IFTY ARS Against That Day The fabled years of ancient Egypt's fulness and famine-Vie strikîng lassons fouad in otier is- toic facts and naturaili4f e processes astablisi saviag anion.- the funda- mental laws upon wiich Nature miakes her sure indictmnents. Follow your natural parsonal instinct Vo "lay by in store" by adding regular iastalîlants Vo a snyingsý account -in the Standard Bank. LKDANK NVIL 'I Hie made money. on the faxmi O F many a farmer retiring to a well-earned rest àt has been sai, "«He rmad-e a lot of rnoney on that farrn." The fact is that he i-imde no more money than his neigîhbour, but lie saved a great deal more. Acquiring weath is largely a matter of systematic speindiig and savng. Without a definite plan few men get anywvhere. Hard work is flot enougli; the fruits of the work must be conserved. money reguIarny. vings Account. Open .1n1 rnte-rest MBank Wbere Sma!lI4-ccoiwtç Arce Wed:lce» KOF ~Ioo E.stabli~hed over Assets i~ exceas cf~ ~ a. your usually his best tea and "Red Rose." T i~sani god te for30 ears. Try ltI SEAS( SUGO] E BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 19th., 1925 his report showing the fires froiti SUN LIFE ESTABLISHES ___________ _______- nuary 31, 1924 to January 31, GREAT RECORD 1925, as follows: FEBRUARY COUNCIL îMEETINGý March -Jl Trimible's liousÈ The .54tfi annual report of Sun _____anid 1otnsz4U Life A..,uraýnce Comnpany of Canacaiii, Styles aild customns ai"taixes m11U', March !12-C. N. R. Station-noa as published in Tpe Statesmans last damage.~ week oncýe again sîiows inpig chng; ut fomth cinidnc1 pril 141-Thosý. J. McMurtry- gains both ii, resources anci in the which Mayor Holgate calledi to the' sj-malIlIoss. spread of thec Comipany's op)eratl(is. attention of counici1 at its Fehbruaryý Aug. 2-llarold Jore-no insur-ý Neyer ini Canadian 1f e assuiance mi-eetingl-, it is evidlent rules andi ance. hisýtory hias there been ntig ap- fo rnatngmncpl oct. 23-Mort MVU2ýdof-smiall' proacinig the miagnitude of thec fig- roeulais -oonI e eloss. ures presented1. A)Il prev.io)us re-, couci afarsgoonf reer Dc,2-Horsey Block Building cords of the 'Compiïany, outstandling In openinig counicil Ius Worshîip $0onets.00004.0ast0. veb1n hv 1bengeal noted oni the: bookiet of local pr-W J. Dudley,, cnet. 604 üoerreached. mientary procediure that the 'rulesý T. B. Gilchrist, contents .... 3,000.00 Th-e Sun Life hias been, for years, an rguatos er "dptd el-Standmark Bank. contents. . 24t.00 tjie ladramong lif e insuranilc and eguatins cre _-ýüptd FbýDcec. 23-Dr. A. S. Tilley, hu companies il-, the Br-itisli Empife dýo- ruary 4th., 1875"5-just 50 years agoin os n nodnr iebsns:wt to thevery day! ills 1],ai dnu iebies 7ît A E.Gilders, Weîilgton Sr , Dec. 26 Thios. Lymenir, boat bus'inless in force nenin-g the llioný A.E3lbouseioor boat, etc. $400. mark, the Com-panyý has gsinod a askd prmisin tofesa re 6nJan*.Place high up among the o'ant comn f ront of his property. To Roadsaiand -j îj'allieBuiling. $th36,50 gi Streets Com. R~F. W. Cpladeonitents. $3ý,981.,00 pne ftewrd Stet Ci.Brown and Bennett, con. $1,168.24 43,671 niew policiesweciue Sick childreni's Hospital, Torontio, onofciI eealepone and paid for during 12,rpe~t was granted$10, as usual, at sami-j salaries a)s 1last year; Carking a tota1 of $137,4GC6,2854out of Darlingtqn ouci refused to pay -John Lyle, $1.200; Trea sure -il the $165,ý507.097 actualily appliedi for any road work on boundary.1 R. Jollow, $800;, Assesor-F. B 1o.ouThofsnewbusfr ine rtea lat line as they had no)t been consulted. Whiting, $250; Collector-R4. Jar'!-ioitofle bunss-iitL i Not aý very neighborly spirit afteri vis, $350; Chief of Police-Rd. Jar-' one year by a Canadian life assýur- [lhe town had kept upj this road for vis, $9,50; Night Colistabl-Walter anice comupany, thie past score of years! Hall, $950; Caretaker of Cemetery Ila addition, a large block of pro- fitable Brts and foreign-i business Provincial Fire Marshall wrote -J. H. Highfleld, $1200; Street hbe-/aqicifor 'i mr that in reference to the safety of Coimiissioer-F. C. Palme-(-r, $800; ha. en-curd rmabi'mr Horsey Block bis duties only .emn- Constables-A. Mathiews, John Mo- icanl comi-panly by re-assurance, as braeed safety from f1 ire. han, H.- Creeper; Fenca Viewecrs-ý well as the business of aj Colonial Fedra Sren letrc o.wat-Harry Allun, John Elliott, Wmi. Bar- colpanly operat'ing" in fihe Eat. ed o al Pireep lt. rirenC.wisteri; ou.leeer-J1s crseî; ssuranlces la force (after de- ed Fruit ande Noxious Weedhis!e iductîng re-assurances) have reachedi ToFîe om Rd. Jarvis. sctr1 thie tremlendous total of $S71,686,- Principal W. J. -Morrison addrless-! l,ýayor Holgý,ate read a lettez, from - showin, an inicrease for the ed couincil in behiaîf of thec Publie;c-.-P.' R. ini reply to patition fromi year of $167,871,214I. Ordinary Library asking thiat the annual gr"aalt citizens asking that certain, trainsý policies in force numier 3 84,113, be inicreased to.35. it wvas alsol which had been stopping regularly, wh1ila_ the failles of 340eily recuetedtht cunil ubitby- at Bo-v- ia, until recently,1be ees of industrial an] other bsnsa law to ele'ctors for establishment of rsmd aia erte hten-j9yý the protecýtionl of Suni Lif e a Free Library.fihe request could not be granted onGrupoie. This acýtion miay be taken along accounit of fast service lbetween Tor- Comnpanly's resources alsoý show witbl next 1-nunicipal elections next onto and Montreal. cmesiaegi& As's o January. Mayor Holgate andclGounceillor $274,130,407 show an inecase for~ 1. the year of $641,873,09)4. When it Couincil was considerably divided 0O'Neill gave a report of their trip to is realized that this gain alone equals as to Library grant for 192-5. Vote Soreni Bros. fa'ctory at Toronto. An 1 ie total assets beold byvie Sut4 was as f ollows: $350-Caverlv, ar-rangement wns being c ontemiiplat-Lielvnyeragoeieso O'Neill, Yeo; $300-Thickson, ed wbereiby tuis companly would ýHErpdapeito fi,;fný Hynds,Cautes $20Eiot move to Bowmanville and talke over, mVeaidarecitof t.ud Jamres. Thiere baing a tie th-e- the assets of the Ross Oaa Co. and maye. bce for. dvncd Mlayor cnÀrried the day at $300. 1continue imnniufacturing.. The town I ythe. ioefor$19532,4f)dancad j rie fCinlec se-was eLxpected to guarantee bonds to: ytesi ~$52002t i Citbe f Cmere15~lthe extent of $100,000. On miotion substaintial figure of $ 62,2)45-,5r)8 1 deavrin to esurectthebras ofC ouncil1or Jamlles and seconded by this sumi not including considerations baudI by engaginig a condluctor and CuiilrCvry tI loii received in respect of reassýurances. bave the promise of twenty-tîree lo- Couio arrely Tathe f olloing; Iaearnings from n ivestmienits -tha, cal miusicians to kèep in step withmuin aicrte .htthsc.u- omay' xprenahals been par- tie dm-ao. Presidant Archie cil do not entertain the popS in curase i mrke lue Bof sui-th rTait andiGnea John Hughes ofiVo. gurne bns~ the C. of C. presanted the farts and fr 10,,0,bt-ou oni e ýhl n()mi-t G31ý7 lse o h oietgato - easing the 'Ross Oaa Go. building tisedauonn o$6317, ase ortemdetgan 3f$50 1" -and tie profit o-n sales wherein the 1which would pay the condacuýtor-'s sal-1 at a reasoniable rental. increased value of securities ba S aryv wýith $50 to the good for m-'usic.i been capitalizad, is refiected the ws Afitr akin moe qestonstha dil of the Comrpaay's early policy a sciool boy would asýk bis dad on11 SPLENDID CONNECTIONS MADEj of investment in long-terni bonds his flrst trip to a city- thea municipalI FOR SASKATOON AND EDMON.. and slmilar securitias. fathers decided VLo dole out $2-5 peri TON BY THIE VANCOUVER The rate of intarest earned on mnontb for a total of $300. Again] EXPRESS thle mean investad assets advancedi counicillors a--grea to disagrae: Yeasl Vo 6.*38 per cent. -Tiickson, Hyads, Carruthers,1 A greatly improved transcontirent- $31,81,639 wvýas paid to poicy-ý O'Nell, avary; ays-lliot,-i service is provided by trhie Cana- oders nnd Vo beneficiariesane James; Counicillor Yeo sat tigbt. ! diani Pacific Rallway in the vancou- spact of daatb dlaimis, maturing poli-! General Hughes intinrated hawoIld- I ver Express leaving Toronto every dies, profits, etc. Tuis bring,,s the be la todoate$5 f rue. ,,1tIngta 90 .m (effective January sum so paid out by the Comipanlyj la un-dersteùd tiat free, openaiar~ con4 11) for Vancuver. slnýce organization Vo $183,72f8,I18. cents will ble given during- summnerI Direct connections are made at, Re- Policyhiolders received or bnci al- montlis. ila- gina for Saskatoon, and at Calgary liotted to tilema profitsf 6GL5 Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie spoke in be- ýfrEmno.Z 94 f ofltbe commîittea Wîo were i- Leava Toronto 9.00 p. mi.; Ar. The surplus incneased by $4,234,.- ves*-,btn- aSoldiers' War Mýemi-or- Winnipeg 10.00 a. mr.; Ar. 1,ýeginn, 490 and amrounted to $22,107,357j igatA ing aueil OSI f 1.5P. m.; Ar-. Saskatoon 6.05 --. after strengtliening Contingency RIe- il recomniiiended hy the comm-ittea ml.; Ar. Calgary 4.30 p. mi.; Ar. Bd-I serves Vo the exliet of $4,000,0001 ýVa-, 11 diplmonton 11.10 p. m.; Ar. Vancouver ;f ollowing Vie Company's polîcy of wa o dspay 1 is to be con- 7. 00 p. ni. building for tie fuiture. structed of Stanstead grey granite,i 23)fee hih o a 0 fot aseand The equ.ipmi-ent of Vie Vancouverl Steady expansion of tie field of wien complaeted -will c os t F, 0 00. E-xpress is of the bigbiest standard, op0)e ratinhscotneidrn h Memorial l be erected oni lawn imi- inceluding- dining car, Tburist, Stand- past year nnd sceral additional meitl -outhi of Town H a11. ard a nd Comprtment Observation, division offices hiave beenl opened îin Wom11en',s andý Girls' Patriotic Clubi Slaepers. Canada and abroad. The granit scopel wil otiblute $1,200 oward this Travelling Vo Vhe West on Vils J of its activiities and its T(recognition amnount and Vie balance $,800 will train malkes Vhe trip a pleasZure. 1ilas the grant internationaililfe as- be raised by taxes. B y a unan- Let your nenrest Ganadian Pacifie suranlca conipany enables Vie Sun imlous vote of council it was agread agent supply dafinita informyationLf onPr t oiyholders super-1 tha conci woldbe aspasileconcerning tickets, rasýervations, etc., îior service. for tMs am-ount. Dr. Bonnyceastle' nnd Victoria, Canada's national win- j SnL-apl yh1aswilrn intia~td tit svarl prvat ~ter, resort weasummair sportsimav thailereport p7asentad with aifc scritios m alead ben rceiad e ejoyd Ve yar oun. 3 îbtion, particularly ia view of Vheaan-j scrition hal alrncl bee reclvdbe e,«oed te yernound.ed1 inqrease la tie ,cale of and a public subscription lisV wouid I pofia n priipta plces beoit ooenad for thosa ishing Vo make ceonbutos. Il sin t mke tprospenity of the country is bound contribtions.np wilti tlint of its institutions. The usual grant of $500ws made Rend the Sun Life report in ouri Vo Bowmanv lHospital vwith provi- sion t1int indigent patients be cag atise ed st a rate of $2.50 per dlay. Rev. D1) RASPBERRY GO ES W LIBest, Prasýident of Hospital 0IGO ES -e, z1_» .1 - . MEETING Board, vwas pi esent.1 Town Engineer F. C. Palmaer wioi lis been min-i-g a tbor-ough-I survay of Via Waterworks Dept. wt a view Vo 'putting iV on a painig basis, after consulting wviti Vie Wtrok Commiiittôea, makaLs tiare suggestionsý la chanige, of rates, and notice ofi Motion Vu amnend by-law at next mneeting w-,as given: As you are aware Via Watarworks System sinca its installation mas noV at anly t1ime paid for itself 'lie loss lis varled from $6000 yearly Vo $2000, Vie latter being Vthe nenrest suai Vto pnying its way. The present rate is $ 2.'25 par quarteýr or $9,00 par yenr, allowing 1,000 cubic feat, ofwtr for eanc servie vwith no extra charge for services thedigVe standard siza vVe ptn'pose racommxenc fat riate or 5[8 inchi Vian $2.75 par quarter year; 9j services Vol quarter or $12.00 par vices Vo be $3.50 pan .00 per vear; 2" sarvi( Yo 0u wOFuld In't slam the do lc-or in their fac%-es! Every buin ; ý(s 1lias itwo doors, the ,,street door amd the t elephpnot e duon, Thosa,, peopleo are preý- vetdfrom visiting your stoe ae ou ï iaknt1 easy,ý for theru Vi o b from you b)y V poe 'De '$3. 00 Malyof themIlwouldlike to. ryenr; 1" quarter or Wvould a poliVe, intelligenlt, cas Vo ha cheorflIice nswier thefir 0 pan year. rn? Wudteexper 1as forai- r~quarter îçnca a uh1, pesat n AI! waien tha't they Mwould ic h to less Vban repent it? arg-ed for "Y iv oiP nnsoe 100 cubic W hvehePdmaysoe d upwands tos'uecessfully or>ganiÎzethe-ir te of 12 teeanhone fortn~r Meetin- of ah tihosa intarested la raslbarry growing will be iald in Council Roomn, Bowm-anville, Tue,,- day, Feibruary 1MtIr at 2 p. ni. Mr. G. H. Berley of Vlia Domin- ion Departmnent of Ag-rîiculture, willi alk on "Raspberry Diseasas". 1 This is a inatter wiich ail rasp-i 'an growers must give immn-edînteý ,ittenlion. Raspber-ry dliseases hava become very prevalent in Via distric!t dýuring the last few years and un- less immediata, stops are aken Vo imrove Vhe situation, it will prob- ably jýon beco:i-e ineat Vo impossible Vo geV sntisfactory yields off our asbryplantaVioný;, OBITUARY MNI. Thos. Rajsk, Po ,typool. The deati of Mary Ana Luan, ha-ý loved wife of Mn. Thos. Rusk of Pontypool, took place on February 211d, and ramioves oaa of the nost bighly respekcted residents of Man-1 vers township. i1 furnished on ail kinds of han &Co., h -~ rU Buy Your Radio AT ALLIN'S RADIO SHOP -There s a Reason- When you btiy your Radio Set at? this shop you get a prompt and efficient service which mailý order houses and out' of town shops cannot give you. WE SELL THESE RADIO SETS: Splitdorf Nightingale Atwater Kent Freed-Eisemnann DeForest-Crosley Radiola good set for country use Work Rite Radio Set, 3-tube neutrodyne reflex, complete with loud speaker ONLY $135-00 Tubes, Batteries and Radio Accessories always in stock--Batteries Recharged. HA,,RRY C.ALLIN Phone 13 37 Bowmanville Be Loyal to Y our Own C"oniunity Buyv bread made in Bowmianville, by Bow- mnanville citizens, and lwith flour manufacturedl in Bowmanville. Have Qur, Wagon Cali Daily JACOBS G& HILLYER The Candy Shop Successors Vo Cinistie's Bakeny Bowrûanville [Let Us Worry For You We are specialists in the Une of repairing ail makées of automobile an~d radio 'batteries. Bring -your, battery in now and have it put in first class condlitioni before the Spring rush. We have the equipment to give proper and efficient attention. Agents for Prest-O-Lite and Exide Batteries. F'isher's Batt.ery Servicer ,.Formierly F. W. ýirkendall's Shop)r ofttGargeBdgÉhone -948 Bowmanville o5 ft. trussed axtensuJ Wm. Edger preseatei