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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1925, p. 8

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Agents Wa.nted STARKVILLE To sel for tirethèd us been iohteiNie 1AI chaugt leoIrrbdespendee n t -Nurseries". ofl We offer exclusive territory, lib"eral cofin- ie btwedero ndseusthe iessions and f urnisialiaienisomne ree I, u e ont die h outfit. tart now al best seîing tiime. lluliler hats or thie chang e of j THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12th., 1925. Stonie & Wellington, Toroi to. -4 ter clothing yet. Better irait andj ______________________________ ee if Old1 Winter h'ias not got somte -____________________________________ thing more in store for us yet .... CHIROPRACTIC Miss E!dna Ruthven hias gone to the NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE MEMORIAL Muakoka District where she has been --LIRR Tuefolowig re fer f te mnyengaged te teach achool. . Jackl Mr. C. T. Moise is visiting his as Newrcastleiemay experience a build-' almnuts Ciroratadiustil",-. are' Hallowell is ick. . .. Sorry to repoit t ter in Windsor. ýing boomi this summiier, such as hias Report for January 19253: Me- eientin overcorning: AUl foras f nerve tobe iaahs the death of Mr. Sani Gord, fath- J Miss Rena Thomnas is visiting hierfotbn eiprecd or aybrs2. Bokciuaed urg paalsisiinlroI)e, lioitïýiiiIingýex of Ma W. McKay. She hiasi brother in Orillia. 1mo1ons. Arrai.-ngeents are under mionth, non-fiction 55 iction 790, paralyess, airublstisirodat ca te ung way for four m ... inodem idirellîngsa anI jveil 237, total 1,082 books weakste ds mrshenaigmadsitcthhyptyo henihoa..IMi.,Geo. C. Wright hait business tiy rofarags. TissoudsedtheMgzie!oae 2. Fn S.o and circulatory troubles, heart prakessre 11Trnt nSaudy es aotï goitre, lent addýrezss on the "Lord's Prayer" . ýr, adpsiiitst ietl oedebos$'3.63. Dr. Durwvin E. Steckley of Boir on Sunday ....Shiloh Social Chr-J Ms Noi;orok, oeno istibr Ltl a vinidication of the C. Butîèr, Librarian. niavile li ak reidetil cih ci" l gomig a iterat We-jguest of Miss C. B. Butler .sand taken by al loyal citi Pni te lu emasle Mnda, edesayI nsdy ve ffty spenit a profiabe Mrs. Wmi. Thrnas is homne frorn imake Newrcastle a neat and up to Public Notice :-After tirepbi ard r*(a. o a epinmnpndenoabeevnngattehmeýa pleasanit visit with her daughte'r: date village. cation of this report the Librra anA Friday. or an ppointelaganAcenroicle eveningat the homelias been instructed to refusebok ~pi-De 1,1J, Bowmanviite. 32-t' Of Richard HallowelI. We hiope to in Toronto. Vilg onclo ody vn etos h aeno eee hir - ~see these meetings still more lagly j Mm. Wilfrod Mercer, Oshawa, masý ing, Fobruary 9thý., re-appoinited 1ebrhpcra MD ALattended as evoxyono la mweicome. 'wookend visitor at Mr. Herb. E. J theso officers for, 1925: Clerk annd iim E. Lpcarsocy.Tea c MEDCLT opic for iast mieeting mas prayeri Hnic o ck's. Treasue-il. C. Bonathan; Asses-E.ochrSýy-ea, ALFRED FARNCOMB, IM'. D., C M ad a tko y. Witne n , Mrs. W. J. Moor e a nero-H.W Ddi; a oletrLibrary Board. Grauae f xiit' Uivxaty asea good addIrss given .... Mrs. John'etn akt uno egesMn -Geo. Eilbec}k; Medical Health Tefloiglto hc iib Cýa:,tofTiiyUieit, McKay spent St dyin Kendia aa' or;onOfficr-Dr. AfrdFamncomrb. J intoresto af Royal College Physicians, Edin isýiting old noeigibors .... Misa Cliaa 1Y and Mrs. Robert Gibson more ap-ý apprecintod ,thlose Msr.Rb.Gray and 0fl poinited auditoxa, Mr. Gibson suc the welfaxo of our Memreial Libxary enan cu4mn. Ofie-axeruMx. .Souch ........ Bowman'ville ousn oep as been eceived by the Secretary, Block, Neweastie. ohurch services are enjoyed bhy tip maTroto Mss LObrt tyipato T ontoOT FOR SALE-On Beaver Street. Ms okat around here, over tlile .radio. Mrs. Miss Gladys Jackson, -M. E., was jNeweaýstle >. Apply to 23r1-. J. Hl. Mc- 6h J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Arthur Dunn h las be en visiting at home front hier choI at Harun v",55th!t..,Oaw.72TotoJn.6h,12 Hecnor graduate of Triniity Ulieut er tfather's, Mr. WiIl Cowan...... jover the weekend. Dla a tGuhsti audy erMs okat Fielow eof -rienit Media, ohe r-ad r.B,ü Patteraon visitedi Mrs. Howard Cooko entertained "The loniger 1 live anti the mor0te 1, The annuai report of your publici Licntat o th Sat Uivesiy f t Mr. Dwi g ht Brown's. ..Mr. an d sorne frienda at a 5 o'clock tea on see ibrary a the second one receivedi -ow York, Matriculate of the os Mrs. Roy ýcKa~y apent Sunday ln u Ttesday afternoon. 0f the strugglo of souls tomaxti i his yeax, and I arn peaedto e ho Gratinate Medicl Schooi suP% 1 Kirby. Ladies Aid of Methodist Churchý the heights aliove,abotrcomedyu gan t- pital ,of New York and PFello fimes hsTu ayatron a The stronger this truth lornes home '.tay. The amiount mil be $115.64. Toýronte Academy of Medicine. Office __the___home t me:Thi is vey go. grnt or acom -Mrs. MeNaughton's Residence. tehm o 1.A.Cîiî That thie Universe resta on the mnt the size of Neirc-(aýstie.d Newrcastle. Hotis-8 to 10 a. M.1 The thaw has evidently eleased shoualders of love;1 Youx Board is deserving of jýreat jv 1 to 3 p. mn.. and by appointment. the moterista froin inter quartera A love s0 limitless,tieep, and broati, pi-aise fox the splendid provision yen I 1-quiîte nurnereus on eux streeta. Tatmnhvmemdit ni make for the miaintenance of your J lOAR Mrs. B. Moiso is attending the cailed it-Goti." Libramy. If ai the libraries lu S THE HEAVENS Hertijeultural Convention, Toronto, 'sii-all comninntis would do ike- '1 repesenting Newrcastle Society. jWise, 1 would ho a vomy haippy mani. (Continuedfront 5,) utcher White la again on the job APPLE GROWERS MEET urcclain swoteu. 17 mvn thihsadse a fter biis recent ilîneas. William would like te indulg-e in lavish praise E t aorn ncreiCO K Eua nor.-Asayvye can't keep a good man Second instalinent of the annual of what mou axe doinig. woiter on aerenautics, tiescribingdo. convention of Durham Apple Grow-' Yours truly,j is cheaper than wood and in the new enterpriseL in the air, statea, Picialai Canon's meonof the oh'A.-sociation appears on page W. O. Carson, N' that the machines mil b mn I ce LI da meat enjoyable v the equal to the best Goal. I oe2uvxreti froet ene te aniother ofj Valontino Party in Crmnt almonts ef tis, great gatbering mxit-J________ the immense tides, in whîch their on Tuesday evening. o yorspca\eote iib have a suuply of the best Gomu velocity ii be augmiented by Mrs. J. L. Broir' anti daugliter, p1lsit etme.Dla a tCuhsti audy C oke obtainable. that of the air in which they are Speddlen, Alberta. are visiting meoving, and mith far lesa of a g.ravi-' friernda bore. Mma'. Brorwn miay me- I{ih stgrdeofAnhr- ational pull anti a thinner a1tmios- ide hoeelu future. Highst gade f Anhra-pher tocleave, thecse "magic car- The stork visited berne of Prini- cite always on band. pets", iii se annihilate space that it 1c ital!anAMra. C. F. Canneon on la mithin the\ pesaibiities t el' r:tay ant i presentued thern ith the earth i a lhundred heurs. haisem nne pen- 7fmsrJem Th, re ord las peed Up te the, son anti hecir. G eo J rn esJ Close of the year in airp:ne fiit, a Miss Elizabeth Hancock of Ter- Newcastlei waa 278 iles anuxu. No auch' ente Normnal Sehool, accemipanioti by 1apeed isattainableonen eralte freniMiahary headof he Bitih neenatie or-spent the meekenti mith lhem paxoents, vice, states, thiat it i his belief that Mm. a,ýnti Mra. J. C. Hanicock. Articles Wanted before this yeam ends a speed ef 300 s er rwnaddultr J Atile 'Wutd iles ii be madle at neg-reataiHMEAJeryBOFFaniIauCEe titude. Violet are demu front Saskatchemai? lDO FC We are prepared to buy allinds ofan avbe istngM.nd r. apples anti petatoos. Phiono 104rll J.! As the airplane ativancea, the ani hav bendvisthrig r. t Mrs. PodptallooZ box 263, Whiitby. 2j8 i'ghte-th an-airnachi ie folloma and hifBrown n âan oter ind oa Mra.em ntof I the nmetai aleoys that are beig"e111 teiftue om'11rote Jployeti on the planes for -altitude 'rftehoeinTot. 1flight, mil hoc usetlinl tirne for the', Nemoastie S. 0. E. Lodgeigo ,a S bodies of the great sausages thbat erected anriaeri-al ieatiing into the Extracta from Directors' Report are, planned parthy fox iitaxy -Loderomantioon Thursdlay even- eS l s, but teo a greatem extent fer cern-1J îng MWrhy- President, E. C. Hoar, Yaur Pirctors psrsst tUsr fifty-fourth An-J Report with 1 nircil wrk. Engandexpctstoieutýrtiiid te bethen ith hisussunalsatisfaction. The rapid expansions of opeations. and the rela mor. Eg'lad epeet te enertanedthe ret~en ~th is teadiy plsuildinsg of rcsources, whlal have so marked]y charac- f .icolonies la a yeï-r rextire through thieIng preg""nan of a mîiscellan-eius char- iuddr. teps ýlemots n taZ'etyiceý i migle an hux. dsA pehs I- ont neic n Aiir*,n- at fIrars; citiies These figures [bierewith qwstedi show the growtb whsel Ne nr l s iii h ubats .e fL tnoh* takea placein thse volunte of thse Company's operatioris,...ade jframiework builit could stand theJW ea Auxiiiary of St. George's Mnits resources. The gu:res as o po&.earning power and fisan- _____ train of miore than haîf that speeti. Church heiti its egular husin-es anti cia1 strength are even more impresive. I 1 As io profits actually païd, the sAm oi 866Sl.65,2.4 Las bren IB ut whant doos ail thia rn<eagn, tliia devotionatl meeting on Tueatiay, dibursed duelssg tsyato poicyholders under ti;s i headhg. conquest of the air andt apace, and'-Feb. 1Oth. Excellent papers wexe Astopr sofor the future, ti 'compan.oitionhslisenT Children's Natural ei oder notions, of tine? The meati by Mrs. P. LeGresley anti aýaIvsrLTt Dja _ques laonei nt askzd frein a lunter- W H. Aniderson on a portion of thie Ther e-be a frtiser upbuziling of tise life policy reInes 'White and Black Da- .ain tb aei te suyNHeretofore p9Iicies issud pior t. 1U03 have b-ren, ialistic tantipoiiet. If these ln-u,- beok for thie year, "The basis of asu ugtrer us4a.ilfper cet.-nthre sîedis- ers, sizes 2 to 12 ye damç oi oebte htars, ventionls are to b diiteart Curhantithe Nmcom-ier,. Next oeu.tiig-t - have ýiz t,- ,i, mfdsrcin tweebtrta -eeting miii be for aeing anti quilt- e assurf. aes a en alurdth'eerper reent., Py Regular up to $1.00, they nov-er camre frfir the ban ing ant i mii be helt inl hPrs tiseet most iesst sdebin 1,1.02 ,$omiething the very opposite la ex-J Hall at 2.30 p. ni., on Tuead'ay, Feb- Tisere lias ai-<bena stieenthessingoftisnuiyRses Reet et igtoshave ssooa pogesie . reei. ts pecteti frem tiietu-the abolition e vraeoeietf annuiants. speca, aui h e f(To Extra Special Thirsday, ,meIIiýo iniat.A ami, o var at n~o distant diay. Iii, the "air $ur 4h 759,000 bas t l ebrn set up beyon .a"ueqir age' Ébat la upon us, the menti mil'Mr. Jee Jones fromi Calgary, AI-1iyts oeuets.nsd Friday and Saturday ho miore hiomogeneus. It is s;ureJ berta, a-id Misa Lily Joues of Toron- ThCe pa 0,1,,o Ofi d brandIi buildSigs 55d other to bring a common language for oeeto more married inlu loom Street jr letatef , Lv rnwi ndw ' 7000 s iead.Asseý .35c PAIR thing, andti that "of the air". ît Baptiat Church on Satumday, anti in tit irn h rý,ig.o oo miii abolisbi national frentiema.1 the eveing carne dem t eNowcastlo] of tiisa nut going to the fund wo povide fur poss1ible fluctua- In s ~Communication ail over the earth e pedthirh nmon mith the tions b the ssarlcet aInc of orscrte.raising tbit ifodtl Chlrns ht ill bh doser. Prejudices shoulti bride's brother, Mr. J. S. H-. Joues 0.0,0.aodn 0,000g.og t GnealCntngncess- R dýisappear. anti other frienda. Newrcastle amut slowt T $7.500.000.tu, es Boies atclry People of one nation miiicenete frienda <ý.ngratulat, the happy Afersekigtiee savy allocations. Ibe undîiird surplus Col well tailored, our famous kertebte qualities o hs youug couple ant i msh thein al joy bsytbe near y0,2,9,ingn oattlo of other nationalities. Artillcial Jantci suc(esa on thoir AlbertaTieomaylofcus.napitnt nresbsarad M93 lime, regular up to barriers wmiii ho cut away. T boe: ,Ra nch fer, which they mili ho lenving Jh,$hers uceso.t. nbSi- il f olloi a real internationalisai. in the Sprîng. -inceae ill býýï,,r imade. an i fui - 90c, We miii begin te thinik aike anti Board of Education heiti its inaug- Wsl ayfcosbv otlue oii eakbeso-I tfiscover that thieme la rooni on this ua etngo ensayeeig ng. tise not feriba, brentiselarge earsing froin inveat- i Spca hrdy rdy earth for ail. It may hoe a tixeani, Fbuy4th anti re.-appoinited asbe setindi rvou eotitbsfrmn but somretimes tireamas cone true. yeas -been tise poiler of the iopanY to inveet in lon-bods an atra MemIeIy Clazk, Chairman and Mr.m. ndaeir choice-euit .I rer that tby this ocnstise iigisAsu andSatrda -Stephien Jose, Vice Chairman. I rate, of interetthisn revailing as a resul ii ftiar,alcn Standing -,commîtteos are: Finance dtospr1cdis bwr srb e rjcei noftueyas 50c PAIR Dollar Day at Couc.h'a this Saturday. -IL. W. Dudley, Thomas Moffat, E. Tislcy a WLty e tring rui. urrntrates.ofinicrea.1tsugs __C.___________________Gaines, rars, andJas a cneunethere bas bren a 'nre ise in the - IT. W. Jackson, Rev. rJ. B. Coke, qutations for most of tbr secuities ownrd by tise Cosnpsny. John Scott. Viitiu---The Whioie During thse pasi yesr somne of these srahiclus bave beni W i1e A À Job For You am, vmymebe e iat coo frontsissonrcc. In additioa tisera bas bren an ices oii ________ offilially at l astone du]1ring ýthe f0.41376 l iemzktveifiescuiisttl ad lage anàtihAe oatis'under Councillor LocalAgn Rickarti receiveti more careful at-Agn tention, anti more put lu excellent Qi)I1"rri%.îrepaix befomo the endi of the .year.w Il * j Anti as far as bridgea untipr the H , , B ITTAAA came of Councillor 'John Gibson his Ifraingl.l ie Bakoer à. Groce1'. Newcastle work mas in a clasa by itseif anti jrain ldy ie neetis ne comment. Thon occurs Phone 379J the thougiht witb these- positionase'o capably filleti whiy thie change? - NEWCASTLE LESKARD VALENTINE SOCIAL1 Mrs. Arthur Robjns who L Rernember thýe Valentine Social been i11 for soine turne is able to be under auspices of Young People's out againi. . .. Mrs. Arthur Tennant Lealgue iii Mleth'odist Sund'ay Schiooi visited relatives in Osha-wa for a loomis on Friday evening, Fe'hruary couple of weeks.. Wednesclay even- l3th. Missa Marion Pickard and ing Mr. Arthur Robbins took a Miss Dorothy Plummer, Bowmn-i-i- sleighiing party to attend the Basket vill, wIl sng n det. ou illSocial given by the C. S. E. T. for wanit to hear, thern. Mr. Orm. Gai- Orono ... .LFriduay night the young by of Orono, will also contribute people went to Kirby where tjiey some ,V'cal numbers, ail good sports gave their humiorous play ",When will corne to hear Cri. Mr. Wal- they buiît the D. and R. G.".. lace Bragg's namie on a prograila Mis's Mildred Davey has recovered in itself an assurance of a full nicely from hier ilînesa..Tuesday house, Màr. Bi'agg will sirig. Ali her night the second social evening of numierous frien'ds in Newcastle wil1 the wvinter was held by the Sunday be gladl of this opportuntyo ha- ooo)e ofle. The gentlemen took ing and seeing again Mirs. Dan. full charge and the prograii and Fraser of Happy Valley; Mrs. Fraser lunchch they providled was miuch will entertain you wîith somne choicelto their credýit ...Three of our readings. Other numbers on the boys and girls com'peted iri the -Med- prog-rain will be: two higlyl hum- al Contest at Orono-Douglas Dent, orous dialogues by League mernbers. Lenore Maunder and Bessie Baris- There will be other special features towe. Although they were flot that you will enjoy; also the oppor- fortunate in receiving the mnedal we tunlity of eating a dainty lunch with are ail proiïd of the manner in your Valentine. AIl for 25 cents; which each delivered his or lher childreni 15 cents. St. Valentine's selection. Eve, Fridnay., Februnry l3th. Dollar Day at Couch's this Saturday. NEWCASTLE CHURCHES WHEN WILL TEA PRICES DROP? the BileJ.tC. Hasnocinductged-on A shortage ini the -world's tea sup- Hie ibl Stuy lssonin eagu Of ply, in the face of an enormous de- MondýaY evening, and Mr. Herbert, mand, is forcing prices up to very Breeto sag arntchappecitedi hghlevels. Tea merdhants rea1 oo.ize, howýever, that tea is- -Methodiat Church. il a. m.- dollar a pounid only brings the, Vlorning Worship. 2.30 P. im.-Suni- of a drop in price so much na lay Scho oh. 7 p. ni.-Evening Ser- Tea growers are making such' vice. Anthems by the choir. Solo miendous profits that over-production by Mrs. (Rev.) E. B. Cooke, is bound to corne at any Urne. St. George's Church, Sexagesimia ------'--- Sunday, Feh. lSth. Il a. mi.- CUC NO UMR 'ýlorning Prayer and 1H-oly Com- -____UION____ R inunion. 2.30 P. irn.-Suniday School. For Agst. 7p. m:.-Evensong. Rector, Rev. British Columibia .... 170 18 E. R. Jami-es,. 'le ...... 7 2 Prsyterian Chuxch. Rev. Geo. eà< ........7 2 wilprah ti a n.a askatchewan.....414 1il Mason wl rah a 1a .a Ontario ..........67 276 N'ewcastle; 2:30 p. mn. at New%,ton- Quebec............ 66 25 ville, Sulbject-"Exaltation and Nova Scotia ý......79 30 Service". Thle vote on Union at Prince Edward Jaland 19 12 Jewtonviile was-For 8; Ag-ainat[ - - ?5 1,192 392 MONTREAL ?emacrkable Progress 19?4 Ar Assurances Paid For Èncrease. . . $0 7 5 ,00l al Inconile.......... ment toPolicyholders md Beneficiarieq .. .. .. 'Otal pni-Àd since Qomgauîlzatîeu, e LS at c e -mbe r 3Et Icrease - . ,. 'j64,873,000 ervez for Unforeseeii 'lus Over ANlLailte id Contngcyzeere ncrease ...$,3,0 irances inForc (Net). ncrease . . .1787,0 $137e466,o00 $62,245,00 $31,e881,9000 $274,1 30,000 $7,500,000 $22el079O00 $871 ,636OOO ein force -exclu.dingo Group Policies). . . . 384,113 yees of firms protected by Group Policies . 30,160 ?nds to policyholders izgain 'increased amongst the Foremost Ice Institutions World Bqléan bgLqfnesa 1871 Foir Sun Lifé m on aII kinds of policies Bowuwiville

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