L.OT FOR SALE--On ivoyr Stroi Neweastie. A p py to Mpu. J Lm Eeever, 335 Athol St .,-., Oshmawà't Agents %Wited To seli for the -01d 1Reiable Fonthi Nur-scries"~. Experience flot necessar, We off er exclusive territory, lMbrai corn missions and furnish hansmre fre- outfit. Start now at beuýt seing tira Stone & Welington, Toronto. 7- CHIROPRACTIC The foiiowing are a. few of the man -,aliments Chiropractie adjustings ai efficient iii overeoingi: AI] forms of nerve trouble, headache. paralysis, pinal roubles, thro-t and imi fweaknesisS, rheuniatisrn and sciatiR digestive disorders high blood pressur and circulatory troubles, heart weakness es and goitre. Dr. Durwin E. Steckley of Bow nianville will make residential cali in Newcastle, Monday, Wednesda: and Friday. For an appointmien phone 141J, Bowmanville. 32- MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M Graduate of Trinity University, ai,ý of Royal1 Colege Physicians, Edin burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom en and children. Office-Parker' Block. Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. flonor graduate of Trinity Universit Fellow of Trinity Medical Collogi Licentiate of the State Univerity oý New York, Matriculate of the Post Graduate Medical School and Hos pitial of New York and Fellow of ti Toronto Academy of Mediine. Offic --Mrs. McNaughton'a Residence Newcastle. Hours-8 to 10 a. ni 1 t.o 3 p. nm., and by appointmený GOOD COKE is cheaper than wood and ii the equal to the best Coal.1 have a suuply of the bes Coke obtainable. Highe8t .grade of Anthra cite always on hand. Geo. Jamiesori Newcastle Special Sale of Underwear Children's Natural White and Black Draw-' ers, sizes 2 to 12 years, Regular up to $1.00, Extra Special Thursday, Friday and Saturday 35c PAIR Children's White Bloomers, particularly well tailored, our famous M93 line, regular up to 90c, Special Thursday, Friday and Saturday 50c PAIR GROCER) Be sure to get in Groceries t We Save H. S. B Baker & Grocer WEDDINGS ~ous-oeis The N w a teIie erd i - A very pretty wedding took place in Bloor Street. Baptist Ohurch, Tor- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY l9th., 1925. onto, on Saturday, February 7th., at 2 p. àri., when Mis.s Ll oe 1______________________________ yAberdeen, Scotland, was uie i n-marriage with Mr. Jos. A. Jones of NEWCASTLE OBITUAR-Ï NEWCASTLE CHURCHES Sie Aberta. Rev. W. A. Cameron o~ffi- . rayeinOuc-e. Go ciated. The bride, who was given 1 Miss Gladys Jones is visting Toi- i Catherine Stutt Rowland rsyeinGuh- v. eo away by hier brother, Mr. H. Jones, onto friends.1 Mason will preach next Sunday at -Newcastle, was dressed in hrown silk! Miss Bennie Thonmas recenitly vis Newcastle at Il a. m. and at New- ,with hat to match. Her two nieces, ited in Oshawa. The Angel of Death has taken an-( tonville at 2.30 p. m. Subjet- Miss Marjorie Jones and Miss Mr. J. R. Fisher made a business other of our most highly esteenied "Living the Message". '1 lanh oe yNwate '-ti oTrno ciîzens in the person of Catherine St. George's Church-Quinqueges-I Blatne Jnesr ofTheomwasat npt Trnt.sp St utt Rowland, widow of the liiteimia Sunday February 22nd. 8 a. mi. pe tedd yh. rThegrooMr.s M. rnkBenet Troto ames Rowland. 51he had been I-Holy Communion. il a. m.- potdb hsbohrM.Af the weekend with his parents. fiigi elhfrsm i ryr .0p .Sn ",Jones~ of T oronto. After the cere-l iln nhat ifrsm ie. Morning ry. 230pm-Sn aimony a reception was held at Hunt's.1 Miss Gladys Matchett is hoine froni About two weeks ago it became ap- day School. 7 P. ni-Evensong.ý ~The happy couple left for Newcastle, i Toronto for a week's holiday. i parent that the f rail body would last Rector-Rev. E. R. James. SOnt., on a short honeyiimooni, after Miss Estella Blackburn was home, but a littie while longer, and o-n Fr1- Methodist Church, Rev. E. B. which thiey will proceed to Alberta,' firm Omemee over the weekend. dny afternoon while the suri was set- Cooke, Pastor. il a. m.-Morning 1where they will reside. 1 Mis. J. R. Fisher entertained a ting in the west, hier spirit depart- Worship. 2:30 p. mi.-Sundiay Sc!hoolý Y oi-il1mo number of friends Wednesday even-ý ed fromi that weak earthly home.L 7 p. mn.-Evening service. Anthems ty ing.ilirno Death had conqueîed the body but by the choir. Mie1uret- ù 1 ing. Te oug eotha tog ue obesu a,,ie7 ie uret- marigeofJesie Lenora, 1Teyug ppe are puttig tston prnol ou aB Messrs. W. F. Rickard, H. Allin and daughter of the late Mi. and Mrs.1 a cance in Alexandrin Hall Friday lo eowaith he Sandourvhom she Miss Rickard and Mrs. Cooke. o i Frederick, Willianson, Orono, to Dr. evening. :oe opsinteyadsre o Mr. Lawrence Crydlermýan toohi Percy J. Ross, Sudbury, was solenin-) Mis. W. F. Rickard and Mr. and 1atflyai h 1sofle io Sunday School Class of boys for a ized S5trday afterne-on at three _Mis. H. S. Britton tripped to Tor- j The late Mrs. Rowland was barin 1sleigh-ridîe on Saturday afternoon, I.~~~~~~~ o'ic n Toas o-otn Clarke Township near Orono and' Fe'b. l4th, bringing theni in due time o'lc nSt.Thms Churcl, Troioo Friday.. was daugiter of the late Ralph Stutt. to his farm home on the lake shore. on. ciain . CMreF. . Pnwasrof- Mr. Wes. Branton, Oshawa, i, About 1868 she was married to Shaws. Here they spent a jolly n ia. oîgniMt . and LduPin t signnge spending a f ew days with friends inlJames Roiwland of South Clarke and tume playing in the hwybarn, and ao orgnt, Rand Chres .PhlerM.A A o'il a nvse n aesor -e h olad ae le adse yioofhehlsd ~ te rgiterMis K 'IenIngaithe aId, home- town. went as a bride to the faim on the chasing three Reddy foxes 'which sh ang ivIe bri hmar. Tebhere a Tractor in order ta speed up, lived, now into the foui-th genera- of Mr. W. S. Bragg's big south field. who waMr.S i Ctenn riag e aie farming operations. tion, for 104 yeaîs. Bath the Stiitts Before making the retin trip to uonle, Mi Saeuet uel, woreha Mr. and Mrs. 'C. R. Carveth and and the Rowlands were of that sturdy Newcastle, Mrs. Frank Cryderman1 *î ndshestomachan crreda1Mrs. J. J. Uglow visited in the city! class of pianeer& who settled in the and Miss Beatrice served the hungi )f shower of Oplelia roses and lily of' this week. uih ndboe foetcouCage and tend bunch of eleven-Lawrenre and his t-I the valley. -Miss Kate Williamisoni Contractor Buckley is making faithindsofitable ouae and sorto- ten boys, to a satisfying lunch of 1 Iwas the bridesmaid and w ore aj good progressa with the remo fstes f upae e t wr sandwiches, cakes and ginger snaps tg! gown of mauve flat crepe witl rose of Miss Rowland's house. odin clear the land, build homes and to and other good eats. The ginger i ,1point bandings, with large pîcture Miss Muriel Bradley entertained lay well 'and deep the f ounidations of snaps in menîory of St. Valentine e. at.Thebriegrom as upprte, anumer f ler rieds o aterlreliglous worship and educational had a candied heart on ea1ch. .b Mrt.The brtdgi m wrananupod anmner of er feds o ftr-institutions. 1 Mis. J. C. Hancock and Miss Min- FlydMi. Bert adMD. aîC.lane, ad i.noo e nWdedy sagr ahrn tt a o-nie Selby entertained the little actFdo as Cutiseil And ré .c.ptinerton Gen. John Hughes of Bowmanville, firmed in the Anglican Churdli but meibers *of the Primary Clasa j of acedasusei. ii~pt _!wa was a visitor at Mi. and Mrs. Fred shortly after her mairiage becamne a, the Methodist S. S. and their mothercs held at 294 Brunswick avenue. Mrs. Figg's, Eniily St., on Friday.mnibîfth MeodtCucataVetnePrynteShol Hi. N. Yonker, sister of the bride, 1mme fth Miss huca alniePrý i h col receiing. ftera weding tp to . Earl Wynn Ieft recently to Newcastle, and las ever since con-îoso audyatron Detroit the happy couple will make 1 onhrhs~n nFoia lretne ob neiet evtdvery inteîesting impromptu prograni thei hom in udbry. n iner-they intend to reside permanently. memrber of this chuîrch. It is daubtful wa given by theliteoswh esting feature of th~e ceremony is IlMi. Haîry Couch, oui popular bus if there is any one ne-w living who, witlout any special previaus pract- 'that the biidegroomi, gioomsmnan andj driver, las been sick for the past lias been ea member of this clurch ice, did well indeed. Amon- those officiatingcegmnsre oehr week. Pleased ta repart le is now S0 long. She was alsa a very active taking part and giving recitations in France in the signal section ef the improving. member of long standing by the W. were:- Marie and Dorothy Hennings, 5s Wi ~C M. R's. Mis. Wm Hunter came down frai' M. S. and soie years ago was nmade Louisa Hancock, Katie Clark, Mary Toronto ta attend the funeral of thea Lif e Me-ber by lier devoted fai- VanDusen, Billie McGuire, Lea i Ilate Mis. Rowland and stayed for ily of sons and daugliters. Shie Vampleu, Clarence Clark, Margaret i N~WCASTL Y~ P. EAGUE anf ew days withli1er sister, , lias also beeni a reader of the Christ- iTi n ayCali. Aii Coulter. ian Guardian, whicî she took great, Williams cantributed a very nîce MrMi. Luthe ArgaîllMiss",idziecAr pIeasure in reading, and also a con-' piano solo. The mothers engaged, President conducýted League service r uýe ral Ms izeA-tributai ta its colunins for many in graups in warking out a coniun-1 Moxnlay evening when there was a I gaîl and Mis. Gea. Te-dd, ail former, years. Idini in nuts and another in trees b ig .attnidance of gembers and citi- J neightboîs, came clown fiai Oshawaiî Sani e fifteen yeaîs ago Mr. and. whicl provided soie real intellectual zeris in general whoî came especiaîîy ta attend the funeral of the late! Mis. Rowland left the faim whiere labar. Mis. (Rev.) Cooke and Mis. Jý te, hear theMisaJohnRGolveringafe rsw Rowlan- their son Howell with lis f'amily now R. Fisher were special guests of thc paverty rather tha riches tend teousehon oldfelwil n resides and moved into Newcastle. Class and towards the close of an deelp haacer.injulir dutîl. Se s - Of thireleven childien eight sur-:i enjoyable two bonis, Mus. Hancock The affirmative was taken by Mr.! veîey ijrigvrei. Se i ve, six sons and twav daughters- and Miss Selby nssisted by Mis. Wni. el Arche Glenîny and Miss Ruth Han- i naw under the docte-'s care and con- J. F (Frank), Manager Standard Parnell and Mrs. He-rb. Brown ser-' cock and the negative by Mi. Gar-ý fined ta the hanse. . Bank, Kingston; H. A. (Hairy), Sec- ýi yod a daintiy valentine lunch. This doii Ashton anîd M~iss Marion Basker- Mr. Bainett Harris who for 5ev- retaîy Board of HealtI, Toronto; pleasurable event bas now become ville. The young cJehateis al o ral years bef are and after tIe war, Mrs. C. W. Baker (Agnes), Mon-, an anniual one witl the Priinary spoke well and ibrougît ot many lhas been in the omploy of Mi. W. J. treal; R. S.' (RaipI), of tIe Sun Life,ý Class, w'hicl childien and mnothers- goodi arguments on. both sides. The S. Rickaîd, Shaws, las given up farim Winnip~eg; H'oweillan the e-Id lame- antitipate with the keenest joy and judges sweie, Mr. Gea. Jarniion. life and gone ta live in Toronto, j~ ;A~1* dugs fTjona niiain Mvrs. W. F .Rickar~d and MVrs. N. L Mr. Raîph SVutV, one of Orona's J. A. (Jc) Manager of Vhe Royal ____ Rickard. Mrs. W. F. Rickard an- f grand aid men, was in town lnst Bank, Durham, an4d Mis. (Dr.) L. C- nuedthe decision and cangratu-ý week and although weIl passed the Fallis (Marion), of Shelburne, Ont., aedte speakr nahpy spec. four score yeaîs la stil hale ana en-:Th eldest sn William, died in 'the TH VAE IN CO ER The negative led by one Point in1 jaying f air health, and lis tail up- W~est several years aga and t'wa matter and also woie a little in t he' riglit farim, would put Vo sîame many' 6aughteis died in childîaad. A pretty fair audience attended lead in delivery. a yaung man. l 5even yer g n n i the Valentine concert under auspices Mus. Chas. Cowan gave the aud-1 Dr. J. A. Butler, Messrs. j. S,,ott Rowland lad the great joy of cele-1othY..L.oFrdyeeig jience a fine musical tient by playing Màontgomieiy, W. F. Rickard and H. i brating their Golden Wedding wýithît Febuuary 13t1. The artists coi-j on the piano "The WreEk ofteR Pece tedd the Caada the survi'ving inembers of the fai- I bined ta put on a gaad proguam 1 Titonic". Her s ympathetic rendeiing ClubPere tinen e teani an :îly around theni. It was a happy: which was thoroug1hly enjoyed. Mr.I of this comlpositon, which partinys' fxiday evening and enjoyed the fine' and memno'nble occasion. Befare' .J .Rcadpeie n h in music tînt -terr~ie disaster, won ntelcultea M dM-mries" aohryn-pssdMs'oln orchestra played a nuirrber of ap- much appplause. by Col. W. N. Ponton, K. C., of was left a sorrowing widow. But' preate segect is. i. Wallae Thifs was also Spnriing Niglit and, Belleville, i no mather that ever lived could have Bagsn o i is ubr Miss Florence Walkington rend a Teana etn ftePeb-ih'ad a mare devoted and attentive of "Drake's Drere",aand for lsseod fine paper on Rev. G. W. Sparlingt erianuh al meeting o nPrsy- family eof sons and daughters and Richard Te-f Auntn reensuo -d o and the work le and Mis. Sparling Vel- hrI a eda odyeacl and al lhave done ail tînat was' encares,TeAdirlsBonad are deing in West China, Newcast- evening, Feb. 16t1. Excellent re-j in their power Vo cleer aud hrighten Eload. MissMe-on Pickard and leLau' betv ondthe parts were iecemved of ail branches tieir mother's declining years. But, Miss Dorotiy Plunîmer of Boiwman- Forward -Movement. Fund this yaar of VIe church's work. The re-, with what an inspiration she sent I ville, their vaices blendiug nicely. is $200.00 and $125.00 las already parts shed $1000 orcinary reven- I tieniont into life 1 and what a heui- î sang with mcih spirit, "Camne sing benîie.ne, $100 fri-m Womnan's Association1 tage aie boqueathed te- theni! They to nme", and "When ydui go A.*-We- ______________and $125 fri-mtVe Sunday Sclool, ail speak of 'îaw much tîey owe ta ting I. Mi. Orme > Ganslby sang $550 for missions ef wh'ich $240 was' Motier. Prom their exîieâtjïn "Four Leaved Claver", "Fiiend of iMr. and Mis. Thos. Stapleton, cantri'buted by the W. M. S. Thefayteyld itndVoter Mine" andl for encore "I've a sweet Newtonville, announce Vhe engage- balance in hand amounits ta $225.' îotîeî read the Sripture dlaily, an d îtooth batlering me". Mi. Gamsbyj ment of their youngest daughter, I The question of "ClurcI Union" was kueit at Vhe faîily altai while shle in the absence of lMrs. Fraser also Alfieda Mary, ta Mr. James Bell, icse uroatontkn fee hnstoteGvro i ,pd u nteeouinr i -Antler, Sask., VIe merifage ta aedsuse u oton t kn lfee tak ate ie fa' tlee ot mdVel.atiof nry oneI plae qiety Ie atti artet e1- 1veiy great sympetîy is f elt good sud prayed Vo God te- guideV î ra eii foeyoe ruary. 1thionghout VIe wîole comrmunity for' keep and susae-meach boy sud girl iThe LealguuIs c i ontiibuted wns Manday, February 9th., abouti Mu. and Mrs. Howard Allin in the ail thie-ugh life. Underno11 circuni- igdaous"on oiarw fifty relatives and frieuds of Mr. and Ibas of their little daugîter, Ruth stances did aie ever neglecit Vead"etigit oi t end- Mis. Stuart Fallis, Pallia Line, Cav-I Mildred. The funeral service at Vie f aiily altar aud continued ta con-1 A hearty vote of-,ianks wasted an cleîaedwihthi~ te 5t leuse on Thursday wus largeiy at- duct it riglit up till 'Che very iast or ered Vo Vie visiting artista for their anuiversry of temtiae. 5Th tended by relatives and fiends and wthin a woek or two of hieu death., splendid contributions Vo Vie pro- aneîersenyofteit a adess ades pocially tIe young people, asso- j The funeral service lu Vie Method- grain, andà tien ta make this mare ciats o Mr an Mrs Alin n' (indy ateroonwai emphaticail taking part were ser- a peîedailercae pat, uter ias f M. nd Mis Aun~1 ist Chuich aMondy fiao WS ved with' lunch. dii and kif e akseltef buntterl- urcI, Suuday School and League.1 largely attended by citîzens of New- os and a beautiful pearl neckiace. Re.M.Cok odc e Veroi cestle and Clarke, of ail denamina -_________________ _________________ - ~.vice, speaking woida ef tender coni- tians. It was a groat ce-mnunityjsns îak HryRlpHael fart ta Vie soirow-striecken parents.1 service wlere 'peopie lad Camne frani snFak arRlh oe Jo FrYo Sufer little childien to camne untoalal points of the- compasa Va pay Arthur e-nd John acted as pail-benu- 11 me and forbid theni not, for af sudh afoectianate tuibute ta the hf e of ai ers. istobiuda f eveo.Tr e-ntywoan ev . . oke lefoa ofeng weevy m ~usical numibeis. Mis. D. J. 'Gal- 'You Money. braith only surviving daugiter af Vhe quartette "Sarnie-d-ay we'll Uuaeî- etaesnOfiDomvle You .Lvzoney. ' lat Samuel Wilmot, Esq. presented stand. . etttemnOfc,1omni VIe Samuel WilmoV Gald Medal ta The six sons and aonedugtr________________ Mu. ennei Percenaw ftVe Mus. Baker et Montreal, were al Standard Benk. Principal C. F. home for tie funeral. Mis. (Dr.) FEMALE AGENTS WANTED Ciannon af Vie Publie chIeol sud VIe- Pallia awingtg o illness wasSunable VQ ~RII"TON puilsfhsrorn e is s-be present; but Dr. Fallis himnself Part or full timne, appaintlng sub- SThe Inteninediate Division ilItut ieSna c'~ Il THE SANTILLA Co, losed owing Vo the teacher, Misa James Methodist Chuxrch, Montregl,f Dept. 8, P. 0. Box 416, Montreai. 8-1- M ason, being a victini cf mu-pa, I were among the mourners. The .1; QUALITY SERVICE The steacly growth of our Optical Service is due to the quahity of the service rendered. Every case from the simplest to the most difficuit receiv- es the samne careful and scientifie attention during our most thorough examinations. Our Optical Room is equipped with the rnost modern instru- ments and is in personal charge of R. M. Mitchell, Optometrist, Registered by examination by the Ontario Board of Examiners in Optometry. You cannot value your eyes in dollars and cents and therefore thie best you can get in Optical Service and quality goods you owe your eyes. "HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED TO-DAY" Re M. Mitchell & Co. Druggimts & Optometrists Phone 92 BowmanviIie (Nights anid Sundays 280 or 232) '1When You Buy at This Store You Always Save Money MEN'S WINTE.R OVERCOATS AT !/2 PRICE Men's $2.50 Overails for ...............$2.00 Men's $1.25 Work Shirts for ..........$1.00 Men's $2.50 Plannel Work Shirts for $1.75 Men's 35c Work Sox for ...............25e Boys' 7.5e Fleece Lined Underwear ....55e Boys' $1.50 Fleece Lined Combinations $1.1-0 Men's $1.00 Fleece Lined Shirts, only 79c All lines of WinteiÊ Underwear, 2 piece garments and combinations, Penman's and Stan- field's makes, at less than wholesale prices. If you want to save money this is the store to corne to. S. G. CHrgARTmR'AN CLOTHIER AND HABERDASHER 1 door west of Bell Telephone Office Bowmnanville Phone 26 Bath Rxoom Accessories For the converrience of citizens we have now in stock a very attractive display of Bath Room Accessories in nickle plated, brass and glass, such Towel Bars Soap Dishçs Glass Shelves Glass Holders Spoi'ge Racks Tooth Brush Holders M[cCLARY ELECTRIC RANGES Be sure to see the latest in electrie ranges with all the newest iniprovements. We have one in stock now. Greenaway & Elliott @ Heatingî Experts and Conaultinu Engineers King Street East Bowniville Phone 18W fit PLANNING FOR SPRING" Lots of people are already making plans for Spring planting of shrubs and flowers. We invite you to write or make a personal visit to our nurseries and obtain information and prices of plants or shrubs. No need of ordering from~ distant green fields when we have the stock right at hand. Visit Our Nurseries Any Time BDrookdale Nurseries Phone 7 Bowmanville vi I 4 t 4