Ian ______ ith Whîch Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VTTTIT T ra -T¶1 d c,'%rX.-rI . M- T-11-% X -I - - .L$UWIVAN VILLI, ONT,'1'HURSDAY, FEal9th., 1925. an $2.00 a Year In Advance BARONESS DE HUECK The entertainnient in the Opera House on Thursday evening under -agrance auspices of the Hig~h colLtry Society was ~mst enjoyable. The address given by Baroness de of Hueek, a Russian refugee, was of' g-re-at instrüetive value and of ab- isorbing interesýt. TeBrns Springgave a very graphie account of ber experiences during the war as al .e nurse with the Russian Arniy at the er the seasonable front and later as the bunted prey of the Boisheviki during the Red )ring Flowers: Terrer, some of whieh were almost unbelieveable had she not been tell- ing the reai experiences of herseif Daffodils and husband. She tried to impres jupen ber audience net te niisjudgie her people tee strongly or the ser- Hyaclfths vices of the Russian army during the first three years of the war because rulips, et*ç- ef the defection which was one cf the first fruits of the PRevlution. asonblep~iIn the latter part of her address,1 wben the Bareness appeared in Rus- Boo oiPot@d sian costumne, she answered several gieus and edur-atienal outleok in Russia, and teid of the deep religieus ifaitb that persists in spite of the bit- t ter persecufien and making sacrileget Jack m an f the ruling Soviet. The Baronecss son SO lhad encountered. Her talk threugh-1 out was lightened with flashes of2 Phene 80 Bowmanvile humour that relieved the tension. The High Schoel pupils gave a1 __________________nrnnber ef felk dances that the aud-1 ience greatly appreciated.C STOCKMTAKING ALL WINTER GOODS cIRÉATLY REDUCED QUICK SELLING This is an eVent that many people look year. lt is an occasion when they are enable apparel and other necessaries at the Iowest pri( year. We sacrifice the price of the goods ri them over for another year. The customers g, real savings. Some of the bargains include: Ail Ladies' Coats at Hal Ladies' Dresses at Re'duc( Ladies' Blouses, odd lot, each ................ Ladies' Wool Gauntiets, Reg. $1.60 for.... Children's Ail Woo-l Sample Sweaters, Reg. $1 Men's and Boys' All Wool Scarfs, Reg. 75c, 2 Children's Fleece Lined Bloomers, 2 pair for.. Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose, Reg. $1.00 pair, Boys' ail wool Jerseys, Reg. $1.75 for ........ Girls' White Pullover Sweaters $5,.00 for ... Men's HeaVy Wool Sweaters, samples, $5.00 fc Men's Sweaters, Regular $7.50 to $8.00 for . 25 per cent of f Men's &i As assortment in several Enes are quite limitedi el Couch,Jolinston â& CrydE Bowmanville Phono 104 DURHAM CLUB, TORONTO MEN'S CAI4ADIAr4 CLUB SHORTHORN BREEDERS' SALEJ OBITUARY MINISTERS AND CHURCHES We have picasure in acknowledg- Very Interesting address by Col.« WilI Be HeId at Bawmanville on Mrs. Jas. D. Carruthiers 1 Presbylterian Ghurch, Osbawýa, hias ing a cordial invitation te attend the'I Ponton on lVýxed Memaories on a Thursday, Marchi 3th., 1925 selected St. Andrew as its di.stinctive next monthly meeting of tlhe above Trip ta British laes. Our citizens were greatîy shocked na e Clu t b bldonFrda eenng jThs s n1geof c0ooeratioin an last week over the suddien passingi St. Paiil's Chureh, Rev. D. W. February 27tb at the residence of Monmbers of the Mýen's Canadian the beniefits and satisfactory resuitsi of Mrs. James D. Carruthers (neeBstMiser il.m-'C it Mr. S. R. Wickett,.124 Isabella St., Cuhedtireruymeeting in' of this work-together policy are an-LuMD- gi). OeTedat Reveaer. 11 p. xn.-". yeun Ternt, a 8p. i. Remembering the spaicious dining hall of the Bal- Paetoaisd.Mncases ig._t 6 p. mi. s-be was up tewn and remark- IdeaIit. 2.0 p n-uda former delightful evenings spent moral Hotel on Fricday evening, Feb-; be qoe, u have in immd, eit rin htse ee et Stol ad BbleClas. i-.Sn witb Mr. and Miss Wickett at heir ruary l3th., but there was nothing' just now%, thespen'd ork Ibe.*ing betterin e if. Seand bier levely beome, we only wisb reads and unlucky abhout iît e1ven if R wa' donie by the Durharn County Short- aunt retired early in the evening, bier Rev. J.J. Mellor, a former pastor weatber conditions were more Ipropi- Fidyadabreet. ndhem Brýeeders' Association wblich is h usband having gene te, ColborneofBcstkMehdtCurbwh tieus. A good pregrani will bie given by tbe way, what we might terni holding its 4th annual sale of Short- on business. Abu103p.mteisnwc peigbsthryara an avey lesat vein i a-a cousin society, The Iniperial Order b oriis at Beith's Stables, Bowmian- aunt beard a strange noise and go-J Picton, bas been invited by the Offi- sured those who attend froni tbe of the flaughters cf the Empire, -,as î ville, Thursday afternoon, Marcb ing te bier rooni found bier very iCa' Board te 'reniain for the fouxth Homneland of Durhani.I celebrating in Torosne and elsewhere' 5th. Her physician was sumnioned imme- year. on this very date, the twenty-flftb By the joint efforts of tbe imemi- diately but she was unable te speak1 Methodist Cburch, Rev. J. U. anniv ersary of its feunding. ibers of thi-s association tbey bave tbough she seenied te' recognize bier! Robins, pastor, will preacbi at il Thelictbree main features of Frn-ibeen enabled te weatrer in a mnost dear ones until near the end wbicbla -ad7P i vn*n ujc CARDS 0F THANKS dýayevnnsnetig wr te gratifying manner the past fewý came en Tbursday afternoon. -"Thie Gelden Rule in Busir.e-ss" by sunptu»sand- ci.r~eusl srve -years wbicb have been, te say the .Mrs. Carruthers was the second qiesofteRara. Sina banquet by Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wajd- least, îiying Ones for many live d'aughter of the late Mr. and _Mni. Seheel at 2.30 p.yni. Gooc. music. Mr.an Ms.A.Sbrp ad an- ams and their assistants, a rare n tc rees. Bttecre eRobert McDeugall and was born in A1 elcne -~~~~~~~~~ il , E n a i l n e i e t h n h ele c t u a l t e a t , a n d th e s p ir it o f b e tt e r t um e s b a s b e e n t u r n e d a n d' C o b o u r g b u t c a m e t e t is tO w n w e n M e t d i t S n a S c o l A n v r supennisenden ad rse o cf the1àMtoit*udySho znvr suexnatnleHpt andlureo f thdge o fellowsbxp and comradesbip a more Optiimistic note is being quite young and bas lived here sary services will be held on Sunday, nestetei auber drig could be felt froni tbe flmst ' sounded and felt tban in the nast neariy ah bler life. She was a meni- MarcIh lst. Rev. C. W. DeMille, hemst recetillnuess Olive din bt wbich seaxned to climb hy de- ifiVe years. Better prices area- ber and active -werker in St. Paul's paster of King St. Metbedist criurch, lir_______ es.greste the v'ery top of the brother- ready being paid for live stock. Presbyterian Chiurcb and in the diff- Osbawa, will preach mernirg and b ood theremenieter as Col. Ponton; Looek at the prices paid last week erent societies connected therewitb evening and address thre sehoôol in Mr. Jamnes D. Carruthers andl Mr.'!Iy bis genial, sitnny personality andî for Sbortbcrns at the consignmrent About ten years ago shie was unitedJ the afternoon. The Junior choir and Mrs. Harry Cole wish te tbank 1 g-lowing eloquence -warmed up thoso sale in Toronto. Thie 46 animals in niarriage witb bier noýw bereaved will sing. ahl their frienda and neigh"bors fori qualities in tire heart and mind of J wbicb passed tbrougb the ring aver- husband, wbe witb one sister (-Mar- Meinbers of Methedist Mission their kindness and sym~pathy during' every meniher.i aged $362.50, the 14 bulîs avernging1 ion) Mrs. Harmy Cole of this town, Circle beld February meeting t their recent bereavenient. The banquet m~enu comnmenced $385 and ti-e 32 feiales $340. At a and one brother Arthur of Hamilton, home cf Miss Grace V. Tre'in on witb soup, net thie kind that ene caný simlar sale a year ago, 37 femiales mourn lber unexpecte-d caîl te thel Tuesday. President, Mrs. Chas. Mr. Nathan Horne and family de-' drink witli a few sips and then won- 1 averaged $193, and the bulis$2, better world.J Bagnell, presided. A short pro- sire te tbank ail their friends and dem what it was, buit reai genuine i while, at the auction in connection The funeial wbicb was largely at- grain iconsisting of scripture lesson neigbbors, and~ the Superintendient j substantial, savory soup; then roastý witb the Royal Winter Faiir last tended teck, place Saturday atter- by Mrs. W. C. Ives; Watch Tower adnurses of Bownanvilie Hespital, chicken; chicken, thre king cf fowl faîl tbe bulls went at $245 and the noon frorniber late residence, Queen! by memibers; solos by Misses Viola for their synrpatby and kindness dur- i On the markets of Ontario this win- femnales $2418. Street, service being 'conducted by j Callan and Marion Pickard; and a ing the illness and deatir of Mrs. ter, witbrnashed potatees and green J Durhm iSbomtborn Association hud Rev. D. W. Best, B. A., nminister or chapter of the Study Book by Miss Horne and for the beautiful florali peas as accOm-panim~ents and elish-1 forýesi.t enough net te sit sitiil dur- St. Paul's Churcb, assisted Iby Rev. Rilda Sienion. Many items of in- off erings.es and, ah, deep apple pie, inches- ing these quiet years, but witbl faith1 Geo. Mason. terest weme pesented durinig the offerings. J deep, hiberally topped witb Devon- J in the future planne- o etr Teplberm ee es. business pemiod. Mrs, (Bey.) J. U. shie ceam Afer ll histheretunes wbicb biave started in 1.925. 1H. and Chas. M. Carruthers, Hamry' Robins announced the coming of Jweme bananas froin the tropi-es, or- J At a recent ,sale of this local1 as-J M. Cole, Norman McDougaîl, Chas. j Mof he tmliern hinasB specialuc Ianges frenm Califemnis and rosy ed, sociation Mm. Robert Miller, Presi-1 Butters and Walter MeGregor. ofrequest inbe iadres secoun apples froni our own county of Dur- dent of the Canauian National Ex- 'The flerai offenings were vemy Ladies' Bible Clam on Sunday, ham~, upon which one could feast, hibition, made tire public statement batflezrsigteeteio ac t. Sl faqitmd te bis beart's tcontent. ithiat Durhami Ceunty Breeders have a large number of friendis and rela- and quiited by tire înixbers ýhad Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie cccupied always niade the commnendable tives for eue wborr in life they liad been seld. The Cincle is now pre- bisoficii bar a Pesien a 1th fpxactice of getting the best herd loved and sympiathy fer the sticken pared te quilt a limited nuiriber ef head table and whea the m1erlbers sires and theyv were stili adberinig tel husband and otber relative5. qit o noedsmn ur ek ba rsn femtremelan iVnthis policy.1 Ameng t'he relatives andj friends Enquire of Mrs. Bagneil or 1M rs. W. jtbemselves a few miu~tes of ease Te prove this statement one need attending the fuw rai weie: Mism C. Ives. After the sewing period ing lusrti, " Cana,lieinr- i oly visit sonre of the Sh-ertborn Jessie McDoîugal, Cobourg; refreshments were served and a j utl,"0Cnd" eveing,'- breéders in this- county and you Norman and Hammy MeDougall,La- social balf-hour enjoyed. A vote ef duced the speaker eft the eei find: port; Mm. Jack MeDeugail, Newcas~- thanks moved by Miss Enid Soucir S AECol. W. N. Ponton, K C., of Belle-le1IssB Mtaîan MmCh.an ec e ville, who is ne, a~ str:nger t Bw- John £Baker, iHampton, ueught at l;Ms .il l ndM.Caý n eoded byMrs. LorneSanders manville, where le bas many ac the Royal Winter Show a young bull Butters, Hamilîton; Mms. Frank Ciapi- was extended te Miss ýTmewr for frieds. ithe $33,000 bllinrorted fronii Sct- thers,, Cold Springs; Messrs. A. Rob- thre home of Miss Marion Moczris. ColPE ORM Ponton's stzbjee1t was "Mixed ] and by J. J. Elliott, Guelphn. RisJ son and Wni. Brmfed Vrn- - mmie meoris o yethdami was aise an imaported Cmuick-1 ville; Mm. and Mms. Garnet H. Dun- niemories cf yotung manhood, mem- shank's Orange Blosson cow. can, Richmiond Hill; Miss Annie Hen- THE ANI1MATEi> MAGAZINE I Attir saie sle . F &1 densoir, Messrs. R. Henderson and Mr mies et aduit life, mem~ories of vis- 1Osbotne D.iRutirerfod, OsbaoarMse aue The Junior M'issienary Socieýty cf ion, of irearing, ef fiendsirips, Of Sons paid $510, the irigbest pricef Crammond and Mm. A. Cranimond, St. Paul's Qirurcir gave a deligýhtful travel, of peace and war, of bistery for'a bull in tihe sale, for a grand- Teronto; Mm. and Mrs. Alex. Ruther- and very unique entertainnient on forward to each - and peetry. How deliihtful it was son on the dam's side of Millil'si ford, Messrs. W. McGregor, N. Hjaîg Menday ev-ening. The progmami me- te listen te mmr as ire tlked aleng, Comnet, while on the sire's side bie and G. Purdy, Coihomne. presented a magazine, but instead te irear tire magie of his words, tire J1i a ranson of Maxwalton Mon-1 cf reading it frein the pinted pages, ed to buy' winter modulations and infleetions cf bis areir, grand champion buil at Royal ________eacir part was cleverly acte 1 eut. Jvoice, at timnes rising in gentle cres- J Show 1923, and rnany timies chanii-ý The nuniber being a valentine , one, icsin tonewhoet coftetnpathe s fll ns e t aalk- -pion in the U. S.1 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE the cover page was a large heart ces n th whn cenes and tefahosaswi ay aksn ___i__out of wbîcb a dear little "Qucen of -ather than carry ed of tire soldier beys ofthtie Empire' Solina Syndicate still &wn one cf Gensidemable news matter is again Hearts", Helen Williams, stepped. wbo gave their lives. athborne, on the' the best sons et Brewndale, the net-ITeaerimnt, Cen o ~e h eei ~battlefields or on the high Jesdu- ed sire ewned by James Douglas, crowded eut. Tbe adv tmet, "Cr oqet". et nyet te beneit in ng thegreat war, that es idur-it Caledonia. Several calves of ti Mr. George Loclington and Miss orhe Pr"Caer Bouqe t,"P- live! You could hardly cali Cl.i bull are listed in tire sale toe be bld Bertha Maynard 8pent tire weekend tirrea Pe ared oue inteblee- Poniten's deliverance an address; it f next montb. with relatives in Toronto. tr" eecrideti ala was net that, and it was more than' Miss Ethel lynin,, Stouffvillîe, was torm ofTire peetm a in in the that; ire talked in such a pleasinglJW S. Bragg also bas a good son recent guest cf ber aunt, Mrs. J~.tene sgscn inysugb p gvrainlwy ht1ofBonae hs ako asT rgCril vne Misses Jean Ramsay and* Lenore If ri e oueratinawatattiare, place, fmonae TosJcknias .BrgClslAeu. Quick. AIse the sextette frein If P icebusness worie oflite,th menîsa Regai Hampton bull impeted TPwo incires ot light sno ellMn Floradora was given by Misses Van- that had just been eaten,th meals froSi F.. Harding, Wisconsin. day nigbt bedecking tbe eegen demvoort, Hazewood and Yellow- tbat were or were net to come;- John Allin also bas an imprpe n h adcp ihteBatfl ee n ess o-slM'-'eo everything fer tire time waa forgetten bull, and ne ddubt tirere are ether and.the lan d outh h B autfl.le and esas onaî,MGe as bis audience listened entraned mexabers wbo have equaîîy as weîî M.IwnVedn ot la-adRe ed P î e otepesn yhiflwo i bred irerd sires as those above men- meny, spent the weekend witb bis A short play entitled "Sno-wedl up eloquence. ItioS1ed. jgandmotirer, Mrs. W. Spry, Ontario with a Duchess" was splendidly acted 1In bis introduction ire expressed Soc rdSeten rdi- Street. by Miss A. M. H. Brown, as Mms. bisoplensre inSspaking in ire town Miss Florence Morris, Nermal Hedge. Miss B. Cann, as the Duch- $1...... 00. i et oa vl hre pangthe rd oun mate in Durbami Counity but among School, Peterbero, spent the week- ess et Galterton, Miss Isabel K. ofBcmnitzens hele ft I theni are s-me eal good niliikng end witb bier parents, Mm. and Mrs. Srnitb as Madame Value and. Miss .$.........aonglhem iizn te nest ex-1 strains. S. E. Wemry, Selina, hias F. F. Morris. Jessie MeDougail as Mrs. Chirlono- sablitsoperanein cze pol ime Scotch Shorthorns giving he- Home and Scirool Club Gamnival deley Jones. 1.75 for..$1.00 sadinividueran cet asoapleas- tween 50 and 60 lbs. cf milk per at Taylor's Amena, on Tuesday even-ý Interesting and witty Editor Taîka- ure and an honor te speak in this I dY* ing, was a splendid success. Watch wý,ere given by tire Editer-in-Chief on 2for ...$1.00 old Ceunty -et Durhami which Edwvard! At tire Royal Winter Show îast for list et prize winnems next week. thre "Aniimated Magazine", thre bis- Blake, that nian et el-equence1 yeam J. F .Osborne & Sens, for theý Don't forget tirat tire plan for tr oe the Junorisionrie ...... . .... wth agmentat and seul had' third censecutive yeam, won prizesi "Dust et the Plantation" will be on clety and tire Passing of Man. chosen as a medium in wbdcir te ex- 1 with the get et their berd sie sale a t Mitebell's by Fiday noon, Mrs. George Masen with bler 2 pai ....$1.50press hiniself and frein which te Bruincir Roan King: 2ndo prize, sen- Februamy 2Otb. ,Tire eamly ýbird staff et young ladies werk.ed eut a 2 pir. ..1.5 stnipiri pmonlit upn al Cn- er ealing grade steer and 3md takes bis croice, tlre late corners very interesting and amigcrs .$ 1. Fadea around the boar~d h prize' in senior yearling pure bred Itirose seats wbici re lett and tbey'me word puzzle, and Auntie Tawk Somr, .........$.0te-nigbit brought te hlm many pleas- steer. Bmuiacb Roan King was aise . alhtiesnpie . Tbat's the 'bardMss arreAln.digteer mn inories. Heme was his old sire efthtie grand champion steer at' ato Js i ws ign ........$3.50 Bure Sm ndpsong K. C Wba end ..1 Mrtm trFi tAiiirt!Mr. and Mrs. Manson J. Constock respondents' difficulties, Bru..$ . ere Sirmdson et.C.thecondege S.were *pleasantly surprised at tireir Tire fasirions, as usual, proved a oray..and..... 3c00unemrifstli eaere tho ie. t sdebtu i tec s nt oe Monday evening w,,,en more vemy intemesting and benuititul part .$5.50 ume daysand elastiteeothep On bis ib- 1ut nOtai bc cntu~ltban 30 ef their triends called te et tire magazine. Tebatil ..... ........$5.5 urwadTein Holgate,p!O esgt ow- f in Onat o ai g as any real off er congratulations and good gowns and bats, se kindly loa-ned bY manvTomle. "W e, Mayor, fBw ul os fhvn smn el wishes on tireir 20tb wiedding an- S. W. Mason & Son and Edmiiond- manile. Webegot bin (in Belle. good pure bred Sborthorns in itsijniver,.ary. Thre bride and groom stone & Dingnran iooked te best ad- ville) but you got hlmn". He hmd midst as the banner old county oti were the ecipients of several re auti vnaea ipaydb ielvn ver oat "Epeceda sie rei Jornte urbin fui gifts. Refreshinents were ser- odels. - Specials were tire chlild- dent, Dm. Bonnycastle, grandsen of Ameng tire local breeders who ved and the eveniag pleasantly spentrnsfsrosadacul tod SirRicar Bonynstebisfahemshave entemed the Governnrent Accme-J in music, gaines, etc. fasbloned gowns. it wiIl be advis- tnie d. own at the tablîes as dit eRed Sy'stem te, free their j______ ____________________ i ilb di-Col. Lomne T. MeLaughlin,D . ., ettie et tuberculesis are John Baker _____________________________ C. M. G., an)d what memories cameý Hamipton; Cecil PbilP, Nestieton; T. thmoning te the front! em àesetW. MeCamus, Millbmook nn-1otbers. 5,,c a Copy No. 8