiftietb Wedding from One of hier favorite texts, "ln '-ansk 0. o the expilos n renssiondo Aniversary and we extend to you My Father's House are Many Man 1 asmpa.0.hE.and the manxp ness s Our sincere wbole-hearted congratu- jsions, etc. 1 sbonipthex and tealso win to than latins.The pall.4erers were Messrs, A.~ the S. 0. E. for the pillow of flowers Comparatively f ew miarried pairs Mitchell, J. W. Hallowell, John Lyle, and wreatb fromn the neigbbors and reach tis ilestone la life's journey J. P., andi W. J. Bragg, M. P. P. f a,,ily. and we feel that we devoutly thank She leaves to mnouna the loss of aI God for His g-oodiness ini spa ring you fat____end________the, ie thu fa toeac oter nd o u. busband, three daughters and One Your home has always been a de- snMs Coulson Jeffery. Mns. G., MR. L. E. ROENIGýK ightful place Vo visit and YOiir P. Freelaad, Toronto, and Miss JDIES IN4 TRENTONý wvordIs Of welcOoe alWaYs sinere IVartba at home; and Mr. Jarres! and hearty. Friends seem to, flock Jarvis of the Toronto Police Force,: Well Known Ex-Mayor of Thati to you as tog by magic. VWe be- a11 of wýhom- werze presenit at the Town Passes After Long Ilîhess lieve th1at if is yo ur~e~rotmVi funerai'. Also one brother, Mr. John viewvpoint Of hf e that maýkes 3TOti Riddell, on the iomesteadî in Kin,-- Ex-Mayor Lewis E. Roenigk ofi se attractive. to-wnship, who owvin'g to ill benlthi Trenton died on Saturday, Jan. 31,! Your cil(dren, who haive gone out was unable to attend the funeral. after ac long ilîness fromn anaemiia. laVe the worid, alwa-,ys feel that 'jou Beautiful floral offerngs tesýtifled lIn 1922 after serving as counicllori are as interested in them no 0w as of the sympathy anid uoî~will of ber hie was eiected Mayor of Trentoni byl Syou ever wene whýen tbey were at nurtnerous friends, inciuding Pillow the iargest majority ever polied in a homne, and it acts as a stiniiuliis to fn the famnily; fromt the Corpora- nmayoralty c'ontest there. He was them V o do betten work in their tion of the to wni of Bowmanvilie; re-elected lin 1923 by accclamnation. vocattionIs. Officers and mnen of No. 1 Police De' Lest year lie was chairman of theý S1 One p1easinig resuit of a Chistian partmlent, Toronto; Thle Girls' Club;ý Trenton Board of H-ealthi. Iis lastC h omne is the inspiration iV gives otb- Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Bonnycastie; Mr. officiai duty was as retirn'ing ofîlcexý ers to have homies simlilar. Young and Mrs. A. Mitchell, Mn. and Mrs. in the 0. T. A. piebiscîte in Westi people on many occasions hanve been FI. C. Vanstone, Misses Ethel nd Hastings. 1b eard Vo express the desire te hiave Heleni Morris, Mn's, J. H. Morris, Mr. j He was bora in Belleville la 1862, b omnes cf their ovin "Just like Mn\I. and Mrs. S. W. Mason, Mn. and Mrs.' where bais parents, wbo came front andi Mrs. Batty". What greater S. _M. Scott, Mrs. RdbV. Freelantd, Europe resided, and vwbere bis fath- tribute could be paid te any homie? Toronto; Miss Turner, Mrs. C. and en carried on a furiture business, i Onle break bas been mnaie ila tbe Miss G. Wickett, Miss Winnie Mor- Iwhrich was moved Vo Trenton in famiiy, circle, wbiich we ail regret, ris, Mrs. J. H. Morris and othiers. I 1888. Wbile living ln Belleville be but in Foec' passing we have, Ami(ng the relatives attending became a firemian an~d was captain heen niaore clOseiy joined egthi ron 1itneeM.4t fh I and Heaven -senms nearer andi cear- Mns. C. Jeffery, .H. J. J feylws aad uIadend Cenn a- He ier than ever before. IMr. and Mn JJeR,.ffvs ndso' n prtli teTratn Cliead- IlChistin service you blave ai-i Fred,Mr ï rGoP.Fe-B dfwhliewamngrfr way en atve ier iidw and and EstheMess L . . sm eas ndltr epad 1oed tod pray that you wili be spar-1R. Jarvis, Trno. tplbre nti 'ýliu ad ai eteenjoy many more years in Tetn er e etonîe God's service. Is iV any.- onde veaspart i hora ationof the then, that we are proud te dlaim ne-1 AD n 1 l uia Asct~î latiorship Vo you? ________ wbS \vicb held annuel musical festiv~als Asa light token of our regard Mnii r avi a aiyde-n thevarieus towns. Mn. Roenigb and aff'ection fer you we aisk yourireV bn hi an ned o cain l the town councÀi on w acceptance cf this purse cf gold. Let teoyccayasimno~dnsssns, la 1892 and 1900. Hie us gen eprss ou hoe hetyo sown them d curing tbe ilîness and' was aiso a memben and chaîrman of may be speredmay or years te etbe rs'ari ndfr the te Trenton Public Library Board. ieacb other and1àthat we shah meet bceauiuloa nbue.jE-Mayor Roenigk is surviv'ed by 1 again Vo celebrate witb you your___ one brother Jule, of Bowmanviile, SDiamond Aîîniversary. and three sisters, Mrs. McCulough jSigned by ail present. f NESTLETON wbo attended the funerai, of 'freri Mr. Btty ade suitble eplyton, Mrs. G. Bi31lings of Toronto, Mn.Baty ad a uiabl rpl (Crowded eut lasV week) annr.Kox of Weston. Vhekia te mny nindsforthir n.and Mrs. R, C. Jackson left' The funerai toolç place Monday i dnss. onn . at ra 1 Saturuay for a- visit with teir afternioon from is late residence, Mn.Frak W Baty eadmes-, deughters- and fniends in Detroit, Division Street. Services were beld sag'es of conratulations front absent, Mi... Mr. R. H.L Suggitt was la la St. George's Church. Intermient friends amd relatives aften which Toot atwekv -n bsdig-l Belleville Cemetery.-Beleville I Mns. Thomas Tremeiýer and! Mrs. F. ter Normna, who ba;been lîl bu.t la 0ntai o. A.Foster sýang- "The Wbip-Poer- impreving. .Mr. L. Walter Vea1e of Wiil Chorus", Mrs. Tremreer Wvh1ý4 The Toronfo Carpet Co., visited bis' bher sweet soprano voice taking the' father, Mn. John Veale, and eele- NESTLETON STATION leadiiig part. I brated with hlm his birthday. lle is jA deainty luucbeoni was servedi on eighty-nine years young, baie andý On Wednesdey, February 4tb,, ai prettiiy decoreted tables clone with bearty. Congratulations Grajiuad1 enjoyalble evening was beld la the gold Vo imatch the rooins. Rev. C. Veale!1. M. T. A. Hyleud bas Forester's Hall when the Womien': ! W. DeM'ýille, their pasýtor, acted as! beeti appointed assessor fior the town- Institute entertainedi the mienitbers t toast-miaster. Mn., C. T. Batty ship.. Our senior ho'ckey team were of their familles. A splendid pro- responided Vo tire toast Vo "ThIe visited ly Bethaîiy beys on Mond-9y, grain was given. by local talent fol- .King"; Mr. Samn Mitchell Vo the week and played a game in the storm 1iowed by gaimeý, after )which a U. S. A.; Mn. Wm. Stainton "o the iosia-g Vo the visitors. Tbe re'turn dainty luiaçh was servecl. A hearVy toast Vo the bride cf fifty years ago, game was piayed in Betlhany on1 vote of thanks was eN-tendied te the while Mn. Batty responded te the Friaor osaai oigladies for thein hospitaiity which ,toast Vo the bride. Likewise Mn. The Juniors played an excitiug gpme' was oye yal Regulan met E. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _- C.1, V ote;Ms ois ihBek T _c uir uStr n oh îl ac 4tb la the Hall. 'I ~1T Sakiatoon 6.05 . a .30 p. Ili.; Ar. Ed- nil.; Ar. Vancouver of the Vencouver e îgeý-V stanrd.(, on al Buy Your Radio AT ALLIN'S RADIO SHOP -There's a Reason- When you buy .your Radio Set at this shop you get a prom-ýpt and efficient service which mail order houses an-d out of town- shops caxrnot give, SplitdorfERAIOSES Nihtngal AigtiaeKt Freed-E emn DFore-sle RdiFola g-odset oy onr s Wadok Rte Rdisetor3outyueurdn Wr-ieflx, opet Witud e ker ONLY $135.00 Tubes, Batteries and Radio Accessories always in stock-Batteries Recharged. H AIRY C. AILUN Let US Wort,;,"ry For Vou We are specialists in the line of repairlng al. makes o.1 automobile and radio batteries. Bring your battery in now,, and have it put in first class condition before the Spring rush. and Exide Bàtteries. Moffatt Garage C UPJD KNO WS She's just expecting a won-deffLul box of de- lightful Chocolates or Bonbons on St. Valen- tine's Day. For, hý's positive that every fair m aiden. has a tooth for "SwTeets'" and they're his suggestion for your Gift of Love to her. Stop in. and ask for our St. Valentine's in Chocolates. JACOBS & HILLYER The Candy Shop essors te Chn.iistie's Bakery Bowman nville Suce( East âOne 15 this 1 eille P,. CORBETT SOLD IN TOWN BY W. J. cy '.1 you. Bowmanvillc -Théne 337 the equipmerit to give proper and it 'Bizd ý Ys 'Y