"'Beautify the Home" We have placed in stock a beautiful line of Spring -WALL PAPERS- which our customers who have seen, say are the most attractive they have yet seen. The large assortment of patterns suitable for any room, and the reasonable prices make the buying a pleasant duty. We xiii be pleased to show you. All samples shown are in stock, priced from 10 cents per roli up'wards. w. T. ALLEN "'Big 20'« Bookstore Bowmanville Here Are The Facts: ALL WINTER FOOTWEAR WILL HAVE TO - MOVE AT OUR CUT PRICES 1 Wonien's Black Satin 1 strap Slippers vith suede trimnming, satin covered heel ight weighit sole.. ............ $6.75 par Wcenen's Patent Gare Pumps, one of thé nevmest, $7.00 pair Women's Patent Leather 1 strap with Spanisb covemed héel and turn sole at $8.00 pair IMen's Boots in good fine caîf leather, biatk or brown, Regular $8.50 for $5.95 pair Men's heavy soled winter Ox- fords in broya caîf with plain toes........$8.00 pair Men's Black and Brown Ox- fords, in good grade leather with double soles, Special $6.75 A taible of Bargains comprised of Ladies' Brown Slippers and Oxfords Regularly priced at $7.50 and $9.00 at $4.4-5 pr FREE SPATS Ladies you buy one spat for 75e and I will give you the mnate FREE. 1IV iESk'S jHO0E STKTRE Bowmanville Cash Shoe Store Yoii Save Herec We endeavor at ail times to give prompt ser- viceeand most for the money. Potted and Cut Fiowers, ...om ........ 15e up Coileg-e Mixed Candies, very choice ......45c lb. 10 bars Laundry Soap .............................58e Prunes, Santa Claire, tender and meaty. .2 Ibs. 25c Aylmer Pork and Beans, reg. 20e ......2 f or 25ç Tea, black ýor mixed, lb .................... ......65e Cocoa, Baker's, in bulk................ 2 lbs. 19c Kippered Snacks, very tasty, 4 tins .........25e Oyster Sheil, triple screened, best quaiity we have ever had and cheapest, price 100 lbs ......................................... $1.45 KEEP YOUR EYES ON OUR WINDOWS 18HARRV ALLIN BOWMANVILLE TRY A LOAF OF CORBETT'S 100 PER CENT WHIOLEWHEAT BROWN BREAD There's nourishment and health in everyj Eat it at least three times daiiy. W. P. uAC"orbett Baker and Confectioner loaf. Bowmanville SOLINA jMrs. Ed. Black is under the doct- or's care. We wish her a speedy recovery. Her niece, !NreM- Lean of Oakwood, is witb ber. Pleased to see Mr. Russel Smith home again after a lengthy vinit in England. He look<s as if the FEng- lish climate agmeed with hum. Fiends of Mrs. Dobson are sorry to hear of bier critical illness in Lindsay Hospital. Her son-in-Iaw and da'ughter, Mr. and JArs. Isaar Hardy are with hiem. MAr. and Mrs. Thos. Awde, He- ward, Sask., at Mr. H. G. Pascoe's. . ,Mrs. Norman Yellowlees-, Gracie. and Donald are visiting hem mother and siste 'r in Brampton. Solina Wonien's Institute is pre- senting tbe play "Felicia's Influene" in Eldad Church on Thursday even-] ing, February 26t1t at 8 p. mi. ,Ad- mission: Aduits 35c; cbildmen 15c.i Giad to see such a record attend- ance at Sunday Scbool and Gburch on Sunday. Miss Lena Taylor' gave a fine report of Cobourg Winter Scbool and Pastor Jones an excellent sermon on the Lif e of Job. Regular meeting of Solina Wonî- en's Institute waa beld at the home' of Mrs. John Baker on Thursday af-1 temnooni. A good Canadian pro- gramn was given, consisting of paperi by Mms. A. Millson on Canadian Poetry and Prose Writems;; readingi by Mrs. Elgin Taylor--My Canada; reading by Mms. Gordon Leask-Na- tive bomn; solos by Mrs. John Yel- lowlees and Mrs. John Baker. Re- freshinents were semved and a social 1hour enjoyed. Recent visitors: Mr. and Mm,. W., T. Taylor, Msr. and Mms. Elgin Taylor and Miss' Lena with Newcastle friends; Miss Lauretta N.ayior andj Mr. Harvey Crosaman vith Mms. S.1 Rundie, Ebenezer; Mr. and Mrs.i Ernest Larmer and baby Ralph witb, lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Taylor; Mr. Alan MeKessock withý Toronto fiends; Mms. Wrightson Wright and babe with bier sister, Mrs. Elgin Taylor and Mrs. John Baker; Miss Annie Williamns with hem aunt, Mms. John Lane, Bowni-1 ville; Messrs. Jin and Joe Rey-1 nolds at Mm. . &Williams'; Mr. andý Mrs. L. C. Pascoe, ,Enfield, at Mr.' jA. J. Reynolds' .... Mr. Frank Gar-~ fatt and bride, Woodstock, visited atý his uncle's, Mr. James Garfat. ._ IM r. and Mms. Arthur Stainton and1 son Lloyd, Zion, bave been visitingý Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Garfat. ENNISKILLEN Miss Reva McGill. Péterboro Nor-i mal spent Sunday wçýitb ber par-1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McGill' Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers Sanderson,j Burketon, visîted Mr. Wilfred Sand- orson. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Mount- joy and Donald visited Mrs. Andmew the bad roads asat Wedneaday alter-! Inoon the Ladies' Aid bad a success-1 fuI quilting. Theme were twenty' ladies présent and throe quilts weme cuilted. They intend having an- MAPLE GROVE Rov. ~ and Mrs. W. C. Frank ac- companied ýby Miss Ida Stevens left Saturday for their home in vitoria, B. C..Miss Gladys Allin and Mr. Lawrence Hearst, Osbawa, spont1 Sunday at Mm. Noble Metcalf's ....1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden ýandý daughter Lillian, Mr~. and Mrs. Sam- son Munday, Mrs. Noble -Metealf, Mrs. Roy VanCamp motored to Tor- onto on Tuesday andù attended tbe Tomperance Convention ...south Darlington U. F. O. visited Provi- dence U. F. O. and report a splen- did turne.... Miss Edytho Sam-is is visiting relatives in Toronto. «.. Mrs. S. Snowden visited hier par- ents at Cobourg over the woekend. Her niother, Mrs. Mac-klin, retumned with ber.... Mr. and Mrs. Bort Wil- kins and daughters Helen and Doris, IEbenezor, spént Sunday at Mr. R. L. Worden's. HAYDON On Friday evenîng, February 27, Solina young people wili present their popular play The "Jonab". Ad- mission 25e and 15,c. 8-2w Our annual congregational meeting was beld home Wednesday evening, but with a smaller attendance than usual on accaunt of disagreeablel weathem. A splendid musical pro- grain vas given, also reports froin officers in churcb work. Refresh- ments were also served t'o ail. League here on Sundayý evening was in charge of Mm. Ceciu Sîcinon who read the Bible lesson. Topi was taken by Mrs. T. Mountjoy.A sn as nicely rendemed by the youn peole;readings 'wére also given b Master Lewis Asbton and Mms. Theron Mountjoy. Meeting closed iwithi the Mizpah benediction. Hear "Felicia's Influence" atl Solina, Thumsday, February 26th. GOLDEN JUBILEE îa connection with the Golden Jgbilee services of the Hampton MVt_.oadiA Church on Wednesday. February 25th, at 2.30 P. in., Rev. De. Stailcrd of the Metropolitan Chîurîcb, Toronto, wiii preach Froin 4 o'clock Tea wiilhocsorved in the Basement of the Church until ail are suppiied. At Il o'clock Re,, Dr, Stafford wiii give a lecture entitled "The Rise and1 Fail of Nations." Duing the even- ing Miss Joy Fawcett, one of Toron- to's leading young musical artists,. wiii sing and play. Admission: Adults, Tea and Con- cert 60c; tea only 40c, lecture 25c. Children under 12 years, tea and concert 40c; tea only 25c, concert 1se.1 W. W. Joa., C. F. Corden, Paator. Treasurer, HAMPTON Golden Jubilee and Thýank-Offer- ing services wiii bbeied in Hamnpton Metbodist Chumc'h on Sunday, Feb- i-cary 22nd., when services wiii be condiWjted at 10:30 a. ni. and 7 p. nm. by Rev. Wm. Limbert, Toronto. On Sunday, Mara~ lst., Rev. Dr. G. H. Williams of the Metropolitan Churich, Toronto, will preacli at both, services. The Board is asking for $500. Veterans' choir wiii sing on Sunday, February 22, some of vbom sang 40 years ago at thé tinie of union of the Methodist and Bible' Christian Congregations. Tea andI concert wiii be given on Wednesday,1 Felbuary 25th. At 2:30 p. ni. Rev., Dr. Stafford, Metropolitan Church, Toronto, wili préach. Tea semved at 4 p. mn. At 8 p. ni., Rév. Dr. Staff ord will lecture on "The Rise and Fali of Nations". Miss Joy Fawýcett, one of Tomonto's cleverý young musicians wili sing and play during the evening. Ther iiibe TYRONE Spring. Miss Elma Gardincr *s visitingl Mr. C. J. Kerslake vho feels it fiends in C obourg. .. . Mr-. and iMrs.1 an honor to be oganist for next Fred Moore, Bowman ii e spent Sunday, Feb. 22nd, Juýbilee services, Sunday at Mr. W. H. M7oo'e's...... in Hamipton church, wishes ta an- The many friends of Mrs.ý A. W. nouncé to ail intérested that the or- Annis and Mm. Milton Virtue w ill bé gan voluata.ries to bo playéd while pleased to hear that they are botb the offeing is being taken., are an-i home froin the hospital af em having I theins vhich vemé sung by the firat' vemy serious opérations........ The choir of this chux'ch. Somé ee véry sudden death of Mrs Raymond sung at the dedication services fifty Davey in Boiwmanville Hospital on yéars ago and all' will be playéd froin Monday morning cast a glaom over th.,e sanie books that veme used on thé our village and vicinity. Mms. Davey organ at that time. Mornlng vol- has beén in very Poor heaith for1 untaries, "Lord of Hosts" fromi smre tirne but death came very sud- Canadian Anthein hook and "Hamkl denly. Hem bereaved husband,, thé Sang of Jixbilee" by 'S. Martin. fwmily and mother, Mis. W. H. Hicks Byeiiing voluntaries, "Nearér 1Home" have thé sincère' sympathy of thé en- and "Love Divine" by James Me- tire conmunity in their sud loss. Granahan. These are being used The funeral tocrk place Wednesday with reverence and through appre- aftemnoon to Bethesda eemetery. . iatian of thé musical services and al Women's Institiite and Ladies' Aid other work in cennoction ýwith thé meeting bas been postponed to Tues-! building and dedication of our beaut- day, Fpbruary 24th et 8 p.,m., in!I iful church. Many of thé flmst the C mmnityijBýll. Ail Nvil be wo*reers have ~passed atway bluttheir~ welcome. memomy is sajcmed. Hear "Felicia's Influ-ence" at M.To.Ad,-eadSs.) Solina, Thiursday, Fe'bruary 26t . M.To.ÂdHwmSs. 1 vi.,4ed nid frndsin t,, he aillaz. . other in Mai-ch. Three quiîts are! NESTL.ETON for sale.1 j Mm. Fred Crawford has goné to Dinner parties were held on Fmi- Detroit wlapre hé has accepted a pos- day evening at tho homes of 'Nf, 1j and m. idny Trvin Mm an ition in a large grocetemia store .... and Ms. Sdney rewii, . dMm. R. H. Suggitt is delegate to the Mrs. Will Ashton, Mm. and Mrs. . Témapeance Convention iii Toronto Brunt, Mm. and Mrs. Russel Mc- this week... Mr. and Mms. Sidiney Laughiin and Mm. and Mms. Herb. Trevin and family, Ennîskillen, vis- Stainton. Ail guests weme pleas- ie e itr m .H acun anty ad oyalyentrtine ~ on Saturday. ..Miss Ruth Proutt hosts and bostessés..... Satumday has returned froin a visit to Port evenlng Mr. and Mrs. Tbeo Slemon Huron accompanied by ber aunt, and John entertained a bnuinbem isTodooVnofe . m Suc~y choiclsestoa Vaenîîeand Mrs, W. J. Malcolmn and family Party. Thé eveniag vas spont in IadM playing gaines and contests. Thé ndM. and Mms. V'ertil McMullén amuingpar wa patnes mtchng'and family, Yeiverton, visitéd Mr. amuîn prtva patnmsmaehngThos. H. Williams recently... Mr. with hearts vhiicb ah thoroli, onjoy- and Mms. Stanley H. Malcolmn and éd. At il1:30 a dainty lunch was faxnily and Miss Ida Malcolmi of servd b théhosesa. AilP5i1 Lindsay who vere visiting hem broth- ticipated in this part of the prograine a vrt cuo atStra vîth great enthusiasin. After lunch w~eek visit ing Mr. Walter Samels.. . aIl surounded their entertainers and . .Mr. and Mm,. vertil MeMullen and sang "For tbey are jelly Good Fol-:-* iows, vichéxpessd te dligtedfamily, Yelvertan, visited Mm. Han-y hosts rightly... Mm. N. A. Camp- Phl and on uy .. , rs.ent Mal- bell of Oshawa, is with hem sister-c, iadby er eetvstn Mrs L.A. allvhoconinus 1 witbh lem parents, Mm. and Mms. Peter, iiiL. .Hem l ickn cstis nuese viteý Wright ...Miss Sarah Armstrongj cheerfunees. as hom e f rom Toronto Normal oni great ceruns.acleount of illnéss. Pleased ta statei Visitors: Mr. Noble Metcalf,I sh e bas recovered and bas returned j Maple Gi-ove, visiting bis aunt, Mr-. jto hem studios. C. E. meeéting on J C. E. Stewart; Mm. and Mme. Wallace Thursday evening, Feb. 5th, vas in' Stainten and little daughtem Elean- charge of the .3uniors with Master or, Toronto, are guests of Mm. Wm. Donald Thompson la chair and Miss! Moore and other friends; Miss La- Grace Armstrong acting Secretary. verne Griffan, Town, vas with hem A good prograin vas rendéred con- parents, Mm. and Mrs. Wni. Griffin;: sisting of vocal duét by lite 1Mr. Robert Failis, Bow-nanviile, and1 Porteous and Imene Armmaro Dr. L. C. F'allis, Sheiboumné, at Mm. citation by Helen Lansing; duet by IR. Fallis'; Mms. Gordon Jeffery vis- Clama Porteous and Grace Arm- iting- ber mother, Mms. D. Cherry, strong; club swinging Rota Me-Lean; IScugog, vho le iii; Misses Maudie, viohin solection by Donald Thomnp- jAshton and Gladys Stainton visiting sn éctto b ap scen friends in Toronto; Messrs. Gordon scripture eadiag hy Merrili Thomp- IWérmy and Lloyd Ashton with Tom- son; and topic taken by Wiifmed onto friends. . Sorry te report Missi Richardson. Misses Iva Williamns Winnié Oke on thé siek ...... . Our and Grace Armstrong vere pianists. village physician is a vemy busy mani Meeting cloeéd with prayer by R. thèse days ...Congratulations to W. Philp. Pleased te have another Mr. Walter Cochrane and bride prograin by Juniors...Thursday (née Louia Rabani) on their recoat evening, Fèb. l2th, vas social even- imariae... Mrs. Wm. Griffin t-ad ing in C. E. Society-a vaied pro- sons Russel and Master Wiln or, gramn: music by orchestra, commun- Sundayed at hem son's, Mr. Loi-né 1 ity singing, club swinging by Misses Griffin, Cartwright ...Rev. E. A. JRota McLean and Helen Lansing; Bélknap preached. Sunday eveningý vocal duét, Clama Porteous and a vemy bénéficiai sermon on "Thée Grâlce Armstrong; reading by Jénnie Intrusted Talents" te a full bouse. ! Gordon; dialogue by Mr. and ,Mrs. Each of us bas been given a talent i John Watson and Lewis, vbîch vas small or great. We should net bide - uch appreciated. Refeshments iour talents but use théin te the Glory wéee ervéd and a social tume spent. o <f God. Wé ail cannot ho bri- . . . Pastor Griffith gave us the first liant but vo ail can hé laithful. If of a seies of sermon& on "The say- vo do not usé our talents théy mayl ings of Christ" taking for bis text, hé t-aken frein us. . Parsonage Board1 "Thé tiimé l f ulfilled; thé Kingdoni met at tnhoere of Mm. E. C. Ashton1 of God is at hand; Repent ye and an Monday for business. believe thé Gospel." If bis béai-ors w'ould stop and think what be said Don't forget tbe concert Friday' his sermaon could net help but hé a evening, February 20th vhen Salem help te thora. .Pleased to state Young People will presént their Rov. J, E. Griffith bas réceived and play "Forest Acres". Music be- accepted an invitation te continué t'ween acta. Admission: Adulte 25e;' indéfinitely as our pastor... The ýcrikren 15e. ý Prei4byterians of South Nestîcton Héar «Felicia'. Influence" -at have voted non-concurrence in the' Solina, Thursday, Fébrugry 26th. j Union vote, 5 for and 21 against, ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson, Osh~- awa, recently visitéd at Mr. D. Fer- guson's....Miss Wilson, Lindsay, and Miss Reeson, Columbus, at Mr. M. Gilmoy's. Congratulations to Mr. and Mms. Walter Cochrane -on being married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. H. Ramni, lasit Wednés-1 dlay ... . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cochran entemljained about oneobuýnà",dred in- vited guets Friday nigbt and an en- joyable évening vas spent. RATEPAYERS 0F DARLINGTOPN At the next regular meeting of thet Couneil of the Township of Darling- ton to be heid on Saturday, February 28th., thé question of the ré-appoint- Ment of PatbMasters for 1925 wiii be takon up.- Should any of the ratepayers désire a change in the appointinent it~ wouid ho desirable' that they comimunicate with their road comimissioner. Stretching the,$ We endeavor at al times to give our eus- tomners the most for their $ that money can buy. It matters flot whéther you buy .a pound of saus- ages or a side of bacon it must be the best value on the market. Balance of this weelc we offer: 1 lb. prints of Easifirst at ............19e 3 IL pails of Easifirst ..............54e 5 IL pails Easifirst ................90e Breakfast Bacon, Sliced .........30e IL G. A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowmanville r *..Miss Bateman is visiting her sis- ter Mrs. E. L, Wiliiamson. ..Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Armour and cbîrn Zion, visited at Mr. H. Rundle's... Glad to see Miss Nora Horn home[ from an extended visit with be-r brother, Mr. J. B. Horn, Peterboro She occupied ber place at the organ on $unday evening. ... A number in the village have been suffering fromi severe colds but are recovering. .. . The Veterans Choir for the Jubilee services on Sunday, Febmuamy 22nd., both inorning and evenînig, are pro- gressing favoura'bly, some of, the, members of the choir sang in the Bible Christian Church choir for a number of years previous to the! Church Union in 1884. Miss Lottie Hor gave a good report o f th e Win-' ter Sehool at Cobourg on Friday evening. Our, League intend visit- ing Salemn Young People's League on Wednesday evening.. . Mr. J. T. Secor makes a welicome addition to our Sunday Sehool Orchestra.. Mrs. C. H. Wallace is spending a few days at New Hambourg. .lr* LDiun- das is ýwith bis daugliter, Mrs. S. G. Bates. Hear "Felicia's Influence" at Solina, Thursday, February 26th . MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Freehold Farm Property U-NDER the Power of Sala in a cer-, tain MUortgage, which will hie prodlucedl at the time of Sale, thiere will be offeredj for sale by Public Auction on Saturdlay,1 the 2lst dlay of February, 1925, at the hour of Two O'clock in the afternoon at the Benson House i the Town of Lind-1 ~Say. the foflowing lirop-erty: trll and Singular that certin parcel or trat f land and premnises situate lyingj and being in the Township of Cartwright in the West Riding of the County of, Durbiam, and being composed of the South half of Lot Numnber 21 in the lOthi Concession of the said Township of Cartwright except that part heretofore conveyed to the Lindsay, Bobcaygeon cribed in registered instrumnent Numnber 3836, West Rîdling, County of Durham., The property is said Vo consist of about 89 acres of land under cultivation, of which fifty acres is said to be of a light sandy laam and the balance of a heavier quality. There are alsa said to hé seven or eight acres of second growth Pop)lar bush on the farm. a srsll orchard andi the following buildings: dwelling 23' x 5 1', with sumnmer kitchen attached; framne barn 30' x 50' and a frarne barn 26' x 50, with stable and drive shedi méeasuring 20' x 30', TERMýS:-The property will be aoild subject to a reserved bld. Ten per cent. of the purchase price la to be paid at the tiue of purchase, and the balance wSithin tliîrty days thereafter, the pur- chaser to sign an agreement for coin- I pletion of the purchase. Irnimediate possession to be given. Vendôr wil only lie required ta furnish Uegistrar's abstract of titie, and to lmaduce such documents of title as are in his passesg- alan. Conditions of sale willi be niade known at the tirni of sale. 8'Ôr further particularaï)apply t. MOORE BRADFORD & SCOT-T, iqanildbon Bank EdLinday, Ontario Sélictors for the Mortegagee.' Lindsay, Ont.. à7aauiary Z4th. 1925. Tait's for Economy We invite you to shop at our store and slhare in the special values being offered from our bar- gain counter: Strawberry Jam, 3 lb.. tin ...................75e Strawberry and Apple Jam, 2 lb. tin .........38e Plums in tins, reguluar 30e for ..............15e Cherry Jam, in glass jar, regular 50c for ....25e Apple Butter, regular 20e tin for . .........10e Forest Cream Cakze Icing, regular 35e for .. ..20e Libby and Clark Soups, regular 17e for .....9 Rex Catsup, regular 15c, 'bow 2 for ..........15e Whole Steak, 2 IL tin., regular 25e for,...12½/c Horseradish Mustard, regular 20e for ......10e Salmon, Tiger Brand,1/ size ..............15e HEADQUARTERS FOR FISH B. C. Salmon, White Fish, Filiet of Haddie, Finnan Haddie, Kîppered $Ierring, Fresh Oysters, etc. MARMALADE WEEK See Our window display 4 lb. tins 70c, 2 lb. tins 45c ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville NOe*TICE We wish to advise our -many friends and customers, that Mri. Wm. Challis has severed his connection with tis firm. Our Browmanvilie Garage and Service Station wiii continue under the saime capable staff, which gave auch good satisfaction last season, with Mr. Fred Dow-ney in charge. Speciai Car Sales vili be handied direct from Osha-wa and a request ieft with Mr. Downey will promptly bring an officiai of the Company to you for demonstratiors or adjustment of claims. We believe the new arrangements, givig cdoser contact with our customers, wiii result ia increased satisfaétlon. We assure the moto>ring publie that our soie aim is to render thein the hest possible Gaýrage Service. We wiii continue to) spcîilize in Good Used Cars et Lowest 1>rices, and to market the MeLaugbilin and Oidsmobiie uine of Cars. Moff att Motor Sales, Ltd. OSHAWA PHONF. 915 ROWMM4VILLE PHONE 248 -ïjïïïïýý